[CZZ2016] IRS 2 , the SIMBAD biblio

2016ApJ...822..114C - Astrophys. J., 822, 114-114 (2016/May-2)

Coeval intermediate-mass star formation in N4W.


Abstract (from CDS):

Protostars are mostly found in star-forming regions, where the natal molecular gas still remains. At about 5^′ west of the molecular bubble N4, N4W is identified as a star-forming clump hosting three Class II (IRS 1-3), and one Class I (IRS 4) young stellar objects (YSOs), as well as a submillimeter source SMM1. The near-IR polarization imaging data of N4W reveal two infrared reflection nebulae close to each other, which are in favor of the outflows of IRS 1 and IRS 2. The bipolar mid-IR emission centered on IRS 4 and the arc-like molecular gas shell are lying on the same axis, indicating a bipolar molecular outflow from IRS 4. There are two dust temperature distributions in N4W. The warmer one is widely distributed and has a temperature of {T}_{°}\gtrsim 28 K , with the colder one being from the embedded compact submillimeter source SMM1. N4W's mass is estimated to be ∼2.5×{10}^{3} {M}_☉ , and the mass of SMM1 is ∼5.5×{10}^{2} {M}_☉ at {T}_{°}=15 K , calculated from the CO 1 - 0 emission and 870 µm dust continuum emission, respectively. Based on the estimates of the bolometric luminosity of IRS 1-4, these four sources are intermediate-mass YSOs at least. SMM1 is gravitationally bound, and is capable of forming intermediate-mass stars or even possibly massive stars. The co-existence of the IR bright YSOs and the submillimeter source represents potential sequential star formation processes separated by ∼0.5 Myr in N4W. This small age spread implies that the intermediate-mass star formation processes happening in N4W are almost coeval.

Abstract Copyright: © 2016. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.

Journal keyword(s): infrared: stars - ISM: jets and outflows - stars: formation - submillimeter: stars

Nomenclature: Table 1: [CZZ2016] IRS N (Nos IRS 1-IRS 4).

CDS comments: SMM1 is AGAL G011.812+00.837 in SIMBAD. N4W is not in SIMBAD (no coordinates).

Simbad objects: 8

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