ACO 520 , the SIMBAD biblio

ACO 520 , the SIMBAD biblio (441 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST05:34:24

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Title First 3 Authors
1971ApJS...23..371S 2711 51 Rectangular coordinates of rich clusters of galaxies on the Palomar Sky Survey charts. SASTRY G.N. and ROOD H.J.
1975ApJ...197L..95W 28 22 Absorption-line redshifts of galaxies in remote clusters obtained with a sky-subtraction spectrograph using an SIT televison detector. WESTPHAL J.A., KRISTIAN J. and SANDAGE A.
1981ApJS...47..235J 103 14 Radio observations of Abell clusters and a comparison with certain Einstein observations. JOHNSON H.M.
1981SvA....25..647F 460 24 A catalog of galaxy clusters with measured redshifts. FETISOVA T.S.
1982A&A...108L...7S viz 329 84 A Table of redshifts for Abell Clusters. SARAZIN C.L., ROOD H.J. and STRUBLE M.F.
1983ApJ...271..442S 45 27 The X-Ray luminosity function of very rich clusters and the luminosity-richness relation. SOLTAN A. and HENRY P.J.
1983ApJS...52..183B 1 15 97 The evolution of galaxies in clusters. III. Photometry of 17 intermediate redshift clusters. BUTCHER H., OEMLER A. and WELLS D.C.
1983PASAu...5..114S 399 26 Radio data on clusters of galaxies from the Culgoora circular array. SLEE O.B. and SIEGMAN B.C.
1984ApJ...285..426B 5 33 922 The evolution of galaxies in clusters. V. A study of populations since z 0.5. BUTCHER H. and OEMLER A.Jr
1987ApJS...63..543S 585 178 A compilation of redshifts and velocity dispersions for Abell clusters. STRUBLE M.F. and ROOD H.J.
1987ApJS...63..555S viz 2712 116 A catalog of morphological properties of the 2712 Abell clusters. STRUBLE M.F. and ROOD H.J.
1988AJ.....96.1775O 306 49 The kinematics and dynamics of the rich cluster of galaxies Abell 539. OSTRIKER E.C., HUCHRA J.P., GELLER M.J., et al.
1988ApJ...332...81L 15 32 X-ray observations of distant blue clusters of galaxies. LEA S.M. and HENRY J.P.
1988ApJ...335..629N 1 7 35 Spectra of galaxies in clusters. I. The Butcher-Oemler effect. NEWBERRY M.V., KIRSHNER R.P. and BOROSON T.A.
1989ApJ...346..539W 28 28 The radius-mass relation for clusters of galaxies: cosmological scenarios versus observations. WEST M.J., OEMLER A.Jr and DEKEL A.
1989ApJS...70....1A viz 5256 1561 A catalog of rich clusters of galaxies. ABELL G.O., CORWIN H.G.Jr and OLOWIN R.P.
1989AN....310....7B 567 1 Catalogue of Abell clusters of galaxies with published photometric data. BAIER F.W. and ZIENER R.
1990ApJS...72..567G viz 872 653 The Einstein Observatory extended medium-sensitivity survey. I. X-ray data and analysis. GIOIA M., MACCACARO T., SCHILD R.E., et al.
1991ApJS...76..813S viz 855 870 The Einstein Observatory extended medium-sensitivity survey. II. The optical identifications. STOCKE J.T., MORRIS S.L., GIOIA I.M., et al.
1991ApJS...77..363S viz 780 166 A compilation of redshifts and velocity dispersions for Abell clusters (epoch 1991.2). STRUBLE M.F. and ROOD H.J.
1992ApJ...385...49D 35 82 Distant cooling flows. DONAHUE M., STOCKE J.T. and GIOIA I.M.
1992ApJ...386..408H 109 355 The extented medium sensitivity survey distant cluster sample : X-ray data and interpretation of the luminosity evolution. HENRY J.P., GIOIA I.M., MACCACARO T., et al.
1993ApJ...408...71W 15 24 X-ray spectra of 12 distant clusters of galaxies. WANG Q. and STOCKE J.T.
1993PBeiO..23...34B 47 0 Historical review of the Butcher-Oemler effect in the evolution of cluster galaxies. BIAN Y.
1994ApJS...94..583G 111 245 The EMSS catalog of X-ray-selected clusters of galaxies. I. An atlas of CCD images of 41 distant clusters. GIOIA I.M. and LUPPINO G.A.
1994JRASC..88...39C 14 29 Mapping moderate redshift clusters. CARLBERG R.G., YEE H.K.C., ELLINGSON E., et al.
1996ApJS..105..191G 69 21 Photometric properties of clusters of galaxies. GARILLI B., BOTTINI D., MACCAGNI D., et al.
1996MNRAS.281..799E viz 327 473 Properties of the X-ray-brightest Abell-type clusters of galaxies (XBACs) from ROSAT all-sky survey data - I. The sample. EBELING H., VOGES W., BOHRINGER H., et al.
1996BCFHT..34....5M 6 4 A new arc system in an X-ray luminous cluster. MAUROGORDATO S., LE FEVRE O., PROUST D., et al.
1997A&A...319..764H 19 31 Measurement of mass distribution of galaxy clusters using the giant luminous arc statistics with Le Fevre et al.'s arc survey data. HATTORI M., WATANABE K. and YAMASHITA K.
1997ApJ...478..462C 10 16 501 The average mass and light profiles of galaxy clusters. CARLBERG R.G., YEE H.K.C. and ELLINGSON E.
1997ApJ...481L..63M 3 21 217 Lack of evolution in the iron abundance in clusters of galaxies and implications for the global star formation rate at high redshift. MUSHOTZKY R.F. and LOEWENSTEIN M.
1997ApJ...481..644N 32 64 Evolution in the X-ray cluster luminosity function revisited. NICHOL R.C., HOLDEN B.P., ROMER A.K., et al.
1997ApJ...482L..13M 2 39 288 The luminosity-temperature relation at z=0.4 for clusters of galaxies. MUSHOTZKY R.F. and SCHARF C.A.
1997ApJ...485L..13C 5 15 242 The average mass profile of galaxy clusters. CARLBERG R.G., YEE H.K.C., ELLINGSON E., et al.
1997MNRAS.292..419W viz 228 427 An investigation of cooling flows and general cluster properties from an X-ray image deprojection analysis of 207 clusters of galaxies. WHITE D.A., JONES C. and FORMAN W.
1997MNRAS.292..920W 14 30 X-ray shapes of distant clusters and blue galaxy fractions. WANG Q.D. and ULMER M.P.
1998A&A...329...21S 80 85 Constraining {OMEGA}0 from X-ray properties of clusters of galaxies at high redshift. SADAT R., BLANCHARD A. and OUKBIR J.
1998A&A...338..813W viz 141 31 Updating the σ-T relationship for galaxy clusters. WU X.-P., FANG L.-Z. and XU W.
1998AJ....115.1388C 132 64 Radio sources in galaxy clusters at 28.5 GHz. COORAY A.R., GREGO L., HOLZAPFEL W.L., et al.
1998ApJ...493...54C 85 84 A medium survey of the hard X-ray sky with the ASCA gas imaging spectrometer: the (2-10 keV) number counts relationship. CAGNONI I., DELLA CECA R. and MACCACARO T.
1998ApJ...495..100J 2 14 110 The WARPS survey. II. The log n- log s relation and the X-ray evolution of low-luminosity clusters of galaxies. JONES L.R., SCHARF C., EBELING H., et al.
1998MNRAS.297L..57A 2 32 239 The impact of cooling flows on the Tx-Lbol relation for the most luminous clusters. ALLEN S.W. and FABIAN A.C.
1998MNRAS.297L..63A 40 98 The relationship between cooling flows and metallicity measurements for X-ray-luminous clusters. ALLEN S.W. and FABIAN A.C.
1998MNRAS.301..881E viz 233 605 The ROSAT brightest cluster sample - I. The compilation of the sample and the cluster log N-log S distribution. EBELING H., EDGE A.C., BOEHRINGER H., et al.
1999A&A...351..413M 23 24 The giant luminous arc statistics. II. Spherical lens models based on ROSAT HRI data. MOLIKAWA K., HATTORI M., KNEIB J.-P., et al.
1999A&AS..136..117L 65 90 A search for gravitational lensing in 38 X-ray selected clusters of galaxies. LUPPINO G.A., GIOIA I.M., HAMMER F., et al.
1999AJ....117.1985Y 49 85 A quantitative measure of the richness of galaxy clusters. YEE H.K.C. and LOPEZ-CRUZ O.
1999ApJ...516..647A 35 59 Is the Butcher-Oemler effect a function of the cluster redshift?. ANDREON S. and ETTORI S.
1999ApJ...517..587L 1 16 57 X-ray mass estimates at z ∼ 0.3 for the Canadian network for observational cosmology cluster sample. LEWIS A.D., ELLINGSON E., MORRIS S.L., et al.
1999ApJ...519..533D viz 147 39 ROSAT PSPC observations of the richest (R≥2) ACO clusters. DAVID L.P., FORMAN W. and JONES C.
1999ApJ...522...39T 39 67 The velocity dispersion of MS 1054-03: a massive galaxy cluster at high redshift. TRAN K.-V., KELSON D.D., VAN DOKKUM P., et al.
1999ApJ...524...22W 245 174 The LX-t and LX-σ relationships for galaxy clusters revisited. WU X.-P., XUE Y.-J. and FANG L.-Z.
1999ApJ...527..561B 1 16 80 Velocity dispersions of CNOC clusters and the evolution of the cluster abundance. BORGANI S., GIRARDI M., CARLBERG R.G., et al.
1999MNRAS.305..834E 1 43 207 ROSAT PSPC observations of 36 high-luminosity clusters of galaxies: constraints on the gas fraction. ETTORI S. and FABIAN A.C.
1999MNRAS.306..857C viz 14       D               329 357 The ROSAT Brightest Cluster Sample - III. Optical spectra of the central cluster galaxies. CRAWFORD C.S., ALLEN S.W., EBELING H., et al.
1999NewA....4..141G 2         O           38 295 Radio halo and relic candidates from the NRAO VLA sky survey. GIOVANNINI G., TORDI M. and FERETTI L.
2000A&A...355..443P 109 T K                 93 21 Dynamics of the X-ray clusters Abell 222, Abell 223 and Abell 520. PROUST D., CUEVAS H., CAPELATO H.V., et al.
2000AJ....120..540G 429 19 The Palomar Abell cluster optical survey. I. Photometric redshifts for 431 Abell clusters. GAL R.R., DE CARVALHO R.R., BRUNNER R., et al.
2000ApJ...533...62R 28 8 Shape of the galactic orbits in the CNOC1 clusters. RAMIREZ A.C., DE SOUZA R.E. and SCHADE D.
2000ApJ...544..109M 1 11 48 The X-ray size-temperature relation for intermediate-redshift galaxy clusters. MOHR J.J., REESE E.D., ELLINGSON E., et al.
2000ApJS..129..435B viz 638 455 The northern ROSAT all-sky (NORAS) galaxy cluster survey. I. X-ray properties of clusters detected as extended X-ray sources. BOHRINGER H., VOGES W., HUCHRA J.P., et al.
2000MNRAS.315..269A 37 108 The properties of cooling flows in X-ray luminous clusters of galaxies. ALLEN S.W.
2000PASJ...52..153M 70 42 Gas, iron, and gravitational mass in galaxy clusters : the general lack of cluster evolution at z < 1.0. MATSUMOTO H., TSURU T., FUKAZAWA Y., et al.
2000PASJ...52..409S 23 0 Evolution of the blue luminosity-to-baryon mass ratio of clusters of galaxies. SHIMASAKU K.
2001A&A...376..803G 6 11 205 Radio and X-ray diffuse emission in six clusters of galaxies. GOVONI F., FERETTI L., GIOVANNINI G., et al.
2001AJ....121.1294B 54 1 A kinematic search for bound populations around brightest cluster members in a sample of 52 clusters of galaxies. BOTTINI D.
2001ApJ...548...79G 51 121 Evolution of the internal dynamics of galaxy clusters. GIRARDI M. and MEZZETTI M.
2001ApJ...548L.143M 13 2 83 The Butcher-Oemler effect in 295 clusters: strong redshift evolution and cluster richness dependence. MARGONINER V.E., DE CARVALHO R.R., GAL R.R., et al.
2001ApJ...554L.129M viz 364 78 The LX-σ relation for galaxies and clusters of galaxies. MAHDAVI A. and GELLER M.J.
2001ApJ...562..233M 4 15 222 Cosmic-ray electrons in groups and clusters of galaxies: primary and secondary populations from a numerical cosmological simulation. MINIATI F., JONES T.W., KANG H., et al.
2002A&A...396..419C         O           18 13 Kinetic Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect from galaxy cluster rotation. CHLUBA J. and MANNHEIM K.
2002ApJ...579..227I 15 20 Weak gravitational lensing by a sample of x-ray-luminous clusters of galaxies. II. Comparison with virial masses. IRGENS R.J., LILJE P.B., DAHLE H., et al.
2002ApJ...581...53R 1 39 215 Determining the cosmic distance scale from interferometric measurements of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect. REESE E.D., CARLSTROM J.E., JOY M., et al.
2002ApJS..139..313D 42 116 Weak gravitational lensing by a sample of X-ray luminous clusters of galaxies. I. The data set. DAHLE H., KAISER N., IRGENS R.J., et al.
2002MNRAS.330...92C 1 26 84 Submillimetre sources in rich cluster fields: source counts, redshift estimates and cooling flow limits. CHAPMAN S.C., SCOTT D., BORYS C., et al.
2003A&A...400..465B 2 21 159 Deep images of cluster radio halos. BACCHI M., FERETTI L., GIOVANNINI G., et al.
2003ApJ...585..215Y 1 16 91 Correlations of richness and global properties in galaxy clusters. YEE H.K.C. and ELLINGSON E.
2003ApJ...591..526M 22 35 The Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect signature of excess entropy in distant, massive clusters. McCARTHY I.G., HOLDER G.P., BABUL A., et al.
2003ApJ...599....7O 53 112 Arc statistics in triaxial dark matter halos: testing the collisionless cold dark matter paradigm. OGURI M., LEE J. and SUTO Y.
2003MNRAS.342..287A 3 18 195 Cosmological constraints from the local X-ray luminosity function of the most X-ray-luminous galaxy clusters. ALLEN S.W., SCHMIDT R.W., FABIAN A.C., et al.
2003ANS...324c.171H 5 ~ Radio ghosts: motion and reactivation of fossil radio plasma. HOEFT M. and BRUEGGEN M.
2003NewA....8..517A 25 6 Dark matter profiles in clusters of galaxies: a phenomenological approach. ARIELI Y. and REPHAELI Y.
2004A&A...424.1097S viz 15       D               1 1674 24 Introducing BAX: A database for X-ray clusters and groups of galaxies. SADAT R., BLANCHARD A., KNEIB J.-P., et al.
2004A&A...428..757O         O           85 64 A uniform X-ray analysis of 79 distant galaxy clusters with ROSAT and ASCA. OTA N. and MITSUDA K.
2004ApJ...605..695G 5 10 173 Chandra temperature maps for galaxy clusters with radio halos. GOVONI F., MARKEVITCH M., VIKHLININ A., et al.
2004ApJ...615..181H 1 13 74 Wide-field X-ray temperature, pressure, and entropy maps of A754. HENRY J.P., FINOGUENOV A. and BRIEL U.G.
2004ApJ...617..281K 2 13 83 Imprint of intergalactic shocks on the radio sky. KESHET U., WAXMAN E. and LOEB A.
2004ApJ...617..829B 1 14 61 Measurements of Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect scaling relations for clusters of galaxies. BENSON B.A., CHURCH S.E., ADE P.A.R., et al.
2004MNRAS.347..389H 1 8 37 Radio relics in a cosmological cluster merger simulation. HOEFT M., BRUGGEN M. and YEPES G.
2005ApJ...624..606J 42 105 The evolution of structure in X-ray clusters of galaxies. JELTEMA T.E., CANIZARES C.R., BAUTZ M.W., et al.
2005ApJ...625..108D 2 26 170 Measuring the three-dimensional structure of galaxy clusters. I. Application to a sample of 25 clusters. DE FILIPPIS E., SERENO M., BAUTZ M.W., et al.
2005ApJ...627..733M 139 T K                 3 259 Bow shock and radio halo in the merging cluster
2005MNRAS.359.1481B 41 100 The prevalence of cooling cores in clusters of galaxies at z~ 0.15-0.4. BAUER F.E., FABIAN A.C., SANDERS J.S., et al.
2006AJ....131.2426M viz 360 12 Abell 2111: an optical and radio study of the richest Butcher-Oemler cluster. MILLER N.A., OEGERLE W.R. and HILL J.M.
2006ApJ...640..673O         O           24 21 LX-T relation and related properties of galaxy clusters. OTA N., KITAYAMA T., MASAI K., et al.
2006ApJ...645..170S 25 39 Measuring the three-dimensional structure of galaxy clusters. II. Are clusters of galaxies oblate or prolate? SERENO M., DE FILIPPIS E., LONGO G., et al.
2006ApJ...648L.109C 195 4 1561 A direct empirical proof of the existence of dark matter. CLOWE D., BRADAC M., GONZALEZ A.H., et al.
2006MNRAS.369.1577C 4 18 156 Statistics of giant radio haloes from electron reacceleration models. CASSANO R., BRUNETTI G. and SETTI G.
2006AN....327..539G 9 12 Observations of magnetic fields in regular and irregular clusters. GOVONI F.
2006ApJ...650..102A 11 12 278 The origin of cold fronts in the cores of relaxed galaxy clusters. ASCASIBAR Y. and MARKEVITCH M.
2006ApJ...652..232H 14 21 Multiwavelength mass comparisons of the z∼0.3 CNOC cluster sample. HICKS A.K., ELLINGSON E., HOEKSTRA H., et al.
2006ApJ...652..917L 2 42 173 X-ray and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect measurements of the gas mass fraction in galaxy clusters. LAROQUE S.J., BONAMENTE M., CARLSTROM J.E., et al.
2006ApJ...653..954D 1         O           38 76 The cluster mass function from weak gravitational lensing. DAHLE H.
2007MNRAS.375...77H 3 26 165 Radio signature of cosmological structure formation shocks. HOEFT M. and BRUGGEN M.
2007MNRAS.376.1073Z viz 352       D     X   F     9 52 26 A study of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich increment using archival SCUBA data. ZEMCOV M., BORYS C., HALPERN M., et al.
2007ApJ...659.1106M 17 22 Near-infrared properties of moderate-redshift galaxy clusters: luminosity functions and density profiles. MUZZIN A., YEE H.K.C., HALL P.B., et al.
2007ApJ...661L.131M 7 3 43 The cluster-merger shock in 1E 0657-56: faster than a speeding bullet? MILOSAVLJEVIC M., KODA J., NAGAI D., et al.
2007A&A...467..485H 15       D               2 104 26 Robust quantitative measures of cluster X-ray morphology, and comparisons between cluster characteristics. HASHIMOTO Y., BOEHRINGER H., HENRY J.P., et al.
2007PhR...443....1M 985           X         26 26 616 Shocks and cold fronts in galaxy clusters. MARKEVITCH M. and VIKHLININ A.
2007ApJ...663..150M 15 27 Near-infrared properties of moderate-redshift galaxy clusters. II. Halo occupation number, Mass-to-Light ratios, and Ωm. MUZZIN A., YEE H.K.C., HALL P.B., et al.
2007MNRAS.378.1565C 92       D     X         3 17 71 New scaling relations in cluster radio haloes and the re-acceleration model. CASSANO R., BRUNETTI G., SETTI G., et al.
2007MNRAS.379..190C 15       D               1 114 151 The observed concentration-mass relation for galaxy clusters. COMERFORD J.M. and NATARAJAN P.
2007MNRAS.379..518M 166       D     X         5 24 84 X-ray and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich scaling relations in galaxy clusters. MORANDI A., ETTORI S. and MOSCARDINI L.
2007ApJ...667...26P 15       D   O           1 34 41 Calibration of the mass-temperature relation for clusters of galaxies using weak gravitational lensing. PEDERSEN K. and DAHLE H.
2007MNRAS.380.1521M 90       D     X         3 25 30 Entropy profiles in X-ray luminous galaxy clusters at z > 0.1. MORANDI A. and ETTORI S.
2007PhRvL..99m1301R 1 2 5 Searching for decaying axiolike dark matter from clusters of galaxies. RIEMER-SORENSEN S., ZIOUTAS K., HANSEN S.H., et al.
2007ApJ...668..806M 62   K                 3 153 A dark core in
Abell 520.
2008MNRAS.383..417A 42           X         1 7 56 The collision velocity of the bullet cluster in conventional and modified dynamics. ANGUS G.W. and McGAUGH S.S.
2008ApJS..174..117M viz 15       D               127 246 Images, structural properties, and metal abundances of galaxy clusters observed with Chandra ACIS-I at 0.1<z<1.3. MAUGHAN B.J., JONES C., FORMAN W., et al.
2008A&A...478..615S 91       D       C       5 79 302 A catalog of galaxy clusters observed by XMM-Newton. SNOWDEN S.L., MUSHOTZKY R.F., KUNTZ K.D., et al.
2008ApJ...675..126N 701   K A S   X C       17 4 5 Cluster merger shock constraints on particle acceleration and nonthermal pressure in the intracluster medium. NAKAR E., MILOSAVLJEVIC M. and NAGAI D.
2008MNRAS.384.1611K viz 355       D     X C F     8 29 103 Probing the submillimetre number counts at f850µm< 2mJy. KNUDSEN K.K., VAN DER WERF P.P. and KNEIB J.-P.
2008MNRAS.385..757D 90       D         F     1 50 74 Investigating heating and cooling in the BCS and B55 cluster samples. DUNN R.J.H. and FABIAN A.C.
2008MNRAS.386..835L 38           X         1 26 5 Self-similar shocks and winds in galaxy clusters. LOU Y.-Q., JIANG Y.-F. and JIN C.-C.
2008A&A...486..347G 78           X         2 15 98 Shock acceleration as origin of the radio relic in A521? GIACINTUCCI S., VENTURI T., MACARIO G., et al.
2008A&A...486..359L 16       D               1 68 173 Radial temperature profiles for a large sample of galaxy clusters observed with XMM-Newton. LECCARDI A. and MOLENDI S.
2008A&A...487...75C 38           X         1 25 7 Cluster geometry and inclinations from deprojection uncertainties. Cluster geometry and inclination. CHAKRABARTY D., DE FILIPPIS E. and RUSSELL H.
2008ApJ...682..711F 137     A     X         4 5 16 Is gravitational lensing by intercluster filaments always negligible? FEIX M., XU D., SHAN H., et al.
2008ApJ...682..821C viz 15       D               1 208 43 Bandpass dependence of X-ray temperatures in galaxy clusters. CAVAGNOLO K.W., DONAHUE M., VOIT G.M., et al.
2008PASJ...60..345O 1740   K A D S   X C       45 11 159 Subaru weak lensing study of seven merging clusters: distributions of mass and baryons. OKABE N. and UMETSU K.
2008MNRAS.389.1637B 54       D     X         2 51 123 Resurrecting the red from the dead: optical properties of BCGs in X-ray luminous clusters. BILDFELL C., HOEKSTRA H., BABUL A., et al.
2008ApJ...687..193W 15       D               1 41 11 Neutrinos and gamma rays from galaxy clusters. WOLFE B., MELIA F., CROCKER R.M., et al.
2008MNRAS.390.1562H 15       D               1 32 23 Alignment of galaxies and clusters. HASHIMOTO Y., HENRY J.P. and BOEHRINGER H.
2008ApJ...687..899R 317       D     X         9 88 211 The regulation of cooling and star formation in luminous galaxies by active galactic nucleus feedback and the cooling-time/entropy threshold for the onset of star formation. RAFFERTY D.A., McNAMARA B.R. and NULSEN P.E.J.
2008ApJ...687..959B 157           X         4 18 248 Revealing the properties of dark matter in the merging cluster MACS J0025.4-1222. BRADAC M., ALLEN S.W., TREU T., et al.
2008A&A...491..379G viz 1454 T K A S O X C       36 296 27 Cluster

Abell 520
: a perspective based on member galaxies. A cluster forming at the crossing of three filaments?
2008MNRAS.391.1511H 91       D     X         3 17 50 Diffuse radio emission from clusters in the MareNostrum Universe simulation. HOEFT M., BRUGGEN M., YEPES G., et al.
2009MNRAS.392.1509G viz 15       D               2 208 49 The distribution of active galactic nuclei in a large sample of galaxy clusters. GILMOUR R., BEST P. and ALMAINI O.
2009ApJ...693L..56M 77             C       1 9 35 An X-Ray/Optical study of the complex dynamics of the core of the massive intermediate-redshift cluster MACSJ0717.5+3745. MA C.-J., EBELING H. and BARRETT E.
2009ApJ...694L.136M 77             C       1 6 12 Physical properties of four SZE-selected galaxy clusters in the southern cosmology survey. MENANTEAU F. and HUGHES J.P.
2009ApJ...695L.145L 39           X         1 6 14 Physics of galactic colliders: high-speed satellites in ΛCDM versus mondian cosmology. LLINARES C., ZHAO H. and KNEBE A.
2009ApJ...696.1029A 394       D S   X C       9 102 17 Characterizing the properties of clusters of galaxies as a function of luminosity and redshift. ANDERSSON K., PETERSON J.R., MADEJSKI G., et al.
2009AJ....137.4956R viz 38           X         1 212 97 Mapping the dark side with DEIMOS: globular clusters, X-ray gas, and dark matter in the NGC 1407 group. ROMANOWSKY A.J., STRADER J., SPITLER L.R., et al.
2009ApJS..182...12C viz 15       D               1 277 460 Intracluster medium entropy profiles for a Chandra archival sample of galaxy clusters. CAVAGNOLO K.W., DONAHUE M., VOIT G.M., et al.
2009ApJ...698...83L 15       D               3 22 16 Individual and group galaxies in CNOC1 clusters. LI I.H., YEE H.K.C. and ELLINGSON E.
2009MNRAS.397.1885M 103     A     X         3 2 18 The bending of light and lensing in modified gravity. MOFFAT J.W. and TOTH V.T.
2009A&A...504....1H 38           X         1 11 6 Weak lensing density profiles and mass reconstructions of the galaxy clusters Abell 1351 and Abell 1995. HOLHJEM K., SCHIRMER M. and DAHLE H.
2009ApJ...705.1122L 54   K   D               4 13 32 Redshift dependence of the cosmic microwave background temperature from Sunyaev-Zeldovich measurements. LUZZI G., SHIMON M., LAMAGNA L., et al.
2009MNRAS.399.1307M 39           X         1 18 39 Chandra measurements of non-thermal-like X-ray emission from massive, merging, radio halo clusters. MILLION E.T. and ALLEN S.W.
2009A&A...507..661B 16       D               1 46 163 On the evolution of giant radio halos and their connection with cluster mergers. BRUNETTI G., CASSANO R., DOLAG K., et al.
2009MNRAS.400..705P 114           X         3 4 6 The relationship between substructure in 2D X-ray surface brightness images and weak-lensing mass maps of galaxy clusters: a simulation study. POWELL L.C., KAY S.T. and BABUL A.
2009A&A...507.1257G 16       D               1 39 147 Radio halos in nearby (z < 0.4) clusters of galaxies. GIOVANNINI G., BONAFEDE A., FERETTI L., et al.
2010ApJ...709L.103J 38           X         1 5 8 Testing the reliability of cluster mass indicators with a systematics limited data set. JUETT A.M., DAVIS D.S. and MUSHOTZKY R.
2010A&A...509A..29P 175     A     X         5 5 6 Non-equilibrium ionization states in galaxy clusters. PROKHOROV D.A.
2010A&ARv..18..127B 39           X         1 46 151 X-ray spectroscopy of galaxy clusters: studying astrophysical processes in the largest celestial laboratories. BOEHRINGER H. and WERNER N.
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