[RAA2005] G332.783-1.445 , the SIMBAD biblio

[RAA2005] G332.783-1.445 , the SIMBAD biblio (42 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST06:10:06

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Title First 3 Authors
1960MNRAS.121..103R viz 187 410 A catalogue of H-alpha emission regions in the Southern Milky Way. RODGERS A.W., CAMPBELL C.T. and WHITEOAK J.B.
1971ApJ...167..491J 20 34 Radiofrequency observations of symmetric nebulae around Wolf-rayet stars and an O7f star. JOHNSON H.M.
1974A&A....34..465D 6 11 Observations of the shell nebula NGC 3199. DEHARVENG L. and MAUCHERAT M.
1976PASP...88..647H 47 42 A model for the local spiral structure of the galaxy. HUMPHREYS R.M.
1982ApJ...254..578C 71 T                   1 6 76 Galactic ring nebulae associated with Wolf-Rayet stars. VI. NGC 3199, anon (MR 26), RCW 58, and
RCW 104.
1983ApJ...269..202C 19 30 Ring nebulae associated with Wolf-Rayet stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud. III. Kinematics of DEM 39, 231, 240 and 315 CHU Y.-H.
1983ApJS...53..937C 42 142 Galactic ring nebulae associated with Wolf-Rayet stars. VIII. Summary and atlas. CHU Y.-H., TREFFERS R.R. and KWITTER K.B.
1984Ap&SS..98..315S 6 11 Similarity solution for the interaction of the stellar wind with surrounding interstellar medium. SAKASHITA S., HANAMI H. and UMEMURA M.
1986A&A...160....1D 62 46 Hollow H II regions. I. Effects of stellar evolution and wind energy dissipation. DORLAND H., MONTMERLE T. and DOOM C.
1986ApJ...306..538V 9 32 Kinetic efficiencies of stellar wind bubbles. VAN BUREN D.
1987A&A...181..343H 3 10 Structure and kinematics of stellar wind bubbles. HANAMI H. and SAKASHITA S.
1987IAUS..122..457R 3 9 Wolf-rayet nebulae - Enrichment in He and N and effective temperatures of Wolf-rayet stars. ROSA M.R.
1988A&A...191..341G 1 3 22 High speed ionised knots in the Wolf-Rayet nebula RCW 104. GOUDIS C.D., MEABURN J. and WHITEHEAD M.J.
1988A&A...196..261W 4 7 The nature of the Wolf-Rayet nebula NGC 3199. WHITEHEAD M.J., MEABURN J. and GOUDIS C.D.
1988AZh....65.1028R 22 1 Investigation of Wolf-Rayet stars with enhanced oxygen lines. RUSTAMOV D.N. and CHEREPASHCHUK A.M.
1989BAICz..40...42A 223 18 Kinematics of star forming regions. AVEDISOVA V.S. and PALOUS J.
1989S&W....28...80L 10 0 Wolf-Rayet-Sterne. Eine normale Entwicklungsphase der massereichsten Sterne. LANGER N.
1992A&A...259..629E 1 21 94 Spatially resolved spectroscopy of WR ring nebulae. III. New results and chemical properties of the sample. ESTEBAN C., VILCHEZ J.M., SMITH L.J., et al.
1993A&A...272..299E 1 12 79 Spatially resolved spectroscopy of WR ring nebulae. IV. The fundamental parameters of the central stars. ESTEBAN C., SMITH L.J., VILCHEZ J.M., et al.
1993PASP..105..320E 9 4 Chemical abundances in Wolf-Rayet ring nebulae: implications for nucleosynthesis and stellar evolution. ESTEBAN C.
1993BAAS...25..903M 1 ~ New ring nebulae around galactic Wolf-Rayet stars from a survey of the southern sky. MARSTON A.P., GARCIA-SEGURA G. and CHU Y.H.
1993SSRv...66..263S 12 3 The fundamental parameters of the central stars of eight WR ring nebulae. SMITH L.J. and ESTEBAN C.
1994ApJS...93..229M 33 42 A survey of nebulae around galactic Wolf-Rayet stars in the southern sky. I. MARSTON A.P., CHU Y.-H. and GARCIA-SEGURA G.
1995AJ....109.1839M 1 8 37 Multiple rings around Wolf-Rayet stars and Wolf-Rayet evolution. MARSTON A.P.
1995IAUS..163...24S 21 9 Properties of hot massive stars from studies of their ring nebulae. SMITH L.J.
1995IAUS..163..176S 8 15 Spectropolarimetry and wind asymmetries of Wolf-Rayet stars. SCHULTE-LADBECK R.E.
1997A&A...320..568W 1 7 28 The bipolar structure of the LBV nebula around HR Carinae. WEIS K., DUSCHL W.J., BOMANS D.J., et al.
1997MNRAS.285..387B 1 5 15 On the early evolution of aspherical Wolf-Rayet bubbles. BRIGHENTI F. and D'ERCOLE A.
1998RMxAC...7...42E 26 0 Ring nebulae around evolved massive stars : observational clues. ESTEBAN C.
1999ApJ...518..769M 13 25 Molecular gas associated with the ejecta ring nebula around the Wolf-Rayet star WR 16. MARSTON A.P., WELZMILLER J., BRANSFORD M.A., et al.
2000A&AS..147...93C 48 9 Integrated photometry of galactic HII regions. COPETTI M.V.F.
2000AJ....120.2670G 1 13 44 A morphological diagnostic for dynamical evolution of Wolf-Rayet bubbles. GRUENDL R.A., CHU Y.-H., DUNNE B.C., et al.
2001AJ....121.2664C 13 17 CO observations of NGC 2359: the molecular clouds revisited. CAPPA C.E., RUBIO M. and GOSS W.M.
2005A&A...429..497R 140 18 A deep Hα survey of the Milky Way. VI. The l = 332° area. RUSSEIL D., ADAMI C., AMRAM P., et al.
2006ApJ...645L..41S 14 14 Cleaning up η Carinae: detection of ammonia in the Homunculus nebula. SMITH N., BROOKS K.J., KORIBALSKI B.S., et al.
2006AstL...32..406B 6 3 Stratification of optical emission from NGC 6888 as a trace of the interaction between Wolf-Rayet stellar wind and the shell of a red supergiant. BYCHKOV K.V. and SITNIK T.G.
2010MNRAS.408.1249M 305           X C F     6 15 4 Towards an explanation for the 30 Dor (LMC) honeycomb nebula - the impact of recent observations and spectral analysis. MEABURN J., REDMAN M.P., BOUMIS P., et al.
2010MNRAS.409.1429S 15       D               2 47 25 A search for ejecta nebulae around Wolf–Rayet stars using the SHS Hα survey. STOCK D.J. and BARLOW M.J.
2012A&A...547A...3V 40         O X         1 7 21 Multi-dimensional models of circumstellar shells around evolved massive stars. VAN MARLE A.J. and KEPPENS R.
2014MNRAS.441.3065S 16       D               1 17 7 Herschel-PACS measurements of nitrogen enrichment in nebulae around Wolf-Rayet stars. STOCK D.J. and BARLOW M.J.
2015A&A...578A..66T 175       D     X C       4 51 24 WISE morphological study of Wolf-Rayet nebulae. TOALA J.A., GUERRERO M.A., RAMOS-LARIOS G., et al.
2021ApJ...923..187T 17       D               1 35 1 Possible detection of X-ray emitting circumstellar material in the synchrotron-dominated supernova remnant RX J1713.7-3946. TATEISHI D., KATSUDA S., TERADA Y., et al.

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