V* T Cha , the SIMBAD biblio

V* T Cha , the SIMBAD biblio (274 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST09:26:18

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Title First 3 Authors
1949AN....278...24H 122 32 Die RW Aurigae-Sterne und ihre Nebenformen. HOFFMEISTER C.
1958VeSon...3..333H 16 12 Uber das Verhalten von drei typischen und sechs atypischen RW Aurigae-Sternen. HOFFMEISTER C.
1974MNRAS.167..237G 88 98 An infrared survey of RW Aurigae stars. GLASS I.S. and PENSTON M.V.
1975IBVS.1049....1M 14 13 Light changes of T Tauri stars in the Chamaeleon Association. MAUDER H. and SOSNA F.M.
1976JBAA...86..344G 6 0 The nebular variables. GLASBY J.S.
1977ATsir.938....1K 68 T                   1 3 0 Numerical filtrations of the photometric light curves of the variable stars mu Cep, AG Dra and
T Cha.
1977PZ.....20..441K 4 0 The use of statistic theory of over shoots for representing unobserved parts of light curves of variable stars. KLYUS I.A.
1977PZ.....20..446K 68 T                   1 5 1 A statistic analysis of the light curves of the variable stars mu Cep, T Ori,
T Cha, RU Lup and AK Sco.
1978PZ.....21..132K 68 T                   1 3 1 Digital filtration of light curves of variable stars mu Cep, AG Dra and
T Cha.
1979A&AS...36...57B 54 43 UBV photometry of T Tauri stars and related objects. BASTIAN U. and MUNDT R.
1980A&AS...39..245M 74 29 UBV photometry of young emission-line objects. MUNDT R. and BASTIAN U.
1987BAAS...19..717W 2 0 The diffuse interstellar features at 5780 and 5797 A in star formation regions. WALLERSTEIN G. and CARDELLI J.A.
1988LicOB1111....1H viz 742 ~ Third catalog of emission-line stars of the Orion population. HERBIG G.H. and BELL K.R.
1989A&A...220..226L 2 4 33 Dust emission from an isolated interstellar cloud. LAUREIJS R.J., CHLEWICKI G., CLARK F.O., et al.
1989Msngr..58...35C 5 4 Photometry and high resolution spectroscopy of two southern T Tauri stars. CHAVARRIA C., COVINO E., FRANCHINI M., et al.
1989S&W....28..230S 20 0 Sternflecken. STRASSMEIER K.G. and HALL D.S.
1990ApJS...74..575W 429 96 A catalog of pre-main-sequence emission-line stars with IRAS source associations. WEINTRAUB D.A.
1992A&A...256..525F 12 20 A high-resolution spectroscopic study of southern T Tauri stars. FRANCHINI M., COVINO E., STALIO R., et al.
1992A&AS...94..273C 50 26 UBV (RI)c photometric monitoring of Orion population stars in the southern hemisphere. COVINO E., TERRANEGRA L., FRANCHINI M., et al.
1992AJ....103..549G 121 230 A search for T Tauri stars based on the IRAS Point Source Catalog. I. GREGORIO-HETEM J., LEPINE J.R.D., QUAST G.R., et al.
1992ApJ...385..217G 137 154 A study of the stellar population in the Chamaeleon dark clouds. GAUVIN L.S. and STROM K.M.
1992ApJS...78..239W viz 732 125 A catalog of co-added IRAS fluxes or Orion population stars. WEAVER W.B. and JONES G.
1992AGAb....7..112A 70 T                   2 0 On the PMS nature of the southern star T Chamaeleontis. ALCALA J.M., COVINO E., KRAUTTER J., et al.
1993A&A...272..225A 74 T                   3 46 T Chamaeleontis : a "weak-line" YY Orionis star ? ALCALA J.M., COVINO E., FRANCHINI M., et al.
1993A&A...276..129H 37 113 A 1.3 mm survey for circumstellar dust around young Chamaeleon objects. HENNING T., PFAU W., ZINNECKER H., et al.
1993AJ....105.1511H 142 81 New T Tauri stars in Chamaeleon I and Chamaeleon II. HARTIGAN P.
1994A&AS..104..315T viz 337 440 A new catalogue of members and candidate members of the Herbig Ae/Be (HAEBE) stellar group. THE P.S., DE WINTER D. and PEREZ M.R.
1994AGAb...10..128H 8 0 Search for low-mass pre-main sequence stars around isolated T Tauri stars. HOFF W., PFAU W. and HENNING T.
1994RMxAA..29..217A 71 T                   1 1 Spectral line variability of the southern star
T Chamaelontis.
1994IAUCo.151..203G 70 ~ Flares in T Tauri stars. GAHM G.F.
1995A&AS..109..177W viz 2981 67 Radio continuum emission from stars: a catalogue update. WENDKER H.J.
1995A&AS..114..109A viz 180 159 A study of the Chamaeleon star forming region from the ROSAT all-sky survey. I. X-ray observations and optical identifications. ALCALA J.M., KRAUTTER J., SCHMITT J.H.M.M., et al.
1996A&A...312..455K 11 11 Molecular gas near HD 104237 and ε Chamaeleontis. KNEE L.B.G. and PRUSTI T.
1996ApJ...468..306F 1 29 141 Dispersed T Tauri stars and galactic star formation. FEIGELSON E.D.
1996MNRAS.280.1071L 132 118 An improved HR diagram for Chamaeleon I pre-main-sequence stars. LAWSON W.A., FEIGELSON E.D. and HUENEMOERDER D.P.
1997A&A...319..184A viz 87 86 A study of the Chamaeleon star-forming region from the ROSAT All-Sky Survey. II. The pre-main sequence population. ALCALA J.M., KRAUTTER J., COVINO E., et al.
1997A&A...323L..49P viz 14       D               1 118340 2498 The Hipparcos Catalogue. PERRYMAN M.A.C., LINDEGREN L., KOVALEVSKY J., et al.
1997A&A...328..187C 84 145 A study of the Chamaeleon star-forming region from the ROSAT all-sky survey. III. High resolution spectroscopic study. COVINO E., ALCALA J.M., ALLAIN S., et al.
1997ApJ...478..295C 265 66 Comparison of star formation in five nearby molecular clouds. CHEN H., GRENFELL T.G., MYERS P.C., et al.
1998A&A...330..145V 1 139 441 Hipparcos photometry of Herbig Ae/Be stars. VAN DEN ANCKER M.E., DE WINTER D. and TJIN A DJIE H.R.E.
1998A&A...338..442F 57 36 Kinematics of T Tauri stars in Chamaeleon. FRINK S., ROESER S., ALCALA J.M., et al.
1998A&AS..128..561B viz 27 22 Photometric variability of southern T Tauri stars. BATALHA C.C., QUAST G.R., TORRES C.A.O., et al.
1998ApJ...507L..83M 17 45 A 13CO (J = 1-0) search for small molecular clouds toward the Chamaeleon-Musca dark cloud complex. MIZUNO A., HAYAKAWA T., YAMAGUCHI N., et al.
1998MNRAS.301L..39W 1 41 177 Hipparcos observations of pre-main-sequence stars. WICHMANN R., BASTIAN U., KRAUTTER J., et al.
1999A&A...341L..79T viz 64 25 Proper motions of faint ROSAT WTT stars in the Chamaeleon region. TERRANEGRA L., MORALE F., SPAGNA A., et al.
1999A&A...352..574B 105 194 Revisiting Hipparcos data for pre-main sequence stars. BERTOUT C., ROBICHON N. and ARENOU F.
1999A&AS..136..429C viz 63 74 A search for spectroscopic binaries among Herbig Ae/Be stars. CORPORON P. and LAGRANGE A.-M.
1999AJ....118.1043H viz 14       D               1 246 219 A photometric catalog of Herbig Ae/Be stars and discussion of the nature and cause of the variations of UX Orionis stars. HERBST W. and SHEVCHENKO V.S.
2000A&A...361..258S 1 11 43 Mid infrared emission of nearby Herbig Ae/Be stars. SIEBENMORGEN R., PRUSTI T., NATTA A., et al.
2000A&A...361.1143T viz 253 41 Proper motions of pre-main sequence stars in southern star-forming regions. TEIXEIRA R., DUCOURANT C., SARTORI M.J., et al.
2000ApJ...544..356M 57 116 The η Chamaeleontis cluster: origin in the Sco-Cen OB association. MAMAJEK E.E., LAWSON W.A. and FEIGELSON E.D.
2000MNRAS.317...55S viz 14       D               1 16418 457 The PSCz catalogue. SAUNDERS W., SUTHERLAND W.J., MADDOX S.J., et al.
2001AJ....122.3325K 96 30 Multiplicity of x-ray-selected T Tauri stars in Chamaeleon. KOEHLER R.
2001PASJ...53.1071M 28 43 A large scale ^12CO (J = 1–0) survey toward the Chamaeleon region with NANTEN. MIZUNO A., YAMAGUCHI R., TACHIHARA K., et al.
2001BaltA..10..589A viz 2043 9 Stars with the largest Hipparcos photometric amplitudes. ADELMAN S.J.
2002RMxAC..14..111P 4 0 Study of spectroscopy variability of T Tau stars. PALMA T., GRAMAJO L. and GONZALEZ J.F.
2003A&A...404..913S viz 1239 88 Formation scenarios for the young stellar associations between galactic longitudes l=280°-360°. SARTORI M.J., LEPINE J.R.D. and DIAS W.S.
2003AJ....126.1423K viz 1345 26 Observations of star-forming regions with the Midcourse Space Experiment. KRAEMER K.E., SHIPMAN R.F., PRICE S.D., et al.
2004ApJ...600L..67L 8 13 The discovery of a disk-jet system directly exposed to strong ultraviolet fields in the Rosette nebula. LI J.Z. and RECTOR T.A.
2004ARA&A..42..685Z viz 15       D               1 213 527 Young stars near the Sun. ZUCKERMAN B. and SONG I.
2004BaltA..13..543G 28 0 Do weak-line T Tauri stars have circumstellar material? GRAS-VELAZQUEZ A. and RAY T.P.
2005A&A...438..769D viz 1380 87 Pre-main sequence star Proper Motion Catalogue. DUCOURANT C., TEIXEIRA R., PERIE J.-P., et al.
2005A&A...443..541G 33 44 Weak-line T Tauri stars: circumstellar disks and companions. I. Spectral energy distributions and infrared excesses. GRAS-VELAZQUEZ A. and RAY T.P.
2006A&A...452..523K 72 5 Multi-aperture photometry of extended IR sources with ISOPHOT. I. The nature of extended IR emission of planetary nebulae. KLAAS U., WALKER H.J., MUELLER T.G., et al.
2006A&A...457..171A         O           64 33 A survey for nanodiamond features in the 3 micron spectra of Herbig Ae/Be stars. ACKE B. and VAN DEN ANCKER M.E.
2006ApJ...639..275K 1 81 215 c2d Spitzer IRS spectra of disks around T Tauri stars. I. Silicate emission and grain growth. KESSLER-SILACCI J., AUGEREAU J.-C., DULLEMOND C.P., et al.
2006PASP..118.1390P 38 12 Self-correlation analysis of the photometric variability of T Tauri stars. PERCY J.R., GRYC W.K., WONG J.C.-Y., et al.
2006A&A...459..545G 23     A   O           50 142 C2D Spitzer-IRS spectra of disks around T Tauri stars. II. PAH emission features. GEERS V.C., AUGEREAU J.-C., PONTOPPIDAN K.M., et al.
2006A&A...460..695T viz 15       D               1890 534 Search for associations containing young stars (SACY). I. Sample and searching method. TORRES C.A.O., QUAST G.R., DA SILVA L., et al.
2007A&A...462..211L 1         O           30 73 Investigating grain growth in disks around southern T Tauri stars at millimetre wavelengths. LOMMEN D., WRIGHT C.M., MADDISON S.T., et al.
2007A&A...467.1147G 15       D               1 142 92 Pre-main sequence spectroscopic binaries suitable for VLTI observations. GUENTHER E.W., ESPOSITO M., MUNDT R., et al.
2007ApJ...664L.107B 8 9 151 Cold disks: Spitzer spectroscopy of disks around young stars with large gaps. BROWN J.M., BLAKE G.A., DULLEMOND C.P., et al.
2007ApJ...665..492L 87 115 c2d Spitzer IRS spectra of disks around T Tauri stars. III. [Ne II], [Fe I], and H2Gas-Phase lines. LAHUIS F., VAN DISHOECK E.F., BLAKE G.A., et al.
2007PASP..119..747T 221 13 SIM PlanetQuest key project precursor observations to detect gas giant planets around young stars. TANNER A., BEICHMAN C., AKESON R., et al.
2007A&A...474..653V viz 15       D               1 118084 3051 Validation of the new Hipparcos reduction. VAN LEEUWEN F.
2007A&A...476..279G 502       D S   X C       12 39 72 Spatially extended polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in circumstellar disks around T Tauri and Herbig Ae stars. GEERS V.C., VAN DISHOECK E.F., VISSER R., et al.
2007ApJ...671..616R 90       D     X         3 34 26 EF Chamaeleontis: warm dust orbiting a nearby 10 myr old star. RHEE J.H., SONG I. and ZUCKERMAN B.
2008A&A...480..735F viz 113           X         3 290 83 On the kinematic evolution of young local associations and the Scorpius-Centaurus complex. FERNANDEZ D., FIGUERAS F. and TORRA J.
2008A&A...483..471N 113           X C       2 15 18 Multi-wavelength observations of a nearby multi-phase interstellar cloud. NEHME C., GRY C., BOULANGER F., et al.
2008MNRAS.387.1335R 90       D         F     3 43 3 Towards the main sequence: detailed analysis of weak line and post-T Tauri stars. ROJAS G., GREGORIO-HETEM J. and HETEM A.Jr
2008A&A...489..633P 78             C       1 25 151 Probing dust grain evolution in IM Lupi's circumstellar disc. Multi-wavelength observations and modelling of the dust disc. PINTE C., PADGETT D.L., MENARD F., et al.
2009ApJ...699..330S 39           X         1 50 116 High-resolution 5 µm spectroscopy of transitional disks. SALYK C., BLAKE G.A., BOOGERT A.C.A., et al.
2009ApJ...702..724P 1117   K   D     X C F     28 20 121 Evidence for disk photoevaporation driven by the central star. PASCUCCI I. and STERZIK M.
2009A&A...501.1013S 2752 T K A S O X C       70 11 30 Variability of the transitional T Tauri star

T Chamaeleontis
2009ApJ...703.1203H 78           X         2 11 58 Diagnostic line emission from extreme ultraviolet and x-ray-illuminated disks and shocks around low-mass stars. HOLLENBACH D. and GORTI U.
2009ApJ...704..496B 44           X         1 15 190 Evidence for dust clearing through resolved submillimeter imaging. BROWN J.M., BLAKE G.A., QI C., et al.
2009A&A...505..695F 38           X         1 60 18 Results from DROXO. II. [NeII] and X-ray emission from ρ Ophiuchi young stellar objects. FLACCOMIO E., STELZER B., SCIORTINO S., et al.
2009A&A...507..261S 38         O X         1 46 8 Mid-IR observations of circumstellar disks. Part III. A mixed sample of PMS stars and Vega-type objects. SCHUETZ O., MEEUS G., STERZIK M.F., et al.
2009A&A...507..327O 129       D   O X         4 124 89 C2D Spitzer-IRS spectra of disks around T Tauri stars. IV. Crystalline silicates. OLOFSSON J., AUGEREAU J.-C., VAN DISHOECK E.F., et al.
2009A&A...508..833D viz 15       D               1 372 134 Search for associations containing young stars (SACY). III. Ages and Li abundances. DA SILVA L., TORRES C.A.O., DE LA REZA R., et al.
2010A&A...509A..52C viz 15       D               1 129 160 Deep imaging survey of young, nearby austral stars. VLT/NACO near-infrared Lyot-coronographic observations. CHAUVIN G., LAGRANGE A.-M., BONAVITA M., et al.
2010MNRAS.401.1636S 38           X         1 7 13 Effects of X-ray irradiation and disc flaring on the [Ne II] 12.8 µm emission from young stellar objects. SCHISANO E., ERCOLANO B. and GUDEL M.
2010ApJ...714..778O viz 38           X         1 161 46 A Spitzer survey of protoplanetary disk dust in the young Serpens cloud: how do dust characteristics evolve with time? OLIVEIRA I., PONTOPPIDAN K.M., MERIN B., et al.
2010ApJ...714.1733S 114           X         3 14 17 Ne II fine-structure line emission from the outflows of young stellar objects. SHANG H., GLASSGOLD A.E., LIN W.-C., et al.
2010A&A...514A...2I viz 15       D               1 2752 23 AKARI's infrared view on nearby stars. Using AKARI infrared camera all-sky survey, 2MASS, and Hipparcos catalogs. ITA Y., MATSUURA M., ISHIHARA D., et al.
2010A&A...515A..77L 206       D     X C       5 95 38 Grain growth across protoplanetary discs: 10 µm silicate feature versus millimetre slope. LOMMEN D.J.P., VAN DISHOECK E.F., WRIGHT C.M., et al.
2010ApJ...718.1200M 77           X   F     1 50 105 A Spitzer c2d legacy survey to identify and characterize disks with inner dust holes. MERIN B., BROWN J.M., OLIVEIRA I., et al.
2010ApJ...720..887P 130       D     X         4 86 171 A Spitzer survey of mid-infrared molecular emission from protoplanetary disks. I. Detection rates. PONTOPPIDAN K.M., SALYK C., BLAKE G.A., et al.
2010A&A...517A..88W 76         O X         2 253 31 Rotational velocities of nearby young stars. WEISE P., LAUNHARDT R., SETIAWAN J., et al.
2010A&A...519A.113G 15       D               7 103 59 On the origin of [NeII] 12.81 µm emission from pre-main sequence stars: disks, jets, and accretion. GUEDEL M., LAHUIS F., BRIGGS K.R., et al.
2010ApJ...724..835W viz 168       D     X         5 203 62 The Spitzer c2d survey of weak-line T Tauri stars. III. The transition from primordial disks to debris disks. WAHHAJ Z., CIEZA L., KOERNER D.W., et al.
2011MNRAS.410..190T viz 15       D               1 7693 209 A catalogue of young runaway Hipparcos stars within 3 kpc from the Sun. TETZLAFF N., NEUHAUSER R. and HOHLE M.M.
2011PASP..123..138V 1 99 210 Water in star-forming regions with the Herschel space observatory (WISH). I. Overview of key program and first results. VAN DISHOECK E.F., KRISTENSEN L.E., BENZ A.O., et al.
2011A&A...528L...6O 987 T   A     X C       24 4 32 Warm dust resolved in the cold disk around

T Chamaeleontis
2011A&A...528L...7H 1299 T K A S   X C       31 6 115 A companion candidate in the gap of the

T Chamaeleontis
transitional disk.
2011ApJ...731..130S 131       D     X         4 75 127 A Spitzer survey of mid-infrared molecular emission from protoplanetary disks. II. Correlations and local thermal equilibrium models. SALYK C., PONTOPPIDAN K.M., BLAKE G.A., et al.
2011ApJ...732...83F 39           X         1 10 20 The highly dynamic behavior of the innermost dust and gas in the transition disk variable LRLL 31. FLAHERTY K.M., MUZEROLLE J., RIEKE G., et al.
2011ApJ...737L..26B 40           X         1 6 24 The first X-shooter observations of jets from young stars. BACCIOTTI F., WHELAN E.T., ALCALA J.M., et al.
2011ApJ...738..131D 57       D     X         2 23 179 Transitional disks as signposts of young, multiplanet systems. DODSON-ROBINSON S.E. and SALYK C.
2011A&A...532A..10M viz 15       D               4 216 40 RACE-OC project: rotation and variability in the ε Chamaeleontis, Octans, and Argus stellar associations. MESSINA S., DESIDERA S., LANZAFAME A.C., et al.
2011A&A...532A..72L 40           X         1 13 61 Sparse aperture masking at the VLT. I. Faint companion detection limits for the two debris disk stars HD 92945 and HD 141569. LACOUR S., TUTHILL P., AMICO P., et al.
2011A&A...533A.135V 1152     A D     X C F     29 21 12 Ruling out unresolved binaries in five transitional disks. VLT/NACO deep 2.12 and 1.75 µm narrow-band imaging. VICENTE S., MERIN B., HARTUNG M., et al.
2011ApJ...741L..25C 1599 T K A     X C       40 5 15 Herschel observations of the T Cha transition disk: constraining the outer disk properties. CIEZA L.A., OLOFSSON J., HARVEY P.M., et al.
2010JAVSO..38..151P 175     A     X   F     4 24 4 Photometric variability properties of 21 T Tauri and related stars from AAVSO visual observations. PERCY J.R., ESTEVES S., GLASHEEN J., et al.
2011ApJ...743..174I 116           X C       2 16 34 Spitzer infrared spectrograph detection of molecular hydrogen rotational emission towards translucent clouds. INGALLS J.G., BANIA T.M., BOULANGER F., et al.
2011Msngr.146...18L 13 12 Sparse aperture masking on Paranal. LACOUR S., TUTHILL P., IRELAND M., et al.
2012ApJ...744..116B 40           X         1 13 35 A 30 AU radius CO gas hole in the disk around the Herbig Ae star Oph IRS 48. BROWN J.M., HERCZEG G.J., PONTOPPIDAN K.M., et al.
2012ApJ...745....5K 83           X         2 25 336 LkCa 15: a young exoplanet caught at formation? KRAUS A.L. and IRELAND M.J.
2012ApJ...747L..23K 2283 T   A D S   X C       57 23 15 2M1155-79 (=

T Chamaeleontis
B): a low-mass, wide-separation companion to the nearby, "Old" T Tauri star

T Chamaeleontis
2012ApJ...747..103E 40           X         1 33 87 On the transitional disk class: linking observations of T Tauri stars and physical disk models. ESPAILLAT C., INGLEBY L., HERNANDEZ J., et al.
2012ApJ...747..142S 634       D     X         17 66 50 High-resolution spectroscopy of ne II emission from young stellar objects. SACCO G.G., FLACCOMIO E., PASCUCCI I., et al.
2012ApJ...749...79R viz 39           X         1 84 37 The nature of transition circumstellar disks. II. Southern molecular clouds. ROMERO G.A., SCHREIBER M.R., CIEZA L.A., et al.
2012ApJ...750..119A 78           X         2 7 15 New spatially resolved mid-infrared observations of the transitional disk TW Hya and tentative evidence for a self-luminous companion. ARNOLD T.J., EISNER J.A., MONNIER J.D., et al.
2012ApJ...750..157C 39           X         1 65 60 The nature of transition circumstellar disks. III. Perseus, Taurus, and Auriga. CIEZA L.A., SCHREIBER M.R., ROMERO G.A., et al.
2012ApJ...751..114S 15       D               2 56 14 WISE detection of the circumstellar disk associated with 2MASS J0820-8003 in the η Cha cluster. SIMON M., SCHLIEDER J.E., CONSTANTIN A.-M., et al.
2012ApJ...752...75C 527     A     X         14 12 25 Submillimeter array observations of the RX J1633.9-2442 transition disk: evidence for multiple planets in the making. CIEZA L.A., MATHEWS G.S., WILLIAMS J.P., et al.
2011ARA&A..49...67W 44           X         1 75 989 Protoplanetary disks and their evolution. WILLIAMS J.P. and CIEZA L.A.
2012BaltA..21..379B 15       D               1 72 0 Science with the VO: spectroscopic studies of Herbig Ae/Be stars. BAINES D., GONZALEZ J., ARVISET C., et al.
2012A&A...545A..81P 78           X         1 4 316 Ring shaped dust accumulation in transition disks. PINILLA P., BENISTY M. and BIRNSTIEL T.
2012ApJ...758L..30B 40           X         1 7 19 Matryoshka holes: nested emission rings in the transitional disk Oph IRS 48. BROWN J.M., ROSENFELD K.A., ANDREWS S.M., et al.
2012ApJ...759...47S 93       D       C       2 82 6 Observational constraints on the stellar radiation field impinging on transitional disk atmospheres. SZULAGYI J., PASCUCCI I., ABRAHAM P., et al.
2012A&A...546A..61D viz 15       D               1 88080 48 Radial velocities for the HIPPARCOS-Gaia Hundred-Thousand-Proper-Motion project. DE BRUIJNE J.H.J. and EILERS A.-C.
2012Msngr.148...44D 3 0 Observing planetary systems II. DUMAS C., STERZIK M., MELO C., et al.
2012Natur.492..221R 4 15 149 Formation of the widest binary stars from dynamical unfolding of triple systems. REIPURTH B. and MIKKOLA S.
2013ApJ...762L..12C 40           X         1 8 20 Sparse aperture masking observations of the FL Cha pre-transitional disk. CIEZA L.A., LACOUR S., SCHREIBER M.R., et al.
2013ApJ...762...48G 43           X         1 19 187 Spiral arms in the asymmetrically illuminated disk of MWC 758 and constraints on giant planets. GRADY C.A., MUTO T., HASHIMOTO J., et al.
2013ApJ...762...62E 16       D               1 75 12 Tracing high-energy radiation from T Tauri stars using mid-infrared neon emission from disks. ESPAILLAT C., INGLEBY L., FURLAN E., et al.
2013ApJ...762..100C 1225       D S   X C       30 40 37 The Herschel DIGIT survey of weak-line T Tauri stars: implications for disk evolution and dissipation. CIEZA L.A., OLOFSSON J., HARVEY P.M., et al.
2012A&A...548A.111M 39           X         1 12 8 A new Herschel view of the young star T54: not a transitional disk? MATRA L., MERIN B., ALVES DE OLIVEIRA C., et al.
2012MNRAS.427.1344C 39           X         1 31 49 LAMP: the long-term accretion monitoring programme of T Tauri stars in Chamaeleon I. COSTIGAN G., SCHOLZ A., STELZER B., et al.
2013ApJ...764..146G 61           X         1 2 90 From dust to planetesimals: an improved model for collisional growth in protoplanetary disks. GARAUD P., MERU F., GALVAGNI M., et al.
2013A&A...551A..46L viz 406       D   O X         11 248 21 Proper motions of young stars in Chamaeleon. I. A virtual observatory study of spectroscopically confirmed members. LOPEZ MARTI B., JIMENEZ-ESTEBAN F., BAYO A., et al.
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2014ApJ...793...55K 158           X         4 8 23 Unbiased millimeter-wave line surveys of TW Hya and V4046 Sgr: the enhanced C2 H and CN abundances of evolved protoplanetary disks. KASTNER J.H., HILY-BLANT P., RODRIGUEZ D.R., et al.
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2015ApJ...808L..41T 43           X         1 6 45 Optical imaging polarimetry of the LkCa 15 protoplanetary disk with SPHERE ZIMPOL. THALMANN C., MULDERS G.D., JANSON M., et al.
2015A&A...581A.107M 16       D               3 75 87 The structure of disks around intermediate-mass young stars from mid-infrared interferometry. Evidence for a population of group II disks with gaps. MENU J., VAN BOEKEL R., HENNING T., et al.
2015A&A...582L...5R 40           X         1 22 9 An ALMA survey for disks orbiting low-mass stars in the TW Hya Association. RODRIGUEZ D.R., VAN DER PLAS G., KASTNER J.H., et al.
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2016A&A...587A..62K 40           X         1 17 10 Large dust gaps in the transitional disks of HD 100453 and HD 34282. Connecting the gap size to the spectral energy distribution and mid-infrared imaging. KHALAFINEJAD S., MAASKANT K.M., MARINAS N., et al.
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2016MNRAS.459.2097P 120           X         3 18 2 Evidence for variable, correlated X-ray and optical/IR extinction towards the nearby, pre-main-sequence binary TWA 30. PRINCIPE D.A., SACCO G., KASTNER J.H., et al.
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