* chi Cyg , the SIMBAD biblio

* chi Cyg , the SIMBAD biblio (696 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST08:22:37

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Title First 3 Authors
1895ApJ.....1...10B 3 0 Photographs of the Milky Way. BARNARD E.E.
1903ApJ....18..198E 62 T                   1 1 0 On the spectrum and radial velocity of
chi Cygni.
1913AN....194..167D 15 0 Mitteilungen ueber Veraenderliche. D'ESTERRE C.R., WELKER A. and LUIZET M.
1915ApJ....41..247M 24 2 The radial velocities of stars of class Md. MERRILL P.W.
1921ApJ....53..179H 66 0 On the geometrical classification of long-period variables. HAGEN J.G.
1921ApJ....53..185M 7 4 Characteristic behavior of the bright lines in stellar spectra of class Md. MERRILL P.W.
1923ApJ....58..215M 132 14 The radial velocities of long-period variable stars. MERRILL P.W.
1924ApJ....59...97M 10 0 The absolute magnitudes of long-period variable stars. MERRILL P.W. and STROMBERG G.
1929MNRAS..90...65E 5 2 111 Irregularities of period of long-period variable stars. EDDINGTON A.S. and PLAKIDIS S.
1936AN....259...69N 42 3 Beobachtungen von langperiodischen Variablen. NIJLAND A.A.
1950ApJ...111..484M 7 34 Measurements in the combination spectra of RW Hydrae, BF Cygni and CI Cygni. MERRILL P.W.
1950AnAp...13...57T 65 T                   1 3 0 Le spectre de
khi Cyg, peu avant le maximum d'eclat de 1948.
1951AJ.....56..174S 17 1 Yerkes and McDonald Observatories. STROMGREN B.
1951ApJ...113..626F 65 T                   1 2 4 Absorption lines and bands in the spectrum of
chi Cygni.
1952ApJ...116...21M 2 13 229 Spectroscopic observations of stars of class S. MERRILL P.W.
1952ApJ...116..337M 4 13 The premium spectrum of R Leonis. MERRILL P.W.
1952ApJ...116..344M 10 6 Measurements in the spectra of four long-period variable stars of class Me. MERRILL P.W.
1952ApJ...116..369H 9 12 The Cepheid variable S Sagittae. II. The emission lines. HERBIG G.H.
1952ApJ...116..525B 5 21 Intensities of atomic absorption lines in the spectra of long-period variable stars. BUSCOMBE W. and MERRILL P.W.
1953ApJ...118..453M 65 T                   1 7 35 The spectrum of
chi Cygni near minimum light.
1953PASP...65..221M 8 0 The Ga line lambda 4172 in the spectra of long-period variable stars. MERRILL P.W. and LOWEN L.
1953GCRV..C......0W viz 13       D               1 15130 835 General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities WILSON R.E.
1954ApJ...119..141F 65 T                   1 1 4 On the spectrum of
chi Cygni near the time of light maximum.
1954ApJ...119..175N 49 15 Objective-prism spectra of long-period variables in the near infrared. NASSAU J.J. and CAMERON D.M.
1954ApJ...120..118N 377 26 Bright late M-type stars near the galactic equator. NASSAU J.J. and BLANCO V.M.
1954ApJ...120..484K 105 175 Classification of the S-type stars. KEENAN P.C.
1954ApJS....1...39J 15 93 Spectroscopic observations of Mira Ceti 1934-1952. JOY A.H.
1954ApJS....1..175B 688 185 Catalogue and bibliography of emission-line stars of types later than B. BIDELMAN W.P.
1955ApJ...122..177C 45 25 Classification of late M-type stars from low-dispersion spectra in the near infrared. CAMERON D.M. and NASSAU J.
1955PASP...67..199M 17 6 Red stars. MERRILL P.W.
1955PASP...67..346M 9 0 Note on the predicted light-curve of R Geminorum. MAYALL M.W.
1955JO.....38..285A 216 0 Observations d'etoiles variables a longues periodes ou irregulieres effectuees par les membres de l'Association Francaise d'Observateurs d'Etoiles Variables et recues durant les annees 1946 a 1952 a l'Observatoire de Lyon. ASSOCIATION FRANCAISE D'OBSERVATEURS D'ETOILES VARIABLES.
1955ZA.....36..230P 20 3 Gestorte Multipletts in Sternatmospharen. PRIESTER W.
1956ApJ...123..210D 1 20 204 The circumstellar envelope of alpha Herculis. DEUTSCH A.J.
1956ApJ...124..346C 729 20 Spectral classification of red variables along the galactic equator. CAMERON D. and NASSAU J.J.
1956PASP...68...70M 6 12 Technetium in the N-type star 19 Piscium. MERRILL P.W.
1956PASP...68..204H 69 T                   1 1 28 Identification of Aluminium Hydride as the emitter of bright lines observed in
chi Cygni near minimum light.
1956JO.....39...12A 131 0 Observations d'etoiles variables. ASSOCIATION FRANCAISE D'OBSERVATEURS D'ETOILES VARIABLES.
1957AJ.....62...45E 262 33 Distribution of the nearer bright stars in the color-luminosity array. EGGEN O.
1957ApJ...125..336K 32 40 Ca II emission in classical Cepheid variables. KRAFT R.P.
1957SvA.....1..834G 2 5 On the interpretation of the emission spectrum of long-period variable stars. I. GORBATSKII V.G.
1958AJ.....63..361S 11 5 Lick Observatory SHANE C.D.
1958ApJ...128..510N 1393 24 The distribution of the BD M-type stars along the galactic equator NECKEL H.
1959ApJ...130..123M 3 7 Wavelengths of absorption lines in the spectrum of omicron Ceti. MERRILL P.W.
1959ApJ...130..570D 3 19 Gross differences between the R Cygni spectra at two successive maxima. DEUTSCH A.J. and MERRILL P.
1962ApJ...136...21M 29 133 Absorption spectra of M-type Mira variables. MERRILL P.W., DEUTSCH A.J. and KEENAN P.C.
1963AJ.....68..300W 3 7 Stellar photometry from B8 to M7 in the 8-14 microns window. WILDEY R.L. and MURRAY C.B.
1963ApJ...138..302J 15 10 Stellar photometry at 5 microns. JOHNSON H.L. and MITCHELL R.I.
1964AJ.....69..534B 7 ~ Water in the atmospheres of planets. BOTTEMA W., PLUMMER T. and STRONG T.
1964ApJ...139..435W 26 23 10 microns photometry of 25 stars from B8 to M7. WILDEY R.L. and MURRAY B.C.
1964PASP...76..296W 3 5 Excitation of fluorescent emission by Balmer lines in long-period variables. WING R.F.
1964MmSAI..35..183P 32 0 Riduzione degli errori sistematici nelle osservazioni meridiane di tempo e di longitudine. PROVERBIO E.
1965AJ.....70..581W 56 1 Reports of observatories, 1964-65. WAGMAN N.E.
1965ApJ...141..161M 43 198 Multicolor photometry of carbon stars. MENDOZA E.E. and JOHNSON L.H.
1965ApJ...141..965S 34 39 A low-dispersion spectroscopic search for water vapor in cool stars. SPINRAD H. and NEWBURN R.L.Jr
1965ApJ...142.1249J 13 29 Observations of "infrared stars". JOHNSON H.L., MENDOZA E.E. and WISNIEWSKI W.Z.
1965AnAp...28..218W 4 2 Infrared spectra of stars, planets and the Moon from Stratoscope II (VI-2). WOOLF N.J.
1966ApJ...143..291S 23 22 Further studies of the infrared spectra of cool stars the water deficiency in S stars and the variation of water abundance with Mira's phase. SPINRAD H., PYPER D.M., NEWBURN R.L.Jr, et al.
1966ApJ...145..195S 8 22 Observations of stellar molecular hydrogen. SPINRAD H.
1966ApJ...146..399S 9 49 Approximate abundances of the light elements from the molecular spectra of M and S stars. SPINRAD H. and VARDYA M.S.
1966ApJS...13..333K 265 53 Catalogue of spectra of Mira variables of types Me and Se. KEENAN P.C.
1966PASP...78...65S 3 3 Infrared bands of Vanadium oxyde in three Mira stars. SPINRAD H. and YOUNKIN R.L.
1966AAHam...6..281W 107 5 Die Veraenderlichen im Sudteil der Cygnuswolke. Teil IV. WACHMANN A.A.
1966IBVS..141....1S 15 15 Long period variable stars with large intrinsic polarization. SERKOWSKI K.
1966SvA....10...47M 17 6 Infrared spectra of stars (1 to 2.5 microns). MOROS W.I.
1966ZA.....64...32W 37 6 Ten micron stellar flux measurements-synopsis and diagnosis. WILDEY R.L.
1967ApJ...147..117W 34 69 Infrared stars. WING R.F., SPINRAD H. and KUHI L.V.
1967ApJ...147..381P 16 5 Objective prism spectra of some very red stars. PESCH P.
1967ApJ...147..575M 13 56 Infrared spectra of low-temperature stars. McCAMMON D., MUNCH G. and NEUGEBAUER G.
1967ApJS...14..307E 440 63 Narrow and broad-band photometry of red stars. I. Northern giants. EGGEN O.J.
1967PASP...79..336L 27 15 UBV observations of long-period variable stars. II. LANDOLT A.U.
1967AnAp...30...55G 2 0 La fluorescence atomique et les raies d'emission des etoiles variables a longue periode. GAUZIT J.
1967JO.....50..359H 160 0 Observations visuelles d'etoiles variables par les membres de l'A.F.O.E.V. pendant l'annee 1966. HEINTZ W.D.
1968AJ.....73..677K 31 90 Wavelength dependence of polarization. XII. Red variables. KRUSZEWSKI A., GEHRELS T. and SERKOWSKI K.
1968ApJ...154..677G 2 8 134 Stellar spectra from 2.8 to 14 microns. GILLETT F.C., LOW F.J. and STEIN W.A.
1968MmSAI..39..291F 8 6 The spectrum of CH Cygni in July 1967. FARAGGIANA R.
1968ZA.....68..423H 68 T                   1 1 7 Aluminium hydride emission lines in
khi Cygni near minimum light.
1969AJ.....74..413T 51 9 Changes in the near-infrared spectra of fifty-one red variable stars. TERRILL C.L.
1969ApJ...155L.181W 8 6 292 Circumstellar infrared emission from cool stars. WOOLF N.J. and NEY E.P.
1969PASP...81..134L 56 10 UBV observations of long-period variable stars. VI. LANDOLT A.U.
1969PASP...81..230D 7 11 Is there NbO in S-type stars ? DAVIS D.N. and KEENAN P.C.
1969PASP...81..521P 5 7 An usual doubling of molecular lines in the spectrum of the long-period variable star R Leporis. PHILLIPS J.G. and FREEDMAN R.S.
1970AJ.....75..158F 24 4 Stellar and planetary spectra in the infrared from 1.35 to 4.10 microns. FORBES F.F., STONAKER W.F. and JOHNSON H.L.
1970AJ.....75..785J viz 30 94 Infrared spectra for 32 stars. JOHNSON H.J. and MENDEZ M.E.
1970ApJ...159L...7F 2 6 Silicon monoxide bands in some low-temperature stars. FERTEL J.H.
1970ApJ...160..545W 27 114 OH radio emission associated with infrared stars. WILSON W.J., BARRETT A.H. and MORAN J.M.
1970ApJ...160.1117G 1 3 23 The spectrum of RW Aurigae, 3250 to 4900 angstroems. GAHM G.F.
1970ApJ...162L..73W 4 3 On the presence of silicon monoxide in stellar spectra. WING R.F. and PRICE S.D.
1970ApJ...162L..75F 2 3 Further comments on the presence of silicon monoxide bands in some low-temperature stars. FERTEL J.H.
1971ApJ...163L...1P 25 35 Technetium stars. PEERY B.F.
1971ApJ...164...83G 96 149 Observations of infrared radiation from cool stars. GILLETT F.C., MERRILL K.M. and STEIN W.A.
1971ApJ...165...57D 58 58 Visual intrinsic polarization and infrared excess of cool stars. DYCK H.M., FORREST W.J., GILLETT F.C., et al.
1971ApJ...165..285G 111 363 Mass loss from M stars. GEHRZ R.D. and WOOLF N.J.
1971ApJ...166L..49C 5 24 Silicon monoxide in the infrared spectrum of alpha Orionis. CUDABACK D.D., GAUSTAD J.E. and KNACKE R.F.
1971ApJ...167..327D 11 6 The possible identification of promethium in S stars. DAVIS D.N.
1971ApJ...169...63L 25 141 Light curves of Mira variables at 1.04 microns. LOCKWOOD G.W. and WING R.F.
1971PASJ...23..313M 7 11 Spectral analyses of some Mira-type long-period variable stars. MAEHARA H.
1972A&A....17..385W 449 160 Characteristics of OH emission from infrared stars. WILSON W.J. and BARRETT A.H.
1972A&A....21..239H 58 115 Long wavelength spectrometry and photometry of M, S and C-stars. HACKWELL J.A.
1972ApJ...172..121N 6 2 Forbidden emission lines of Mn I and Fe II in the spectra of long period variables near minimum light. NUSSBAUMER H. and SWINGS J.P.
1972ApJ...177..489E 58 52 The classification of intrinsic variable star. II. The red variables of S and related types. EGGEN O.J.
1972PASP...84..613N 31 18 Infrared excesses in supergiant stars. Evidence for silicates. NEY E.P.
1973ApJ...183..871W 60 67 Carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide millimeter-wave emission from stars. WILSON W.J., SCHWARTZ P.R. and EPSTEIN E.E.
1973ApJ...184L..85W 17 20 Observations of silicon monoxide in cool stars at 4.05 microns. WOLLMAN E.R., GEBALLE T.R., GREENBERG L.T., et al.
1973PASP...85..179J 67 T                   1 3 4 The infrared spectrum of
chi Cygni from 4000 to 6700 cm-1.
1973PASP...85..625L 35 3 UBV observations of long-period variable stars. VIII. LANDOLT A.U.
1974A&AS...18..427A 162 1 A photographic search for red stars in Aquila-Cygnus. AKYOL M.U., HIDAJAT B., BALAZS L.G., et al.
1974ApJ...188..553F 22 2 Are 2-micron absorptions and 11-micron emissions of M stars related ? FAY T.D.
1974ApJ...190L..29C 16 23 High resolution Fourier spectra of stars and planets. CONNES P. and MICHEL G.
1974ApJS...28..271K 264 75 Revised catalog of spectra of Mira variables of types Me and Se. KEENAN P.C., GARRISON R.F. and DEUTSCH A.J.
1974PASP...86...76B 5 8 A search for technetium in the Ba II star zeta Capricorni. BOESGAARD A.M. and FESEN R.A.
1974PASP...86..932W 3 0 A study of radial velocities and magnitudes in R Cygni. WOJSLAW R.S.
1975AJ.....80..602S 48 64 Wavelength dependence of polarization. XXIX. Observations of red variable stars. SHAWL S.J.
1975AJ.....80..828U 23 7 Parallaxes of luminous red stars. UPGREN A.R.
1975AJ.....80.1011H viz 1434 53 Classification of 831 two-micron sky survey sources south of +5 degrees. HANSEN O.L. and BLANCO V.M.
1975ApJ...195..359K 28 89 Vibrationally excited SiO: a new type of maser source in the millimeter wavelength region. KAIFU N., BUHL D. and SNYDER L.E.
1975ApJ...195..423F 1 25 205 Circumstellar grains and the intrinsic polarization of starlight. FORREST W.J., GILLETT F.C. and STEIN W.A.
1975ApJ...197..329S 29 100 Detection of new stellar sources of vibrationally excited silicon monoxide maser emission at 6.95 millimeters. SNYDER L.E. and BUHL D.
1975ApJ...202L..37M 14 38 Initial results of spatial interferometry at 5 microns. McCARTHY D.W. and LOW F.J.
1975MNRAS.171..171W 20 110 Symbiotic stars and dust. WEBSTER B.L. and ALLEN D.A.
1976ApJ...205..172W 3 4 68 Shock-wave interpretation of emission lines in long-period variable stars. I. The velocity of the shock. WILLSON L.A.
1976ApJ...205..448B 47 13 Ultraviolet FeII emission in late-type stars. BOESGAARD A.M. and BOESGAARD H.
1976ApJ...207..680T 10 9 The infrared emission of upsilon Sagittarii, 89 Herculis, and R Coronae Borealis. TREFFERS R., WOOLF N.J., FINK U., et al.
1976ApJ...208..414Z 188 77 Further observations of the lambda 10830 He line in stars and their significance as a measure of stellar activity. ZIRIN H.
1976ApJ...210L.141H 1 4 20 Silicon monoxide in the 4 micron infrared spectrum of long-period variables. HINKLE K.H., BARNES T.G., LAMBERT D.L., et al.
1976ApJ...210..684H 1 7 44 The 12C/13C ratio in stellar atmospheres. VI. Five luminous cool stars. HINKLE K.H., LAMBERT D.L. and SNELL R.L.
1976ApJS...30..259D 245 66 Water emission from infrared stars. DICKINSON D.F.
1976Ap.....12..130D 3 0 Influence of the circumstellar shell on the near-infrared spectrum of chi Cyg. DERVIZ T.E.
1976MitVS...7..137M 11 0 Maxima von Mirasternen. MATZEK O.
1976PW&SO...2...21S 740 19 A general catalogue of S stars. STEPHENSON C.B.
1977ApJ...211L..35S 4 5 P Cygni profiles in long-period variables. SANNER F.
1977ApJ...214L..79B 59 122 The digital speckle interferometer: preliminary results on 59 stars and 3C 273. BLAZIT A., BONNEAU D., KOECHLIN L., et al.
1977ApJ...215..552B 92 25 SiO masers in variable stars. BLAIR G.N. and DICKINSON D.F.
1977ApJ...215..584H 27 26 Spectrophotometry of cool angular-diameter stars. HONEYCUTT R.K., RAMSEY L.W., WARREN W.H., et al.
1977ApJ...218L..27L 68 T                   1 9 33 Variable 2.6 mm CO emission from
chi Cygni and Mira.
1977PASP...89..840G 8 11 Observations and analysis of carbon monoxide in cool stars at five microns. GEBALLE T.R., WOLLMAN E.R., LACY J.H., et al.
1977AN....298..121B 249 18 Beobachtungsergebnisse der Berliner Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur veranderliche Sterne e.V.(BAV). BRAUNE W., HUEBSCHER J. and MUNDRY E.
1977MitVS...8....7M 24 0 Visuelle Beobachtungen von Mira und RV Tau Sternen. MATZEK O.
1977PZ.....20..369K 84 1 Proper motions of 84 Mira ceti type stars. KARIMOVA D.K. and PAVLOVSKAJA E.D.
1977SvA....21..715D 8 1 Origin of the intrinsic linear polarization of the optical emission of stars with infrared excesses. DOLGINOV A.Z. and MITROFANOV I.G.
1978AJ.....83...36D 95 26 New silicon monoxide masers. DICKINSON D.F., SNYDER L.E., BROWN L.W., et al.
1978AJ.....83..816S 27 11 Secular parallax of the S stars. STEPHENSON C.B.
1978ApJ...220L.113D 15 59 Long-period variables: stellar and expansion velocities. DICKINSON D.F., REID M.J., MORRIS M., et al.
1978ApJ...221..854L 1 6 48 Constraints on the properties of circumstellar shells from observations of thermal CO and SiO millimeter line emission. LAMBERT D.L. and VANDEN BOUT P.A.
1978ApJ...226L..43F 5 17 Methane detected in Orion A. FOX K. and JENNINGS D.E.
1978IBVS.1437....1H 57 0 Visual observations of Mira type variable stars. HOPP U.
1978MitVS...8...67M 3 0 Visuelle Beobachtungen von Mirasternen. MATZEK O.
1978MitVS...8...78B 48 0 Beobachtungsergebnisse des Arbeitskreises "veranderliche Sterne" im Kulturbund der DDR . BUSCH H.
1978RMxAA...4....3J viz 50 11 An atlas of stellar spectra. II. JOHNSON H.L.
1978SvA....22..206D 68 T                   1 2 2 Observations of the H-alf emission line in the spectrum of
chi Cyg.
1979AJ.....84..345S 71 21 A survey of infrared stars and planetary nebulae for circumstellar OH emission. SILVERGLATE P., ZUCKERMAN B., TERZIAN Y., et al.
1979AJ.....84.1010Y 7 19 The distribution and population-type characteristics of S stars. YORKA S.B. and WING R.F.
1979ApJ...227..220W 2 19 247 Pulsation and mass loss in Mira variables. WOOD P.R.
1979ApJ...229..257M 16 73 Molecular emission from expanding envelopes around evolved stars. II. Sio: on the mechanism of mass loss and the efficiency of grain formation. MORRIS M., REDMAN R., REID M.J., et al.
1979ApJ...231..124C 17 29 A correlation between sio and stellar luminosities in long-period variables and the nature of the SiO maser pump mechanism. CAHN J.H. and ELITZUR M.
1979ApJ...232..143T 15 39 Polarization properties of the 86.2 GHz V=1,J=2 1 SiO maser. TROLAND T.H., HEILES C., JOHNSON D.R., et al.
1979ApJ...234..538A 73 51 A revised spectral classification system in the red for S stars. AKE T.B.
1979PASP...91..372P 2 7 Radial-velocity observations of long-period variables. PIERCE J.N., WILLSON L.A. and BEAVERS W.I.
1979AN....300..165B 191 19 Beobachtungsergebnisse der Berliner Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Veranderliche Sterne eV.(BAV). BRAUNE W., HUEBSCHER J. and MUNDRY E.
1979IBVS.1553....1H 19 1 B-V observations of six red variable stars. HOPP U.
1980AJ.....85..302C 70 T                   1 1 10 The diameter of
chi Cygni by speckle interferometry.
1980Ap.....16..386A 12 0 Infrared photometry of S stars. AKOPYAN A.A., KIR'YAN V.V., MELIK-ALAVERDYAN Y.K., et al.
1980IUE2n......243C 68 T                   1 1 ~ Changes in IUE postmaximum spectra of the Mira variable
chi Cygni.
1981A&A...101..241C 29 3 Spectroscopic study of the infrared CA II triplet in S-type Mira variable stars. CONTADAKIS M.E. and SOLF J.
1981A&A...102...65B 17 61 Collisional and radiative excitation of SIO masers. BUJARRABAL V. and RIEU N.Q.
1981A&AS...44..179P 310 51 A catalogue of variable-visual binary stars. PROUST D., OCHSENBEIN F. and PETTERSEN B.R.
1981AJ.....86..392S 172 80 First observations with the Effelsberg radio telescope at 7-mm wavelength. II. A survey of stars in the vibrationally excited J=1-0 Sio lines. SPENCER JONES H., WINNBERG A., OLNON F.M., et al.
1981ApJ...244L..99C 6 21 Detection of the 3.5 millimeter j = 2-1, v = 2 transition of circumstellar SiO. CLARK F.O., TROLAND T.H., LOVAS F.J., et al.
1981ApJ...247L..81O 13 35 Detection of the SIO (V=2,J=2-1) maser. OLOFSSON H., RYDBECK O.E.H., LANE A.P., et al.
1981AN....302...53B 209 12 Beobachtungsergebnisse der Berliner Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Veranderliche Sterne e.V.(BAV). BRAUNE W., HUEBSCHER J. and MUNDRY E.
1981Ap&SS..79..435B 89 0 A search for S stars in the IRC and AFGL catalogues. BORGHESI A., BUSSOLETTI E., ROSSI L., et al.
1981BICDS..21...26B 476 1 Refined data for parallax stars. BUSCOMBE W.
1981MitVS...9...80. 78 0 Beobachtingsergebnisse des Arbeitskreises "Veranderliche Sterne" im Kulturbund der DDR (Teil VIII).
1982A&A...105..250V 7 7 On the radius determination of the variable F-type supergiant BL Tel (F). VAN GENDEREN A.M.
1982ApJ...252..616K 1 36 287 Mass loss from evolved stars. I. Observations of 17 stars in the CO(2-1) line. KNAPP G.R., PHILLIPS T.G., LEIGHTON R.B., et al.
1982ApJ...252..697H 77 T                   1 5 204 Time series infrared spectroscopy of the Mira variable
khi Cygni.
1982ApJ...255L..69J 17 11 New circumstellar cyanoacetylene sources. JEWELL P.R. and SNYDER L.E.
1982ApJ...256L..55S 6 24 Nearly simultaneous observations of vibrationally excited J=1-O, J=2-1,J=3-2, and J=4-3 SiO masers. SCHWARTZ P.R., ZUCKERMAN B. and BOLOGNA J.M.
1982ApJ...260..655Z 416 84 Lambda 10830 He I observations of 455 stars. ZIRIN H.
1982ApJ...262..201R 74 37 Observations of the first-overtone silicon monoxide bands in late-type stars. RINSLAND C.P. and WING R.F.
1982ApJ...263..736L 20 80 M supergiants and star formation at the Galactic Center. LEBOFSKY M.J., RIEKE G.H. and TOKUNAGA A.T.
1982BICDS..23...53H 441 0 Variable stars in the General Catalogue of trigonometric parallaxes. HOFFLEIT D.
1982BAAS...14..895O 11 13 Molecular line observations of envelopes around evolved stars. OLOFSSON A., JOHANSSON L., NGUYEN-QUANG-RIEU, et al.
1983A&A...120..237M 9 44 Infrared speckle imaging: improvement of the method; results on Miras and protostars. MARIOTTI J.M., CHELLI A., FOY R., et al.
1983A&A...121...15U 26 26 Hydrogen sulfide in a circumstellar envelope. UKITA N. and MORRIS M.
1983AJ.....88..666K 79 109 Infrared spectroscopy of symbiotic stars and the nature of their cool components. KENYON S.J. and GALLAGHER J.S.
1983ApJ...265..748W 27 69 Long-period variables in the galactic bulge : evidence for a young super-metal-rich population. WOOD P.R. and BESSELL M.S.
1983ApJ...266L.117C 6 15 Detection of J = 5-4 SiO masers in late-type stars. CLEMENS D.P. and LANE A.P.
1983ApJ...266..701K 15 29 The HI content of envelopes around evolved stars. KNAPP G.R. and BOWERS P.F.
1983ApJ...275..330S 32 111 Mass loss from evolved stars : II. Radio continuum emission and evolution to planetary nebulae. SPERGEL D.N., GIULIANI J.L. and KNAPP G.R.
1983MNRAS.202..767R 89 144 Radiative transfer in dust clouds- III. Circumstellar dust shells around late M giants and supergiants. ROWAN-ROBINSON M. and HARRIS S.
1983MNRAS.203..125C 1 6 45 Circumstellar silicon chemistry and the SiO maser. CLEGG R.E.S., VAN IJZENDOORN L.J. and ALLAMANDOLA L.J.
1983PASP...95..550H 4 2 High-resolution spectroscopy of late-type circumstellar shells. HINKLE K.H.
1983IBVS.2320....1M 1 1 AAVSO data on Mira variables published. MATTEI J.A.
1983MitVS..10...42. 79 0 Beobachtungsergebnisse des Arbeitskreises "veranderliche Sterne" im Kulturbund der DDR (Teil IX).
1983PAZh....9..461D 69 T                   1 1 0 On the correlation between H alpha line intensity and SiO maser emission of the long-period variable
khi Cygni.
1984A&A...130L...1J 44 42 SiO maser emission from OH/IR stars and a search for Orion-like SiO masers. JEWELL P.R., BATRLA W., WALMSLEY C.M., et al.
1984ApJ...283..174C 6 11 SiO flux measurements of variable stars. CLARK F.O., TROLAND T.H., PEPPER G.H., et al.
1984ApJ...284..144S 14 50 SiS in circumstellar shells. SAHAL R., WOOTTEN A. and CLEGG R.E.S.
1984ApJ...285..637B 110 96 Luminosities and mass loss rates of OH/H2O maser stars. BOWERS P.F. and HAGEN W.
1984ApJ...287..801D 2 11 116 Near-infrared speckle interferometry of evolved stars and bipolar nebulae. DYCK H.M., ZUCKERMAN B., LEINERT C., et al.
1984ApJS...56....1H 3 9 136 Time series infrared spectroscopy of Mira variables. II. CO delta v =3 in eight Mira variables and one SRa variable. HINKLE K.H., SCHARLACH W.W.G. and HALL D.N.B.
1984PASP...96..354G 174 4 Photometry of the Mg b + MgH feature for a sample of bright stars. GUINAN E.F. and SMITH G.H.
1984AcA....34...97E 124 19 A redetermination of the Barnes-Evans relation for surface flux in the V band. EATON J.A. and POE C.H.
1984BAAS...16Q.898B 4 2 A periodic shock wave model for Mira variable atmospheres. BERTSCHINGER E. and CHEVALIER R.A.
1984MitVS..10..104G 79 0 Beobachtungsgebnisse des Arbeitskreises "Veranderliche Sterne" im Kulturbund der DDR (Teil XI). GESSNER H.
1984PW&SO...3....1S viz 1277 109 A General Catalog of S Stars, second edition STEPHENSON C.B.
1985A&A...142L...9B 31 28 First spectroscopic observations with the 14-m radio telescope at the Centro Astronomico de Yebes : SiO masers in evolved stars. BARCIA A., BUJARRABAL V., GOMEZ-GONZALEZ J., et al.
1985A&A...147..309N 8 28 Time variations of the SiO (v = O, J = 2-1) emission from circumstellar shells. NYMAN L.-A. and OLOFSSON H.
1985A&A...150..169O 69 T                   1 8 31 The peculiar SiO (v=2, J=2-1) maser in
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1985ApJ...288..694B 9 42 A multitransitional study of linear polarization in SiO maser emission. BARVAINIS R. and PREDMORE C.R.
1985ApJ...289..756C 4 17 Polarization properties and time variations of the SiO maser emission of W Hydrae. CLARK F.O., TROLAND T.H. and MILLER J.S.
1985ApJ...293..273K 52 177 Mass loss from evolved stars. IV. The dust-to-gas ratio in the envelopes of Mira variables and carbon stars. KNAPP G.R.
1985ApJ...293..281K 19 48 Mass loss from evolved stars. V. Observations of the 12CO and 13CO J = 1-0 lines in Mira variables and carbon stars. KNAPP G.R. and CHANG K.M.
1985ApJ...298L..55J 64 31 New detections of maser and thermal SiO emission. JEWELL P.R., WALMSLEY C.M., WILSON T.L., et al.
1985ApJ...299..167B 2 4 40 A periodic shock wave model for Mira variable atmospheres. BERTSCHINGER E. and CHEVALIER R.A.
1985MNRAS.212..671D 13 7 Line doubling in the 272 day long-period variable V Cancri. DOMINY J.F., WALLERSTEIN G. and SUNTZEFF N.B.
1985PASP...97..994W 70 T                   1 3 23 Stellar stratigraphy: a comparison of optical and infrared velocity data for the Mira variable
chi Cygni.
1985PASP...97.1001W 7 7 The optical spectrum of the flaring maser star U Orionis at several maxima between 1973 and 1983. WALLERSTEIN G.
1985AbaOB..59...83B 1591 43 Catalogue of the energy distribution data in spectra of stars in the uniform spectrophotometric system. BURNASHEV V.I.
1985MitVS..10..163. 79 0 Beobachtungsergebnisse des Arbeitskreises "Verand. Sterne" im Kulturbund der DDR (Teil XII).
1986A&A...157..318M 42 117 The centimeter transitions of E-type methanol. MENTEN K.M., WALMSLEY C.M., HENKEL C., et al.
1986A&A...158...67N 1 10 71 A long-term study of SiO (v=1, J=2-1) maser emission from evolved stars and Orion A. NYMAN L.-A. and OLOFSSON H.
1986A&A...162..157B 24 61 Thermal SiO emission in evolved stars. BUJARRABAL V., PLANESAS P., GOMEZ-GONZALEZ J., et al.
1986A&A...164..310B 11 26 CCD spectropolarimetry of a sample of cool variable stars. BOYLE R.P., ASPIN C., COYNE G.V., et al.
1986ApJ...304..394Z 44 164 Carbon monoxide emission from stars in the IRAS and revised AFGL catalogs. I. Mass loss driven by radiation pressure on dust grains. ZUCKERMAN B. and DYCK H.M.
1986ApJ...310..371D 71 T                   1 4 43 Quantitative technetium abundances in the long-period variables
khi Cygni and omicron Ceti.
1986ApJ...311..345Z 163 204 Dust grains and gas in the circumstellar envelopes around luminous red giant stars. ZUCKERMAN B. and DYCK H.M.
1986ApJS...62..147B 1892 158 E.W. Fick Observatory stellar radial velocity measurements. I. 1976-1984. BEAVERS W.I. and EITTER J.J.
1986MNRAS.222..273R 136 118 Models for IRAS observations of circumstellar dust shells around late-type stars. ROWAN-ROBINSON M., LOCK T.D., WALKER D.W., et al.
1986KFNT....2b..13B 12 ~ On the structure of the energy spectra of Tc I. BAKHTIYAROV A.S., BOGDANOVICH P.O., ZUKAUSKAS G.L., et al.
1986MitVS..11...19. 91 0 Beobachtungsergebnisse des Arbeitskreises "Veranderliche Sterne" im Kulturbund der DDR (Teil XIII).
1986S&T....71..450K 5 0 M Stars : Supergiants to Dwarfs. KALER J.B.
1987A&A...175..164B 89 57 SiO maser emission in evolved stars: relation to IR continuum. BUJARRABAL V., PLANESAS P. and DEL ROMERO A.
1987A&A...178..131H 22 1 Pulsational long-term behaviour of the cool oxygen-rich Mira variable R Leonis. II. Results and discussion. HOEPPE G.R.
1987A&A...182..143M 12 24 Searches for interstellar and circumstellar metal oxides and chlorides. MILLAR T.J., ELLDER J., HJALMARSON A., et al.
1987AJ.....94..981L 277 144 Additional late-type stars with technetium. LITTLE S.J., LITTLE-MARENIN I.R. and HAGEN BAUER W.
1987AJ.....94.1280D 26 28 A radio-continuum survey of the coolest M and C giants. DRAKE S.A., LINSKY J.L. and ELITZUR M.
1987ApJ...323..749J 19 37 High-excitation SiO masers in evolved stars. JEWELL P.R., DICKINSON D.F., SNYDER L.E., et al.
1987IAUS..120..341S 16 6 Observational constraints on silicon chemistry in the circumstellar envelopes of red giants. SAHAI R.
1987IAUS..120..409T 8 7 Detection of unresolved circumstellar lines in stellar infrared spectra and discovery of quasi-static molecular envelope around red giant stars. TSUJI T.
1987LNP87.291..399J 12 ~ Red giant stars. JOHNSON H.R.
1988A&A...190..200G 8 15 The shock wave velocity in Mira stars. GILLET D.
1988A&A...191..283E 68 47 H2O maser observations of late-type stars. ENGELS D., SCHMID-BURGK J. and WALMSLEY C.M.
1988A&A...201L...1G 3 6 90 First detection of the aromatic 3.3mum feature in the diffuse emission of the galactic disk. GIARD M., PAJOT F., LAMARRE J.M., et al.
1988A&AS...73..181V 380 9 Classification of Mira variables based on visual light curve shape. VARDYA M.S.
1988ApJ...327..905S 11 14 Initial stellar diameter measurements with the Mark III interferometer. SHAO M., COLAVITA M.M., HINES B.E., et al.
1988ApJ...330..374N 11 29 A sensitive line search in circumstellar envelopes. NGUYEN-QUANG-RIEU, DEGUCHI S., IZUMIURA H., et al.
1988ApJ...330..937W 8 24 Technetium and niobum abundances in four stars of types MS and S. WALLERSTEIN G. and DOMINY J.F.
1988ApJ...334..362C 280 110 The transition from oxygen-rich to carbon stars. CHAN S.J. and KWOK S.
1988ApJS...66...33J 67 65 Mass loss from S stars. JURA M.
1988Afz....29..513K 15 0 The photometric display of the chemical abundance in oxygen-rich and carbon-rich long period variables. KHOZOV G.V.
1988BAAS...20..724L 8 0 AFGL mosaic array spectrometer - measurements of circumstellar shells. LEVAN P.D., TANDY P.C. and HAYWARD T.
1988MitVS..11..150G 4 1 Bearbeitung von 17 Veranderlichen (Feld khi Cygni). GESSNER H.
1988IAUS..132..459K 3 1 On technetium in late-type stars. KIPPER T.A.
1989A&A...208...77H 77 33 A multifrequency study of circumstellar envelopes of cool giants and supergiants. HESKE A.
1989A&A...210...78S 23 66 Molecular emission lines from the envelopes of evolved stars. SOPKA R.J., OLOFSSON H., JOHANSSON L.E.B., et al.
1989A&A...211..187A 38 36 v = 3, J = 1-0 SiO maser emission from evolved stars. ALCOLEA J., BUJARRABAL V. and GALLEGO J.D.
1989A&A...215...92G 29 62 The galactic emission in the 3.3 mu-m aromatic feature. I. Observations. GIARD M., PAJOT F., LAMARRE J.M., et al.
1989A&A...216..315B 3 12 156 The Swedish-ESO submillimeter telescope (SEST). BOOTH R.S., DELGADO G., HAGSTROEM M., et al.
1989A&A...220...92S 24 31 The centimeter radio continuum from IRC +10216 and other late-type stars with mass-loss envelopes. SAHAI R., CLAUSSEN M.J. and MASSON C.R.
1989A&A...226..183V 168 55 A comparison between CO-, OH- and IR-mass-loss rates of evolved stars. VAN DER VEEN W.E.C.J. and RUGERS M.
1989A&AS...78..511P 1219 3 Stellar integrated fluxes in the wavelength range 380 nm - 900 nm derived from Johnson 13-colour photometry. PETFORD A.D. and BLACKWELL D.E.
1989AJ.....97.1763B 16 11 10 mu.m speckle interferometry observations of evolved stars. BENSON J.A., TURNER N.H. and DYCK H.M.
1989AJ.....98..931V 374 157 New LRS spectra for 356 bright IRAS sources. VOLK K. and COHEN M.
1989AJ.....98.1768C 91 13 Spectral types and luminosity classifications of map region stars using UBVRI and DDO photometry. CASTELAZ M. and PERSINGER T.
1989ApJ...347..989L 2 2 16 Photofission production of technetium and synthetic asymptotic giant branch evolution. LATTANZIO J.C. and MALANEY R.A.
1989MNRAS.238.1365H 1 4 20 Zirconium sulphide in S stars. HINKLE K.H., LAMBERT D.L. and WING R.F.
1989ARA&A..27..701G 29 52 Chemical analyses of cool stars. GUSTAFSSON B.
1989BAAS...21.1117S 3 0 A S.E.S.T. CO survey for mass-outflows from S stars. SAHAI R.
1989MitVS..12....9G 227 0 Optical behaviour of the X-ray binary V1727 Cygni = 4U 2129+47 in the season 1988/1989. GOETZ W.
1989Natur.337..718M 1 2 9 Production of technetium in red giants by gamma-ray-induced fission. MALANEY R.A.
1989RPPh...52..881C 1 32 130 Compact maser sources. COHEN R.J.
1989SoByu..61...87V 58 3 A search for intrinsic polarization of stars. VARDANIAN R.A. and ERITSIAN M.H.
1989TarOT..94....1N 399 6 Mass loss from stars : the universal formula for mass loss rate. NUGIS T.
1990A&A...229..494H 43 35 Circumstellar CO emission and pulsational properties of cool giants and supergiants. HESKE A.
1990A&A...232..258B 56 19 Optical positions of late-type stars associated with microwave line emission. BAUDRY A., MAZURIER J.-M., PERIE J.-P., et al.
1990AJ.....99..710L 10 17 Circumstellar masers around oxygen-rich stars. LEWIS B.M.
1990AJ.....99.1299W 30 41 Absolute positions of SiO masers. WRIGHT M.C.H., CARLSTROM J.E., PLAMBECK R.L., et al.
1990ApJ...358..251W 39 34 Mass loss from red giant stars. II. Carbon stars. WANNIER P.G., SAHAI R., ANDERSSON B.-G., et al.
1990ApJ...361..673M 93 57 CO emission from the envelopes of cool stars in the solar neighborhood. MARGULIS M., VAN BLERKOM D.J., SNELL R.L., et al.
1990ApJ...362..652S 1 13 53 A new self-consistent model of circumstellar CO emission for deriving mass-loss rates in red giants. I. The carbon-rich star U Camelopardalis. SAHAI R.
1990AZh....67..982K 9 0 Technetium abundances in the atmospheres of red giants. KIPPER T.A.
1990JAVSO..19..143M 9 0 Variable star astronomy in Hungary. MIZSER A.
1990VeSon..10..428E 27 0 Polarimetry of Mira-type stars. EFIMOV Yu.S.
1990VilOB..85...50J 233 5 Photoelectric photometry of G-M stars in the Vilnius system. JASEVICIUS V., KURILIENE G., STRAZDAITE V., et al.
1991A&A...242..211J 182 102 Observational properties of v = 1, J = 1 - 0 SiO masers. JEWELL P.R., SNYDER L.E., WALMSLEY C.M., et al.
1991A&A...248..555W 48 70 1.3 mm continuum emission from circumstellar envelopes. WALMSLEY C.M., CHINI R., KREYSA E., et al.
1991A&A...251..536B 1 8 42 The extent of the molecular envelopes around evolved stars. BUJARRABAL V. and ALCOLEA J.
1991A&AS...89..311R viz 156 29 Optical positions of 221 radio stars obtained with the Bordeaux automaticmeridian circle. REQUIEME Y. and MAZURIER J.M.
1991AJ....101.1483D 9 2 A radio search for continuum emission from S-type red giants with white dwarf companions. DRAKE S.A., JOHNSON H.R. and BROWN A.
1991ApJ...377..669S 70 T                   1 20 19 Multichannel astrometric photometer-based parallaxes of evolved stars:
khi Cygni, 51 Andromedae, and OP Andromedae.
1991ApJ...381..278V 15 16 Abundances of Tc and related elements in stars of type M, MS, and S. VANTURE A.D., WALLERSTEIN G., BROWN J.A., et al.
1991ApJ...383..779T 9 21 The mode of pulsation in Mira variables determined by the observed acceleration data. TUCHMAN Y.
1991AcApS..11..255C 317 2 Stellar maser characteristics and their analysis based on IRAS data. CHEN P.-S., GAO H. and BAO M.-X.
1991Afz....35..221K 37 0 Photometric technique for selecting cool carbon stars. KHOZOV G.V.
1991BAAS...23.1410C 70 T                   1 1 ~ 4 arc-second resolution of CO (2-1) emission from the circumstellar shell of
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1991ComAp..15..323L 9 0 Of speckles, fringes and an optical very large array. LABEYRIE A.
1991MitVS..12..103B 82 3 Beobachtungsergebnisse des Arbeitskreises "Veranderliche Sterne" (Teil XVIII). BRUNO H.
1991PASJ...43..311N 71 11 Infrared spectra and circumstellar emission of late-type stars. III. S-type stars. NOGUCHI K., SUN J. and WANG G.
1992A&A...253..475A 37 23 29 SiO and 30 SiO maser emission from evolved stars. ALCOLEA J. and BUJARRABAL V.
1992A&A...258..341I 4 2 35 Weak chaos in long-period variables. ICKE V., FRANK A. and HESKE A.
1992A&A...262..491L 1 12 49 Interferometric observations of SiO v = 0 thermal emission from evolved stars. LUCAS R., BUJARRABAL V., GUILLOTEAU S., et al.
1992AJ....104..275E 643 18 Asymptotic giant branch stars near the Sun. EGGEN O.J.
1992ApJ...394..320S 27 28 SO and SO2 in mass-loss envelopes of red giants: probes of nonequilibrium circumstellar chemistery and mass-loss rates. SAHAI R. and WANNIER P.G.
1992MNRAS.258p..49J 4 ~ Titanium sulphide in the spectra of stellar atmospheres. JONSSON J., LAUNILA O. and LINDGREN B.
1992BAAS...24.1138A 6 ~ Light curves of bright infrared variable stars at 10.6 microns. AFRICANO J.L., LAMBERT J.V., KISSELL K.E., et al.
1992BAAS...24.1301D 8 ~ Long baseline interferometric observations of the spatial distribution of dust surrounding late-type stars at 11 mu.m. DANCHI W.C., et al.
1992JApA...13..241P 160 15 SiO maser emission and the intrinsic properties of Mira variables. PATEL N.A., JOSEPH A. and GANESAN R.
1993A&A...267..490O 48 53 S-bearing molecules in O-rich circumstellar envelopes. OMONT A., LUCAS R., MORRIS M., et al.
1993A&A...271..180G 61 31 On the infrared properties of S-stars with and without technetium. GROENEWEGEN M.A.T.
1993A&A...271..463J 214 59 S stars: infrared colors, technetium and binarity. JORISSEN A., FRAYER D.T., JOHNSON H.R., et al.
1993A&AS...99..291L viz 454 464 CO and HCN observations of circumstellar envelopes. A catalogue - mass loss rates and distributions. LOUP C., FORVEILLE T., OMONT A., et al.
1993AJ....105..595S 1 9 36 Interferometric observations of non-maser SiO emission from circumstellar envelopes of AGB stars: acceleration regions and SiO depletion. SAHAI R. and BIEGING J.H.
1993ApJ...402..680G 3 6 A deep envelope composition for TX Piscium ? GOEBEL J.H., GOORVITCH D., LARSON H.P., et al.
1993ApJ...411..188A viz 299 17 IRAS variables as galactic structure tracers : classification of the bright variables. ALLEN L.E., KLEINMANN S.G. and WEINBERG M.D.
1993ApJ...416..769C 149 51 Circumstellar properties of S stars. I. Dust features. CHEN P.S. and KWOK S.
1993ApJ...419..674K 1 3 15 Circumstellar CO emission of evolved stars and mass loss. KWAN J. and WEBSTER Z.
1993ApJS...86..517Y 508 82 Circumstellar shells resolved in the IRAS survey data. I. Data processing procedure, results, and confidence tests. YOUNG K., PHILLIPS T.G. and KNAPP G.R.
1993LAstr.107..110B 26 0 L'interferometrie des tavelures. BONNEAU D.
1993Ap&SS.210..149Y 6 2 Chaotic behavior and statistical analysis of some Mira and SR stars. YANAGITA T., SATOH H. and SAIJO K.
1993SSRv...66..231S 3 3 The complex H-alpha profile of the hypergiant HR 8752 during 1970-1992. SMOLINSKI J., CLIMENHAGA J.L., HUANG Y., et al.
1994A&A...281..161A viz 240 98 Radio emission from stars: a survey at 250 GHz ALTENHOFF W.J., THUM C. and WENDKER H.J.
1994A&A...285..247B viz 47 145 Molecular observations of O- and C-rich circumstellar envelopes. BUJARRABAL V., FUENTE A. and OMONT A.
1994A&A...289..429B 38   K                 2 30 Confrontation between power spectra of Mira stars and theoretical models. BARTHES D. and TUCHMAN Y.
1994A&A...289..469T 17 34 High resolution infrared spectra of silicon monoxide and silicon isotopic abundances in cool luminous stars. TSUJI T., OHNAKA K., HINKLE K.H., et al.
1994A&A...290..531G 2 4 40 A revised model for circumstellar molecular emission. GROENEWEGEN M.A.T.
1994AJ....107.1469D 6 15 361 Characteristics of dust shells around 13 late-type stars. DANCHI W.C., BESTER M., DEGIACOMI C.G., et al.
1994ApJ...421L..47B 47 21 The discrimination between O- and C-rich circumstellar envelopes from molecular observations. BUJARRABAL V., FUENTE A. and OMONT A.
1994ApJ...422..765B 36 38 A millimeter-wavelength survey of S stars for mass loss and chemistry. BIEGING J.H. and LATTER W.B.
1994ApJS...93..549L viz 269 40 Supplement to the Arecibo 1612 MHz survey of color-selected IRAS sources. LEWIS B.M.
1994JHA....25...92Z 16 1 Three early variable star catalogues. ZSOLDOS E.
1994PASJ...46..629T 205 38 Spectral evolution of the H2O maser in late-type stars. TAKABA H., UKITA N., MIYAJI T., et al.
1995A&A...293..198S 55 33 Circumstellar CO emission in S stars. I. Mass-loss with little or no dust. SAHAI R. and LIECHTI S.
1995A&A...302..797D 1 7 51 Models of SiO masers in M-Miras, supergiants and OH/IR stars. DOEL R.C., GRAY M.D., HUMPHREYS E.M.L., et al.
1995A&AS..109..177W viz 2981 67 Radio continuum emission from stars: a catalogue update. WENDKER H.J.
1995A&AS..111..237L viz 241 25 Mainline OH detection rates from blue circumstellar shells. LEWIS B.M., DAVID P. and LE SQUEREN A.M.
1995A&AS..113...51C viz 854 12 A catalogue of associations between IRAS sources and S stars. CHEN P.S., GAO H. and JORISSEN A.
1995A&AS..114..269D viz 14       D               1 20881 157 Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue. DUFLOT M., FIGON P. and MEYSSONNIER N.
1995AJ....109..428A 53 8 Comparison of radio and optical positions of radio stars. ANDREI A.H., JILINSKI E.G. and PULIAEV S.P.
1995ApJ...444..396W 12 7 Evolution of H-alpha emission profiles in S-type Mira stars. WOODSWORTH A.W.
1995ApJ...445..415I 105 174 Infrared emission and dynamics of outflows in late-type stars. IVEZIC Z. and ELITZUR M.
1995ApJ...450L..67M 16 40 Discovery of strong vibrationally excited water masers at 658 GHz toward evolved stars. MENTEN K.M. and YOUNG K.
1995ApJS..100..169S 18 47 Maps of the molecular emission around 18 evolved stars. STANEK K.Z., KNAPP G.R., YOUNG K., et al.
1995MNRAS.276..640H 4 10 178 New diameter measurements for 10 Mira variables: implications for effective temperatures, atmospheric structure and pulsation modes. HANIFF C.A., SCHOLZ M. and TUTHILL P.G.
1995Ap&SS.224..339D 20 19 Long baseline interferometric observations of long period variable stars. DANCHI W.C. and BESTER M.
1995Ap&SS.224..447D 11 7 Inner radii of dust shells and stellar diameters obtained by an infrared stellar interferometer at 11 micron wavelength. DANCHI W.C., BESTER M., GREENHILL L.J., et al.
1995GCTP..C......0V viz 14       D               1 7047 ~ The General Catalogue of Trigonometric Stellar Parallaxes, Fourth Edition. VAN ALTENA W.F., LEE J.T. and HOFFLEIT E.D.
1996A&A...305L..61G 1 4 13 Are spherical AGB shells due to aspherical central stars? GROENEWEGEN M.A.T.
1996A&A...307..481B 7 6 140 Phase and cycle dependence of the photospheric structure and observable properties of Mira variables. BESSELL M.S., SCHOLZ M. and WOOD P.R.
1996A&A...314..883B 47 33 The anomalous SiO maser transition v=2 J=2-1. BUJARRABAL V., ALCOLEA J., SANCHEZ CONTRERAS C., et al.
1996A&A...315..481M 3 4 BS Lyrae: a double mode Mira star with a dominant first overtone mode. MANTEGAZZA L.
1996A&A...316L..21W 10 27 First diffraction-limited speckle masking observations of the Mira variable R Cas with the 6m SAO telescope. WEIGELT G., BALEGA Y., HOFMANN K.-H., et al.
1996A&AS..115..117C 101 36 SiO maser survey of late-type stars. I. Simultaneous observations of six transitions of 28SiO and 29SiO. CHO S.-H., KAIFU N. and UKITA N.
1996AJ....111.1987C 85 24 SiO maser survey of late-type stars. II. Statistical study. CHO S.-H., KAIFU N. and UKITA N.
1996A&ARv...7...97H 3 47 445 Circumstellar envelopes and asymptotic giant branch stars. HABING H.J.
1996Ap&SS.245..169O 38 36 Circumstellar molecular envelopes of AGB and post-AGB objects. OLOFSSON H.
1996IBVS.4298....1S 71 T                   3 1 Photometry of the Mira variable khi Cygni at maximum. STERKEN C., CRAMER N. and BROENS E.
1996PAZh...22..140B 13 ~ Spectrophotometry of Mira variables. BONDAR N.I.
1997A&A...319..235B viz 42 37 A survey of CN in circumstellar envelopes. BACHILLER R., FUENTE A., BUJARRABAL V., et al.
1997A&A...323L..49P viz 14       D               1 118340 2498 The Hipparcos Catalogue. PERRYMAN M.A.C., LINDEGREN L., KOVALEVSKY J., et al.
1997A&AS..123....5C viz 54 26 An Atlas of the infrared spectral region. II. The late-type stars (G - M). CARQUILLAT J.M., JASCHEK C., JASCHEK M., et al.
1997A&AS..124..143M viz 352 18 Mean light curves of long-period variables and discrimination between carbon- and oxygen-rich stars. MENNESSIER M.O., BOUGHALEB H. and MATTEI J.A.
1997AJ....113..373B 2 3 20 Time-frequency analysis and pulsation modes of LPV stars. I. Omi Ceti. BARTHES D. and MATTEI J.A.
1997AJ....114.1584C 9 8 Spectroscopy of Mira variables at different phases. CASTELAZ M.W. and LUTTERMOSER D.G.
1997AJ....114.1679S 157 7 Accurate positions for radio stars as determined from CCD observations in the extragalactic reference frame. STONE R.C.
1997ApJ...476..327R 1 34 199 Radio photospheres of long-period variable stars. REID M.J. and MENTEN K.M.
1997ApJ...487L.147B 2 7 60 R Aquarii: first detection of circumstellar SiO maser proper motions. BOBOLTZ D.A., DIAMOND P.J. and KEMBALL A.J.
1997ApJ...491..846L 9 2 Does the momentum flux generated by gravitational contraction drive asymptotic giant branch mass loss? LEWIS B.M.
1997ApJS..111..445W viz 121 190 Medium-resolution spectra of normal stars in the K band. WALLACE L. and HINKLE K.
1997ApJS..112..557K viz 11279 205 Classification and identification of IRAS sources with low-resolution spectra. KWOK S., VOLK K. and BIDELMAN W.P.
1997MNRAS.287..955V 2 18 147 First results from HIPPARCOS trigonometrical parallaxes of Mira-type variables. VAN LEEUWEN F., FEAST M.W., WHITELOCK P.A., et al.
1997AAHam..11....1K viz 4093 ~ Catalogue of stars in the Northern Milky Way having H-α in emission. KOHOUTEK L. and WEHMEYER R.
1997AN....318..369C 77 0 Proper motions, absolute magnitudes and spatial distribution of zirconium stars. CHANTURIYA S.M.
1997Ap&SS.250..227C 27 1 Near infrared observation of carbon and S stars with silicate feature. CHEN P.-S., XIONG G.-Z. and WANG X.-H.
1997Ap&SS.251..255M 11 1 Carbon-bearing molecules in oxygen-rich circumstellar envelopes. MARKWICK A.J. and MILLAR T.J.
1997JAVSO..25...57M 13 13 Introducing Mira variables. MATTEI J.A.
1997JAVSO..25..115H 21 30 History of the discovery of Mira stars. HOFFLEIT D.
1998A&A...329..971V 71 52 The HIPPARCOS Hertzsprung-Russell diagram of S stars: probing nucleosynthesis and dredge-up. VAN ECK S., JORISSEN A., UDRY S., et al.
1998A&A...330..232F 35 18 Inferring acetylene abundances from C2H: the C2H2/HCN abundance ratio. FUENTE A., CERNICHARO J. and OMONT A.
1998A&A...332..877J 149 176 Insights into the formation of barium and Tc-poor S stars from an extended sample of orbital elements. JORISSEN A., VAN ECK S., MAYOR M., et al.
1998A&A...333..613C 51 7 Infrared study of the two categories of S stars. CHEN P.-S., WANG X.-H. and XIONG G.-Z.
1998A&A...333..647B 27 28 Pulsation modes of Mira stars and questioning of linear modelling: indications from HIPPARCOS and the LMC. BARTHES D.
1998A&A...334.1037H 32 26 On the origin of the high velocity SiO maser emission from late-type stars. HERPIN F., BAUDRY A., ALCOLEA J., et al.
1998A&A...337..797G 68 37 CO observations and mass loss of MS- and S-stars. GROENEWEGEN M.A.T. and DE JONG T.
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2000AJ....120.2627C 20 8 Phase-dependent spectroscopy of Mira variable stars. CASTELAZ M.W., LUTTERMOSER D.G., CATON D.B., et al.
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2000MNRAS.312..733J 1 5 20 Wavelength dependence of angular diameters of M giants: an observational perspective. JACOB A.P., BEDDING T.R., ROBERTSON J.G., et al.
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2001A&A...369.1027R 10 11 On the shock-induced variability of emission lines in M-type Mira variables. I. Observational data. RICHTER H. and WOOD P.R.
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2001A&A...380..198M 64 2 Stellar and circumstellar evolution of long period variable stars. MENNESSIER M.O. and LURI X.
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2001BAVSR..50...33G 1 0 Sektionsbericht Mirasterne. GOLDHAHN H.
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2001BAVSM.143....1H 373 1 Beobachtungsergebnisse Bundesdeutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Veraenderliche Sterne e.V. HUEBSCHER J.
2001JAVSO..30...23W 3 7 Hot flashes on Miras? WILLSON L.A. and STRUCK C.
2001PASJ...53..259I 45 2 Snapshot VLBI observations of SiO v=1 and v=2 (J=1-0) maser sources. IMAI H., MIYOSHI M., UKITA N., et al.
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2002A&A...386..492R viz 2100 58 CHARM: A Catalog of High Angular Resolution Measurements. RICHICHI A. and PERCHERON I.
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2002AJ....124.2821C 28 21 L'-band interferometric observations of evolved stars. CHAGNON G., MENNESSON B., PERRIN G., et al.
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2002ApJ...568..931R 3 4 37 How mira variables change visual light by a thousandfold. REID M.J. and GOLDSTON J.E.
2002ApJ...572..326B 16 30 CO isotopes in planetary nebulae. BALSER D.S., McMULLIN J.P. and WILSON T.L.
2002ApJ...577..447T 15 44 Multiepoch interferometric study of Mira variables. I. Narrowband diameters of RZ Pegasi and S Lacertae. THOMPSON R.R., CREECH-EAKMAN M.J. and VAN BELLE G.T.
2002ApJ...579..446M 1 16 78 Evidence for very extended gaseous layers around O-rich Mira variables and M giants. MENNESSON B., PERRIN G., CHAGNON G., et al.
2002MNRAS.334..498Z 1 14 51 The evolution of the Mira variable R Hydrae. ZIJLSTRA A.A., BEDDING T.R. and MATTEI J.A.
2002MNRAS.336.1377J 1 5 28 Effects of molecular contamination of IR near-continuum bandpasses on measurements of M-type Mira diameters. JACOB A.P. and SCHOLZ M.
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2003A&A...403..993K viz 302 140 Reprocessing the Hipparcos data of evolved stars. III. Revised Hipparcos period-luminosity relationship for galactic long-period variable stars. KNAPP G.R., POURBAIX D., PLATAIS I., et al.
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2003AJ....126.1939S 33 48 Observability of scattered-light echoes around variable stars and cataclysmic events. SUGERMAN B.E.K.
2003ApJ...588..478G 17 10 A polarization survey of SiO maser variability in evolved stars. GLENN J., JEWELL P.R., FOURRE R., et al.
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2003ApJ...588.1064W 1 6 26 Interferometry on Mira in the mid-infrared: cyclic variability of the continuum diameter and the effect of spectral lines on apparent size. WEINER J., HALE D.D.S. and TOWNES C.H.
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2003RPPh...66..789M 1 36 187 Optical interferometry in astronomy. MONNIER J.D.
2004A&A...421.1149O 1         O           6 31 Warm water vapor envelope in the supergiants α Ori and α Her and its effects on the apparent size from the near-infrared to the mid-infrared. OHNAKA K.
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2004ApJ...608..480B 11 8 Ground-state SiO maser emission toward evolved stars. BOBOLTZ D.A. and CLAUSSEN M.J.
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2004MNRAS.352..318I 3 4 45 On the observability of geometric pulsation of M-type Mira variables. IRELAND M.J., SCHOLZ M. and WOOD P.R.
2004MNRAS.355..444I 2 4 32 Pulsation of M-type Mira variables with moderately different mass: search for observable mass effects. IRELAND M.J., SCHOLZ M., TUTHILL P.G., et al.
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2005PASJ...57....1S 56 2 Forty years of spectroscopic stellar astrophysics in Japan. SADAKANE K., HIRATA R. and TSUJI T.
2006A&A...446.1119O 1 4 8 Comparison of dynamical model atmospheres of Mira variables with mid-infrared interferometric and spectroscopic observations. OHNAKA K., SCHOLZ M. and WOOD P.R.
2006A&A...450..167T 1 22 49 CO line emission from circumstellar envelopes. TEYSSIER D., HERNANDEZ R., BUJARRABAL V., et al.
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