V* QZ Vul , the SIMBAD biblio

V* QZ Vul , the SIMBAD biblio (422 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST08:19:55

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Title First 3 Authors
1988ApJ...335L..75H 2 4 32 Transient radio emission from the X-ray nova ASM 2000+25. HJELLMING R.M., CALOVINI T.A., HAN X.H., et al.
1988IAUC.4587....0M 1 ~ X-ray sources. MAKINO F. (The GINGA Team)
1988IAUC.4588....0M 1 ~ X-ray nova in Vulpecula. MAKINO F. (The GINGA Team)
1988IAUC.4589....0O 1 ~ X-ray nova in Vulpecula. OKAMURA S. and NOGUCHI T.
1988IAUC.4598....0O 1 ~ ASM 2000+25. OKAMURA S., CRAINE E.R. and ENGEL J.R.
1988IAUC.4600....0M 1 ~ ASM 2000+25. MAKINO F., WAGNER R.M., HENDEN A.A., et al.
1988IAUC.4605....0S 3 ~ ASM 2000+25. SHRADER C.R.
1988IAUC.4606....0S 1 ~ ASM 2000+25. SUNYAEV R. (The Kvant Team)
1988IAUC.4607....0H 1 ~ ASM 2000+25. HJELLMING R.M., CALOVINI T.A. and CORDOVA F.A.
1988IAUC.4609....0C 1 ~ ASM 2000+25. CHARLES P., HASSALL B., MACHIN G., et al.
1988IAUC.4670....0C 2 ~ ASM 2000+25. CHARLES P.A. and KIDGER M.
1988Natur.336..146P 1 14 66 A connection between the X-ray spectral branches and the radio brightness in GX 17+2. PENNINX W., LEWIN W.H.G., ZIJLSTRA A.A., et al.
1988PAZh...14..771S 7 8 Detection of hard component in the X-ray spectrum of X-ray nova in Vulpecula. Preliminary results from Kvant module. SUNYAEV R.A., LAPSHOV I.Y., GREBENEV S.A., et al.
1988PAZh...14.1066G 6 3 Supernova SN 1987A : scenarios of hard X-ray spectrum evolution. GREBENEV S.A. and SUNYAEV R.A.
1989ApJ...337L..81T 71 T                   1 8 61 Discovery of a bright X-ray nova,
GS 2000+25.
1989A&ARv...1...85W 16 51 X-ray binaries. WHITE N.E.
1989IBVS.3323....1K viz 334 59 The 69th name-list of variable stars. KHOLOPOV P.N., SAMUS N.N., KAZAROVETS E.V., et al.
1989PAZh...15..611P 70 T                   1 1 3 Optical observations of X-ray nova in Vulpecula (
ASM 2000+25) in July-November 1988.
1989PASJ...41..391T 2 5 56 All sky monitor on board the Ginga satellite and its performance. TSUNEMI H., KITAMOTO S., MANABE M., et al.
1989TarOT.107..100K 70 T                   1 2 ~ X-ray nova Vulpecula 1988 (
GS 2000+25).
1990A&A...238..163C 72 T                   1 3 30 Optical studies of transient low-mass X-ray binaries III. Photometry of
GS 2000+25 during decay and quiescence.
1990ApJ...358L...5M 1 4 21 Time-dependent X-ray emission from unstable accretion disks around black holes. MINESHIGE S., KIM S.-W. and WHEELER J.C.
1990ApJ...361..590K 10 26 Outburst, identification, and X-ray light curve of GS 1354-64 (=MX 1353-64?, Centaurus X-2?). KITAMOTO S., TSUNEMI H., PEDERSEN H., et al.
1990ApJ...364..266T 7 18 Simultaneous X-ray, ultraviolet and optical observations of LMC X-3. TREVES A., BELLONI T., CORBET R.H.D., et al.
1990Gemin..30...14C 70 T                   1 2 0 Observations of the soft X-ray transient
GS 2000+25.
1990IAUC.5104....1S 7 20 GX 1+4, KS 1731-260, GRS 1741.9-2853, A 1524-62 SUNYAEV R.
1990IAUC.5112....1H 3 9 V 1333 Aquilae. HJELLMING R.M. and HAN X.
1991A&A...247L..29S 2 16 140 Two hard X-ray sources in 100 square degrees around the Galactic Center. SUNYAEV R., CHURAZOV E., GILFANOV M., et al.
1991A&AS...89..367G 28 12 An atlas of optical counterparts of low mass X-ray binaries. GOTTWALD M., STEINLE H., GRASER U., et al.
1991ApJ...372L..87K 4 3 49 Hard X-ray spectra from gap accretion onto neutron stars. KLUZNIAK W. and WILSON J.R.
1991ApJ...373..222H 2 7 High-energy X-ray production in boundary layer of an accreting neutron star. HANAWA T.
1991ApJ...379L..21B 1 9 62 Discovery with the sigma telescope of hard X-rays from the globular cluster Terzan 2. BARRET D., MEREGHETTI S., ROQUES J.P., et al.
1991ApJ...381..490K 3 6 Pair-density transitions in accretion disk coronae. KUSUNOSE M. and MINESHIGE S.
1991ApJ...381..526C 2 6 48 Discovery of a long-term periodic variation in LMC X-3. COWLEY A.P., SCHMIDTKE P.C., EBISAWA K., et al.
1991MNRAS.249..567C 77 T                   1 2 60 The soft X-ray transient
GS 2000+25. I. An 8.3 hr modulation during outburst.
1991MNRAS.249..573C 72 T                   1 3 30 The soft X-ray transient
GS 2000+25 - II. An ellipsoidal modulation in quiescence.
1991MNRAS.250..712C 1 7 32 Optical studies of V404 Cyg, the X-ray transient GS 2023+338 -I. The 1989 outburst and decline. CASARES J., CHARLES P.A., JONES D.H.P., et al.
1991PASP..103..198U 5 14 CCD photometry of the X-ray nova V404 Cygni after the 1989 outburst. UDALSKI A. and KALUZNY J.
1991IAUC.5259....1B 2 ~ Nova Muscae 1991. BAILYN C.
1991PAZh...17..126S 6 1 "MIR - KVANT" observations of extremely hard X-ray source 1E 1740.7-2942. SYUNYAEV R., BOROZDIN K., GILFANOV M., et al.
1991PAZh...17..975S 7 5 Broad-band X-ray spectra of black hole candidates, X-ray pulsars and low-mass X-ray binaries. Results of "Kvant" Observatory. SYUNYAEV R.A., AREF'EV V.A., BOROZDIN K.N., et al.
1991PAZh...17.1059G 5 4 Observations of Musca nova with "GRANAT"/SIGMA : hard X-ray spectral properties and discovery of narrow annihilation line in the spectrum. GILFANOV M., SUNYAEV R., CHURAZOV E., et al.
1992ApJ...389L..75S 4 7 123 X-ray nova in Musca (GRS 1124-68) : hard X-ray source with narrow annihilation line. SUNYAEV R., CHURAZOV E., GILFANOV M., et al.
1992ApJ...389L..79G 6 5 125 SIGMA/GRANAT soft gamma-ray observations of the X-ray nova in Musca : discovery of positron annihilation emission line. GOLDWURM A., BALLET J., CORDIER B., et al.
1992ApJ...391..298B 3 4 52 Periodic variability in the optical counterpart of X-ray nova Muscae 1991. BAILYN C.D.
1992ApJ...394..609K 1 7 50 Discovery and X-ray properties of GS 1124-683 (= nova Muscae). KITAMOTO S., TSUNEMI H., MIYAMOTO S., et al.
1992ApJ...399L.145R 2 13 123 Evidence for a black hole in the X-ray binary nova Muscae 1991. REMILLARD R.A., McCLINTOCK J.E. and BAILYN C.D.
1992ApJ...400..304H 9 2 72 Radio observations of the 1989 transient event in V404 Cygni (=GS 2023+338). HAN X. and HJELLMING R.M.
1992MNRAS.255....7C 6 20 Optical studies of V404 Cyg, the X-ray transient GS 2023+338. II. High-resolution H-alpha spectroscopy in quiescence. CASARES J. and CHARLES P.A.
1992MNRAS.259..395C 1 7 42 The 14.8-h orbital period of GX 339-4. CALLANAN P.J., CHARLES P.A., HONEY W.B., et al.
1992PASP..104..775C 8 2 Optical observations of low-mass X-ray binaries and millisecond pulsars. CALLANAN P.J.
1992ARA&A..30..287C 18 55 Evidence for black holes in stellar binary systems. COWLEY A.P.
1992ARA&A..30..391B 66 21 X-ray astronomy missions. BRADT H.V.D., OHASHI T. and POUNDS K.A.
1992PASJ...44L..15M 2 4 44 Black hole accretion disks exhibiting superhumps. MINESHIGE S.
1992PASJ...44..117M 73 T                   2 25 On X-ray luminosities of the quiescent X-ray novae: GS 2000+25 and GS 2023+338. MINESHIGE S., EBISAWA K., TAKIZAWA M., et al.
1992IAUS..151..215T 15 5 Outburst phenomena in X-Ray binaries. TANAKA Y.
1993A&A...269..301C 77 T                   1 27 Optical studies of transient low-mass X-ray binaries. IV. A 10-hour distorsion wave in the quiescent light curve of GS 2000+25. CHEVALIER C. and ILOVAISKY S.A.
1993A&A...270..275V 7 10 Accretion disk flares in energetic radiation fields. A model for hard X-rays from black hole candidates. VAN OSS R.F., VAN DEN OORD G.H.J. and KUPERUS M.
1993A&A...273L..11P 8 20 A ROSAT observation of the black hole candidate GRO J0422+32. PIETSCH W., HABERL F., GEHRELS N., et al.
1993A&A...276L..37C 1 5 32 Discovery of the optical counterpart of the soft X-ray transient GRO J0422+32. CASTRO-TIRADO A.J., PAVLENKO E.P., SHYAPNIKOV A.A., et al.
1993A&A...279L..13A 2 5 46 "Glitches" in soft X-ray transients : echoes of the main burst ? AUGUSTEIJN T., KUULKERS E. and SHAHAM J.
1993A&A...279..179P 8 13 The discovery and properties of the ultra-soft X-ray transient EXO 1846-031. PARMAR A.N., ANGELINI L., ROCHE P., et al.
1993A&A...280L...1S 3 3 46 Broad-band X-ray observations of the GRO J0422+32 X-ray nova by the "Mir-Kvant" Observatory. SUNYAEV R.A., KANIOVSKY A.S., BOROZDIN K.N., et al.
1993A&AS...97..249M 9 6 X-ray variability of galactic black hole candidates. MEREGHETTI S.
1993A&AS...97..265K 4 9 Mechanisms of hard X-ray emission from accreting neutron stars. KLUZNIAK W.
1993A&AS...97..273P 3 1 Observations of X-ray transient source GS 2023+338 with the TTM coded mask telescope. PAN H.C., IN'T ZAND J.J.M., SKINNER G.K., et al.
1993A&AS...97..303G 1 5 26 The spectra of nova Muscae 1991 between 3 keV and 1 MeV observed with GRANAT. GILFANOV M., CHURAZOV E., SUNYAEV R., et al.
1993ApJ...419..301M 4 2 34 The X-ray spectrum of Cygnus X-1. MARSHALL F.E., MUSHOTZKY R.F., PETRE R., et al.
1993PASP..105..961C 7 10 Accretion disks in low-mass X-ray binaries. CALLANAN P.J.
1993AcApS..13...92Z 7 0 Superhumps in close binaries. ZHANG Z.-Y.
1993Ap&SS.210...83M 3 5 Accretion disk instabilities. MINESHIGE S.
1993ChA&A..17..176Z 3 0 The superhump phenomenon in close binaries. ZHANG Z.-Y.
1993IAUC.5878....1K 8 10 X-ray novae. KANIOVSKY A., BOROZDIN K. and SUNYAEV R.
1993PASJ...45..707M 9 26 On the exponential X-ray decay in X-ray novae. MINESHIGE S., YAMASAKI T. and ISHIZAKA C.
1994A&A...285..509G 1 5 24 Near-simultaneous ROSAT and Ginga observations of the 1991 X-ray transient in Musca. GREINER J., HASINGER G., MOLENDI S., et al.
1994A&A...285..903V 38   K                 7 100 ROSAT observations of soft X-ray transients in quiescence. VERBUNT F., BELLONI T., JOHNSTON H.M., et al.
1994A&A...287..105D 35   K                 4 10 HEXE observations of black hole X-ray transients. DOEBEREINER S., MAISACK M., ENGLHAUSER J., et al.
1994ApJ...425L..17H 1 4 23 Observation of GX 339-4 hard state outbursts in 1991 and 1992. HARMON B.A., WILSON C.A., PACIESAS W.S., et al.
1994ApJ...429L..25W 2 5 46 ROSAT observations of the black hole candidate V404 Cygni in quiescence. WAGNER R.M., STARRFIELD S.G., HJELLMING R.M., et al.
1994ApJ...435..389C 2 6 49 On the decay of outbursts in dwarf novae and X-ray novae. CANNIZZO J.K.
1994ApJ...435..748I 1 4 16 Disk-instability model for black hole transients : interplay of thermal and tidal instabilities. ICHIKAWA S., MINESHIGE S. and KATO T.
1994ApJS...90..889B 6 2 Electron acceleration in short-lived radio transients. BALL L.
1994ApJS...92..343M 23 18 Review of 3 years of observations with the low-energy gamma-ray telescope Sigma onboard GRANAT. MANDROU P., ROQUES J.P., BOUCHET L., et al.
1994ApJS...92..451R 1 4 27 Sigma observations of the bright X-ray transient nova Persei: a new black hole candidate? ROQUES J.P., BOUCHET L., JOURDAIN E., et al.
1994ApJS...92..455B 5 14 Fast optical variability of GRO J0422+32. BARTOLINI C., GUARNIERI A., PICCIONI A., et al.
1994MNRAS.268..763S 74 T                   1 12 Is GS 2000+25 an eclipsing black hole binary ? SHAHBAZ T., SANSOM A.E., NAYLOR T., et al.
1994MmSAI..65..311S 7 0 Soft X-ray transients and millisecond pulsars. STELLA L., CAMPANA S., COLPI M., et al.
1994PASJ...46..677T 4 9 Do X-ray sporadic flare-ups of GS 2023+338 (=V404 Cyg) relate to orbital motion ? TERADA K., MIYAMOTO S., KITAMOTO S., et al.
1995A&A...297..103C 20 42 CCD photometry of GRO J0422+32 during activity and quiescence. CHEVALIER C. and ILOVAISKY S.A.
1995A&AS..109..177W viz 2981 67 Radio continuum emission from stars: a catalogue update. WENDKER H.J.
1995ApJ...440L..73B 7 23 Minioutbursts from the black hole candidate nova Velorum 1993. BAILYN C.D. and OROSZ J.A.
1995ApJ...442..358M 2 15 120 The dim inner accretion disk of the quiescent black hole A 0620-00. McCLINTOCK J.E., HORNE K. and REMILLARD R.A.
1995ApJ...445..780S 17 7 498 On the spectral hardening factor of the X-ray emission from accretion disks in black hole candidates. SHIMURA T. and TAKAHARA F.
1995ApJ...454..880C 3 7 107 The accretion disk limit cycle instability in black hole X-ray binaries. CANNIZZO J.K., CHEN W. and LIVIO M.
1995ApJ...455L.139F 109 T K                 7 62 A black hole in the X-ray nova
GS 2000+25.
1995ApJ...455..623C 14 10 563 Spectral properties of accretion disks around galactic and extragalactic black holes. CHAKRABARTI S.K. and TITARCHUK L.G.
1995MNRAS.274L..15P 11 10 X-ray spectrum of the black hole candidate X 1755-338. PAN H.C., SKINNER G.K., SUNYAEV R.A., et al.
1995MNRAS.274..559M 7 11 Near-quiescent photometry of the X-ray transient J0422+32. MARTIN A.C., CHARLES P.A., WAGNER R.M., et al.
1995MNRAS.277L..45C 71 T                   13 44 Dynamical evidence for a black hole in the X-ray transient QZ Vul (=GS 2000+25). CASARES J., CHARLES P.A. and MARSH T.R.
1995BAAS...27.1434K 5 ~ Precursor, outburst and irradiated companion in the unstable irradiated disks in black hole X-ray novae. KIM S.W., WHEELER J.C. and MINESHIGE S.
1995GriO...59g...2W 5 0 Black hole X-ray novae: a new view into the abyss. WHEELER J.C.
1995IAUC.6193....1C 71 T                   1 ~ QZ Vulpeculae. CHARLES P.A. and CASARES J.
1995Natur.375..464H 22 6 551 Episodic ejection of relativistic jets by the X-ray transient GRO J1655-40. HJELLMING R.M. and RUPEN M.P.
1995PAZh...21..243B 16 ~ The bright X-ray transient KS 1730-312 in Scorpius. BOROZDIN K.N., ALEKSANDROVICH N.L., AREF'EV V.A., et al.
1995PASJ...47...31K 1 6 37 Discovery of orbital dips and superhumps in the optical counterpart of the X-ray transient GRO J0422+32. KATO T., MINESHIGE S. and HIRATA R.
1996A&A...305..835B 11 18 The optical content of the error box of GRS 1915+105. BOER M., GREINER J. and MOTCH C.
1996A&A...312..105C 4 11 The quiescent light curve and orbital period of GRO J0422+32. CHEVALIER C. and ILOVAISKY S.A.
1996A&A...314..123M 8 19 The superhump phenomenon in GRS 1716-249 (=X-Ray Nova Ophiuchi 1993). MASETTI N., BIANCHINI A., BONIBAKER J., et al.
1996A&AS..120C.141V 12 6 Low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations in the X-ray transient GRO J1719-24. VAN DER HOOFT F., KOUVELIOTOU C., VAN PARADIJS J., et al.
1996A&AS..120C.149M 27 5 A search for galactic black hole candidates at MeV energies - preliminary results. McCONNELL M., BENNETT K., BLOEMEN H., et al.
1996A&AS..120C.163C 5 13 Observational signature of the `boundary layer' of galactic and extragalactic black holes. CHAKRABARTI S.K., TITARCHUK D., KAZANAS L., et al.
1996A&AS..120C.677L 27 12 JPL Earth occultation analysis package: Status and data products. LING J.C., WHEATON W.A., MAHONEY W.A., et al.
1996AJ....111.1675K 1 4 17 Optical photometry of the X-ray novae GU Mus (=Nova Muscae 1991) and V518 Per (=GRO J0422+32). KING N.L., HARRISON T.E. and McNAMARA B.J.
1996ApJ...460..932G 1 7 22 Observations of the X-ray nova GRO J0422+32. II. Optical spectra approaching quiescence. GARCIA M.R., CALLANAN P.J., McCLINTOCK J.E., et al.
1996ApJ...464L.139V 4 21 298 On the accretion instability in soft X-ray transients. VAN PARADIJS J.
1996ApJ...466..404C 36   K                 8 14 The spectral states of black hole X-ray binary sources. CHEN X. and TAAM R.E.
1996ApJ...468..380O 2 10 85 Improved parameters for the black hole binary system X-ray Nova Muscae 1991. OROSZ J.A., BAILYN C.D., McCLINTOCK J.E., et al.
1996ApJ...470L..57C 109 T K                 4 32 On the mass of the black hole in
GS 2000+25.
1996ApJ...473L..25W 1 27 99 The Galactic distribution of black hole candidates in low mass X-ray binary systems. WHITE N.E. and VAN PARADIJS J.
1996ApJ...473..963B 36 91 Luminosity differences between black holes and neutron stars. BARRET D., McCLINTOCK J.E. and GRINDLAY J.E.
1996MNRAS.281L...1B 72 T                   4 21 The mass of the black hole in GS 2000+25 (=QZ Vul). BEEKMAN G., SHAHBAZ T., NAYLOR T., et al.
1996MNRAS.281.1094P 1 5 22 Orbital and quasi-periodic optical variations in the black hole X-ray binary V 404 Cyg. PAVLENKO E.P., MARTIN A.C., CASARES J., et al.
1996MNRAS.282L..47S 1 5 23 An ellipsoidal modulation in X-ray Nova Vela 1993 (=GRS 1009-45). SHABAZ T., VAN DER HOOFT F., CHARLES P.A., et al.
1996MNRAS.282..191O 1 13 71 Have superhumps been seen in black hole soft X-ray transients? O'DONOGHUE D. and CHARLES P.A.
1996MNRAS.282.1437S 15 42 An atlas of optical continuum and line emission from low-mass X-ray binaries. SHABAZ T., SMALE A.P., NAYLOR T., et al.
1996PASP..108..762H 72 T                   14 70 The mass ratio and the disk image of the X-ray nova GS 2000+25. HARLAFTIS E.T., HORNE K. and FILIPPENKO A.V.
1996ARA&A..34..607T 4 35 423 X-ray novae. TANAKA Y. and SHIBAZAKI N.
1996MmSAI..67..239Z 113 0 X-ray binaries. ZIOLKOWSKI J.
1996PAZh...22..413G 16 ~ Study of the X-ray nova V518 Per (GRO J0422+32) at optical wavelengths. GORANSKII V.P., KARITSKAYA E.A., KUROCHKIN N.E., et al.
1996PASJ...48...59E 1 13 67 On the spectral slopes of hard X-ray emission from black hole candidates. EBISAWA K., TITARCHUK L. and CHAKRABARTI S.K.
1996PASJ...48..257A 4 6 72 ASCA observations of soft X-ray transients in quiescence : X1608-52 and Cen X-4. ASAI K., DOTANI T., MITSUDA K., et al.
1996S&T....91e..38C 9 ~ Black holes in binary stars: weighing the evidence. CHARLES P.A. and WAGNER R.M.
1996NewA....1..197M         O           12 23 Lithium in black hole binaries: the case of X-ray nova Muscae 1991. MARTIN E.L., CASARES J., MOLARO P., et al.
1997A&A...317..769M 11 7 GRS 1009-45 (=X-Ray Nova Velorum 1993): a `hybrid' soft X-ray transient? MASETTI N., BIANCHINI A. and DELLA VALLE M.
1997A&A...318..179D 11 22 The optical counterpart of GRS 1009-45 (X-ray Nova Velorum 1993). DELLA VALLE M., BENETTI S., CAPPELLARO E., et al.
1997A&A...319..855P 11 30 Archival observations of the ultra-soft X-ray transient 4U 1630-47. PARMAR A.N., WILLIAMS O.R., KUULKERS E., et al.
1997AJ....114.1170H 1 7 38 A doppler map and mass-ratio constraint for the black-hole X-ray nova Ophiuchi 1977. HARLAFTIS E.T., STEEGHS D., HORNE K., et al.
1997ApJ...477..876O 13 8 313 Optical observations of GRO J1655-40 in quiescence. I. A precise mass for the black hole primary. OROSZ J.A. and BAILYN C.D.
1997ApJ...478L..79N 7 10 239 Advection-dominated accretion and black hole event horizons. NARAYAN R., GARCIA M.R. and McCLINTOCK J.E.
1997ApJ...482L.155Z 13 12 478 Black hole spin in X-ray binaries: observational consequences. ZHANG S.N., CUI W. and CHEN W.
1997ApJ...483..899Z 8 4 A dynamical study of the eclipsing nova OY Arae. ZHAO P. and McCLINTOCK J.E.
1997ApJ...484..313C 9 3 85 Spectral properties of accretion disks around black holes. II. Sub-Keplerian flows with and without shocks. CHAKRABARTI S.K.
1997ApJ...486..363Y 1 8 25 Lithium production in hot advection-dominated accretion flows in soft X-ray transients. YI I. and NARAYAN R.
1997ApJ...486..955I 56 30 On the evolution of low-mass X-ray binaries under the influence of a donor stellar wind induced by X-rays from the accretor. IBEN I., TUTUKOV A.V. and FEDOROVA A.V.
1997ApJ...489..865E 27 13 1079 Advection-dominated accretion and the spectral states of black hole X-ray binaries: application to nova Muscae 1991. ESIN A.A., McCLINTOCK J.E. and NARAYAN R.
1997ApJ...491..312C 3 46 484 The properties of X-ray and optical light curves of X-ray novae. CHEN W., SHRADER C.R. and LIVIO M.
1997MNRAS.285..607S 1 9 38 Infrared photometry of Nova Muscae 1991 (=GS 1124-68). SHAHBAZ T., NAYLOR T. and CHARLES P.A.
1997MNRAS.290..303B 13 35 The mass of the black hole in the low-inclination LMXB transient system GRO J0422 + 32 (=Nova Persei 1992). BEEKMAN G., SHAHBAZ T., NAYLOR T., et al.
1997PASP..109..461F 10 29 A black hole in the X-ray nova Ophiuchi 1977. FILIPPENKO A.V., MATHESON T., LEONARD D.C., et al.
1997Ap&SS.252..375C 21 2 The masses of black holes in X-ray binary systems. CHEREPASHCHUK A.M.
1997Ap&SS.252..401L 16 1 The death of compact binary stars. LIPUNOV V.M., POSTNOV K.A. and PROKHOROV M.E.
1997ARep...41..355T 10 3 Black holes in X-ray binary systems: observational data and evolutionary status. TUTUKOV A.V. and CHEREPASHCHUK A.M.
1997NewA....1..299C         O           15 43 The mass ratio of nova Muscae 1991. CASARES J., MARTIN E.L., CHARLES P.A., et al.
1997NewA....2..429M         O           7 2 The link between soft X-ray transients and ER Ursae Majoris stars. MASETTI N. and REGOES E.
1998A&A...329..186G 5 7 SIGMA observations of X-ray Nova Velorum 1993 (GRS 1009-45). GOLDONI P., VARGAS M., GOLDWURM A., et al.
1998A&A...329..606D 9 16 Spectrophotometric follow-up of GU Mus, the (X-ray) Nova Muscae 1991. DELLA VALLE M., MASETTI N. and BIANCHINI A.
1998A&A...331L..29E 2 11 71 On the initial progenitor masses of stellar mass black holes and neutron stars. ERGMA E. and VAN DEN HEUVEL E.P.J.
1998A&A...333..583R 13 29 A census of low mass black hole binaries. ROMANI R.W.
1998A&A...336..220E 6 3 On the outburst light curves of soft X-ray transients as response of the accretion disk to mass deposition. ERTAN U. and ALPAR M.A.
1998A&A...338...69E 13 12 Evolution of black hole low-mass binaries. ERGMA E. and FEDOROVA A.
1998A&A...339..483R 7 8 RXTE broad band observations of X-ray Nova XTE J1755-324. REVNIVTSEV M., GILFANOV M. and CHURAZOV E.
1998A&A...340..431O 7 19 The 1998 outburst of the X-ray transient 4U 1630-47 observed with BeppoSAX. OOSTERBROEK T., PARMAR A.N., KUULKERS E., et al.
1998A&AS..129...83R viz 416 243 Catalogue of cataclysmic binaries, low-mass X-ray binaries and related objects (Sixth edition). RITTER H. and KOLB U.
1998ApJ...499L.187M 2 7 53 ``Canonical'' black hole states in the superluminal source GRO J1655-40. MENDEZ M., BELLONI T. and VAN DER KLIS M.
1998ApJ...499..367B 9 9 268 The mass distribution of stellar black holes. BAILYN C.D., JAIN R.K., COPPI P., et al.
1998ApJ...504L..95B 11 12 397 Crustal heating and quiescent emission from transiently accreting neutron stars. BROWN E.F., BILDSTEN L. and RUTLEDGE R.E.
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1998MNRAS.294L..25M 22 29 Are Q-stars a serious threat for stellar-mass black hole candidates ? MILLER J.C., SHAHBAZ T. and NOLAN L.A.
1998MNRAS.295L...1S 14 40 On the outburst amplitude of the soft X-ray transients. SHAHBAZ T. and KUULKERS E.
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1998MNRAS.300.1035S 1 6 19 An 'outside-in' outburst of Aql X-1. SHAHBAZ T., BANDYOPADHYAY R.M., CHARLES P.A., et al.
1998MNRAS.301..382S 1 12 66 Soft X-ray transient light curves as standard candles: exponential versus linear decays. SHAHBAZ T., CHARLES P.A. and KING A.R.
1998MNRAS.301..767S 69 203 The secondary stars in cataclysmic variables and low-mass X-ray binaries. SMITH D.A. and DHILLON V.S.
1998A&ARv...9...63V 1 35 196 Massive stars. VANBEVEREN D., DE LOORE C. and VAN RENSBERGEN W.
1998PhR...302...67L 23 48 Multi-wavelength signatures of galactic black holes : observation and theory. LIANG E.P.
1998PAZh...24..507B 14 ~ The X-ray nova GRS 1739-278 near the Galactic center. BOROZDIN K.N., REVNIVTSEV M.G., TRUDOLYUBOV S.P., et al.
1998PASJ...50..611A 2 13 95 ASCA observations of transient X-ray sources in quiescence. ASAI K., DOTANI T., HOSHI R., et al.
1998ARep...42..200P viz 11 4 MV Lyr in low brightness states: 2. Bursts and periods. PAVLENKO E.P.
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1998PABei..16..260Z 10 0 Detection and confirmation of black holes. I : current status. ZHANG B., QIAO G.-J. and HAN J.-L.
1998NewAR..42....1K 14 37 A 0620-00 revisited : a black-hole transient case-study. KUULKERS E.
1999A&A...341..491H 1 12 38 Keck observations of the black-hole candidate GRO J0422+32. HARLAFTIS E., COLLIER S., HORNE K., et al.
1999A&A...346L..73H 1 3 16 Discovery of metal line emission from the Red star in IP Peg during outburst maximum. HARLAFTIS E.
1999A&A...352L..87N 5 8 126 Constraints on mass ejection in black hole formation derived from black hole X-ray binaries. NELEMANS G., TAURIS T.M. and VAN DEN HEUVEL E.P.J.
1999ApJ...512..332G 1 5 23 Lithium production in companions of accreting X-ray binaries by neutron spallation of C, N, O elements. GUESSOUM N. and KAZANAS D.
1999ApJ...513..811M 1 10 38 A population of faint nontransient low-mass black hole binaries. MENOU K., NARAYAN R. and LASOTA J.-P.
1999ApJ...515..365R 29 12 X-ray novae, event horizons, and the exponential metric. ROBERTSON S.L.
1999ApJ...518..422G 1 5 16 Aquila X-1 in outburst and quiescence. GARCIA M.R., CALLANAN P.J., McCARTHY J., et al.
1999ApJ...520..276M 4 17 212 Black hole and neutron star transients in quiescence. MENOU K., ESIN A.A., NARAYAN R., et al.
1999ApJ...520..776S 3 10 110 RXTE spectral observations of the 1996-1997 outburst of the microquasar GRO J1655-40. SOBCZAK G.J., McCLINTOCK J.E., REMILLARD R.A., et al.
1999ApJS..124..265R 1 9 44 Quasi-periodic oscillations in black hole candidates as an indicator of transition between low and high states. RUTLEDGE R.E., LEWIN W.H.G., VAN DER KLIS M., et al.
1999MNRAS.305..437H 15 11 The emission-line pulse pattern in the intermediate polar RX J0558+53. HARLAFTIS E.T. and HORNE K.
1999MNRAS.305..654K 2 6 53 The evolution of black hole mass and angular momentum. KING A.R. and KOLB U.
1999MNRAS.306..348H 1 13 40 Spiral shocks in the accretion disc of IP Peg during outburst maximum. HARLAFTIS E.T., STEEGHS D., HORNE K., et al.
1999MNRAS.306..919K 1 8 34 Multiple ejections during the 1975 outburst of A0620-00. KUULKERS E., FENDER R.P., SPENCER R.E., et al.
1999PASP..111..969F 1 13 55 A black hole in the X-ray Nova Velorum 1993. FILIPPENKO A.V., LEONARD D.C., MATHESON T., et al.
1999Ap.....42..270R 24 2 X-ray nova candidates among old classical novae. ROSENBUSH A.E.
1999JApA...20..197S 38 3 Observational evidence for stellar mass black holes. SHAHBAZ T.
1999PhR...311..225L 1 37 151 Astrophysical jets : a phenomenological examination of acceleration and collimation. LIVIO M.
1999PhT....52f..40B 18 6 Revisiting the black hole. BLANDFORD R. and GEHRELS N.
1999AstL...25..493R 13 2 GRANAT and RXTE observations of the X-ray nova XTE J1755-324. REVNIVTSEV M.G., GILFANOV M.R., CHURAZOV E.M., et al.
1999NewA....4..313B 1 15 49 The formation of high-mass black holes in low-mass X-ray binaries. BROWN G.E., LEE C.-H. and BETHE H.A.
2000A&A...354..938N 10 3 Observation of X-ray transient XTE J1748-288 by the Indian X-ray astronomy experiment. NAIK S., AGRAWAL P.C., PAUL B., et al.
2000A&A...355.1073M 16 8 A limit for the mass transfer rate in soft X-ray transients. MEYER-HOFMEISTER E. and MEYER F.
2000A&A...360..575L 12 30 X-rays from quiescent low-mass X-ray binary transients. LASOTA J.-P.
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2000ApJ...529..985R 1 15 73 A method for distinguishing between transiently accreting neutron stars and black holes, in quiescence. RUTLEDGE R.E., BILDSTEN L., BROWN E.F., et al.
2000ApJ...532.1181M 22 13 Identification of a likely radio counterpart to the rapid burster. MOORE C.B., RUTLEDGE R.E., FOX D.W., et al.
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2000ApJ...535..632M 7 21 497 The nature of ultraluminous compact X-ray sources in nearby spiral galaxies. MAKISHIMA K., KUBOTA A., MIZUNO T., et al.
2000ApJ...537..448T 12 35 X-ray spectral and timing evolution during the decay of the 1998 outburst from the recurrent X-ray transient 4U 1630-47. TOMSICK J.A. and KAARET P.
2000ApJ...541..849C 1 17 73 On the bolometric quiescent luminosity and luminosity swing of black hole candidate and neutron star low-mass X-ray transients. CAMPANA S. and STELLA L.
2000ApJ...541..908B 36   K                 21 49 Coronal X-ray emission from the stellar companions to transiently accreting black holes. BILDSTEN L. and RUTLEDGE R.E.
2000ApJS..127...79L viz 66 33 A BATSE Earth occultation catalog of 0.03-1.8 MeV gamma-ray source spectra and light curves for phases 1-3 (1991-1994). LING J.C., WHEATON W.A., WALLYN P., et al.
2000MNRAS.312..151R 18 42 RXTE observations of Galactic microquasar XTE J1748-288 during its 1998 outburst. REVNIVTSEV M.G., TRUDOLYUBOV S.P. and BOROZDIN K.N.
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2000JApA...21...29N 18 0 X-ray observation of XTE J2012+381 during the 1998 outburst. NAIK S., AGRAWAL P.C., PAUL B., et al.
2000PhR...333..471B 27 14 Evolution of black holes in the Galaxy. BROWN G.E., LEE C.-H., WIJERS R.A.M.J., et al.
2000SSRv...93..473C 102 28 X-ray nova binary systems. CHEREPASHCHUK A.M.
2000ARep...44..804K 15 3 The quiescent X-ray emission of X-ray novae and the coronal emission of late-type stars. KATSOVA M.M. and CHEREPASHCHUK A.M.
2000AAS...197.8316G 2 0 Determining the mass of black holes in soft X-ray transients. GELINO D.M., HARRISON T.E. and McNAMARA B.J.
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2001A&A...372..508M 36   K                 9 4 Black hole X-ray transients: Mass accumulation in the disk - constraints for the viscosity. MEYER-HOFMEISTER E. and MEYER F.
2001A&A...374..195E 10 5 What can we learn from the surface chemical composition of the optical companions of soft X-ray transients? ERGMA E. and SARNA M.J.
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2001AJ....122..971G 4 3 44 Infrared observations of nova Muscae 1991: black hole mass determination from ellipsoidal variations. GELINO D.M., HARRISON T.E. and McNAMARA B.J.
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2001ApJ...554..548F 11 14 475 Theoretical black hole mass distributions. FRYER C.L. and KALOGERA V.
2001ApJ...554.1282M 1 18 62 Spectral variability of ultraluminous compact X-ray sources in nearby spiral galaxies. MIZUNO T., KUBOTA A. and MAKISHIMA K.
2001ApJ...555..477M 6 7 145 Complete and simultaneous spectral observations of the black hole X-ray nova XTE J1118+480. McCLINTOCK J.E., HASWELL C.A., GARCIA M.R., et al.
2001ApJ...556...42W 1 16 94 The halo black hole X-ray transient XTE J1118+480. WAGNER R.M., FOLTZ C.B., SHAHBAZ T., et al.
2001ApJ...557L..35A 8 7 177 The X-ray globular cluster population in NGC 1399. ANGELINI L., LOEWENSTEIN M. and MUSHOTZKY R.F.
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2001MNRAS.320..485O 2 31 206 Precessing warped accretion discs in X-ray binaries. OGILVIE G.I. and DUBUS G.
2001MNRAS.321..475H 41 63 Superhumps in low-mass X-ray binaries. HASWELL C.A., KING A.R., MURRAY J.R., et al.
2001MNRAS.323..517B 27 41 The 1997 hard-state outburst of the X-ray transient GS 1354-64/BW Cir. BROCKSOPP C., JONKER P.G., FENDER R.P., et al.
2001MNRAS.324..547M 11 27 Gravitational lensing in eclipsing binary stars. MARSH T.R.
2001MNRAS.324..923F 1 31 116 On the peak radio and X-ray emission from neutron star and black hole candidate X-ray transients. FENDER R.P. and KUULKERS E.
2001MNRAS.326.1367Z 36   K                 10 19 On the complex disc-corona interactions in the soft spectral states of soft X-ray transients. ZYCKI P.T., DONE C. and SMITH D.A.
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2001Ap&SS.275..299N 8 3 Equation of state of dense nuclear matter and an upper bound on neutron star masses. NEGI P.S. and DURGAPAL M.C.
2001ARep...45..120C 76 15 Wolf-Rayet stars and relativistic objects: distinctions between the mass distributions in close binary systems. CHEREPASHCHUK A.M.
2001ApSSS.276..169Z 4 1 Disk-corona interactions in soft spectral states of black hole binaries. ZYCKI P.T.
2001ApSSS.276..267D 2 2 On the formation of accretion-powered galactic and extra-galactic outflows. DAS T.K.
2002A&A...384..163C 6 17 The 1998 outburst of the X-ray transient XTE J2012+381 as observed with BeppoSAX. CAMPANA S., STELLA L., BELLONI T., et al.
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2002A&A...391..993S 10 15 XMM-Newton detection of Nova Muscae 1991 in quiescence. SUTARIA F.K., KOLB U., CHARLES P., et al.
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2002A&A...393..205E 4 11 On the outbursts of black hole soft X-ray transients. ERTAN U. and ALPAR M.A.
2002A&A...396..157G 23 5 Detectability and characteristics of the 2.223 MeV line emission from nearby X-ray binaries. GUESSOUM N. and JEAN P.
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2002ApJ...570..277K 5 8 129 The X-ray spectra of black hole X-ray novae in quiescence as measured by Chandra. KONG A.K.H., McCLINTOCK J.E., GARCIA M.R., et al.
2002ApJ...575..996L 1 15 61 Discovery of a black hole mass-period correlation in soft X-ray transients and its implication for gamma-ray burst and hypernova mechanisms. LEE C.-H., BROWN G.E. and WIJERS R.A.M.J.
2002MNRAS.331..765B 1 27 86 Initial low/hard state, multiple jet ejections and X-ray/radio correlations during the outburst of XTE J1859+226. BROCKSOPP C., FENDER R.P., McCOLLOUGH M., et al.
2002MNRAS.334..553A 1 25 114 X-rays from isolated black holes in the Milky Way. AGOL E. and KAMIONKOWSKI M.
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2002MNRAS.336..241A 1 11 34 Motion of charged particles around a rotating black hole in a magnetic field. ALIEV A.N. and OZDEMIR N.
2002MmSAI..73...19G 26 0 Crucial problems in astrophysics for the next century. GIOVANNELLI F. and SABAU-GRAZIATI L.
2002MmSAI..73..791G 24 0 Opening remarks on high-energy astrophysics today. GIOVANNELLI F. and SABAU-GRAZIATI L.
2002PASJ...54..285U 7 12 Optical observations of XTE J1118+480 during the 2000 outburst. UEMURA M., KATO T., MATSUMOTO K., et al.
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2002AstL...28..660A 12 1 The soft X-ray novae, black-hole candidates XTE J2012+381 and XTE J1550-564. ALEKSANDROVICH N.L. and AREF'EV V.A.
2002PABei..20....7W 57 0 Evidence for black holes. WANG W. and ZHAO Y.
2002NewAR..46..567P 11 0 Gamma-ray lines in advection dominated accretion flows. PRANTZOS N.
2003A&A...399..631H         O           20 46 XMM-Newton observations of two black hole X-ray transients in quiescence. HAMEURY J.-M., BARRET D., LASOTA J.-P., et al.
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2003ApJ...582..369Z 2 6 42 Evidence for optical flares in quiescent soft X-ray transients. ZURITA C., CASARES J. and SHAHBAZ T.
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2003ApJ...591..388G 17 26 Resolved jets and long-period black hole X-ray novae. GARCIA M.R., MILLER J.M., McCLINTOCK J.E., et al.
2003ApJ...597L.133T 16 32 Chandra detections of two quiescent black hole X-ray transients. TOMSICK J.A., CORBEL S., FENDER R., et al.
2003MNRAS.339.1031S 11 18 Determining the spectroscopic mass ratio in interacting binaries: application to X-Ray Nova Sco 1994. SHAHBAZ T.
2003MNRAS.340..447H 1 11 36 Fast photometry of quiescent soft X-ray transients with the Acquisition Camera on Gemini-South. HYNES R.I., CHARLES P.A., CASARES J., et al.
2003MNRAS.344...60G 8 26 653 A universal radio-X-ray correlation in low/hard state black hole binaries. GALLO E., FENDER R.P. and POOLEY G.G.
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2003ARep...47...20T 15 1 The evolution of GRS 1915+105 - an X-ray binary with a black hole. TUTUKOV A.V., FEDOROVA A.V. and CHEREPASHCHUK A.M.
2003ARep...47..386T 56 18 Wolf-Rayet stars, black holes, and gamma-ray bursters in close binaries. TUTUKOV A.V. and CHEREPASHCHUK A.M.
2003IAUS..212..365O 2 17 123 Inventory of black hole binaries. OROSZ J.A.
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2004ApJS..154..585H viz 181 41 The burst and transient source experiment (BATSE) earth occultation catalog of low-energy gamma-ray sources. HARMON B.A., WILSON C.A., FISHMAN G.J., et al.
2004MNRAS.354..355J 1 52 269 The distances to Galactic low-mass X-ray binaries: consequences for black hole luminosities and kicks. JONKER P.G. and NELEMANS G.
2004PASJ...56S.147U 8 2 Optical variations of XTE J1859+226 during the 1999 outburst. UEMURA M., KATO T., PAVLENKO E., et al.
2004SSRv..112....1G 336 9 The impact of space experiments on our knowledge of the physics of the Universe. GIOVANNELLI F. and SABAU-GRAZIATI L.
2004ARep...48...39T 20 11 Massive close binary stars and gamma-ray bursts. TUTUKOV A.V. and CHEREPASHCHUK A.M.
2004RMxAC..20..214G 6 4 Measuring the masses of compact objects in low-mass X-ray binaries. GELINO D.M.
2005A&A...443..283H         O           9 9 Tidal torques, disc radius variations, and instabilities in dwarf novae and soft X-ray transients. HAMEURY J.-M. and LASOTA J.-P.
2005ApJ...623.1017N 20 45 Inclination effects and beaming in black hole X-ray binaries. NARAYAN R. and McCLINTOCK J.E.
2005ApJ...630..405H 1 6 20 Observational constraints on cool disk material in quiescent black hole binaries. HYNES R.I., ROBINSON E.L. and BITNER M.
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2005PASJ...57..507T 14 6 Spectral evolution of a luminous compact X-ray source in NGC 253 with Chandra and XMM-Newton observatories. TANAKA T., SUGIHO M., KUBOTA A., et al.
2005ARep...49..644B 26 5 The mass spectrum of black holes in close binary systems. BOGOMAZOV A.I., ABUBEKEROV M.K. and LIPUNOV V.M.
2006A&A...454..559Y 1 14 36 The origin and fate of short-period low-mass black-hole binaries. YUNGELSON L.R., LASOTA J.-P., NELEMANS G., et al.
2006MNRAS.368L..25T 1 4 9 The decline and fall of GRS 1915+105: the end is nigh? TRUSS M. and DONE C.
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2006MNRAS.370.1351G 5 18 201 A radio-emitting outflow in the quiescent state of A0620-00: implications for modelling low-luminosity black hole binaries. GALLO E., FENDER R.P., MILLER-JONES J.C.A., et al.
2006ARA&A..44...49R 22 41 1806 X-ray properties of black-hole binaries. REMILLARD R.A. and McCLINTOCK J.E.
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2007MNRAS.374..657R 21 23 Keck infrared observations of GRO J0422+32 in quiescence. REYNOLDS M.T., CALLANAN P.J. and FILIPPENKO A.V.
2007CRPhy...8...45L 21 13 Physics of accretion flows around compact objects. LASOTA J.-P.
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2007MNRAS.378..785S 240       D     X C F     5 31 39 Comprehensive simulations of superhumps. SMITH A.J., HASWELL C.A., MURRAY J.R., et al.
2007A&A...470.1033C 90       D     X         3 8 14 The isotopic 6Li/7Li ratio in Centaurus X-4 and the origin of Li in X-ray binaries. CASARES J., BONIFACIO P., GONZALEZ HERNANDEZ J.I., et al.
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2008MNRAS.387..788R 768       D S   X C F     18 10 10 Infrared contamination in Galactic X-ray novae. REYNOLDS M.T., CALLANAN P.J., ROBINSON E.L., et al.
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2008A&A...488..257Y 90       D     X         3 12 11 Evolutionary models of short-period soft X-ray transients: comparison with observations. YUNGELSON L.R. and LASOTA J.-P.
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2008ApJ...683L..51G 151           X C       3 47 11 Chandra detection of XTE J1650-500 in quiescence and the minimum luminosity of black hole X-ray binaries. GALLO E., HOMAN J., JONKER P.G., et al.
2006Msngr.126...27K 54 6 Measuring the Masses of Neutron Stars. KAPER L., VAN DER MEER A., VAN KERKWIJK M., et al.
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2009MNRAS.393.1608F 91       D     X         3 24 13 An anticorrelation between X-ray luminosity and Hα equivalent width in X-ray binaries. FENDER R.P., RUSSELL D.M., KNIGGE C., et al.
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