NGC 6781 , the SIMBAD biblio

NGC 6781 , the SIMBAD biblio (263 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST15:47:27

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Title First 3 Authors
1918PLicO..13...55C 66 224 The planetary nebulae. CURTIS H.D.
1934LicOB..17...21A 32 6 The proper motions of thirty-three planetary nebulae. ANDERSON C.M.
1942ApJ....95..243M 26 33 Spectra of planetary nebulae of low surface brightness. MINKOWSKI R.
1961ApJ...133..471C 45 82 Hbeta and (OIII) fluxes from planetary nebulae. II. COLLINS G.W., DAUB C.T. and O'DELL C.R.
1962ApJ...135..371O 129 250 A distance scale for planetary nebulae based on emission-line fluxes. O'DELL C.R.
1965AJ.....70..680K 9 3 Flux densities measurements at 1415 and 750 Mc/sec. KAFTAN-KASSIM M.A.
1965AuJPh..18..187S 62 22 Preliminary radio survey of planetary nebulae south of declination 24 degrees. SLEE O.B. and ORCHISTON D.W.
1965BOTor..37..155I 103 0 The population assignement of planetary nebulae. IWANOSKA W. and KANTHAK J.
1966ApJ...144..259A 100 308 Properties of some old planetary nebulae. ABELL G.O.
1966ApJ...144..657T 34 29 Radio emissions from planetary nebulae. TERZIAN Y.
1966MNRAS.132...15H 52 199 The ionization structure of planetary nebulae IV & V. HARMAN R.J. and SEATON M.J.
1966Obs....86..148L 15 6 Observations of planetary nebulae at 408 MHz. LE MARNE A.E.
1967AJ.....72..443T 67 T                   1 5 12 Radio survey of region of
NGC 6781.
1967ApJ...148..429T 36 36 Measurements of the flux densities positions and angular widths of planetary nebulae at 10 and 21cm wavelengths. THOMPSON A.R., COLVIN R.S. and STANLEY G.J.
1967ApJ...149..377H 12 15 Flux densities of planetary nebulae at 5 GHz. HUGUES M.P.
1967MNRAS.135..139D 92 25 Observations of planetary nebule at 3 microwave frequencies. DAVIES J.G., FERRIDAY R.J., HASLAM C.G.T., et al.
1968ApJ...151L..61S 2 ~ Thermal emission by particles in NGC 7027. SWANY K.S. and O'DELL C.R.
1968ApJ...151..991C 35 12 Effective temperatures of central stars of planetary nebulae. CAPRIOTTI E.R. and KOVACH W.S.
1968ApL.....1..121G 9 0 Comments on Seaton distance scale. GORDON C.
1968BAICz..19....1K 262 19 Morphological study of planetary nebulae. I. Observed forms of planetary nebulae. KROMOV G.S. and KOHOUTEK L.
1968IAUS...34...87T 66 32 Observations of planetary nebulae at radio wave-lengths. TERZIAN Y.
1968IAUS...34..104B 14 0 Radio emission from fourteen planetary nebulae at 408 MHz. BARBIERI C. and FICARRA A.
1968IAUS...34..112T 68 5 Radio measurements of planetary nebulae. THOMPSON A.R.
1968IAUS...34..456M 7 15 Structure. MINKOWSKI R.
1969A&A.....3..156R 22 15 Observations of planetary nebulae at 11 and 6 cm wavelengths. RIBES J.C.
1969ApJ...155..469K 80 22 Survey of high-frequency radio radiation from planetary nebulae. KAFTAN-KASSIM M.A.
1969PASP...81..154K 50 10 Thermal emission by grains and the free-free emission from planetary nebulae. KRISHNA SWAMY K.S.
1970ApJ...160..887K 213 121 Chemical abundances and the parameters of planetary nebulae. KALER J.B.
1970MNRAS.150..359T 60 15 Further radio observations of planetary nebulae. THOMASSON P. and DAVIES J.G.
1970PN70........80G 50 0 Temperatures of nuclei, electron temperatures, electron concentrations. GURZADIAN G.A.
1970PN70.......238G 42 0 Magnetic fields in planetary nebulae. GURZADIAN G.A.
1971A&A....10..161G 166 117 The morphological classification of symmetrical nebulae. GREIG W.E.
1971AJ.....76..193S 35 25 On the distances of planetary nebulae. SMITH H.
1971ApJS...22..319C 609 455 Distances and distribution of planetary nebulae. CAHN J.H. and KALER J.B.
1971MNRAS.153..315H 121 32 A survey of microwave radiation from planetary nebulae. HIGGS L.A.
1971Ap&SS..11..309H 142 1 A review of radio observation of planetary nebulae. HECKATHORN J.
1971IzPul.187....4D 139 2 Statistical investigation of the motions, distribution of planetary nebulae. DEUTSCH A.N.
1971PAB.....1....1H 443 52 Catalog of radio observations of planetary nebulae, related optical data. HIGGS L.A.
1971SoByu..43...13K 9 0 Colorimetric investigation of the nuclei of planetary nebulae. KAZARIAN M.A.
1972A&A....18...70G 73 105 Spatial and kinematic parameters of binebulous centric and annular nebulae. GREIG W.E.
1972A&A....21..193H 10 27 Nouvelles observations de quelques nebuleuses planetaires. HUA C.T. and LOUISE R.
1972AJ.....77..350T 16 7 Expected infrared spectra from planetary nebulae. TERZIAN Y. and SANDERS O.
1972AuJPh..25...91A 74 26 Observation at 2700 MHz of selected planetary nebulae. ALLER L.H. and MILNE D.K.
1973AJ.....78..239M 153 38 Improved optical positions for 153 planetary nebulae. MILNE D.K.
1973MNRAS.161..313H 56 20 Study of radio continuum spectra of planetary nebulae. HIGGS L.A.
1973SSTor...5b...1I 379 ~ Statistical population indices of planetary nebulae. IWANOWSKA W.
1973IAUS...52..237C 50 4 Galactic dust distribution in the solar neighborhood. CAHN J.M. and NOSEK R.D.
1974A&A....34..141B 16 10 A calculation of infrared spectra from dust in planetary nebulae. BUSSOLETTI E., EPCHTEIN N. and BALUTEAU J.-P.
1974AJ.....79.1384C 62 235 New proper motions, statistical parallaxes and kinematics of planetary nebulae. CUDWORTH K.M.
1974VA.....16..309T 27 2 The planetary nebulae as radio sources. THOMPSON A.R.
1975A&A....38..183M 165 250 Radio observations at 5 GHz of southern planetary nebulae. MILNE D.K. and ALLER L.H.
1975MNRAS.171..441M 73 26 Orientation of planetary nebulae within the galaxy. MELNICK G. and HARWIT M.
1976A&AS...25..179C 47 52 Interaction of hot star and of the interstellar medium. VIII. Low-dispersion spectra of galactic nebulae and planetary nebulae. CHOPINET M. and LORTET-ZUCKERMANN M.C.
1976AJ.....81..407C 171 71 Interstellar extinction: a calibration by planetary nebulae. CAHN J.H.
1976ApJ...203..636K 24 51 A Spectrographic survey of 21 planetary nebulae. KALER J.B., ALLER L.H. and CZYZAK S.J.
1976ApJ...210..508C 107 61 The birthrate of planetary nebulae. CAHN J.H. and WYATT S.P.
1976ApJS...31..517K 334 358 A catalog of relative emission line intensities observed in planetary and diffuse nebulae. KALER J.B.
1977A&A....60L...9M 41 3 Statistical properties of planetary nebulae: central stars. MINELLO S. and SABBADIN F.
1977A&AS...30..217A 982 4 Bibliographical index of planetary nebulae for the period 1965-1976. ACKER A. and MARCOUT J.
1977AJ.....82..337S 3 12 198 Interstellar reddening law. SCHILD R.E.
1978A&AS...33..223S 115 13 Statistical properties of planetary nebulae: graphic presentation. SABBADIN F. and MINELLO S.
1978A&AS...33..367A 331 218 A new synthetic distance scale for planetary nebulae. ACKER A.
1978ApJ...225..527K 58 65 Galactic abundances of neon, argon and chlorine derived from planetary nebulae. KALER J.B.
1978Afz....14..665P 32 2 On the relationship between the "Zanstra" temperatures of the nuclei of planetary nebulae and the effective temperatures of these stars. PILYUGIN L.S., SAKHIBULLIN N.A. and KHROMOV G.S.
1979A&AS...36..169M 145 23 2,7 GHz radio frequency measurements of planetary nebulae. MILNE D.K. and WEBSTER B.L.
1979Afz....15..269K 176 8 Distances and galactic distribution of planetary nebulae. KHROMOV G.S.
1979SvA....23..425P 168 12 Evolution of planetary nebulae : the temperature of their central stars. PILYUGIN L.S. and KHROMOV G.S.
1980A&A....88....1M 130 134 Distances of planetary nebulae. MACIEL W.J. and POTTASCH S.R.
1980ApJS...42....1J 109 207 The luminosity function for planetary nebulae and the number of planetary nebulae in local group galaxies. JACOBY G.H.
1981SBS80.R....517I 80 ~ Temperature determination of exciting stars in highly excited planetary nebulae and symbiotic stars. IIJIMA T.
1982A&AS...47..575L 10 2 Observations et etude morphologique des nebuleuses annulaires en (OIII). LOUISE R.
1982A&AS...50..209M 397 90 Radio observations at 14.7 GHZ of southern planetary nebulae. MILNE D.K. and ALLER L.H.
1982MNRAS.199..141C 196 30 Observations of 196 southern planetary nebulae at 408 MHZ. CALABRETTA M.R.
1982MNRAS.199..649R 84 97 Measurements of expansion velocities in planetary nebulae. ROBINSON G.J., REAY N.K. and ATHERTON P.D.
1982BASI...10...73M 64 4 Planetary Nebulae. MALLIK D.C.V.
1982PSCDS...3....0A 452 ~ Catalogue of the central stars of true and possible planetary nebulae. ACKER A., GLEIZES F., CHOPINET M., et al.
1983A&AS...54..315A 1436 15 Index and cross-identification of planetary nebulae. ACKER A., MARCOUT J., OCHSENBEIN F., et al.
1983ApJ...271..188K 80 289 The evolution of large planetary nebulae and their central stars. (NB: PK 13+2 1=131+2 1, 214+14 1=217+14 1) KALER J.B.
1983AZh....60..448A 22 24 Geometry, gas-cloud kinematics, line profiles, and rapid profile variability in active nuclei and quasars. ANTOKHIN I.I. and BOCHKAREV N.G.
1983AZh....60..931S 25 4 The determination of the temperature and radius of the central star from the radio flux of the planetary nebula and the stellar magnitude of the nucleus. STANKEVICH K.S. and SHAROVA O.I.
1983IAUS..103..391P 65 94 Distances of the central stars and their position in the HR diagram. POTTASCH S.R.
1984A&A...136..181S 97 53 The interpretation of internal motions in planetary nebulae. SABBADIN F., GRATTON R.G., BIANCHINI A., et al.
1984A&A...137...92P 77 31 The dynamics, evolution and formation rate of planetary nebulae. PHILLIPS J.P.
1984A&A...138...10P 45 181 IRAS measurements of planetary nebulae. POTTASCH S.R., BAUD B., BEINTEMA D., et al.
1984A&A...140..141P 57 8 Constraints upon visual dust opacities in planetary nebulae. PHILLIPS J.P.
1984A&AS...55..253M 657 140 A catalogue of distances of planetary nebulae. MACIEL W.J.
1984A&AS...58..273S 163 86 A catalogue of expansion velocities in planetary nebulae. SABBADIN F.
1984AJ.....89..501T 38 14 Arecibo interferometer observations of compact planetary nebulae. TURNER K.C. and TERZIAN Y.
1985MNRAS.213..563S 22 15 Expansion velocities for selected planetary nebulae (NB PK 130-01 1=130-11 1). SABBADIN F., ORTOLANI S. and BIANCHINI A.
1985Ap&SS.113...59A 107 10 The parameters of planetary nebulae and their central stars derived from observations. AMNUEL P.R., GUSEINOV O.H., NOVRUZOVA H.I., et al.
1985MitAG..63..212B 2 1 Narrow-band observations of planetary nebulae with a photon-counting imaging detector. BARNSTEDT J., GUTEKUNST M., BIANCHI L., et al.
1986A&A...160...31S 127 27 Statistical evolutionary properties of planetary nebulae: thicknesses of the nebulae and temperatures of the stars. SABBADIN F.
1986A&AS...64..579S 79 49 Planetary nebulae at known distance. SABBADIN F.
1986ApJ...301..772Z 138 244 Origin of planetary nebulae: morphology, carbon-to-oxygen abundance ratios, and central star multiplicity. ZUCKERMAN B. and ALLER L.H.
1986ApJ...302..727J 44 85 Halos around planetary nebulae. JEWITT D.C., DANIELSON G.E. and KUPFERMAN P.N.
1986ApJ...303..451K 49 48 Ground-based and IRAS observations of compact planetary nebulae. KWOK S., HRIVNAK B.J. and MILONE E.F.
1987AJ.....94..671B 3 49 686 The evolution of planetary nebulae. I. Structures, ionizations, and morphological sequences. BALICK B.
1988A&A...197..266G 45 54 Magnitudes of central stars of planetary nebulae. GATHIER R. and POTTASCH S.R.
1988Ap&SS.149..343G 109 20 The temperatures of the nuclei of high-excitation planetary nebulae. GURZADYAN G.A.
1989A&AS...78..301W 286 159 A catalogue of expansion velocities of galactic planetary nebulae. WEINBERGER R.
1989A&AS...79..329Z 302 136 A catalogue of VLA radio continuum observations of planetary nebulae with the Very Large Array. ZIJLSTRA A.A., POTTASCH S.R. and BIGNELL C.
1989AJ.....98.1662J 18 55 Magnitudes of central stars in optically thick planetary nebulae. JACOBY G.H. and KALER J.B.
1989ApJ...343..811S 150 130 Electron densities in planetary nebulae. STANGHELLINI L. and KALER J.B.
1989ApJ...345..306L 232 66 Properties and evolution of dust grains in planetary nebulae. LENZUNI P., NATTA A. and PANAGIA N.
1989ApJ...345..871K 62 140 Central star temperatures of optically thick planetary nebulae and a distance-independent test of dredge-up theory. KALER J.B. and JACOBY G.H.
1989Ap&SS.154...21A 348 16 Planetary nebulae in the galaxy. AMNUEL P.R., GUSEINOV O.H. and RUSTAMOV Y.S.
1989Ap&SS.157...23M 13 4 Abundance gradient for 13 planetary nebulae in the galaxy. MANCHADO A., POTTASCH S.R. and MAMPASO A.
1989IAUS..131...83B 41 22 The shapes and shaping of planetary nebulae. BALICK B.
1989IAUS..131..105C 36 46 Multiple shell planetary nebulae. CHU Y.-H.
1990A&A...232..184P 38 19 Morphology of bipolar planetary nebulae. II. The three-dimensional structures. PASCOLI G.
1990ApJ...356L..59Z 70 T                   1 4 15 Molecules in
NGC 6781 and other runglike planetary nebulae.
1990ApJ...356..229H 142 67 Abundance patterns in planetary nebulae. HENRY R.B.C.
1990ApJ...359..392K 120 127 Large planetary nebulae and their significance to the late stages of stellar evolution. KALER J.B., SHAW R.A. and KWITTER K.B.
1991ApJ...374..227H 62 14 Spatial studies of planetary nebulae with IRAS. HAWKINS G.W. and ZUCKERMAN B.
1991ApJS...76..687P 211 103 Chemical abundances in planetary nebulae: basic data and correlations between elements. PERINOTTO M.
1991Ap&SS.181...73G 144 9 Excitation class of nebulae - an evolution criterion ? GURZADYAN G.A. and EGIKYAN A.G.
1991PASAu...9...15M 7 4 Planetary nebulae : origin and evolution. MALLIK D.C.V.
1992A&A...262..271M 151 50 Kinematics of disk planetary nebulae. MACIEL W.J. and DUTRA C.M.
1992A&A...266..486S 214 35 Comparison of two methods for determining the interstellar extinction of planetary nebulae. STASINSKA G., TYLENDA R., ACKER A., et al.
1992A&AS...94..399C viz 772 454 A catalogue of absolute fluxes and distances of planetary nebulae. CAHN J.H., KALER J.B. and STANGHELLINI L.
1992A&AS...95..337T 925 103 The extinction constants for galactic planetary nebulae. TYLENDA R., ACKER A., STENHOLM B., et al.
1992ESOPN...1....1A viz 1829 ~ Strasbourg-ESO Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae ACKER A., OCHSENBEIN F., STENHOLM B., et al.
1993A&A...267..177B 9 33 The spatio-kinematic structure of the CO envelopes of evolved planetary nebulae. BACHILLER R., HUGGINS P.J., COX P., et al.
1993ApJ...408L.105G 1 6 34 H2 morphology of young planetary nebulae. GRAHAM J.R., HERBST T.M., MATTHEWS K., et al.
1993ApJS...88..137Z 433 106 Trace of planetary nebula evolution by distance-independent parameters. ZHANG C.Y. and KWOK S.
1993IAUS..155..147H 32 15 The neutral envelopes of planetary nebulae: molecules and H I. HUGGINS P.J.
1994A&A...288..897T 147 16 Confrontation of theoretical tracks for post-AGB stars with observations of planetary nebulae. TYLENDA R. and STASINSKA G.
1994A&AS..106..559T viz 768 24 A catalogue HeII 4686 line intensities in Galactic planetary nebulae. TYLENDA R., STASINSKA G., ACKER A., et al.
1994A&AS..108..485V viz 434 71 On an alternative statistical distance scale for planetary nebulae. Catalog with statistical distances to planetary nebulae. VAN DE STEENE G.C. and ZIJLSTRA A.A.
1994ApJ...421..600K 3 5 66 The bipolar symmetry of ring-like planetary nebulae: molecular hydrogen emission from halos. KASTNER J.H., GATLEY I., MERRILL K.M., et al.
1994Ast....22f..63E 15 0 Glittering realms of the summer Milky Way. EICHER D.J.
1994Ap&SS.219..231M 200 36 Abundances and radial gradients from disk planetary nebulae : HE, N, C and CL. MACIEL W.J. and CHIAPPINI C.
1995A&A...293..871C 1 82 385 Morphological populations of planetary nebulae: which progenitors? I. Comparative properties of bipolar nebulae. CORRADI R.L.M. and SCHWARZ H.E.
1995ApJS...98..659Z viz 644 200 A statistical distance scale for galactic planetary nebulae. ZHANG C.Y.
1995MNRAS.276...57C viz 1003 53 IRAS-selected Galactic star-forming regions. II. Water maser detections in the extended sample. CODELLA C., PALUMBO G.G.C., PARESCHI G., et al.
1996A&A...315..284H 115 134 The molecular envelopes of planetary nebulae. HUGGINS P.J., BACHILLER R., COX P., et al.
1996A&AS..116..395F 233 3 Classification of planetary nebulae by cluster analysis and artificial neural networks. FAUNDEZ-ABANS M., ORMENO M.I. and DE OLIVEIRA-ABANS M.
1996ApJ...457..773D 1 12 47 The shaping of planetary nebulae: asymmetry in the external wind. DWARKADAS V.V., CHEVALIER R.A. and BLONDIN J.M.
1996ApJ...462..777K 107 180 H2 Emission from planetary nebulae: signpost of bipolar structure. KASTNER J.H., WEINTRAUB D.A., GATELY I., et al.
1996Ap&SS.245..169O 38 36 Circumstellar molecular envelopes of AGB and post-AGB objects. OLOFSSON H.
1997A&A...318..256G viz 75 81 Planetary nebulae morphologies, central star masses and nebular properties. GORNY S.K., STASINSKA G. and TYLENDA R.
1997A&A...324.1123B 3 11 116 The chemical evolution of planetary nebulae. BACHILLER R., FORVEILLE T., HUGGINS P.J., et al.
1997ApJS..112..487S viz 455 190 Properties that cannot be explained by the progenitors of planetary nebulae. SOKER N.
1997Ap&SS.251...63B 13 0 Chemical evolution from the AGB to the planetary nebula phase. BACHILLER R.
1997ARep...41..760M viz 167 22 A self-consistent determination of the distances, physical parameters, and chemical composition for a large sample of Galactic planetary nebulae: the distances and parameters of central stars and the optical depths of envelopes. MAL'KOV Y.F.
1998A&A...331L..45B 16 3 IRAS 06562-0337, the Iron-clad Nebula: a young star embedded in a molecular cloud. BACHILLER R., PEREZ GUTIERREZ M. and GARCIA-LARIO P.
1998A&A...340..527P 315 20 Electron densities in planetary nebulae, and the unusual characteristics of the [SII] emission zone. PHILLIPS J.P.
1998A&AS..132...13D viz 870 88 The kinematics of 867 galactic planetary nebulae. DURAND S., ACKER A. and ZIJLSTRA A.
1998AJ....115.1989T viz 14       D               673 35 A new distance indicator to galactic planetary nebulae based upon IRAS fluxes. TAJITSU A. and TAMURA S.
1998ApJ...509..728W 10 24 The onset of molecular hydrogen emission from proto-planetary nebulae. WEINTRAUB D.A., HUARD T., KASTNER J.H., et al.
1998ApJS..117..341Z 111 37 A morphological study of planetary nebulae. ZHANG C.Y. and KWOK S.
1998ApJS..117..361C viz 887 101 Planetary nebulae in the NRAO VLA sky survey. CONDON J.J. and KAPLAN D.L.
1998SSRv...84..177P 18 2 Measurements of the 12C/13C ratio in planetary nebulae and implications for stellar evolution. PALLA F., GALLI D., BACHILLER R., et al.
1998ARep...42..293M 221 12 A self-consistent determination of distances, physical parameters, and chemical composition for a large sample of galactic planetary nebulae: chemical composition. MAL'KOV Y.F.
1999A&A...352..297S viz 549 51 The dust content of planetary nebulae: a reappraisal. STASINSKA G. and SZCZERBA R.
1999AJ....118..488C 112 199 A Hubble Space Telescope survey for resolved companions of planetary nebula nuclei. CIARDULLO R., BOND H.E., SIPIOR M.S., et al.
1999ApJ...517..767G 3 30 290 Shaping bipolar and elliptical planetary nebulae: effects of stellar rotation, photoionization heating, and magnetic fields. GARCIA-SEGURA G., LANGER N., ROZYCZKA M., et al.
2000A&A...355...69P 24 48 Measurements of 12C/13C in planetary nebulae: Implications on stellar and Galactic chemical evolution. PALLA F., BACHILLER R., STANGHELLINI L., et al.
2000ApJ...532..994H 1 9 32 A chemical model of the neutral envelope of the planetary nebula NGC 7027. HASEGAWA T., VOLK K. and KWOK S.
2000IAUS..177..413O 27 0 The neutral envelopes around AGB and post-AGB objects their structure and kinematics. OLOFSSON H.
2001A&A...373.1032S viz 264 26 An analysis of the observed radio emission from planetary nebulae. SIODMIAK N. and TYLENDA R.
2001A&A...374..280M 109 T K     O           7 10 The physical structure of the planetary nebula

NGC 6781
2001A&A...374..599B         O           80 39 The distance scale of planetary nebulae. BENSBY T. and LUNDSTROEM I.
2001A&A...378..843K viz 15       D               2202 103 Version 2000 of the Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae. KOHOUTEK L.
2001ApJ...563..875M 20 16 First detections of molecular gas associated with the Wolf-Rayet ring nebula NGC 3199. MARSTON A.P.
2001MNRAS.323..343L 55 92 ISO LWS observations of planetary nebula fine-structure lines. LIU X.-W., BARLOW M.J., COHEN M., et al.
2001MNRAS.325..881A 110 T K                 5 17 Gas-phase models for the evolved planetary nebulae

NGC 6781,
M4-9 and NGC 7293.
2001Ap&SS.277..393C 168 5 Gravity distances of planetary nebulae II. Aplication to a sample of galactic objects. CAZETTA J.O. and MACIEL W.J.
2002A&A...384.1062T 27 11 The 3-D ionization structure of the planetary nebula NGC 6565. TURATTO M., CAPPELLARO E., RAGAZZONI R., et al.
2002ApJ...576..285S 203 40 The correlations between planetary nebula morphology and central star evolution: analysis of the northern galactic sample. STANGHELLINI L., VILLAVER E., MANCHADO A., et al.
2002RMxAC..12..158A 73 T                   2 2 Kinematics of the planetary nebula
NGC 6781.
2003A&A...397..659J 16 23 The chemistry of compact planetary nebulae. JOSSELIN E. and BACHILLER R.
2003A&A...408.1029K viz 1323 48 Galactic Planetary Nebulae and their central stars. I. An accurate and homogeneous set of coordinates. KERBER F., MIGNANI R.P., GUGLIELMETTI F., et al.
2003MNRAS.340..417C 59 141 Ionized haloes in planetary nebulae: new discoveries, literature compilation and basic statistical properties. CORRADI R.L.M., SCHOENBERNER D., STEFFEN M., et al.
2003MNRAS.344..501P 376 44 The relation between Zanstra temperature and morphology in planetary nebulae. PHILLIPS J.P.
2003IAUS..209..249H 13 3 Photochemistry and molecular formation in planetary nebulae. HASEGAWA T.I.
2003IAUS..209..257A 5 0 NIR Fabry-Perot imaging spectroscopy of PNe. ARIAS L. and ROSADO M.
2003RMxAC..18..106R 6 3 Planetary nebulae with H[2] emision. ROSADO M. and ARIAS L.
2004A&A...427..873W 110 43 A reexamination of electron density diagnostics for ionized gaseous nebulae. WANG W., LIU X.-W., ZHANG Y., et al.
2004MNRAS.353..589P viz 448 85 Planetary nebula distances re-examined: an improved statistical scale. PHILLIPS J.P.
2004MNRAS.353.1231L 25 51 Chemical abundances of planetary nebulae from optical recombination lines - I. Observations and plasma diagnostics. LIU Y., LIU X.-W., LUO S.-G., et al.
2004MNRAS.353.1251L 36 84 Chemical abundances of planetary nebulae from optical recombination lines - II. Abundances derived from collisionally excited lines and optical recombination lines. LIU Y., LIU X.-W., BARLOW M.J., et al.
2004NewA....9..391P         O           74 8 The distances of Type I planetary nebulae. PHILLIPS J.P.
2005A&A...431..523B viz         O           19 31 Physical conditions in Photo-Dissociation Regions around Planetary Nebulae. BERNARD-SALAS J. and TIELENS A.G.G.M.
2005A&A...434..181H 111 T K                 4 2 Molecular hydrogen kinematics in the ring-like planetary nebula
NGC 6781.
2005A&A...443..981K 22     A   O           14 14 Electron temperature fluctuations in planetary nebulae. KRABBE A.C. and COPETTI M.V.F.
2005RMxAC..24..281R 23 2 Conclusions of the Workshop on the interferometric mode of OSIRIS. ROSADO M.
2006ApJ...648..430S 75 T                   5 18 Three-dimensional photoionization structure and distances of planetary nebulae. III.
NGC 6781.
1968XXET.........0. 88 ~ ???
1965XXEC.........0. 76 ~ ???
1987XXIQ.........0. 50 ~ ???
2006RMxAC..26...28S 2 0 The 3-D view of Planetary Nebulae. SCHWARZ H.E. and MONTEIRO H.
2006MNRAS.372.1081F 30 29 Two new evolved bipolar planetary nebulae in the solar neighbourhood. FREW D.J., PARKER Q.A. and RUSSEIL D.
2007MNSSA..66..172S 14 0 Tiny bat vs mighty Eagle. STREICHER M.
2007AJ....134.1679O 37           X         1 26 18 The three-dimensional ionization structure and evolution of NGC 6720, the Ring Nebula. O'DELL C.R., SABBADIN F. and HENNEY W.J.
2007A&A...475..217Q viz 15       D               477 19 Bayesian posterior classification of planetary nebulae according to the Peimbert types. QUIREZA C., ROCHA-PINTO H.J. and MACIEL W.J.
2007MNRAS.382.1139B 539       D     X C F     13 10 5 A search for CO+ in planetary nebulae. BELL T.A., WHYATT W., VITI S., et al.
2008A&A...479..155K viz 15       D               283 9 Galactic planetary nebulae and their central stars. II. Proper motions. KERBER F., MIGNANI R.P., SMART R.L., et al.
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