QSO B1514-24 , the SIMBAD biblio

QSO B1514-24 , the SIMBAD biblio (784 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST05:19:06

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Title First 3 Authors
1964AuJPh..17..340B 303 139 The Parkes catalogue of radio sources declination zone -20 to -60 degres. BOLTON J.G., GARDNER F.F. and MacKEY M.B.
1965AuJPh..18..627B 55 88 Identification of extragalactic radio sources between declinations -20 degres and -44 degres. BOLTON J.G., CLARKE M.E. and EKERS R.D.
1966AuJPh..19..649S 642 54 Accurate positions of 644 radio sources. SHIMMINS A.J., CLARKE M.E. and EKERS R.D.
1968AJ.....73..953P 507 86 Measurements of the flux density and spectra of discrete sources at centimeter wavelengths. II. The observations at 5 GHz (6cm). PAULINY-TOTH I.I.K. and KELLERMANN K.I.
1968ApJS...15..203F 535 123 The east-west structure of radio sources at 1425 MHz. FOMALONT E.B.
1968PASP...80....5B 80 26 Accurate positions of identified radio sources. BOLTON J.G.
1970AJ.....75..351E 4213 76 The Ohio Survey between 0 and -36 degrees. EHMAN J.R., DIXON R.S. and KRAUS J.D.
1970AJ.....75.1015M 143 26 Precise declinations and optical identifications of selected discrete radio source. MOSELEY G.F., BROOKS C.C. and DOUGLAS J.N.
1971AJ.....76....5F 354 74 Positions of 352 small-diameter radio sources. FOMALONT E.B. and MOFFET A.T.
1971ApJ...167L..79B 68 T                   1 3 28 The optically variable radio source
PKS 1514-24 = AP Librae.
1971Natur.233..401H 69 T                   1 1 14 Further data on the optical variable
PKS 1514-24.
1972ApJ...175L...7S 5 5 173 Compact extragalactic nonthermal sources. STRITTMATTER P.A., SERKOWSKI K., CARSWELL R., et al.
1972MNRAS.160p..31C 2 ~ High resolution radio observations of Ap lib. CONWAY R.G. and STANNARD D.
1973AJ.....78....1D 628 61 First results from the Texas interferometer: positions of 605 discrete sources. DOUGLAS J.N., BASH F.N., GHIGO F.D., et al.
1973AJ.....78..521W 180 87 Optical identifications of radio sources using accurate radio and optical positions. WILLS B.J., WILLS D. and DOUGLAS J.N.
1973AJ.....78..828K 501 88 Measurements of the flux density and spectra of discrete radio sources at centimeter wavelengths. IV. The observations at 10.7 GHz (2.8 cm). KELLERMANN K.I. and PAULINY-TOTH I.I.K.
1973ApJ...181L..23B 8 20 A search for extragalactic objects in the general catalog of variable stars. BOND H.E.
1973ApJ...186L...1E 1 3 25 A very large light pulse from the object identified with PKS 0537-441. EGGEN O.J.
1974A&A....30...41P 1 3 20 A sustained pulse from ON 231. POLLOCK J.T., HALL D.L., AMBRUSTER C., et al.
1974A&A....34..285C 69 4 4850-MHz observations of a sample radio sources identified with quasars. CROVISIER J. and LE SQUEREN A.M.
1974ApJ...190L.101C 6 3 117 Optical observations of the radio source 0735+178. CARSWELL R.F., STRITTMATTER P.A., WILLIAMS R.E., et al.
1974ApJ...192L..83S 6 1 A search for additional radio sources in the Kukarkin variable star catalog. SHAFFER D.B. and SHIELDS G.A.
1974MNRAS.168p...7A 67 T                   1 4 ~ Photometry of
AP Lib and PKS 0521-36.
1974Natur.250..111S 2 0 Are BL Lac-type objects nearby black holes ? SHAPIRO S.T. and ELLIOT J.L.
1975AJ.....80..895M 20 97 Optical behavior of 20 violently variable extragalactic radio sources. McGIMSEY B.Q., SMITH A.G., SCOTT R.L., et al.
1975ApJ...197L..49K 2 2 28 The surface brightness of the nebulosity in BL Lacertae. KINMAN T.D.
1975ApJ...198L..53P 15 49 Variability and optical radio properties of BL Lacertae objects. POLLOCK J.T.
1975ApJ...198..261U 15 2 186 Nonthermal continuum radiation in three elliptical galaxies. ULRICH M.H., KINMAN T.D., LYNDS C.R., et al.
1975ApJ...201...82G 9 45 Results of a southern-hemisphere search for gamma-ray sources at Egamma > 3x1011 eV. GRINDLAY J.E., HELMKEN H.F., HANBURY BROWN R., et al.
1976AJ.....81..574P 412 12 Radio two-color diagram for QSOs, spiral galaxies, and BL Lac objets. PACHT E.
1976ApJ...205....1K 33 113 Photoelectric magnitudes and polarization data for possible BL Lacertae objects. KINMAN T.D.
1976ApJ...207L..17P 69 T                   1 1 8 The BL Lacertae object
AP Librae in 1975.
1976ApJ...207..359M 3 11 An X-ray survey of BL Lacertae objects. MARGON B., BOWYER S., JONES T.W., et al.
1977ApJ...212L...9R 68 T                   1 4 Emission lines in
AP Librae in 1976.
1977ApJ...215..759V 70 T                   1 1 10 The extended source in
AP Librae.
1977MNRAS.179..153A 81 61 Observations of the flux density and linear polarization of compact extragalactic radio sources at 3.7 and 11.1 cm wavelength. II. ALTSCHULER D.R. and WARDLE J.F.C.
1977IzKry..56...39S 4 6 Study of linear optical polarization of some objects of BL Lac type. SHAKHOVSKOY N.M. and EFIMOV Yu.S.
1978AJ.....83..863A 105 129 A ten-year study of extragalactic variables sources at centimeter wavelengths. ANDREW B.H., MacLEOD J.M., HARVEY G.A., et al.
1978ApJ...220...19M 3 2 35 Photoelectric intraday observations of BL Lacertae, 3C 66A, B2 1652+39, and 3C 371. MILLER H.R. and McGIMSEY B.Q.
1978ApL....19..113C 1 3 Polarization of 3C 371 and AP Lib at 2.2 mu-m. CAPPS R.W. and KNACKE R.F.
1979A&A....78...46V 47 40 The luminosity function of Seyfert 1 galaxy nuclei and BL Lac objetcs, and the X-ray background. VERON P.
1979PASJ...31..125S 155 39 Intergalactic magnetic fields and Faraday rotation of extragalactic radio sources. SOFUE Y., FUJIMOTO M. and KAWABATA K.-A.
1980AJ.....85..363L 52 39 Variable radio sources: 90-GHz flux densities. LANDAU R., EPSTEIN E.E. and RATHER J.D.G.
1980AJ.....85.1427E 32 20 Extragalactic radio sources - Rapid variability at 90 GHz. EPSTEIN E.E., LANDAU R. and RATHER J.D.G.
1980ApJ...236...84P 11 22 A recent outburst of AO 0235+164. PICA A.J., SMITH A.G. and POLLOCK J.T.
1980MNRAS.190..649G 1 3 29 Optical monitoring of southern quasars. II. GILMORE G.
1981PASP...93..681M 3 5 99 The galaxy components of BL Lacertae objects, N systems, and quasi-stellar objects. MILLER J.S.
1982A&A...105..284W 2 1 11 The properties of Ap Librae from UBV photoelectric photometry. WESTERLUND B.E., WLERICK G. and GARNIER R.
1982MNRAS.199..969A 54 82 The near-infrared continua of BL Lacertae objects. ALLEN D.A., WARD M.J. and HYLAND A.R.
1983A&A...125...52B 54 82 Super-Eddington luminosity characteristics of active galactic nuclei. BASSANI L., DEAN A.J. and SEMBAY S.
1983ApJ...266...18U 1 14 71 The arc second radio structure of 12 BL Lacertae objects. ULVESTAD J.S., JOHNSTON K.J. and WEILER K.W.
1983ApJ...266..459S 29 77 Studies of BL Lac objects with the Einstein X-ray Observatory : the absolute volume density. SCHWARTZ D.A. and KU W.H.M.
1983ApJ...272...11P 131 88 Optical variability, absolute luminosity, and the Hubble diagram for QSOs. PICA A.J. and SMITH A.G.
1983ApJ...272..400H 27 43 An infrared and optical investigation of galactic nuclei with compact radio sources. HECKMAN T.M., LEBOFSKY M.J., RIEKE G.H., et al.
1983ApJS...52..293W 120 54 A catalog of high accuracy polarization measurements. WEILER K.W. and DE PATER I.
1983MNRAS.204p..23B 10 ~ Is it possible to turn an elliptical radio galaxy into a BL Lac object ? BROWNE I.W.A.
1983MmSAI..54..399M 24 2 Far ultraviolet observations of BL Lac objects. MARASCHI L., TANZI E.G. and TREVES A.
1983PASAu...5....2W 293 86 An atlas of QSO spectra. WILKES B.J., WRIGHT A.E., JAUNCEY D.L., et al.
1984AJ.....89..189U 19 37 A search for arcminute-scale radio emission in BL Lacertae objects. ULVESTAD J.S. and JOHNSTON K.J.
1984AJ.....89..319G 140 30 A redshift survey of the poor cluster A1142. GELLER M.J., BEERS T.C., BOTHUN G.D., et al.
1984AJ.....89..323G 220 21 The low-frequency spectra of a complete sample of extragalactic radio sources. GREGORINI L., MANTOVANI F., ECKART A., et al.
1984AJ.....89..336W 298 21 Very long baseline interferometry observations of 257 extragalactic radio sources in the ecliptic region. WEHRLE A.E., MORABITO D.D. and PRESTON R.A.
1984ApJ...279...93W 33 117 The radio morphology of blazars and relationships to optical polarization and to normal radio galaxies. WARDLE J.F.C., MOORE R.L. and ANGEL J.R.P.
1984ApJ...280..102G 25 35 Millimeter-wave observations of flat spectrum radio sources. GEAR W.K., ROBSON E.I., ADE P.A.R., et al.
1984ApJS...54..547W 70 52 JHK observations of classical Cepheids. WELCH D.L., WIELAND F., McALARY C.W., et al.
1984MNRAS.209..245I 21 67 Infrared polarimetry and photometry of BL Lac objects - II. IMPEY C.D., BRAND P.W.J.L., WOLSTENCROFT R.D., et al.
1984MNRAS.210..961H 28 43 Infrared polarimetry and photometry of BL Lac objects - III. HOLMES P.A., BRAND P.W.J.L., IMPEY C.D., et al.
1984MNRAS.211...47S 124 19 Relative orientation of core polarization at lambda 6 cm and the overall radio axes of quasars. SAIKIA D.J. and SHASTRI P.
1984BAAS...16..460A 19 1 Cm-wavelength fluxes and polarizations of active BL Lacertae -type objects. ALLER M.F. and ALLER H.D.
1984Msngr..35...35S 9 0 One mm observations of BL Lacertae objects. STEPPE H.
1985AJ.....90..590M 136 13 Arcsecond positions for milliarcsecond VLBI nuclei of extragalactic radio sources. III. 74 sources. MORABITO D.D., WEHRLE A.E., PRESTON R.A., et al.
1985AJ.....90.1599P 1228 160 A VLBI survey at 2.29 GHz. PRESTON R.A., MORABITO D.D., WILLIAMS J.G., et al.
1985ApJ...294..158A 55 261 Extended radio emission and the nature of blazars. ANTONUCCI R.R.J. and ULVESTAD J.S.
1985ApJ...298..630L 100 159 The radio-optical-X-ray spectral flux distributions of blazars. LEDDEN J.E. and O'DELL S.L.
1985ApJS...59..513A 106 411 Spectra and linear polarizations of extragalactic variable sources at centimeter wavelengths. ALLER H.D., ALLER M.F., LATIMER G.E., et al.
1985MNRAS.212..601V 55 6 Interplanetary scintillation observations of 57 flat-spectrum sources at 327 MHz. VIJAYANARASIMHA U., ANANTHAKRISHNAN S. and SWARUP G.
1985MNRAS.216..173W viz 224 312 Bright extragalactic radio sources at 2.7 GHz- III. The all-sky catalogue. WALL J.V. and PEACOCK J.A.
1985PASP...97.1158S 17 71 Continuum and line fluxes of OJ 287 at minimum light. SITKO M.L. and JUNKKARINEN V.T.
1985RMxAA..10..101C 87 2 A search for variable radiosources at 1410 MHz. COLOMB F.R., GIACANI E.B., LOISEAU N., et al.
1986AJ.....91.1038M 402 50 VLBI observations of 416 extragalactic radio sources. MORABITO D.D., NIELL A.E., PRESTON R.A., et al.
1986AJ.....92..412W 34 1 A search for optically variable objects in the Texas radio source survey. WILLS D., BOZYAN F.A., DOUGLAS J.N., et al.
1986ApJ...308...78L 2 25 244 Active extragalactic sources: nearly simultaneous observations from 20 centimeters to 1400 A. LANDAU R., GOLISCH B., JONES T.J., et al.
1986ApJ...310..317G 35 103 Spectral properties of blazars. I. Objects in the far-ultraviolet. GHISELLINI G., MARASCHI L., TANZI E.G., et al.
1986MNRAS.221..739B 29 104 Simultaneous optical and infrared polarization measurements of blazars. BRINDLE C., HOUGH J.H., BAILEY J.A., et al.
1987A&AS...68..383H 85 65 UBVRI photometry of active galaxies. I. Observations. HAMUY M. and MAZA J.
1987A&AS...69...23T 84 11 Precise optical positions of strong extragalactic radio sources south of del=+5 deg. TORRES C. and WROBLEWSKI H.
1987AJ.....93....1B 87 102 An updated list of BL Lac objects, and their relation to galaxies and quasi stellar objects. BURBIDGE G. and HEWITT A.
1987AJ.....93.1484M 267 27 A systematic search for long-term variability in a large sample of X-ray sources. MACCACARO T., GARILLI B. and MEREGHETTI S.
1987AJ.....94.1150E 88 53 Millimeter-wave spectra and variability of bright, compact radio sources. EDELSON R.A.
1987MNRAS.229...15S 103 35 The radio and optical axes of radio elliptical galaxies. SANSOM A.E., DANZIGER I.J., EKERS R.D., et al.
1987Afz....26..566B 70 T                   1 1 0 The separation of radiation components in
AP Lib.
1987PAZh...13..376V 56 2 Interplanetary scintillation observations of the flat spectrum radio sources at 102.5 MHz. VETUKHNOVSKAYA Y.N.
1987IAUS..121....3C 3 0 Lists of active galaxies, problems of detection and statistics. CANNON R.D.
1988A&AS...75..317S 296 145 Millimeter continuum measurements of extragalactic radio sources. STEPPE H., SALTER C.J., CHINI R., et al.
1988A&AS...76...15G 14 18 Variations in the flux density of southern BL Lacertae objects at 1410 MHz. GIACANI E.B. and COLOMB F.R.
1988AJ.....95..307I 166 261 Energy distributions of blazars. IMPEY C.D. and NEUGEBAUER G.
1988AJ.....95..374W 2 22 262 Optical observations of 22 violently variable extragalactic sources :1968-1986. WEBB J.R., SMITH A.G., LEACOCK R.J., et al.
1988AJ.....96.1731R 35 26 Microarcsecond optical astrometry: an instrument and its astrophysical applications. REASENBERG R.D., BABCOCK R.W., CHANDLER J.F., et al.
1988MNRAS.230..639M 37 126 Spectrophotometry of active galaxies - I. The observations. MORRIS S.L. and WARD M.J.
1988Ap&SS.141..303B 677 71 Catalogue of unambiguous (Faraday-thin, one-component, spectrum-selected) rotation measures for galaxies and quasars. BROTEN N.W., MacLEOD J.M. and VALLEE J.P.
1988IzKry..78..112M 168 2 High sensitivity observations at the wavelength 8,2 mm of complete sample of extragalactic radio sources. MOISEEV I.G., NESTEROV N.S., EFANOV S.V., et al.
1988MmSAI..59..277M 36 12 EXOSAT observations of BL Lac objects. MARASCHI L. and MACCAGNI D.
1989A&AS...79..283W 208 12 A celestial reference frame based on extragalactic radio sources. WALTER H.G.
1989AJ.....97..708V 66 204 H I absorption in radio elliptical galaxies-evidence for infall. VAN GORKOM J.H., KNAPP G.R., EKERS R.D., et al.
1989ApJS...69....1H 1594 191 The first addition to the new optical catalog of quasi-stellar objects. HEWITT A. and BURBIDGE G.
1989MNRAS.236..737E 93 85 A complete sample of radio galaxies - I. The radio data. EKERS R.D., WALL J.V., SHAVER P.A., et al.
1989BAAS...21.1130M 70 T                   1 1 ~ Intraday variations detected for
AP Librae.
1989TrLen..42....5H 47 1 Optical and infrared polarimetry in extragalactic astrophysics. HAGEN-THORN V.A.
1989ESOLV.C......0L viz 14       D               15447 ~ The surface photometry catalogue of the ESO-Uppsala galaxies. LAUBERTS A. and VALENTIJN E.A.
1990A&A...230..297G 32 9 A multifrequency study of radio intensity variations for active galactic nuclei of different optical classes. GHOSH T. and GOPAL-KRISHNA
1990A&AS...83..393Q 255 10 Radio spectra of quasars. II. QUINIENTO Z.M. and ECHAVE M.M.
1990AJ.....99..476K 88 72 Infrared properties of nearby radio galaxies. KNAPP G.R., BIES W.E. and VAN GORKOM J.H.
1990AJ.....99.1421B 89 27 Optical variability of extragalactic objects used to tie the HIPPARCOS reference frame to an extragalactic system using HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE observations. BOZYAN E.P., HEMENWAY P.D. and ARGUE A.N.
1990ApJ...356..432G 1 35 163 A study of BL Lacertae-type objects with EXOSAT. I. Flux correlations, luminosity and spectral variability. GIOMMI P., BARR P., GARILLI B., et al.
1990ApJ...360..396W 62 169 X-ray spectra of compact extragalactic radio sources. WORRALL D.M. and WILKES B.J.
1990MNRAS.243..640B 44 42 The optical and infrared emission of blazars. BALLARD K.R., MEAD A.R.G., BRAND P.W.J.L., et al.
1991A&A...249...65X 33 48 The beaming model and Hubble diagram of BL Lacertae objects. XIE G.Z., LIU F.K., LIU B.F., et al.
1991AJ....101...71X 67 20 Observational distinction between two types of active galactic nuclei. XIE G.Z., LIU F.K., LIU B.F., et al.
1991AJ....101.1196C 77 T                   1 2 58 The timescales of the optical variability of blazars. II.
AP Librae.
1991ApJ...374..431S 3 34 521 The complete sample of 1 Jansky BL Lacertae objects. I. Summary properties. STICKEL M., PADOVANI P., URRY C.M., et al.
1991MNRAS.251..330W viz 1195 35 Flux densities at 8400 MHz for a large sample of radiosources. WRIGHT A.E., WARK R.M., TROUP E., et al.
1991MNRAS.252..482A 24 93 Optical imaging of BL Lac host galaxies. ABRAHAM R.G., McHARDY I.M. and CRAWFORD C.S.
1991Afz....35..335T 56 0 On the study of internal structure of superdense celestial bodies. TER-KAZARIAN G.T.
1991Ap&SS.179..321X 39 7 Cosmological implications of BL Lac objects. XIE G.Z., LIU F.K., ZHU Y.Y., et al.
1991SoSAO..68...60K 115 5 Monitoring programme of multifrequency radiospectra of variable extragalactic objects. KOVALEV Y.A.
1992A&A...256..399P 34 77 A statistical analysis of complete samples of BL Lacertae objects. PADOVANI P.
1992A&A...264..203G 143 17 Low-frequency variability and the galactic distribution of electron-density fluctuation. GHOSH T. and RAO A.P.
1992A&AS...96..441S 108 70 Millimeter continuum measurements of extragalactic radio sources. II. STEPPE H., LIECHTI S., MAUERSBERGER R., et al.
1992AJ....104...28B viz 42 45 Homogeneous J, H, K, L photometry of a sample of BL Lac objects. BERSANELLI M., BOUCHET P., FALOMO R., et al.
1992ApJ...398..454W 267 218 A survey for high optical polarization in quasars with core-dominant radio structure: is there a beamed optical continuum ? WILLS B.J., WILLS D., BREGER M., et al.
1992ApJS...83....1E 44 27 The Colorado IUE active galaxy survey. I. Blazars. EDELSON R., PIKE G.F., SAKEN J.M., et al.
1992AcApS..12..340X 54 0 Radio, optical and X-ray luminosity correlations and beaming model in BL Lac objects. XIE G., LIU B., LU J., et al.
1992Ap&SS.194....1T 60 4 An introduction to the theory of internal structure of supermassive compact celestial bodies. TER-KAZARIAN G.T.
1993A&AS...98..393S viz 84 291 The complete sample of 1 Jy BL Lac objects. II. Observational data. STICKEL M., FRIED J.W. and KUHR H.
1993AJ....105.1680T 51 33 Survey of a complete sample of southern extragalactic radio sources. TORNIKOSKI M., VALTAOJA E., TERASRANTA H., et al.
1993AJ....106...11F 34 49 The optical to near-infrared emission of BL Lac objects: simultaneous observations. FALOMO R., BERSANELLI M., BOUCHET P., et al.
1993AJ....106.1330K 4 2 37 Imaging of the gravitatioanl lens system PG 1115+080 with the Hubble Space Telescope. KRISTIAN J., GROTH E.J., SHAYA E.J., et al.
1993ApJ...403..663L 99 32 Survey of galactic CO emission toward compact extragalactic millimeter-wave continuum sources. LISZT H.S. and WILSON R.W.
1993ApJ...406..430P 35 88 The radio structure of X-ray-selected BL Lacertae objects. PERLMAN E.S. and STOCKE J.T.
1993ApJ...415..113F 23 27 Radio selected BL Lacertae objects and some correlations. FAN J.H., XIE G.Z., LI J.J., et al.
1993ApJ...416..130P 47 38 The ultraviolet continua of blazars: a reconsideration of IUE archives. PIAN E. and TREVES A.
1993ApJS...85..111C 42 22 A catalog of X-ray spectra of BL Lacertae objects. CILIEGI P., BASSANI L. and CAROLI E.
1993ApJS...87..451H viz 14       D               7278 328 A revised and updated catalog of quasi-stellar objects. HEWITT A. and BURBIDGE G.
1993MNRAS.263..999T 87 228 Optical spectroscopy of a complete sample of southern 2-Jy radio sources. TADHUNTER C.N., MORGANTI R., DI SEREGO ALIGHIERI S., et al.
1993MNRAS.263.1023M 98 224 The radio structures of southern 2-Jy radio sources. MORGANTI R., KILLEEN N.E.B. and TADHUNTER C.N.
1993MNRAS.264..298M 115 228 VLA observations of a complete sample of core-dominated radio sources. MURPHY D.W., BROWNE I.W.A. and PERLEY R.A.
1993MNRAS.264..919G 38 23 Are there two populations of BL Lac objects ? GEAR W.K.
1993IzKry..88...47K 12 4 New evidences of the 160-minute oscillations in active galactic nuclei. KOTOV V.A., LYUTY V.M. and HANEYCHUK V.I.
1993KFNT....9b..15K 204 ~ A compiled catalogue of positions of extragalactic radio sources RSC (GAO UA) 91 C 01. KUR'YANOVA A.N. and YATSKIV Y.S.
1993PASAu..10..310D viz 526 21 A survey of 526 southern flat-spectrum radio sources with the Parkes-Tidbinbilla interferometer DUNCAN R.A., WHITE G.L., WARK R., et al.
1994A&A...281..355B viz 342 112 The X-ray AGN content of the Molonglo 408 MHz survey : bulk properties of previously optically identified sources. BRINKMANN W., SIEBERT J. and BOLLER T.
1994A&A...289..673T 25 70 Correlated radio and optical variations in a sample of active galactic nuclei. TORNIKOSKI M., VALTAOJA E., TERAESRANTA H., et al.
1994A&AS..105..211S viz 527 137 The optical identification status of the 1 Jy radio source catalogue. STICKEL M., MEISENHEIMER K. and KUEHR H.
1994A&AS..106...29G viz 62 12 Three-year monitoring of a sample of flat-spectrum radio sources at 327 MHz. GHOSH T., GOPAL-KRISHNA and RAO A.P.
1994AJ....107..494P 17 28 Imaging and spectroscopy of galaxies in the fields of five BL Lacertae objects. PESCE J.E., FALOMO R. and TREVES A.
1994ApJ...433...29W 63 45 Luminosity functions of BL Lacertae objects. WOLTER A., CACCIANIGA A., DELLA CECA R., et al.
1994ApJS...90..179G viz 4900 208 The Parkes-MIT-NRAO (PMN) surveys. III. Source catalog for the tropical survey (-29deg < Delta < -9.5deg). GRIFFITH M.R., WRIGHT A.E., BURKE B.F., et al.
1994ApJS...93..125F 49 108 Optical spectrophotometry of blazars. FALOMO R., SCARPA R. and BERSANELLI M.
1994MNRAS.267..167G 45 87 A comparison of the radio-submillimetre spectra of BL Lacertae objects and flat-spectrum radio quasars. GEAR W.K., STEVENS J.A., HUGHES D.H., et al.
1994MNRAS.269..928S 157 125 Parsec-scale radio cores in early-type galaxies. SLEE O.B., SADLER E.M., REYNOLDS J.E., et al.
1994Ap&SS.213..305F 94 4 BL Lac objects and acceleration model. FAN J.H., HUANG Z.H., LI J.J., et al.
1994PAZh...20..703D 30 ~ Is Choloniewski's method applicable to photometric studies of active galactic nuclei ? DOROSHENKO V.T. and LYUTYI V.M.
1995A&A...303..276L 115 3 Arc length difference method in the selection of primary sources of combined extragalactic radio source catalogues. LI J.-L. and JIN W.-J.
1995A&AS..109..267G viz 124 124 Radio to X-ray energy distribution of BL Lacertae objects. GIOMMI P., ANSARI S.G. and MICOL A.
1995AJ....110..529C 45 37 Correlation analysis of optical and radio light curves for a large sample of active galactic nuclei. CLEMENTS S.D., SMITH A.G., ALLER H.D., et al.
1995AJ....110..880J viz 632 155 A radio reference frame. JOHNSTON K.J., FEY A.L., ZACHARIAS N., et al.
1995ApJ...439...80C 43 30 On the X-ray spectra of BL Lacertae objects. CILIEGI P., BASSANI L. and CAROLI E.
1995ApJ...454...50X 46 13 A signature of relativistic electron-positron beams in BL Lacertae objects. XIE G.Z., LIU B.F. and WANG J.C.
1995MNRAS.274..393M 17 19 Investigating beaming and orientation effects using a complete sample of radio sources. MORGANTI R., OOSTERLOO T.A., FOSBURY R.A.E., et al.
1995MNRAS.277.1477P viz 228 166 A sample-oriented catalogue of BL Lacertae objects. PADOVANI P. and GIOMMI P.
1995PASP..107..863S 66 36 Time scales of long-term optical base-level fluctuations in three classes of AGN. SMITH A.G. and NAIR A.D.
1995AuJPh..48..143S viz 2214 69 Radio sources observed with the Culgoora circular array. SLEE O.B.
1995IzKry..92..126K 8 0 Universal occultations of the Sun and active galactic nuclei and an attempt of interpretation. KOTOV V.A., LARIONOV M.G., LYUTY V.M., et al.
1996A&A...305...42H 2 32 275 Statistics of optical intraday variability in a complete sample of radio-selected BL Lacertae objects. HEIDT J. and WAGNER S.J.
1996A&A...306...55F 34 18 The properties of BL Lacertae objects. FAN J.H. and XIE G.Z.
1996A&A...310....1R 9 18 Rapid optical variability in the BL Lacertae object AO 0235+164. RABBETTE M., McBREEN S., STEEL B., et al.
1996A&AS..115...97V viz 927 30 Astrometry with the Digitized Sky Survey. Positions of 790 AGNs. VERON-CETTY M.-P. and VERON P.
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2001JApA...22..263B 180 2 Variability of extragalactic objects in relation to redshift, color, radio spectral index and absorption lines. BASU D.
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2001PABei..19..257F 45 0 Variability properties and masses of central black hole for Blazars. FAN J.
2002A&A...381....1F 1 13 42 Optical periodicity analysis for radio selected BL Lacertae objects (RBLs). FAN J.H., LIN R.G., XIE G.Z., et al.
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2003MNRAS.343..505F 75 31 Host galaxies and black hole masses of low- and high-luminosity radio-loud active nuclei. FALOMO R., CARANGELO N. and TREVES A.
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2005ChJAA...5..463X 21 12 Estimates of AGN black hole mass and minimum variability timescale. XIE G.-Z., CHEN L.-E., LI H.-Z., et al.
2005PNAOC...2...67Y 22 0 The gamma-ray emissions from BL Lac objects. YANG J.-H.
2005PNAOC...2..209X 188 0 Gamma-ray emissions of AGN and cosmological standard candles. XIE Z.-H., ZHANG X., LIU H.-T., et al.
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2007PNAOC...4..113X 21 0 Balzar black hole masses. XIE Z.-H., CHEN L.-E., HAO J.-M., et al.
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2012AJ....144..105H viz 94       D     X         3 67 173 MOJAVE: Monitoring of Jets in Active Galactic Nuclei with VLBA Experiments. VIII. Faraday rotation in parsec-scale AGN jets. HOVATTA T., LISTER M.L., ALLER M.F., et al.
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2012ApJ...758...84P viz 15       D               2 70 33 Relativistic jets in the Radio Reference Frame Image Database. II. Blazar jet accelerations from the first 10 years of data (1994-2003). PINER B.G., PUSHKAREV A.B., KOVALEV Y.Y., et al.
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2014ApJ...780...73A viz 16       D               1 212 214 The cosmic evolution of Fermi BL Lacertae objects. AJELLO M., ROMANI R.W., GASPARRINI D., et al.
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2014ApJ...797...27F           X     *   1 23 34 Revealing H2D+ depletion and compact structure in starless and protostellar cores with ALMA. FRIESEN R.K., DI FRANCESCO J., BOURKE T.L., et al.
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