GRB 050509B , the SIMBAD biblio

GRB 050509B , the SIMBAD biblio (313 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST04:32:37

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Title First 3 Authors
2005A&A...439L..15C 97 T   A   O           10 35
GRB 050509b: the elusive optical/nIR/mm afterglow of a short-duration GRB.
2005A&A...444L..33D 3 1 9 Long-term remnant evolution of compact binary mergers. DOMAINKO W. and RUFFERT M.
2005ApJ...630L.117H 76 T                   15 134
GRB 050509B: constraints on short gamma-ray burst models.
2005ApJ...630L.165L 81 T                   3 63 A compact binary merger model for the short, hard
GRB 050509b.
2005ApJ...633L..73C 22 22 Study of very short gamma-ray bursts: new results from BATSE and KONUS. CLINE D.B., CZERNY B., MATTHEY C., et al.
2005ApJ...634L..17P 112 T K                 4 19 The host galaxy cluster of the short gamma-ray burst
GRB 050509B.
2005ApJ...634.1202R 86 1 258 Mergers of neutron star-black hole binaries with small mass ratios: nucleosynthesis, gamma-ray bursts, and electromagnetic transients. ROSSWOG S.
2005ApJ...635L.129F 4 6 87 Linearly polarized X-ray flares following short gamma-ray bursts. FAN Y.Z., ZHANG B. and PROGA D.
2005MmSAI..76..643C 20 0 Gamma-ray bursts at near-IR/optical/X-ray wavelengths. CASTRO-TIRADO A.J.
2005Natur.437..845F 25 6 455 The afterglow of GRB 050709 and the nature of the short-hard gamma-ray bursts. FOX D.B., FRAIL D.A., PRICE P.A., et al.
2005Natur.437..851G 23 7 491 A short gamma-ray burst apparently associated with an elliptical galaxy at redshift z = 0.225. GEHRELS N., SARAZIN C.L., O'BRIEN P.T., et al.
2005Natur.437..855V 12 6 219 Discovery of the short gamma-ray burst GRB 050709. VILLASENOR J.S., LAMB D.Q., RICKER G.R., et al.
2005Natur.437..859H 14 6 268 The optical afterglow of the short gamma-ray burst GRB 050709. HJORTH J., WATSON D., FYNBO J.P.U., et al.
2005Natur.438..988B 12 9 342 The afterglow and elliptical host galaxy of the short gamma-ray burst GRB 050724. BERGER E., PRICE P.A., CENKO S.B., et al.
2005Natur.438..991T 3 9 99 An origin in the local Universe for some short gamma-ray bursts. TANVIR N.R., CHAPMAN R., LEVAN A.J., et al.
2005Natur.438..994B 26 4 312 An origin for short gamma-ray bursts unassociated with current star formation. BARTHELMY S.D., CHINCARINI G., BURROWS D.N., et al.
2005RMxAC..23...39L 3 1 Short gamma ray burst central engines. LEE W.H.
2005GCN..3381....1H 76 T                   1 7 Swift detection of
GRB050509b: a short duration burst.
2005GCN..3383....1K 74 T                   2 5
GRB 050509b: Swift XRT position.
2005GCN..3384....1D 74 T                   1 1
GRB 050509b: optical observations.
2005GCN..3385....1B 76 T                   2 14
GRB 050509b: Swift-BAT refined analysis of the short hard burst.
2005GCN..3386....1B 74 T                   2 3
GRB 050509b: PAIRITEL and WIYN observations.
2005GCN..3387....1S 74 T                   1 1
GRB050509b: radio observations.
2005GCN..3388....1B 74 T                   1 1
GRB 050509b: optical counterpart candidate.
2005GCN..3390....1P 76 T                   1 6 Keck/DEIMOS spectrum of possible host galaxy for
2005GCN..3391....1C 74 T                   2 3
GRB 050509b: possible optical counterpart.
CENKO S.B., SOIFER B.T., BIAN C., et al.
2005GCN..3392....1B 74 T                   1 0
GRB 050509b: precision astrometry.
2005GCN..3393....1T 74 T                   1 1
GRB 050509b: optical observations.
2005GCN..3394....1P 2 2 GRB 050509a: Swift UVOT observations. POOLE T., HURKETT C., HUNSBERGER S., et al.
2005GCN..3395....1R 75 T                   1 3
GRB 050509B: Swift/XRT refined analysis.
ROL E., PAGE K., BURROWS D.N., et al.
2005GCN..3396....1M 74 T                   1 2
GRB 050509B, optical observations.
2005GCN..3397....1B 74 T                   1 2 Swift UVOT follow-up observations of
GRB 050509B.
2005GCN..3399....1P 74 T                   2 5
GRB 050509b: physical properties of the candidate host galaxy.
2005GCN..3401....1C 74 T                   5 4
GRB 050509b: further analysis of Keck LRIS images.
CENKO S.B., SOIFER B.T., BIAN C., et al.
2005GCN..3405....1V 75 T                   1 4
GRB 050509B: WSRT radio observations.
2005GCN..3409....1C 75 T                   1 5
GRB 050509b: no optical variability in XRT error circle.
CENKO S.B., SOIFER B.T., BIAN C., et al.
2005GCN..3410....1H 74 T                   7 4
GRB050509B: optical observations at the very large telescope.
2005GCN..3411....1S 75 T                   1 3
GRB 050509b milagro GeV/TeV observations.
2005GCN..3412....1B 74 T                   1 0
GRB 050509b: Swift/UVOT follow-up measurements.
2005GCN..3413....1C 74 T                   1 1
GRB050509B: Optical/Infared observations.
2005GCN..3414....1W 75 T                   1 5
GRB 050509b: RAPTOR deep, early limits.
2005GCN..3415....1B 74 T                   1 0 Chandra observation of
GRB 050509b.
2005GCN..3416....1B 74 T                   1 0
GRB 050509b: Keck/Chandra cross-correlation.
2005GCN..3417....1B 74 T                   8 2
GRB 050509b: Keck/Chandra cross-correlation.
2005GCN..3418....1E 74 T                   2 5
GRB050509b, SDSS pre-burst observations.
2005GCN..3419....1P 75 T                   1 3 Refined Chandra analysis of
GRB 050509b.
2005GCN..3420....1E 75 T                   1 3
GRB050509b, Bok telescope B-band imaging.
2005GCN..3422....1K 74 T                   8 1
GRB 050509B: Subaru optical observations.
2005GCN..3423....1D 74 T                   1 2
GRB 050509B and short GRB-SN association?
DADO S. and DAR A.
2005GCN..3424....1D 74 T                   2 2
GRB 050509B and short GRB-SN association? (corrected).
2005GCN..3455....1R 74 T                   1 0
GRB050509b: optical observations.
2005GCN..3494....1B 75 T                   1 3
GRB 050509b: refined XRT/Chandra afterglow position analysis.
2005GCN..3521....1B 74 T                   2 5 Limits on a SN in the field of
GRB 050509b.
2005GCN..3585....1F 3 4 GRB050709: candidate X-ray afterglow from Chandra. FOX D.B., FRAIL D.A., CAMERON P.B., et al.
2005GCN..3790....1M 1 2 6 GRB 050813: swift XRT afterglow localization. MORRIS D.C., BURROWS D.N., KENNEA J.A., et al.
2005GCN..3935....1P 4 7 GRB 050906: Swift-BAT refined analysis. PARSONS A., SARAZIN C., BARBIER L., et al.
2005GCN..4206....1L 5 6 GRB051103: MASTER: OT limit and host galaxy candidates. LIPUNOV V., KORNILOV V., KUVSHINOV D., et al.
2006A&A...447L...5C 3 11 74 Optical emission from GRB 050709: a short/hard GRB in a star-forming galaxy. COVINO S., MALESANI D., ISRAEL G.L., et al.
2006A&A...448L...9M viz 72 42 A refined position catalogue of the Swift XRT afterglows. MORETTI A., PERRI M., CAPALBI M., et al.
2006A&A...450...87G 1 11 28 The short-duration GRB 050724 host galaxy in the context of the long-duration GRB hosts. GOROSABEL J., CASTRO-TIRADO A.J., GUZIY S., et al.
2006A&A...452..439P 9 1 Search for correlations between BATSE gamma-ray bursts and supernovae. POLCAR J., TOPINKA M., NECAS D., et al.
2006A&A...452..819G         O           19 20 X-ray flares in the early Swift observations of the possible naked gamma-ray burst 050421. GODET O., PAGE K.L., OSBORNE J.P., et al.
2006A&A...454..113C 5 8 91 The X-ray afterglow of the short gamma ray burst 050724. CAMPANA S., TAGLIAFERRI G., LAZZATI D., et al.
2006A&A...454L.123W 15 22 Are short γ-ray bursts collimated? GRB 050709, a flare but no break. WATSON D., HJORTH J., JAKOBSSON P., et al.
2006A&A...454..753L 2 7 35 GRB 051210: Swift detection of a short gamma ray burst. LA PAROLA V., MANGANO V., FOX D., et al.
2006ApJ...637L..13P 18 31 GRB 050911: a black hole-neutron star merger or a naked GRB. PAGE K.L., KING A.R., LEVAN A.J., et al.
2006ApJ...638..354B 79 T                   26 305 Closing in on a short-hard burst progenitor: constraints from early-time optical imaging and spectroscopy of a possible host galaxy of
GRB 050509b.
2006ApJ...640..849N 1 18 67 The distances of short-hard gamma-ray bursts and the soft gamma-ray repeater connection. NAKAR E., GAL-YAM A., PIRAN T., et al.
2006ApJ...641L..93F 5 7 71 General relativistic binary merger simulations and short gamma-ray bursts. FABER J.A., BAUMGARTE T.W., SHAPIRO S.L., et al.
2006ApJ...642L..25S 19 9 Most short-hard gamma-ray bursts are not in moderately bright nearby host galaxies. SCHAEFER B.E.
2006ApJ...642..389N 11 34 808 Evidence for a canonical gamma-ray burst afterglow light curve in the Swift XRT data. NOUSEK J.A., KOUVELIOTOU C., GRUPE D., et al.
2006ApJ...642..989P 3 16 98 The galaxy hosts and large-scale environments of short-hard gamma-ray bursts. PROCHASKA J.X., BLOOM J.S., CHEN H.-W., et al.
2006ApJ...643L..13D 1 11 26 Collapse of neutron stars to black holes in binary systems: a model for short gamma-ray bursts. DERMER C.D. and ATOYAN A.
2006ApJ...643..266N 9 21 380 Short gamma-ray bursts with extended emission. NORRIS J.P. and BONNELL J.T.
2006ApJ...643.1057S 35 2 143 Nucleosynthesis in the outflow from gamma-ray burst accretion disks. SURMAN R., McLAUGHLIN G.C. and HIX W.R.
2006ApJ...645.1305J 2 5 27 Off-axis properties of short gamma-ray bursts. JANKA H.-T., ALOY M.-A., MAZZALI P.A., et al.
2006ApJ...647.1213O 4 46 398 The early X-ray emission from GRBs. O'BRIEN P.T., WILLINGALE R., OSBORNE J., et al.
2006ApJ...648L..83D 3 8 51 GRB 060121: implications of a short-/intermediate-duration γ-ray burst at high redshift. DE UGARTE POSTIGO A., CASTRO-TIRADO A.J., GUZIY S., et al.
2006ApJ...648.1110B 22 6 265 A study of compact object mergers as short gamma-ray burst progenitors. BELCZYNSKI K., PERNA R., BULIK T., et al.
2006MNRAS.365..874J 88 5 On the origin of the bimodal duration distribution of gamma-ray bursts and the subjet model. JANIUK A., CZERNY B., MODERSKI R., et al.
2006MNRAS.367L..42P 2 12 51 The energetics and environment of the short-GRB afterglows 050709 and 050724. PANAITESCU A.
2006MNRAS.367..186E 1 18 62 The circumstellar environment of Wolf-Rayet stars and gamma-ray burst afterglows. ELDRIDGE J.J., GENET F., DAIGNE F., et al.
2006MNRAS.367.1751Y 1 7 24 On the spectral lags of the short gamma-ray bursts. YI T., LIANG E., QIN Y., et al.
2006MNRAS.368L..20G 12 12 On the correlation of short gamma-ray bursts and clusters of galaxies. GHIRLANDA G., MAGLIOCCHETTI M., GHISELLINI G., et al.
2006MNRAS.368.1489O 5 5 56 Torus formation in neutron star mergers and well-localized short gamma-ray bursts. OECHSLIN R. and JANKA H.-T.
2006MNRAS.372..233A 2 66 385 The Ep,i-Eisocorrelation in gamma-ray bursts: updated observational status, re-analysis and main implications. AMATI L.
2006PASP..118..733C 27 2 SDSS preburst observations of recent gamma-ray burst fields. COOL R.J., EISENSTEIN D.J., HOGG D.W., et al.
2006PASP..118..947T 210 4 Astrophysics in 2005. TRIMBLE V., ASCHWANDEN M.J. and HANSEN C.J.
2006ARA&A..44..507W 52           X         1 42 1311 The supernova-gamma-ray burst connection. WOOSLEY S.E. and BLOOM J.S.
2006Sci...311.1127D 36 4 293 X-ray flares from postmerger millisecond pulsars. DAI Z.G., WANG X.Y., WU X.F., et al.
2006GCN..5238....1B 2 2 8 GRB 060502B: a bright early-type galaxy as putative host of the short burst. BLOOM J.S., PERLEY D., KOCEVSKI D., et al.
2006ApJ...650..261S 9 15 285 The afterglow, energetics, and host galaxy of the short-hard gamma-ray burst 051221a. SODERBERG A.M., BERGER E., KASLIWAL M., et al.
2006ApJ...650..281N 14 6 172 The local rate and the progenitor lifetimes of short-hard gamma-ray bursts: Synthesis and predictions for the laser interferometer gravitational-wave observatory. NAKAR E., GAL-YAM A. and FOX D.B.
2006ApJ...650..998R 2 4 21 MeV-GeV emission from neutron-loaded short gamma-ray burst jets. RAZZAQUE S. and MESZAROS P.
2006ApJ...651..333T 5 9 92 Deceleration of a relativistic, photon-rich shell: end of preacceleration, damping of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence, and the emission mechanism of gamma-ray bursts. THOMPSON C.
2006ApJ...651..985R 2 15 60 GRB 060313: a new paradigm for short-hard bursts? ROMING P.W.A., VANDEN BERK D., PAL'SHIN V., et al.
2006ApJ...652..490C 2 20 88 Multiwavelength observations of GRB 050820A: an exceptionally energetic event followed from start to finish. CENKO S.B., KASLIWAL M., HARRISON F.A., et al.
2006A&A...458..553S 8 3 52 Three-dimensional simulations of non-stationary accretion by remnant black holes of compact object mergers. SETIAWAN S., RUFFERT M. and JANKA H.-T.
2006ApJ...653..462G 11 5 112 Jet breaks in short gamma-ray bursts. I. The uncollimated afterglow of GRB 050724. GRUPE D., BURROWS D.N., PATEL S.K., et al.
2006ApJ...653..468B 4 16 151 Jet breaks in short gamma-ray bursts. II. The collimated afterglow of GRB 051221A. BURROWS D.N., GRUPE D., CAPALBI M., et al.
2006A&A...459..763C 14 8 GRB 051028: an intrinsically faint gamma-ray burst at high redshift? CASTRO-TIRADO A.J., JELINEK M., PANDEY S.B., et al.
2006Natur.444.1044G 15 14 442 A new gamma-ray burst classification scheme from GRB 060614. GEHRELS N., NORRIS J.P., BARTHELMY S.D., et al.
2007ApJ...654..878B 1 16 59 A putative early-type host galaxy for GRB 060502B: implications for the progenitors of short-duration hard-spectrum bursts. BLOOM J.S., PERLEY D.A., CHEN H.-W., et al.
2006GCN..5944....1B 8 2 GRB 061201: magellan redshift of nearby Abell cluster. BLONDIN S., NARAYAN G., BLOOM J.S., et al.
2005JRASC..99..212S 4 0 Counterparts of short gamma-ray bursts finally identified. SAGE L.J.
2007AJ....133.1027B viz 15       D               179 45 Refined astrometry and positions for 179 Swift X-ray afterglows. BUTLER N.R.
2007ApJ...660..496B 34 28 Galaxy clusters associated with short GRBs. I. The fields of GRBs 050709, 050724, 050911, and 051221a. BERGER E., SHIN M.-S., MULCHAEY J.S., et al.
2007ApJ...660.1146S 5 6 Galaxy clusters associated with short GRBs. II. Predictions for the rate of short GRBs in field and cluster early-type galaxies. SHIN M.-S. and BERGER E.
2007ApJ...662.1093W 1 111 264 Testing the standard fireball model of gamma-ray bursts using late X-ray afterglows measured by Swift. WILLINGALE R., O'BRIEN P.T., OSBORNE J.P., et al.
2007PhR...442..166N 11 36 815 Short-hard gamma-ray bursts. NAKAR E.
2007MNRAS.378.1439L 487           X C F     11 23 29 A case of mistaken identity ? GRB 060912A and the nature of the long-short GRB divide. LEVAN A.J., JAKOBSSON P., HURKETT C., et al.
2007ApJ...664.1000B 3 22 168 A new population of high-redshift short-duration gamma-ray bursts. BERGER E., FOX D.B., PRICE P.A., et al.
2007ApJ...665.1220Z 6 3 38 Deducing the lifetime of short gamma-ray burst progenitors from host galaxy demography. ZHENG Z. and RAMIREZ-RUIZ E.
2007ApJ...666..361A 20 32 Milagro constraints on very high energy emission from short-duration gamma-ray bursts. ABDO A.A., ALLEN B.T., BERLEY D., et al.
2007A&A...473...77M 18 33 Multicolor observations of the afterglow of the short/hard GRB050724. MALESANI D., COVINO S., D'AVANZO P., et al.
2007A&A...474L..13B 38           X         1 11 34 GRB 970228 and a class of GRBs with an initial spikelike emission. BERNARDINI M.G., BIANCO C.L., CAITO L., et al.
2007MNRAS.381..732G 52           X         1 4 127 Can the early X-ray afterglow of gamma-ray bursts be explained by a contribution from the reverse shock? GENET F., DAIGNE F. and MOCHKOVITCH R.
2007A&A...474..827S 2 7 34 A study of the prompt and afterglow emission of the short GRB 061201. STRATTA G., D'AVANZO P., PIRANOMONTE S., et al.
2007ApJ...670.1254B 53       D     X         2 17 52 The prompt gamma-ray and afterglow energies of short-duration gamma-ray bursts. BERGER E.
2007ApJ...671..656B 15       D               2 221 250 A complete catalog of Swift gamma-ray burst spectra and durations: demise of a physical origin for pre-Swift high-energy correlations. BUTLER N.R., KOCEVSKI D., BLOOM J.S., et al.
2007AJ....134.2118F 225           X         6 29 17 Constraints on an optical afterglow and on supernova light following the short burst GRB 050813. FERRERO P., SANCHEZ S.F., KANN D.A., et al.
2007ApJ...671.1868A 15       D               1 113 19 An estimation of the gamma-ray burst afterglow apparent optical brightness distribution function. AKERLOF C.W. and SWAN H.F.
2008MNRAS.384..541L 113           X         3 18 23 On the nature of the short-duration GRB 050906. LEVAN A.J., TANVIR N.R., JAKOBSSON P., et al.
2008ApJ...675..566O 16       D               1 21 58 Short gamma-ray bursts and binary mergers in spiral and elliptical galaxies: redshift distribution and hosts. O'SHAUGHNESSY R., BELCZYNSKI K. and KALOGERA V.
2008ApJ...676.1130M 56           X         1 2 75 On the conditions for neutron-rich gamma-ray burst outflows. METZGER B.D., THOMPSON T.A. and QUATAERT E.
2008ApJ...677L..23N 113           X         3 3 4 Intracluster short gamma-ray bursts by compact binary mergers. NIINO Y. and TOTANI T.
2008ApJ...677.1157C 15       D               1 74 11 Connecting gamma-ray bursts and galaxies: the probability of chance coincidence. COBB B.E. and BAILYN C.D.
2008MNRAS.385L..10T 168       D     X   F     4 31 137 Different progenitors of short hard gamma-ray bursts. TROJA E., KING A.R., O'BRIEN P.T., et al.
2008ApJ...680..531K 15       D               1 80 61 Gamma-ray burst energetics in the Swift era. KOCEVSKI D. and BUTLER N.
2008A&A...486..405M 38           X         1 21 10 GRB070707: the first short gamma-ray burst observed by INTEGRAL. McGLYNN S., FOLEY S., McBREEN S., et al.
2008ApJ...681L..89N 75           X         2 12 2 The Swift discovery of X-ray afterglows accompanying short bursts from SGR 1900+14. NAKAGAWA Y.E., SAKAMOTO T., SATO G., et al.
2008MNRAS.388L...6S 128       D     X         4 23 26 Short Gamma-ray bursts: a bimodal origin ? SALVATERRA R., CERUTTI A., CHINCARINI G., et al.
2008MNRAS.389L..43C 38           X         1 5 1 Observation time to first detection of double neutron star mergers by gravitational wave observatories. COWARD D.M.
2006Msngr.123...54C 25 4 Gamma-Ray Bursts: Learning about the Birth of Black Holes and Opening new Frontiers for Cosmology. CHINCARINI G., FIORE F., DELLA VALLE M., et al.
2006Msngr.126...16H 18 3 The Short Gamma-Ray Burst Revolution. HJORTH J., LEVAN A., TANVIR N., et al.
2007Msngr.128...47S 21 5 GHostS - Gamma-Ray Burst Host Studies. SAVAGLIO S., BUDAVARI T., GLAZEBROOK K., et al.
2008ApJ...686..408G 128       D     X         4 30 43 New imaging and spectroscopy of the locations of several short-hard gamma-ray bursts. GAL-YAM A., NAKAR E., OFEK E.O., et al.
2008MNRAS.390..781M 145           X   F     2 3 196 Time-dependent models of accretion discs formed from compact object mergers. METZGER B.D., PIRO A.L. and QUATAERT E.
2008ApJ...689.1161G 15       D               1 125 104 Correlations of prompt and afterglow emission in Swift long and short gamma-ray bursts. GEHRELS N., BARTHELMY S.D., BURROWS D.N., et al.
2009ApJ...690..163R viz 15       D               1 239 85 The first Swift ultraviolet/optical telescope GRB afterglow catalog. ROMING P.W.A., KOCH T.S., OATES S.R., et al.
2009ApJ...690..231B 170       D     X C       4 23 139 The host galaxies of short-duration gamma-ray bursts: luminosities, metallicities, and star-formation rates. BERGER E.
2009ApJ...691..182S 17       D               5 83 394 The galaxy population hosting gamma-ray bursts. SAVAGLIO S., GLAZEBROOK K. and LE BORGNE D.
2009ApJ...693..311D 15       D               1 41 25 Short hard gamma-ray bursts and their afterglows. DADO S., DAR A. and DE RUJULA A.
2009GCN..8914....1P 9 1 GRB 081211B: nearby cluster. PERLEY D.A., BLOOM J.S. and BUTLER N.R.
2009ApJ...696..971X 39           X         1 11 37 In search of progenitors for supernovaless gamma-ray bursts 060505 and 060614: re-examination of their afterglows. XU D., STARLING R.L.C., FYNBO J.P.U., et al.
2009ApJ...696.1871P 168       D     X   F     4 86 176 GRB 080503: implications of a naked short gamma-ray burst dominated by extended emission. PERLEY D.A., METZGER B.D., GRANOT J., et al.
2009MNRAS.394.2238V 76           X         2 24 15 Non-thermal transient sources from rotating black holes. VAN PUTTEN M.H.P.M. and GUPTA A.C.
2009A&A...498..329G 115           X C       2 10 31 Short γ-ray bursts and gravitational waves from dynamically formed merging binaries. GUETTA D. and STELLA L.
2009A&A...498..711D 78             C       1 15 81 The optical afterglows and host galaxies of three short/hard gamma-ray bursts. D'AVANZO P., MALESANI D., COVINO S., et al.
2009ApJ...698.1620G 115           X C       2 14 39 GRB 070714B–Discovery of the highest spectroscopically confirmed short burst redshift. GRAHAM J.F., FRUCHTER A.S., LEVAN A.J., et al.
2009MNRAS.395.1515C 38           X         1 19 23 Short gamma-ray bursts from SGR giant flares and neutron star mergers: two populations are better than one. CHAPMAN R., PRIDDEY R.S. and TANVIR N.R.
2009MNRAS.396..304M 47           X         1 4 77 Neutron-rich freeze-out in viscously spreading accretion discs formed from compact object mergers. METZGER B.D., PIRO A.L. and QUATAERT E.
2009ApJ...701..824N viz 167       D     X         5 459 138 A comparison of the afterglows of short- and long-duration gamma-ray bursts. NYSEWANDER M., FRUCHTER A.S. and PE'ER A.
2009MNRAS.397.1177E viz 17       D               1 321 1291 Methods and results of an automatic analysis of a complete sample of Swift-XRT observations of GRBs. EVANS P.A., BEARDMORE A.P., PAGE K.L., et al.
2009ApJ...703...60X 531     A D S   X C F     12 9 9 Very high energy γ-ray afterglow emission of nearby gamma-ray bursts. XUE R.R., TAM P.H., WAGNER S.J., et al.
2009ApJ...703.1696Z 358       D     X C F     8 71 309 Discerning the physical origins of cosmological gamma-ray bursts based on multiple observational criteria: the cases of z = 6.7 GRB 080913, z = 8.2 GRB 090423, and some Short/Hard GRBs. ZHANG B., ZHANG B.-B., VIRGILI F.J., et al.
2008PABei..26...41D 41 0 Observational study of gamma-ray bursts in Swift era. DONG Y.-M. and LU T.
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