M 100 , the SIMBAD biblio

M 100 , the SIMBAD biblio (1857 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST08:20:08

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Title First 3 Authors
1850CDT..1784..227M 111 ~ Catalogue des nebuleuses et des amas d'etoiles. MESSIER C.
1926ApJ....64..321H 407 942 Extragalactic nebulae. HUBBLE E.P.
1938JRASC..32...69S 22 22 The bright nova of 1860 in the globular cluster Messier 80 and its relation to supernovae. SAWYER H.B.
1960ApJ...131..215V 205 276 A preliminary luminosity classification of late-type galaxies. VAN DEN BERGH S.
1965PASP...77..287S 1 15 202 Peculiar nuclei of galaxies. SERSIC J.L. and PASTORIZA M.
1965IBVS...82....1K         O           7 1 Galaxies with frequent appearance of supernovae. KUKARKIN B.V.
1967ApJ...150....1D 77 80 Radio observations of galaxies. DE JONG M.L.
1971MNRAS.152..403C 61 67 Pencil-beam observations of bright galaxies. CAMERON M.J.
1971MNRAS.152..429C 90 28 The radio luminosity function of bright galaxies. CAMERON M.J.
1972ApJ...176...21S 3 9 185 Absolute magnitudes of E and S0 galaxies in the Virgo and Coma clusters as a function of U-B color. SANDAGE A.
1972VA.....14..163D 1 63 453 Structure and dynamics of barred spiral galaxies, in particular of the Magellanic type. DE VAUCOULEURS G. and FREEMAN K.C.
1973A&A....29..231V 29 87 High-resolution radio continuum observations of bright spiral galaxies in an optically complete sample at 1415 MHz. VAN DER KRUIT P.C.
1973A&A....29..249V 21 64 Further high-resolution radio continuum observations of bright spiral galaxies at 1415 MHz. VAN DER KRUIT P.C.
1973ApJ...186..807V 69 T                   1 2 26 The compression strength of
NGC 4321 and comparison with M 51.
1973PASP...85..103S 64 42 A list of galaxies with peculiar nuclei. SERSIC J.L.
1974ApJ...194..559S 1 40 343 Steps toward the Hubble constant. IV. Distances to 39 galaxies in the general field leading to a calibration of the galaxy luminosity classes and a first hint oh the value of Ho. SANDAGE A. and TAMMANN G.A.
1974ApJS...27..113H 18 32 A second survey of HII regions in galaxies. HODGE P.W.
1974ApJS...28..391L 41 76 An atlas of dust and H II regions in galaxies. LYNDS B.T.
1974VeARI..26....0B 364 ~ Bibliography on the structure of galaxies. BROSCHE P., EINASTO J. and RUMMEL U.
1975AJ.....80..771S viz 165 118 5-GHz survey of bright galaxies. SRAMEK R.
1975ApJ...201..556H 30 18 H II regions in peculiar galaxies. HODGE P.W.
1975ApJ...202....7G 46 101 H I in early-type galaxies. I. Observations. GALLAGHER J.S., FABER S.M. and BALICK B.
1976AJ.....81..574P 412 12 Radio two-color diagram for QSOs, spiral galaxies, and BL Lac objets. PACHT E.
1976ApJ...206..883V 169 439 A new classification system for galaxies. VAN DEN BERGH S.
1977ApJS...33..219D 75 40 Contributions to galaxy photometry. II. Standard total magnitudes and colors of bright galaxies from multiaperture photoelectric photometry in the UBV system. DE VAUCOULEURS G. and CORWIN H.G.
1978ApJ...220L..37R 54 129 10 mocron observations of bright galaxies. RIEKE G.H. and LEBOFSKY M.J.
1979A&A....74..206M 13 32 "Sequences" and "populations" of early-type galaxies. MICHARD R.
1980A&A....83...38C 1 23 156 The H I deficiency of the Virgo cluster spirals. CHAMARAUX P., BALKOWSKI C. and GERARD E.
1980A&A....83..354C 15 8 On the distance of the giant spiral galaxy M 101. CAPACCIOLI M. and FASANO G.
1980A&AS...41..189R 89 89 A neutral hydrogen mapping survey of large galaxies. I. Observations. ROTS A.H.
1980A&AS...41..421K viz 385 51 A radio continuum survey at 1.4 GHz of the galaxies in the Virgo region. KOTANYI C.G.
1980ApJ...238..471R 11 21 1211 Rotational properties of 21 Sc galaxies with a large range of luminosities and radii, from NGC 4605 (R=4kpc) to UGC 2885 (R=122kpc). RUBIN V.C., FORD W.K. and THONNARD N.
1980MNRAS.193p..21B 3 ~ Infrared emission by dust grains near variable primary sources. III. Type II supernovae. BODE M.F. and EVANS A.
1980MNRAS.193..849B 1 6 47 Very-high-resolution spectroscopy of interstellar Na I. BLADES J.C., WYNNE-JONES I. and WAYTE R.C.
1980PASAu...4....9D 19 0 International Ultraviolet Explorer and the interstellar medium. DOPITA M.A.
1980IUE80......415H 54 ~ Highly-evolved stars. HEAP S.R.
1980IUE80......521P 68 T                   1 2 ~ Observations of supernova 1979c in
M 100.
1980IUE80......541J 7 ~ Observations of the interstellar medium with the IUE. JENKINS E.B.
1980IUE80......725P 68 T                   1 2 ~ Observations of the nucleus of
M 100.
1981A&A....94L..25D 3 13 Radio observations of the spectrum and time variability of the luminous supernova remnant in NGC 4449. DE BRUYN A.G., GOSS W.M. and VAN WOERDEN H.
1981A&AS...43..121B 44 3 Determinations optique et radio de vitesses radiales de galaxies parentes de supernovae. BALKOWSKI C., LE DENMAT G. and NOTTALE L.
1981AJ.....86.1175V 88 95 The structure of radio emission in the inner few hundrer parsecs of spiral galaxies. VAN DER HULST J.M., CRANE P.C. and KEEL W.C.
1981ApJ...245...18A 51 41 The infrared color-magnitude relation for early-type galaxies in Virgo and Coma. AARONSON M., PERSSON S.E. and FROGEL J.A.
1981ApJ...247....9K 23 27 H II regions as extragalactic distance indicators. IV. The Virgo cluster. KENNICUTT R.C.Jr
1981ApJ...247..484P 69 T                   1 6 32 Observations of
M 100 with the Einstein Observatory shortly after the explosion of its fourth supernova, SN 1979C.
1981ApJ...250...43W 61 70 Velocity dispersions in the bulges of spiral and S0 galaxies. II. Further observations and a simple three-component model for spiral galaxies. WHITMORE B.C. and KIRSHNER R.P.
1981ApJS...46..267H 86 70 H I observations in the Virgo cluster area. HELOU G., GIOVANARDI C., SALPETER E.E., et al.
1981ApJS...47..229E 56 95 A near-infrared atlas of spiral galaxies. ELMEGREEN D.M.
1981MNRAS.194..669B 1 10 51 Detection of Ca II absorption in the spectrum of the QSO 0446-208 due to an intervening galaxy. BLADES J.C., HUNSTEAD R.W. and MURDOCH H.S.
1981PASP...93...36D 69 T                   1 6 45 The bright SN 1979c in
M 100.
1981PGenA..84...73M 6 0 Dynamique des galaxies et evolution des populations stellaires. MARTINET L.
1982A&AS...47..505K 179 19 A complete sample of Virgo cluster galaxies. KRAAN-KORTEWEG R.C.
1982AJ.....87.1341H 226 21 Optical surveys of H II regions in galaxies. HODGE P.W.
1982ApJ...257L..51E 1 7 60 The nuclear X-ray source in M 81. ELVIS M. and VAN SPEYBROECK L.
1982ApJ...261....1S viz 198 29 Middle-ultraviolet photometry of Virgo Cluster galaxies. SMITH A.M. and CORNETT R.H.
1982MNRAS.201.1021E 323 200 Flocculent and grand design spiral structure in field, binary and group galaxies. ELMEGREEN D.M. and ELMEGREEN B.G.
1982ATsir1221....1K 17 0 Correlation of radioluminosity of spiral arms with existence of global patterns in galaxies. KORCHAGIN V.I.
1982IUE82.......46O 42 ~ The impact of IUE observations on our knowledge. About galaxies and quasars. OKE J.B.
1982IUE82......434B 4 ~ Hydrogen two photon emission in the UV spectrum of type II supernovae. BENVENUTI P., DOPITA M.A. and D'ODORICO S.
1982IUE82......438B 9 0 An atlas of UV spectra of supernovae. BENVENUTI P., SANZ FERNANDEZ DE CORDOBA L. and WAMSTEKER W.
1983AJ.....88..296H 128 186 An Atlas of H II regions in 125 galaxies. HODGE P.W. and KENNICUTT R.C.Jr
1983AJ.....88..804C 45 148 Structure and stellar content of dwarf elliptical galaxies. CALDWELL N.
1983AJ.....88..881G 103 189 The HI extent and deficiency of spiral galaxies in the Virgo cluster. GIOVANELLI R. and HAYNES M.P.
1983AJ.....88.1094K 203 411 A survey of H-alpha emission in normal galaxies. KENNICUTT R.C.Jr and KENT S.M.
1983AJ.....88.1736I 184 87 A radio continuum survey of nearby galaxies. I. Observations at 0.4, 0.8, 4.8 and 10.7 GHz. ISRAEL F.P. and VAN DER HULST J.M.
1983ApJ...264...14S 68 28 Observational constraints on galaxy-IGM interactions in the Virgo cluster. STAUFFER J.R.
1983ApJ...265...92M 1 8 69 IUE observations of Markarian 3 and 6 : reddening and the nonstellar continuum. MALKAN M.A. and OKE J.B.
1983ApJ...265..132A 73 T                   1 1 20 The spatial distribution of HII regions in
NGC 4321.
1983ApJ...267...35G 104 46 Effects of environment on neutral hydrogen distribution for disk galaxies in the Virgo cluster area. GIOVANARDI C., HELOU G., SALPETER E.E., et al.
1983ApJ...267..563H 34 75 The radial distribution of H II regions in spiral galaxies. HODGE P.W. and KENNICUTT R.C.
1983ApJ...268...90C 44 29 The ages of the disks of the S0 galaxies. CALDWELL N.
1983ApJ...271..512S 70 56 A 10 micron survey of star formation in galactic nuclei: Virgo spiral galaxies. SCOVILLE N.Z., BECKLIN E.E., YOUNG J.S., et al.
1983ApJ...274...39B 94 28 Luminosity distributions for Virgo cluster galaxies. I. Near-Infrared surface photometry of 81 disk systems. BOROSON T.A., STROM K.M. and STROM S.E.
1983ApJS...52...23B 749 4 A catalog of hierarchical subclustering in the Turner-Gott groups. BHAVSAR S.P. and PIGGOTT R.G.
1983ApJS...52...89H viz 2405 825 A survey of galaxy redshifts. IV. The data. HUCHRA J., DAVIS M., LATHAM D., et al.
1983ApJS...52..229K 100 232 An Half survey of the nuclei of a complete sample of spiral galaxies. KEEL W.C.
1983MNRAS.204..317B 8 34 Interstellar absorption lines in the directions of extragalactic objects. I. BLADES J.C. and MORTON D.C.
1983AZh....60..656Z 103 13 Rotation curves of normal galaxies. ZASOV A.V. and KYAZUMOV G.A.
1983JApA....4..205A 79 3 The dependence of brightness distribution on the inclination of galaxies. ARREGUINE V.M. and SERSIC J.L.
1983MmSAI..54..443P 6 0 Supernovae. PANAGIA N.
1984A&A...131..367S 111 11 Objektiv bestimmte Anstellwinkel von Spiralgalaxien im Lichte konkurrierender Theorien zur Spiralstruktur. SCHLOSSER W. and MUSCULUS D.
1984A&A...132....1F 72 T                   1 2 37 Physical conditions in the UV line emitting region of supernova 1979c in
NGC 4321.
1984A&A...132..115F 2 2 21 Line profiles from supernovae. FRANSSON C.
1984A&A...132..253R 132 89 Is there a unique relation between absolute (blue) luminosity and total 21 cm linewidth of disk galaxies ? RICHTER O.G. and HUCHTMEIER W.K.
1984A&AS...55...55F 228 8 A catalogue of HI diameters for 238 galaxies. FOUQUE P.
1984A&AS...56..381B 797 165 HI line studies of galaxies. III. Distance moduli of 822 disk galaxies. BOTTINELLI L., GOUGUENHEIM L., PATUREL G., et al.
1984A&AS...58..665V 336 34 Study of a complete sample of galaxies. I. UBV aperture photometry. VERON-CETTY M.-P.
1984A&AS...58..735B 1026 42 A revised supernova catalogue. BARBON R., CAPPELLARO E., CIATTI F., et al.
1984ApJ...278...61W 59 119 An objective classification system for spiral galaxies. I. The two dominant dimensions. WHITMORE B.C.
1984ApJ...280....7O 261 57 Digital surface photometry of galaxies toward a quantitative classification. III. A mean concentration index as a parameter representing the luminosity distribution. OKAMURA S., KODAIRA K. and WATANABE M.
1984ApJ...281L..21R 13 37 Luminosity-dependent line ratios in disks of spiral galaxies. RUBIN V.C., FORD W.K.Jr and WHITMORE B.C.
1984ApJ...282...19F 18 49 Velocity distribution of Virgo cluster galaxies. FTACLAS C., FANELLI M.N. and STRUBLE M.F.
1984ApJ...283...81I 45 20 On the correlation of CO line and radio continuum emission in nearby galaxies and the efficiency of OB star formation. ISRAEL F.P. and ROWAN-ROBINSON M.
1984ApJ...283..479E 15 56 Very low luminosity active galaxies and the X-ray background. ELVIS M., SOLTAN A. and KEEL W.C.
1984ApJS...54..127E 1 32 222 Blue and near-infrared surface photometry of spiral structure in 34 nonbarred grand design and flocculent galaxies. ELMEGREEN D.M. and ELMEGREEN B.G.
1984PASP...96..944K 8 10 Do giant H II regions preferentially form in the outer disks of galaxies ? KENNICUTT R.C. and HODGE P.W.
1984ATsir1355....6P 16 0 Nitrogen abundance in the nuclei of SAbc and SAc galaxies. PETROSIAN A.R.
1984AZh....61..846K 111 7 Rotation curves of normal galaxies. The catalogue. KYAZUMOV G.A.
1984BAAS...16..456K 6 0 CO radial distributions in Virgo cluster spirals. KENNEY J. and YOUNG J.S.
1984BAAS...16..538Y 9 1 13 CO emission in the nuclei and disks of late-type spiral galaxies. YOUNG J.S. and SANDERS D.B.
1984BAAS...16Z.977C 2 ~ 12CO and 13CO emission from the galaxy NGC 5055. CHANCE D., BALLY J. and ELMEGREEN B.G.
1984PAZh...10...19S 5 4 Determination of star formation rate by using integral spectrum of a stellar system. SIL'CHENKO O.K.
1984PASJ...36..417F 10 16 Radial distribution of giant molecular clouds. II. Comparison of the viscous cloud system with observations. FUKUNAGA M.
1985A&A...143..469T 25 7 H II regions and the value of H(0). TEERIKORPI P.
1985A&A...144..202K 2 3 31 Distribution and motions of atomic hydrogen in lenticular galaxies. IV. A ring of H I around NGC 4262. KRUMM N., VAN DRIEL W. and VAN WOERDEN H.
1985A&A...144..215B 43 5 Separations of HII regions in galaxies. BRAUNSFURTH E. and FEITZINGER J.V.
1985A&A...151..108G 107 26 Evolution of spiral galaxies in the Virgo cluster. I. Statistical analysis of HI deficiency and colors. GUIDERDONI B. and ROCCA-VOLMERANGE B.
1985A&AS...60..261G 558 132 Morphology of spiral galaxies. I. General properties. GROSBOL P.J.
1985A&AS...60..293H 88 70 A radio continuum survey of Sbc spiral galaxies at 1.465 GHz. HUMMEL E., PEDLAR A., VAN DER HULST J.M., et al.
1985A&AS...60..517P 611 11 Supplement to the detailed bibliography on the surface photometry of galaxies. PENCE W.D. and DAVOUST E.
1985A&AS...61..273D 477 26 Catalogue of central velocity dispersions galaxies. DAVOUST E., PATUREL G. and VAUGLIN I.
1985AJ.....90..395S 124 93 Studies of the Virgo cluster. IV. An atlas of Virgo cluster spiral galaxies: the luminosity range within a given spiral type. SANDAGE A., BINGGELI B. and TAMMANN G.A.
1985AJ.....90..731C 27 20 Multiaperture infrared photometry of the nuclei of spiral galaxies. CIZDZIEL P.J., WYNN-WILLIAMS C.G. and BECKLIN E.E.
1985AJ.....90.1681B viz 2095 1090 Studies of the Virgo cluster. II. A catalog of 2096 galaxies in the Virgo cluster area. BINGGELI B., SANDAGE A. and TAMMANN G.A.
1985AJ.....90.2001S 155 4 Candidate galaxies for study of the local velocity field and distance scale using space telescope. II. The more difficult cases. SANDAGE A. and BEDKE J.
1985AJ.....90.2006S 78 8 Candidate galaxies for study of the local velocity field and distance scale using space telescope. III. Galaxies in the Virgo cluster core. SANDAGE A. and BEDKE J.
1985ApJ...288..487Y 30 40 The dependence of CO content on morphological type and luminosity forspiral galaxies in the Virgo cluster. YOUNG J.S., SCOVILLE N.Z. and BRADY E.
1985ApJ...292..404G 511 424 Gas deficiency in cluster galaxies: a comparison of nine clusters. GIOVANELLI R. and HAYNES M.P.
1985ApJ...297..423B 61 137 The distribution of mass in spiral galaxies. BURSTEIN D. and RUBIN V.C.
1985ApJS...57....1M 6 22 712 The chemistry of galaxies. I. The nature of giant extragalactic H II regions. McCALL M.L., RYBSKI P.M. and SHIELDS G.A.
1985ApJS...59....1W viz 651 146 A catalog of stellar velocity dispersions. I. Compilation and standard galaxies. WHITMORE B.C., McELROY D.B. and TONRY J.L.
1985PASP...97..688H 10 5 A quantitative measure of orderly star formation in spiral galaxies. HODGE P.
1985BAAS...17..859G 69 T                   1 2 0 Two normal spiral nuclei : NGC 2903 and
NGC 4321.
1985Natur.314..144H 37 81 A very bright water vapour maser source in the galaxy NGC 3079. HASCHICK A.D. and BAAN W.A.
1985PAZh...11....3P 270 5 The direction of rotation of the spirals in 109 galaxies. NGC 3786 and NGC 5426 - The galaxies with leading spiral arms in interacting systems. PASHA I.I.
1985PASJ...37..133T 277 12 The structure of the Virgo cluster of galaxies. TANAKA K.I.
1986A&A...155..193H 49 90 H2O and OH maser emission from bright IRAS galaxies. HENKEL C., WOUTERLOOT J.G.A. and BALLY J.
1986A&A...155..283G 41 10 A color dependence in the distance moduli derived from the B and H band Tully-Fisher relations. GIRAUD E.H.
1986A&A...157..230V 3 10 133 Surface photometry of edge-on spiral galaxies. V. The distribution of luminosity in the disk of the Galaxy derived from the Pioneer 10 background experiment. VAN DER KRUIT P.C.
1986A&A...163....1B 97 11 Errors in the 21-cm redshifts of galaxies : a statistical analysis. BAIESI-PILLASTRINI G.C. and PALUMBO G.G.C.
1986A&A...165..300R 63 31 Star formation in spiral galaxies. RENGARAJAN T.N. and VERMA R.P.
1986A&A...166L...8C 26 79 Sub-mm observations of IRAS galaxies. CHINI R., KREYSA E., KRUGEL E., et al.
1986A&A...166..107U 4 13 A survey of the distribution of lambda 2.8 cm radio continuum in nearby galaxies. VII. Four bright Virgo cluster spirals. URBANIK M., KLEIN U. and GRAVE R.
1986A&A...167...25G 108 15 The orbits of H I-deficient spiral galaxies in the Virgo cluster. GIRAUD E.
1986A&AS...64..111H 461 44 HI-Observations of galaxies in the Virgo cluster of galaxies. I. The data. HUCHTMEIER W.K. and RICHTER O.-G.
1986A&AS...66..335V 330 174 Study of a complete sample of galaxies. II. Spectroscopy of the nuclei. VERON-CETTY M.-P. and VERON P.
1986AJ.....91.1286S 11 22 Is NGC 4569 located near the core of the Virgo cluster ? STAUFFER J.R., KENNEY J.D. and YOUNG J.S.
1986AJ.....92...94C 62 61 Radio identifications of IRAS point sources with b>30. CONDON J.J. and BRODERICK J.J.
1986AJ.....92..285P 76 T                   1 2 58 Stellar ovals and nuclear rings in the interior of M 51 and
M 100.
1986AJ.....92..567A 34 27 Integrated H alpha profiles of giant extragalactic H II regions. ARSENAULT R. and ROY J.-R.
1986AJ.....92.1291S 232 22 An Arecibo survey for extragalactic hydroxyl absorption. I. Presentation of results. SCHMELZ J.T., BAAN W.A., HASCHICK A.D., et al.
1986ApJ...301L..13K 24 88 CO in HI-deficient Virgo cluster spiral galaxies. KENNEY J.D. and YOUNG J.S.
1986ApJ...302..272M 37 35 Extent of ionized calcium in the outer parts of galaxies. MORTON D.C., YORK D.G. and JENKINS E.B.
1986ApJ...302..564S 1 97 491 Systematics of bulge-to-disk ratios. SIMIEN F. and DE VAUCOULEURS G.
1986ApJ...302..680Y 4 6 100 Distributions of 13 CO emission in the disks of late-type spiral galaxies. YOUNG J.S. and SANDERS D.B.
1986ApJ...308..592C 70 126 Circumnuclear water vapor masers in active galaxies. CLAUSSEN M.J. and LO K.Y.
1986ApJ...310..660S 46 117 Molecules in galaxies. III. The Virgo cluster. STARK A.A., KNAPP G.R., BALLY J., et al.
1986ApJ...310..820L 16 54 Shocked molecular hydrogen and jets in star-forming clouds. II. LANE A.P. and BALLY J.
1986ApJS...62..703K 167 94 A statistical study of luminosity profiles of galaxies using spheroid-disk composite models. KODAIRA K., WATANABE M. and OKAMURA S.
1986MNRAS.220..927M 37 47 Interstellar absorption lines in the directions of extragalactic objects. II. Analysis of 25 sight lines. MORTON D.C. and BLADES J.C.
1986JApA....7...71A 16 6 Relation of the jet in M 87 to nearby galaxies in the Virgo cluster. ARP H.
1986JAVSO..15...25S 255 2 A checklist of supernovae in the NGC and IC galaxies through 1985. SPRATT C.E.
1986PTarO..51..181T 3 0 Spiral arms of galaxies - Their photometric and color profiles and the mass problem. TRAAT P.
1987A&A...172...27G 38 46 Evolution of spiral galaxies in the Virgo cluster. II. Evidence for a threshold in star formation processes. GUIDERDONI B.
1987A&A...172...32H 2 16 128 Circumnuclear star formation in the central region of the barred spiral galaxy NGC 1097. HUMMEL E., VAN DER HULST J.M. and KEEL W.C.
1987A&A...172..375B 96 19 Central velocity gradients and the classification of spiral galaxies. BAIESI-PILLASTRINI G.C.
1987A&A...173..229B 7 23 High resolution 12 CO observations of the central parts of the interacting galaxy NGC 3628. BOISSE P., CASOLI F. and COMBES F.
1987A&A...179..249F 15 28 The fractal dimension of star-forming sites in galaxies. FEITZINGER J.V. and GALINSKI T.
1987A&A...180...12D 155 129 Ultraviolet observations and star-formation rate in galaxies. DONAS J., DEHARVENG J.M., LAGET M., et al.
1987A&A...185...33B 30 38 The initial mass function for massive stars : a comparison between the total H-alpha and ultraviolet fluxes of a sample of spiral and irregular galaxies. BUAT V., DONAS J. and DEHARVENG J.M.
1987A&AS...69..487W 103 159 A further study of the relation of the radio-far-infrared in galaxies. I. Observations and data processing. WUNDERLICH E., KLEIN U. and WIELEBINSKI R.
1987A&AS...70..281B 165 81 Analysis of absorption-line spectra in a sample of 164 galactic nuclei. BICA E. and ALLOIN D.
1987A&AS...70..517H 197 108 The effects of interactions on spiral galaxies. III. A radio continuum survey of galactic nuclei at 1.49 GHz. HUMMEL E., VAN DER HULST J.M., KEEL W.C., et al.
1987AJ.....93.1484M 267 27 A systematic search for long-term variability in a large sample of X-ray sources. MACCACARO T., GARILLI B. and MEREGHETTI S.
1987AJ.....94...54K 45 20 Molecules in galaxies. IV. Molecular and atomic hydrogen in Virgo cluster galaxies. KNAPP G.R., HELOU G. and STARK A.A.
1987ApJ...312..529D 189 89 Infrared characteristics of the nuclei of normal galaxies. DEVEREUX N.A., BECKLIN E.E. and SCOVILLE N.
1987ApJ...312..555R 242 100 Star formation in Seyfert galaxies. RODRIGUEZ ESPINOSA J.M., RUDY R.J. and JONES B.
1987ApJ...314....3E 607 244 Arm classifications for spiral galaxies. ELMEGREEN D.M. and ELMEGREEN B.G.
1987ApJ...320..238S 329 640 The IRAS bright galaxy sample. II. The sample and luminosity function. SOIFER B.T., SANDERS D.B., MADORE B.F., et al.
1987ApJ...323...44V 771 130 The supernova rate in Shapley-Ames galaxies. VAN DEN BERGH S., McCLURE R.D. and EVANS R.
1987ApJ...323...91D 233 114 The spatial distribution of 10 micron luminosity in spiral galaxies. DEVEREUX N.
1987ApJS...63..803D 161 27 Far-infrared luminosities of Markarian starburst galaxies. II. Individual galaxies. DEUTSCH L.K. and WILLNER S.P.
1987ApJS...65..485C viz 315 274 A 1.49 GHz atlas of spiral galaxies with BT <+12 and delta >-45. CONDON J.J.
1987MNRAS.227..563L 207 22 An infrared-optical study of IRAS point sources in the Virgo region. LEGGETT S.K., CLOWES R.G., KALAFI M., et al.
1987MNRAS.228p..11L 22 ~ The origin of the far-infrared flux from spiral galaxies. LEGGETT S.K., BRAND P.W.J.L. and MOUNTAIN C.M.
1987PASP...99..461H 64 26 On the local environment of extragalactic supernovae. HUANG Y.L.
1987Afz....26..443S 21 6 Accretion of gaseous disks of galaxies. II. Taking into account the viscosity effect in the giant molecular clouds disk. SIL'CHENKO O.K. and LIPUNOV V.M.
1987AZh....64...79T 102 4 Frequency of outbursts and spatial distribution of type I and II supernovae. TSVETKOV D.Y.
1987AZh....64..900Z 32 0 Colour and star formation in the outer parts of disks of spiral galaxies. ZASOV A.V. and DZHAFAROV A.R.
1987AuJPh..40..837A 16 1 Spatial distribution of pulsars and supernova remnants. ALLAKHVERDIEV A.O., GUSEINOV O.H. and YUSIFOV I.M.
1987S&W....26..535B 3 0 Niedergang der Dichtewellen-Theorie. BECK R.
1988A&A...195...76B 152 327 Population synthesis in galactic nuclei using a library of star clusters. BICA E.
1988A&A...200...29A 5 3 62 A circumnuclear ring of enhanced star formation in the spiral galaxy NGC 4321. ARSENAULT R., BOULESTEIX J., GEORGELIN Y., et al.
1988A&A...202...70A 88 11 What is the mean redshift of the Virgo cluster ? ARP H.
1988A&A...205...41A 28 54 Search for the 12CO (J=1-0) line in blue compact galaxies : dependence of CO emission on metallicity. ARNAULT P., CASOLI F., COMBES F., et al.
1988A&A...205...71P 44 34 Self-regulating star formation in isolated galaxies : thermal instabilities in te interstellar medium. PARRAVANO A.
1988A&A...206..219R 46 26 Supernova rates and bursts of star formation. RICHTER O.-G. and ROSA M.
1988A&AS...72...19W 1 16 87 The HI properties of spiral galaxies in the Virgo cluster. I. Westerbork observations of 15 Virgo cluster galaxies. WARMELS R.H.
1988A&AS...72..427W 34 100 The HI properties of spiral galaxies in the Virgo cluster. III. The HI surface density distribution in 36 galaxies. WARMELS R.H.
1988AJ.....95..672S 63 4 A search for thermal hydroxyl emission in nearby galaxies. SCHMELZ J.T. and BAAN W.A.
1988AJ.....96...30C 179 153 Radio identifications of UGC galaxies: starbursts and monsters. CONDON J.J. and BRODERICK J.J.
1988AJ.....96..851G 1 20 106 A VLA H I survey of the Virgo Cluster spirals. II. Rotation curves. GUHATHAKURTA P., VAN GORKOM J.H., KOTANYI C.G., et al.
1988ApJ...326..588K 30 57 Low-mass spiral galaxies with little molecular gas and prodigious star formation. KENNEY J.D. and YOUNG J.S.
1988ApJ...330..579P 1 64 332 Distances to the Virgo and Ursa Major clusters and a determination of Ho. PIERCE M.J. and TULLY R.B.
1988ApJ...331..583S 209 53 A case for Ho = 42 and omega o = 1 using luminous spiral galaxies and the cosmological time scale test. SANDAGE A.
1988ApJ...333..542W 63 74 Rotation curves for spiral galaxies in clusters. II. Variations as a function of cluster position. WHITMORE B.C., FORBES D.A. and RUBIN V.C.
1988ApJ...334..144K 130 168 Properties of H II region populations in galaxies. I. The first-ranked H II regions. KENNICUTT R.C.Jr
1988ApJ...335..104M 98 120 21 Centimeter survey of luminous infrared galaxies MIRABEL I.F. and SANDERS D.B.
1988ApJS...66..261K 45 169 CO observations of all Virgo Cluster spiral galaxies brighter than B o/T =12. KENNEY J.D. and YOUNG J.S.
1988ApJS...68..129V 34 15 Systematic properties of CO emission from galaxies. II. Weighted correlations. VERTER F.
1988ApJS...68..151H 192 433 IRAS observations of galaxies in the Virgo cluster area. HELOU G., KHAN I.R., MALEK L., et al.
1988MNRAS.231..509R 8 11 An empirical law of star formation in spiral galaxies. RANA N.C. and WILKINSON D.A.
1988MNRAS.234..131P 43 156 Dark and visible matter in spiral galaxies. PERSIC M. and SALUCCI P.
1988PASP..100S1216A 1 0 The use of giant extragalactic HII regions as distance indicators. ARSENAULT R., BOULESTEIX J. and GEORGELIN Y.
1988ARA&A..26..295W 1 39 205 Supernovae and supernova remnants. WEILER K.W. and SRAMEK R.A.
1988ApL....27...27B 53 ~ Systematics of the central velocity gradients of spiral galaxies. BAIESI-PILLASTRINI G.C.
1988Ap&SS.141..389X 44 1 The kinematic effects on the rotation curve of a galaxy. XU C.-M. and WU X.-J.
1988BICDS..34..231F 18 1 A statistical analysis of the HII-distribution in spiral galaxies : the fractal dimension. FEITZINGER J.V. and GALINSKI T.
1988KodOB..10....1K 13 0 Introduction to supernovae phenomena. KRISHAN V.
1988SoByu..60...31M 297 0 Observation of galaxies in groups at 102 MHz. MAHTESSIAN A.P. and OGANNISIAN M.A.
1988SoByu..60...55H 16 0 Radiospectra of galaxies of the Byurakan classification. HOVHANNISIAN M.A.
1988TarOT..91...73T 10 ~ Subsystems in galaxies and their mass-to-luminosity ratios. TENJES P.
1988IAUS..129..175B 8 11 Determinations of distances to radio sources with VLBI. BARTEL N.
1988IAUCo.101...23C 18 ~ Radio supernovae : the detection of SN 1961V in NGC 1058. COWAN J.J., HENRY R.B.C. and BRANCH D.
1989A&A...211...25T 82 41 Formation of leading spiral arms in retrograde galaxy encounters. THOMASSON M., DONNER K.J., SUNDELIUS B., et al.
1989A&A...217...66A 219 87 The preponderance of bar and ring features in starburst galaxies and active galactic nuclei. ARSENAULT R.
1989A&A...223...42B 27 73 Star formation rate and gas surface density in late-type galaxies. BUAT V., DEHARVENG J.M. and DONAS J.
1989A&A...226...23B 96 52 The stellar-free emission component in galactic nuclei: at low-levels, evidence for shock ionization. BONATTO C., BICA E. and ALLOIN D.
1989A&AS...81..421B viz 1262 130 The Asiago supernova catalogue. BARBON R., CAPPELLARO E. and TURATTO M.
1989AJ.....97.1022K 1 45 194 A comparison of the physical conditions in nuclear, hotspot, and disk H II regions. KENNICUTT R.C.Jr, KEEL W.C. and BLAHA C.A.
1989AJ.....98..766S 343 391 The IRAS bright galaxy sample. IV. Complete IRAS observations. SOIFER B.T., BOEHMER L., NEUGEBAUER G., et al.
1989ApJ...336..421W 66 61 Radio emission from supernovae. I. One to twelve year old supernovae. WEILER K.W., PANAGIA N., SRAMEK R.A., et al.
1989ApJ...337L...5H 6 4 A spiral galaxy at z = 0.366 which overlaps the image of the quasar 4C 39.47. HINTZEN P., ROMANISHIN W., FOLTZ C., et al.
1989ApJ...337..650S 2 5 40 Far-infrared and submillimeter photometric mapping of spiral galaxies in the Virgo cluster. STARK A.A., DAVIDSON J.A., HARPER D.A., et al.
1989ApJ...338...13C 2 24 227 The 1.4 gigahertz luminosity function and its evolution. CONDON J.J.
1989ApJ...339..657F 101 9 The distribution of mass for spiral galaxies in clusters and in the field. FORBES D.A. and WHITMORE B.C.
1989ApJ...342...83S 403 140 The 12 micron galaxy sample. I. Luminosity functions and a new complete active galaxy sample. SPINOGLIO L. and MALKAN M.A.
1989ApJ...342..122K 44 13 On the interrelation between the surface photometric parameters and the internal velocities of galaxies. KODAIRA K.
1989ApJ...342..759T 126 25 Far-infrared emission and star formation in spiral galaxies. TRINCHIERI G., FABBIANO G. and BANDIERA R.
1989ApJ...343...18B 16 20 On systematic errors in distance estimates of the Virgo cluster and the intrinsic scatter in the Tully-Fisher relation. BURSTEIN D. and RAYCHAUDHURY S.
1989ApJ...343..602E 114 T K                 1 4 159 Spiral arm amplitude variations and pattern speeds in the grand design galaxies M 51, M 81 and
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1989ApJ...344..171K 1 40 252 The effects of environment on the molecular and atomic gas properties of large Virgo cluster spirals. KENNEY J.D.P. and YOUNG J.S.
1989ApJ...344..685K 12 33 1654 The star formation law in galactic disks. KENNICUTT R.C.Jr
1989ApJ...345..752E 856 107 Revised supernova rates in Shapley-Ames galaxies. EVANS R., VAN DEN BERGH S. and McCLURE R.D.
1989ApJ...346..126D 132 106 Nearby starburst galaxies. DEVEREUX N.A.
1989ApJ...347..812P 69 31 A self-regulated star formation rate as a function of global galactic parameters. PARRAVANO A.
1989ApJS...70..699Y 187 357 Global properties of infrared bright galaxies. YOUNG J.S., XIE S., KENNEY J.D.P., et al.
1989ApJS...71..433P 92 141 Ionized gas in the nuclear regions of nearby non-Seyfert spiral galaxies. POGGE R.W.
1989MNRAS.239..347D 98 24 Dust deficiency in Virgo spirals. DOYON R. and JOSEPH R.D.
1989Ap&SS.156..175W 19 1 Rotation curves for spiral galaxies in clusters and in the field. WHITMORE B.C. and FORBES D.A.
1989BAAS...21.1128E 4 ~ Evidence for spiral modes and identification of spiral arm resonances from analysis of color images of four galaxies. ELMEGREEN B.G., ELMEGREEN D.M., SEIDEN P.E., et al.
1989PAZh...15..210Z 13 1 On the frequency of occurrence of disk galaxies with a "two-humped" curve of rotation. ZASOV A.V. and ZOTOV V.M.
1989PNAOJ...1...11T 530 9 Kiso survey for ultraviolet-excess galaxies. IX. TAKASE B. and MIYAUCHI-ISOBE N.
1989RMxAA..17..127C 183 1 Gaseous content of galaxies inside groups. COUTO DA SILVA T.C. and DE FREITAS PACHECO J.A.
1989RMxAA..18..189P 70 T                   1 3 0 Physical conditions of HII regions in M 51, NGC 3344 and
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1989IAUS..136..567S 19 10 X-ray observations of the galactic centre. SKINNER G.K.
1990A&A...233L...9B 6 14 Far-UV two-dimensional photometry of bright galaxies. BLECHA A., GOLAY M., HUGUENIN D., et al.
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1990A&A...234...84G 24 10 Multiple supernova events in spiral galaxies. GUTHRIE B.N.G.
1990A&A...235...55D 7 11 Accretion in disk galaxies: the hydrodynamical evolution of molecular rings. DATHER M. and BIERMANN P.L.
1990A&AS...82..145C viz 157 11 Supernova studies. I. A catalogue of magnitude observations of supernovae I. CADONAU R. and LEIBUNDGUT B.
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1990AJ.....99..323B 136 16 Estimation of the equivalent width of the interstellar Ca II K absorption line. BEERS T.C.
1990AJ....100..604C 4 26 429 VLA observations of neutral hydrogen in Virgo cluster galaxies. I. The Atlas. CAYATTE V., VAN GORKOM J.H., BALKOWSKI C., et al.
1990AJ....100.1523S 26 89 CO deficiency in LSB galaxies. Clues to their star-formation history. SCHOMBERT J.M., BOTHUN G.D., IMPEY C.D., et al.
1990ApJ...349....1F 207 135 The extragalactic distance scale. II. The unbiased distance to the Virgo cluster from the B-band Tully-Fisher relation. FOUQUE P., BOTTINELLI L., GOUGUENHEIM L., et al.
1990ApJ...351L..45F 1 8 37 Optical identification of dust within the Crab nebula's filaments. FESEN R.A. and BLAIR W.P.
1990ApJ...352...30I 152 60 Low-frequency radio continuum evidence for cool ionized gas in normal spiral galaxies. ISRAEL F.P. and MAHONEY M.J.
1990ApJ...355...44P 136 42 Dark matter in spiral galaxies. PERSIC M. and SALUCCI P.
1990ApJ...355...52E 2 4 47 Optical tracers of spiral wave resonances in galaxies : applications to NGC 1566. ELMEGREEN B.G. and ELMEGREEN D.M.
1990ApJ...355...94T 13 33 Submillimeter continuum emission from galaxies : star formation and the interstellar medium in the Local Group dwarf IC 10. THRONSON H.A.Jr, HUNTER D.A., CASEY S., et al.
1990ApJ...356...14C 43 11 Neutral hydrogen absorption by galaxies and implications for the soft X-ray background. CORBELLI E. and SCHNEIDER S.E.
1990ApJ...356...83P 57 17 Rotating disk galaxies: yet another case for dark matter. PERSIC M. and SALUCCI P.
1990ApJ...357..367V 29 34 Collisional removal of HI from the inner disks of Virgo cluster galaxies. VALLURI M. and JOG C.J.
1990ApJ...359....4V 227 30 Classification of galaxies on CCD frames. VAN DEN BERGH S., PIERCE M.L. and TULLY R.B.
1990ApJ...359...42D 57 211 The gas/dust ratio in spiral galaxies. DEVEREUX N.A. and YOUNG J.S.
1990ApJ...360..483G 2 11 102 Star-forming galaxies and the X-ray background. GRIFFITHS R.E. and PADOVANI P.
1990ApJ...361...63L 236 8 Radio absorption by the intergalactic medium. LERNER E.J.
1990ApJ...364..412E 38 17 Evidence for small halos in grand design spiral galaxies. ELMEGREEN D.M. and ELMEGREEN B.G.
1990ApJ...364..444V 231 28 The dustiness, luminosity, and metallicity of galaxies. VAN DEN BERGH S. and PIERCE M.J.
1990ApJS...73..359C viz 341 311 A 1.49 GHz atlas of the IRAS bright galaxy sample. CONDON J.J., HELOU G., SANDERS D.B., et al.
1990ApJS...74..675B 864 48 Associations between quasi-stellar objects and galaxies. BURBIDGE G., HEWITT A., NARLIKAR J.V., et al.
1990MNRAS.242..194L 1 6 35 The formation of molecular gas rings in galactic central regions. LESCH H., BIERMANN P.L., CRUSIUS A., et al.
1990MNRAS.242..379V 27 57 Compact radio components in Sbc galaxies. VILA M.B., PEDLAR A., DAVIES R.D., et al.
1990MNRAS.243..431G 188 19 The Virgo cluster as a test for quantization of extragalactic redshifts. GUTHRIE B.N.G. and NAPIER W.M.
1990MNRAS.245..577P 56 82 Mass decomposition of spiral galaxies from disc kinematics. PERSIC M. and SALUCCI P.
1990MNRAS.247..444G 184 15 Effects of interactions on the radio properties of non-Seyfert galaxies. GIURICIN G., BERTOTTI G., MARDIROSSIAN F., et al.
1990ATsir1543....1B 19 0 On the stability of gaseous disks of galaxies. BUZINA M.A., MOROZOV A.G., TORGASHIN Y.M., et al.
1990Ast....18f..28E 3 0 The case for density waves. EICHER D.J.
1990Ap&SS.167..183A 250 10 The Hubble relation : differences between galaxy types Sb and Sc. ARP H.
1990Ap&SS.170..209C 3 3 Efficience of massive star formation in grand design spirals. CEPA J.P. and BECKMAN J.E.
1990Ap&SS.170..297C 3 2 HII region statistics in spirals. CEPA J. and BECKMAN J.E.
1990BCFHT..22....1R 4 2 CIRCUS : bilan de deux annees et perspective. Les programmes scientifiques et les resultats. ROUAN D., LACOMBE F. and TIPHENE D.
1990QJRAS..31..281T 11 5 The chemical evolution of galaxies (presidential address of 1990 February 9). TAYLER R.J.
1991A&A...243..309G 19 40 The nuclear starburst activity in M 83 : imaging at near-IR wavelengths. GALLAIS P., ROUAN D., LACOMBE F., et al.
1991A&A...249..312R 125 23 The manifold of early-type galaxies from IR photometry in clusters of galaxies. The Virgo cluster. RECILLAS-CRUZ E., CARRASCO L., SERRANO A., et al.
1991A&A...250..302P 10 12 A statistical analysis of cosmic ray propagation effects on the low frequency radio spectrum of spiral galaxies. POHL M., SCHLICKEISER R. and HUMMEL E.
1991A&A...251..442H 28 21 On the low frequency radio spectrum of spiral galaxies. HUMMEL E.
1991A&AS...89..159G 63 45 Analysis of the distribution of HII regions in external galaxies. I. Position and inclination angles. GARCIA-GOMEZ C. and ATHANASSOULA E.
1991A&AS...90..121C 243 19 Kinematical observations of ordinary spiral galaxies: a bibliographical compilation. CORRADI R.L.M. and CAPACCIOLI M.
1991A&AS...90..375L 159 21 The UV properties of normal galaxies. I. The IUE data. LONGO G., CAPACCIOLI M. and CERIELLO A.
1991AJ....101..325H 41 4 Abell 154 and Virgo: pilot study for H I observations of distant clusters of galaxies. HOFFMAN G.L. and WILLIAMS H.L.
1991AJ....101..362C 363 128 UGC galaxies stronger than 25 mJy at 4.85 GHz. CONDON J.J. and FRAYER D.T.
1991AJ....102.1663C viz 119 49 Radio properties of extragalactic IRAS sources. CONDON J.J. and BRODERICK J.J.
1991ApJ...368...12B 12 27 Simulated optical images of galaxies at z ∼ 1 using ultraviolet images of nearby galaxies. BOHLIN R.C., CORNETT R.H., HILL J.K., et al.
1991ApJ...368...60P 57 185 The universal galaxy rotation curve. PERSIC M. and SALUCCI P.
1991ApJ...371...82S 74 65 High chemical abundances in Virgo spiral galaxies. SHIELDS G.A., SKILLMAN E.D. and KENNICUTT R.C.Jr
1991ApJ...374...20B 57 10 Correlation functions of matter from galaxy rotation curves. BORGANI S., BONOMETTO S.A., PERSIC M., et al.
1991ApJ...376..458B 94 21 Arm classification and velocity gradients in spiral galaxies. BIVIANO A., GIRARDI M., GIURICIN G., et al.
1991ApJ...379...89S 57 41 The dark matter content of spiral galaxies. SALUCCI P., ASHMAN K.M. and PERSIC M.
1991ApJ...382..382P 43 32 Infrared images, Virgo spirals and the Tully-Fisher law. PELETIER R.F. and WILLNER S.P.
1991MNRAS.250..392G 107 7 X-ray emission from spiral galaxies with normal and low-activity nuclei. GIURICIN G., BERTOTTI G., MARDIROSSIAN F., et al.
1991MNRAS.251..649B 147 35 Interstellar Ca II in the galactic halo and in QSO absorption systems. BOWEN D.V.
1991PASP..103..787W 18 5 Supernebulae. II. WHEELER J.C. and SWARTZ D.A.
1991PASP..103..916S 6 3 Abundances in Virgo spiral galaxies. SHIELDS G.A.
1991Ap&SS.183..155T 80 3 Dependence of certain rotational properties of 78 spiral galaxies on Hubble's type and luminosity. TEKTUNALI F.L. and TEKTUNALI H.G.
1991BAAS...23.1369C 8 1 Dynamical influence on molecular gas density at the centers of Virgo spirals. CANZIAN B. and SCOVILLE N.
1991C&T...107..131M 6 0 A la recherche des supernovae extragalactiques. MARTIN P.
1991JRASC..85..181M 2 0 Radial abundance gradients in normal and barred spiral galaxies : first results. MARTIN P.
1991PASJ...43..671S 17 11 Molecular rings in galaxies and a possible new cosmic distance indicator. SOFUE Y.
1992A&A...255...63J 55 29 Dark-to-luminous mass ratio in spiral galaxies. JABLONKA J. and ARIMOTO N.
1992A&A...260...17T 141 38 Investigations of the Local Supercluster velocity field. I. Observations close to Virgo, using Tully-Fisher distances and the Tolman-Bondi expanding sphere. TEERIKORPI P., BOTTINELLI L., GOUGUENHEIM L., et al.
1992A&A...261..697B 21 11 Galaxy classification using pattern recognition methods. BURDA P. and FEITZINGER J.V.
1992A&A...264..433B 60 173 A CO(1-0) and CO(2-1) survey of nearby spiral galaxies. II. Physical conditions in the nuclear gas. BRAINE J. and COMBES F.
1992A&AS...92..749T 1554 45 The far-infrared properties of the CfA galaxy sample. I. The catalog. THUAN T.X. and SAUVAGE M.
1992A&AS...93..211F 2164 70 Groups of galaxies within 80 Mpc. II. The catalogue of groups and group members. FOUQUE P., GOURGOULHON E., CHAMARAUX P., et al.
1992AJ....103..429C 70 T                   5 16 Star formation in the spiral arms of NGC 4321. I. CO observations. CEPA J., BECKMAN J.E., KNAPEN J.H., et al.
1992AJ....103.1788V 98 64 Association of supernovae with recent star formation regions in late typegalaxies. VAN DYK S.D.
1992ApJ...388...82D 82 178 X-ray properties of bright far-infrared galaxies. DAVID L.P., JONES C. and FORMAN W.
1992ApJ...389L..17G 24 24 Type II-L supernovae - standard bombs. GASKELL C.M.
1992ApJ...395..366S 1 26 153 Expanding photospheres of type II supernovae and the extragalactic distance scale. SCHMIDT B.P., KIRSHNER R.P. and EASTMAN R.G.
1992ApJ...399..672W 4 3 48 Evidence for periodic modulation of presupernova mass loss from the progenitor of SN 1979C. WEILER K.W., VAN DYK S.D., PRINGLE J.E., et al.
1992ApJS...79...37E 2 17 175 Optical tracers of spiral wave resonances in galaxies. II. Hidden three-arm spirals in a sample of 18 galaxies. ELMEGREEN B.G., ELMEGREEN D.M. and MONTENEGRO L.
1992ApJS...80..531F viz 518 501 An X-ray catalog and atlas of galaxies. FABBIANO G., KIM D.-W. and TRINCHIERI G.
1992ApJS...80..645K 131 75 The X-ray spectra of galaxies. I. Spectral fits of individual galaxies and X-ray colors. KIM D.-W., FABBIANO G. and TRINCHIERI G.
1992MNRAS.258..321H 1 7 37 The effects of cluster environment on the chemical evolution of galaxies I. NGC 4303. HENRY R.B.C., PAGEL B.E.J., LASSETER D.F., et al.
1992MNRAS.259..121V 4 30 485 The relation between abundance gradients and the physical properties of spiral galaxies. VILA-COSTAS M.B. and EDMUNDS M.G.
1992PASP..104..599J 4 26 467 A critical review of selected techniques for measuring extragalactic distances. JACOBY G.H., BRANCH D., CIARDULLO R., et al.
1992Ap&SS.188..289B 31 1 Star formation systematics from colour images. BROSCH N.
1992PASAu..10...84M 4 0 New colour images of dwarf galaxies. MALIN D.
1993A&A...267L..47B 1 3 14 No molecular gas in M 87 : just a monster ? BRAINE J. and WIKLIND T.
1993A&A...268..472C 169 53 The rate of supernovae. I. The data base, the recipe and the uncertainties. CAPPELLARO E., TURATTO M., BENETTI S., et al.
1993A&A...273...31S 2 10 118 Isophote twists in the nuclear regions of barred spiral galaxies. SHAW M.A., COMBES F., AXON D.J., et al.
1993A&A...275..390G 141 10 Effects of interactions on the nuclear near-infrared properties of spiral galaxies. GIURICIN G., BIVIANO A., GIRARDI M., et al.
1993A&A...276...16C 79 8 The V-R diagram : a diagnostic tool for the dynamical classification of spiral galaxies. CAMPOS-AGUILAR A., PRIETO M. and GARCIA C.
1993A&A...279..385C 10 30 Dust in spiral galaxies. I. CHINI R. and KRUGEL E.
1993A&A...280..373B 22 33 HII regions in spiral galaxies: positions, luminosity function and diameter distribution. BANFI M., RAMPAZZO R., CHINCARINI G., et al.
1993A&AS...97..887B 77 157 A CO(1-0) and CO(2-1) survey of nearby spiral galaxies. I. Data and observations. BRAINE J., COMBES F., CASOLI F., et al.
1993A&AS...98..443P 95 46 Light curves of type II supernovae. I. The atlas. PATAT F., BARBON R., CAPPELLARO E., et al.
1993A&AS..100...47G viz 4500 387 General study of group membership. II. Determination of nearby groups. GARCIA A.M.
1993A&AS..100..431G 43 23 Analysis of the distribution of HII regions in externalgalaxies. II. Analysis of the spiral structure. GARCIA-GOMEZ C. and ATHANASSOULA E.
1993A&AS..101..207V 265 21 IRAS CPC observations of galaxies. I. Catalog and atlas. VAN DRIEL W., DE GRAAUW T., DE JONG T., et al.
1993A&AS..102..229A 55 18 Analaysis of the HII region distribution in external galaxies. III. Global properties and the radial distribution. ATHANASSOULA E., GARCIA-GOMEZ C. and BOSMA A.
1993AJ....105.1344B 67 203 Metric characteristics of nuclear rings and related features in spiral galaxies. BUTA R. and CROCKER D.A.
1993AJ....106...56K viz 737 32 Statistics and properties of H II regions in NGC 6814. KNAPEN J.H., ARNTH-JENSEN N., CEPA J., et al.
1993ApJ...402....3S 95 42 H0 = 43±11 km.s-1.Mpc-1 based on angular diameters of high-luminosity field spiral galaxies. SANDAGE A.
1993ApJ...402..141V 125 7 Effect of Malmquist bias on correlation studies with the IRAS data base. VERTER F.
1993ApJ...407..110F 107 T K                 5 38 The optical recovery of SN 1979C in
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1993ApJ...414..487C 26 95 A new way to locate corotation resonances in spiral galaxies. CANZIAN B.
1993ApJ...416..563K 107 T K                 10 66 Star formation in the spiral arms of
NGC 4321. II. HI distribution and kinematics.
1993ApJ...419...86H 21 72 Dense gas in the bulges of external galaxies. HELFER T.T. and BLITZ L.
1993ApJS...85....1N 1321 89 A revised catalog of CfA1 galaxy groups in the Virgo/Great Attractor flow field. NOLTHENIUS R.
1993ApJS...86....5K viz 142 335 An atlas of ultraviolet spectra of star-forming galaxies. KINNEY A.L., BOHLIN R.C., CALZETTI D., et al.
1993ApJS...89....1R viz 933 333 The extended 12 micron galaxy sample. RUSH B., MALKAN M.A. and SPINOGLIO L.
1993MNRAS.261..445F 165 40 Magnetic fields in late-type galaxies. FITT A.J. and ALEXANDER P.
1993MNRAS.264..665V 170 13 Further analysis of a 'complete sample' in the Virgo supercluster of galaxies. VALLEE J.P.
1993MNRAS.265..199V 1 29 210 The nitrogen-to-oxygen ratio in galaxies and its implications for the origin of nitrogen. VILA-COSTAS M.B. and EDMUNDS M.G.
1993PASP..105..323K 3 2 Large-scale star-formation patterns in spiral arms. KNAPEN J.H.
1993PASP..105.1290P 6 7 On the spiral structure of M 33. PUERARI I.
1993ATsir1554....3K 3 0 Peculiar HII region distribution in two spiral galaxies. KOLOTOVKINA S.A.
1993BAAS...25..840C 4 ~ UIT observations of M100. COLLINS N.R., et al.
1993BAAS...25.1357F 4 ~ Circumnuclear massive star formation in disk galaxies as identified through ultraviolet imaging. FANELLI M.N., COLLINS N.R., CHEN P.C., et al.
1993BAAS...25.1412C 1 ~ Corotation resonance and the velocity field of NGC 4321. CANZIAN B. and ALLEN R.J.
1993PPMtO..12...65H 312 4 Distribution of the spin vectors of the disk galaxies of the Virgo cluster. I. The catalogue of 310 disk galaxies in the Virgo area. HU F.-X., WU G.-X. and SU H.-J.
1993RMxAA..26...73V 14 7 Ho, why the differences ? VAN DEN BERGH S.
1993RMxAA..27...21K 39 8 Systematics of HII region abundances in galaxies. KENNICUTT R.C., OEY M.S., ZARITSKY D., et al.
1993IAUS..153..209K 2 24 245 Kinematics of extragalactic bulges: evidence that some bulges are really disks. KORMENDY J.
1994A&A...287..419G 112 T K                 1 24 Gas response at the resonances in the grand design spiral
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1994A&A...289..715D 154 75 Ultraviolet observations of galaxies with the FAUST experiment. DEHARVENG J.-M., SASSEEN T.P., BUAT V., et al.
1994A&AS..106..451D viz 85 190 Near-infrared and optical broadband surface photometry of 86 face-on disk dominated galaxies. I. Selection, observations and data reduction. DE JONG R.S. and VAN DER KRUIT P.C.
1994AJ....107..118B 172 91 Mean morphological types of bright galaxies. BUTA R., MITRA S., DE VAUCOULEURS G., et al.
1994AJ....107.1003C 109 309 A very large array survey of neutral hydrogen in Virgo cluster spirals. III. Surface density profiles of the gas. CAYATTE V., KOTANYI C., BALKOWSKI C., et al.
1994AJ....108..896M viz 528 25 Arm structure in normal spiral galaxies. I. Multivariate data for 492 galaxies. MAGRI C.
1994ApJ...420...87Z 7 39 1235 HII regions and the abundance properties of spiral galaxies. ZARITSKY D., KENNICUTT R.C. and HUCHRA J.P.
1994ApJ...424..599M viz 2 24 212 The influence of bars on the chemical composition of spiral galaxies. MARTIN P. and ROY J.-R.
1994ApJ...425...57E 222 32 On the size and formation mechanism of the largest star-forming complexes in spiral and irregular galaxies. ELMEGREEN D.M., ELMEGREEN B.G., LANG C., et al.
1994ApJ...427..202G 288 21 The nuclear 10 micron emission of spiral galaxies. GIURICIN G., TAMBURINI L., MARDIROSSIAN F., et al.
1994ApJ...430...53P 63 68 Luminosity-line-width relations and the extragalactic distance scale. II. A comparison with types Ia and II supernovae. PIERCE M.J.
1994ApJ...432...42S 1 36 204 The distance to five type II supernovae using the expanding photosphere method and the value of Ho. SCHMIDT B.P., KIRSHNER R.P., EASTMAN R.G., et al.
1994ApJ...434L..19S 1 15 99 SN 1991T: reflections of past glory. SCHMIDT B.P., KIRSHNER R.P., LEIBUNDGUT B., et al.
1994ApJ...435...22K 2 61 655 Past and future star formation in disk galaxies. KENNICUTT R.C., TAMBLYN P. and CONGDON C.W.
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1994PASP..106.1276B 250 79 Distribution of supernovae relative to spiral arms and H II regions. BARTUNOV O.S., TSVETKOV D.Y. and FILIMONOVA I.V.
1994Ast....22d..44B 5 0 Hubble better than new. BRUNING D.
1994BAAS...26..876B 2 ~ Spectroscopic observations of hot spot galaxies. BLAHA C., JOHNSON K. and WYDER T.
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1994BAAS...26Q.939G 71 T                   2 ~ Exploring the center of the giant Virgo cluster spiral galaxy M100 with the HST Planetary Camera 2. GALLAGHER J., WATSON A., HESTER J., et al.
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1994BAAS...26.1352M 3 ~ Limits on H0 from the distance of galaxies in the Virgo cluster. MOULD J.R., et al.
1994BAAS...26.1367K 4 ~ Measuring the Hubble constant with the HST. KENNICUTT R.C.
1994BAAS...26.1411V 4 ~ The Hubble parameter. VAN DEN BERGH S.
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1994Mercu..23a...7S 8 0 "We nailed it !". A first look at the new and improved Hubble Space Telescope. STEPHENS S.
1994Natur.371..741J 1 2 9 The Universe in crisis. JACOBY G.H.
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1994NewSc1949...20C 3 0 The unacceptably young face of the Universe. CROSWELL K.
1994PhT....47l..19S 2 2 Distance to Virgo kicks off HST assault on the Hubble constant. SCHWARZSCHILD B.
1994Sci...266..539T 3 0 Hubble war moves to high ground. TRAVIS J.
1994SciN..146..232C 4 0 Searching for cosmology's Holy Grail. Hubble telescope joins a constant battle. COWEN R.
1994SciN..146..278C 1 0 Hubble telescope eyes a younger universe. COWEN R.
1994SciAm.270c...7B 5 0 Image enhancement. BEARDSLEY T.
1994BaltA...3..180T 13 1 The mass-to-light ratio of the visible matter. TENJES P.
1995A&A...293...56N 49 36 The radio-FIR correlation of galaxies in the Virgo Cluster. NIKLAS S., KLEIN U. and WIELEBINSKI R.
1995A&A...295..335C 72 5 A generalized Schmidt star formation law: observational constraints. CAIMMI R.
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1995A&A...299..657G 1 7 49 The distorted kinematics of molecular gas in the center of NGC 891. GARCIA-BURILLO S. and GUELIN M.
1995A&A...301..666L 104 6 Studies of multiple supernovae in spiral galaxies. LI W. and LI Z.
1995A&AS..109..341R viz 362 13 The UV properties of normal galaxies. II. The ``non-IUE'' data. RIFATTO A., LONGO G. and CAPACCIOLI M.
1995A&AS..114...21N viz 225 32 A radio continuum survey of Shapley-Ames Galaxies at λ2.8 cm. I. Atlas of radio data. NIKLAS S., KLEIN U., BRAINE J., et al.
1995A&AS..114..527R viz 372 35 The UV properties of normal galaxies. III. Standard luminosity profiles and total magnitudes. RIFATTO A., LONGO G. and CAPACCIOLI M.
1995AJ....109..517B viz 1470 28 Integrated photoelectric magnitudes and color indices of bright galaxies in the Johnson UBV system. BUTA R., CORWIN H.G.Jr, DE VAUCOULEURS G., et al.
1995AJ....109.1608R viz 16 19 Near-infrared surface photometry and morphology in Virgo cluster spiral galaxy nuclear regions. RAUSCHER B.J.
1995AJ....109.2318C viz 371 55 Radio identifications of extragalactic IRAS sources. CONDON J.J., ANDERSON E. and BRODERICK J.J.
1995AJ....109.2428M 138 205 Quantitative morphology of bars in spiral galaxies. MARTIN P.
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1995AJ....110..613V 339 21 A preliminary classification scheme for the central regions of late-type galaxies. VAN DEN BERGH S.
1995AJ....110.1009B 2 14 146 Hubble Space Telescope observations of circumnuclear star-forming rings in NGC 1097 and NGC 6951. BARTH A.J., HO L.C., FILIPPENKO A.V., et al.
1995AJ....110.1105G 72 T                   5 27 Measuring spiral arm torques: results for M100. GNEDIN O.Y., GOODMAN J. and FREI Z.
1995AJ....110.1255W 41 24 The ultraviolet sky as observed by the shuttle-borne ultraviolet imaging telescope. WALLER W.H., MARSH M., BOHLIN R.C., et al.
1995AJ....110.1476K 1 20 145 Measuring the Hubble constant with Hubble Space Telescope. KENNICUTT R.C.Jr, FREEDMAN W.L. and MOULD J.R.
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1995AJ....110.2537B 1 9 46 Globular clusters in Coma galaxy NGC 4881. BAUM W.A., HAMMERGREN M., GROTH E.J., et al.
1995AJ....110.2705H 22 39 Distances to nearby galaxies: combining fragmentary data using four different methods. HUTERER D., SASSELOV D.D. and SCHECHTER P.L.
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1995MNRAS.276.1327R 33 11 EUV emission from normal galaxies. READ A.M. and PONMAN T.J.
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1995PASP..107..156H 19 6 469 The performance and calibration of WFPC2 on the Hubble Space Telescope. HOLTZMAN J., HESTER J.J., CASERTANO S., et al.
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1995Ast....23f..40B 8 0 A galaxy of news. BRUNING D.
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1995Ap&SS.234...69D 36 7 Dark matter particles and the flat rotation curves of spiral galaxies. DEHNEN H., ROSE B. and AMER K.
1995AuJPh..48.1093M 5 1 Progress in measuring the Hubble constant. MOULD J.
1995BCFHT..32...19P 5 1 The Hubble constant from cepheid variables in the Virgo cluster. PIERCE M.J., WELCH D.L., McCLURE R.D., et al.
1995GriO...59d...2G 8 0 Dilemma of the devious dwarfs. GREEN P.J.
1995JRASC..89....6V 5 5 The age and size of the universe. VAN DEN BERGH S.
1995Natur.377...27T 3 12 165 Determination of the Hubble constant from observations of Cepheid variables in the galaxy M 96. TANVIR N.R., SHANKS T., FERGUSON H.C., et al.
1995PAZh...21..730Z 69 ~ The structure star formation efficiency in spiral galaxies. ZASOV A.V.
1995RPPh...58.1375S 49 72 X-ray emission from supernovae : a review of the observations. SCHLEGEL E.M.
1995Sci...270.1942V 11 10 Ages of the oldest clusters and the age of the universe. VAN DEN BERGH S.
1995SciN..147..198C 4 1 Hubble constant: controversy continues. COWEN R.
1995S&W....34...96A 2 0 Kosmische Entfernungen : eine neue Bestimmung der Hubble-Konstanten. ADORF H.-M.
1996A&A...305....1K 50 8 On improved Cepheid distance estimators. KANBUR S.M. and HENDRY M.A.
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1996A&A...307..735R 3 8 84 Statistics and properties of H II regions in a sample of grand design galaxies I. Luminosity functions. ROZAS M., BECKMAN J.E. and KNAPEN J.H.
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1996A&A...312..275R 1 7 32 Statistics and properties of H II regions in a sample of grand-design galaxies. II. Physical properties. ROZAS M., KNAPEN J.H. and BECKMAN J.E.
1996A&A...313...65L 5 9 139 Hydrodynamical simulations of the barred spiral galaxy NGC 1365. Dynamical interpretation of observations. LINDBLAD P.A.B., LINDBLAD P.O. and ATHANASSOULA E.
1996A&AS..117..467G viz 22335 19 An image database. II. Catalogue between δ=-0deg and δ=70deg. GARNIER R., PATUREL G., PETIT C., et al.
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1996AJ....111....1S 14 26 Bias properties of extragalactic distance indicators. V. H0 from luminosity functions of different spiral types and luminosity classes corrected for bias. SANDAGE A.
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1996AJ....111.2233E 30 63 Light profiles and pattern speeds for bars in early- and late-type galaxies. ELMEGREEN B.G., ELMEGREEN D.M., CHROMEY F.R., et al.
1996AJ....112..114R 1 4 16 Near-infrared structure of the edge-on spiral NGC 4565. RICE W., MERRILL K.M., GATLEY I., et al.
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1996ApJ...463...26K viz 50 124 The extragalactic distance scale key project. III. The discovery of Cepheids and a new distance to M101 using the Hubble Space Telescope. KELSON D.D., ILLINGWORTH G.D., FREEDMAN W.F., et al.
1996ApJ...463...60B 51 70 A new I-band Tully-Fisher relation for the Fornax Cluster: implication for the Fornax distance and Local Supercluster velocity field. BUREAU M., MOULD J.R. and STAVELEY-SMITH L.
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1996ApJ...469..581T 2 8 57 The nuclear starburst driven by a supermassive black hole binary. TANIGUCHI Y. and WADA K.
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1996ApJ...473..219C 17 18 CO observations and a new interpretation of the anomalous arms of NGC 4258. COX P. and DOWNES D.
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1996MNRAS.283..635H 16 13 The effects of cluster environment on the chemical evolution of galaxies. III. NGC 753. HENRY R.B.C., BALKOWSKI C., CAYATTE V., et al.
1996MNRAS.283..977B 1 1 Gravity waves, gamma-ray bursts and the Hubble constant. BIESIADA M.
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1996AcApS..16...24L 117 2 The radial distribution of supernovae in spiral galaxies. LI W.-D. and LI Z.-W.
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1996JRASC..90R.331B 3 0 Etude des gradients de Mg et de Fe dans les spirales et les elliptiques a l'aide de l'imagerie avec des filtres interferentiels. BEAUCHAMP D., HARDY E. and MOLLA M.
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1996IAUS..173...27F 23 0 The Hubble constant: present status. FUKUGITA M.
1997A&A...317..405S 1 4 16 Dynamical model of the grand-design spiral galaxy NGC 157. SEMPERE M.J. and ROZAS M.
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1997A&A...319..737R 11 28 Shocks and ring in the barred spiral galaxy NGC 1530. REYNAUD D. and DOWNES D.
1997A&A...322...19N 76 142 A radio continuum survey of Shapley-Ames galaxies at λ 2.8cm. II. Separation of thermal and non-thermal radio emission. NIKLAS S., KLEIN U. and WIELEBINSKI R.
1997A&A...322...29N 22 22 A radio continuum survey of Shapley-Ames galaxies at λ 2.8cm. III. The radio-far infrared correlation. NIKLAS S.
1997A&A...322..730T 56 66 Kinematics of the Local Universe. V. The value of H0 from the Tully-Fisher B and logD25 relations for field galaxies. THEUREAU G., HANSKI M., EKHOLM T., et al.
1997A&A...322..751L 18 17 Procedure to find <B>, <R> and <I> for Cepheids from isolated observations using the complete light curve in V. LABHARDT L., SANDAGE A. and TAMMANN G.A.
1997A&A...323...14S 31 18 The CO Tully-Fisher relation for the Virgo cluster. SCHOENIGER F. and SOFUE Y.
1997A&A...323..363M 1 32 141 Bar strength and star formation activity in late-type barred galaxies. MARTINET L. and FRIEDLI D.
1997A&A...324..471S 5 9 151 Metallicity effects on the Cepheid extragalactic distance scale from EROS photometry in the Large Magellanic Cloud and the Small Magellanic Cloud. SASSELOV D.D., BEAULIEU J.P., RENAULT C., et al.
1997A&A...325...81P 54 49 Circumnuclear molecular gas and star formation in starburst galaxies. PLANESAS P., COLINA L. and PEREZ-OLEA D.
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1997A&A...325..961K 11 2 The star formation law in disk galaxies: a Bayesian view. KOEPPEN J. and FROEHLICH H.-E.
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1997AJ....113..975B 1 10 49 UBVR and H-alpha phtometry of H II regions and OB associations in galaxies: a test for a variable IMF. BRESOLIN F. and KENNICUTT R.C.
1997AJ....113.1666B 72 T                   36 22 The stellar populations of spiral disks. I. A new observational approach: description of the technique and spectral gradients for the inter-arm regions of NGC 4321 (M100). BEAUCHAMP D. and HARDY E.
1997AJ....114..932M 21 6 Spatial distribution of far-infrared emission in spiral galaxies. I. Relation with radio continuum emission. MAYYA Y.D. and RENGARAJAN T.N.
1997AJ....114..946M 21 11 Spatial distribution of far-infrared emission in spiral galaxies. II. Heating sources and gas-to-dust ratio. MAYYA Y.D. and RENGARAJAN T.N.
1997AJ....114..965R 1 11 51 K-band observations of barred spiral galaxies. REGAN M.W. and ELMEGREEN D.M.
1997AJ....114.1154V 1 4 15 Stellar populations and the white dwarf mass function: connections to supernova Ia luminosities. VON HIPPEL T., BOTHUN G.D. and SCHOMMER R.A.
1997AJ....114.1850E 1 10 31 Near-infrared observations of circumnuclear star formation in NGC 3351, NGC 3504, and NGC 5248. ELMEGREEN D.M., CHROMEY F.R., SANTOS M., et al.
1997AJ....114.2212G 11 12 A new determination of the Hubble prameter using galaxy linear diameters. GOODWIN S.P., GRIBBIN J. and HENDRY M.A.
1997ApJ...477L...1G 2 18 122 The Tully-Fisher relation and H0. GIOVANELLI R., HAYNES M.P., DA COSTA L.N., et al.
1997ApJ...477..535G 103 84 The Hubble Space Telescope extragalactic distance scale key project. VII. The discovery of cepheids in the Leo I group galaxy NGC 3351. GRAHAM J.A., PHELPS R.L., FREEDMAN W.L., et al.
1997ApJ...478..162H 1 9 42 Synthesis imaging of dense gas in nearby galaxies. HELFER T.T. and BLITZ L.
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1997ApJ...484L..41C 44 61 Nuclear spiral and ring star-forming structures and the starburst-active galactic nucleus connection in barred spirals NGC 3351 and NGC 4303. COLINA L., GARCIA-VARGAS M.L., MAS-HESSE J.M., et al.
1997ApJ...484..202T 24 42 Are flocculent spirals devoid of density waves? gas morphology and kinematics in NGC 5055. THORNLEY M.D. and MUNDY L.G.
1997ApJ...485...80G 1 4 16 Malmquist bias and the distance to the Virgo cluster. GONZALEZ A.H. and FABER S.M.
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1997ApJ...486....1S 1 33 120 Cepheid calibration of the peak brightness of type Ia supernovae. VIII. SN 1990N in NGC 4639. SAHA A., SANDAGE A., LABHARDT L., et al.
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1997ApJ...489...63G 1 47 271 Interstellar abundance gradients in NGC 2403: comparison to M33. GARNETT D.R., SHIELDS G.A., SKILLMAN E.D., et al.
1997ApJ...489L.133H 8 11 The detection of massive molecular complexes in the ring galaxy system Arp 143. HIGDON J.L., RAND R.J. and LORD S.D.
1997ApJ...490..517R 238 44 The Extragalactic Distance Scale Key Project. VIII. The discovery of cepheids and a new distance to NGC 3621 using the Hubble Space Telescope. RAWSON D.M., MACRI L.M., MOULD J.R., et al.
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1997ApJS..111..143B viz 210 16 FAUST observations of ultraviolet sources toward the Virgo cluster. BROSCH N., FORMIGGINI L., ALMOZNINO E., et al.
1997ApJS..111..163B viz 1026 18 An Einstein X-ray survey of optically selected galaxies. I. Data. BURSTEIN D., JONES C., FORMAN W., et al.
1997ApJS..112..315H viz 610 1186 A search for "dwarf" Seyfert nuclei. III. Spectroscopic parameters and properties of the host galaxies. HO L.C., FILIPPENKO A.V. and SARGENT W.L.W.
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1997MNRAS.286..173H 19 17 On the Hubble constant and the cosmological constant. HOYLE F., BURBIDGE G. and NARLIKAR J.V.
1997MNRAS.286..403K 1 5 24 Atomic hydrogen in the spiral galaxy NGC 3631. KNAPEN J.H.
1997MNRAS.288..365B 37 3 334 The photometric structure of the inner Galaxy. BINNEY J., GERHARD O. and SPERGEL D.
1997MNRAS.290L..77S 46 32 A test of Tully-Fisher distance estimates using Cepheids and SNIa. SHANKS T.
1997ARA&A..35..309F 11 42 1392 Optical spectra of supernovae. FILIPPENKO A.V.
1997LAstr.111...74P 3 0 L'expansion de l'univers. PATUREL G.
1997Ast....25a..36B 3 0 What makes galaxies change? BARTUSIAK M.
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1997CR2...325..749B 14 ~ Cepheides : la relation periode-luminosite. BEAULIEU J.-P.
1997JApA...18..271T 26 2 A case for the standard model. TAMMANN G.A.
1997PAZh...23..354B 4 ~ Evolution of galactic disks: two modes of star formation. BIZYAEV D.V.
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1997PASJ...49...17S 36 59 Nuclear-to-outer rotation curves of galaxies in the CO and H I lines. SOFUE Y.
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1997ARep...41..281E 13 2 On the Cepheid-based extragalactic distance scale. EFREMOV Y.N.
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1998A&A...334..439B 79 23 Probing nuclear starburst activity in a sample of nearby spiral galaxies. BONATTO C., PASTORIZA M.G., ALLOIN D., et al.
1998A&A...336..103P 14 26 On the oxygen abundance deficiency in spiral galaxies. PILYUGIN L.S. and FERRINI F.
1998A&A...338...15R 110 T K                 3 26 Internal turbulence, viriality, and density bounding of the most luminous HII regions in the spiral galaxy M 100. ROZAS M., SABALISCK N., BECKMAN J.E., et al.
1998A&A...339....7N 22 15 Cepheid metallicity and Hubble constant. NEVALAINEN J. and ROOS M.
1998A&A...340....1D 13 11 The nature of arms in spiral galaxies. III. Azimuthal profiles. DEL RIO M.S. and CEPA J.
1998A&AS..127..117P viz 2385 30 A catalogue of spatially resolved kinematics of galaxies: Bibliography. PRUGNIEL P., ZASOV A., BUSARELLO G., et al.
1998A&AS..128..299P viz 6817 141 Total magnitude, radius, colour indices, colour gradients and photometric type of galaxies. PRUGNIEL P. and HERAUDEAU P.
1998A&AS..130..449M 74 23 The thicknesses and inclinations of 71 northern spiral galaxies. MA J., PENG Q.-H. and GU Q.-S.
1998A&AS..131...73M viz 1372 15 Catalogue of HI maps of galaxies. I. MARTIN M.C.
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1998AJ....115.1107F 12 7 A late-time optical detection of SN 1985L in NGC 5033. FESEN R.A.
1998AJ....115.1543O 4 8 99 On the form of the H II region luminosity function. OEY M.S. and CLARKE C.J.
1998AJ....115.1745G 254 59 The star formation properties of disk galaxies: H-alpha imaging of galaxies in the Coma supercluster. GAVAZZI G., CATINELLA B., CARRASCO L., et al.
1998AJ....116...44C 32 1 Ultraviolet imaging of the z = 0.23 cluster Abell 2246. CORNETT R.H., DORMAN B., SMITH E.P., et al.
1998AJ....116.1626B viz 668 176 Bulge-disk decomposition of 659 spiral and lenticular galaxy brightness profiles. BAGGETT W.E., BAGGETT S.M. and ANDERSON K.S.J.
1998AJ....116.2834E 1 15 52 Discovery of a double circumnuclear ring and minibar in the starburst galaxy M83. ELMEGREEN D.M., CHROMEY F.R. and WARREN A.R.
1998ApJ...494L..37E 2 3 22 H I observations of the spiral arm pattern speed in the late-type barred galaxy NGC 925. ELMEGREEN B.G., WILCOTS E. and PISANO D.J.
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1998ApJ...495..115F 157 66 The Virgo cluster distance from 21 centimeter line widths. FEDERSPIEL M., TAMMANN G.A. and SANDAGE A.
1998ApJ...496..648H 111 T K                 6 57 The extragalactic distance scale key project. V. Photometry of the brightest stars in
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1998ApJ...497..689Y 110 T K                 2 13 Spiral structure in the central disks of NGC 1068 and
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1998ApJ...498..181K 3 30 292 The Hubble Space Telescope key project on the extragalactic distance scale. XIII. The metallicity dependence of the Cepheid distance scale. KENNICUTT R.C., STETSON P.B., SAHA A., et al.
1998ApJ...498..541K 15 93 4233 The global Schmidt law in star-forming galaxies. KENNICUTT R.C.
1998ApJ...500...51W 32 37 Radio supernovae as distance indicators. WEILER K.W., VAN DYK S.D., MONTES M.J., et al.
1998ApJ...500..763P 131 25 The Hubble space telescope extragalactic distance scale key project. IX. The discovery of cepheids in NGC 2090. PHELPS R.L., SAKAI S., FREEDMAN W.L., et al.
1998ApJ...501...32H 78 55 The Hubble space telescope extragalactic distance scale key project. X. The cepheid distance to NGC 7331. HUGHES S.M.G., HAN M., HOESSEL J., et al.
1998ApJ...502..582C 166 12 Extensive spiral structure and corotation resonance. CANZIAN B.
1998ApJ...503..646H 1 50 253 The ultraviolet spectroscopic properties of local starbursts: implications at high redshift. HECKMAN T.M., ROBERT C., LEITHERER C., et al.
1998ApJ...505..111J 30 71 Measuring distances using infrared surface brightness fluctuations. JENSEN J.B., TONRY J.L. and LUPPINO G.A.
1998ApJ...505..207T 107 52 The Hubble space telescope key project on the extragalactic distance scale. XI. The cepheids in NGC 4414. TURNER A., FERRARESE L., SAHA A., et al.
1998ApJ...507..655F viz 105 31 The Hubble space telescope key project on the extragalactic distance scale. XII. The discovery of cepheids and a new distance to NGC 2541. FERRARESE L., BRESOLIN F., KENNICUTT R.C.Jr, et al.
1998ApJ...508..491S viz 263 104 The extragalactic distance scale key project. XVI. Cepheid variables in an inner field of M101. STETSON P.B., SAHA A., FERRARESE L., et al.
1998ApJ...508..664E 40 14 The probable detection of SN 1923A: the oldest radio supernova?. ECK C.R., ROBERTS D.A., COWAN J.J., et al.
1998ApJ...509..103S 50 6 916 Modeling the effects of dust on galactic spectral energy distributions from the ultraviolet to the millimeter band. SILVA L., GRANATO G.L., BRESSAN A., et al.
1998ApJS..115..203W 19 27 The speed and origin of the H I spiral pattern in M81. WESTPFAHL D.J.
1998MNRAS.293L..23S 1 5 21 Confirmation of previous ground-based Cepheid P-L zero-points using Hipparcos trigonometric parallaxes. SANDAGE A. and TAMMANN G.A.
1998MNRAS.293..411R 15 28 The peculiar rotation curve of NGC 157. RYDER S.D., ZASOV A.V., McINTYRE V.J., et al.
1998MNRAS.297..255K viz 72 T                   1956 35 Statistical properties of H II regions in the disc of M100. KNAPEN J.H.
1998MNRAS.297.1052L 1 5 24 Pattern speed of the stellar bar in NGC 7479. LAINE S., SHLOSMAN I. and HELLER C.H.
1998MNRAS.298..259W 73 T                   1 4 The stellar content of a spiral arm of NGC 4321. WYDER T.K., DOLPHIN A.E. and HODGE P.W.
1998MNRAS.299..267D 35 31 Globular cluster calibration of the peak brightness of the Type Ia supernova 1992A and the value of H0. DELLA VALLE M., KISSLER-PATIG M., DANZIGER J., et al.
1998MNRAS.300...49B 35 1 106 Gas-driven evolution of stellar orbits in barred galaxies. BERENTZEN I., HELLER C.H., SHLOSMAN I., et al.
1998MNRAS.301..631R 12 16 Bars and the symmetry of star formation patterns in the discs of spiral galaxies. ROZAS M., KNAPEN J.H. and BECKMAN J.E.
1998AcASn..39...28M 10 3 Scale height determination of 10 spiral galaxies (NGC 1019 and others). MA J., PENG Q.-H., LI W.-D., et al.
1998AN....319...27I 72 T                   12 4 X-ray supernovae in nearby galaxies: detection of SN 1979C in NGC 4321 (M 100). IMMLER S. and PIETSCH W.
1998AN....319..110V 21 0 Diffuse X-ray emission from spiral galaxies. VOGLER A. and PIETSCH W.
1998Ap.....41....1K viz 14       D               1 691 3 Barred galaxies. I. A catalog. KANDALIAN R.A. and KALLOGHLIAN A.T.
1998Ap.....41...32P 67 0 One arc degree core substructure of the Virgo cluster. PETROSIAN A.R., GURZADYAN V.G., HENDRY M.A., et al.
1998Ap.....41..308M 1394 1 Groups of galaxies. III. Some empirical characteristics. MAHTESSIAN A.P.
1998BCFHT..39....2K 3 0 Small- and large-scale spiral structure in NGC 5248. KNAPEN J.H., LAINE S., PEREZ D., et al.
1998CR2...326..141B 19 ~ Effet de metallicite sur la relation periode-luminosite des Cepheides et H0. BEAULIEU J.-P.
1998MmSAI..69..199D 19 0 Novae as calibrators of supernovae I-a: simulation of VLT observations in Fornax. DELLA VALLE M. and GILMOZZI R.
1998MmSAI..69..245D 17 0 Luminosities of type Ia supernovae. DANZIGER I.J., DELLA VALLE M., KISSLER-PATIG M., et al.
1998Natur.395...47M 21 46 A Cepheid distance to the Fornax cluster and the local expansion rate of the Universe. MADORE B.F., FREEDMAN W.L., SILBERMANN N., et al.
1998Obs...118..201G 22 14 The relative size of the Milky Way. GOODWIN S.P., GRIBBIN J. and HENDRY M.A.
1998PASJ...50..427S 22 33 Nuclear-to-disk rotation curves of galaxies in the H-alpha and [NII] emission lines. SOFUE Y., TOMITA A., TUTUI Y., et al.
1998PASA...15...83B 6 6 Density bounding of giant HII regions and the ionisation of the diffuse interstellar medium. BECKMAN J.E., ROZAS M. and KNAPEN J.H.
1998PASA...15..161S 72 T                   1 1 Internal kinematics of the most luminous HII regions in M100. SABALISCK N.S.P., ROZAS M., BECKMAN J.E., et al.
1999A&A...342..101V 87 30 X-ray observations of the starburst galaxy NGC 253. I. Point sources in the bulge, disk and halo. VOGLER A. and PIETSCH W.
1999A&A...342..417J 1 4 15 Fabry-Perot observations of the ionized gas in NGC 3938. JIMENEZ-VICENTE J., BATTANER E., ROZAS M., et al.
1999A&A...343...86G viz 186 18 On the local radio luminosity function of galaxies. I. The Virgo cluster. GAVAZZI G. and BOSELLI A.
1999A&A...343..420S 1 31 151 Morphology of the Virgo cluster: Gas versus galaxies. SCHINDLER S., BINGGELI B. and BOEHRINGER H.
1999A&A...350..970K 1 33 186 The wind momentum-luminosity relationship of galactic A- and B-supergiants. KUDRITZKI R.P., PULS J., LENNON D.J., et al.
1999A&A...351..827E 33 20 Investigations of the Local Supercluster velocity field. II. A study using Tolman-Bondi solution and galaxies with accurate distances from the Cepheid PL-relation. EKHOLM T., LANOIX P., TEERIKORPI P., et al.
1999A&A...352...64V 47 19 The soft X-ray emission components of NGC 4258 decomposed by deep ROSAT observations. VOGLER A. and PIETSCH W.
1999A&A...352..415I 69 23 ROSAT high-resolution X-ray observations of M 83: detection of supernova remnant and black hole candidates. IMMLER S., VOGLER A., EHLE M., et al.
1999A&AS..134..333D 9 3 The nature of arms in spiral galaxies. IV. Symmetries and asymmetries. DEL RIO M.S. and CEPA J.
1999A&AS..136...35S viz 220 177 New catalogue of Wolf-Rayet galaxies and high-excitation extra-galactic HII regions. SCHAERER D., CONTINI T. and PINDAO M.
1999A&AS..138..253B viz 102 25 A search for candidate light echoes: photometry of supernova environments. BOFFI F.R., SPARKS W.B. and MACCHETTO F.D.
1999AJ....117..725F 36   K                 19 53 Late-time optical and ultraviolet spectra of SN 1979C and SN 1980K. FESEN R.A., GERARDY C.L., FILIPPENKO A.V., et al.
1999AJ....118..208M 2 11 76 WFPC2 observations of compact star cluster nuclei in low-luminosity spiral galaxies. MATTHEWS L.D., GALLAGHER III J.S., KRIST J.E., et al.
1999AJ....118..236R 91 132 Kinematic disturbances in optical rotation curves among 89 Virgo disk galaxies. RUBIN V.C., WATERMAN A.H. and KENNEY J.D.P.
1999AJ....118..670R 125 91 The star formation efficiency within galaxies. ROWND B.K. and YOUNG J.S.
1999AJ....118..705G 231 19 An infrared search for extinguished supernovae in starburst galaxies. GROSSAN B., SPILLAR E., TRIPP R., et al.
1999AJ....118..777E 11 20 Near-infrared observations of hot spots in the circumnuclear rings of NGC 2997 and NGC 6951. ELMEGREEN D.M., CHROMEY F.R., SAWYER J.E., et al.
1999AJ....118.2071B viz 13 26 A Hubble Space Telescope optical and ground-based near-infrared study of the giant nuclear ring in ESO 565-11. BUTA R., CROCKER D.A. and BYRD G.G.
1999AJ....118.2331V 80 57 The environments of supernovae in post-refurbishment Hubble Space Telescope images. VAN DYK S.D., PENG C.Y., BARTH A.J., et al.
1999ApJ...511..709L 1 6 32 CO distribution and kinematics along the bar in the strongly barred spiral NGC 7479. LAINE S., KENNEY J.D.P., YUN M.S., et al.
1999ApJ...513..695M 3 3 28 The stellar populations of spiral disks. II. Measuring and modeling the radial distribution of absorption spectral indices. MOLLA M., HARDY E. and BEAUCHAMP D.
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1999ApJ...514..544K 3 37 367 On measuring nebular chemical abundances in distant galaxies using global emission-line spectra. KOBULNICKY H.A., KENNICUTT R.C.Jr and PIZAGNO J.L.
1999ApJ...514..637C 1 7 30 The starburst-active galactic nucleus connection in active galaxies: the MassiveNuclear star-forming disk in NGC 4303. COLINA L. and ARRIBAS S.
1999ApJ...515....1S 153 47 The Hubble space telescope key project on the extragalactic distance scale. XIV. The cepheids in NGC 1365. SILBERMANN N.A., HARDING P., FERRARESE L., et al.
1999ApJ...515...29M 43 83 The Hubble space telescope key project on the extragalactic distance scale. XV. A cepheid distance to the Fornax cluster and its implications. MADORE B.F., FREEDMAN W.L., SILBERMANN N., et al.
1999ApJ...516..626G 73 46 The Hubble space telescope key project on the extragalactic distance scale. XX. The discovery of cepheids in the Virgo cluster galaxy NGC 4548. GRAHAM J.A., FERRARESE L., FREEDMAN W.L., et al.
1999ApJ...517..188L 1 3 14 Bias in the cepheid period-luminosity relation. LANOIX P., PATUREL G. and GARNIER R.
1999ApJ...521..155M 1 15 56 The extragalactic distance scale key project. XVIII. The discovery of cepheids and a new distance to NGC 4535 using the Hubble space telescope. MACRI L.M., HUCHRA J.P., STETSON P.B., et al.
1999ApJ...522..915E 2 3 18 A prediction of brown dwarfs in ultracold molecular gas. ELMEGREEN B.G.
1999ApJ...523..121W 83 40 An ultradeep high-resolution X-ray image of M101: the X-ray source population in a late-type spiral. WANG Q.D., IMMLER S.A. and PIETSCH W.
1999ApJ...523..136S 1 51 217 Central rotation curves of spiral galaxies. SOFUE Y., TUTUI Y., HONMA M., et al.
1999ApJ...525..691S 3 26 291 Bar-driven transport of molecular gas to galactic centers and its consequences. SAKAMOTO K., OKUMURA S.K., ISHIZUKI S., et al.
1999ApJ...526..665J 23 51 A gas-rich nuclear bar fueling a powerful central starburst in NGC 2782. JOGEE S., KENNEY J.D.P. and SMITH B.J.
1999ApJ...527..479S 29 54 Bias properties of extragalactic distance indicators. VIII. H0 from distance-limited luminosity class and morphological type-specific luminosity functions for sb, sbc, and sc galaxies calibrated using cepheids. SANDAGE A.
1999ApJS..122..109T viz 228 39 Galaxy structural parameters: star formation rate and evolution with redshift. TAKAMIYA M.
1999ApJS..124..403S 2 22 166 CO images of the central regions of 20 nearby spiral galaxies. SAKAMOTO K., OKUMURA S.K., ISHIZUKI S., et al.
1999ApJS..125..409C viz 13438 54 Arcsecond positions of UGC galaxies. COTTON W.D., CONDON J.J. and ARBIZZANI E.
1999MNRAS.302L...7R 109 T K                 8 34 High-resolution UKIRT observations of circumnuclear star formation in M 100. RYDER S.D. and KNAPEN J.H.
1999MNRAS.302L..33L 2 7 51 A nuclear grand-design spiral within the normal disc spiral of NGC 5248. LAINE S., KNAPEN J.H., PEREZ-RAMIREZ D., et al.
1999MNRAS.304..481M 17 28 Gas dynamics in the barred Seyfert galaxy NGC 4151 - II. High-resolution H I study. MUNDELL C.G., PEDLAR A., SHONE D.L., et al.
1999MNRAS.304..595G 159 207 The 3D structure of the Virgo cluster from H-band fundamental plane and Tully-Fisher distance determinations. GAVAZZI G., BOSELLI A., SCODEGGIO M., et al.
1999MNRAS.307....1G 13 16 Small-amplitude density waves in galactic discs with radial gradients. GRIV E., YUAN C. and GEDALIN M.
1999MNRAS.307..645F 1 5 17 Energy, angular momentum and wave action associated with density waves in a rotating magnetized gas disc. FAN Z. and LOU Y.-Q.
1999MNRAS.308..321C 33 24 Spiral patterns with straight arm segments. CHERNIN A.D.
1999PASP..111..313V 37   K                 8 29 Hubble space telescope WFPC2 Imaging of SN 1979C and its environment. VAN DYK S.D., PENG C.Y., BARTH A.J., et al.
1999PASP..111..385T 221 6 Astrophysics in 1998. (Invited review). TRIMBLE V. and ASCHWANDEN M.
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1999AN....320...21L 34 10 Extragalactic Cepheid database. LANOIX P., GARNIER R., PATUREL G., et al.
1999Ap&SS.269...79B 42 17 Resonance rings and galaxy morphology. BUTA R.
1999Ap&SS.269..391T 44 4 The role of molecular gas in galactic evolution: insights from BIMA song. THORNLEY M., REGAN M., HELFER T., et al.
1999Ap&SS.269..459V 19 1 The million-degree interstellar medium in spiral galaxies. VOGLER A. and PIETSCH W.
1999Ap&SS.269..605K 5 3 Circumnuclear star-forming regions in barred galaxies. KNAPEN J.H., LAINE S. and RELANO M.
1999BASI...27..267M 2 3 Distance to the Virgo cluster and estimation of the Hubble constant. MAZUMDAR A. and NARASIMHA D.
1999CR2...327..431L 4 ~ Bias in the Cepheid PL relation. LANOIX P., PATUREL G. and GARNIER R.
1999RMxAA..35..187C viz 14       D               1 480 28 A multifrequency catalog of LINERs. CARRILLO R., MASEGOSA J., DULTZIN-HACYAN D., et al.
1999ARep...43..361S 52 1 Multicolor photometry and spectrophotometry of star-forming complexes in spiral and irregular galaxies for analyses of star-formation parameters. Data and reductions. SAKHIBOV F.K. and SMIRNOV M.A.
1999IAUS..192..341E 16 1 Structure and evolution of stellar populations in Local Group galaxies. EINASTO J. and TENJES P.
2000A&A...353..893P 21 39 Circumnuclear structure and kinematics in the active galaxy NGC 6951. PEREZ E., MARQUEZ I., MARRERO I., et al.
2000A&A...354..802S 26 16 Initial mass function in star formation complexes in galaxies. SAKHIBOV F. and SMIRNOV M.A.
2000A&A...354..823R viz 556 34 The ionized gas in the spiral galaxy NGC 3359. I. Photometry. ROZAS M., ZURITA A. and BECKMAN J.E.
2000A&A...355..835E 98 24 Investigations of the Local Supercluster velocity field. III. Tracing the backside infall with distance moduli from the direct Tully-Fisher relation. EKHOLM T., LANOIX P., TEERIKORPI P., et al.
2000A&A...356..795A 3 6 54 Dust properties of external galaxies ; NGC 891 revisited. ALTON P.B., XILOURIS E.M., BIANCHI S., et al.
2000A&A...359..932P 1 5 24 The detection of spiral arm modulation in the stellar disk of an optically flocculent and an optically grand design galaxy. PUERARI I., BLOCK D.L., ELMEGREEN B.G., et al.
2000A&A...359.1059C 29 35 Theoretical models for classical Cepheids. VII. Metallicity effects on the Cepheid distance scale. CAPUTO F., MARCONI M., MUSELLA I., et al.
2000A&A...361..863G viz 1118 78 1.65 µm (H-band) surface photometry of galaxies. V. Profile decomposition of 1157 galaxies. GAVAZZI G., FRANZETTI P., SCODEGGIO M., et al.
2000A&A...361..913P 1 6 22 The impact of resolution on observed HII region properties from WFPC2 observations of M 101. PLEUSS P.O., HELLER C.H. and FRICKE K.J.
2000A&A...363...93H 20 22 Changing molecular gas properties in the bar and center of NGC 7479. HUETTEMEISTER S., AALTO S., DAS M., et al.
2000A&AS..142...73B viz 172 25 1.65 µm (H-band) surface photometry of galaxies. IV. Observations of 170 galaxies with the Calar Alto 2.2 m telescope. BOSELLI A., GAVAZZI G., FRANZETTI P., et al.
2000A&AS..142..259R 1 6 24 The ionized gas in the spiral galaxy NGC 3359. II. Kinematics. ROZAS M., ZURITA A., BECKMAN J.E., et al.
2000A&AS..144..219L 1 13 53 The supernova 1998S in NGC 3877: Another supernova with Wolf-Rayet star features in pre-maximum spectrum. LIU Q.-Z., HU J.-Y., HANG H.-R., et al.
2000AJ....119.1711H 83 14 Discrete radio sources in the spiral galaxy NGC 6946. HYMAN S.D., LACEY C.K., WEILER K.W., et al.
2000AJ....119.2645B 116 294 Structural and photometric classification of galaxies. I. Calibration based on a nearby galaxy sample. BERSHADY M.A., JANGREN A. and CONSELICE C.J.
2000AJ....119.2728B 1 15 54 Populations of high-luminosity density-bounded H II regions in spiral galaxies: evidence and implications. BECKMAN J.E., ROZAS M., ZURITA A., et al.
2000AJ....120..630E 22 23 Hubble space telescope observations of the interacting galaxies NGC 2207 and IC 2163. ELMEGREEN B.G., KAUFMAN M., STRUCK C., et al.
2000AJ....120..752F 47 24 On the size and luminosity versus velocity dispersion correlations from the giant H II regions in the irregular galaxy NGC 4449. FUENTES-MASIP O., MUNOZ-TUNON C., CASTANEDA H.O., et al.
2000ApJ...528..219K 112 T K                 4 45 Kinematics of ionized and molecular hydrogen in the core of
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2000ApJ...529..745F 122 251 The Hubble space telescope key project on the extragalactic distance scale. XXVI. The calibration of population II secondary distance indicators and the value of the Hubble constant. FERRARESE L., MOULD J.R., KENNICUTT R.C.Jr, et al.
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2001Ap&SS.276..517S 58 2 Arm and interarm star formation in spiral galaxies. STEDMAN S. and KNAPEN J.H.
2001Ap&SS.276..625P 12 0 Circumnuclear regions and their barred host galaxies. PEREZ-RAMIREZ D., KNAPEN J.H. and LAINE S.
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2002A&A...386..124B 125 49 Hα surface photometry of galaxies in the Virgo cluster. II. Observations with the OHP and Calar Alto 1.2 m telescopes. BOSELLI A. and GAVAZZI G.
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2002A&A...394..443P 1 7 28 VLT observations of metal-rich extra galactic HII regions. I. Massive star populations and the upper end of the IMF. PINDAO M., SCHAERER D., GONZALEZ-DELGADO R.M., et al.
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2002ApJ...572..838B 40 93 Optical spectroscopy of metal-rich H II regions and circumnuclear hot spots in M83 and NGC 3351. BRESOLIN F. and KENNICUTT R.C.Jr
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