QSO B0132-406 , the SIMBAD biblio

QSO B0132-406 , the SIMBAD biblio (9 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST10:51:44

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Title First 3 Authors
1977ApJ...217..362H 75 78 Faint emission-line quasi-stellar object candidates. HOAG A.A. and SMITH M.G.
1980ApJS...42..523O 75 89 Spectrophotometry of the quasars in the CTIO 4 meter survey. OSMER P.S.
1993ApJS...87..451H viz 14       D               7278 328 A revised and updated catalog of quasi-stellar objects. HEWITT A. and BURBIDGE G.
1996A&AS..115...97V viz 927 30 Astrometry with the Digitized Sky Survey. Positions of 790 AGNs. VERON-CETTY M.-P. and VERON P.
1999ApJ...520....1C 2 28 226 The power spectrum of mass fluctuations measured from the Lyα forest at redshift z=2.5. CROFT R.A.C., WEINBERG D.H., PETTINI M., et al.
2001AJ....121.2843B viz 6250 77 Quasars in the 2MASS second incremental data release. BARKHOUSE W.A. and HALL P.B.
2006A&A...455..773V viz 108224 628 A catalogue of quasars and active nuclei: 12th edition. VERON-CETTY M.-P. and VERON P.
2010A&A...518A..10V viz 15       D               1 168912 597 A catalogue of quasars and active nuclei: 13th edition. VERON-CETTY M.-P. and VERON P.
2011A&A...529A..99C 677   K A S   X         17 1 2 When two become one: an apparent QSO pair turns out to be a single quasar. CUPANI G., CRISTIANI S., D'ODORICO V., et al.

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