C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.05.17CEST09:08:25 2021RAA....21..256E2021RAA....21..256E -------------------------------------- 2021RAA....21..256E 10.1088/1674-4527/21/10/256 Research in Astron. and astroph., 21, 256 (2021/October-0) Absolute parameters of young stars: PU Pup. ERDEM A., SURGIT D., BANKS T.S., OZKARDES B. and BUDDING E. -Files: (abstract) -Simbad objects: 6 Number of objects : 6 #| obj tags |obj count| raw id | identifier |typ| coord1 (ICRS,J2000/2000) |Mag U | Mag B | Mag V | Mag R | Mag I | spec. type |#bib|#not -|----------|---------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------|---|---------------------------------------|------|---------|--------|--------|--------|---------------|----|---- 1|x | 1|V454 Car |V* V454 Car |EB*|07 32 46.1483006184 -53 33 18.870893280| ~|6.90 |7.00 | ~ | ~ |B4/5V | 24| 0 2|takscx | 64|PU Pup;PU Pup s;m Pup;ADS 6246;HD61429;HIP 37173;HR2944;PU Pup a;PU Puppis;TIC 110606015|* m Pup |EB*|07 38 18.0458562428 -25 21 53.300773235| ~|4.58 |4.67 | ~ | ~ |B8III | 65| 0 3|x | 1|BH Virginis |V* BH Vir |RS*|13 58 24.8603543280 -01 39 38.954265912| ~|10.29 |9.68 | ~ |9.047 |F6/8V | 202| 0 4|x | 1|GQ Draconis |V* GQ Dra |EB*|17 25 29.43869 +51 29 35.0997 | ~| ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ |A3 | 35| 0 5|x | 1|EG Cephei |V* EG Cep |SB*|20 15 56.8237797480 +76 48 35.766394524| ~|9.75 |9.49 |9.505 |9.349 |A7V | 126| 0 6|x | 1|S Equulei |V* S Equ |SB*|20 57 12.8405286120 +05 04 49.425738708| ~|8.43 |8.37 | ~ | ~ |B8/9IV/V | 130| 1 ================================================================================