C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.05.18CEST15:56:48 2006IAUC.8727....2B2006IAUC.8727....2B -------------------------------------- 2006IAUC.8727....2B IAU Circ., 8727, 2 (2006/June-0) Supernovae 2006dj, 2006dk, 2006dl. BAEK M., LI W., MIGLIARDI M. and DIMAI A. -Simbad objects: 6 Number of objects : 6 #| obj tags |obj count| raw id | identifier |typ| coord1 (ICRS,J2000/2000) |Mag U | Mag B | Mag V |Mag R |Mag I | spec. type |#bib|#not -|----------|---------|----------------|-----------------------------------|---|---------------------------------------|------|---------|---------|------|------|---------------|----|---- 1| | 0|(null) |NGC 4161 |LIN|12 11 33.4649339136 +57 44 14.915966280| ~|13.7 | ~ | ~| ~|~ | 41| 0 2|t | 0|Supernova 2006dk|SN 2006dk |SN*|12 11 34.35 +57 44 26.3 | ~| ~ |16.3 | ~| ~|SNII | 9| 1 3| | 0|(null) |MCG+04-31-005 |EmG|13 05 16.0226721552 +25 57 27.473805864| ~|15.0 | ~ | ~| ~|~ | 49| 0 4|t | 0|Supernova 2006dl|SN 2006dl |SN*|13 05 16.73 +25 57 27.8 | ~| ~ |18.0 | ~| ~|SNIIb | 9| 1 5| | 0|(null) |SN 2006dj |SN*|22 59 22.89 +53 44 09.8 | ~| ~ |18.9 | ~| ~|SNIb | 9| 1 6| | 0|(null) |UGC 12287 |AG?|22 59 22.9160376240 +53 44 23.883237564| ~|15.5 | ~ | ~| ~|~ | 28| 0 ================================================================================