Z 448-20 , the SIMBAD biblio

Z 448-20 , the SIMBAD biblio (170 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST04:49:49

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1986IAUC.4231....0B 4 ~ New extragalactic OH megamasers. BOTTINELLI L., GOUGUENHEIM L., LE SQUEREN A.M., et al.
1987ApJ...321..225S 15 31 The megamaser galaxy Markarian 273. I. VLA observations of the hydroxyl emission. SCHMELZ J.T., BAAN W.A. and HASCHICK A.D.
1988A&A...201L..13M 19 29 Dwarf and giant extragalactic megamasers : IRAS 1224-0036 and IRAS 1201+1941. MARTIN J.M., BOTTINELLI L., DENNEFELD M., et al.
1988ApJ...335..104M 98 120 21 Centimeter survey of luminous infrared galaxies MIRABEL I.F. and SANDERS D.B.
1988IAUS..129..213D 21 1 Observations of cosmic masers. DIAMOND P.J.
1989ApJ...338..804B 43 100 Infrared properties of OH galaxies. BAAN W.A.
1989ApJ...346..680B 29 57 Molecular outflows in powerful OH megamasers. BAAN W.A., HASCHICK A.D. and HENKEL C.
1989MNRAS.237..673N 123 19 A search for megamaser galaxies. NORRIS R.P., GARDNER F.F., WHITEOAK J.B., et al.
1989CR....308..287M 25 ~ Decouverte de 9 nouveaux megamasers OH extragalactiques : le role du rayonnement infrarouge lointain et son efficacite. MARTIN J.-M., BOTTINELLI L., DENNEFELD M., et al.
1990A&A...229..431H 35 64 OH megamasers explained. HENKEL C. and WILSON T.L.
1990MNRAS.244...86B 5 17 The excitation and physical nature of megamasers. BURDYUZHA V.V. and VIKULOV K.A.
1992AJ....103..728B 315 40 Hydroxyl in galaxies. I. Surveys with the NRAO 300ft telescope. BAAN W.A., HASCHICK A. and HENKEL C.
1992AJ....103.1734C 192 9 IRAS LRS spectroscopy of galaxies. COHEN M.
1992MNRAS.258..725S 113 46 A southern OH megamaser survey. STAVELEY-SMITH L., NORRIS R.P., CHAPMAN J.M., et al.
1992AcApS..12..357W 14 0 A model for Oh megamaser sources and some statistical analysis. WANG J., ZHENG X. and PENG Y.
1993A&AS..101..363Z 55 26 Near-infrared imges of IRAS galaxies. ZENNER S. and LENZEN R.
1993AJ....105.1271G viz 744 80 A survey of the Pisces-Perseus supercluster. VI. The declination zone +15.5deg. to +21.5deg. GIOVANELLI R. and HAYNES M.P.
1994A&AS..107...23A 18 5 More ultraluminous IRAS galaxies as interacting systems. ANDREASSIAN N. and ALLOIN D.
1994Ap.....37..208K 24 0 Some properties of the IR-radio relationship of luminous infrared galaxies. KANDALIAN R.A.
1995AJ....110.1993S viz 300 80 The IRAS bright galaxy survey - part II: extension to southern declinations (delta ≤ -30) and low galactic latitudes (5<|b|<30deg). SANDERS D.B., EGAMI E., LIPARI S., et al.
1995ApJS...97...89L 57 140 Ionized gas in the halos of edge-on, starburst galaxies: data and results. LEHNERT M.D. and HECKMAN T.M.
1995ApJS...98..129K 215 186 Optical spectroscopy of luminous infrared galaxies. I. Nuclear data. KIM D.C., SANDERS D.B., VEILLEUX S., et al.
1995ApJS...98..171V 213 563 Optical spectroscopy of luminous infrared galaxies. II. Analysis of the nuclear and long-slit data. VEILLEUX S., KIM D.C., SANDERS D.B., et al.
1995AZh....72..180S 58 ~ Search for methanol emission at 834 and 1617 MHz: K-type doubling lines. SLYSH V.I., BAAN W.A., VAL'TTS I.E., et al.
1996ApJ...472..546L 1 56 187 The nature of starburst galaxies. LEHNERT M.D. and HECKMAN T.M.
1996ApJS..103...81C viz 192 140 A 1.425 GHz atlas of the IRAS bright galaxy sample, part II. CONDON J.J., HELOU G., SANDERS D.B., et al.
1996Ap.....39..237K 48 20 Megamaser galaxies. KANDALIAN R.A.
1997AJ....113.1569G 72 T                   17 19 Heavily obscured star formation in the II Zw 96 galaxy merger. GOLDADER J.D., GOLDADER D.L., JOSEPH R.D., et al.
1997ApJS..108..449G 60 57 Spectroscopy of luminous infrared galaxies at 2 microns. II. Data for galaxies with 11.2 ≤ log(LIR/L) ≤11.9. GOLDADER J.D., JOSEPH R.D., DOYON R., et al.
1997RMxAC...6R.259G 6 ~ Starburst and AGN diagnostics from infrared spectroscopy. GOLDADER J.D.
1998A&AS..127..521W viz 135 25 A statistical study of the spectra of very luminous IRAS galaxies. I. The data. WU H., ZOU Z.L., XIA X.Y., et al.
1998A&AS..132..181W viz 127 72 A statistical study of the spectra of very luminous IRAS galaxies. II. Spectral and environmental analysis. WU H., ZOU Z.L., XIA X.Y., et al.
1998ApJ...509..633B 58 59 Optical classification of megamaser galaxies. BAAN W.A., SALZER J.J. and LEWINTER R.D.
1998ApJS..119..239C 209 33 The Pico Dos Dias survey starburst galaxies. COZIOL R., TORRES C.A.O., QUAST G.R., et al.
1998MNRAS.294..265P 94 19 A comprehensive search for extragalactic 6.7-GHz methanol masers. PHILLIPS C.J., NORRIS R.P., ELLINGSEN S.P., et al.
1999A&AS..140...89P viz 14       D               1 16701 9 Galaxy coordinates. II. Accurate equatorial coordinates for 17298 galaxies. PATUREL G., PETIT C., PRUGNIEL P., et al.
1999ApJ...512L..99G 56 76 Molecular gas depletion and starbursts in luminous infrared galaxy mergers. GAO Y. and SOLOMON P.M.
1999ApJS..121..287H viz 14       D               1 4290 204 The CfA redshift survey: data for the South Galactic Cap. HUCHRA J.P., VOGELEY M.S. and GELLER M.J.
1999MNRAS.307..553D 56 42 New 8-13 mu-m spectroscopy of luminous and ultraluminous infrared galaxies. DUDLEY C.C.
1999PASP..111..438F viz 14       D               1 19406 418 The updated Zwicky catalog (UZC). FALCO E.E., KURTZ M.J., GELLER M.J., et al.
1999Ap&SS.269..501H 13 1 A near-IR spectral atlas of IR-selected nearby galaxies. HAWARDEN T.G., RYDER S.D., MASSEY R.J., et al.
2000ApJ...529..157P 123 172 Optical spectral signatures of dusty starburst galaxies. POGGIANTI B.M. and WU H.
2000MNRAS.317...55S viz 14       D               1 16418 457 The PSCz catalogue. SAUNDERS W., SUTHERLAND W.J., MADDOX S.J., et al.
2000MNRAS.318..124G 102 33 Cold gas and star formation in a merging galaxy sequence. GEORGAKAKIS A., FORBES D.A. and NORRIS R.P.
2001A&A...368...64V 38 9 HI line observations of luminous infrared galaxy mergers. VAN DRIEL W., GAO Y. and MONNIER-RAGAIGNE D.
2001ApJ...554..803Y viz 1 179 804 Radio properties of infrared-selected galaxies in the IRAS 2 Jy sample. YUN M.S., REDDY N.A. and CONDON J.J.
2002AcASn..43..347Y 67 2 Correlation between luminosity of OH megamasers and infrared luminosity of their host galaxies. YU Z.-Y.
2003AJ....126.1607S viz 703 925 The IRAS revised bright galaxy sample. SANDERS D.B., MAZZARELLA J.M., KIM D.-C., et al.
2003AJ....126.2171G 37           X         1 34 16 Star formation across the Taffy bridge: UGC 12914/15. GAO Y., ZHU M. and SEAQUIST E.R.
2003MNRAS.338..745Z 97 ~ A study of the infrared characteristics of host IRAS sources with OH megamasers. ZHI-YAO Y.
2004AJ....127.2522A 31 38 Optical imaging of very luminous infrared galaxy systems: photometric properties and late evolution. ARRIBAS S., BUSHOUSE H., LUCAS R.A., et al.
2004ApJS..154..541A 74 17 Studies of extragalactic formaldehyde and radio recombination lines. ARAYA E., BAAN W.A. and HOFNER P.
2004PABei..22...81Y 95 0 The observations and studies of OH megamaser associated with external galaxies. YU Z.-Y.
2005ApJS..160..149S viz 15       D               9541 372 A digital archive of H I 21 centimeter line spectra of optically targeted galaxies. SPRINGOB C.M., HAYNES M.P., GIOVANELLI R., et al.
2005Ap.....48...99K 34 0 Properties of OH megamaser galaxies in the radio continuum. I. Observational data. KANDALYAN R.A.
2006A&A...449..559B         O           58 38 Radio properties of FIR-megamaser nuclei. BAAN W.A. and KLOECKNER H.-R.
2006ApJS..164...81M viz 15       D               1 416 277 An integrated spectrophotometric survey of nearby star-forming galaxies. MOUSTAKAS J. and KENNICUTT R.C.Jr
2007AJ....133..496C viz 15       D               148 6 Photometric study of galaxies with OH megamasers in the infrared. CHEN P.S., SHAN H.G. and GAO Y.F.
2007ApJ...671.1241Y 37           X         1 7 5 Rest-frame ultraviolet to near-infrared observations of an interacting Lyman break galaxy at z=4.42. YOUNGER J.D., HUANG J.-S., FAZIO G.G., et al.
2008A&A...477..747B 15       D               2 130 119 Dense gas in luminous infrared galaxies. BAAN W.A., HENKEL C., LOENEN A.F., et al.
2008ApJS..175..277D viz 15       D               7166 308 The SCUBA legacy catalogues: submillimeter-continuum objects detected by SCUBA. DI FRANCESCO J., JOHNSTONE D., KIRK H., et al.
2008ApJ...675L..69E 75             C       1 16 18 Off-nuclear star formation and obscured activity in the luminous infrared galaxy NGC 2623. EVANS A.S., VAVILKIN T., PIZAGNO J., et al.
2008A&A...489..489R 15       D               1 46 25 Carbon monoxide line emission as a CMB foreground: tomography of the star-forming universe with different spectral resolutions. RIGHI M., HERNANDEZ-MONTEAGUDO C. and SUNYAEV R.A.
2009ApJ...695L.103I 15       D               1 52 36 High-ionization Fe K emission from luminous infrared galaxies. IWASAWA K., SANDERS D.B., EVANS A.S., et al.
2009PASP..121..559A 15       D               1 245 314 GOALS: the Great Observatories All-Sky LIRG Survey. ARMUS L., MAZZARELLA J.M., EVANS A.S., et al.
2009ApJ...701.1814V 15       D               1 260 71 A backward evolution model for infrared surveys: the role of AGN- and color-l TIRDistributions. VALIANTE E., LUTZ D., STURM E., et al.
2009ApJ...703.1672K viz 16       D               1 167 478 Dust-corrected star formation rates of galaxies. I. Combinations of Hα and infrared tracers. KENNICUTT R.C., HAO C.-N., CALZETTI D., et al.
2009AJ....138.1938C viz 15       D               1 13325 92 The Extragalactic Distance Database: All Digital H I profile catalog. COURTOIS H.M., TULLY R.B., FISHER J.R., et al.
2010ApJ...709..884Y viz 15       D               2 487 194 The role of starburst-active galactic nucleus composites in luminous infrared galaxy mergers: insights from the new optical classification scheme. YUAN T.-T., KEWLEY L.J. and SANDERS D.B.
2010AJ....139.2066F 92       D       C       5 95 7 A radio spectral line study of the 2 Jy IRAS-NVSS sample. I. FERNANDEZ M.X., MOMJIAN E., SALTER C.J., et al.
2010ApJ...715..572H viz 130       D     X         4 196 174 The Great Observatories All-sky LIRG Survey: comparison of ultraviolet and far-infrared properties. HOWELL J.H., ARMUS L., MAZZARELLA J.M., et al.
2010AJ....140...63I 2274 T K A     X C       58 15 30 The buried starburst in the interacting galaxy
II Zw 096 as revealed by the Spitzer space telescope.
2010MNRAS.406.1364L 244       D     X         7 33 22 A CO(3-2) survey of a merging sequence of luminous infrared galaxies. LEECH J., ISAAK K.G., PAPADOPOULOS P.P., et al.
2010ApJ...723..993D viz 15       D               2 204 63 The spatial extent of (U)LIRGs in the mid-infrared. I. The continuum emission. DIAZ-SANTOS T., CHARMANDARIS V., ARMUS L., et al.
2011A&A...525A..91T 15       D               2 210 18 New H2O masers in Seyfert and FIR bright galaxies. IV. Interferometric follow-ups. TARCHI A., CASTANGIA P., HENKEL C., et al.
2011AJ....141..100H 169       D     X         5 98 116 The nuclear structure in nearby luminous infrared galaxies: Hubble space telescope NICMOS imaging of the GOALS sample. HAAN S., SURACE J.A., ARMUS L., et al.
2011ApJ...730...28P 116           X C       2 67 151 Mid-infrared spectral diagnostics of luminous infrared galaxies. PETRIC A.O., ARMUS L., HOWELL J., et al.
2011A&A...529A.106I 669       D     X C       17 64 134 C-GOALS: Chandra observations of a complete sample of luminous infrared galaxies from the IRAS Revised Bright Galaxy Survey. IWASAWA K., SANDERS D.B., TENG S.H., et al.
2011AJ....142...79M 115           X         3 44 14 Characterization of optically selected star-forming knots in (U)LIRGs. MIRALLES-CABALLERO D., COLINA L., ARRIBAS S., et al.
2011ApJ...739L..25L 323       D     X C       8 24 22 Complex radio spectral energy distributions in luminous and ultraluminous infrared galaxies. LEROY A.K., EVANS A.S., MOMJIAN E., et al.
2011ApJ...740...99D 284       D     X         8 30 9 The starburst-active-galactic-nucleus connection: a Spitzer search for active galactic nuclei in infrared-selected starburst galaxies. DIXON T.G. and JOSEPH R.D.
2011ApJ...741...32D viz 15       D               1 224 41 The spatial extent of (U)LIRGs in the mid-infrared. II. Feature emission. DIAZ-SANTOS T., CHARMANDARIS V., ARMUS L., et al.
2011MNRAS.416.1267M 1137 T   A S   X C F     26 9 2 Optical and OH megamaser observations of the starburst galaxy
IIZw 096.
2012A&A...539A...8G 405       D     X C F     9 21 138 Star-formation laws in luminous infrared galaxies. New observational constraints on models. GARCIA-BURILLO S., USERO A., ALONSO-HERRERO A., et al.
2012ApJS..199...26H viz 15       D               1 48924 517 The 2MASS Redshift Survey - Description and data release. HUCHRA J.P., MACRI L.M., MASTERS K.L., et al.
2010Ap.....53..475K 15       D               1 22 3 Circumnuclear dens gas in OH-megamaser galaxies. KANDALYAN R.A. and AL-ZYOUT M.M.
2012ApJ...757..138K 39           X         1 7 12 The Schmidt-Kennicutt law of matched-age star-forming regions: paα observations of the early-phase interacting galaxy Taffy I. KOMUGI S., TATEUCHI K., MOTOHARA K., et al.
2012AJ....144..125M viz 77           X         2 37 58 Investigation of dual active nuclei, outflows, shock-heated gas, and young star clusters in Markarian 266. MAZZARELLA J.M., IWASAWA K., VAVILKIN T., et al.
2013ApJ...763....8M 195           X C       4 80 10 An Arecibo survey for Zeeman splitting in OH megamaser galaxies. McBRIDE J. and HEILES C.
2012MNRAS.426.2601P viz 16       D               3 80 179 The molecular gas in luminous infrared galaxies - I. CO lines, extreme physical conditions and their drivers. PAPADOPOULOS P.P., VAN DER WERF P.P., XILOURIS E.M., et al.
2013ApJ...765L..13Z 79           X         2 8 28 A Herschel survey of the [N II] 205 µm line in local luminous infrared galaxies: the [N II] 205 µm emission as a star formation rate indicator. ZHAO Y., LU N., XU C.K., et al.
2013ApJ...765L..26K viz 16       D               2 153 33 Studying faint ultra-hard X-ray emission from AGN in GOALS LIRGs with Swift/BAT. KOSS M., MUSHOTZKY R., BAUMGARTNER W., et al.
2013ApJS..206....1S viz 55       D     X         2 252 150 Mid-infrared properties of nearby luminous infrared galaxies. I. Spitzer infrared spectrograph spectra for the GOALS sample. STIERWALT S., ARMUS L., SURACE J.A., et al.
2013ApJ...768..102K viz 16       D               4 108 59 Hubble space telescope ACS imaging of the GOALS sample: quantitative structural properties of nearby luminous infrared galaxies with LIR> 1011.4 l . KIM D.-C., EVANS A.S., VAVILKIN T., et al.
2013A&A...554A.127M 39           X         1 56 10 HAWK-I infrared supernova search in starburst galaxies. MILUZIO M., CAPPELLARO E., BOTTICELLA M.T., et al.
2013ApJ...772...92P 39           X         1 37 18 Probing the interstellar medium of z ∼ 1 ultraluminous infrared galaxies through interferometric observations of CO and Spitzer mid-infrared spectroscopy. POPE A., WAGG J., FRAYER D., et al.
2013ApJ...774...35M 133       D     X         4 73 7 Constraints on OH megamaser excitation from a survey of OH satellite lines. McBRIDE J., HEILES C. and ELITZUR M.
2013ApJ...774...68D viz 16       D               1 244 192 Explaining the [C II]157.7 µm deficit in luminous infrared Galaxies–First results from a Herschel/PACS study of the GOALS sample. DIAZ-SANTOS T., ARMUS L., CHARMANDARIS V., et al.
2013MNRAS.434..696K 39           X         1 15 7 Constrained simulations of the Antennae galaxies: comparison with Herschel-PACS observations. KARL S.J., LUNTTILA T., NAAB T., et al.
2013MNRAS.434.1264H 16       D               1 111 12 The build-up of nuclear stellar cusps in extreme starburst galaxies and Major mergers. HAAN S., ARMUS L., SURACE J.A., et al.
2013ApJ...777..156I viz 250       D     X C       6 252 84 Mid-infrared atomic fine-structure emission-line spectra of luminous infrared galaxies: Spitzer/IRS spectra of the GOALS sample. INAMI H., ARMUS L., CHARMANDARIS V., et al.
2014ApJ...780..182M 16       D               1 20 14 The role of magnetic fields in starburst galaxies as revealed by OH megamasers. McBRIDE J., QUATAERT E., HEILES C., et al.
2013A&A...560A..12W 585     A D S   X C       14 53 6 22 GHz water maser search in 37 nearby galaxies. Four new water megamasers in Seyfert 2 and OH maser/absorber galaxies. WAGNER J.
2014ApJ...787...40M 2360     A D     X C       60 11 3 XMM-Newton observations of three interacting luminous infrared galaxies. MUDD D., MATHUR S., GUAINAZZI M., et al.
2014ApJ...787L..23L 119           X         3 15 33 Warm molecular gas in luminous infrared galaxies. LU N., ZHAO Y., XU C.K., et al.
2014ApJS..212...18B viz 173       D     X         5 131 199 An atlas of galaxy spectral energy distributions from the ultraviolet to the mid-infrared. BROWN M.J.I., MOUSTAKAS J., SMITH J.-D.T., et al.
2014ApJ...790..124S viz 94       D     X         3 205 88 Mid-infrared properties of luminous infrared galaxies. II. Probing the dust and gas physics of the GOALS sample. STIERWALT S., ARMUS L., CHARMANDARIS V., et al.
2014A&A...568A..62D 16       D               2 467 300 The applicability of far-infrared fine-structure lines as star formation rate tracers over wide ranges of metallicities and galaxy types. DE LOOZE I., CORMIER D., LEBOUTEILLER V., et al.
2014ApJ...794..142G 16       D               1 108 133 Star formation relations and CO spectral line energy distributions across the J-ladder and redshift. GREVE T.R., LEONIDAKI I., XILOURIS E.M., et al.
2014A&A...570A.110Z viz 55       D     X         2 309 3 The middle infrared properties of OH megamaser host galaxies. ZHANG J.S., WANG J.Z., DI G.X., et al.
2014AJ....148..111P 55       D     X         2 22 14 The FUV to Near-IR morphologies of luminous infrared galaxies in the goals sample. PETTY S.M., ARMUS L., CHARMANDARIS V., et al.
2015AJ....149..171T viz 16       D               1 49218 119 Galaxy groups: a 2MASS catalog. TULLY R.B.
2015ApJ...805...31L viz 16       D               2 184 55 The global star formation laws of galaxies from a radio continuum perspective. LIU L., GAO Y. and GREVE T.R.
2015ApJS..219...22P 40           X         1 87 19 Herschel survey of the palomar-green QSOs at low redshift. PETRIC A.O., HO L.C., FLAGEY N.J.M., et al.
2015A&A...581L...5G viz 16       D               1 92 9 Application of the mid-IR radio correlation to the G^ sample and the search for advanced extraterrestrial civilisations. GARRETT M.A.
2016ApJ...816...55W 1244   K A D S   X C       30 71 5 The hydroxyl-water megamaser connection. I. Water emission toward OH megamaser hosts. WIGGINS B.K., MIGENES V. and SMIDT J.M.
2016ApJ...818...60S 443       S   X C       9 60 86 A new star formation rate calibration from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emission features and application to high-redshift galaxies. SHIPLEY H.V., PAPOVICH C., RIEKE G.H., et al.
2016MNRAS.455.3911D 51           X         1 12 139 Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): Panchromatic Data Release (far-UV-far-IR) and the low-z energy budget. DRIVER S.P., WRIGHT A.H., ANDREWS S.K., et al.
2016ApJ...819...69Z viz 16       D               1 198 28 The [NII] 205 µm emission in local luminous infrared galaxies. ZHAO Y., LU N., XU C.K., et al.
2016A&A...588A..14T viz 16       D               2 84076 35 Friends-of-friends galaxy group finder with membership refinement. TEMPEL E., KIPPER R., TAMM A., et al.
2016A&A...591A...1P 80           X         2 89 6 Morphological classification of local luminous infrared galaxies. PSYCHOGYIOS A., CHARMANDARIS V., DIAZ-SANTOS T., et al.
2016A&A...591A.136L viz 56       D     X         2 420 70 The far-infrared emitting region in local galaxies and QSOs: Size and scaling relations. LUTZ D., BERTA S., CONTURSI A., et al.
2016ApJ...827...57O 40           X         1 13 8 Spatially resolved spectroscopy of submillimeter galaxies at z ~= 2. OLIVARES V., TREISTER E., PRIVON G.C., et al.
2016ApJS..226...11S viz 16       D               1 383 2 Neon and [C II] 158 µm emission line profiles in dusty starbursts and active galactic nuclei. SAMSONYAN A., WEEDMAN D., LEBOUTEILLER V., et al.
2016ApJ...829...93K viz 16       D               1 222 102 L'CO/LFIR relations with CO rotational ladders of galaxies across the Herschel SPIRE archive. KAMENETZKY J., RANGWALA N., GLENN J., et al.
2016PASJ...68...96M 16       D               2 107 9 Investigating the relation between CO (3-2) and far-infrared luminosities for nearby merging galaxies using ASTE. MICHIYAMA T., IONO D., NAKANISHI K., et al.
2017ApJS..229...25C viz 16       D               1 210 47 The Great Observatories All-Sky LIRG Survey: Herschel image atlas and aperture photometry. CHU J.K., SANDERS D.B., LARSON K.L., et al.
2017ApJS..230....1L viz 138       D     X         4 164 74 A Herschel Space Observatory spectral line survey of local luminous infrared galaxies from 194 to 671 microns. LU N., ZHAO Y., DIAZ-SANTOS T., et al.
2017ApJ...840L..18J 16       D               1 78 55 Neutral carbon emission in luminous infrared galaxies: the [C I] lines as total molecular gas tracers. JIAO Q., ZHAO Y., ZHU M., et al.
2017ApJ...841...76L viz 16       D               2 137 48 The intrinsic far-infrared continua of type-1 quasars. LYU J. and RIEKE G.H.
2017MNRAS.469.1186S viz 16       D               1 131 4 Deriving photometric redshifts using fuzzy archetypes and self-organizing maps - I. Methodology. SPEAGLE J.S. and EISENSTEIN D.J.
2017ApJ...843...91L viz 301       D     X C       7 43 28 Massive star cluster formation and destruction in Luminous Infrared Galaxies in GOALS. LINDEN S.T., EVANS A.S., RICH J., et al.
2017ApJ...843..117B 585       D     X         15 57 18 A 33 GHz survey of local major mergers: estimating the sizes of the energetically dominant regions from high-resolution measurements of the radio continuum. BARCOS-MUNOZ L., LEROY A.K., EVANS A.S., et al.
2017ApJ...844...96Y 16       D               2 77 12 Cold molecular gas along the merger sequence in local luminous infrared galaxies. YAMASHITA T., KOMUGI S., MATSUHARA H., et al.
2017ApJ...846...32D viz 16       D               1 249 179 A Herschel/PACS far-infrared line emission survey of local luminous infrared galaxies. DIAZ-SANTOS T., ARMUS L., CHARMANDARIS V., et al.
2017ApJ...847..136B viz 16       D               1 113 49 Calibration of ultraviolet, mid-infrared, and radio star formation rate indicators. BROWN M.J.I., MOUSTAKAS J., KENNICUTT R.C., et al.
2017MNRAS.471.1634H 81           X         2 32 8 Star formation and AGN activity in a sample of local luminous infrared galaxies through multiwavelength characterization. HERRERO-ILLANA R., PEREZ-TORRES M.A., RANDRIAMANAKOTO Z., et al.
2017MNRAS.471.2059V 41           X         1 7 4 Shutting down or powering up a (U)LIRG? Merger components in distinctly different evolutionary states in IRAS 19115-2124 (the Bird). VAISANEN P., REUNANEN J., KOTILAINEN J., et al.
2017MNRAS.471.2917K 16       D               1 89 6 Warm and cold molecular gas conditions modelled in 87 galaxies observed by the Herschel SPIRE Fourier transform spectrometer. KAMENETZKY J., RANGWALA N. and GLENN J.
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