W 3 , the SIMBAD biblio

W 3 , the SIMBAD biblio (1035 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST09:48:23

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Title First 3 Authors
1958BAN....14..215W viz 94 473 A survey of the continuous radiation from the galactic system at a frequency of 1390 Mc/s . WESTERHOUT G.
1960PASJ...12..203M 59 4 On the radio emission from HII clouds. MORIYAMA F.
1967ApJ...147..471M 5 21 741 Galactic H II regions. I. Observations of their continuum radiation at the frequency 5 GHz. MEZGER P.G. and HENDERSON A.P.
1967ApJ...150..435D 59 119 Observations of the hydrogen recombination line 158a in galactic H II regions. DIETER N.H.
1969A&A.....2..453T 13 5 Search for microwave emission from the 2pi1/2, J=3/2 state of OH. TURNER B.E.
1969ApJ...155..817R 1 17 122 Positions and Stokes parameters of seven OH-emssion sources. RAIMOND E. and ELIASSON B.
1969MNRAS.142..453W 6 24 High resolution observations of the radio source W 49. WYNN-WILLIAMS C.G.
1970A&A.....5..407R 67 T                   1 3 11 A recombination line of mapping the H II region
W 3 (IC 1795).
1970AJ.....75..896W 67 T                   1 8 34 Aperture synthesis observations of
W3 (IC 1795) and DR 21 at 2.695GHz.
1971ApJ...165L..87H 10 27 Evidence for an optically thick component in the galactic radio source Sagittarius B2. HOBBS R.W., MODALI S.B. and MARAN S.P.
1971ApJ...168L.101B 1 14 97 Detection of methyl alcohol in Orion at a wavelength of ∼1 centimeter. BARRETT A.H., SCHWARTZ P.R. and WATERS J.W.
1972ApJ...178L..23B 23 18 Observations of methanol in Sagittarius B2 at 48 GHz. BARRETT A.H., MARTIN R.N. and MYERS P.C.
1972MNRAS.159..129P 14 50 Observations of recombination lines at decimetre wavelengths. PEDLAR A. and DAVIES R.D.
1972MNRAS.160....1W 71 T                   1 13 344 Infra-red sources in the H II region
W 3.
1973A&A....29..369S 67 T                   1 14 48 Line and continuum synthesis of
W 3.
1973ApJ...181L..27B 3 4 76 Infrared and radio observations of the nucleus of NGC 253. BECKLIN E.E., FOMALONT E.B. and NEUGEBAUER G.
1973ApJ...181..781F 1 9 66 Interferometric observations of formaldehyde absorption in front of strong galactic sources. FOMALONT E.B. and WELIACHEW L.
1973ApJ...182L...7B 6 2 72 On the nature of the infrared point source in the Orion Nebula. BECKLIN E.E., NEUGEBAUER G. and WYNN-WILLIAMS C.G.
1973IAUS...52..269M 67 T                   1 4 0 The 4830 MHz formaldehyde line observations of dark clouds in IC 1795 (
1974A&A....32..283C 19 100 Helium abundance in galactic H II regions. CHURCHWELL E., MEZGER P.G. and HUCHTMEIER W.
1974A&A....34..335B 68 T                   1 4 36 The H II region
W 3 in the near infrared.
1974ApJ...192L.149Z 6 10 360 Models of massive molecular clouds. ZUCKERMAN B. and EVANS II N.J.
1974IAUS...60..275D 1 7 54 Magnetic fields in OH maser clouds. DAVIES R.D.
1975AJ.....80..101M 17 64 Carbon monoxide observations of 34 dust clouds. MILMAN A.S., KNAPP G.R. and WILSON W.J.
1975AJ.....80..125C 7 19 Optical identifications of AFCRL rocket infrared sources. COHEN M.
1975ApJ...198..349P 9 10 On the intensities of decimetric-wavelength radio recombination lines. PARRISH A. and PANKONIN V.
1976A&A....46..109H 13 45 Aperture synthesis observations of W 3 (OH) (G 133.9+1) HARTEN R.H.
1976A&A....50...41B 4 4 97 Several H II regions in the near infrared. BEETZ M., ELSAESSER H., POULAKOS C., et al.
1976A&A....51..155S 5 4 Search for radiation from the 2II1/2, J=5/2 state of interstellar CH. SUME A., RYDBECK O.E.H., KOLLBERG E., et al.
1976MNRAS.174..649H 69 T                   14 96 Fine radio structure in
1977A&AS...27..429P 68 T                   10 0 New flare stars in the vicinity of
1977A&AS...30..369R 68 T                   18 19 A 1420 MHz continum survey of the
W3/W4/W5 region.
1977ApJ...211..108P 14 40 Deuterium in the Galaxy. PENZIAS A.A., WANNIER P.G., WILSON R.W., et al.
1977ApJ...211..421D 18 69 Infrared observations of compact H II regions in the spectral range 3.4-33 micrometers. DYCK H.M. and SIMON T.
1978A&A....66...65S 1 29 274 Star formation rates in the galaxy. SMITH L.F., BIERMANN P. and MEZGER P.G.
1978A&A....70..719C 31 132 Gradient of H II region electron temperatures and helium abundance in the Galaxy. CHURCHWELL E., SMITH L.F., MATHIS J., et al.
1978AJ.....83..586W 71 6 A 5 GHz survey of infrared sources. WARNER J.W. and BLACK J.H.
1978ApJ...220.1051E 4 9 187 Star formation in shock-compressed layers. ELMGREEN B.G. and ELMEGREEN D.M.
1978ApJ...224L..67M 5 4 101 Evidence for the Zeeman effect in the OH maser emission from W3 (OH). MORAN J.M., REID M.J., LADA C.J., et al.
1978ApJS...36....1M 3 12 213 Microwave spectral lines in galactic dust globules. MARTIN R.N. and BARRETT A.H.
1979A&A....72..234G 1 26 137 H2O in the galaxy. II. Duration of the maser phase and the galactic distribution of H2O sources. GENZEL R. and DOWNES D.
1979A&A....80L...3M 25 60 Radio determination of oxygen abundance variation in the Galaxy. MEZGER P.G., PANKONIN V., SCHMID-BURGK J., et al.
1979AJ.....84.1339D 17 70 The relationship between the infrared polarization of protostellar sources and nearby interstellar polarization. DYCK H.M. and LONSDALE C.J.
1979ApJ...231..720P 1 13 109 Observations of CO(J=2-1) emission from molecular clouds. PHILLIPS T.G., HUGGINS P.J., WANNIER P.G., et al.
1980ApJ...237..711D 69 T                   6 54 The H II region-molecular cloud complex
W3: observations of CO, CS, and HCN.
1980ApJ...240..846E 68 T                   141 11 Star formation in
W3 and W4: discovery of 135 possibly embedded near-infrared stars.
1980ApJ...242..112B 68 T                   7 30 The
W 3 molecular cloud core: kinematics and 12 CO line inversion reexamined.
1980MNRAS.190..163N 6 29 Accurate measurements of the positions of OH maser sources. NORRIS R.P., BOOTH R.S. and DAVIS R.J.
1980MNRAS.193..495C 68 T                   15 55 Radio observations of
W3 at 2.7 and 14.4GHz.
1981AJ.....86..410W 71 27 Positions of OH maser sources determined with the 100-m telescope. WINNBERG A., TERZIDES C. and MATTHEWS H.E.
1981ApJ...245L..75D 41 31 A correlation between infrared excess and period for Mira variables. DEGIOIA-EASTWOOD K., HACKWELL J.A., GRASDALEN G.L., et al.
1981ApJ...245..857D 4 6 140 Discovery of shell structure in the ultracompact H II region W3(OH). DREHER J.W. and WELCH W.J.
1981ApJ...246...86W 11 6 A search for interstellar nitrous oxide. WILSON W.J. and SNYDER L.E.
1981ApJ...246..113J 68 T                   4 16 The partially ionized gas in the
W 3 complex: C90 alpha observations.
1981ApJ...248L.113I 11 53 The increasing chemical complexity of the Taurus dark clouds: detection of CH3CCH and C4H. IRVINE W.M., HOGLUND B., FRIBERG P., et al.
1981ApJ...250..186H 1 6 56 Abundances of argon, sulfur, and neon in six galactic H II regions from infrared forbidden lines. HERTER T., HELFER H.L., PIPHER J.L., et al.
1981MNRAS.194..809L 33 14 2375 Turbulence and star formation in molecular clouds. LARSON R.B.
1982A&AS...49..607B 19 49 Formaldehyde absorption measurements of selected galactic molecular clouds. BIEGING J.H., WILSON T.L. and DOWNES D.
1982ApJ...260..590P 2 9 115 Sulfur chemistry in dense interstellar clouds. PRASAD S.S. and HUNTRESS W.T.Jr
1983A&A...121..265G 14 40 Emission and absorption at 6 cm from excited OH associated with compact HII regions GARDNER F.F. and MARTIN-PINTADO J.
1983A&A...125..320D 69 T                   12 19 A comparison of high resolution optical and radio observations of
1983A&A...126..393H 14 16 Radio searches for additional interstellar molecules. HOLLIS J.M., SUENRAM R.D., LOVAS F.J., et al.
1983A&A...127L..19W 1 5 47 Non-metastable ammonia absorption toward compact H II regions. WILSON T.L., MAUERSBERGER R., WALMSLEY C.M., et al.
1983A&A...127..388H 10 34 Formaldehyde towards compact HII regions : densities and isotope ratios. HENKEL C., WILSON T.L., WALMSLEY C.M., et al.
1983A&AS...52..125V 56 10 Linear polarization observations in selected celestial zones - The anticentre region. VALLEE J.P.
1983AJ.....88..658H 71 T                   2 23 A fragmentary cold H I cloud near
W 3 and W 4.
1983ApJ...264L..65D 9 26 SiO isotopic maser emission from VY Canis Majoris. DEGUCHI S., GOOD J., FAN Y., et al.
1983ApJ...266..623S 1 27 250 Infrared line and radio continuum emission of circumstellar ionized regions. SIMON M., FELLI M., CASSAR L., et al.
1983ApJ...267L..53M 9 42 Detection of the J = 1 ⟶ 0 transition of CH3 CN. MATTHEWS H.E. and SEARS T.J.
1983ApJ...267..126W 19 21 The polarization of millimeter-wave emission lines in dense interstellar clouds. WANNIER P.G., SCOVILLE N.Z. and BARVAINIS R.
1983ApJ...271..170H 14 15 Comparison of C+ distributions with new interstellar sources of HCO emission. HOLLIS J.M. and CHURCHWELL E.
1983ApJ...271..183B 4 9 Detection of CH3 OH J=5 — 4 lines around 242 GHz from OMC-1. BOLAND W., DE GRAAUW T., LIDHOLM S., et al.
1983ApJ...271..512S 70 56 A 10 micron survey of star formation in galactic nuclei: Virgo spiral galaxies. SCOVILLE N.Z., BECKLIN E.E., YOUNG J.S., et al.
1983ApJ...273L..89J 69 T                   15 42 Submillimeter observations of
1983ApJ...275..125P 44 11 The brighter 94 micron sources observed by the far-infrared sky survey experiment. PRICE S.D., SHIVANANDAN K., MURDOCK T.L., et al.
1983ApJS...53..147B 23 10 Linear polarization observations in selected celestial zones : the Gum nebula area. BIGNELL R.C. and VALLEE J.P.
1983ApJS...53..413G viz 744 45 The stellar component of the galaxy as seen by the AFGL Infrared Sky Survey. GRASDALEN G.L., GEHRZ R.D., HACKWELL J.A., et al.
1983MNRAS.203..661W 13 1 Observations of the 3 1,3 - 2 0,2 transition of SO 2. WHITE G.J. and PHILLIPS J.P.
1983MNRAS.203..955H 58 3 An infrared luminosity function for star-forming molecular clouds. HARRIS S. and CLEGG P.E.
1983MNRAS.204..709G 3 9 Quasi-thermal excitation of the satellite lines of OH at 5 cm. GARDNER F.F. and MARTIN-PINTADO J.
1983MNRAS.205..131B 1 5 44 The galactic extinction towards Maffei 1. BUTA R.J. and McCALL M.L.
1983MNRAS.205..297G 73 T                   1 23 OH maser emission at 4765 MHz in
W 3.
1983MNRAS.205..719Q 69 T                   1 5 8 A non-isothermal calculation of radio recombination-line intensities of NGC 2024, Orion A and
W 3.
1983Afz....19..761K 33 7 Determination of distances to interstellar clouds from OH absorption features. KOLESNIK I.G. and YUREVICH L.V.
1983BAAS...15..680L 1 0 VLA Observations of H2 CO absorption at 6cm toward W 3 (OH). LUBENOW A.F., DICKEL H.R., GOSS W.M., et al.
1983BAAS...15..929D 1 0 An aperture synthesis map of HCN emission close to W3 IRS 4. DICKEL H.R., WRIGHT M.C.H. and HO P.T.P.
1983BAAS...15Z.931C 8 ~ Interstellar magnetic fields : detection of OH Zeeman splitting. CRUTCHER R.M.
1984A&A...130L...1J 44 42 SiO maser emission from OH/IR stars and a search for Orion-like SiO masers. JEWELL P.R., BATRLA W., WALMSLEY C.M., et al.
1984A&A...130..311A 1 6 49 Methyl acetylene as a temperature probe in molecular clouds. ASKNE J., HOGLUND B., HJALMARSON A., et al.
1984A&A...133..347H 23 21 The distribution and abundance of interstellar C2H. HUGGINS P.J., CARLSON W.J. and KINNEY A.L.
1984A&A...135..199D 41 57 A VLBI survey of interstellar broadening of extragalactic radio sources seen at low galactic latitudes. DENNISON B., THOMAS M., BOOTH R.S., et al.
1984A&A...140..169Z 69 T                   4 16 Ammonia in the
W3 region.
1984A&A...140..213R 10 23 Dust around deeply embedded infrared sources. RENGARAJAN T.N.
1984A&AS...56..283M 32 9 Linear polarization observations in selected celestial zones. Gemini and its neighbourhood. MacLEOD J.M., VALLEE J.P. and BROTEN N.W.
1984ApJ...277..581L 2 29 301 Carbon and oxygen isotope fractionation in dense interstellar clouds. LANGER W.D., GRAEDEL T.E., FRERKING M.A., et al.
1984ApJ...280..608J 22 30 HNCO in molecular clouds. JACKSON J.M., ARMSTRONG J.T. and BARRETT A.H.
1984ApJ...280..629R 1 9 71 The 8.7 GHz hyperfine line of 3 He+ in galactic HII regions. ROOD R.T., BANIA T.M. and WILSON T.L.
1984ApJ...281L..71W 72 T                   1 2 31 An aperture synthesis map of HCN emission close to
W3 IRS 4.
1984ApJ...283..601O 87 112 A far-infrared survey of the Galactic Center. ODENWALD S.F. and FAZIO G.G.
1984ApJ...284..637J 71 T                   1 4 42 Far-infrared and submillimeter observations of the multiple cores in S 255,
W3 and OMC-1 : evidence for fragmentation.
1984ApJ...285L..79C 76 T                   1 35 Aperture synthesis observations of CO emission from the
W3 molecular cloud core.
1984MNRAS.208..101C 69 T                   1 0 Formaldehyde in the
W3 molecular clouds.
1984MNRAS.210..891C 5 11 A submillimetre map of the W 51 region. CUNNINGHAM C.T., GRIFFIN M.J., GEE G., et al.
1984AAfz...51....3K 69 T                   4 1 Structure of star formation region
W3/W4. I. Investigation of the catalogue of BV-magnitudes and spectral classes of 1150 stars.
1984BAAS...16..445M 69 T                   2 0 Measurement of the CII line fluxes from
W3 and W51.
1984PAZh...10..352V 6 0 Observations of H2O maser sources with acousto-optical 1008-channel radio spectrometer. VASIL'KOV V.I., KALENSKIJ S.V., SLYSH V.I., et al.
1985A&A...142..131M 25 24 Observations of selected sources in the 2cm line of H2CO. MARTIN-PINTADO J., WILSON T.L., GARDNER F.F., et al.
1985A&A...142..451P 31 50 The optical properties of dust in the mid-IR silicate bands. PEGOURIE B. and PAPOULAR R.
1985A&A...146..303G 6 3 Observations of ortho- and para-thioformaldehyde. GARDNER F.F., HOGLUND B., SHUKRE C., et al.
1985A&A...147L..19W 33 42 The discovery of a new masering transition of interstellar methanol. WILSON T.L., WALMSLEY C.M., MENTEN K.M., et al.
1985A&A...149..305Z 3 2 Rotation-inversion transition of interstellar ammonia. ZENG Q.
1985AJ.....90.2291H 26 10 Models for infrared polarization from protostellar sources. HECKERT P.A. and ZEILIK M.
1985ApJ...290..256D 1 3 23 The molecular core associated with DR 21. DICKEL H.R., HO P.T.P. and WRIGHT M.C.H.
1985ApJ...290..609M 12 42 The detection of acetaldehyde in cold dust clouds. MATTHEWS H.E., FRIBERG P. and IRVINE W.M.
1985ApJ...292L..25Z 6 28 Detection of interstellar rotationally excited CH. ZIURYS L.M. and TURNER B.E.
1985ApJ...295..183J 48 20 The detection of rotationally excited OH emission toward the probable young planetary nebula Vy 2-2. JEWELL P.R., SCHENEWERK M.S. and SNYDER L.E.
1985ApJ...296..149V 4 15 Observation of far-infrared transitions between excited states of OH. VISCUSO P.J., STACEY G.J., HARWIT M., et al.
1985ApJ...297..302B 9 37 Tricarbon monoxide in TMC-1. BROWN R.D., GODFREY P.D., CRAGG D.M., et al.
1985ApJ...297..662T 70 T                   6 52 The
W3 molecular cloud.
1985ApJ...298L..55J 64 31 New detections of maser and thermal SiO emission. JEWELL P.R., WALMSLEY C.M., WILSON T.L., et al.
1985ApJ...298..360S 15 13 Observations of several new transitions of interstellar HCO. SNYDER L.E., SCHENEWERK M.S. and HOLLIS J.M.
1985ApJ...299..405G 16 21 Further studies of vibrationally excited cyanoacetylene near Orion IRc2 and other sources. GOLDSMITH P.F., KROTKOV R. and SNELL R.L.
1985ApJ...299..728C 10 6 The RR Lyrae stars in the direction of the Large Magellanic Cloud. CONNOLLY L.P.
1985MNRAS.215..315G 1 1 7 Far-infrared emission from dust clouds with two embedded sources. GHOSH S.K. and TANDON S.N.
1985PASP...97.1053S 6 5 Metal abundances and radial velocities of short-period variable stars in the direction of the Large Magellanic Cloud. SMITH H.A.
1985AN....306..311G 29 7 On the properties of very young massive infrared sources. GURTLER J., HENNING T., DORSCHNER J., et al.
1985Ap&SS.116..313S 4 2 Influence of galactic nuclear explosions on the efficiency of the process of star formation. SAHA A., BASU B. and BHATTACHARYYA T.
1985KFNT....1c..53K 69 T                   2 ~ The structure of the region of star formation
W3/W4 II. A study of the interstellar absorption.
1986A&A...160..157M 1 15 109 Radio observations of CH in three dark nebulae and the correlation of CH with optical extinction and molecular hydrogen. MATTILA K.
1986A&A...163..177M 19 22 Observations of the 2pi3/2, J=7/2 transition of OH toward compact HIIregions. MATTHEWS H.E., BAUDRY A., GUILLOTEAU S., et al.
1986A&A...166L..15W 10 36 A search for interstellar H3O+. WOOTTEN A., BOULANGER F., BOGEY M., et al.
1986A&A...169..268K 69 T                   4 0 Dust matter in the
W3 molecular cloud complex.
1986A&A...169..281C 105 144 13CO and 12CO observations of cold IRAS unidentified point sources in the galaxy. CASOLI F., DUPRAZ C., GERIN M., et al.
1986AJ.....92..787F viz 329 35 A complete VLA survey in the outer galaxy. FICH M.
1986ApJ...300..766M 1 5 27 Interstellar molecular line searches at 1.5 centimeters. MATTHEWS H.E. and SEARS T.J.
1986ApJ...303..638M 104 T K                 6 10 Observations of the 157.7 micron (C II) emission from the galactic H II regions
W 3 and W 51.
1986ApJ...303..659S 13 10 Rotation measures of extragalactic radio sources viewed through the molecular clouds Cepheus A and L 1551. SIMONETTI J.H. and CORDES J.M.
1986ApJ...305..353M 9 27 The structure of the W 49A molecular cloud complex: burst of star formation in the 100000-solar-mass core. MIYAWAKI R., HAYASHI M. and HASEGAWA T.
1986ApJ...305..405C 21 61 The excitation, abundance and distribution of HNCO in Sagittarius B2. CHURCHWELL E., WOOD D., MYERS P.C., et al.
1986ApJ...305..892D 8 12 412 The largest molecular cloud complexes in the first galactic quadrant. DAME T.M., ELMEGREEN B.G., COHEN R.S., et al.
1986ApJ...306..160T 106 T K                 1 11 The core of the
W3 molecular cloud.
1986ApJ...307L..75Z 1 8 32 Observations of neutral atomic carbon at 809 GHz. ZMUIDZINAS J., BETZ A.L. and GOLDHABER D.M.
1986ApJ...307..787T 51 60 Ammonia observations of regions with molecular outflows. TORRELLES J.M., HO P.T.P., MORAN J.M., et al.
1986ApJ...308..288G 18 25 Filled-aperture maps of selected HII regions at 3.5 millimeters. GORDON M.A., JEWELL P.R., KAFTAN-KASSIM M.A., et al.
1986ApJ...311..371M 57 56 Luminosities of sources associated with molecular outflows. MOZURKEWICH D., SCHWARTZ P.R. and SMITH H.A.
1986PASP...98.1186H 69 T                   1 77 12 The Mv -
W (H-gamma) calibration for O6 to A3 supergiants.
1986Afz....24...97A 13 1 New selection effect of statistical investigations of supernova remnants. ALLAKHVERDIEV A.O., GUSEINOV O.H. and KASUMOV F.K.
1986ATsir1456....5R 35 0 Information on the photoelectric observations of variable stars deposited at Odessa Astronomical Observatory ROMANOV Y.S. and PARAMONOVA O.P.
1986AN....307..119H 15 4 Mass loss from very young massive stars. HENNING T.
1986Ap&SS.128..163G 6 17 Circumstellare dust shells around very young and massive stars. GURTLER J. and HENNING T.
1986BAAS...18Q.931B 7 1 Observations of the 809 GHzz fine structure line of atomic carbon in dense molecular clouds. BETZ A.L., ZMUIDZINAS J., BOREIKO R.T., et al.
1986PASJ...38..775A 3 5 Millimeter-wave continuum observations of the W3 core region at 6.5 and 4mm. AKABANE K., HIRABAYASHI H. and SOFUE Y.
1986QJRAS..27..454J 1 1 History of british infrared astronomy since the second world war. JENNINGS R.E.
1987A&A...174..232R 71 T                   3 15 Carbon radio recombination line observations of
W 3.
1987A&A...179..171E 1 7 28 Serpens - SVS 20: a new young infrared double source. EIROA C., LENZEN R., LEINERT C., et al.
1987A&A...181..155G 1 8 48 Photoprecessing of H2S in interstellar grain mantles as an explanationfor S2 in comets. GRIM R.J.A. and GREENBERG J.M.
1987AJ.....94..111L 72 22 Observations at 408 MHz of the supernova remnant HB 3 (G132.6+1.5). LANDECKER T.L., VANELDIK J.F., DEWDNEY P.E., et al.
1987ApJ...312..830R 40   K                 2 45 The circumstellar envelope of
W3 (OH) : NH3 observations.
1987ApJ...316..258G 71 T                   1 5 39 The continuum spectra of dust complexes associated with
W3 main, M42, W49A, and W51A.
1987ApJ...320..573L 18 70 Far-infrared measurements of N/O in H II regions : evidence for enhanced CN process nucleosynthesis in the inner galaxy. LESTER D.F., DINERSTEIN H.L., WERNER M.W., et al.
1987ApJ...322..706D viz 5 36 854 A composite CO survey of the entire Milky Way. DAME T.M., UNGERECHTS H., COHEN R.S., et al.
1987ApJ...323...30B 21 47 Measurements of the 3He abundance in the interstellar medium. BANIA T.M., ROOD R.T. and WILSON T.L.
1987ApJ...323..766G 9 24 Maps of dust clouds at 1.3 millimeters associated with bright HII regions. GORDON M.A. and JEWELL P.R.
1987ApJS...64..127K viz 46 10 A Palomar Observatory Sky Survey Atlas of selected molecular clouds. KLINGLESMITH D.A. and HOLLIS J.M.
1987ApJS...65..193G 3 15 227 A study of the ground-state hydroxyl maser emission associated with 11 regions of star formation. GAUME R.A. and MUTEL R.L.
1987MNRAS.226..703C 8 6 HCO+ observations of the W 51 molecular cloud. COX M.J., SCOTT P.F., ANDERSSON M., et al.
1987AISAO..24...93A 39 1 The catalogue oh HI-line absorption profiles in the spectra of galactic radiosources; I. Integrated profiles. ALFEROVA Z.A., VENGER A.P., GOSACHINSKIJ I.V., et al.
1987Ap&SS.133..275V 17 11 Molecular cloud edges : CII and SII layers in neutral interfaces near ionised HII regions. VALLEE J.P.
1987BAAS...19.1093K 7 2 High spatial resolution submillimeter mapping of molecular cloud cores. KRISCIUNAS K., SANDELL G., DUNCAN W.D., et al.
1987BAAS...19.1095M 4 1 High resolution infrared spectroscopy of high luminosity young stellar objects. MITCHELL G.F., ALLEN M., BEER R., et al.
1987Natur.326...49B 1 33 225 Detection of strong methanol masers towards galactic HII regions. BATRLA W., MATTHEWS H.E., MENTEN K.M., et al.
1987IAUS..120..137M 9 1 Far-infrared and submillimeter observations of interstellar clouds. MELNICK G.
1987IAUS..120..185D 3 2 Formaldehyde abundances in the dense molecular cores DR 21 and W 3 (OH). DICKEL H.R., GOSS W.M. and ROTS A.H.
1987IAUS..120..311W 1 8 47 Deuterated molecules in interstellar clouds. WOOTTEN A.
1988A&A...190..289P 18 49 CO J=3-2 and J=2-1 spectroscopy and mapping of ten high velocity molecular outflow sources. PHILLIPS J.P., WHITE G.J., RAINEY R., et al.
1988A&A...201..105B 1 6 39 First VLBI synthesis observations of the excited-state OH emission sources at 4765 MHz in W3 (OH). BAUDRY A., DIAMOND P.J., BOOTH R.S., et al.
1988A&A...201..123M 4 3 51 A multilevel study of ammonia in a star-forming regions. IV. Emission and absorption toward W3 (OH). MAUERSBERGER R., WILSON T.L. and HENKEL C.
1988A&AS...76..445C 366 96 A catalogue of H2O maser sources north of delta = -30. CESARONI R., PALAGI F., FELLI M., et al.
1988ApJ...326L..23M 17 ~ Evidence for magnetic and virial equilibrium in molecular clouds. MYERS P.C. and GOODMAN A.A.
1988ApJ...326..334B 6 5 134 On the interpretation of polarization maps of young stellar objects. BASTIEN P. and MENARD F.
1988ApJ...326..931K 117 51 A survey of 12.2 GHz methanol masers and their polarization properties. KOO B.-C., WILLIAMS D.R.W., HEILES C., et al.
1988ApJ...326..954G 45   K                 2 80 Magnetic field structure of the star-forming region
W3(OH): VLBI spectral line results.
1988ApJ...331..509G 11 38 The continuum spectra of warm cloud complexes associated with radio-bright HII regions. GORDON M.A.
1988ApJ...334..175M 19 41 Observations of interstellar HOCO+: enhancements toward the galactic center. MINH Y.C., IRVINE W.M. and ZIURYS L.M.
1988ApJ...335..774Z 10 39 Neutral atomic carbon in dense molecular clouds. ZMUIDZINAS J., BETZ A.L., BOREIKO R.T., et al.
1988MNRAS.235..151A 12 8 Detection of carbon recombination lines below 100 MHz towards the Galactic Centre and M 16. ANANTHARAMAIAH K.R., PAYNE H.E. and ERICKSON W.C.
1988MNRAS.235..349A 4 2 32 On the effects of rotation on interstellar molecular line profiles. ADELSON L.M. and LEUNG C.M.
1988BAAS...20..956C 5 ~ Polarized dust emission from massive cloud cores : polarimetric observations at lambda 1mm using MILLIPOL. CLEMENS D.P., BARVAINIS R. and LEACH R.
1988BAAS...20.1058C 3 0 Far-infrared scans of the protostellar object W3-IRS5. CAMPBELL M.F., LESTER D.F., HARVEY P.M., et al.
1988BAAS...20.1059G 6 0 J=3-2 carbon monoxide observations and the structure of molecular clouds. GOLDSMITH P.F., TAUBER J.A., SNELL R.L., et al.
1988IAUS..129..235B 5 3 First VLBI observations of 6.3 cm OH masers in compact H II regions. BAUDRY A., DIAMOND P.J., GRAHAM D., et al.
1989A&A...211..419K 15 10 Observations of CO (J=7-6) in star-forming regions. KRUGEL E., DENSING R., NETT H., et al.
1989A&A...214..333F 2 12 120 Strong magnetic fields in interstellar H2O maser clumps. FIEBIG D. and GUSTEN R.
1989A&A...220..235M 9 6 Optical and infrared observations of the HII region S201. MAMPASO A., PHILLIPS J.P., VILCHEZ J.M., et al.
1989A&A...221...95R 8 23 A high resolution millimetre and submillimetre study of W 3. RICHARDSON K.J., SANDELL G., WHITE G.J., et al.
1989A&A...225..167S 12 33 Observations at 90 and 142 GHz of nine extended galactic radio sources. SALTER C.J., EMERSON D.T., STEPPE H., et al.
1989A&AS...78..277G 369 20 The DRAO galactic plane survey. I. l=140, b=0. GREEN D.A.
1989AJ.....97.1089B 76 29 Single-dish and interferometer measurements of water-maser polarization. BARVAINIS R. and DEGUCHI S.
1989AJ.....97.1403M 106 75 A survey of cyclopropenylidene (C3H2) in galactic sources. MADDEN S.C., IRVINE W.M., MATTHEWS H.E., et al.
1989ApJ...336..519S 70 T                   1 13 13 1300 micron continuum and C18O line mapping of giant molecular cloud cores. II.
W 3, NGC 2264, NGC 6334I, rho Ophiuchi and S 140.
1989ApJ...337..342T 1 7 39 Aperture synthesis observations of the 21 centimeter Zeeman effect toward Orion A. TROLAND T.H., HEILES C. and GOSS W.M.
1989ApJ...337..782G 11 17 Millimeter-wave recombination lines from radio-bright HII regions. GORDON M.A.
1989ApJ...340..298H 37   K                 4 40 Velocity field in the fragmented molecular cloud core of
W3: evidence for large-scale turbulence.
1989ApJ...340..786E 1 6 44 On the gravitational collapse of decelerating shocked layers in OB associations. ELMEGREEN B.G.
1989ApJ...341L..87G 1 4 21 Ions in grain mantles : a new explanation for the 6.86 micron absorption in W 33A. GRIM R., GREENBERG J.M., SCHUTTE W., et al.
1989ApJ...342L..43L 4 5 88 Discovery of interstellar acetylene. LACY J.H., EVANS II N.J., ACHTERMANN J.M., et al.
1989ApJ...344..413S 2 24 231 Absorption features in the 3 micron spectra of protostars. SMITH R.G., SELLGREN K. and TOKUNAGA A.T.
1989ApJ...346..330H 42 25 Detection of three new methanol maser transitions toward star-forming regions. HASCHICK A.D., BAAN W.A. and MENTEN K.M.
1989ApJ...347L..89T 1 2 8 Structure of the magnetic field in the W3 core. TROLAND T.H., CRUTCHER R.M., GOSS W.M., et al.
1989MNRAS.237....1B 111 38 The evolutionary status of young stellar mass loss driving sources as derived from IRAS observations. BERRILLI F., CECCARELLI C., LISEAU R., et al.
1989Afz....30..455A 38 0 On the relation of regions of recent star formation and stellar associations. AMBARTSUMIAN V.A. and KANDALIAN R.A.
1989AGAb....3...34D 6 ~ First results of the MPE near infrared camera. DRAPATZ S., HOFMANN R., KRABBE A., et al.
1989BAAS...21..761K 8 0 Extended dust structures in massive cloud cores : correlation of polarized lambda 1 mm dust emission with unpolarized IRAS dust emission. KANE B., CLEMENS D.P., BARVAINIS R., et al.
1989BAAS...21.1180H 4 0 A far-IR/submm spectroscopic study of the distribution and energetics of warm gas in molecular clouds. HOWE J.E., JAFFE D.T., GENZEL R., et al.
1989JAF....34S..23W 8 0 Observations de H2 18O a bord du KAO. WANNIER P., FRERKING M., ENCRENAZ P., et al.
1989KFNT....5c...3K 3 ~ Structure of the W3 : W4 star formation region. V. The luminosity function. KOLESNIK L.N. and METREVELI M.D.
1989PAZh...15..667M 12 0 Submillimeter photometry at Pamirs. MASLOW I.A., SOGLASNOVA V.A., SHOLOMITSKIJ G.B., et al.
1989IAUS..136..107W 17 35 Abundances in the galactic center. WANNIER P.G.
1990A&A...231L..15C 2 10 90 Detection of 183 GHz water vapour maser emission from interstellar and circumstellar sources. CERNICHARO J., THUM C., HEIN H., et al.
1990A&A...235..407V 13 13 Radio and infrared observations of the HII complex BG 2107+49. VAN DER WERF P.P. and HIGGS L.A.
1990A&A...236..275C 11 5 Turbulent magnetic fields. I. CHABOYER B. and HENRIKSEN R.N.
1990A&A...238..296V 70 T                   11 16 High resolution HI observations of HII regions. II. HI and the magnetic field near
W 3.
1990A&A...240..116B 116 44 The 44 GHz methanol masers: results of an extensive survey in the 7 0 6 1 A+ line. BACHILLER R., MENTEN K.M., GOMEZ-GONZALEZ J., et al.
1990A&AS...84..179C 408 163 The Arcetri atlas of H2O maser sources. COMORETTO G., PALAGI F., CESARONI R., et al.
1990AJ.....99.1897S 5 6 Giant cold H I cloud complexes near the H II region W5. SATO F.
1990ApJ...351..189D 25 33 VLA observations of the 6 centimeter and 2 centimeter lines of H2CO in the direction of W 49. DICKEL H.R. and GOSS W.M.
1990ApJ...352..139S 53 111 Molecular outflows associated with flux-limited sample of bright far-infrared sources. SNELL R.L., DICKMAN R.L. and HUANG Y.-L.
1990ApJ...352..636G 12 14 Continuum emission from the star-forming regions Cepheus A and B. GORDON M.A.
1990ApJ...354..556H 55 100 Detection of widespread strong methanol masers at 44 GHZ. HASCHICK A.D., MENTEN K.M. and BAAN W.A.
1990ApJ...356..534M 14 13 Infrared and radio measurements of the density structure of compact H II regions. MEGEATH S.T., HERTER T., GULL G.E., et al.
1990ApJ...363..554M 2 11 122 Hot and cold gas toward young stellar objects. MITCHELL G.F., MAILLARD J.-P., ALLEN M., et al.
1990ApJ...365..606G 10 22 An observational study of millimeter-wave recombination lines. GORDON M.A. and WALMSLEY C.M.
1990ARA&A..28..215D 151 7 4231 H I in the Galaxy. DICKEY J.M. and LOCKMAN F.J.
1990Afz....33...47O 49 1 The regions of active star formation in O-associations. I. OSKANYAN A.V.
1990A&ARv...2...79C 78 113 Ultracompact HII regions: the impact of newly formed massive stars on their environment. CHURCHWELL E.
1990BAAS...22..797D 70 T                   1 1 Rotational temperature of SO2 in the
W 3 molecular core.
1990KFNT....6e..25K 70 T                   2 ~ Structure of the
W3/W4 star formation region. VI. The space density function.
1991A&A...247..529R 1 9 40 The structure of atomic and molecular gas in the vicinity of the supernova remnant HB 3. ROUTLEDGE D., DEWDNEY P.E., LANDECKER T.L., et al.
1991A&A...247..551B 8 21 VLBI observations of 4765 MHz OH emission in compact HII regions. BAUDRY A. and DIAMOND P.J.
1991A&A...248L..27G 6 9 The influence of shocks on star formation in the OMC 1 ridge. GREAVES J.S. and WHITE G.J.
1991A&AS...87..177R 70 T                   19 39 Radio recombination lione observations of the galactic HII complex
W 3.
1991ApJ...367..168P 10 2 A search for vibrationally excited H2O at 68 GHz. PETUCHOWSKI S.J. and BENNETT C.L.
1991ApJ...369..382B 8 21 Observations of 12CO and 13CO J=9-8 in galactic molecular clouds. BOREIKO R.T. and BETZ A.L.
1991ApJ...373..158H 113 T K                 1 3 105 Parsec-scale penetration of ultraviolet photons into molecular clouds : CII 158 micron mapping of
W 3, NGC 1977 and NGC 2023.
HOWE J.E., JAFFE D.T., GENZEL R., et al.
1991ApJ...377..171W 10 29 Water in dense molecular clouds. WANNIER P.G., PAGANI L., KUIPER T.B.H., et al.
1991ApJ...380..384W 1 6 44 Molecular gas excitation in NGC 253. WALL W.F., JAFFE D.T., ISRAEL F.P., et al.
1991ApJ...383..693O 10 8 High-resolution spectroscopy of partially ionized gas around H II regions. ONELLO J.S., PHILLIPS J.A. and TERZIAN Y.
1991PASP..103.1193P 5 2 42 100-mu.m array polarimetry from the Kuiper Airborne Observatory: instrumentation, techniques and first results. PLATT S.R., HILDEBRAND R.H., PERNIC R.J., et al.
1991AZh....68..456V 8 1 Observations of interstellar methanol with the 14-m Yebes radiotelescope. VAL'TTS I.E., COLOMER F., SHANIN G., et al.
1991BAAS...23.1364L 6 ~ The history and ionization of the local ISM : the last eight million years. LYU C.-H. and BRUHWEILER F.C.
1991MmSAI..62..887H 27 0 Very early stages of massive stars. HENNING T.
1991PPMtO..10...47Z 48 0 Observations of water vapour maser sources at Qing-Hai station. ZHOU Z.-P., HAN F., ZHOU Y.-L., et al.
1992A&A...258..479P 3 6 72 The chemistry of H2D+ in cold clouds. PAGANI L., SALEZ M. and WANNIER P.G.
1992AJ....103.1627S 7 5 M17SW giant cold H I cloud. SATO F., WHITEOAK J.B., OTRUPCEK R.E., et al.
1992ApJ...394..188R 37   K                 2 19 Anomalously high apparent abundances of singly ionized helium in the galactic H II region
1992ApJ...395..484P 9 22 Determination of the He+/H+ ratio from Alpha, Beta and Gamma radio recombination lines. PEIMBERT M., RODRIGUEZ L.F., BANIA T.M., et al.
1992ApJ...397..500B 40   K                 4 83 Kinematics of W 3 (OH): first proper motions of OH masers from VLBI measurements. BLOEMHOF E.E., REID M.J. and MORAN J.M.
1992PASP..104..146L 12 5 The NASA Airborne Astronomy Program : a perspective on its contributions to science, technology and education. LARSON H.P.
1992AGAb....7...77M 4 0 12CO(3->2) measurements of NGC 281 (S 184). MARTIN K. and HENNING T.
1992A&ARv...4....1W 1 32 150 Abundances in the interstellar medium. WILSON T.L. and MATTEUCCI F.
1992BAAS...24.1157B 70 T                   2 ~ A high-resolution study if the
W3 molecular cloud core.
1992SNSNR.R.....96S 6 0 Radio oservation of the supernova remnant HB 3 at 232 MHz. SONG M., LI Z.W., ZHANG X.Z., et al.
1993A&A...276..445H 1 15 77 A multilevel study of ammonia in star forming regions. V. The Sgr B2 region. HUETTEMEISTER S., WILSON T.L., HENKEL C., et al.
1993A&AS...98..127C 40 7 Observation of methanol maser sources with the Arcetri 12 GHz receiver. CATARZI M., MOSCADELLI L. and PANELLA D.
1993A&AS..101..153P viz 762 132 Classification and statistical properties of galactic H2O masers. PALAGI F., CESARONI R., COMORETTO G., et al.
1993AJ....106.1947H 17 10 Interstellar extinction toward the Cas OB6 association: where is the dust? HANSON M.M. and CLAYTON G.C.
1993ApJ...402..230W 35   K                 10 25 Ammonia in the
W3(OH) region.
1993ApJ...404..219S 2 13 130 158 micron [C II] mapping of the Orion molecular cloud. STACEY G.J., JAFFE D.T., GEIS N., et al.
1993ApJ...409..170M 17 57 Molecular gas in powerful radio galaxies detected by IRAS. MAZZARELLA J.M., GRAHAM J.R., SANDERS D.B., et al.
1993ApJ...410..179H 10 22 Extended CO(7–6) emission from warm gas in Orion. HOWE J.E., JAFFE D.T., GROSSMAN E.N., et al.
1993ApJ...411..708K 13 30 Magnetic fields in massive cloud cores : comparison of MILLIPOL and IRAS results. KANE B.D., CLEMENS D.P., BARVAINIS R., et al.
1993ApJ...412..675R 107 T K                 10 49 VLA Zeeman observations of
W 3.
1993ApJ...419..186L 107 T K                 6 33 Luminous radio-quiet sources in
W 3 (main).
1993AcApS..13...84C 7 0 A new type of radio astronomical spectrometer SAW spectrometer. CHEN D.-P., GONG J.J., ZHOU X.-W., et al.
1993BAAS...25..829G 5 ~ Radio recombination lines at thirty years. GOSS W.M.
1993BAAS...25..849B 3 ~ Heterodyne spectroscopy of far-infrared CO emission. BOREIKO R.T. and BETZ A.L.
1993BAAS...25..857C 1 ~ VLA Zeeman observations of W3. CRUTCHER R.M., et al.
1993BAAS...25.1316H 71 T                   1 ~ Far-IR mapping of
W3 : comparison of 145 mu-m [OI] and 158 mu-m [CII] distributions.
1993BAAS...25.1367D 71 T                   1 ~ Spatial variation of star formation efficiency within the
W3 Giant Molecular Cloud.
1994A&A...283..626H 73 T                   6 63 Physical and chemical variations within the
W3 star-forming region. I. SO2, CH3OH and H2CO.
1994A&A...284L..19G 36   K                 8 35 Invertigating the magnetic field structure around star formation cores. GREAVES J.S., MURRAY A.G. and HOLLAND W.S.
1994A&A...284..559O 72 T                   6 26
W 3 - a study of a site of massive star formation. I. Continuum and C18O observations and comparison as mass tracers.
1994ApJ...424L..41C 15 47 The W3 IRS 5 cluster : radio continuum and water maser observations. CLAUSSEN M.J., GAUME R.A., JOHNSTON K.J., et al.
1994ApJ...426..215H 106 T K                 7 19 Submillimeter observations of CO in the W 3 core. HASEGAWA T.I., MITCHELL G.F., MATTHEWS H.E., et al.
1994ApJ...428..209N 1 5 36 Carbon recombination lines as a diagnostic of photodissociation regions. NATTA A., WALMSLEY C.M. and TIELENS A.G.G.M.
1994ApJ...428..680B 3 9 125 Molecular abundances and low-mass star formation. I. Si- and S-bearing species toward IRAS 16293-2422. BLAKE G.A., VAN DISHOECK E.F., JANSEN D.J., et al.
1994ApJ...430..667B 1 15 79 The cosmic abundance of 3He. III. Improved line parameters for selected sources. BALSER D.S., BANIA T.M., BROCKWAY C.J., et al.
1994ApJS...94..615H viz 193 307 A K' imaging survey of molecular outflow sources. HODAPP K.-W.
1994MNRAS.268..276W 2 42 416 A submillimetre continuum survey of pre-protostellar cores. WARD-THOMPSON D., SCOTT P.F., HILLS R.E., et al.
1994AZh....71...51K 67 7 Detection of 13 new 4_1-3 0E- methanol sources at 36 GHz. KALENSKII S.V., BERULIS I.I., VAL'TTS I.E., et al.
1994Ap&SS.211..215R 5 0 Recombination lines, lit by OH maser spectra, from radio opaque compact regions (II). ROVENSKAYA N.I.
1994BAAS...26.1453C 71 T                   2 ~ The HII/molecular cloud complex
W 3.
CLAUSSEN M.J., et al.
1995A&A...293L..61M 11 27 Submm polarimetric observations of NGC 1333 IRAS 4A and 4B: tracing the circumstellar magnetic field. MINCHIN N.R., SANDELL G. and MURRAY A.G.
1995A&A...294..825V 50 30 The discovery of methanol masers at 107 GHz. VAL'TTS I.E., DZURA A.M., KALENSKII S.V., et al.
1995A&A...300...58F 14 46 Globular clusters in mergers. FRITZE-v.ALVENSLEBEN U. and BURKERT A.
1995A&A...300..923S 7 11 The S 140/L 1204 complex: radio recombination lines of hydrogen, carbon and sulphur. SMIRNOV G.T., SOROCHENKO R.L. and WALMSLEY C.M.
1995A&A...301..236W 34 33 IRAS sources beyond the solar circle. VI. Analysis of the FIR, H2O, and CO emission. WOUTERLOOT J.G.A., FIEGLE K., BRAND J., et al.
1995A&A...303..901T 107 T K                 15 27 The
W 3 core: masses, densities, sizes and kinematics.
1995AJ....110.2876F 6 15 Optical and radio emission from the galactic supernova remnant HB 3 (G132.6+1.5). FESEN R.A., DOWNES R.A., WALLACE D., et al.
1995ApJ...443..238R 38   K                 8 90 Synchrotron emission from the H2O maser source in
REID M.J., ARGON A.L., MASSON C.R., et al.
1995ApJ...444..680O 3 4 61 What is the problem with 3He? OLIVE K.A., ROOD R.T., SCHRAMM D.N., et al.
1995ApJ...444..765K 36   K                 7 25 Line broadening in the
W3(OH) champagne flow.
KETO E.R., WELCH W.J., REID M.J., et al.
1995ApJ...447..760V 7 10 313 Molecular abundances and low-mass star formation. II. Organic and deuterated species toward IRAS 16293-2422. VAN DISHOECK E.F., BLAKE G.A., JANSEN D.J., et al.
1995ApJ...448..727O 13 7 Radio recombination line observations of partially ionized gas in galactic H II regions. ONELLO J.S. and PHILLIPS J.A.
1995ApJ...450..201C 93 59 Star formation in the Gemini OB1 molecular cloud complex. CARPENTER J.M., SNELL R.L. and SCHLOERB F.P.
1995ApJ...453..773B 12 9 Independent confirmation of the 8.665 GHz hyperfine line of 3He+ in W51. BELL M.B.
1995ApJ...454..831C 36   K                 19 31 High-resolution far-infrared observations and radiative-transfer models of
W3 IRS 4 and IRS 5.
1995ApJS..100..371B 52 16 The continuum structure of 11 galactic H II regions. BALSER D.S., BANIA T.M., ROOD R.T., et al.
1995MNRAS.272...61G 4 11 Effect of gas drag on the dynamics of protostellar clumps in molecular clouds. GORTI U. and BHATT H.C.
1995PASP..107..488P 9 7 The world's smallest 10-meter submillimeter telescope. PLUMR R. and JAFFE D.T.
1995AZh....72...22V viz 62 14 A 95 GHz survey of methanol masers. VAL'TTS I.E., DZYURA A.M., KALENSKII S.V., et al.
1995Ap&SS.224..237V 10 8 Chemical evolution of circumstellar matter around young stellar objects. VAN DISHOECK E.F. and BLAKE G.A.
1995BAAS...27.1377K 8 ~ Velocity, density, and magnetic field structure in high-mass star forming regions. KANNAPPAN S.J. and GOODMAN A.A.
1995RMxAC...1..137W 1 19 124 Dense cores in molecular clouds. WALMSLEY M.
1996A&A...307..775M 37   K                 18 66 A dense stellar cluster surrounding
W3 IRS 5.
1996A&A...307..915K 1 16 55 Structure and excitation conditions of the southern part of the Orion B molecular cloud: a CO multiline study. KRAMER C., STUTZKI J. and WINNEWISSER G.
1996A&A...310..315D 13 31 The ionization fraction in dense clouds. DE BOISANGER C., HELMICH F.P. and VAN DISHOECK E.F.
1996A&AS..115..283W viz 269 71 A catalogue of high velocity molecular outflows. WU Y., HUANG M. and HE J.
1996ApJ...458..561D 107 T K                 89 59 A large-scale CO survey toward
W3, W4, and W5.
1996ApJ...460..716D 107 T K                 9 8 WSRT and VLA observations of the 6 centimeter and 2 centimeter lines of H 2CO in the direction of
1996ApJ...462L..79C 1 8 35 H I Zeeman measurements of the magnetic field in Sagittarius B2. CRUTCHER R.M., ROBERTS D.A., MEHRINGER D.M., et al.
1996ApJ...464L.175H 8 23 A massive cometary cloud associated with IC 1805. HEYER M.H., BRUNT C., SNELL R.L., et al.
1996ApJ...468..694T 52 29 The physics and chemistry of small translucent molecular clouds. VII. SO+ and H2S. TURNER B.E.
1996ApJ...471..871A 107 T K                 11 13 Helium enrichment and carbon ionization in the

W3 core
1996BAAS...28R.848R 71 T                   3 ~ BIMA 13CO and C18O observations of
1996BAAS...28S.888D 9 ~ Spatially-resolved luminosity-to-mass ratios in GMCs. DEANE J.R., CARPENTER J.M. and SANDERS D.B.
1996Natur.380..687N 2 17 126 A galactic chimney in the Perseus arm of the Milky Way. NORMANDEAU M., TAYLOR A.R. and DEWDNEY P.E.
1996PABei..14..353Z 11 0 The formation and evolution of giant molecular clouds in galaxies. ZHANG T.J. and SONG G.X.
1997A&A...317..898J 21 6 Structure of L 1521B: CO observations of a dense core in Taurus. JUVELA M., LEHTINEN K., MATTILA K., et al.
1997A&A...318..931T 107 T K                 35 68 The H II/molecular cloud complex
W3 revisited: imaging the radio continuum sources using multi-configuration, multi-frequency observations with the VLA.
1997A&A...323..953S 3 5 51 Physical models of photon-dominated regions: influence of clumpiness and geometry for S 140. SPAANS M. and VAN DISHOECK E.F.
1997A&A...325..255B viz 203 64 A survey of star-forming regions in the 5 cm lines of OH. BAUDRY A., DESMURS J.F., WILSON T.L., et al.
1997A&A...326..347S 18 49 A molecular line and infrared study of NGC 2264 IRS 1. SCHREYER K., HELMICH F.P., VAN DISHOECK E.F., et al.
1997A&AS..123...43S 5 8 WSRT HI synthesis absorption study towards Cassiopeia A. SCHWARZ U.J., GOSS W.M. and KALBERLA P.M.W.
1997A&AS..124..205H viz 75 T                   8 88 Physical and chemical variations within the
W 3 star-forming region. II. The 345 GHz spectral line survey.
1997ApJ...474L..31D 1 9 33 Detection in hα of a supershell associated with W4. DENNISON B., TOPASNA G.A. and SIMONETTI J.H.
1997ApJ...479..318R 107 T K                 5 14 BIMA 13CO observations of
1997ApJ...486L..39H 73 T                   5 21 Hard X-ray emission from the
W3 core.
1997ApJ...487..237D 16 26 Far-infrared polarization by absorption in the molecular cloud Sagittarius B2. DOWELL C.D.
1997ApJS..108..279N 72 T                   18 43 The dominion radio astrophysical observatory galactic plane survey pilot project: the
W3/W4/W5/HB 3 region.
1997ApJS..113..353B 24 37 3He in the Milky Way interstellar medium: summary of relevant observations. BANIA T.M., BALSER D.S., ROOD R.T., et al.
1997PASP..109...78T 176 0 Astrophysics in 1996. (Review paper). TRIMBLE V. and McFADDEN L.A.
1997AcASn..38..412S 36 0 Infrared emission and H-R diagram of bright far-infrared sources during star formation. SUN J., TANG G.-S. and ZHANG Y.-P.
1997CoKon.100..223P 58 0 Regions of low-mass star formation. PFAU W.
1997PAZh...23..191G 9 ~ Observations of H, He, and C radio lines in the source W3A at 8 mm: the helium problem. GULYAEV S.A., SOROCHENKO R.L. and TSIVILEV A.P.
1998A&A...336..991T 108 T K                 27 41 A survey for dense cores and young stellar clusters in the
W 3 giant molecular cloud.
1998A&A...338..713H 3 12 136 Sulphur chemistry and evolution in hot cores. HATCHELL J., THOMPSON M.A., MILLAR T.J., et al.
1998A&A...340..232T 108 T K                 17 19 High-resolution imaging of NH3 inversion lines toward

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1998A&AS..132..211H viz 663 67 A survey of SiO emission towards interstellar masers. I. SiO line characteristics. HARJU J., LEHTINEN K., BOOTH R.S., et al.
1998A&AS..133..337Z viz 80 33 Studies of dense molecular cores in regions of massive star formation. VII. Core properties on the galactic scale. ZINCHENKO I., PIROGOV L. and TORISEVA M.
1998AJ....116.1323K 47 123 Shock-excited maser emission from supernova remnants: G32.8-0.1, G337.8-0.1, G346.6-0.2, and the HB 3/W3 complex. KORALESKY B., FRAIL D.A., GOSS W.M., et al.
1998ApJ...493..811S 2 21 157 Far-infrared and submillimeter polarization of OMC-1: evidence for magnetically regulated star formation. SCHLEUNING D.A.
1998ApJ...502..265H 75 T                   10 102 The anatomy of the Perseus spiral arm: 12CO and IRAS imaging observations of the W3-W4-W5 cloud complex. HEYER M.H. and TEREBEY S.
1998ApJ...503..760H 1 6 21 Dust scattering of emission lines in H II regions. I. Plane-parallel models and application to the Orion nebula (M42). HENNEY W.J.
1998ApJ...504..375K 14 19 VLA observations of hydrogen and carbon recombination lines toward W3A at 1.4 GHz. KANTHARIA N.G., ANANTHARAMAIAH K.R. and GOSS W.M.
1998ApJ...504..588D 1 16 54 Submillimeter array polarimetry with Hertz. DOWELL C.D., HILDEBRAND R.H., SCHLEUNING D.A., et al.
1998ApJS..115..241H 5 18 291 The five college radio astronomy observatory CO survey of the Outer Galaxy. HEYER M.H., BRUNT C., SNELL R.L., et al.
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2002ApJ...578..229S 59 33 Molecular clouds and stellar clusters in the far outer galaxy. SNELL R.L., CARPENTER J.M. and HEYER M.H.
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