VdBH 25o B , the SIMBAD biblio

1996A&AS..115..517R - Astron. Astrophys., Suppl. Ser., 115, 517-530 (1996/March-0)

Astrometric positions of stars associated with nebulosities in the southern hemisphere.


Abstract (from CDS):

Several stars associated with nebulosities and cited by S. van den Bergh and W. Herbst are included in the preliminary programme for the HIPPARCOS mission. When performing preparatory measurements of plates, we encountered difficulties in identifying certain of these objects when relying only on coordinates, which led us to take advantage of this work, which relates to the southern sky, in order to determine the astrometric position of all the objects in the list, to within 0.35''. This catalogue is available from the Centre for Astronomic Data at Strasbourg.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): astrometry - catalogues - ISM: general

Nomenclature: VdBH NN A, VdBH NNa A N=264

Simbad objects: 378

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