V* V515 And , the SIMBAD biblio

V* V515 And , the SIMBAD biblio (48 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST01:57:55

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2004A&A...418..927R viz 346 102 RXTE all-sky slew survey. Catalog of X-ray sources at |b|>10°. REVNIVTSEV M., SAZONOV S., JAHODA K., et al.
2004A&A...423..469S viz 135 86 Statistical properties of local active galactic nuclei inferred from the RXTE 3-20 keV all-sky survey. SAZONOV S.Y. and REVNIVTSEV M.G.
2006A&A...450..117S 1 58 154 X-ray luminosity function of faint point sources in the Milky Way. SAZONOV S., REVNIVTSEV M., GILFANOV M., et al.
2006AstL...32..588B 77 T                   3 22
XSS J00564+4548 and IGR J00234+6141 : new cataclysmic variables from the RXTE and INTEGRAL all-sky surveys.
2008A&A...487..271B 981 T   A D S O X C       24 5 22 RXTE determination of the intermediate polar status of
, IGR J17195-4100, and XSS J12270-4859.
2009ApJS..184..138H viz 15       D               1 20659 68 XID II: statistical cross-association of ROSAT bright source catalog X-ray sources with 2MASS point source catalog near-infrared sources. HAAKONSEN C.B. and RUTLEDGE R.E.
2010ApJS..186..378T viz 15       D               1 471 205 The 22 month Swift-BAT all-sky hard X-ray survey. TUELLER J., BAUMGARTNER W.H., MARKWARDT C.B., et al.
2010A&A...510A..48C viz 15       D               2 763 81 The Palermo Swift-BAT hard X-ray catalogue. II. Results after 39 months of sky survey. CUSUMANO G., LA PAROLA V., SEGRETO A., et al.
2010A&A...513A..63R 267     A D     X C       7 10 18 Aperiodic optical variability of intermediate polars - cataclysmic variables with truncated accretion disks. REVNIVTSEV M., BURENIN R., BIKMAEV I., et al.
2010ApJ...721.1843V viz 15       D               2 235 20 Swift-BAT survey of Galactic sources: catalog and properties of the populations. VOSS R. and AJELLO M.
2010A&A...524A..64C viz 15       D               1 1294 157 The Palermo Swift-BAT hard X-ray catalogue. III. Results after 54 months of sky survey. CUSUMANO G., LA PAROLA V., SEGRETO A., et al.
2011IBVS.5969....1K viz 15       D               1 2041 27 The 80th name-list of variable stars. Part I - RA 0h to 6h. KAZAROVETS E.V., SAMUS N.N., DURLEVICH O.V., et al.
2011ApJS..195....9C viz 15       D               1 414 2 Finding persistent sources with the BeppoSAX/Wide Field Camera: an in-depth analysis. CAPITANIO F., BIRD A.J., FIOCCHI M., et al.
2011PASJ...63S.677H viz 15       D               2 157 19 The first MAXI/GSC catalog in the high galactic-latitude sky. HIROI K., UEDA Y., ISOBE N., et al.
2012MNRAS.420.3350N 15       D               1 39 4 Very fast photometric and X-ray observations of the intermediate polar V2069 Cygni (RX J2123.7+4217). NASIROGLU I., SLOWIKOWSKA A., KANBACH G., et al.
2012MNRAS.422.1518K 1958 T K A     X C       49 9 6 An extensive photometric study of the recently discovered intermediate polar
V515 And (
XSS J00564+4548).
2012A&A...542A..22B 1951       D     X C F     49 15 38 Characterization of new hard X-ray cataclysmic variables. BERNARDINI F., DE MARTINO D., FALANGA M., et al.
2009ATel.1895....1B 80 T                   1 1 8
XSS J0056+4548 : a hard X-ray intermediate polar in the period gap.
2012ApJ...758...79A 93       D       C       2 44 9 IPHAS J062746.41+014811.3: a deeply eclipsing intermediate polar. AUNGWEROJWIT A., GANSICKE B.T., WHEATLEY P.J., et al.
2012MNRAS.427..458G 39           X         1 5 6 X-ray observations of INTEGRAL discovered cataclysmic variable IGR J17195-4100. GIRISH V. and SINGH K.P.
2013ApJS..207...19B viz 16       D               1 1212 487 The 70 month Swift-BAT all-sky hard X-ray survey. BAUMGARTNER W.H., TUELLER J., MARKWARDT C.B., et al.
2013ApJS..207...36H viz 16       D               1 512 25 The 37 month MAXI/GSC source catalog of the high galactic-latitude sky. HIROI K., UEDA Y., HAYASHIDA M., et al.
2014ApJ...786...20L viz 16       D               2 33 12 Automatic classification of time-variable X-ray sources. LO K.K., FARRELL S., MURPHY T., et al.
2016ApJS..223...15B viz 16       D               1 944 98 The IBIS soft gamma-ray sky after 1000 INTEGRAL orbits. BIRD A.J., BAZZANO A., MALIZIA A., et al.
2017PASP..129f2001M 17       D               2 153 163 X-ray emissions from accreting white dwarfs: a review. MUKAI K.
2017MNRAS.467..428D 57       D     X         2 31 1 Superhumps and spin-period variations in the intermediate polar RX J2133.7+5107. DE MIGUEL E., PATTERSON J., JONES J.L., et al.
2017MNRAS.470..512K viz 16       D               1 106 14 New hard X-ray sources discovered in the ongoing INTEGRAL Galactic plane survey after 14 yr of observations. KRIVONOS R.A., TSYGANKOV S.S., MEREMINSKIY I.A., et al.
2018ApJS..235....4O viz 16       D               1 1636 246 The 105-month Swift-BAT all-sky hard X-ray survey. OH K., KOSS M., MARKWARDT C.B., et al.
2018ApJS..238...32K viz 16       D               1 433 17 The 7-year MAXI/GSC X-ray source catalog in the high Galactic latitude sky (3MAXI). KAWAMURO T., UEDA Y., SHIDATSU M., et al.
2019A&A...621A..38G viz 17       D               1 39805 85 The population of hot subdwarf stars studied with Gaia. II. The Gaia DR2 catalogue of hot subluminous stars. GEIER S., RADDI R., GENTILE FUSILLO N.P., et al.
2019MNRAS.482.3622S 18       D               1 35 46 Hard X-ray view on intermediate polars in the Gaia era. SULEIMANOV V.F., DOROSHENKO V. and WERNER K.
2020AJ....159...43H viz 17       D               1 182 17 Spectroscopically identified cataclysmic variables from the LAMOST survey. I. The sample. HOU W., LUO A.-L., LI Y.-B., et al.
2020MNRAS.492L..40A viz 17       D               1 1220 31 Disentangling cataclysmic variables in Gaia's HR diagram. ABRIL J., SCHMIDTOBREICK L., EDEROCLITE A., et al.
2020MNRAS.498.3457S 17       D               2 39 23 Measuring the masses of magnetic white dwarfs: a NuSTAR legacy survey. SHAW A.W., HEINKE C.O., MUKAI K., et al.
2020A&A...643A.122S viz 17       D               1 3787 ~ Active deep learning method for the discovery of objects of interest in large spectroscopic surveys. SKODA P., PODSZTAVEK O. and TVRDIK P.
2021A&A...645A..18D viz 17       D               1 1681 ~ Onboard catalogue of known X-ray sources for SVOM/ECLAIRs. DAGONEAU N., SCHANNE S., RODRIGUEZ J., et al.
2021ApJS..256...28L viz 17       D               1 2206 16 Hot subdwarf atmospheric parameters, kinematics, and origins based on 1587 hot subdwarf stars observed in Gaia DR2 and LAMOST DR7. LUO Y., NEMETH P., WANG K., et al.
2021ApJS..257...65S viz 17       D               1 328 5 A catalog of 323 cataclysmic variables from LAMOST DR6. SUN Y., CHENG Z., YE S., et al.
2022A&A...657A..12J 45           X         1 11 1 X-ray confirmation of the intermediate polar IGR J16547-1916. JOSHI A., WANG W., PANDEY J.C., et al.
2022MNRAS.511.4937S 18       D               2 93 3 Hard X-ray luminosity functions of cataclysmic variables: joint Swift/BAT and Gaia data. SULEIMANOV V.F., DOROSHENKO V. and WERNER K.
2022ApJ...928...20B 18       D               2 1219 10 New Variable Hot Subdwarf Stars Identified from Anomalous Gaia Flux Errors, Observed by TESS, and Classified via Fourier Diagnostics. BARLOW B.N., CORCORAN K.A., PARKER I.M., et al.
2022ApJ...928..164C 1254     A D S   X C       27 19 6 Investigating the Low-flux States in Six Intermediate Polars. COVINGTON A.E., SHAW A.W., MUKAI K., et al.
2022AJ....163..246H 90           X         2 20 7 Hitting a New Low: The Unique 28 hr Cessation of Accretion in the TESS Light Curve of YY Dra (DO Dra). HILL K.L., LITTLEFIELD C., GARNAVICH P., et al.
2022RAA....22d5003Y 18       D               3 66 1 A Study on White Dwarf Masses in Cataclysmic Variables Based on XMM-Newton and Suzaku Observations. YU Z.-L., XU X.-J. and LI X.-D.
2022A&A...662A..40C viz 18       D               1 62976 9 The population of hot subdwarf stars studied with Gaia. IV. Catalogues of hot subluminous stars based on Gaia EDR3. CULPAN R., GEIER S., REINDL N., et al.
2023MNRAS.520.2942J 19       D               1 192 ~ VLBI astrometry on the white dwarf pulsar AR Scorpii. JIANG P., CUI L., YANG J., et al.
2023AJ....165..163C viz 19       D               1 1619 ~ Galactic Model Parameters and Spatial Density of Cataclysmic Variables in the Gaia Era: New Constraints on Population Models. CANBAY R., BILIR S., OZDONMEZ A., et al.
2023MNRAS.523.3192M 19       D               1 73 ~ The orbital period versus absolute magnitude relationship of intermediate polars: implications for low states and outbursts. MUKAI K. and PRETORIUS M.L.

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