V* R Cas , the SIMBAD biblio

V* R Cas , the SIMBAD biblio (704 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST06:02:49

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Title First 3 Authors
1895ApJ.....2..148K 17 0 Spectroscopic observations of colored stars. KREUGER F.
1915ApJ....41..247M 24 2 The radial velocities of stars of class Md. MERRILL P.W.
1921ApJ....53..179H 66 0 On the geometrical classification of long-period variables. HAGEN J.G.
1923ApJ....58..215M 132 14 The radial velocities of long-period variable stars. MERRILL P.W.
1950AJ.....55..180P 3 ~ A comparison of spectra of M-type stars with laboratory spectra of TiO. PHILLIPS J.G.
1952ApJ...116..344M 10 6 Measurements in the spectra of four long-period variable stars of class Me. MERRILL P.W.
1953ApJ...118..453M 7 35 The spectrum of chi Cygni near minimum light. MERRILL P.W.
1953GCRV..C......0W viz 13       D               1 15130 835 General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities WILSON R.E.
1954ApJS....1..175B 688 185 Catalogue and bibliography of emission-line stars of types later than B. BIDELMAN W.P.
1954VeSon...2..151A 40 1 Der Lichtwechsel von 46 hellen Mirasternen. AHNERT P.
1955JO.....38..285A 216 0 Observations d'etoiles variables a longues periodes ou irregulieres effectuees par les membres de l'Association Francaise d'Observateurs d'Etoiles Variables et recues durant les annees 1946 a 1952 a l'Observatoire de Lyon. ASSOCIATION FRANCAISE D'OBSERVATEURS D'ETOILES VARIABLES.
1956ApJ...123..210D 1 20 204 The circumstellar envelope of alpha Herculis. DEUTSCH A.J.
1956MNRAS.116..195P 18 0 Proceedings of Observatories. Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Victoria. PETRIE R.M.
1956JO.....39...12A 131 0 Observations d'etoiles variables. ASSOCIATION FRANCAISE D'OBSERVATEURS D'ETOILES VARIABLES.
1957PASP...69....5K 14 29 Stellar spectra in the red and near infrared. KEENAN P.C.
1962JO.....45..117B 175 12 Catalogue d'etoiles doubles ayant une composante variable. BAIZE P.
1963AJ.....68...57V 499 5 Micrometer measures of doubles stars. III. VAN DEN BOS W.H.
1963AJ.....68..483E 271 110 Three-color photometry of the components in 228 wide double and multiple systems. EGGEN O.J.
1964AJ.....69..534B 7 ~ Water in the atmospheres of planets. BOTTEMA W., PLUMMER T. and STRONG T.
1965PASP...77Q.138S 5 1 Progress report on H2 and H2O abundances in cool stars. SPINRAD H.
1965AnAp...28..212S 4 0 Rayonnement visible et infrarouge : Soleil, etoiles, planetes, cometes(VL-1). SWINGS P.
1966ApJ...143..291S 23 22 Further studies of the infrared spectra of cool stars the water deficiency in S stars and the variation of water abundance with Mira's phase. SPINRAD H., PYPER D.M., NEWBURN R.L.Jr, et al.
1966ApJS...13..333K 265 53 Catalogue of spectra of Mira variables of types Me and Se. KEENAN P.C.
1967ApJ...147..117W 34 69 Infrared stars. WING R.F., SPINRAD H. and KUHI L.V.
1967ApJ...147..575M 13 56 Infrared spectra of low-temperature stars. McCAMMON D., MUNCH G. and NEUGEBAUER G.
1967ApJS...14..307E 440 63 Narrow and broad-band photometry of red stars. I. Northern giants. EGGEN O.J.
1967JO.....50..359H 160 0 Observations visuelles d'etoiles variables par les membres de l'A.F.O.E.V. pendant l'annee 1966. HEINTZ W.D.
1969ApJ...158..261K 24 20 The anomalous behavior of aluminium oxide bands in Mira variables. KEENAN P.C., DEUTSCH A.J. and GARRISON R.F.
1969MNRAS.146..411C 266 78 Absolute magnitudes of Mira variables from statistical parallaxes. CLAYTON M.L. and FEAST M.W.
1969IzKry..39..114B 28 10 Absorption bands of titanium monoxide of alpha-system in stellar spectra of M class. BOYARCHUK M.E.
1970AJ.....75..785J viz 30 94 Infrared spectra for 32 stars. JOHNSON H.J. and MENDEZ M.E.
1970ApJ...160L..47L 2 3 38 Near-infrared photometry of two extremely red objects. LOCKWOOD G.W.
1970ApJ...162L...5F 17 10 Water absorption in the infrared spectrum of long-period variable stars and associated microwave emission. FROGEL J.A.
1970ApJ...162..203W 50 24 Near-infrared spectra of M, S, C stars. WYCKOFF S.
1970AN....292..185B 120 15 Beobachtungsergebnisse der Berliner Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Veranderliche Sterne e.V. (BAV). BRAUNE W., HUEBSCHER J. and MUNDRY E.
1971A&A....11..482P 83 11 A search for OH emission from infrared objects at 1612 MHz. PASCHENKO M., SLYSH V., STRUKOV I., et al.
1971A&A....14..154N 11 23 OH emission sources associated with long-period variable-infrared stars. NGUYEN-QUANG-RIEU, FILLIT R. and GHEUDIN M.
1971ApJ...164...83G 96 149 Observations of infrared radiation from cool stars. GILLETT F.C., MERRILL K.M. and STEIN W.A.
1971ApJ...164..383W 9 5 Minimum-light spectra of mira variables with very long periods. WYCKOFF S. and WEHINGER P.
1971ApJ...165..285G 111 363 Mass loss from M stars. GEHRZ R.D. and WOOLF N.J.
1971ApJ...169...63L 25 141 Light curves of Mira variables at 1.04 microns. LOCKWOOD G.W. and WING R.F.
1971IBVS..513....1B 142 4 Times of maximum for mira variables. BARNES T.G. and BARNES B.M.
1971PASJ...23..313M 7 11 Spectral analyses of some Mira-type long-period variable stars. MAEHARA H.
1972ApJ...177..523W 3 10 223 Infrared stars with strong 1665/1667-MHz OH microwave emission. WILSON W.J., SCHWARTZ P.R., NEUGEBAUER G., et al.
1972ApJS...24..375L 364 73 Near-infrared photometry of Mira variables. LOCKWOOD G.W.
1972PASP...84..424W 11 1 Minimum-light spectra of nine M-type variable stars. WYCKOFF S. and WEHINGER P.
1973AJ.....78.1074O 153 134 Absolute spectral energy distributions of common stellar types. O'CONNELL W.R.
1973ApJ...180..831D 183 59 New H20 sources associated with infrared stars. DICKINSON D.F., BECHIS K.P. and BARRETT A.H.
1973ApJ...181L.135D 31 58 Long-period variables: correlation of stellar period with OH radial-velocity pattern. DICKINSON D.F. and CHAISSON E.J.
1973ApJ...186..193M 76 73 Broad-band 20-micron photometry of 76 stars. MORRISON D. and SIMON T.
1973ApJ...186..581W 21 6 Spectroscopic observations of some infrared objects. WYCKOFF S. and WEHINGER P.
1973ApJ...186..989W 2 1 Revised period and minimum-light spectrum of NML Tauri. WYCKOFF S. and WEHINGER P.
1973ApJS...25..369B 238 34 An observational study of Mira variables. I. The near-infrared photometry. BARNES T.G.
1974A&A....32..191B 11 10 The 2 pi=1/2,J=1/2 state of OH and the infrared stars, associated with H20/OH microwave emission. BAUDRY A.
1974A&AS...15..215O 399 17 On the relationship between the apparent magnitudes given in several catalogues and the UBV system. OCHSENBEIN F.
1974ApJ...187...41W 21 115 Accurate positions of OH sources. WYNN-WILLIAMS C.G., WERNER M.W. and WILSON W.J.
1974ApJ...188..553F 22 2 Are 2-micron absorptions and 11-micron emissions of M stars related ? FAY T.D.
1974ApJ...189...89D 86 145 Infrared fluxes spectral types and temperatures for very cool stars. DYCK H.M., LOCKWOOD G.W. and CAPPS R.W.
1974ApJS...28..271K 264 75 Revised catalog of spectra of Mira variables of types Me and Se. KEENAN P.C., GARRISON R.F. and DEUTSCH A.J.
1974JRASC..68..112M 56 2 Variable star notes. MATTEI J.A.
1974IAUS...60..423C 38 16 Radio observations of IR/OH/H2O stars. CASWELL J.L.
1975A&A....43..175F 249 37 A study of Mira variables. Implications for OH stars and galactic evolution. FOY R., HECK A. and MENNESSIER M.O.
1975ApJ...195..359K 28 89 Vibrationally excited SiO: a new type of maser source in the millimeter wavelength region. KAIFU N., BUHL D. and SNYDER L.E.
1975ApJ...197..329S 29 100 Detection of new stellar sources of vibrationally excited silicon monoxide maser emission at 6.95 millimeters. SNYDER L.E. and BUHL D.
1975ApJ...199..131D 33 82 Long-period variables: further work on the correlation of period with OH radial-velocity pattern. DICKINSON D.F., KOLLBERG E. and YNGVESSON S.
1975ApJ...200..584H 46 29 Constraints on the molecular properties of interstellar oxygen derived from radio observations. HOLLIS J.M. and SNYDER L.E.
1975ApJS...29..375W 19 51 Radial velocities of stars with microwave maser emission. I. Long-period variables. WALLERSTEIN G.
1975JRASC..69..101M 48 1 Variable star notes. MATTEI J.A.
1975MitVS...7...30B 38 0 Visuelle Beobachtungen von R CrB 1972 bis 1974. BLASBERG H.-J.
1976A&A....48..269L 107 34 New H2O sources associated with late-type stars. LEPINE J.R.D., PAES DE BARROS M.H. and GAMMON R.H.
1976ApJ...207..784R 37 30 On the stellar velocity of long-period variables and OH maser stars. REID M.J.
1976ApJ...209..505R 2 7 94 The stellar velocity of long-period variables. REID M.J. and DICKINSON D.F.
1976ApJS...30..259D 245 66 Water emission from infrared stars. DICKINSON D.F.
1977A&A....56..219L 83 28 Characteristics of the H2 O emission from Mira variables. LEPINE J.R.D. and PAES DE BARROS M.H.
1977A&A....57..115B 105 53 OH Mira variables-the light curve shapes and implications for mass loss. BOWERS P.F. and KERR F.J.
1977A&A....58..105W 171 22 Observations of radio stars at 10.6 GHz. WOODSWORTH A.W. and HUGHES V.A.
1977A&A....58..281F 1 7 36 Time variation of some type I OH Mira sources and correlation with their visual magnitude. FILLIT R., PROUST D. and LEPINE J.R.D.
1977AJ.....82..908C 9 19 Wavelength dependence of polarization. XXXII. Narrow-band polarization effects in cool stars. COYNE G.V. and MAGALHAES A.M.
1977ApJ...211L..97Z 74 98 Expanding molecular envelopes around evolved stars. ZUCKERMAN B., PALMER P., MORRIS M., et al.
1977ApJ...212L.135C 15 15 SiO maser luminosities in Mira variables. CAHN J.H.
1977ApJ...215..552B 92 25 SiO masers in variable stars. BLAIR G.N. and DICKINSON D.F.
1977PASP...89..320P 1 3 17 Spectra of late-type stars from 4-8 mu. PUETTER R.C., RUSSELL R.W., SELLGREN K., et al.
1977PASP...89..391W 8 1 A search for water vapor absorption lines in maser stars. WALLERSTEIN G., HARRISON H. and ANTONUCCI R.
1977PASP...89..688S 5 1 On the existence of pairs of carbon stars. SCALO J.M., DEEMING T. and EDWARDS D.A.
1977AN....298..121B 249 18 Beobachtungsergebnisse der Berliner Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur veranderliche Sterne e.V.(BAV). BRAUNE W., HUEBSCHER J. and MUNDRY E.
1977JRASC..71..298W 6 10 Are long-period variables really pulsating ? WALLERSTEIN G.
1977PZ.....20..369K 84 1 Proper motions of 84 Mira ceti type stars. KARIMOVA D.K. and PAVLOVSKAJA E.D.
1977PZ.....20..413K 8 0 Infrared observations of the variable stars. I. RIJKLMN photometry of the 8 objects. KOLOTILOV E.A., LIBERMAN A.A. and TARANOVA O.G.
1977PASJ...29..511N 54 36 Three micron absorption band of carbon stars. NOGUCHI K., MAIHARA T., OKUDA H., et al.
1977RMxAA...2...71J viz 17 7 An atlas of stellar spectra.I. JOHNSON H.L.
1978A&A....68L..23T 1 3 16 A possible identification of H2O thermal emission in the infrared spectra of late-type stars. TSUJI T.
1978AJ.....83...26S 2 3 35 Airborne infrared spectrophotometry of Mira variables. STRECKER D.W., ERICKSON E.F. and WITTEBORN F.C.
1978AJ.....83...36D 95 26 New silicon monoxide masers. DICKINSON D.F., SNYDER L.E., BROWN L.W., et al.
1978AJ.....83.1206K 81 35 Stellar H 2 O masers. KLEINMANN S.G., DICKINSON D.F. and SARGENT D.G.
1978ApJ...220L.113D 15 59 Long-period variables: stellar and expansion velocities. DICKINSON D.F., REID M.J., MORRIS M., et al.
1978ApJ...221..788C 23 74 Near-infrared luminosity-sensitive features in M dwarfs and giants, and in M31 and M32. COHEN J.G.
1978ApJ...221..854L 1 6 48 Constraints on the properties of circumstellar shells from observations of thermal CO and SiO millimeter line emission. LAMBERT D.L. and VANDEN BOUT P.A.
1978ApJ...223L.113M 9 16 Apparent variation in the diameter of omicron Ceti at 10.2 microns. McCARTHY D.W., HOWELL R. and LOW F.J.
1978ApJ...224..512S 8 35 Detection of a weak maser emission pedestal associated with the SiO maser. SNYDER L.E., DICKINSON D.F., BROWN L.W., et al.
1978ApJ...226L..43F 5 17 Methane detected in Orion A. FOX K. and JENNINGS D.E.
1978IBVS.1437....1H 57 0 Visual observations of Mira type variable stars. HOPP U.
1978IBVS.1513....1P 88 2 V-R colours of red variable stars. PYL'SKAJA O.P., ZAKHAROVA P.E. and POLUSHINA T.S.
1978RMxAA...4....3J viz 50 11 An atlas of stellar spectra. II. JOHNSON H.L.
1979A&A....72...39L 35 21 New OH sources in CRL objects and late type stars. LE SQUEREN A.M., BAUDRY A., BRILLET J., et al.
1979A&A....75..351N 93 78 OH maser luminosity and expansion velocity gradient in Mira envelopes. NGUYEN-QUANG-RIEU, LAURY-MICOULAUT C., WINNBERG A., et al.
1979A&A....79L...5F 2 2 26 Angular diameter of IRC +10216, Mira, R Cas and GL 2591 in the near infrared. FOY R., CHELLI A., SIBILLE F., et al.
1979AJ.....84.1349S 10 17 The relative intensity and velocity of SiO J=1-0,V=1 and 2 masers. SCHWARTZ P.R., WAAK J.A. and BOLOGNA J.M.
1979AJ.....84.1374L 56 41 Technetium in late-type stars. I. Observations. LITTLE-MARENIN I.R. and LITTLE S.J.
1979ApJ...227..220W 2 19 247 Pulsation and mass loss in Mira variables. WOOD P.R.
1979ApJ...229..257M 16 73 Molecular emission from expanding envelopes around evolved stars. II. Sio: on the mechanism of mass loss and the efficiency of grain formation. MORRIS M., REDMAN R., REID M.J., et al.
1979ApJ...230..449S 34 45 The structure of H2O masers associated with late-type stars. SPENCER JONES H., JOHNSTON K.J., MORAN J.M., et al.
1979ApJ...231..124C 17 29 A correlation between sio and stellar luminosities in long-period variables and the nature of the SiO maser pump mechanism. CAHN J.H. and ELITZUR M.
1979ApJ...232..143T 15 39 Polarization properties of the 86.2 GHz V=1,J=2 1 SiO maser. TROLAND T.H., HEILES C., JOHNSON D.R., et al.
1979ApJ...233..611F 1 9 75 16-39 micron spectroscopy of oxygen-rich stars. FORREST W.J., McCARTHY J.F. and HOUCK J.R.
1979ApJS...41..191J 8 33 Monitoring of OH maser emission from late-type stars. JEWELL P.R., ELITZUR M., WEBBER J.C., et al.
1979PASP...91..830S 126 ~ Molecular line observations of AFGL sources. ST CLAIR DINGER A., DICKINSON D.F., GOTTLIEB C.A., et al.
1979AN....300..165B 191 19 Beobachtungsergebnisse der Berliner Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Veranderliche Sterne eV.(BAV). BRAUNE W., HUEBSCHER J. and MUNDRY E.
1979PZP.....3..579P 88 0 Photoelectric observations of variable stars of late spectral types. PYL'SKAJA O.P., ZAKHAROVA P.E. and POLUSHINA T.S.
1979PZP.....3..585K 8 0 The photoelectric observations of Mira Ceti type stars. KISSELJOVA T.K.
1980A&A....85L...1E 13 32 Infrared photometry of Mira variables. EPCHTEIN N., GUIBERT J., RIEU N.Q., et al.
1980A&AS...42..141M 29 23 Near infrared polarimetry of cool stars. McCALL A. and HOUGH J.H.
1980ApJ...242L..29J 14 44 The linear shell diameter of IRC +10011. JEWELL P.R., WEBBER J.C. and SNYDER L.E.
1980AcA....30..191D 68 T                   1 1 0 Identification of Paschen series in emission in the spectrum of the long-period variable star
R Cas.
1980BICDS..19...41H 368 1 Discordances between SAO and HD numbers for Bright Stars. HOFFLEIT D.
1980PDAO...15..340H 13 ~ Photoelectric measures of M stars observed at Mt. Kobau (1971-1975). HILL G., BROSTERHUS E.B.F., HILDITCH R.W., et al.
1981A&A....93..325M 60 4 Near infrared photometry and OH observations of Mira variables. Implications for stellar evolution. MENNESSIER M.O.
1981A&A...102...65B 17 61 Collisional and radiative excitation of SIO masers. BUJARRABAL V. and RIEU N.Q.
1981A&AS...44..179P 310 51 A catalogue of variable-visual binary stars. PROUST D., OCHSENBEIN F. and PETTERSEN B.R.
1981AJ.....86...84Z 18 14 Carbon monoxide microwave emission from stars in the two-mocron sky survey. ZUCKERMAN B.
1981AJ.....86..392S 172 80 First observations with the Effelsberg radio telescope at 7-mm wavelength. II. A survey of stars in the vibrationally excited J=1-0 Sio lines. SPENCER JONES H., WINNBERG A., OLNON F.M., et al.
1981AJ.....86.1935C 30 5 The correlation of SIO maser flux with stellar flux. CAHN J.H.
1981ApJ...244L..99C 6 21 Detection of the 3.5 millimeter j = 2-1, v = 2 transition of circumstellar SiO. CLARK F.O., TROLAND T.H., LOVAS F.J., et al.
1981ApJ...247L..81O 13 35 Detection of the SIO (V=2,J=2-1) maser. OLOFSSON H., RYDBECK O.E.H., LANE A.P., et al.
1981AN....302...53B 209 12 Beobachtungsergebnisse der Berliner Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Veranderliche Sterne e.V.(BAV). BRAUNE W., HUEBSCHER J. and MUNDRY E.
1981MitVS...9...80. 78 0 Beobachtingsergebnisse des Arbeitskreises "Veranderliche Sterne" im Kulturbund der DDR (Teil VIII).
1981RMxAA...6..145W 17 5 Narrow-band photometry in the 1-4 mu-M region: calibration and applications. WING R.F. and RINSLAND C.P.
1982A&A...107..128O 6 6 193 High sensitivity molecular line observations of IRC +10216. OLOFSSON H., JOHANSSON L.E.B., HJALMARSON A., et al.
1982A&A...112..167U 18 6 Possible correlations of expansion velocity with period and 1 mum intensity variation in Mira variables. UKITA N.
1982AJ.....87.1803C 2 8 Observations of SiO maser emission from R Leo during its summer 1981 maximum. CLARK F.O., WAAK J.A. and BOLOGNA J.M.
1982ApJ...252..616K 1 36 287 Mass loss from evolved stars. I. Observations of 17 stars in the CO(2-1) line. KNAPP G.R., PHILLIPS T.G., LEIGHTON R.B., et al.
1982ApJ...252..697H 8 5 204 Time series infrared spectroscopy of the Mira variable khi Cygni. HINKLE K.H., HALL D.N.B. and RIDGWAY S.T.
1982ApJ...255L..69J 17 11 New circumstellar cyanoacetylene sources. JEWELL P.R. and SNYDER L.E.
1982ApJ...256L..55S 6 24 Nearly simultaneous observations of vibrationally excited J=1-O, J=2-1,J=3-2, and J=4-3 SiO masers. SCHWARTZ P.R., ZUCKERMAN B. and BOLOGNA J.M.
1982ApJ...256..151M 14 19 A search for interstellar and stellar iron monoxide. MERER A.J., WALMSLEY C.M. and CHURCHWELL E.
1982ApJ...257..161W 6 16 Masing and nonmasing silicon monoxide emission from evolved stars. WOLFF R.S. and CARLSON E.R.
1982ApJ...261..569C 75 T                   1 1 30 Polarization properties of the 86 GHz SiO maser emission from
R Cassiopeiae.
1982ApJ...262..201R 74 37 Observations of the first-overtone silicon monoxide bands in late-type stars. RINSLAND C.P. and WING R.F.
1982ApJ...263..716M 10 6 Search for maser emission by water vapor in the nu2 excited vibrational state. MYERS P.C. and BARRETT A.H.
1982PASP...94..835H 59 19 Observations of cool stars at 20,25 and 33 muM. HAGEN W.
1982ChA&A...6..104S 42 0 A further discussion on the mass loss of Mira stars. SUN J., WU S.-M. and FAN Y.
1983A&A...121...15U 26 26 Hydrogen sulfide in a circumstellar envelope. UKITA N. and MORRIS M.
1983A&A...128..335P 25 42 The IR silicate features as a measure of grain size in circumstellar dust. PAPOULAR R. and PEGOURIE B.
1983A&AS...52..299S 564 12 New optical positions and proper motions of late type stars associated with SiO masers. SOULIE G. and BAUDRY A.
1983ApJ...266L.117C 6 15 Detection of J = 5-4 SiO masers in late-type stars. CLEMENS D.P. and LANE A.P.
1983ApJ...267..184H 7 31 SiS maser emission from IRC +10216. HENKEL C., MATTHEWS H.E. and MORRIS M.
1983ApJ...275..225W 124 32 Kinematics and ages of Mira variables in the greater solar neighborhood. WYATT S.P. and CAHN J.H.
1983MNRAS.202..767R 89 144 Radiative transfer in dust clouds- III. Circumstellar dust shells around late M giants and supergiants. ROWAN-ROBINSON M. and HARRIS S.
1983MNRAS.203..125C 1 6 45 Circumstellar silicon chemistry and the SiO maser. CLEGG R.E.S., VAN IJZENDOORN L.J. and ALLAMANDOLA L.J.
1983Ap&SS..94..333H 4 19 Observationally-based infrared efficiencies and Planck means for circumstellar dust grains. HENNING T., GURTLER J. and DORSCHNER J.
1983Ap&SS..97..405H 4 12 The nature of the 10 and 20 micrometer features in circumstellar dust shells. HENNING T.
1983MitVS...9..163D 71 ~ Beobachtungsergebnisse des Arbeitskreises "Veranderliche Sterne" im kulturbund der DDR (Teil IX). DDR ARBEITSKREIS.
1983MitVS..10...42. 79 0 Beobachtungsergebnisse des Arbeitskreises "veranderliche Sterne" im Kulturbund der DDR (Teil IX).
1984A&A...130L...1J 44 42 SiO maser emission from OH/IR stars and a search for Orion-like SiO masers. JEWELL P.R., BATRLA W., WALMSLEY C.M., et al.
1984ApJ...283..174C 6 11 SiO flux measurements of variable stars. CLARK F.O., TROLAND T.H., PEPPER G.H., et al.
1984ApJ...285..637B 110 96 Luminosities and mass loss rates of OH/H2O maser stars. BOWERS P.F. and HAGEN W.
1984ApJ...286..310K 14 6 A search for 183 GHz emission from water in late-type stars. KUIPER T.B.H., SWANSON P.N., DICKINSON D.F., et al.
1984ApJS...56....1H 3 9 136 Time series infrared spectroscopy of Mira variables. II. CO delta v =3 in eight Mira variables and one SRa variable. HINKLE K.H., SCHARLACH W.W.G. and HALL D.N.B.
1984AcApS...4...96T 7 0 The spatial density distribution and luminosity function of OH/IR maser sources. TONG Y., SUN J., XIE S.-D., et al.
1984Ap&SS.107..373Z 41 5 JHK photometry for some stellar maser sources. ZHOU K.P., HAO Y.-X., CHEN P.-S., et al.
1984BAAS...16Q.898B 4 2 A periodic shock wave model for Mira variable atmospheres. BERTSCHINGER E. and CHEVALIER R.A.
1984MitVS..10..104G 79 0 Beobachtungsgebnisse des Arbeitskreises "Veranderliche Sterne" im Kulturbund der DDR (Teil XI). GESSNER H.
1985A&A...142L...9B 31 28 First spectroscopic observations with the 14-m radio telescope at the Centro Astronomico de Yebes : SiO masers in evolved stars. BARCIA A., BUJARRABAL V., GOMEZ-GONZALEZ J., et al.
1985A&A...144..463M 207 10 A classification of miras from their visual and near-infrared light curves : an attempt to correlate them with their evolution. MENNESSIER M.O.
1985A&A...147..309N 8 28 Time variations of the SiO (v = O, J = 2-1) emission from circumstellar shells. NYMAN L.-A. and OLOFSSON H.
1985A&A...150..169O 8 31 The peculiar SiO (v=2, J=2-1) maser in khi Cygni. OLOFSSON H., RYDBECK O.E.H. and NYMAN L.-A.
1985ApJ...288..694B 9 42 A multitransitional study of linear polarization in SiO maser emission. BARVAINIS R. and PREDMORE C.R.
1985ApJ...289..756C 4 17 Polarization properties and time variations of the SiO maser emission of W Hydrae. CLARK F.O., TROLAND T.H. and MILLER J.S.
1985ApJ...292..640K 1 105 648 Mass loss from evolved stars. III. Mass loss rates for fifty stars from CO J = 1-0 observations. KNAPP G.R. and MORRIS M.
1985ApJ...293..273K 52 177 Mass loss from evolved stars. IV. The dust-to-gas ratio in the envelopes of Mira variables and carbon stars. KNAPP G.R.
1985ApJ...293..281K 19 48 Mass loss from evolved stars. V. Observations of the 12CO and 13CO J = 1-0 lines in Mira variables and carbon stars. KNAPP G.R. and CHANG K.M.
1985ApJ...295..183J 48 20 The detection of rotationally excited OH emission toward the probable young planetary nebula Vy 2-2. JEWELL P.R., SCHENEWERK M.S. and SNYDER L.E.
1985ApJ...298L..55J 64 31 New detections of maser and thermal SiO emission. JEWELL P.R., WALMSLEY C.M., WILSON T.L., et al.
1985ApJ...299..167B 2 4 40 A periodic shock wave model for Mira variable atmospheres. BERTSCHINGER E. and CHEVALIER R.A.
1985ApJS...58..167L 173 38 Near-infrared photometry of unidentified IRC stars. III. The Mira variables of spectral type M10. LOCKWOOD G.W.
1985MNRAS.212..671D 13 7 Line doubling in the 272 day long-period variable V Cancri. DOMINY J.F., WALLERSTEIN G. and SUNTZEFF N.B.
1985MNRAS.216p..35F 19 ~ A search for H2CO emission towards OH masers. FORSTER J.R., GOSS W.M., GARDNER F.F., et al.
1985PASP...97.1001W 7 7 The optical spectrum of the flaring maser star U Orionis at several maxima between 1973 and 1983. WALLERSTEIN G.
1985AcASn..26..235Z 39 2 Near infrared photometry for stellar maser sources. ZHOU K.-P., HAO Y.-X., CHEN P.-S., et al.
1985ATsir1394....6D 69 T                   1 1 0 On radial velocity of
R Cas.
1985MitVS..10..163. 79 0 Beobachtungsergebnisse des Arbeitskreises "Verand. Sterne" im Kulturbund der DDR (Teil XII).
1986A&A...156..199P 1 5 26 Condensation, growth and acceleration of grains in circumstellar shells : an observer's view. PAPOULAR R. and PEGOURIE B.
1986A&A...158...67N 1 10 71 A long-term study of SiO (v=1, J=2-1) maser emission from evolved stars and Orion A. NYMAN L.-A. and OLOFSSON H.
1986A&A...162..157B 24 61 Thermal SiO emission in evolved stars. BUJARRABAL V., PLANESAS P., GOMEZ-GONZALEZ J., et al.
1986A&A...165L...1G 16 29 SO2 and SO in circumstellar envelopes. GUILLOTEAU S., LUCAS R., NGUYEN-Q-RIEU, et al.
1986A&AS...65..607O 5417 387 IRAS catalogues and atlases. Atlas of Low-Resolution Spectra. OLNON F.M., RAIMOND E. (The IRAS Science Team)
1986AJ.....92..416S 13 13 Monitoring observations of selected SIO maser sources at 7mm wavelength : 1977-1979. SNYDER L.E., JEWELL P.R., DINGER A.S., et al.
1986ApJ...304L..29V 1 19 88 IRAS low-resolution spectrograph observations of silicate and molecular SiO emission in Mira variables. VARDYA M.S., DE JONG T. and WILLEMS F.J.
1986ApJ...310..838A 5 2 40 Physical conditions near red giant and supergiant stars : an interpretation of SiO VLBI maps. ALCOCK C. and ROSS R.R.
1986ApJ...311..345Z 163 204 Dust grains and gas in the circumstellar envelopes around luminous red giant stars. ZUCKERMAN B. and DYCK H.M.
1986MNRAS.222..273R 136 118 Models for IRAS observations of circumstellar dust shells around late-type stars. ROWAN-ROBINSON M., LOCK T.D., WALKER D.W., et al.
1986Afz....25...83V 57 0 The dependence of I - K colours from the periods of brightness changes of maser sources. VARDANIAN R.A.
1986MitVS..11...19. 91 0 Beobachtungsergebnisse des Arbeitskreises "Veranderliche Sterne" im Kulturbund der DDR (Teil XIII).
1987A&A...173L..11L 1 20 106 Very cold IRAS objects and pre-planetary nebulae: CO observations. LIKKEL L., OMONT A., MORRIS M., et al.
1987A&A...175..164B 89 57 SiO maser emission in evolved stars: relation to IR continuum. BUJARRABAL V., PLANESAS P. and DEL ROMERO A.
1987A&A...178..131H 22 1 Pulsational long-term behaviour of the cool oxygen-rich Mira variable R Leonis. II. Results and discussion. HOEPPE G.R.
1987A&A...182...75V 108 10 Shape of the visual light curve and detection of a 1.35 cm H2O line in single M Miras. VARDYA M.S.
1987A&A...182..143M 12 24 Searches for interstellar and circumstellar metal oxides and chlorides. MILLAR T.J., ELLDER J., HJALMARSON A., et al.
1987A&A...186..136B 7 8 236 Dust shells around Miras and OH/IR stars: interpretation of IRAS and other infrared measurements. BEDIJN P.J.
1987AJ.....94..771D 463 11 On the (B-V) colors of the bright stars. DAVIDSON G.T., CLAFLIN E.S. and HAISCH B.M.
1987AJ.....94..981L 277 144 Additional late-type stars with technetium. LITTLE S.J., LITTLE-MARENIN I.R. and HAGEN BAUER W.
1987AJ.....94.1280D 26 28 A radio-continuum survey of the coolest M and C giants. DRAKE S.A., LINSKY J.L. and ELITZUR M.
1987ApJ...315..654V 468 41 On the contribution of interstellar extinction to the 10 micron dust feature in OH/IR stars. VOLK K. and KWOK S.
1987ApJ...323..306M 2 5 51 Photochemistry and molecular ions in oxygen-rich circumstellar envelopes. MAMON G.A., GLASSGOLD A.E. and OMONT A.
1987ApJ...323..749J 19 37 High-excitation SiO masers in evolved stars. JEWELL P.R., DICKINSON D.F., SNYDER L.E., et al.
1987ApJ...323..756L 1 14 88 H2O masers in circumstellar envelopes. LANE A.P., JOHNSTON K.J., BOWERS P.F., et al.
1987AISAO..24...85A 53 6 The variability of H2O maser emission at 1.35 cm wavelength. I. Observational data. ABRAMYAN L.E., VENGER A.P., GOSACHINSKIJ I.V., et al.
1987Ap&SS.136..133P 22 10 Optical properties of circumstellar silicates in the visible and the near-infrared. PEGOURIE B.
1987Ap&SS.139...63S 15 10 Evidence for the effect of the interstellar far UV-radiation on circumstellar shells. SZYMCZAK M.
1987Natur.329..613B 2 8 86 Evidence for strong magnetic fields in the inner envelopes of late-type stars. BARVAINIS R., McINTOSH G. and PREDMORE C.R.
1987IAUS..120..341S 16 6 Observational constraints on silicon chemistry in the circumstellar envelopes of red giants. SAHAI R.
1987IAUS..122..197H 18 20 IRAS results on circumstellar shells. HABING H.J.
1987IAUS..122..221V 7 2 Is there a signature of the IRAS LRS spectra of some Mira variables ? VARDYA M.S.
1988A&A...201L...1G 3 6 90 First detection of the aromatic 3.3mum feature in the diffuse emission of the galactic disk. GIARD M., PAJOT F., LAMARRE J.M., et al.
1988A&A...205L..15L 47 64 Carbon-bearing molecules and SiS in oxygen-rich circumstellar envelopes. LINDQVIST M., NYMAN L.-A., OLOFSSON H., et al.
1988A&A...205..105B 4 4 74 Pulsation, mass loss and evolution of upper asymptotic giant branch stars. I. Interpretation of the period distribution and the 1612 MHz OH maser luminosity function of local Miras and OH/IR variables. BEDIJN P.J.
1988A&A...206..285S 279 60 Criteria for OH maser emission from circumstellar envelopes of oxygen-rich Mira-type red giants. SIVAGNANAM P., LE SQUEREN A.M. and FOY F.
1988A&AS...72..463B 20 21 Absorption line radial velocities of Miras. BARBIER M., MAYOR M., MENNESSIER M.O., et al.
1988A&AS...73..181V 380 9 Classification of Mira variables based on visual light curve shape. VARDYA M.S.
1988A&AS...74..273M 17 58 A long-term short-spaced monitoring of SiO maser emission. MARTINEZ A., BUJARRABAL V. and ALCOLEA J.
1988A&AS...76..445C 366 96 A catalogue of H2O maser sources north of delta = -30. CESARONI R., PALAGI F., FELLI M., et al.
1988ApJ...326..292W 38 17 Radial velocities of stars with microwave maser emission. III. Semiregular variables. WALLERSTEIN G. and DOMINY J.F.
1988ApJ...331..932T 89 12 A unified formula for mass-loss rate of O to M stars. TARAFDAR S.P.
1988ApJ...334..362C 280 110 The transition from oxygen-rich to carbon stars. CHAN S.J. and KWOK S.
1988MNRAS.231..169S 18 21 Circumstellar environments - II. The silicate emission band and cool stellar mass loss rates. SKINNER C.J. and WHITMORE B.
1988BICDS..34..117L 105 1 AGK3 stars with spuriously large proper motions. LOPEZ C. and SANGUIN J.G.
1988BAAS...20..724L 8 0 AFGL mosaic array spectrometer - measurements of circumstellar shells. LEVAN P.D., TANDY P.C. and HAYWARD T.
1988PZ.....22..923A 7 0 Some results of Mira type star's light curve approximation. ANDRONOV I.L. and KUDASHKINA L.S.
1988IAUS..129..259M 2 0 SiO maser observations - VLBI and polarimetry. McINTOSH G.C., PREDMORE C.R., MORAN J.M., et al.
1989A&A...208...77H 77 33 A multifrequency study of circumstellar envelopes of cool giants and supergiants. HESKE A.
1989A&A...209..165V 176 9 IRAS low resolution spectrograph spectral class and M and S Miras. VARDYA M.S.
1989A&A...211..187A 38 36 v = 3, J = 1-0 SiO maser emission from evolved stars. ALCOLEA J., BUJARRABAL V. and GALLEGO J.D.
1989A&A...211..341S 64 56 OH properties of Mira stars. SIVAGNANAM P., LE SQUEREN A.M., FOY F., et al.
1989A&A...213..209B 2 11 117 The effects of photospheric extension upon the spectra of M-type Mira variables. BESSELL M.S., BRETT J.M., SCHOLZ M., et al.
1989A&A...215L...9B 8 20 A new circumstellar maser : 30SiO. BARCIA A., ALCOLEA J. and BUJARRABAL V.
1989A&A...215...92G 29 62 The galactic emission in the 3.3 mu-m aromatic feature. I. Observations. GIARD M., PAJOT F., LAMARRE J.M., et al.
1989A&A...218..169O 38 145 A study of M Mira variables based on IRAS LRS observations. I. Dust formation in the circumstellar shell. ONAKA T., DE JONG T. and WILLEMS F.J.
1989A&A...219..256B 1 15 68 CO and SiO thermal emission in evolved stars. BUJARRABAL V., GOMEZ-GONZALEZ J. and PLANESAS P.
1989A&A...220...92S 24 31 The centimeter radio continuum from IRC +10216 and other late-type stars with mass-loss envelopes. SAHAI R., CLAUSSEN M.J. and MASSON C.R.
1989A&A...226..183V 168 55 A comparison between CO-, OH- and IR-mass-loss rates of evolved stars. VAN DER VEEN W.E.C.J. and RUGERS M.
1989A&AS...81..261O 109 21 A study of M Mira variables based on IRAS LRS observations. II. Modelfits and derived parameters for 109 Miras. ONAKA T., DE JONG T. and WILLEMS F.J.
1989A&AS...81..323E 189 32 A reference catalogue of maser and thermal emission from circumstellar SiO molecules. ENGELS D. and HESKE A.
1989AJ.....97.1089B 76 29 Single-dish and interferometer measurements of water-maser polarization. BARVAINIS R. and DEGUCHI S.
1989AJ.....97.1403M 106 75 A survey of cyclopropenylidene (C3H2) in galactic sources. MADDEN S.C., IRVINE W.M., MATTHEWS H.E., et al.
1989AJ.....97.1763B 16 11 10 mu.m speckle interferometry observations of evolved stars. BENSON J.A., TURNER N.H. and DYCK H.M.
1989ApJ...337..934M 115 T K                 1 1 42 VLBI and polarimetric observations of the SiO masers in

R Cassiopeiae
1989ApJ...343..369S 31 85 Theoretical studies of the infrared emission from circumstellar dust shells : the infrared characteristics of circumstellar silicates and the mass-loss rate of oxygen-rich late-type giants. SCHUTTE W.A. and TIELENS A.G.G.M.
1989MNRAS.238.1365H 1 4 20 Zirconium sulphide in S stars. HINKLE K.H., LAMBERT D.L. and WING R.F.
1989JBAA...99..121I 70 T                   1 6 12 Mira stars - II : R Cam,
R Cas, W Cas, S Cep, T Cep, U Cyg and S Del.
1989MitVS..12....9G 227 0 Optical behaviour of the X-ray binary V1727 Cygni = 4U 2129+47 in the season 1988/1989. GOETZ W.
1989MitVS..12...16. 106 0 Beobachtungsergebnisse des Arbeitskreises "Veraenderliche Sterne" im Kulturbund der DDR (Teil XVI).
1989PAZh...15.1020T 13 3 Spectral classification of the cool component in the CH Cygni system (1975-1988). TARANOVA O.G. and SHENAVRIN V.I.
1989PBeiO..14...12L 1243 0 Third preliminary catalogue of stars observed with the photoelectric astrolabe of the Beijing Astronomical Observatory. LU L.-Z.
1989TarOT..94....1N 399 6 Mass loss from stars : the universal formula for mass loss rate. NUGIS T.
1989IAUS..131..451A 8 0 Some dependences for long-period variables and a possible scheme of their evolution. ANDRONOV I.L., KUDASHKINA L.S. and RUDNITSKIJ G.M.
1990A&A...229..494H 43 35 Circumstellar CO emission and pulsational properties of cool giants and supergiants. HESKE A.
1990A&A...232..258B 56 19 Optical positions of late-type stars associated with microwave line emission. BAUDRY A., MAZURIER J.-M., PERIE J.-P., et al.
1990A&AS...84..179C 408 163 The Arcetri atlas of H2O maser sources. COMORETTO G., PALAGI F., CESARONI R., et al.
1990AJ.....99.1173L 288 111 Emission features in IRAS LRS spectra of Mira variables. LITTLE-MARENIN I.R. and LITTLE S.J.
1990AJ.....99.1299W 30 41 Absolute positions of SiO masers. WRIGHT M.C.H., CARLSTROM J.E., PLAMBECK R.L., et al.
1990ApJ...361..673M 93 57 CO emission from the envelopes of cool stars in the solar neighborhood. MARGULIS M., VAN BLERKOM D.J., SNELL R.L., et al.
1990ApJ...362..652S 1 13 53 A new self-consistent model of circumstellar CO emission for deriving mass-loss rates in red giants. I. The carbon-rich star U Camelopardalis. SAHAI R.
1990AcASn..31..267X 85 3 Optical positions of the radio stars and the radio sources. XU T.-Q., LU P.-Z., WANG S.-H., et al.
1990AISAO..29..136D 3 0 The radial velocity of Mira variables in optical spectra. DERVIZ T.E. and MILYUTIKOVA S.V.
1990ATsir1543....9P 70 T                   1 1 1 Water maser outbursts in the long-period variable
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1990AZh....67..293R 4 7 The influence of shock waves on the intensity of emission of circumstellar H2O masers. RUDNITSKIJ G.M. and CHUPRIKOV A.A.
1990AZh....67..982K 9 0 Technetium abundances in the atmospheres of red giants. KIPPER T.A.
1990JAVSO..19...47M 39 1 Some results of Hungarian variable star observers. MIZSER A., SZATMARY K. and TEPLICZKY I.
1990PASJ...42..441N 39 24 Infrared spectra of carbon stars with silicate-like emission. NOGUCHI K., MURAKAMI H., MATSUO H., et al.
1990S&W....29..584W 2 0 Spatstadien der Sternentwicklung. WEIDEMANN V.
1990VilOB..85...50J 233 5 Photoelectric photometry of G-M stars in the Vilnius system. JASEVICIUS V., KURILIENE G., STRAZDAITE V., et al.
1991A&A...242..211J 182 102 Observational properties of v = 1, J = 1 - 0 SiO masers. JEWELL P.R., SNYDER L.E., WALMSLEY C.M., et al.
1991A&A...248..555W 48 70 1.3 mm continuum emission from circumstellar envelopes. WALMSLEY C.M., CHINI R., KREYSA E., et al.
1991A&AS...89..311R viz 156 29 Optical positions of 221 radio stars obtained with the Bordeaux automaticmeridian circle. REQUIEME Y. and MAZURIER J.M.
1991AJ....101..254L 46 20 Some effects of dust formation on M and C stars. II. Expansion velocities. LEWIS B.M.
1991ApJ...377..647M 34 41 321 GHz submillimeter water masers around evolved stars. MENTEN K.M. and MELNICK G.J.
1991ApJ...383..779T 9 21 The mode of pulsation in Mira variables determined by the observed acceleration data. TUCHMAN Y.
1991AcApS..11..255C 317 2 Stellar maser characteristics and their analysis based on IRAS data. CHEN P.-S., GAO H. and BAO M.-X.
1991Afz....35..221K 37 0 Photometric technique for selecting cool carbon stars. KHOZOV G.V.
1991Ap&SS.177...73L 31 0 New proper motions for some AGK3 stars. LOPEZ C.E.
1991ChA&A..15...19X 83 ~ Optical positions of radio stars and radio sources. XU T.-Q., LU P.-Z., WANG S.-H., et al.
1991ChA&A..15..306S 17 ~ Near infrared photometry and analysis of OH maser stars of different types. SUN J., FANG G. and WEI H.
1991KFNT....7d..81T 6 ~ Determination of the angles of mutual orientation of radio and optical systems of reference using the radioastronomical and optical star positions. TEL'NYUK-ADAMCHUK V.V., DUMA D.P. and SVIDUNOVICH A.G.
1991MitVS..12..103B 82 3 Beobachtungsergebnisse des Arbeitskreises "Veranderliche Sterne" (Teil XVIII). BRUNO H.
1991IAUS..145..317K 26 5 Technetium in stellar atmospheres. KIPPER T.
1992A&A...253..475A 37 23 29 SiO and 30 SiO maser emission from evolved stars. ALCOLEA J. and BUJARRABAL V.
1992A&A...254L..17C 18 45 Detection of compact SiO maser emission at 43 GHz using a European very long baseline interferometer. COLOMER F., GRAHAM D.A., KRICHBAUM T.P., et al.
1992A&A...257..701B 53 105 The molecular emission of young preplanetary nebulae. BUJARRABAL V., ALCOLEA J. and PLANESAS P.
1992A&A...262..491L 1 12 49 Interferometric observations of SiO v = 0 thermal emission from evolved stars. LUCAS R., BUJARRABAL V., GUILLOTEAU S., et al.
1992A&A...263..183L 44 40 Carbon-bearing molecules in the envelopes around oxygen-rich stars. First detection of fomaldehyde in an oxygen-rich circumstellar envelopes. LINDQVIST M., OLOFSSON H., WINNBERG A., et al.
1992A&AS...93..121N viz 514 132 A survey of circumstellar CO emission from a sample of IRAS point sources. NYMAN L.-A., BOOTH R.S., CARLSTROM U., et al.
1992AJ....104..377D 8 13 Variations in the 8-13 microm visibility functions of shells around oxygen-rich stars. DYCK H.M. and BENSON J.A.
1992ApJ...389..400J 25 74 Mass loss from OH/IR stars: models for the infrared emission of circumstellar dust shells. JUSTTANONT K. and TIELENS A.G.G.M.
1992ApJ...394..320S 27 28 SO and SO2 in mass-loss envelopes of red giants: probes of nonequilibrium circumstellar chemistery and mass-loss rates. SAHAI R. and WANNIER P.G.
1992ApJ...398..273S 11 18 Near-infrared spectrophotometry of FU Orionis variables. SATO S., OKITA K., YAMASHITA T., et al.
1992ARA&A..30...75E 1 26 148 Astronomical masers. ELITZUR M.
1992BAAS...24Q1302S 3 ~ High-excitation non-maser SiO emission from the acceleration regions of AGB red giant stars. SAHAI R., WANNIER P.G. and ANDERSSON B.-G.
1992JApA...13..241P 160 15 SiO maser emission and the intrinsic properties of Mira variables. PATEL N.A., JOSEPH A. and GANESAN R.
1992PZ.....23...23A 6 1 Photometric investigation of the stars associated with maser sources. II. ANDRONOV I.L., KUDASHKINA L.S. and ROMANENKO T.V.
1992RMxAA..23...79G 1 0 What can molecular spectroscopy tell us about hot bands ? GRANER G.
1993A&A...267..490O 48 53 S-bearing molecules in O-rich circumstellar envelopes. OMONT A., LUCAS R., MORRIS M., et al.
1993A&AS...99..291L viz 454 464 CO and HCN observations of circumstellar envelopes. A catalogue - mass loss rates and distributions. LOUP C., FORVEILLE T., OMONT A., et al.
1993A&AS..101..153P viz 762 132 Classification and statistical properties of galactic H2O masers. PALAGI F., CESARONI R., COMORETTO G., et al.
1993AJ....105..595S 1 9 36 Interferometric observations of non-maser SiO emission from circumstellar envelopes of AGB stars: acceleration regions and SiO depletion. SAHAI R. and BIEGING J.H.
1993AJ....105.1860C viz 176 64 A model of the 2-35 microm. point source infrared sky. COHEN M.
1993ApJ...409..725Y 110 108 Circumstellar shells resolved in IRAS survey data. II. Analysis. YOUNG K., PHILLIPS T.G. and KNAPP G.R.
1993ApJ...410..701N 158 116 The dynamics of stellar outflows dominated by interaction of dust and radiation. NETZER N. and ELITZUR M.
1993ApJ...413..298J 61 31 Long-period oxygen-rich optical Miras in the solar neighborhood. JURA M., YAMAMOTO A. and KLEINMANN S.G.
1993ApJS...86..517Y 508 82 Circumstellar shells resolved in the IRAS survey data. I. Data processing procedure, results, and confidence tests. YOUNG K., PHILLIPS T.G. and KNAPP G.R.
1994A&A...281..161A viz 240 98 Radio emission from stars: a survey at 250 GHz ALTENHOFF W.J., THUM C. and WENDKER H.J.
1994A&A...281..451L 34 15 A search for SiO, OH, CO and HCN radio emission from silicate-carbon stars. LITTLE-MARENIN I.R., SAHAI R., WANNIER P.G., et al.
1994A&A...285..247B viz 47 145 Molecular observations of O- and C-rich circumstellar envelopes. BUJARRABAL V., FUENTE A. and OMONT A.
1994A&A...286..501P 5 19 Short time scale monitoring of SiO sources. PIJPERS F.P., PARDO J.R. and BUJARRABAL V.
1994A&A...290..183K 19 52 Circumstellar CO around bright oxygen-rich semi-regulars. KAHANE C. and JURA M.
1994A&AS..105..311F viz 97 366 On the spectra and photometry of M-giant stars. FLUKS M.A., PLEZ B., THE P.S., et al.
1994AJ....107.2233H 14 7 Extended 60 microm. emission from nearby Mira variables. HAGEN BAUER W. and STENCEL R.E.
1994ApJ...421L..47B 47 21 The discrimination between O- and C-rich circumstellar envelopes from molecular observations. BUJARRABAL V., FUENTE A. and OMONT A.
1994ApJ...430..317G 35   K                 4 13 A 7 micron dust emission feature in oxygen-rich circumstellar shells. GOEBEL J.H. and WITTEBORN F.C.
1994ApJ...430..595F 19 21 Galactic structures associated with extreme scattering events in the radio light curves of NRAO 140, 0954+658, and 2352+495. FIEDLER R., PAULS T., JOHNSTON K.J., et al.
1994MNRAS.268..475C 74 T                   3 42 OH maser emission in the circumstellar envelopes of U Herculis, R Cassiopeiae and W Hydrae. CHAPMAN J.M., SIVAGNANAM P., COHEN R.J., et al.
1994AcASn..35..288W 39 1 Near infrared observation and study of stellar maser sources. WU Y.-F. and ZHANG H.-W.
1994BAAS...26.1455G 3 ~ 7 mu.m dust emission feature in oxygen-rich circumstellar shells. GOEBEL J.H., BREGMAN J.D. and WITTEBORN F.C.
1994PASJ...46..629T 205 38 Spectral evolution of the H2O maser in late-type stars. TAKABA H., UKITA N., MIYAJI T., et al.
1995A&A...293..594B 51 14 Accurate radio positions of SiO masers. BAUDRY A., LUCAS R. and GUILLOTEAU S.
1995A&A...302..797D 1 7 51 Models of SiO masers in M-Miras, supergiants and OH/IR stars. DOEL R.C., GRAY M.D., HUMPHREYS E.M.L., et al.
1995A&AS..109..177W viz 2981 67 Radio continuum emission from stars: a catalogue update. WENDKER H.J.
1995A&AS..114..269D viz 14       D               1 20881 157 Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue. DUFLOT M., FIGON P. and MEYSSONNIER N.
1995AJ....109..428A 53 8 Comparison of radio and optical positions of radio stars. ANDREI A.H., JILINSKI E.G. and PULIAEV S.P.
1995AJ....110.2862E 160 22 Reality tests of superclusters in the young disk population. EGGEN O.J.
1995AJ....110.2910H 67 11 An infrared color-magnitude relationship. HICKMAN M.A., SLOAN G.C. and CANTERNA R.
1995ApJ...445..415I 105 174 Infrared emission and dynamics of outflows in late-type stars. IVEZIC Z. and ELITZUR M.
1995ApJ...445..872Y 64 90 A CO(3-2) survey of nearby Mira variables. YOUNG K.
1995ApJ...449..365G 3 7 93 Interferometric observations of the SiO masers and dust shell of VX Sagittarii. GREENHILL L.J., COLOMER F., MORAN J.M., et al.
1995ApJ...452..304M 43 15 Search for 6 centimeter formaldehyde masers in 22 galactic star-forming regions. MEHRINGER D.M., GOSS W.M. and PALMER P.
1995ApJS...98..701C 131 10 Luminosity attenuation and distances of red giant stars. CELIS S.L.
1995ApJS..100..169S 18 47 Maps of the molecular emission around 18 evolved stars. STANEK K.Z., KNAPP G.R., YOUNG K., et al.
1995MNRAS.273..529Y 20 26 Submillimetre water masers in circumstellar envelopes. YATES J.A., COHEN R.J. and HILLS R.E.
1995MNRAS.276..635S 64 2 A search for observational evidence of OH molecule photoproduction. SZYMCZAK M. and LE SQUEREN A.M.
1995MNRAS.276..640H 4 10 178 New diameter measurements for 10 Mira variables: implications for effective temperatures, atmospheric structure and pulsation modes. HANIFF C.A., SCHOLZ M. and TUTHILL P.G.
1995Ap.....38..200M 20 0 Polarimetric observations of 16 long-period variables and three red giants. MELIKYAN N.D., ERITSYAN M.A. and KARAPETYAN A.A.
1995Ap&SS.224..339D 20 19 Long baseline interferometric observations of long period variable stars. DANCHI W.C. and BESTER M.
1995Ap&SS.224..445C 71 T                   1 0 VLBI study of the SiO maser emission at 43 GHz in the circumstellar envelope of R Cas. COLOMER F.
1995BSAO...39...59H 71 T                   1 0 Diffraction-limited images of the Mira-type variable R Cas. HOFMANN K.-H., BALEGA Y.Y., SCHOLZ M., et al.
1996A&A...305L..61G 1 4 13 Are spherical AGB shells due to aspherical central stars? GROENEWEGEN M.A.T.
1996A&A...312..585L 23 46 Ammonia and C18O in globules. LEMME C., WILSON T.L., TIEFTRUNK A.R., et al.
1996A&A...312..950C 107 T K                 10 12 Interferometric observations of 43 and 86GHz SiO masers in
R Cassiopeiae.
1996A&A...313L..13G 21 12 Detection of 29SiO v=3 J=8->7 maser emission: a new IR SiO overlap. GONZALEZ-ALFONSO E., ALCOLEA J. and CERNICHARO J.
1996A&A...313..180O 78 8 AGB stars: densities and formation rates obtained from OH/IR stars. ORTIZ R. and MACIEL W.J.
1996A&A...314..883B 47 33 The anomalous SiO maser transition v=2 J=2-1. BUJARRABAL V., ALCOLEA J., SANCHEZ CONTRERAS C., et al.
1996A&A...316L..21W 107 T K                 10 27 First diffraction-limited speckle masking observations of the Mira variable
R Cas with the 6m SAO telescope.
1996A&AS..115..117C 101 36 SiO maser survey of late-type stars. I. Simultaneous observations of six transitions of 28SiO and 29SiO. CHO S.-H., KAIFU N. and UKITA N.
1996AJ....111.1987C 85 24 SiO maser survey of late-type stars. II. Statistical study. CHO S.-H., KAIFU N. and UKITA N.
1996AJ....112.1988B 65 61 Really cool stars at the Galactic Center. BLUM R.D., SELLGREN K. and DEPOY D.L.
1996AJ....112.2147V 1 23 105 Angular size measurements of 18 Mira variable stars at 2.2 microm. VAN BELLE G.T., DYCK H.M., BENSON J.A., et al.
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1999Ap.....42..255M 40 1 Polarimetric and photometric observations of long-period variables. MAGNAN C., MELIKIAN N.D. and KARAPETIAN A.A.
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