V* GW Vir , the SIMBAD biblio

V* GW Vir , the SIMBAD biblio (495 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST10:31:26

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Title First 3 Authors
1980PASP...92..657L 31 14 Circular polarization measurements of selected white dwarfs. LIEBERT J. and STOCKMAN H.S.
1983AJ.....88..109W 167 43 Photometry of white dwarfs in the Stromgren system. WEGNER G.
1983ApJ...268L..27S 11 1 57 The discovery of nonradial instability strips for hot, evolved stars. STARRFIELD S.G., COX A.N., HODSON S.W., et al.
1983Natur.303..781W 83 T                   1 70 Do pulsating
PG 1159-035 stars put constraints on stellar evolution ?
1984ApJ...277..211G 5 3 75 The pulsating central star of the planetary nebula Kohoutek 1-16. GRAUER A.D. and BOND H.E.
1984ApJ...279..751B 3 3 47 Two new extremely hot pulsating white dwarfs. BOND H.E., GRAUER A.D., GREEN R.F., et al.
1984ApJ...281..800S 8 2 80 Nonradial instability strips based on carbon and oxygen partial ionization in hot, evolved stars. STARRFIELD S., COX A.N., KIDMAN R.B., et al.
1984BAAS...16..965S 1 0 Discovery of oxygen in the PG 1159 degenerate stars : a direct evolutionary link to OVI planetary nebula nuclei and confirmation of pulsation theory. SION E.M., LIEBERT J. and STARRFIELD S.G.
1984IUE84.......93L 29 ~ White dwarf stars at ultraviolet wavelengths. LIEBERT J.
1984IUE84......273S 69 T                   1 11 ~ IUE spectrophotometry of the hot helium-rich
PG 1159 DO degenerates.
1985ApJ...290..321D 1 2 19 KPD 0005+5106: a post-PG 1159 type object ? DOWNES R.A. and MARGON B.
1985ApJ...292..238P 11 1 59 Observable quantities of nonradial pulsations in the presence of slowrotation. PESNELL W.D.
1985ApJ...292..471S 2 5 53 Discovery of oxygen in the PG 1159 degenerate stars: a direct evolutionary link to O VI planetary nebula nuclei and confirmation of pulsation theory. SION E.M., LIEBERT J. and STARRFIELD S.G.
1985ApJ...292..477S 10 34 Detection and analysis of photospheric CNO features in the ultraviolet spectrum of the hot DO white dwarf PG 1034+001. SION E.M., LIEBERT J. and WESEMAEL F.
1985ApJ...292..606W 84 T                   1 1 77 A measurement of secular evolution in the pre-white dwarf star
PG 1159-035.
1985ApJ...295..547K 4 3 61 Evolution of the pulsation properties of hot pre-white dwarf stars. KAWALER S.D., HENSEN C.J. and WINGET D.E.
1985ApJ...298..752K 1 2 14 Evolutionary period changes in rotating hot pre-white dwarf stars. KAWALER S.D., WINGET D.E. and HANSEN C.J.
1985ApJS...58..379W 1 21 157 Spectrophotometric and model-atmosphere analyses of the hot DO and DAO white dwarfs from the Palomar-Green survey. WESEMAEL F., GREEN R.F. and LIEBERT J.
1985PASP...97..328H 2 9 Time-resolved UV spectroscopy of BE Ursae Majoris. HUTCHINGS J.B. and COWLEY A.P.
1985BAAS...17..838B 4 1 Voyager observations of PG 1159 objects. BASILE J. and HOLBERG J.B.
1985BAAS...17..838L 69 T                   2 0 Spectrophotometric and fast photometric studies of stars near the
PG 1159-035 instability strip.
1985BAAS...17..853W 1 0 A review of recent progress in the study of hot, pulsating white dwarf stars. WINGET D.E.
1985BAAS...17..894K 1 0 The transformation from planetary nebula nucleus to white dwarf : a seismological study of stellar metamorphosis. KAWALER S.D.
1985IBVS.2681....1K viz 653 609 The 67th name-list of variable stars. KHOLOPOV P.N., SAMUS N.N., KAZAROVETS E.V., et al.
1986ApJ...302..530K 2 3 30 Evolutionary period changes in variable helium-rich white dwarfs. KAWALER S.D., WINGET D.E., IBEN I.Jr, et al.
1986ApJ...306L..25B 73 T                   1 1 18 The detection of photospheric X-ray pulsations from
PG 1159-035 with EXOSAT.
1986ApJ...306L..41K 7 1 30 The helium shell game : nonradial g-mode instabilities in hydrogen-deficient planetary nebula nuclei. KAWALER S.D., WINGET D.E., HANSEN C.J., et al.
1986ApJS...61..305G viz 1882 923 The Palomar-Green catalog of ultraviolet-excess stellar objects. GREEN R.F., SCHMIDT M. and LIEBERT J.
1986BAAS...18..952B 69 T                   1 4 2 PG 0122+200: a new member of the
GW Vir (PG 1159-035) class of extremely hot pulsating white dwarfs.
1986MNSSA..45...42W 13 0 University of Cape Town department of astronomy. WARNER B.
1986QJRAS..27...38T 11 1 Low-luminosity stars. TRIMBLE V.
1986RMxAA..12..342W 69 T                   1 1 0 A measurement of secular evolution in the pre-white-dwarf star
PG 1159-035.
1987A&A...186..170B 1 1 6 Theoretical expressions for evolutionary period changes in non-radially pulsating stars. BRUGGEN P. and SMEYERS P.
1987ApJ...321L.123B 1 5 25 PG 0122+200: a new member of the GW Virginis (PG 1159-035) class of extremely hot pulsating white dwarfs. BOND H.E. and GRAUER A.D.
1987ApJ...323..271G 70 T                   1 18 27 A search for pulsating stars similar to
PG 1159-035 and K1-16.
1987ApJS...65..603M viz 1269 233 A catalog of spectroscopically identified white dwarfs. McCOOK G.P. and SION E.M.
1987MmSAI..58...17L 1 5 32 The luminosity function and the evolution of surface abundances of white dwarfs. LIEBERT J., FONTAINE G. and WESEMAEL F.
1987MmSAI..58...49S 3 0 Hot DA white dwarfs seen with Einstein, an ultrahot H- and HE-poor white dwarf and Zanstra temperatures of planetary nebula nuclei. SHIPMAN H.L.
1987QJRAS..28..225H 15 8 Extreme hydrogen-deficient stars. HILL P.W.
1988A&A...198..287M 15 20 Spectra of three planetary nebulae and a search for nebular emissions around 12 sdO stars. MENDEZ R.H., GATHIER R., SIMON K.P., et al.
1988MNRAS.230..207B 6 4 Serendipitous discovery of an AGN showing rapid X-ray variability. BARSTOW M.A. and STANGER V.J.
1988PASP..100..187L 1 4 19 The nucleus of the planetary nebula VV 47: similarities with the pulsating PG 1159-035/K1-16 variables. LIEBERT J., FLEMING T.A., GREEN R.F., et al.
1988Ap&SS.140..255W 1 43 192 Contributing factors to flux changes in nonradial stellar pulsations. WATSON R.D.
1988IUE88...1...17W 46 ~ White dwarfs. WEIDEMANN V.
1988IUE88...1...29W 41 ~ IUE observations of pulsating stars : atmospheric structure, shock waves, and stellar winds. WILLSON L.A.
1988IUE88...2..177G 2 ~ The nucleus of Abell 35 : a hot companion to SAO 181201. GREWING M. and BIANCHI L.
1989AJ.....97.1440L 70 T                   1 8 20 The high-resolution spectrum of the pulsating, pre-white dwarf star PG 1159-035 (
GW Vir).
1989ApJ...336..403J 2 5 47 On the possibility of detecting weak magnetic fields in variable white dwarfs. JONES P.W., PESNELL W.D., HANSEN C.J., et al.
1989IAUS..131....1T 12 2 Recent UV and optical observations of planetary nebulae. TORRES-PEIMBERT S.
1989IAUS..131..251B 15 35 Close-binary and pulsating central stars. BOND H.E.
1989IAUS..131..311S 2 0 Nonradial pulsational analyses of the pulsating central stars of planetary nebulae. STARRFIELD S. and COX A.N.
1989IAUS..131..531T 15 13 Planetary Nebulae with massive central stars. TYLENDA R.
1990AJ.....99..908F 70 T                   1 3 11 A search for evidence of past and ongoing mass loss in the hot DO degenerates
PG 1159-035, PG 1034+001, and KPD 0005+5106.
1990AJ....100..788B 1 5 33 The pulsating nucleus of the planetary nebula Longmore 4. BOND H.E. and MEAKES M.G.
1990ApJ...351..271D 6 11 Hot degenerates in the MCT survey. I. MCT 0130-1937, a new, color-selected PG 1159 object. DEMERS S., WESEMAEL F., IRWIN M.J., et al.
1990ApJ...357..204K 1 2 10 An observational limit to the evolutionary time scale of the 13,000 K white dwarf G 117-B15A. KEPLER S.O., VAUCLAIR G., DOLEZ N., et al.
1990ApJ...357..548F 63 33 Ultraviolet Fe VII absorption lines in planetary nebula nuclei, hot subdwarfs, and hot degenerate objects. FEIBELMAN W.A. and BRUHWEILER F.C.
1990ApJ...361..309N 80 1 320 The Whole Earth Telescope: a new astronomical instrument. NATHER R.E., WINGET D.E., CLEMENS J.C., et al.
1990MNRAS.242..484B 3 6 The photospheric temperature and metal abundance of the compact star H 1504+65. BARSTOW M.A. and TWEEDY R.W.
1990MNRAS.245..370B 6 8 The photospheric temperatures and composition of very hot He-rich white dwarfs. BARSTOW M.A. and HOLBERG J.B.
1990ARA&A..28..103W 1 25 145 Masses and evolutionary status of white dwarfs and their progenitors. WEIDEMANN V.
1990ARA&A..28..139D 29 1 116 Cooling of white dwarfs. D'ANTONA F. and MAZZITELLI I.
1990BAAS...22..834B 4 0 Ultraviolet Fe VII features in hot white dwarfs and the role of radiative levitation. BRUHWEILER F.C. and FEIBELMAN W.A.
1990RPPh...53..837K 80 313 Physics of white dwarf stars. KOESTER D. and CHANMUGAM G.
1991A&A...244..437W 2 21 184 Non-LTE analysis of four PG 1159 stars. WERNER K., HEBER U. and HUNGER K.
1991A&A...247..476W 1 10 48 On the evolutionary link between white dwarfs and central stars of planetary nebulae : NLTE analysis of PG 1144+005. WERNER K. and HEBER U.
1991A&A...251..147W 3 4 56 NLTE analysis of the unique pre-white dwarf H 1504+65. WERNER K.
1991ApJ...378L..49F 3 2 25 Discovery and seismological interpretation of low-amplitude modes in the pulsating DO white dwarf PG 1707+427 (V817 Herculis). FONTAINE G., BERGERON P., VAUCLAIR G., et al.
1991ApJ...378..326W 187 T K                 1 1 330 Asteroseismology of the DOV star
PG 1159-035 with the Whole Earth Telescope.
1991ApJ...383..766S 1 10 46 Post-asymptotic giant branch nonradial instability strips. STANGHELLINI L., COX A.N. and STARRFIELD S.
1991Rech...22.1280V 5 0 La sismologie des etoiles. VAUCLAIR G. and VAUCLAIR S.
1991IAUS..145..363H 17 30 Atmospheres and abundances of blue horizontal branch stars and related object. HEBER U.
1992A&A...259L..69W 2 6 61 A spectacular mass-loss event of the central star of Longmore 4. WERNER K., HAMANN W.-R., HEBER U., et al.
1992ApJ...392L..27V 2 5 53 Iron abundance in the hot DA white dwarfs Feige 24 and G 191B2B. VENNES S., CHAYER P., THORSTENSEN J.R., et al.
1992ApJ...399..686G 5 8 On the pulsational stability of the pre-white dwarf star PG 1707+427. GRAUER A.D., GREEN R.F. and LIEBERT J.
1992MNRAS.255..369B 4 2 39 ROSAT sky survey observations of the eclipsing binary V471 Tauri. BARSTOW M.A., SCHMITT J.H.M.M., CLEMENS J.C., et al.
1992Ap&SS.188..137D 7 2 Break-up of quasi-periodic motion as an interpretation of white-dwarf variability. DAS M.K., SCHMIDER F.X. and TAVAKOL R.K.
1992BAAS...24.1179K 2 ~ The enormous planetary nebula surrounding the ROSAT X-ray source RX J2117+34. KAWALER S.D. and APPLETON P.N.
1992S&T....83..374N 4 3 Taking the pulse of white dwarfs. NATHER R.E. and WINGET D.E.
1993A&A...278..199D 4 6 110 Line blanketing by iron group elements in non-LTE model atmospheres for hot stars. DREIZLER S. and WERNER K.
1993AJ....106.1987B 2 3 30 High-speed photometric observations of the pulsating DA white dwarf GD 165. BERGERON P., FONTAINE G., BRASSARD P., et al.
1993ApJ...406..661B 7 2 56 The potential for asteroseismology of DB white dwarf stars. BRADLEY P.A., WINGET D.E. and WOOD M.A.
1993MNRAS.260...77P viz 479 332 The ROSAT Wide Field Camera all-sky survey of extreme-ultraviolet sources. I. The bright source catalogue. POUNDS K.A., ALLAN D.J., BARBER C., et al.
1993MNRAS.263L..13S 1 2 14 A new large-amplitude variable white dwarf. STOBIE R.S., CHEN A., O'DONOGHUE D., et al.
1993PASP..105..387S 394 19 An optical atlas of ROSAT wide field camara EUV sources. SHARA M.M., SHARA D.J. and McLEAN B.
1993PASP..105..761W 85 121 An atlas of optical spectra of white-dwarf stars. WESEMAEL F., GREENSTEIN J.L., LIEBERT J., et al.
1993AcA....43..425B 29 13 Asteroseismology of planetary nebula nuclei. BOND H.E., CIARDULLO R. and KAWALER S.D.
1993AGAb....9..153H 7 0 Line blanketing by iron group elements in non-LTE model atmospheres for hot stars. HAAS S., DREIZLER S. and WERNER K.
1993BAAS...25.1422K 6 ~ A new class of pulsating stars. KRISCIUNAS K.
1993BAAS...25Q1423S 1 ~ Nonlinear dynamical analysis of stellar variability. SHARMA A.S.
1993IAUS..155..443L 18 1 White dwarf central stars. LIEBERT J.W.
1993IAUS..155..496W 2 1 A new PG 1159-type central star discovered in the ROSAT XRT all sky survey: non-LTE analysis of X-ray and optical spectra. WERNER K., MOTCH C. and PAKULL M.
1993BaltA...2..371N 17 7 Musings on the Whole Earth Telescope. NATHER R.E.
1993BaltA...2..382S 3 3 The WET from outside Texas. SOLHEIM J.-E.
1993BaltA...2..389O 3 3 A third world view of, and approach to, some WET problems. O'DONOGHUE D.
1993BaltA...2..396M 6 1 A brief report on WET oobservations from India. MARAR T.M.K., SEETHA S. and ASHOKA B.N.
1993BaltA...2..445S 5 1 Problems in the analysis of the XCOV4 data for AM CVn (HZ 29). SOLHEIM J.-E.
1993BaltA...2..459S 2 1 AM CVn - finally solved ? Results of XCOV4, March 1990. SOLHEIM J.-E.
1993BaltA...2..468B 1 3 15 Extending the WET technique to lower frequencies. BREGER M. and HANDLER G.
1993BaltA...2..530B 1 1 A comparison of the prewhite and clean procedures to find the real frequencies. BRUVOLD A.
1993BaltA...2..545B 4 8 Methods of asteroseismology for white dwarf stars. BRADLEY P.A.
1994A&A...284..907W 14 38 Spectral analysis of the hottest known helium-rich white dwarf: KPD0005+5106. WERNER K., HEBER U. and FLEMING T.
1994A&A...286..463D 2 2 22 A "cool" PG 1159 star discovered by the Hamburg Schmidt Survey: NLTE analysis of HS 0704+6153. DREIZLER S., WERNER K., JORDAN S., et al.
1994A&A...286..543R 17 42 Spectral analysis of the planetary nebula K 1-27 and its very hot hydrogen-deficient central star. RAUCH T., KOEPPEN J. and WERNER K.
1994AJ....107..298K 1 3 13 High-speed Hubble Space Telescope ultraviolet photometry of two DB white dwarfs: nonradial and radial pulsations. KAWALER S.D., BOND H., SHERBERT L.E., et al.
1994AJ....107..751M viz 360 106 Extreme ultraviolet Explorer bright source list. MALINA R.F., MARSHALL H.L., ANTIA B., et al.
1994ApJ...424L..45T 3 3 Ultraviolet photometry of nova Cygni 1992 obtained with the high speed photometer. TAYLOR M., BLESS R.C., OEGELMAN H., et al.
1994ApJ...427..415K 3 11 153 Precision asteroseismology of pulsating PG 1159 stars. KAWALER S.D. and BRADLEY P.A.
1994ApJ...430..839W 15 4 255 Whole Earth Telescope observations of the DBV white dwarf GD 358. WINGET D.E., NATHER R.E., CLEMENS J.C., et al.
1994ApJ...430..850B 4 5 87 An asteroseismological determination of the structure of the DBV white dwarf GD 358. BRADLEY P.A. and WINGET D.E.
1994ApJ...433L..93T 12 27 Two planetary nebula candidates around hot DA white dwarfs. TWEEDY R.W. and KWITTER K.B.
1994ApJS...93..569B viz 410 136 The first Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer source catalog. BOWYER S., LIEU R., LAMPTON M., et al.
1994MNRAS.270..222O 2 2 22 The inverse variance method for assessing measurements of dP/dt and equal-period spacings in rapid variable stars. O'DONOGHUE D.
1994PASP..106..104B 3 2 Theoretical asteroseismology of white dwarf stars : the encyclopedia seismologica. BRADLEY P.A.
1994ARA&A..32...37B 1 24 171 Asteroseismology. BROWN T.M. and GILLILAND R.L.
1994AGAb...10..252G 2 0 ORFEUS FUV spectroscopy of planetary nebulae. GREWING M., APPENZELLER I., BARNSTEDT J., et al.
1994BAAS...26.1324S 3 ~ The ultraviolet evolution of GQ Mus from 1986 to 1994. STARRFIELD S., et al.
1994ComAp..17..213K 12 8 The sign of four : a new class of cool non-radially pulsating stars ? KRISCIUNAS K.
1995A&A...296..405B 6 1 27 Dynamic pulsation amplitudes for a rotationally split nonradial mode: the l=1 case. BUCHLER J.R., GOUPIL M.J. and SERRE T.
1995A&A...298..567W 19 28 Spectral analysis of the hot DO white dwarf PG1034+001. WERNER K., DREIZLER S. and WOLFF B.
1995A&A...299..707V 36   K                 12 19 The multi-periodic pulsating PG 1159 white dwarf PG 0122+200. VAUCLAIR G., PFEIFFER B., GRAUER A.D., et al.
1995A&AS..114..465K viz 335 14 A ROSAT XUV pointed phase source catalogue. KREYSING H.-C., BRUNNER H. and STAUBERT R.
1995AJ....110.1285J 10 24 Identification of an old planetary nebula around the PG 1159 star: PG 1520+525. JACOBY G.H. and VAN DE STEENE G.
1995ApJ...438..908R 15 2 120 The pulsation index, effective temperature and thickness of the hydrogen layer in the pulsating DA white dwarf G 117-B15A. ROBINSON E.L., MAILLOUX T.M., ZHANG E., et al.
1995ApJ...445L.141D 45   K                 2 72 Thick to thin : the evolutionary connection between PG 1159 stars and the thin helium-enveloped pulsating white dwarf GD 358. DEHNER B.T. and KAWALER S.D.
1995ApJ...447..874K 1 5 31 Whole Earth Telescope observations of the DAV white dwarf G226-29. KEPLER S.O., GIOVANNINI O., WOOD M.A., et al.
1995ApJ...449..258B 2 33 314 Optical and ultraviolet analyses of ZZ Ceti stars and study of the atmospheric convective efficiency in DA white dwarfs. BERGERON P., WESEMAEL F., LAMONTAGNE R., et al.
1995ApJ...450..350K 3 5 67 Whole Earth Telescope observations and seismological analysis of the pre-white dwarf PG 2131+066. KAWALER S.D., O'BRIEN M.S., CLEMENS J.C., et al.
1995ApJS...96..545B 1 12 53 The modeling of energy distributions and light curves of ZZ Ceti stars. I. Basic theory and semianalytic expressions for the emergent flux. BRASSARD P., FONTAINE G. and WESEMAEL F.
1995ApJS..100..405F 15 18 C IV and O VI transitions in the region LambdaLambda1100-2000 and examples found in IUE spectra of hot stars. FEIBELMAN W.A. and JOHANSSON S.
1995MNRAS.274.1165P viz 504 157 The ROSAT Wide Field Camera all-sky survey of extreme-ultraviolet sources - II. The 2RE Source Catalogue. PYE J.P., McGALE P.A., ALLAN D.J., et al.
1995MNRAS.277...87W 1 4 17 Observations of the eclipse in the close binary star BE UMa. WOOD J.H., ROBINSON E.L. and ZHANG E.-H.
1995PASP..107..531F 8 14 The IUE absorption spectrum of the nucleus of NGC 246: mostly C IV and O VI. FEIBELMAN W.A.
1995PASP..107..914F 8 5 Variability of IUE spectra of the pulsating nucleus of the planetary nebula K 1-16. FEIBELMAN W.A., KALER J.B., BOND H.E., et al.
1995Ap&SS.228..283W 30 0 Observing projects for small telescopes. WARNER B.
1995Ap&SS.230...63O 10 1 Asteroseismology of degenerate stars. O'DONOGHUE D.
1995Ap&SS.230..307K 3 1 Astronomical time series analysis in South Africa. KOEN C.
1995BAAS...27.1401C 10 ~ A survey for pulsations in O VI nuclei of planetary nebulae. CIARDULLO R. and BOND H.
1995Natur.373..666T 7 2 Hot white dwarfs. TWEEDY R.W.
1995BaltA...4..117N 36   K                 20 5 Status of the WET. NATHER R.E.
1995BaltA...4..137K 6 1 WET science - a theorist's perspective. KAWALER S.D.
1995BaltA...4..142C 30 10 Perspectives of the Whole Earth Telescope science. CLEMENS J.C.
1995BaltA...4..166K 58 14 Structure and evolution of white dwarfs. KEPLER S.O. and BRADLEY P.A.
1995BaltA...4..221K 2 2 23 Study of periodicities of the DAV white dwarf G 117-B 15 A with the Whole Earth Telescope. KEPLER S.O., WINGET D.E., NATHER R.E., et al.
1995BaltA...4..270K 6 4 G 29-38 and asteroseismology of the cool DAV white dwarfs. KLEINMAN S.J.
1995BaltA...4..321N 2 4 GD 358 in 1994: a progress report. NATHER R.E.
1995BaltA...4..329K 36   K                 5 1 The PNN and PG 1159 connection. KAWALER S.D.
1995BaltA...4..334C 108 T K                 1 5 Timescale for the variation of the 539s pulsation mode of
PG 1159-035.
1995BaltA...4..340W 107 T K                 27 8 Spectra of
GW Vir type pulsators.
1995BaltA...4..349O 3 0 Theoretical and observed periods of the pulsating pre-white dwarfs. O'BRIEN M.S.
1995BaltA...4..467S 3 2 Some comments on WET organization and campaigns. SULLIVAN D.J.
1995BaltA...4..482K 36   K                 5 4 The WET standard photometer. KLEINMAN S.J., NATHER R.E. and PHILLIPS T.
1995BaltA...4..527B 13 2 WET-type science vith CCDs. BOND H.E.
1996A&A...306..766S 8 2 Search for new pulsating OVI central stars of planetary nebulae. SILVOTTI R., BARTOLINI C. and STANGHELLINI L.
1996A&A...306..843U 11 10 The influence of gravitational settling and selective radiative forces in PG 1159 stars. UNGLAUB K. and BUES I.
1996A&A...307..529H 1 6 31 Nonradial pulsation of the unevolved hot δ Scuti star CD-24 7599 discovered with the Whole Earth Telescope. HANDLER G., BREGER M., SULLIVAN D.J., et al.
1996A&A...307..561P 58 93 Local space density and formation rate of planetary nebulae. POTTASCH S.R.
1996A&A...309L..23S 3 2 18 HS 2324+3944: discovery of non-radial pulsations in a hydrogen-rich PG 1159 star. SILVOTTI R.
1996A&A...309..820D 1 11 35 Discovery and analysis of a hydrogen-rich PG1159 star. DREIZLER S., WERNER K., HEBER U., et al.
1996A&A...309..861W 36   K                 9 23 Search for trace amounts of hydrogen in hot DO white dwarfs. WERNER K.
1996A&A...310..613R 37 26 Spectral analysis of the multiple-shell planetary nebula LoTr4 and its very hot hydrogen-deficient central star. RAUCH T., KOEPPEN J. and WERNER K.
1996A&A...313..405B 77 18 On the nature of the UV turnup in early-type galaxies. BICA E., BONATTO C., PASTORIZA M.G., et al.
1996A&AS..119..211B 86 5 A library of IUE white dwarf spectra for stellar population analyses. BICA E., BONATTO C. and GIOVANNINI O.
1996AJ....111.2332C 33 74 A survey for pulsations in O VI nuclei of planetary nebulae. CIARDULLO R. and BOND H.E.
1996AJ....112.2699B 1 7 34 Asteroseismomogical observations of the central star of the planetary nebula NGC 1501. BOND H.E., KAWALER S.D., CIARDULLO R., et al.
1996ApJ...462..376B 1 7 29 A theoretical analysis of pulsation driving in PG 1159 stars. BRADLEY P.A. and DZIEMBOWSKI W.A.
1996ApJ...467..397O 2 3 22 The pulsating pre-white dwarf star PG 0122+200. O'BRIEN M.S., CLEMENS J.C., KAWALER S.D., et al.
1996ApJ...468..350B 2 10 84 Theoretical models for asteroseismology of DA white dwarf stars. BRADLEY P.A.
1996ApJS..102..129B viz 737 123 The second Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer source catalog. BOWYER S., LAMPTON M., LEWIS J., et al.
1996PASP..108..356K 3 4 46 The WET standard photometer. KLEINMAN S.J., NATHER R.E. and PHILLIPS T.
1996ARA&A..34..551G 1 26 129 Stellar pulsations across the HR diagram: Part II. GAUTSCHY A. and SAIO H.
1996AGAb...12..198W 1 0 Confining the edges of the GW Vir instability strip. WERNER K., DREIZLER S., HEBER U., et al.
1996Ap&SS.238...43S 3 1 Evolutionary status of WR-type planetary nebula nuclei. STANGHELLINI L.
1996S&W....35..176R 5 0 Die Planetarischen Nebel LoTr4 und K 1-27 und ihre Zentralsterne. RAUCH T., KOEPPEN J. and WERNER K.
1996PASA...13...10V 4 4 The astrophysical value of continuous photometric monitoring from the Antarctic Plateau. VIOTTI R., VIGNATO A., NANNI D., et al.
1996LNP96.472..131W 4 ~ Non-LTE model atmosphere analysis of the supersoft X-ray source RX J0122.9-7521. WERNER K., WOLFF B., PAKULL M.W., et al.
1997A&A...320..811G 2 5 37 A further look into the pulsating PG 1159 stars. GAUTSCHY A.
1997A&A...321..159B 1 10 40 On the role of resonances in nonradial pulsators. BUCHLER J.R., GOUPIL M.-J. and HANSEN C.J.
1997A&A...321..485U 3 7 The influence of gravitational settling and selective radiative forces in PG 1159 stars. II. UNGLAUB K. and BUES I.
1997A&A...323..819H 1 20 61 Rotation velocities of white dwarf stars. HEBER U., NAPIWOTZKI R. and REID I.N.
1997A&A...326..692H 6 9 Complex light variations of the ``hybrid'' PG 1159 star HS 2324+3944. HANDLER G., KANAAN A. and MONTGOMERY M.H.
1997A&A...327..721W 22 17 A search for planetary nebulae around hot white dwarfs. WERNER K., BAGSCHIK K., RAUCH T., et al.
1997AJ....113..364S 13 12 Ongoing mass ejection in the peculiar, hot DO degenerate KPD 0005+5106. SION E.M., HOLBERG J.B., BARSTOW M.A., et al.
1997ApJ...488..827S 1 8 24 Upper limits for magnetic fields on pulsating white dwarfs. SCHMIDT G.D. and GRAUER A.D.
1997ApJS..108..545L viz 540 56 An all-sky catalog of faint extreme ultraviolet sources. LAMPTON M., LIEU R., SCHMITT J.H.M.M., et al.
1997ApJS..113..131C 100 25 The extreme ultraviolet explorer stellar spectral atlas. CRAIG N., ABBOTT M., FINLEY D., et al.
1997MNRAS.285..640K 69 2 415 A new class of rapidly pulsating star - I. EC 14026-2647, the class prototype. KILKENNY D., KOEN C., O'DONOGHUE D., et al.
1997MNRAS.288..189S 1 6 18 Multicolour observations of rapid oscillations in WZ Sagittae. SKIDMORE W., WELSH W.F., WOOD J.H., et al.
1997PASP..109..998S viz 540 6 An optical atlas of extreme ultraviolet explorer (EUVE) sources. SHARA M.M., BERGERON L.E., CHRISTIAN C.A., et al.
1997AGAb...13..224K 3 0 Narrow-band imaging of born-again planetary nebulae. KERBER F., KIMESWENGER S., ROECK H., et al.
1997AN....318...35K viz 298 9 New and misclassified planetary nebulae. KOHOUTEK L.
1998A&A...329L...9P 51 28 Weak emission line [WELS] central stars of planetary nebulae are [WC]-PG 1159 stars. PARTHASARATHY M., ACKER A. and STENHOLM B.
1998A&A...333..603S 1 11 55 Origin of the rotation rates of single white dwarfs. SPRUIT H.C.
1998A&A...334..618D 73 T                   24 117 Spectral analyses of PG1159 star: constraints on the GW Virginis pulsations from HST observations. DREIZLER S. and HEBER U.
1998A&A...335..277K 7 5 HST photometry of the stars near the center of PN NGC 650. KOORNNEEF J. and POTTASCH S.R.
1998A&A...338..651R 41 38 Spectral analysis of O(He)-type post-AGB stars. RAUCH T., DREIZLER S. and WOLFF B.
1998AJ....115.2587T viz 533 8 Initial results of a comprehensive ultrasoft survey of the Einstein IPC database: source list and confirmation of the selection procedure. THOMPSON R.J., SHELTON R.G. and ARNING C.A.
1998ApJ...495..458O 2 6 37 Asteroseismology of a star cooled by neutrino emission: the pulsating pre-white dwarf PG 0122+200. O'BRIEN M.S., VAUCLAIR G., KAWALER S.D., et al.
1998ApJ...497..921V 54 45 The stellar extreme-ultraviolet radiation field. VALLERGA J.
1998ApJ...500L..55K 25 44 Determination of mass-loss rates of PG 1159 stars from far-ultraviolet spectroscopy. KOESTERKE L. and WERNER K.
1998ApJ...502..858K 1 8 32 Far-ultraviolet spectroscopy of PG 1159 stars with the Hopkins ultraviolet telescope. KRUK J.W. and WERNER K.
1998ApJS..119..207H viz 57 73 A high-dispersion spectroscopic survey of the hot white dwarfs: the IUE NEWSIPS SWP echelle data set. HOLBERG J.B., BARSTOW M.A. and SION E.M.
1998MNRAS.296..614K 1 5 19 Planetary nebulae with ISO: A58 and A78 - nebulae with hydrogen-poor ejecta. KIMESWENGER S., KERBER F. and WEINBERGER R.
1998BASI...26..559M 2 0 Asteroseismology of white dwarf stars with medium size telescopes. MARAR T.M.K., SEETHA S. and ASHOKA B.N.
1998BaltA...7...11K 8 4 What can we learn from WET about how to make white dwarfs? KAWALER S.D.
1998BaltA...7...71D 36   K                 13 9 HST spectroscopy of PG 1159 stars: the boundary of the GW Vir instability strip. DREIZLER S.
1998BaltA...7...83C 109 T K                 1 3 Direct measurement of the secular pulsational variation of the DOV star
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1998BaltA...7...89O 2 0 Preliminary results from XCOV14 observations of PG 0122+200. O'BRIEN M.S.
1998BaltA...7..159S 11 3 The pulsating white dwarf L 19-2. SULLIVAN D.J.
1998BaltA...7..203N 3 5 HST observation of GD 358. NITTA A., KEPLER S.O., WINGET D.E., et al.
1998BaltA...7..355B 81 3 White dwarf data tables. BRADLEY P.A.
1999A&A...341..151B 8 3 72 The δ Scuti star FG Virginis. IV. Mode identifications and pulsation modelling. BREGER M., PAMYATNYKH A.A., PIKALL H., et al.
1999A&A...342..745S 4 9 The photometric behaviour of the peculiar PG 1159 star HS 2324+3944 at high frequency resolution. SILVOTTI R., DREIZLER S., HANDLER G., et al.
1999A&A...348L..25H 6 3 60 Spectral analysis of the multi mode pulsating subluminous B star PG 1605+072. HEBER U., REID I.N. and WERNER K.
1999A&A...350..101N 261 181 Spectroscopic investigation of old planetaries. IV. Model atmosphere analysis. NAPIWOTZKI R.
1999ApJ...516..349K 40   K                 4 55 Prospects for measuring differential rotation in white dwarfs through asteroseismology. KAWALER S.D., SEKII T. and GOUGH D.
1999ApJ...519..726F 18 2 Stellar C III emissions as a new classification parameter for [WC] central stars. FEIBELMAN W.A.
1999ApJ...522..973C 121 T K                 1 41 Direct measurement of a secular pulsation period change in the pulsating hot pre-white dwarf
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1999ApJS..121....1M viz 3047 394 A catalog of spectroscopically identified white dwarfs. McCOOK G.P. and SION E.M.
1999MNRAS.303..525K 4 6 76 The EC 14026 stars - X. A multi-site campaign on the sdBV star PG 1605+072. KILKENNY D., KOEN C., O'DONOGHUE D., et al.
1999PASP..111..221F 19 5 Detection of O VII λ1522 in IUE spectra of planetary nebula nuclei and other hot stars. FEIBELMAN W.A.
2000A&A...354...86D 13 2 78 Oscillations of a rotating star: a non-perturbative theory. DINTRANS B. and RIEUTORD M.
2000A&A...355..291V 7 8 PG1541+650: A new ZZ Ceti white dwarf. VAUCLAIR G., DOLEZ N., FU J.-N., et al.
2000A&A...361.1112S 15 7 The tetra-lobed planetary nebula NGC 1501. SABBADIN F., BENETTI S., CAPPELLARO E., et al.
2000A&A...362.1008G 70 52 Evolutionary status of hydrogen-deficient central stars of planetary nebulae. GORNY S.K. and TYLENDA R.
2000ApJ...532.1078O 5 12 The extent and cause of the pre-white dwarf instability strip. O'BRIEN M.S.
2000ApJ...539..372O 2 5 41 The predicted signature of neutrino emission in observations of pulsating pre-white dwarf stars. O'BRIEN M.S. and KAWALER S.D.
2000ApJ...545..429R 2 3 21 PG 2131+066: a test of pre-white dwarf asteroseismology. REED M.D., KAWALER S.D. and O'BRIEN M.S.
2000ApJ...545..974M 8 2 50 Genetic-algorithm-based asteroseismological analysis of the DBV white dwarf GD 358. METCALFE T.S., NATHER R.E. and WINGET D.E.
2000PASP..112..135M 6 0 Sixth Vienna workshop in astrophysics: delta Scuti and related stars. (Conference highlights). MONTGOMERY M.H. and BREGER M.
2000MmSAI..71.1109S 4 1 The TT1 three channel photometer and the wet project. SILVOTTI R., VITTONE A. and DE MARTINO D.
2000BaltA...9....3K 7 0 The state and future of WET as an instrument. KLEINMAN S.J. and O'DONOGHUE D.
2000BaltA...9...13O 5 0 Asteroseismological constraints on the extent and cause of the pre-white dwarf instability strip. O'BRIEN M.S.
2000BaltA...9...23M 1 2 7 The effect of 3He diffusion on the pulsational spectra of DBV models. MONTGOMERY M.H. and WINGET D.E.
2000BaltA...9...49S 36   K                 3 0 The location of the driving region in white dwarf pulsators. SEETHA S., MARAR T.M.K., NATHER R.E., et al.
2000BaltA...9...81S 5 3 Frequency stabilities of two pulsating white dwarfs. SULLIVAN D.J. and SULLIVAN T.
2000BaltA...9...97N 1 4 13 Mode identification of BPM 37093 with the HST. NITTA A., KANAAN A., KEPLER S.O., et al.
2000BaltA...9..113D 4 1 Time-resolved spectroscopy of BPM 37093 and PG 1336-018. DREIZLER S., KOESTER D. and HEBER U.
2000BaltA...9..119K 1 12 39 The ZZ Ceti instability strip revisited. KOESTER D. and ALLARD N.F.
2000BaltA...9..133V 11 0 PG 1541+650: a new ZZ Ceti white dwarf. VAUCLAIR G., DOLEZ N., FU J.-N., et al.
2000BaltA...9..171H 6 2 Spectral analysis of four multi-mode pulsating sdB stars. HEBER U., REID I.N. and WERNER K.
2000BaltA...9..395S 19 6 CCD photometry of variable subdwarfs and white dwarfs at Calar Alto Observatory. SCHUH S., DREIZLER S., DEETJEN J.L., et al.
2000BaltA...9..451C 1 1 5 Determination of the uncertainties in frequency, amplitude and phase from Monte Carlo simulations. COSTA J.E.S. and KEPLER S.O.
2000BaltA...9..485B 83 5 White dwarf data tables. BRADLEY P.A.
2001A&A...378..843K viz 15       D               2202 103 Version 2000 of the Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae. KOHOUTEK L.
2001ApJ...548L..53M 2 2 15 The effect of 3He diffusion on the pulsational spectra of DBV models. MONTGOMERY M.H., METCALFE T.S. and WINGET D.E.
2001Ap&SS.275...27W 26 28 Properties of atmospheres and winds of H-deficient central stars and related objects. WERNER K.
2001Ap&SS.275..121K 2 3 Modeling the IR spectrum of the dust shell around the [WC] star: V605 Aql. KOLLER J. and KIMESWENGER S.
2002A&A...381..122V 13 36 . Asteroseismology of RXJ 2117+3412, the hottest pulsating PG 1159 star. VAUCLAIR G., MOSKALIK P., PFEIFFER B., et al.
2002A&A...388..219K 1 7 21 Time-resolved optical spectroscopy of the pulsating DA white dwarf HS 0507+0434B. New constraints on mode identification and pulsation properties. KOTAK R., VAN KERKWIJK M.H. and CLEMENS J.C.
2002A&A...389..180S 12 23 The temporal spectrum of the sdB pulsating star HS 2201+2610 at 2ms resolution. SILVOTTI R., JANULIS R., SCHUH S.L., et al.
2002A&A...389..953M 19 46 Iron abundance in hot hydrogen-deficient central stars and white dwarfs from FUSE, HST, and IUE spectroscopy. MIKSA S., DEETJEN J.L., DREIZLER S., et al.
2002ApJ...569..689D viz 208 53 Distant cluster hunting. II. A comparison of X-ray and optical cluster detection techniques and catalogs from the ROSAT optical X-ray survey. DONAHUE M., SCHARF C.A., MACK J., et al.
2002MNRAS.331..399K 1 7 23 A multisite campaign on the pulsating subdwarf B star PG 1047+003. KILKENNY D., BILLERES M., STOBIE R.S., et al.
2002MNRAS.332..392C 1 4 13 The effects of element diffusion on the pulsational properties of variable DA white dwarf stars. CORSICO A.H., BENVENUTO O.G., ALTHAUS L.G., et al.
2002MNRAS.335..399H 9 20 The unusual pulsation spectrum of the cool ZZ Ceti star HS0507+0434B. HANDLER G., ROMERO-COLMENERO E. and MONTGOMERY M.H.
2002MNRAS.335..673V viz 205 22 White dwarfs in the 2dF QSO Redshift Survey - I. Hydrogen-rich (DA) stars. VENNES S., SMITH R.J., BOYLE B.J., et al.
2002A&ARv..11...33K 31 34 White dwarfs: recent developments. KOESTER D.
2003AJ....125.2239O viz 15       D               98 29 Hard X-ray emission associated with white dwarfs. O'DWYER I.J., CHU Y.-H., GRUENDL R.A., et al.
2003AJ....126.2521L 21 24 SDSS white dwarfs with spectra showing atomic oxygen and/or carbon lines. LIEBERT J., HARRIS H.C., DAHN C.C., et al.
2003ApJ...585..975C 39   K                 3 18 A pulsation mechanism for
GW Virginis variables.
2003ApJ...594..961M 2 6 41 Constraining the evolution of ZZ Ceti. MUKADAM A.S., KEPLER S.O., WINGET D.E., et al.
2003ApJS..147..145H viz 337 30 An archive of IUE low-dispersion spectra of the white dwarf stars. HOLBERG J.B., BARSTOW M.A. and BURLEIGH M.R.
2003MmSAI..74..924S 3 0 Pulsating white dwarfs. STRANIERO O., DOMINGUEZ I., IMBRIANI G., et al.
2003IAUS..209..169W 16 14 Temperature scale and iron abundances of very hot central stars of planetary nebulae. WERNER K., DEETJEN J.L., DREIZLER S., et al.
2003MSAIS...2..154K 5 1 The next step in photometric ground-based asteroseismology: probing stellar interiors from the Concordia Station. KURTZ D.W.
2003BaltA..12...23C 111 T K                 1 3 WET observations of
PG 1159-035.
2003BaltA..12...55S 3 2 PG 1605+072 in WET XCOV22: support for the multi site spectroscopic telescope. SCHUH S.L., HEBER U., DREIZLER S., et al.
2003BaltA..12...71M 5 5 Constraining the evolution of ZZ Ceti. MUKADAM A.S., KEPLER S.O., WINGET D.E., et al.
2003BaltA..12..125G 4 1 PNN NGC 246: A complex photometric behaviour that requires WET. GONZALEZ PEREZ J.M., SOLHEIM J.-E., DOROKHOVA T.N., et al.
2003BaltA..12..247M 3 7 The consequences of assuming M=0 for global model-fitting. METCALFE T.S.
2003BaltA..12..463S 34 1 Near continuous photometry with the Whole Earth Telescope (WET). SOLHEIM J.-E.
2003BaltA..12..578J 16 0 Moletai observatory as a part of the Whole Earth Telescope. JANULIS R.
2004A&A...421.1169W 2         O           6 46 Chandra and FUSE spectroscopy of the hot bare stellar core H1504+65. WERNER K., RAUCH T., BARSTOW M.A., et al.
2004A&A...426L..45N         O           18 12 Detection of non-radial g-mode pulsations in the newly discovered PG 1159 star HE 1429-1209. NAGEL T. and WERNER K.
2004A&A...427..685W         O           17 46 Identification of neon in FUSE and VLT spectra of extremely hot hydrogen-deficient (pre-) white dwarfs. WERNER K., RAUCH T., REIFF E., et al.
2004A&A...428..159C 5 10 The rate of period change in pulsating DB white dwarf stars. CORSICO A.H. and ALTHAUS L.G.
2004A&A...428..969K 8 19 Whole Earth Telescope observations of the pulsating hot white dwarf PG 1707+427. KAWALER S.D., POTTER E.M., VUCKOVIC M., et al.
2004AJ....127..477C viz 67 14 Hard X-ray emission associated with white dwarfs. II. CHU Y.-H., GUERRERO M.A., GRUENDL R.A., et al.
2004ApJ...602L.109W 5 4 60 A strong test of electroweak theory using pulsating DB white dwarf stars as plasmon neutrino detectors. WINGET D.E., SULLIVAN D.J., METCALFE T.S., et al.
2004ApJ...610..436Q 16 43 On the driving mechanism and the coexistence of variable and nonvariable stars in the domain of the pulsating PG 1159 stars. QUIRION P.-O., FONTAINE G. and BRASSARD P.
2004MNRAS.354..558E 15 42 Observations and three-dimensional photoionization modelling of the Wolf-Rayet planetary nebula NGC 1501. ERCOLANO B., WESSON R., ZHANG Y., et al.
2005A&A...432..175C 9 12 HST observations of the pulsating white dwarf GD 358. CASTANHEIRA B.G., NITTA A., KEPLER S.O., et al.
2005A&A...432..189M 7 2 47 Frequency ratio method for seismic modeling of γ Doradus stars. MOYA A., SUAREZ J.C., AMADO P.J., et al.
2005A&A...433..641W 1 18 62 Fluorine in extremely hot post-AGB stars: Evidence for nucleosynthesis. WERNER K., RAUCH T. and KRUK J.W.
2005A&A...433.1097V 74 T                   7 16 Abell 43, a second pulsating ``hybrid-
PG 1159'' star.
2005A&A...434..637K 67 18 Rotation velocities of white dwarfs. III. DA stars with convective atmospheres. KARL C.A., NAPIWOTZKI R., HEBER U., et al.
2005A&A...435..631A 85 T                   6 211 The formation and evolution of hydrogen-deficient post-AGB white dwarfs: The emerging chemical profile and the expectations for the
PG1159-DB-DQ evolutionary connection.
2005A&A...438.1013G 1 5 25 On the excitation of PG1159-type pulsations. GAUTSCHY A., ALTHAUS L.G. and SAIO H.
2005A&A...439L..31C 3 1 10 Can pulsating PG 1159 stars place constraints on the occurrence of core overshooting? CORSICO A.H. and ALTHAUS L.G.
2005A&A...442..309H 17 7 Spectral analyses of DO white dwarfs and PG 1159 stars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. HUEGELMEYER S.D., DREIZLER S., WERNER K., et al.
2005ApJ...635..527J 3 5 Nonlinear time series analysis of the DB white dwarf PG 1351+489 light intensity curves. JEVTIC N., ZELECHOSKI S., FELDMAN H., et al.
2005MNRAS.362..847P 60 15 The distances of less-evolved planetary nebulae: a further test of statistical distance scales. PHILLIPS J.P.
2005PASP..117..311T 211 3 Astrophysics in 2004. (Invited review). TRIMBLE V. and ASCHWANDEN M.
2005ARA&A..43..435H 31 8 757 Evolution of asymptotic giant branch stars. HERWIG F.
2005JApA...26..123K 16 9 Asteroseismology: past, present and future. KURTZ D.W.
2005JApA...26..301S 6 0 Results from the Whole Earth Telescope - Indian contributions. SEETHA S., ASHOKA B.N. and MARAR T.M.K.
2005JRASC..99T.143Q 2 0 Abell 43 a pulsating hydrogen rich PG 1159! QUIRION P.-O., FONTAINE G. and BRASSARD P.
2006A&A...446..237D 19 25 Whole Earth telescope observations of the ZZ Ceti star HL Tau 76. DOLEZ N., VAUCLAIR G., KLEINMAN S.J., et al.
2006A&A...446..259G 74 T                   3 1 The gravitational wave radiation of pulsating white dwarfs revisited: the case of BPM 37093 and
PG 1159-035.
2006A&A...449..313M 45   K                 3 49 New evolutionary calculations for the born again scenario. MILLER BERTOLAMI M.M., ALTHAUS L.G., SERENELLI A.M., et al.
2006A&A...454..527G 24 14 A search for photometric variability of hydrogen-deficient planetary-nebula nuclei. GONZALEZ PEREZ J.M., SOLHEIM J.-E. and KAMBEN R.
2006A&A...454..617H 47 23 Spectral analyses of eighteen hot H-deficient (pre-) white dwarfs from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 4. HUEGELMEYER S.D., DREIZLER S., HOMEIER D., et al.
2006A&A...454..839K 44 8 Precise radial velocities with BOES. Detection of low-amplitude pulsations in the K-giant α Arietis. KIM K.M., MKRTICHIAN D.E., LEE B.-C., et al.
2006A&A...454..863C 75 T                   27 80 Asteroseismic inferences on GW Virginis variable stars in the frame of new
PG 1159 evolutionary models.
2006MNRAS.368L..57T 4 3 25 Excitation of G modes in Wolf-Rayet stars by a deep opacity bump. TOWNSEND R.H.D. and MacDONALD J.
2006MNRAS.371..263L 1 13 41 The mass of helium in white dwarf stars and the formation and evolution of hydrogen-deficient post-AGB stars. LAWLOR T.M. and MacDONALD J.
2006MNRAS.371..424L 1 6 14 Variability and multiperiodic oscillations in the X-ray light curve of the classical nova V4743 Sgr. LEIBOWITZ E., ORIO M., GONZALEZ-RIESTRA R., et al.
2006PASP..118..183W 2 62 313 The elemental abundances in bare planetary nebula central stars and the shell burning in AGB stars. WERNER K. and HERWIG F.
2006PASP..118..947T 210 4 Astrophysics in 2005. TRIMBLE V., ASCHWANDEN M.J. and HANSEN C.J.
2006MmSAI..77...36C 1 0 Internal composition of pulsating stars. COX A.N.
2006MmSAI..77...53Q 74 T                   11 7 Modeling the red edge of the
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PG 1159) instability strip: evolutionary calculations taking into account diffusion and mass loss.
2006Ap.....49..201S 10 2 Gravitational radiation from differentially rotating and oscillating white dwarfs. SEDRAKIAN D.M., SHAHABASYAN K.M. and SHAHABASYAN M.K.
2006RMxAC..26...48M 1 0 Born again stars and their offspring. MILLER BERTOLAMI M.M. and ALTHAUS L.G.
2006A&A...458..259C 74 T                   22 38 New nonadiabatic pulsation computations on full
PG 1159 evolutionary models: the theoretical
GW Virginis. instability strip revisited.
2007A&A...461.1095C 2 6 26 Asteroseismological constraints on the pulsating planetary nebula nucleus (PG1159-type) RXJ2117.1+3412. CORSICO A.H., ALTHAUS L.G., MILLER BERTOLAMI M.M., et al.
2007A&A...462..281J 39   K                 9 40 High-resolution ultraviolet spectroscopy of
PG 1159-035 with HST and FUSE.
JAHN D., RAUCH T., REIFF E., et al.
2006MmSAI..77..996W 8 1 AGB star intershell abundances inferred from analyses of extremely hot H-deficient post-AGB stars. WERNER K., JAHN D., RAUCH T., et al.
2007A&A...466..317W 464       D     X C       12 28 22 Discovery of photospheric argon in very hot central stars of planetary nebulae and white dwarfs. WERNER K., RAUCH T. and KRUK J.W.
2007BaltA..16..142W 1 1 Agb star intershell abundances inferred from extremely hot H-deficient post-AGB stars. WERNER K., JAHN D., RAUCH T., et al.
2007ApJS..170..126M 2 2 Metal absorption profiles from the central star of the planetary nebula M 27 (NGC 6853, PN G060.8-03.6, the Dumbbell): photospheric and nebular line identifications. McCANDLISS S.R. and KRUK J.
2007A&A...467..237F 1 6 19 Asteroseismology of the PG 1159 star PG 0122+200. FU J.-N., VAUCLAIR G., SOLHEIM J.-E., et al.
2007A&A...467.1175A 547 T   A     X C       13 9 4 Low-mass, helium-enriched
PG 1159 stars: a possible evolutionary origin and implications for their pulsational stability properties.
2007ApJS..171..219Q 17 30 Mapping the instability domains of GW Vir stars in the effective temperature-surface gravity diagram. QUIRION P.-O., FONTAINE G. and BRASSARD P.
2007MNRAS.378.1049R 37           X         1 24 20 Resolving the pulsations of subdwarf B stars: HS 0039+4302, HS 0444+0458 and an examination of the group properties of resolved pulsators. REED M.D., TERNDRUP D.M., ZHOU A.-Y., et al.
2007A&A...470..675M 38         O X         1 3 8 On the robustness of H-deficient post-AGB tracks. MILLER BERTOLAMI M.M. and ALTHAUS L.G.
2007AJ....134.1503H 37           X         1 13 10 XMM-Newton observations of the cataclysmic variable GW Librae. HILTON E.J., SZKODY P., MUKADAM A., et al.
2007A&A...475..619C 1409     A   O X C       37 6 23 Asteroseismological constraints on the coolest GW Virginis variable star (
PG 1159-type) PG 0122+200.
2007ApJ...669..714M viz 2 10 57 A Subaru weak-lensing survey. I. Cluster candidates and spectroscopic verification. MIYAZAKI S., HAMANA T., ELLIS R.S., et al.
2007ApJ...670..442H 1 3 6 The high-excitation planetary nebula NGC 246. II. FUSE and Chandra observations. HOOGERWERF R., SZENTGYORGYI A., RAYMOND J., et al.
2008A&A...477..627C 2739 T K A S O X C       70 4 40 The pulsation modes of the pre-white dwarf
PG 1159-035.
2007ARep...51..291T 14 18 Late stages of the evolution of close compact binaries: type I supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, and supersoft X-ray sources. TUTUKOV A.V. and FEDOROVA A.V.
2008A&A...478..175A 241       D     X C       6 6 8 On the systematics of asteroseismological mass determinations of PG 1159 stars. ALTHAUS L.G., CORSICO A.H., KEPLER S.O., et al.
2008MNRAS.383.1639W 53       D     X         2 19 34 The hydrogen-deficient knot of the `born-again' planetary nebula Abell 58 (V605 Aql). WESSON R., BARLOW M.J., LIU X.-W., et al.
2008A&A...478..869C 4809 T K A S   X C       125 4 27 Asteroseismological measurements on

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, the prototype of the GW Virginis variable stars.
2008ApJ...677L..35A 1508     A D     X C       40 5 15 Evidence of thin helium envelopes in
PG 1159 stars.
2008ApJ...678L..51M 43           X         1 5 53 SDSS J142625.71+575218.3: a prototype for a new class of variable white dwarf. MONTGOMERY M.H., WILLIAMS K.A., WINGET D.E., et al.
2008MNRAS.387..137S 38           X         1 8 11 Whole Earth Telescope observations of the hot helium atmosphere pulsating white dwarf EC20058-5234. SULLIVAN D.J., METCALFE T.S., O'DONOGHUE D., et al.
2008MNRAS.387..871H viz 40           X         1 3 15 Atomic data and electron-impact broadening effect in DO white dwarf atmospheres: SiVI. HAMDI R., BEN NESSIB N., MILOVANOVIC N., et al.
2008ApJ...683..978D 154           X         4 13 93 Hot DQ white dwarfs: something different. DUFOUR P., FONTAINE G., LIEBERT J., et al.
2008MNRAS.389.1771K 38           X         1 13 11 A search for a new class of pulsating DA white dwarf stars in the DB gap. KURTZ D.W., SHIBAHASHI H., DHILLON V.S., et al.
2008A&A...489.1225C 1644 T K A S O X C       41 5 25 The temporal changes of the pulsational periods of the pre-white dwarf PG 1159-035. COSTA J.E.S. and KEPLER S.O.
2007A&ARv..14..217C 89 116 Asteroseismology and Interferometry. CUNHA M.S., AERTS C., CHRISTENSEN-DALSGAARD J., et al.
2008PASP..120.1043F 2427       D     X C       64 89 275 The pulsating white dwarf stars. FONTAINE G. and BRASSARD P.
2009A&A...494.1021A 62     A     X         2 3 6 On the origin of white dwarfs with carbon-dominated atmospheres: the case of H1504+65. ALTHAUS L.G., CORSICO A.H., TORRES S., et al.
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