TYC 2689-226-1 , the SIMBAD biblio

2017AJ....153..259O - Astron. J., 153, 259-259 (2017/June-0)

Gaia Assorted Mass Binaries Long Excluded from SLoWPoKES (GAMBLES): identifying ultra-wide binary pairs with components of diverse mass.


Abstract (from CDS):

The formation and evolution of binary star systems are some of the remaining key questions in modern astronomy. Wide binary pairs (separations >103 au) are particularly intriguing because their low binding energies make it difficult for the stars to stay gravitationally bound over extended timescales, and thus to probe the dynamics of binary formation and dissolution. Our previous SLoWPoKES catalogs, I and II, provided the largest and most complete sample of wide-binary pairs of low masses. Here we present an extension of these catalogs to a broad range of stellar masses: the Gaia Assorted Mass Binaries Long Excluded from SloWPoKES (GAMBLES), comprising 8660 statistically significant wide pairs that we make available in a living online database. Within this catalog we identify a subset of 543 long-lived (dissipation timescale >1.5 Gyr) candidate binary pairs, of assorted mass, with typical separations between 103 and 105.5 au (0.002-1.5 pc), using the published distances and proper motions from the Tycho-Gaia Astrometric Solution and Sloan Digital Sky Survey photometry. Each pair has at most a false positive probability of 0.05; the total expectation is 2.44 false binaries in our sample. Among these, we find 22 systems with 3 components, 1 system with 4 components, and 15 pairs consisting of at least 1 possible red giant. We find the largest long-lived binary separation to be nearly 3.2 pc; even so, >76% of GAMBLES long-lived binaries have large binding energies and dissipation lifetimes longer than 1.5 Gyr. Finally, we find that the distribution of binary separations is clearly bimodal, corroborating the findings from SloWPoKES and suggesting multiple pathways for the formation and dissipation of the widest binaries in the Galaxy.

Abstract Copyright: © 2017. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.

Journal keyword(s): binaries: visual - catalogs - methods: statistical - methods: statistical

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/AJ/153/259): table1.dat table2.dat table3.dat>

Nomenclature: GBL JHHMM+DDMM N=8660.

Errata: erratum vol. 154, art.174 (2017)

Simbad objects: 479

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