StKM 1-497 , the SIMBAD biblio

StKM 1-497 , the SIMBAD biblio (130 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST09:04:39

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1986AJ.....91..144S viz 14       D               1 2205 35 Dwarf K and M stars of small proper motion found in a large spectroscopic survey. STEPHENSON C.B.
1991AJ....102.1795W 453 38 A photometric study of K and M dwarf stars found by Stephenson. WEIS E.W.
1991NSC3..C......0G viz 1352 ~ Preliminary Version of the third catalogue of nearby stars. GLIESE W. and JAHREISS H.
1994MNRAS.267..840H 310 26 ROSAT EUV luminosity functions of nearby late-type stars. HODGKIN S.T. and PYE J.P.
1995AJ....110.1838R viz 1848 572 The Palomar/MSU nearby-star spectroscopic survey. I. The northern M dwarfs-band strengths and kinematics. REID I.N., HAWLEY S.L. and GIZIS J.E.
1996AJ....112.2799H viz 2161 422 The Palomar/MSU nearby star spectroscopic survey. II. The southern M dwarfs and investigations of magnetic activity. HAWLEY S.L., GIZIS J.E. and REID I.N.
1997A&A...326.1143H 42 22 Observation and modelling of main sequence stellar chromospheres. VI. Hα and CaII line observations of M1 dwarfs and comparison with models. HOUDEBINE E.R. and STEMPELS H.C.
1998A&A...335..467T viz 393 77 Identification of soft high galactic latitude RASS X-ray sources. I. A complete count-rate limited sample. THOMAS H.-C., BEUERMANN K., REINSCH K., et al.
1999A&AS..135..319H viz 1221 244 The ROSAT all-sky survey catalogue of the nearby stars. HUENSCH M., SCHMITT J.H.M.M., STERZIK M.F., et al.
1999A&AS..139..555G viz 457 73 Catalogue and bibliography of the UV Cet-type flare stars and related objects in the solar vicinity. GERSHBERG R.E., KATSOVA M.M., LOVKAYA M.N., et al.
2000AN....321....1S viz 14       D               2101 219 The ROSAT Bright Survey: II. Catalogue of all high-galactic latitude RASS sources with PSPC countrate CR > 0.2/s. SCHWOPE A.D., HASINGER G., LEHMANN I., et al.
2001ApJ...562L..87Z 4 29 372 The β Pictoris moving group. ZUCKERMAN B., SONG I., BESSELL M.S., et al.
2002AJ....123.3356G viz 700 259 The Palomar/MSU nearby star spectroscopic survey. III. Chromospheric activity, M dwarf ages, and the local star formation history. GIZIS J.E., REID I.N. and HAWLEY S.L.
2003A&A...403..247F viz 1217 54 A systematic study of X-ray variability in the ROSAT all-sky survey. FUHRMEISTER B. and SCHMITT J.H.M.M.
2004AJ....127.2871M 198 124 The brown dwarf desert at 75-1200 AU. McCARTHY C. and ZUCKERMAN B.
2004AJ....128..463R viz 15       D               1079 147 Meeting the cool neighbors. VIII. A preliminary 20 parsec census from the NLTT catalogue. REID I.N., CRUZ K.L., ALLEN P., et al.
2004AJ....128.1812D 116 20 On the rotation of post-T Tauri stars in associations. DE LA REZA R. and PINZON G.
2004ARA&A..42..685Z viz 15       D               1 213 527 Young stars near the Sun. ZUCKERMAN B. and SONG I.
2005ApJ...631.1161P 1 20 91 Where are the M dwarf disks older than 10 million years? PLAVCHAN P., JURA M. and LIPSCY S.J.
2006AJ....131.1730F 112 T K                 28 32 51 Eridani and
GJ 3305: a 10-15 myr old binary star system at 30 parsecs.
2006AJ....132..866R viz 15       D               1076 188 Identification of new M dwarfs in the solar neighborhood. RIAZ B., GIZIS J.E. and HARVIN J.
2006ApJ...648.1206J 100 108 Accretion disks around young stars: lifetimes, disk locking, and variability. JAYAWARDHANA R., COFFEY J., SCHOLZ A., et al.
2006PASP..118..706P 72 26 Differential radial velocities and stellar parameters of nearby young stars. PAULSON D.B. and YELDA S.
2006A&A...460..695T viz         O           1890 534 Search for associations containing young stars (SACY). I. Sample and searching method. TORRES C.A.O., QUAST G.R., DA SILVA L., et al.
2007ApJ...654..558D 57 37 Discovery of nine new companions to nearby young M stars with the Altair AO system. DAEMGEN S., SIEGLER N., REID I.N., et al.
2007ApJ...662.1254S 15       D               1 90 40 Rotation and activity of Pre-Main-Sequence stars. SCHOLZ A., COFFEY J., BRANDEKER A., et al.
2007PASP..119..747T 221 13 SIM PlanetQuest key project precursor observations to detect gas giant planets around young stars. TANNER A., BEICHMAN C., AKESON R., et al.
2007A&A...472..321K 661     A S   X C       16 21 100 A novel L-band imaging search for giant planets in the Tucana and β Pictoris moving groups. KASPER M., APAI D., JANSON M., et al.
2008A&A...480..735F viz 38           X         1 290 83 On the kinematic evolution of young local associations and the Scorpius-Centaurus complex. FERNANDEZ D., FIGUERAS F. and TORRA J.
2008AJ....135.2024A 15       D               1 55 8 Spitzer/IRAC search for companions to nearby, young M dwarfs. ALLEN P.R. and REID I.N.
2008ApJ...681.1484R 15       D               4 49 85 Spitzer MIPS observations of stars in the β Pictoris moving group. REBULL L.M., STAPELFELDT K.R., WERNER M.W., et al.
2008MNRAS.390.1081H 53       D     X         2 92 13 Observation and modelling of main-sequence stellar chromospheres - VII. Rotation and metallicity of dM1 stars. HOUDEBINE E.R.
2008ApJ...687.1107F 38           X         1 41 16 New M dwarf debris disk candidates in NGC 2547. FORBRICH J., LADA C.J., MUENCH A.A., et al.
2008ApJ...689.1127M 128       D     X C       3 155 133 Lithium depletion of nearby young stellar associations. MENTUCH E., BRANDEKER A., VAN KERKWIJK M.H., et al.
2009ApJ...699..649S viz 167       D     X         5 187 162 Identifying the young low-mass stars within 25 pc. I. Spectroscopic observations. SHKOLNIK E., LIU M.C. and REID I.N.
2009MNRAS.397.2133H 53       D     X         2 29 8 Observation and modelling of main-sequence star chromospheres - XII. Two-component model chromospheres for five active dM1e stars. HOUDEBINE E.R.
2009A&A...503..281T 15       D               1 56 16 Kinematic analysis and membership status of TWA 22 AB. TEIXEIRA R., DUCOURANT C., CHAUVIN G., et al.
2009ApJS..184..138H viz 15       D               2 20659 68 XID II: statistical cross-association of ROSAT bright source catalog X-ray sources with 2MASS point source catalog near-infrared sources. HAAKONSEN C.B. and RUTLEDGE R.E.
2009MNRAS.400..238H 15       D               1 43 3 Observation and modelling of main sequence star chromospheres - XIII. The Na I D1 and D2, and He I D3 lines in dM1 stars. HOUDEBINE E.R., STEMPELS H.C. and OLIVEIRA J.H.
2009A&A...508..833D viz 15       D               1 372 134 Search for associations containing young stars (SACY). III. Ages and Li abundances. DA SILVA L., TORRES C.A.O., DE LA REZA R., et al.
2010ApJ...711..303Y 16       D               2 21 49 A test of Pre-Main-Sequence lithium depletion models. YEE J.C. and JENSEN E.L.N.
2010PASP..122..162B viz 15       D               3 106 57 Imaging young giant planets from ground and space. BEICHMAN C.A., KRIST J., TRAUGER J.T., et al.
2010AJ....140..206K 15       D               1 38 5 Detectability of exoplanets in the β Pic moving group with the Gemini planet imager. KATARIA T. and SIMON M.
2010ApJ...720L..82B 44           X         1 6 78 The Gemini NICI planet-finding campaign: discovery of a close substellar companion to the young debris disk star PZ Tel. BILLER B.A., LIU M.C., WAHHAJ Z., et al.
2010MNRAS.407.1657H viz 15       D               2 119 28 Observation and modelling of main-sequence star chromospheres - XIV. Rotation of dM1 stars. HOUDEBINE E.R.
2010ApJ...723.1599M 473       D     X C       12 18 27 Magneto-convection and lithium age estimates of the β Pictoris moving group. MacDONALD J. and MULLAN D.J.
2010A&A...520A..15M viz 168       D     X         5 239 111 RACE-OC project: rotation and variability of young stellar associations within 100 pc. MESSINA S., DESIDERA S., TURATTO M., et al.
2010A&A...520A..54B 358       D     X         10 146 84 Lucky imaging survey for southern M dwarf binaries. BERGFORS C., BRANDNER W., JANSON M., et al.
2010PASP..122..885S viz 15       D               1 3982 28 Accurate coordinates and 2MASS cross identifications for (almost) all Gliese catalog star. STAUFFER J., TANNER A.M., BRYDEN G., et al.
2011MNRAS.411.2259H 15       D               1 127 9 Observation and modelling of main-sequence star chromospheres – XV. New constraints on the dynamo mechanisms for dM1 stars. HOUDEBINE E.R.
2011ApJ...743..158S 38           X         1 9 8 Measured diameters of two f stars in the β Pic moving group. SIMON M. and SCHAEFER G.H.
2012ApJ...745...19K viz 15       D               1 244 207 The role of multiplicity in disk evolution and planet formation. KRAUS A.L., IRELAND M.J., HILLENBRAND L.A., et al.
2012A&A...539A..72D 905       D     X C F     22 26 44 High-resolution imaging of young M-type stars of the solar neighbourhood: probing for companions down to the mass of Jupiter. DELORME P., LAGRANGE A.M., CHAUVIN G., et al.
2012ApJ...749...16B 735     A D     X C       19 34 52 Precise infrared radial velocities from Keck/NIRSPEC and the search for young planets. BAILEY III J.I., WHITE R.J., BLAKE C.H., et al.
2012AJ....143..134M viz 132       D     X         4 200 26 The sizes of the nearest young stars. McCARTHY K. and WHITE R.J.
2012ApJ...754...44J viz 116           X         3 221 170 The AstraLux large M-dwarf multiplicity survey. JANSON M., HORMUTH F., BERGFORS C., et al.
2012MNRAS.424..625M 193           X         5 38 3 RX J0942.7-7726AB: an isolated pre-main-sequence wide binary. MURPHY S.J., LAWSON W.A. and BESSELL M.S.
2012ApJ...758...56S viz 364       D     X C       9 196 148 Identifying the young low-mass stars within 25 pc. II. Distances, kinematics, and group membership. SHKOLNIK E.L., ANGLADA-ESCUDE G., LIU M.C., et al.
2012MNRAS.426.1591H viz 15       D               7 132 4 Observation and modelling of main-sequence star chromospheres - XIX. FIES and FEROS observations of dM1 stars. HOUDEBINE E.R., BUTLER C.J., GARCIA-ALVAREZ D., et al.
2013ApJ...762...88M viz 16       D               3 488 304 Bayesian analysis to identify new star candidates in nearby young stellar kinematic groups. MALO L., DOYON R., LAFRENIERE D., et al.
2013PASP..125..477D viz 16       D               3 289 68 GASPS - A Herschel Survey of Gas and Dust in Protoplanetary Disks: Summary and Initial Statistics. DENT W.R.F., THI W.F., KAMP I., et al.
2013ApJS..208....9P viz 19       D               3 243 1569 Intrinsic colors, temperatures, and bolometric corrections of pre-main-sequence stars. PECAUT M.J. and MAMAJEK E.E.
2013AJ....146..134K viz 16       D               1 419757 301 The radial velocity experiment (RAVE): fourth data release. KORDOPATIS G., GILMORE G., STEINMETZ M., et al.
2014MNRAS.437.1216D viz 16       D               1 481 137 The VAST Survey - III. The multiplicity of A-type stars within 75pc. DE ROSA R.J., PATIENCE J., WILSON P.A., et al.
2014A&A...565A..68R 16       D   O           4 33 45 Gas and dust in the beta Pictoris moving group as seen by the Herschel Space Observatory. RIVIERE-MARICHALAR P., BARRADO D., MONTESINOS B., et al.
2014A&A...567A..52K viz 16       D   O           1 157 18 Reliable probabilistic determination of membership in stellar kinematic groups in the young disk. KLUTSCH A., FREIRE FERRERO R., GUILLOUT P., et al.
2014A&A...568A..26E viz 55       D     X         2 270 46 Search for associations containing young stars (SACY). V. Is multiplicity universal? Tight multiple systems. ELLIOTT P., BAYO A., MELO C.H.F., et al.
2014ApJS..214...17J viz 157       S   X         3 29 18 Orbital monitoring of the AstraLux large M-dwarf multiplicity sample. JANSON M., BERGFORS C., BRANDNER W., et al.
2014MNRAS.443.2561G viz 16       D               1 2978 190 Trumpeting M dwarfs with CONCH-SHELL: a catalogue of nearby cool host-stars for habitable exoplanets and life. GAIDOS E., MANN A.W., LEPINE S., et al.
2014MNRAS.445.2169M 18       D               1 45 234 On the age of the β Pictoris moving group. MAMAJEK E.E. and BELL C.P.M.
2015Sci...350...64M viz 34 6 411 Discovery and spectroscopy of the young jovian planet 51 Eri b with the Gemini Planet Imager. MACINTOSH B., GRAHAM J.R., BARMAN T., et al.
2015ApJ...813L..11M 1415 T K A     X C       34 7 22 Dynamical masses of young M dwarfs: masses and orbital parameters of
GJ 3305 AB, the wide binary companion to the imaged exoplanet host 51 Eri.
2015MNRAS.454..593B viz 16       D               1 550 376 A self-consistent, absolute isochronal age scale for young moving groups in the solar neighbourhood. BELL C.P.M., MAMAJEK E.E. and NAYLOR T.
2016MNRAS.455.3345B 337       D     X   F     8 68 17 Spectroscopic confirmation of M-dwarf candidate members of the Beta Pictoris and AB Doradus Moving Groups. BINKS A.S. and JEFFRIES R.D.
2016ApJ...822...40G viz 498       D     X C       12 57 5 A high-precision near-infrared survey for radial velocity variable low-mass stars using CSHELL and a methane gas cell. GAGNE J., PLAVCHAN P., GAO P., et al.
2016A&A...588A.103B viz 19       D               1 95 324 Second ROSAT all-sky survey (2RXS) source catalogue. BOLLER T., FREYBERG M.J., TRUMPER J., et al.
2016ApJ...822...97H viz 16       D               1 581 12 Rotation-Activity Correlations in K and M dwarfs. I. Stellar parameters and compilations of v.sin(i) and P/sin(i) for a large sample of late-K and M dwarfs. HOUDEBINE E.R., MULLAN D.J., PALETOU F., et al.
2016A&A...590A..13E viz 257       D     X         7 646 29 Search for associations containing young stars (SACY). VII. New stellar and substellar candidate members in the young associations. ELLIOTT P., BAYO A., MELO C.H.F., et al.
2016MNRAS.459.4499E 16       D               3 61 9 The crucial role of higher order multiplicity in wide binary formation: a case study using the β-Pictoris moving group. ELLIOTT P. and BAYO A.
2016A&A...593A..38B viz 177       D     X C       4 176 21 SPOTS: The Search for Planets Orbiting Two Stars. II. First constraints on the frequency of sub-stellar companions on wide circumbinary orbits. BONAVITA M., DESIDERA S., THALMANN C., et al.
2016A&A...594A..63G viz 16       D               1 293 89 The International Deep Planet Survey. II. The frequency of directly imaged giant exoplanets with stellar mass. GALICHER R., MAROIS C., MACINTOSH B., et al.
2016AJ....152..175N 587     A     X C       14 14 15 Dynamical mass measurement of the young spectroscopic binary V343 Normae AaAb resolved with the Gemini planet imager. NIELSEN E.L., DE ROSA R.J., WANG J., et al.
2017AJ....153...75K viz 16       D               1 451446 394 The Radial Velocity Experiment (RAVE): fifth data release. KUNDER A., KORDOPATIS G., STEINMETZ M., et al.
2016A&A...596A..29M 16       D               1 69 17 The rotation-lithium depletion correlation in the β Pictoris association and the LDB age determination. MESSINA S., LANZAFAME A.C., FEIDEN G.A., et al.
2016A&A...596A..83L 201           X         5 104 21 MASSIVE: A Bayesian analysis of giant planet populations around low-mass stars. LANNIER J., DELORME P., LAGRANGE A.M., et al.
2017ApJ...837...96H viz 16       D               3 453 14 The rotation-activity correlations in K and M dwarfs. II. New constraints on the dynamo mechanisms in late-K and M dwarfs before and at the transition to complete convection. HOUDEBINE E.R., MULLAN D.J., BERCU B., et al.
2017A&A...600A..83M viz 97       D   O X         3 150 9 The β Pictoris association: Catalog of photometric rotational periods of low-mass members and candidate members. MESSINA S., MILLWARD M., BUCCINO A., et al.
2016PASP..128j2001B 41           X         1 146 290 Imaging extrasolar giant planets. BOWLER B.P.
2017AJ....154...10R 44           X         1 28 87 Characterizing 51 Eri b From 1 to 5 µm: a partly cloudy exoplanet. RAJAN A., RAMEAU J., DE ROSA R.J., et al.
2017ApJ...844..103T viz 1159 56 Orbit alignment in triple stars. TOKOVININ A.
2017AJ....154...69S viz 16       D               3 237 80 All-sky Co-moving Recovery Of Nearby Young Members (ACRONYM). II. The β Pictoris Moving Group. SHKOLNIK E.L., ALLERS K.N., KRAUS A.L., et al.
2017A&A...603A..57S viz 124         O X         3 47 95 Spectral and atmospheric characterization of 51 Eridani b using VLT/SPHERE. SAMLAND M., MOLLIERE P., BONNEFOY M., et al.
2017AJ....154..218N 41           X         1 23 14 Evidence that the directly imaged planet HD 131399 Ab is a background star. NIELSEN E.L., DE ROSA R.J., RAMEAU J., et al.
2017A&A...607A...3M 16       D   O           2 125 3 The β Pictoris association low-mass members: Membership assessment, rotation period distribution, and dependence on multiplicity. MESSINA S., LANZAFAME A.C., MALO L., et al.
2018ApJ...856...23G viz 16       D               1 1600 367 BANYAN. XI. The BANYAN Σ multivariate Bayesian algorithm to identify members of young associations with 150 pc. GAGNE J., MAMAJEK E.E., MALO L., et al.
2018MNRAS.475.2955L 16       D               1 117 9 Bayesian assessment of moving group membership: importance of models and prior knowledge. LEE J. and SONG I.
2018A&A...614A..76J viz 16       D               4 2139 98 CARMENES input catalogue of M dwarfs. III. Rotation and activity from high-resolution spectroscopic observations. JEFFERS S.V., SCHOFER P., LAMERT A., et al.
2018AJ....156..137B viz 41           X         1 193 6 WEIRD: Wide-orbit Exoplanet search with InfraRed Direct imaging. BARON F., ARTIGAU E., RAMEAU J., et al.
2018ApJ...865..152M 16       D               2 31 ~ Orbital characterization of GJ1108A system, and comparison of dynamical mass with model-derived mass for resolved binaries. MIZUKI T., KUZUHARA M., MEDE K., et al.
2018A&A...618A...5D viz 181       D     X         5 40 2 A Radial velocity survey of spatially resolved young, low-mass binaries. DURKAN S., JANSON M., CICERI S., et al.
2018A&A...618A..23R 329           X         8 28 6 Dynamical masses of M-dwarf binaries in young moving groups. I. The case of TWA 22 and GJ 2060. RODET L., BONNEFOY M., DURKAN S., et al.
2018AJ....156..192W 48           X         1 13 96 Dynamical constraints on the HR 8799 planets with GPI. WANG J.J., GRAHAM J.R., DAWSON R., et al.
2018A&A...620A..33J 206           X C       4 22 3 Dynamical masses of M-dwarf binaries in young moving groups. II. Toward empirical mass-luminosity isochrones. JANSON M., DURKAN S., BONNEFOY M., et al.
2019AJ....158...13N viz 42           X         1 337 259 The Gemini Planet Imager Exoplanet Survey: giant planet and brown dwarf demographics from 10 to 100 au. NIELSEN E.L., DE ROSA R.J., MACINTOSH B., et al.
2019AJ....158..187B viz 17       D               1 357 ~ Constraints on the occurrence and distribution of 1-20 MJup companions to stars at separations of 5-5000 au from a compilation of direct imaging surveys. BARON F., LAFRENIERE D., ARTIGAU E., et al.
2019MNRAS.489.2189L viz 17       D               1 616 ~ Evaluation of nearby young moving groups based on unsupervised machine learning. LEE J. and SONG I.
2019MNRAS.489.3625C viz 17       D               1 873 34 Chronostar: a novel Bayesian method for kinematic age determination - I. Derivation and application to the β Pictoris moving group. CRUNDALL T.D., IRELAND M.J., KRUMHOLZ M.R., et al.
2020AJ....159....1D 43           X         1 6 ~ An updated visual orbit of the directly imaged exoplanet 51 Eridani b and prospects for a dynamical mass measurement with Gaia. DE ROSA R.J., NIELSEN E.L., WANG J.J., et al.
2019MNRAS.490.3158C viz 17       D               1 465837 28 A catalogue of stellar diameters and fluxes for mid-infrared interferometry. CRUZALEBES P., PETROV R.G., ROBBE-DUBOIS S., et al.
2020AJ....159...63B viz 44           X         1 73 75 Population-level eccentricity distributions of imaged exoplanets and brown dwarf companions: dynamical evidence for distinct formation channels. BOWLER B.P., BLUNT S.C. and NIELSEN E.L.
2020ApJ...891..171Z viz 85           X         2 88 17 COol Companions ON Ultrawide orbiTS (COCONUTS). I. A high-gravity T4 benchmark around an old white dwarf and a re-examination of the surface-gravity dependence of the L/T transition. ZHANG Z., LIU M.C., HERMES J.J., et al.
2020ApJS..247...11R viz 17       D               1 46229 22 Radial velocity photon limits for the dwarf stars of spectral classes F-M. REINERS A. and ZECHMEISTER M.
2020A&A...636A..74T viz 17       D               1 2918 90 Public HARPS radial velocity database corrected for systematic errors. TRIFONOV T., TAL-OR L., ZECHMEISTER M., et al.
2020AJ....160....7T viz 17       D               1 2500 ~ Speckle interferometry at SOAR in 2019. TOKOVININ A., MASON B.D., MENDEZ R.A., et al.
2020ApJ...898...27S viz 43           X         1 2727 23 BAFFLES: Bayesian ages for field lower-mass stars. STANFORD-MOORE S.A., NIELSEN E.L., DE ROSA R.J., et al.
2020AJ....160...83S viz 17       D               1 451373 83 The sixth Data Release of the Radial Velocity Experiment (RAVE). II. Stellar atmospheric parameters, chemical abundances, and distances. STEINMETZ M., GUIGLION G., McMILLAN P.J., et al.
2020A&A...642A.115C viz 17       D               1 2569 89 CARMENES input catalogue of M dwarfs. V. Luminosities, colours, and spectral energy distributions. CIFUENTES C., CABALLERO J.A., CORTES-CONTRERAS M., et al.
2020A&A...642A.179M viz 17       D               1 98 54 Dynamical traceback age of the β Pictoris moving group. MIRET-ROIG N., GALLI P.A.B., BRANDNER W., et al.
2021A&A...645A..30Z viz 104       D     X         3 431 20 Search for associations containing young stars (SACY). VIII. An updated census of spectroscopic binary systems exhibiting hints of non-universal multiplicity among their associations. ZUNIGA-FERNANDEZ S., BAYO A., ELLIOTT P., et al.
2021MNRAS.502.5390P 61       D     X         2 95 20 A ∼75 per cent occurrence rate of debris discs around F stars in the β Pic moving group. PAWELLEK N., WYATT M., MATRA L., et al.
2021A&A...654A.168L viz 17       D               2 811 13 Convective blueshift strengths of 810 F to M solar-type stars. LIEBING F., JEFFERS S.V., REINERS A., et al.
2022MNRAS.509.4411D 45           X         1 12 10 Limits on the mass and initial entropy of 51 Eri b from Gaia EDR3 astrometry. DUPUY T.J., BRANDT G.M. and BRANDT T.D.
2022ApJ...938...49S 224           X C       4 7 4 The Directly Imaged Exoplanet Host Star 51 Eridani is a Gamma Doradus Pulsator. SEPULVEDA A.G., HUBER D., ZHANG Z., et al.
2022A&A...666A..16C 824       D     X C       18 35 1 Updated orbital monitoring and dynamical masses for nearby M-dwarf binaries. CALISSENDORFF P., JANSON M., RODET L., et al.
2023AJ....165..164B viz 578       D     X C       12 122 2 Rotation Periods, Inclinations, and Obliquities of Cool Stars Hosting Directly Imaged Substellar Companions: Spin-Orbit Misalignments Are Common. BOWLER B.P., TRAN Q.H., ZHANG Z., et al.
2023AJ....165..267H viz 19       D               1 64663 1 Bioverse: A Comprehensive Assessment of the Capabilities of Extremely Large Telescopes to Probe Earth-like O2 Levels in Nearby Transiting Habitable-zone Exoplanets. HARDEGREE-ULLMAN K.K., APAI D., BERGSTEN G.J., et al.
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