SV* HV 876 , the SIMBAD biblio

SV* HV 876 , the SIMBAD biblio (29 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST06:30:07

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Title First 3 Authors
1978A&AS...32...83B 104 34 Photometry of Cepheid variables in the Large Magellanic Cloud. BUTLER C.J.
1983AJ.....88..507H 38 35 Photometry of Cepheids in the LMC and Magellanic Cloud abundances HARRIS H.C.
2002ApJS..142...71S viz 15       D               616 36 The cepheid period-luminosity relation in the Large Magellanic Cloud. SEBO K.M., RAWSON D., MOULD J., et al.
2004AJ....128.2239P viz 93 212 New cepheid period-luminosity relations for the Large Magellanic Cloud: 92 near-infrared light curves. PERSSON S.E., MADORE B.F., KRZEMINSKI W., et al.
2005MNRAS.363..831N 59 52 Further empirical evidence for the non-linearity of the period-luminosity relations as seen in the Large Magellanic Cloud Cepheids. NGEOW C.-C., KANBUR S.M., NIKOLAEV S., et al.
2008ApJ...679...71F viz 15       D               1 71 34 The Cepheid period-luminosity relation at mid-infrared wavelengths. I. First-epoch LMC data. FREEDMAN W.L., MADORE B.F., RIGBY J., et al.
2009ApJ...695..988M 15       D               2 74 26 The Cepheid period-luminosity relation (The Leavitt law) at mid-infrared wavelengths. II. Second-epoch LMC data. MADORE B.F., FREEDMAN W.L., RIGBY J., et al.
2008AcA....58..163S viz 15       D               1 3398 282 The Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment. The OGLE-III catalog of variable stars. I. Classical Cepheids in the Large Magellanic Cloud. SOSZYNSKI I., POLESKI R., UDALSKI A., et al.
2008AcA....58..313P viz 15       D               1 2950 15 Period changes of LMC Cepheids in the OGLE and MACHO Data. POLESKI R.
2011A&A...534A..95S viz 16       D   O           2 43 108 Calibrating the Cepheid period-luminosity relation from the infrared surface brightness technique. II. The effect of metallicity and the distance to the LMC'. STORM J., GIEREN W., FOUQUE P., et al.
2011ApJ...743...76S viz 15       D               1 91 47 The Carnegie Hubble Program: the Leavitt law at 3.6 µm and 4.5 µm in the Large Magellanic Cloud. SCOWCROFT V., FREEDMAN W.L., MADORE B.F., et al.
2011AcA....61..303K 92       D         F     2 69 3 Large Magellanic Cloud Cepheids in the ASAS Data. KARCZMAREK P., DZIEMBOWSKI W.A., LENZ P., et al.
2012ApJ...748..107P viz 15       D               1 291 30 A global physical model for cepheids. PEJCHA O. and KOCHANEK C.S.
2012MNRAS.421.2998F viz       D           *   2 56 20 The Cepheid distance to the Local Group galaxy NGC 6822. FEAST M.W., WHITELOCK P.A., MENZIES J.W., et al.
2013A&A...550A..70G viz 16       D               2 201 45 Baade-Wesselink distances to Galactic and Magellanic Cloud Cepheids and the effect of metallicity. GROENEWEGEN M.A.T.
2015MNRAS.447.3342B viz 16       D               5 2329 21 On the variation of Fourier parameters for Galactic and LMC Cepheids at optical, near-infrared and mid-infrared wavelengths. BHARDWAJ A., KANBUR S.M., SINGH H.P., et al.
2015AJ....149..117M viz 16       D               2 1486 89 Large Magellanic Cloud near-infrared synoptic survey. I. Cepheid variables and the calibration of the Leavitt Law. MACRI L.M., NGEOW C.-C., KANBUR S.M., et al.
2015A&A...576A..30I viz 16       D               1 289 30 New NIR light-curve templates for classical Cepheids. INNO L., MATSUNAGA N., ROMANIELLO M., et al.
2016MNRAS.459.1170S viz 16       D               1 219 6 The Carnegie Chicago Hubble Program: the mid-infrared colours of Cepheids and the effect of metallicity on the CO band-head at 4.6µm. SCOWCROFT V., SEIBERT M., FREEDMAN W.L., et al.
2016ApJ...832..176I viz 16       D               1 3931 41 The panchromatic view of the Magellanic Clouds from classical Cepheids. I. Distance, reddening, and geometry of the Large Magellanic Cloud disk. INNO L., BONO G., MATSUNAGA N., et al.
2017A&A...608A..18G 81         O X         2 47 13 Observational calibration of the projection factor of Cepheids. IV. Period-projection factor relation of Galactic and Magellanic Cloud Cepheids. GALLENNE A., KERVELLA P., MERAND A., et al.
2015AcA....65..297S viz 16       D               1 9695 105 The OGLE Collection of Variable Stars. Classical Cepheids in the Magellanic System. SOSZYNSKI I., UDALSKI A., SZYMANSKI M.K., et al.
2019A&A...622A..60C viz 17       D               1 150347 194 Gaia Data Release 2. Specific characterisation and validation of all-sky Cepheids and RR Lyrae stars. CLEMENTINI G., RIPEPI V., MOLINARO R., et al.
2019A&A...622A..63G 17       D               2 99 ~ The VMC Survey. XXXIII. The tip of the red giant branch in the Magellanic Clouds. GROENEWEGEN M.A.T., CIONI M.-R.L., GIRARDI L., et al.
2020AJ....160..120J viz 17       D               1 365761 238 APOGEE data and spectral analysis from SDSS Data Release 16: seven years of observations including first results from APOGEE-South. JONSSON H., HOLTZMAN J.A., ALLENDE PRIETO C., et al.
2021MNRAS.500..817C viz 17       D               1 5050 ~ The mid-infrared Leavitt law for classical Cepheids in the Magellanic Clouds. CHOWN A.H., SCOWCROFT V. and WUYTS S.
2021ApJ...913...32D viz 17       D               1 5182 ~ Photometric classifications of evolved massive stars: preparing for the era of webb and roman with machine learning. DORN-WALLENSTEIN T.Z., DAVENPORT J.R.A., HUPPENKOTHEN D., et al.
2021ApJ...913...38B viz 17       D               1 2043 32 The influence of metallicity on the Leavitt law from geometrical distances of Milky Way and Magellanic Cloud Cepheids. BREUVAL L., KERVELLA P., WIELGORSKI P., et al.
2023A&A...671A.157H viz 19       D               1 3345 1 Metallicity estimations of MW, SMC, and LMC classical Cepheids from the shape of the V- and I-band light curves. HOCDE V., SMOLEC R., MOSKALIK P., et al.

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