SN 2020jgb , the SIMBAD biblio

SN 2020jgb , the SIMBAD biblio (5 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST08:20:53

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Title First 3 Authors
2023ApJ...946...83L 4647 T   A     X C       98 23 4
SN 2020jgb: A Peculiar Type Ia Supernova Triggered by a Helium-shell Detonation in a Star-forming Galaxy.
LIU C., MILLER A.A., POLIN A., et al.
2023MNRAS.521.3873Y 47           X         1 15 ~ Direct analysis of the broad-line SN 2019ein: connection with the core-normal SN 2011fe. YARBROUGH Z., BARON E., DERKACY J.M., et al.
2023MNRAS.524.4447C 47           X         1 13 ~ Helium as a signature of the double detonation in Type Ia supernovae. COLLINS C.E., SIM S.A., SHINGLES L.J., et al.
2023ApJ...956L..34S 47           X         1 22 ~ Unprecedented Early Flux Excess in the Hybrid 02es-like Type Ia Supernova 2022ywc Indicates Interaction with Circumstellar Material. SRIVASTAV S., MOORE T., NICHOLL M., et al.
2023ApJ...958..178L 47           X         1 19 ~ SN 2022joj: A Peculiar Type Ia Supernova Possibly Driven by an Asymmetric Helium-shell Double Detonation. LIU C., MILLER A.A., BOOS S.J., et al.

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