SN 2005be , the SIMBAD biblio

SN 2005be , the SIMBAD biblio (35 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST10:50:42

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2005IAUC.8506....5P 74 T                   3 1
Supernova 2005be.
2005IAUC.8508....2M 74 T                   2 0 Supernova 2005bd and 2005be. MODJAZ M., KIRSHNER R., CHALLIS P., et al.
2005IAUC.8508....3S 74 T                   2 0 Supernova 2005bd and 2005be. SALVO M., SCHMIDT B. and NORRIS J.
2005IAUC.8511....4P 74 T                   1 0
Supernova 2005be.
2005ATel..454....1A 74 T                   2 0 Type determination for
SN 2005be.
2010AJ....139..120F viz 18       D               2 45 299 The Carnegie Supernova Project: analysis of the first sample of low-redshift Type-Ia supernovae. FOLATELLI G., PHILLIPS M.M., BURNS C.R., et al.
2010AJ....139..519C viz 16       D               2 75 287 The Carnegie supernova project: first photometry data release of low-redshift type Ia supernovae. CONTRERAS C., HAMUY M., PHILLIPS M.M., et al.
2011AJ....141...19B 16       D               2 72 214 The carnegie supernova project: light-curve fitting with SNooPy. BURNS C.R., STRITZINGER M., PHILLIPS M.M., et al.
2005CBET..134....1S 37 T       O X         1 0 Supernova 2005be. SALVO M., SCHMIDT B. and NORRIS J.
2012A&A...538A.120L viz 15       D               1 5598 37 A unified supernova catalogue. LENNARZ D., ALTMANN D. and WIEBUSCH C.
2012AJ....143..126B viz 15       D               1 532 244 The spectroscopic diversity of type Ia supernovae. BLONDIN S., MATHESON T., KIRSHNER R.P., et al.
2012MNRAS.425.1789S viz 15       D               1 677 269 Berkeley supernova Ia program – I. Observations, data reduction and spectroscopic sample of 582 low-redshift type Ia supernovae. SILVERMAN J.M., FOLEY R.J., FILIPPENKO A.V., et al.
2012MNRAS.425.1819S viz 15       D               5 265 80 Berkeley supernova Ia program – II. Initial analysis of spectra obtained near maximum brightness. SILVERMAN J.M., KONG J.J. and FILIPPENKO A.V.
2012A&A...544A..81H viz 15       D               1 7232 67 Supernovae and their host galaxies. I. The SDSS DR8 database and statistics. HAKOBYAN A.A., ADIBEKYAN V.Zh., ARAMYAN L.S., et al.
2013MNRAS.433.2240G viz 16       D               1 597 70 Constraints on dark energy with the LOSS SN Ia sample. GANESHALINGAM M., LI W. and FILIPPENKO A.V.
2013ApJ...773...53F viz 16       D               1 101 121 Spectroscopy of type Ia supernovae by the Carnegie Supernova Project. FOLATELLI G., MORRELL N., PHILLIPS M.M., et al.
2014ApJ...789...32B 17       D               1 86 177 The Carnegie Supernova Project: intrinsic colors of Type Ia supernovae. BURNS C.R., STRITZINGER M., PHILLIPS M.M., et al.
2015ApJ...812...31J viz 16       D               1 337 27 Reconsidering the effects of local star formation on type Ia supernova cosmology. JONES D.O., RIESS A.G. and SCOLNIC D.M.
2017AJ....154..211K viz 16       D               3 348 140 The Carnegie Supernova Project. I. Third photometry data release of low-redshift Type Ia supernovae and other white dwarf explosions. KRISCIUNAS K., CONTRERAS C., BURNS C.R., et al.
2018ApJ...859..101S viz 17       D               1 1047 1682 The complete light-curve sample of spectroscopically confirmed SNe Ia from Pan-STARRS1 and cosmological constraints from the combined Pantheon Sample. SCOLNIC D.M., JONES D.O., REST A., et al.
2018A&A...615A..68R viz 16       D               1 809 78 Dependence of Type Ia supernova luminosities on their local environment. ROMAN M., HARDIN D., BETOULE M., et al.
2018ApJ...867..108J viz 16       D               1 274 106 Should Type Ia supernova distances be corrected for their local environments? JONES D.O., RIESS A.G., SCOLNIC D.M., et al.
2018ApJ...869...56B viz 16       D               2 176 128 The Carnegie Supernova Project: absolute calibration and the Hubble constant. BURNS C.R., PARENT E., PHILLIPS M.M., et al.
2019ApJ...874..150B viz 17       D               2 329 108 First cosmology results using SNe Ia from the dark Energy Survey: analysis, systematic uncertainties, and validation. BROUT D., SCOLNIC D., KESSLER R., et al.
2019MNRAS.485.2343P viz 17       D               2 263 3 Characterizing the secondary maximum in the r-band for Type Ia supernovae: diagnostic for the ejecta mass. PAPADOGIANNAKIS S., DHAWAN S., MOROSIN R., et al.
2020AJ....159..167L viz 17       D               1 639 53 The AMUSING++ nearby galaxy compilation. I. Full sample characterization and galactic-scale outflow selection. LOPEZ-COBA C., SANCHEZ S.F., ANDERSON J.P., et al.
2020MNRAS.498.2703B viz 17       D               1 474 54 Cosmic flows in the nearby Universe: new peculiar velocities from SNe and cosmological constraints. BORUAH S.S., HUDSON M.J. and LAVAUX G.
2020ApJ...901..143U 17       D               3 249 43 The Carnegie Supernova Project-I: correlation between Type Ia supernovae and their host galaxies from optical to near-infrared bands. UDDIN S.A., BURNS C.R., PHILLIPS M.M., et al.
2020ApJ...902...14S viz 17       D               1 1047 22 Effects of supernova redshift uncertainties on the determination of cosmological parameters. STEINHARDT C.L., SNEPPEN A. and SEN B.
2020MNRAS.499.1424H viz 17       D               1 408 ~ Supernovae and their host galaxies - VII. The diversity of Type Ia supernova progenitors. HAKOBYAN A.A., BARKHUDARYAN L.V., KARAPETYAN A.G., et al.
2020MNRAS.499.5121P 17       D               1 631 16 The dependence of Type Ia Supernovae SALT2 light-curve parameters on host galaxy morphology. PRUZHINSKAYA M.V., NOVINSKAYA A.K., PAUNA N., et al.
2021ApJ...922...15C 17       D               1 164 ~ Constraining Type Ia supernova delay time with spatially resolved star formation histories. CHEN X., HU L. and WANG L.
2021ApJ...923..267D viz 17       D               2 379 11 The Foundation Supernova Survey: photospheric velocity correlations in Type Ia supernovae. DETTMAN K.G., JHA S.W., DAI M., et al.
2022MNRAS.517.2360T 45           X         1 31 4 Constraining the SN Ia host galaxy dust law distribution and mass step: hierarchical BAYESN analysis of optical and near-infrared light curves. THORP S. and MANDEL K.S.
2022A&A...668A..34H viz 18       D               1 1045 24 Inference of the cosmic rest-frame from supernovae Ia. HORSTMANN N., PIETSCHKE Y. and SCHWARZ D.J.

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