SMZ 14C , the SIMBAD biblio

1998A&A...332..307S - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 332, 307-313 (1998/4-1)

First results of an unbiased H2 survey for protostellar jets in Orion A.


Abstract (from CDS):

We are conducting an unbiased search at λ2.12µm for embedded molecular hydrogen jets thought to be associated with very young stellar objects, deeply embedded in dense cores in the Orion A molecular cloud. As a first result, we show a 0.4x0.5 degree mosaic centred on the L1641-N complex, revealing a number of previously unknown knots and chains of H2 emission. A 5x5 arcmin close-up of L1641-N shows it to be a very active region, with at least one parsec-scale jet originating in the small embedded cluster: we also show 10µm imaging to help identify the outflow source. Elsewhere in the mosaic, several knots in the HH34 jet are detected for the first time in H2, and a new, deeply embedded jet is discovered next to it. These preliminary results demonstrate the power of H2 imaging surveys in studying the large-scale role of jets and outflows in star formation.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): ISM: jets and outflows - infrared: ISM: lines and bands - stars: formation - ISM: individual objects: L1641-North (LDN 1641N) - ISM: individual objects: HH 34

Nomenclature: Table 1: HH NNN (Nos 299, 301-304). Table 1, Figs 1 and 3: SMZ NNA N=62 (Nos 1-28) = SMZ 5-NNA N=62, SMZ NNAN = SMZ 5-NNAN N=9.

Simbad objects: 81

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