SH 2-176 , the SIMBAD biblio

SH 2-176 , the SIMBAD biblio (52 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST09:06:43

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Title First 3 Authors
1970AJ.....75...69C 38 13 An 11-cm survey of H II regions located in the direction of the Galactic Anticenter. CHURCHWELL E. and FELLI M.
1974Ap&SS..26..115F 34 7 On the nature of some non radio emitting Sharpless H II regions. FELLI M. and PERINOTTO M.
1976A&AS...25...25D viz 14       D               1 621 27 HII regions of the Northern Milky Way: medium large field photographic atlas and catalogue. DUBOUT-CRILLON R.
1977A&A....60..147S 96 T                   1 144
Sharpless 176: a large, nearby planetary nebula.
1982ApJS...49..183B viz 409 459 Catalogue of CO radial velocities toward galactic HII regions. BLITZ L., FICH M. and STARK A.A.
1983A&AS...54..315A 1436 15 Index and cross-identification of planetary nebulae. ACKER A., MARCOUT J., OCHSENBEIN F., et al.
1983ApJ...265..249W 16 32 A newly discovered nearby planetary nebula of old age. WEINBERGER R., DENGEL J., HARTL H., et al.
1986A&A...156..101G 15 31 Late stages of the expansion of planetary nebulae. GIESEKING F., HIPPELEIN H. and WEINBERGER R.
1986MitAG..67..346W 37 0 Lokale planetarische Nebel - eine Revision. WEINBERGER R.
1987A&A...178..227I 36 54 Two senile nearby planetary nebulae and the local planetary nebulae population. ISHIDA K. and WEINBERGER R.
1989A&AS...78..301W 286 159 A catalogue of expansion velocities of galactic planetary nebulae. WEINBERGER R.
1989ApJ...343..811S 150 130 Electron densities in planetary nebulae. STANGHELLINI L. and KALER J.B.
1990AJ.....99..846H 48 86 Small galactic HII regions. I. Spectral classifications of massive stars. HUNTER D.A. and MASSEY P.
1990ApJ...360..173B 1 15 96 Interaction of planetary nebulae with the interstellar medium. BORKOWSKI K.J. and SARAZIN C.
1992ESOPN...1....1A viz 1829 ~ Strasbourg-ESO Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae ACKER A., OCHSENBEIN F., STENHOLM B., et al.
1995A&A...301..545N 42 68 Spectroscopic investigation of old planetaries. III. Spectral types, magnitudes, and distances. NAPIWOTZKI R. and SCHOENBERNER D.
1996A&A...307..561P 58 93 Local space density and formation rate of planetary nebulae. POTTASCH S.R.
1996A&A...310..603X 17 38 The shaping of aging planetary nebulae. XILOURIS K.M., PAPAMASTORAKIS J., PALEOLOGOU E., et al.
1996ApJS..107..255T 32 87 An atlas of ancient planetary nebulae and their interaction with the interstellar medium. TWEEDY R.W. and KWITTER K.B.
1997A&A...324.1149K 10 2 DHW1-2: a mislaid planetary nebula of peculiar morphology. KERBER F., GROEBNER H., LERCHER G., et al.
1997MNRAS.289..665S 1 6 24 The interaction of the planetary nebula NGC 6894 with the ISM magnetic field. SOKER N. and ZUCKER D.B.
1997S&W....36..330R 4 1 PN G080.3-10.4 - der grosste bekannte Planetarische Nebel. RAUCH T.
1998A&AS..132...13D viz 870 88 The kinematics of 867 galactic planetary nebulae. DURAND S., ACKER A. and ZIJLSTRA A.
1998ApJ...495..337D 36 38 Instabilities in moving planetary nebulae. DGANI R. and SOKER N.
1998ApJS..117..361C viz 887 101 Planetary nebulae in the NRAO VLA sky survey. CONDON J.J. and KAPLAN D.L.
1998RMxAC...7..149D 7 5 On the role of the ISM magnetic field in shaping interacting planetary nebulae. DGANI R.
1999A&A...351.1036A 12 4 PN G218.9-10.7: a galactic emission nebula of unique morphology. ALI A. and PFLEIDERER J.
1999ApJS..121....1M viz 3047 394 A catalog of spectroscopically identified white dwarfs. McCOOK G.P. and SION E.M.
2000Ap&SS.271..245A 42 3 Statistical and physical study of one-sided planetary nebulae. ALI A., EL-NAWAWY M.S. and PFLEIDERER J.
2001A&A...378..843K viz 15       D               2202 103 Version 2000 of the Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae. KOHOUTEK L.
2002AN....323..484K viz 15       D               740 5 Accurate coordinates of planetary nebulae. KOHOUTEK L. and KUHL D.
2003A&A...408.1029K viz 1323 48 Galactic Planetary Nebulae and their central stars. I. An accurate and homogeneous set of coordinates. KERBER F., MIGNANI R.P., GUGLIELMETTI F., et al.
2003MNRAS.344..501P 376 44 The relation between Zanstra temperature and morphology in planetary nebulae. PHILLIPS J.P.
2004A&A...418..131K viz 913 29 Far-infrared loops in the 2nd Galactic Quadrant. KISS C., MOOR A. and TOTH L.V.
2005MNRAS.357..619P 54 14 The distances of highly evolved planetary nebulae. PHILLIPS J.P.
2006RMxAA..42...47R 5 2 20 Revised diagnostic diagrams for planetary nebulae. RIESGO H. and LOPEZ J.A.
2007A&A...467..217T 9 0 A photo-ionised canopy for the shock-excited Criss-Cross nebula. TEMPORIN S., WEINBERGER R. and STECKLUM B.
2008A&A...479..155K viz 15       D               283 9 Galactic planetary nebulae and their central stars. II. Proper motions. KERBER F., MIGNANI R.P., SMART R.L., et al.
2011A&A...526A...6W viz 15       D               1 492 50 Central stars of planetary nebulae: new spectral classifications and catalogue. WEIDMANN W.A. and GAMEN R.
2012A&A...541A..98A viz 15       D               2 129 14 Interacting planetary nebulae. I. Classification and orientation. ALI A., SABIN L., SNAID S., et al.
2013MNRAS.428.2118D viz 484       D S   X         12 57 61 The binary fraction of planetary nebula central stars - I. A high-precision, I-band excess search. DE MARCO O., PASSY J.-C., FREW D.J., et al.
2013MNRAS.431....2F viz 16       D               1 1351 76 A catalogue of integrated Hα fluxes for 1258 Galactic planetary nebulae. FREW D.J., BOJICIC I.S. and PARKER Q.A.
2013A&A...558A..93A 211       D     X         6 37 4 Interacting planetary nebulae. II. Galactic population and interaction models. ALI A., ISMAIL H.A., SNAID S., et al.
2014MNRAS.437..843G 39           X         1 28 21 IRC -10414: a bow-shock-producing red supergiant star. GVARAMADZE V.V., MENTEN K.M., KNIAZEV A.Y., et al.
2014A&A...563A..63H viz 79             C       1 13 6 Discovery of new low-excitation planetary nebulae. HSIA C.-H. and ZHANG Y.
2020ApJ...889...21S viz 17       D               1 430 13 The population of Galactic planetary nebulae: a study of distance scales and central stars based on the second Gaia release. STANGHELLINI L., BUCCIARELLI B., LATTANZI M.G., et al.
2020A&A...638A.103C viz 17       D               1 1864 17 Searching for central stars of planetary nebulae in Gaia DR2. CHORNAY N. and WALTON N.A.
2020A&A...640A..10W viz 17       D               1 629 28 Catalogue of the central stars of planetary nebulae. Expanded edition. WEIDMANN W.A., MARI M.B., SCHMIDT E.O., et al.
2020RAA....20..107H 43           X         1 19 ~ Discovery of extended structures around two evolved planetary nebulae M 2-55 and Abell 2. HSIA C.-H., ZHANG Y., ZHANG X.-L., et al.
2022A&A...668A..44S 18       D               1 18 ~ GS 121-05-037: A new Galactic chimney candidate with signs of triggered star formation. SUAD L.A., MOLINA LERA J.A. and CICHOWOLSKI S.
2023ApJS..266...34G viz 19       D               1 511 1 Catalog of Planetary Nebulae Detected by GALEX and Corollary Optical Surveys. GOMEZ-MUNOZ M.A., BIANCHI L. and MANCHADO A.
2023MNRAS.525.1998M 47           X         1 37 ~ Low-ionization structures in planetary nebulae - III. The statistical analysis of physico-chemical parameters and excitation mechanisms. MARI M.B., AKRAS S. and GONCALVES D.R.

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