QSO B0013-005 , the SIMBAD biblio

QSO B0013-005 , the SIMBAD biblio (160 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST01:03:20

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1966AuJPh..19..837S 631 90 The Parkes catalogue of radio sources. Declination zone 0 to -20. SHIMMINS A.J., DAY G.A., EKERS R.D., et al.
1970AJ.....75..351E 4213 76 The Ohio Survey between 0 and -36 degrees. EHMAN J.R., DIXON R.S. and KRAUS J.D.
1971AuJPA..19....1W 797 63 The Parkes 2700 MHz survey catalogues for the ±4 declination zone and for selected regions. WALL J.V., SHIMMINS A.J. and MERKELIJN J.K.
1972AJ.....77..797P viz 242 111 The NRAO 5-GHz radio source survey. III. The 140-ft "strong" source survey. PAULINY-TOTH I.I.K. and KELLERMANN K.I.
1974AJ.....79..437C 384 61 Intensity dependent radio spectral distributions in the Parkes 2700-MHz survey. CONDON J.J. and JAUNCEY D.L.
1974AJ.....79..846A 160 17 Observations with the RRE interferometer of radio sources in the NRAO "strong" survey. ADGIE R.L.
1974AJ.....79.1006J 134 43 Optical identifications from the NRAO 5-GHz radio survey. JOHNSON K.H.
1974AJ.....79.1220C 462 84 Spectra of sources in the NRAO 5000-MHz surveys. CONDON J.J. and JAUNCEY D.L.
1975MmRAS..80....1M 340 68 Accurate positions and identifications for a complete sample of 341 radio sources from the Parkes ± 4 degres survey. McEWAN N.J., BROWNE I.W.A. and CROWTHER J.H.
1976AJ.....81....7S 63 40 Optical behavior of 64 extragalactic radio sources. SCOTT R.L., LEACOCK R.J., McGIMSEY B.Q., et al.
1976MNRAS.176..275B 101 30 The radio structure of a sample of 101 quasars from the Parkes ±4 degres survey. BENTLEY M., HAVES P., SPENCER R.E., et al.
1978AJ.....83..157S 55 4 An 8085-MHz survey of 0.181 steradian of sky with |b|>10. SEIELSTAD G.A. and EWING M.S.
1979ApJS...39..291W 129 58 Radio studies of complete samples of QSOs from the 4C and Parkes catalogs. WILLS D.
1980A&AS...41...21G 357 6 Observations at 408 MHz of sources in the ±4 declination strip of the Parkes 2700-MHz survey. GRUEFF G., MACCACARO T. and WALL J.V.
1980AJ.....85.1442P 105 93 Long-term optical behavior of 114 extragalactic sources. PICA A.J., POLLOCK J.T., SMITH A.G., et al.
1984AJ.....89..336W 298 21 Very long baseline interferometry observations of 257 extragalactic radio sources in the ecliptic region. WEHRLE A.E., MORABITO D.D. and PRESTON R.A.
1984AZh....61..240A 65 10 Observations of quasars from the Parkes survey at the frequency of 102 MHz. ARTYUKH V.S.
1985AJ.....90..590M 136 13 Arcsecond positions for milliarcsecond VLBI nuclei of extragalactic radio sources. III. 74 sources. MORABITO D.D., WEHRLE A.E., PRESTON R.A., et al.
1985AJ.....90.1599P 1228 160 A VLBI survey at 2.29 GHz. PRESTON R.A., MORABITO D.D., WILLIAMS J.G., et al.
1985MNRAS.217..601P 42 107 The high-redshift evolution of radio galaxies and quasars. PEACOCK J.A.
1986AJ.....91.1038M 402 50 VLBI observations of 416 extragalactic radio sources. MORABITO D.D., NIELL A.E., PRESTON R.A., et al.
1986MNRAS.218...31D 173 220 The Parkes selected regions : powerful radio galaxies and quasars at high redshifts. DOWNES A.J.B., PEACOCK J.A., SAVAGE A., et al.
1988A&AS...76..145F 44 42 CCD polarimetry and photometry of 5 GHz radio sources. FUGMANN W. and MEISENHEIMER K.
1988AJ.....96.1215P 144 137 Long-term optical behavior of 144 compact extragalactic objects: 1969-1988. PICA A.J., SMITH A.G., WEBB J.R., et al.
1988ApJ...327..561W 46 49 Redshifts of southern radio sources. VII. WHITE G.L., JAUNCEY D.L., SAVAGE A., et al.
1989ApJS...69....1H 1594 191 The first addition to the new optical catalog of quasi-stellar objects. HEWITT A. and BURBIDGE G.
1989MNRAS.238.1171D viz 177 127 The Parkes selected regions : deep optical and infrared observations of radio galaxies and quasars at high redshifts. DUNLOP J.S., PEACOCK J.A., SAVAGE A., et al.
1991MNRAS.251..330W viz 1195 35 Flux densities at 8400 MHz for a large sample of radiosources. WRIGHT A.E., WARK R.M., TROUP E., et al.
1992A&A...264..203G 143 17 Low-frequency variability and the galactic distribution of electron-density fluctuation. GHOSH T. and RAO A.P.
1993ApJS...87..451H viz 14       D               7278 328 A revised and updated catalog of quasi-stellar objects. HEWITT A. and BURBIDGE G.
1993PASAu..10..310D viz 526 21 A survey of 526 southern flat-spectrum radio sources with the Parkes-Tidbinbilla interferometer DUNCAN R.A., WHITE G.L., WARK R., et al.
1994AJ....107..385F 124 9 Radio optical reference frame. VI. Additional source positions in the northern hemisphere. FEY A.L., RUSSELL J.L., DE VEGT C., et al.
1995AJ....110..880J viz 632 155 A radio reference frame. JOHNSTON K.J., FEY A.L., ZACHARIAS N., et al.
1995ApJS...97..347G viz 4381 198 The Parkes-MIT-NRAO (PMN) Surveys. VI. Source Catalog for the Equatorial Survey (-9.5 deg < Dec. < +10.0 deg) GRIFFITH M.R., WRIGHT A.E., BURKE B.F., et al.
1997MNRAS.284...85D viz 323 159 The Parkes half-jansky flat-spectrum sample. DRINKWATER M.J., WEBSTER R.L., FRANCIS P.J., et al.
1998AJ....116..516M viz 609 623 The International Celestial Reference Frame as realized by very long baseline interferometry. MA C., ARIAS E.F., EUBANKS T.M., et al.
1998MNRAS.301..261S 344 34 X-ray properties of the Parkes sample of flat-spectrum radio sources: dust in radio-loud quasars? SIEBERT J., BRINKMANN W., DRINKWATER M.J., et al.
1999A&AS..139..545K viz 551 105 Survey of instantaneous 1-22 GHz spectra of 550 compact extragalactic objects with declinations from -30° to +43°. KOVALEV Y.Y., NIZHELSKY N.A., KOVALEV Y.A., et al.
1999AJ....118.1435W viz 382 10 A study of quasar radio emission from the VLA FIRST survey. WADADEKAR Y. and KEMBHAVI A.
1999AJ....118.2511Z 330 21 Accurate optical positions of extragalactic radio reference frame sources. ZACHARIAS N., ZACHARIAS M.I., HALL D.M., et al.
2000ApJS..128....1N 10 3 Redshift-space distortions of the power spectrum of cosmological objects on a light cone: explicit formulations and theoretical implications. NISHIOKA H. and YAMAMOTO K.
2000ApJS..128...17F viz 231 144 VLBA observations of radio reference frame sources. III. Astrometric suitability of an additional 225 sources. FEY A.L. and CHARLOT P.
2001A&A...375..661G viz 264 23 Stability of the extragalactic VLBI reference frame. GONTIER A.-M., LE BAIL K., FEISSEL M., et al.
2001AJ....121.1741F 393 14 Extragalactic radio source selection for use in directly linking optical astrometric observations to the radio reference frame. FEY A.L., BOBOLTZ D.A., GAUME R.A., et al.
2001AJ....121.2308R viz 899 201 Colors of 2625 quasars at 0<z<5 measured in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey photometric system. RICHARDS G.T., FAN X., SCHNEIDER D.P., et al.
2001MNRAS.325.1411K viz 125 59 The ATCA intraday variability survey of extragalactic radio sources. KEDZIORA-CHUDCZER L.L., JAUNCEY D.L., WIERINGA M.H., et al.
2002A&A...381...13C 41 3 CCD astrometry of faint compact extragalactic radio sources. III. COSTA E.
2002A&A...386...97J viz 879 55 The Parkes quarter-Jansky flat-spectrum sample. I. Sample selection and source identifications. JACKSON C.A., WALL J.V., SHAVER P.A., et al.
2003A&A...403..105F         O           362 48 Selecting stable extragalactic compact radio sources from the permanent astrogeodetic VLBI program. FEISSEL-VERNIER M.
2003A&A...412...45P viz 15       D               1 956205 750 HYPERLEDA. I. Identification and designation of galaxies. PATUREL G., PETIT C., PRUGNIEL P., et al.
2003ApJS..145...83W viz 352 2 Interferometric phase calibration sources in the declination range 0° to -30°. WINN J.N., PATNAIK A.R. and WROBEL J.M.
2004AJ....127.2565D viz 126 25 Optical properties of faint FIRST variable radio sources. DE VRIES W.H., BECKER R.H., WHITE R.L., et al.
2004AJ....127.3587F viz 15       D               504 182 The second extension of the international celestial reference frame: ICRF-EXT.1. FEY A.L., MA C., ARIAS E.F., et al.
2004ARep...48..941T viz 643 7 Construction of a celestial coordinate reference frame from VLBI data. TITOV O.A.
2005ApJ...618..108B 56 103 Radio variability of radio-quiet and radio-loud quasars. BARVAINIS R., LEHAR J., BIRKINSHAW M., et al.
2006A&A...452.1107F         O           272 16 Analysis strategy issues for the maintenance of the ICRF axes. FEISSEL-VERNIER M., MA C., GONTIER A.-M., et al.
2006A&A...455..773V viz 108224 628 A catalogue of quasars and active nuclei: 12th edition. VERON-CETTY M.-P. and VERON P.
2007AJ....134..102S viz 77435 419 The Sloan Digital Sky Survey quasar catalog. IV. Fifth data release. SCHNEIDER D.P., HALL P.B., RICHARDS G.T., et al.
2008ApJS..175...97H viz 15       D               1 1626 244 CGRaBS: an all-sky survey of gamma-ray blazar candidates. HEALEY S.E., ROMANI R.W., COTTER G., et al.
2008ApJ...680..169S viz 15       D               1 77431 447 Biases in virial black hole masses: an SDSS perspective. SHEN Y., GREENE J.E., STRAUSS M.A., et al.
2009A&A...493..317L viz 15       D               267 13 On radio source selection to define a stable celestial frame. LAMBERT S.B. and GONTIER A.-M.
2009MNRAS.392...19C viz 15       D               1 53689 113 The 2dF-SDSS LRG and QSO survey: the spectroscopic QSO catalogue. CROOM S.M., RICHARDS G.T., SHANKS T., et al.
2009A&A...495..691M viz 15       D               2 3203 339 Roma-BZCAT: a multifrequency catalogue of blazars. MASSARO E., GIOMMI P., LETO C., et al.
2009A&A...505..385A viz 15       D               1 99836 35 The large quasar reference frame (LQRF). An optical representation of the ICRS. ANDREI A.H., SOUCHAY J., ZACHARIAS N., et al.
2010ApJ...709..332B 17       D           *   1 29 123 Simultaneous multi-wavelength observations of magnetic activity in ultracool dwarfs. III. X-ray, radio, and Hα activity trends in M and L dwarfs. BERGER E., BASRI G., FLEMING T.A., et al.
2010A&A...511A..53V viz 15       D               1 107939 39 The SPECFIND V2.0 catalogue of radio cross-identifications and spectra. SPECFIND meets the Virtual Observatory. VOLLMER B., GASSMANN B., DERRIERE S., et al.
2010ApJ...715..429A viz 15       D               2 812 471 The first catalog of active galactic nuclei detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope. ABDO A.A., ACKERMANN M., AJELLO M., et al.
2010AJ....139.2360S viz 80069 836 The Sloan Digital Sky Survey quasar catalog. V. Seventh data release. SCHNEIDER D.P., RICHARDS G.T., HALL P.B., et al.
2010ApJS..188..405A viz 15       D               1 1513 938 Fermi Large Area Telescope First Source Catalog. ABDO A.A., ACKERMANN M., AJELLO M., et al.
2010A&A...518A..10V viz 15       D               1 168912 597 A catalogue of quasars and active nuclei: 13th edition. VERON-CETTY M.-P. and VERON P.
2011A&A...525A..37M viz 15       D               1 8730 50 Spectral variability of quasars from multi-epoch photometric data in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Stripe 82. MEUSINGER H., HINZE A. and DE HOON A.
2011MNRAS.410..860A viz 15       D               1 86770 182 A strong redshift dependence of the broad absorption line quasar fraction. ALLEN J.T., HEWETT P.C., MADDOX N., et al.
2011A&A...528A..95G 15       D               1 50 22 The optical variability of flat-spectrum radio quasars in the SDSS stripe 82 region. GU M.-F. and AI Y.L.
2011A&A...529A..91T viz 15       D               1 563 60 VLBI measurement of the secular aberration drift. TITOV O., LAMBERT S.B. and GONTIER A.-M.
2011AJ....141..182K viz 15       D               1 5750 38 Correlations of quasar optical spectra with radio morphology. KIMBALL A.E., IVEZIC Z., WIITA P.J., et al.
2011ApJS..194...29R viz 15       D               1 1164 401 Blazars in the Fermi era: the OVRO 40 m telescope monitoring program. RICHARDS J.L., MAX-MOERBECK W., PAVLIDOU V., et al.
2011ApJS..194...45S viz 15       D               1 105786 1138 A catalog of quasar properties from Sloan Digital Sky Survey data release 7. SHEN Y., RICHARDS G.T., STRAUSS M.A., et al.
2011MNRAS.417.2651M viz 15       D               1 5894 47 Optical properties of high-frequency radio sources from the Australia Telescope 20 GHz (AT20G) Survey. MAHONY E.K., SADLER E.M., CROOM S.M., et al.
2011ApJ...743..171A viz 15       D               3 979 589 The second catalog of active galactic nuclei detected by the Fermi large area telescope. ACKERMANN M., AJELLO M., ALLAFORT A., et al.
2012ApJS..199...31N viz 15       D               1 2260 1282 Fermi Large Area Telescope second source catalog. NOLAN P.L., ABDO A.A., ACKERMANN M., et al.
2012ApJ...753...83A viz 15       D               4 669 88 A statistical approach to recognizing source classes for unassociated sources in the first Fermi-LAT catalog. ACKERMANN M., AJELLO M., ALLAFORT A., et al.
2012ApJ...753..106M viz 15       D               3 89523 227 A description of quasar variability measured using repeated SDSS and POSS imaging. MacLEOD C.L., IVEZIC Z., SESAR B., et al.
2012MNRAS.424.2832L viz 15       D               1 1877 43 Application of the Gaussian mixture model in pulsar astronomy – pulsar classification and candidates ranking for the Fermi 2FGL catalogue. LEE K.J., GUILLEMOT L., YUE Y.L., et al.
2012ApJ...761..125F viz 15       D               1 465 22 The spectral index properties of Fermi blazars. FAN J.H., YANG J.H., YUAN Y.H., et al.
2013MNRAS.430.2633X viz 16       D               2 296 10 A new concept of the International Celestial Reference Frame: the epoch ICRF. XU M.H., WANG G.L. and ZHAO M.
2013ApJS..206....4K viz 16       D               1 119612 109 Mean spectral energy distributions and bolometric corrections for luminous quasars. KRAWCZYK C.M., RICHARDS G.T., MEHTA S.S., et al.
2013ApJS..206...12D viz 16       D               3 697 65 Unveiling the nature of unidentified gamma-ray sources. I. A new method for the association of gamma-ray blazars. D'ABRUSCO R., MASSARO F., PAGGI A., et al.
2013A&A...553A.122L viz 16       D               1 295 6 Time stability of the ICRF2 axes. LAMBERT S.
2013ApJ...779..161S viz 16       D               1 79596 24 Precious metals in SDSS quasar spectra. II. Tracking the evolution of strong, 0.4 < z < 2.3 Mg II absorbers with thousands of systems. SEYFFERT E.N., COOKSEY K.L., SIMCOE R.A., et al.
2013A&A...560A.104M viz 16       D               1 3916 19 Ultraviolet variability of quasars: dependence on the accretion rate. MEUSINGER H. and WEISS V.
2014MNRAS.438.3058R viz 16       D               1 1414 31 Connecting radio variability to the characteristics of gamma-ray blazars. RICHARDS J.L., HOVATTA T., MAX-MOERBECK W., et al.
2014MNRAS.439..690H viz 16       D               2 1318 51 Connection between optical and γ-ray variability in blazars. HOVATTA T., PAVLIDOU V., KING O.G., et al.
2014A&A...563A..54P viz 16       D               1 168926 217 The Sloan Digital Sky Survey quasar catalog: tenth data release. PARIS I., PETITJEAN P., AUBOURG E., et al.
2014AJ....147...95Z viz 16       D               6 450 20 Radio-optical reference frame link using the U.S. Naval Observatory astrograph and deep CCD imaging. ZACHARIAS N. and ZACHARIAS M.I.
2014MNRAS.441.3375X 16       D               1 258 56 Intrinsic γ-ray luminosity, black hole mass, jet and accretion in Fermi blazars. XIONG D.R. and ZHANG X.
2014RAA....14.1135F viz 16       D               1 454 19 The lower limit of the Doppler factor for a Fermi blazar sample. FAN J.-H., BASTIERI D., YANG J.-H., et al.
2015ApJS..217....2M viz 95       D       C       4 2201 42 Refining the associations of the Fermi large area telescope source catalogs. MASSARO F., D'ABRUSCO R., LANDONI M., et al.
2015ApJ...805..129K 16       D           *   1 16 17 First parallax measurements towards a 6.7 GHz methanol maser with the australian long baseline array - distance to G 339.884-1.259. KRISHNAN V., ELLINGSEN S.P., REID M.J., et al.
2015ApJS..218...23A viz 16       D               1 3139 1411 Fermi Large Area Telescope third source catalog. ACERO F., ACKERMANN M., AJELLO M., et al.
2015AJ....150...58F viz 16       D               1 3421 241 The second realization of the international celestial reference frame by very long baseline interferometry. FEY A.L., GORDON D., JACOBS C.S., et al.
2015ApJ...810...14A viz 16       D               1 1898 513 The third catalog of active galactic nuclei detected by the Fermi large area telescope. ACKERMANN M., AJELLO M., ATWOOD W.B., et al.
2015ApJ...813..103M       D           *   2 43 98 The origin of double-peaked narrow lines in active galactic nuclei. I. Very large array detections of dual AGNs and AGN outflows. MULLER-SANCHEZ F., COMERFORD J.M., NEVIN R., et al.
2015Ap&SS.357...75M viz 16       D               1 3563 223 The 5th edition of the Roma-BZCAT. A short presentation. MASSARO E., MASELLI A., LETO C., et al.
2016MNRAS.455.3249M viz 16       D               3 465 11 The Planck-ATCA Co-eval Observations project: analysis of radio source properties between 5 and 217 GHz. MASSARDI M., BONALDI A., BONAVERA L., et al.
2016ApJ...818..105M viz 16       D               2 162 98 The Caltech-NRAO stripe 82 survey (CNSS). I. The pilot radio transient survey in 50 deg2. MOOLEY K.P., HALLINAN G., BOURKE S., et al.
2016ApJ...820....8S viz 16       D               1 3046 91 Classification and ranking of Fermi LAT gamma-ray sources from the 3FGL catalog using machine learning techniques. SAZ PARKINSON P.M., XU H., YU P.L.H., et al.
2016ApJS..224...26M viz 16       D               1 2216 17 A comprehensive statistical description of radio-through-gamma-ray spectral energy distributions of all known blazars. MAO P., URRY C.M., MASSARO F., et al.
2016ApJS..226...20F viz 16       D               2 1394 122 The spectral energy distributions of Fermi blazars. FAN J.H., YANG J.H., LIU Y., et al.
2016MNRAS.462.2980C viz 16       D               1 23508 1 Narrow C IV absorption doublets on quasar spectra of the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey. CHEN Z.-F., GU Q.-S., ZHOU L., et al.
2016A&A...595A...5M viz 16       D               1 2192 40 Gaia Data Release 1. Reference frame and optical properties of ICRF sources. MIGNARD F., KLIONER S., LINDEGREN L., et al.
2016MNRAS.463.3038X 16       D               1 278 5 Curvature of the spectral energy distribution, the inverse Compton component and the jet in Fermi 2LAC blazars. XUE R., LUO D., DU L.M., et al.
2017A&A...597A..79P viz 16       D               1 302147 367 The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasar Catalog: Twelfth data release. PARIS I., PETITJEAN P., ROSS N.P., et al.
2017ApJS..228...22L viz 16       D               1 1528 2 Korean VLBI Network Calibrator Survey (KVNCS). 1. Source catalog of KVN single-dish flux density measurement in the K and Q bands. LEE J.A., SOHN B.W., JUNG T., et al.
2017ApJ...841..113M viz 16       D               1 2944 1 An investigation of blazars without redshifts: not a missing population at high redshift. MAO P. and URRY C.M.
2017MNRAS.467.4565L viz 16       D               1 1193 4 Bimodal radio variability in OVRO-40 m-monitored blazars. LIODAKIS I., PAVLIDOU V., HOVATTA T., et al.
2017A&A...604A..21I           X     *   1 10 2 New JVLA observations at 3 GHz and 5.5 GHz of the "Kite" radio source in Abell 2626. IGNESTI A., GITTI M., BRUNETTI G., et al.
2017ApJS..233....3T viz 16       D               1 721 23 The VLBA Extragalactic Proper Motion Catalog and a measurement of the secular aberration drift. TRUEBENBACH A.E. and DARLING J.
2017ApJ...851...33P viz 16       D               1 516 51 General physical properties of CGRaBS blazars. PALIYA V.S., MARCOTULLI L., AJELLO M., et al.
2018ApJS..235...11C viz 16       D               2 190674 1 The associated absorption features in quasar spectra of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. I. Mg II absorption doublets. CHEN Z.-F., HUANG W.-R., PANG T.-T., et al.
2018ApJS..235...39C viz 16       D               1 1396 63 On the jet properties of γ-ray-loud active galactic nuclei. CHEN L.
2018A&A...613A..51P viz 16       D               1 525784 350 The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasar Catalog: Fourteenth data release. PARIS I., PETITJEAN P., AUBOURG E., et al.
2018ApJ...861..113D viz 16       D               1 581 11 Astrometric limits on the stochastic gravitational wave background. DARLING J., TRUEBENBACH A.E. and PAINE J.
2018ApJS..237...32A viz 16       D               1 2605 130 The search for spatial extension in high-latitude sources detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope. ACKERMANN M., AJELLO M., BALDINI L., et al.
2018ApJ...866..137L viz 16       D               1 1032 70 Constraining the limiting brightness temperature and Doppler factors for the largest sample of radio-bright blazars. LIODAKIS I., HOVATTA T., HUPPENKOTHEN D., et al.
2018A&A...618A..80G viz 16       D               1 647 ~ Extragalactic radio source stability and VLBI celestial reference frame: insights from the Allan standard deviation. GATTANO C., LAMBERT S.B. and LE BAIL K.
2019MNRAS.484.1021O viz 17       D               1 2523 ~ The redshift distribution of infrared-faint radio sources. ORENSTEIN B.J., COLLIER J.D. and NORRIS R.P.
2018RAA....18...56K viz 16       D               1 1421 3 On the intrinsic shape of the gamma-ray spectrum for Fermi blazars. KANG S.-J., WU Q., ZHENG Y.-G., et al.
2019ApJS..242....5X viz 17       D               1 3393 ~ Structure effects for 3417 Celestial Reference Frame radio sources. XU M.H., ANDERSON J.M., HEINKELMANN R., et al.
2019AN....340..437A viz 17       D               1 2122 ~ Optical variability of blazars. ABRAHAMYAN H.V., MICKAELIAN A.M., PARONYAN G.M., et al.
2020ApJS..247...33A viz 17       D               1 5180 880 Fermi Large Area Telescope fourth source catalog. ABDOLLAHI S., ACERO F., ACKERMANN M., et al.
2020ApJ...892..105A viz 17       D               1 3424 235 The fourth catalog of active galactic nuclei detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope. AJELLO M., ANGIONI R., AXELSSON M., et al.
2020MNRAS.494..923C viz 17       D               1 3613 ~ WISE mid-infrared properties of compact active galactic nuclei selected from the high radio frequency AT20G survey. CHHETRI R., KIMBALL A., EKERS R.D., et al.
2020ApJS..249...17R viz 17       D               1 525797 112 Spectral properties of quasars from Sloan Digital Sky Survey data release 14: the catalog. RAKSHIT S., STALIN C.S. and KOTILAINEN J.
2020ApJS..250....8L viz 17       D               1 750060 219 The Sloan Digital Sky Survey quasar catalog: Sixteenth Data Release. LYKE B.W., HIGLEY A.N., McLANE J.N., et al.
2020ApJ...903..116A 1           X     *   1 21 41 Caltech-NRAO Stripe 82 Survey (CNSS). III. The first radio-discovered tidal disruption event, CNSS J0019+00. ANDERSON M.M., MOOLEY K.P., HALLINAN G., et al.
2020A&A...644A.159C viz 17       D               1 4536 184 The third realization of the International Celestial Reference Frame by very long baseline interferometry. CHARLOT P., JACOBS C.S., GORDON D., et al.
2021ApJ...906..108C 17       D               1 42 ~ From the Fermi blazar sequence to the relation between Fermi blazars and γ-ray narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxies. CHEN Y., GU Q., FAN J., et al.
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