PSR B0823+26 , the SIMBAD biblio

PSR B0823+26 , the SIMBAD biblio (515 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST08:52:30

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Title First 3 Authors
1968IAUC.2100....1C 1 1 6 New pulsar. CRAFT H.D., LOVELACE R.V.E. and SUTTON J.M.
1969ApJ...158L.175L 9 18 Periodic variations in pulsar radiation intensity. LANG K.R.
1969Natur.221..249G 11 27 Measurement of pulsar distances by galactic hydrogen absorption. GUELIN M., GUIBERT J., HUTCHMEIER W., et al.
1969Natur.222..129G 10 35 Estimates of pulsar distances from neutral hydrogen absorption. GORDON C.P., GORDON K.J. and SHALLOWAY A.M.
1969Natur.224..545B 21 45 Distribution and temperature of interstellar electron gas. BRIDLE A.H. and VENUGOPAL V.R.
1971ApJ...163L..11D 8 22 Observations of interstellar scintillations of pulsar signals at 2388 MHz. DOWNS G.S. and REICHLEY P.E.
1971ApJ...164..249L 14 80 Interstellar scintillation of pulsar radiation. LANG K.R.
1971ApJS...23..283M 1 21 144 Observations of pulsar polarization at 410 and 1665 MHz. MANCHESTER R.N.
1971MNRAS.153..337L 52 150 Charasteristics of the radio pulses from the pulsars. LYNE A.G., SMITH F.G. and GRAHAM D.A.
1973A&A....27...67B 19 9 The Bologna 408 MHz pulsar search. BONSIGNORI-FACONDI S.R., SALTER C.J. and SUTTON J.M.
1973ApJ...182..245B 1 14 165 Pulsar fluctuation spectra and the generalized drifting-subpulse phenomenon. BACKER D.C.
1974ApJ...188..637M 39 172 Structure of the local galactic magnetic field. MANCHESTER R.N.
1975A&A....38..169S 38 92 Observations of pulsars at high frequencies. SIEBER W., REINECKE R. and WIELEBINSKI R.
1975AJ.....80..794T 147 116 Observed properties of 147 pulsars. TAYLOR J.H. and MANCHESTER R.N.
1976ApJ...207..949R 42 7 The period-pulse-width distribution of pulsars and their division into three classes. ROBERTS D.H.
1976ApJ...209..895B 57 139 Pulsar average wave forms and hollow-cone beam models. BACKER D.C.
1976MNRAS.175p..71M 7 ~ PSR 1055-52, a pulsar resembling the Crab nebula pulsar. McCULLOCH P.M., HAMILTON P.A., ABLES J.G., et al.
1976MNRAS.176..249R 1 32 185 Pulsar single pulse intensity measurements and pulse nulling. RITCHINGS R.T.
1976ApL....17..177V 25 7 A Search for radio halos around PSR. VELUSAMY T. and KUNDU M.R.
1976Ap&SS..42..205S 10 4 A Search for soft X-ray radiation from pulsars with the Astronomical Netherlands Satellite. SCHRIJVER J., HEISE J., BRINKMAN A.C., et al.
1976Ap&SS..44..479T 146 16 Pulsars : observational parameters and a discussion on dispersion measures. TERZIAN Y. and DAVIDSON K.
1976Natur.260..124M 14 18 Test of pulsar acceleration mechanisms. MORRIS D., RADHAKRISHNAN V. and SHUKRE C.
1977A&A....54..355F 23 11 A lower bound to pulsar sub-pulse widths. FERGUSON D.C.
1977A&AS...28..211D 53 163 A Westerbork 1415 MHz survey of background radio sources. II. Optical identifications with deep IIIA-J plates. DE RUITER H.R. and WILLIS A.G.
1977AJ.....82..701H 7 32 Pulsar flux observations: long-term intensity and spectral variations. HELFAND D.J., FOWLER L.A. and KUHLMAN J.V.
1977ApJ...214..885T 11 14 Acceleration of pulsars by asymmetric radiation. III. Observational evidence. TADEMARU E.
1977ApJ...215..885T 3 10 178 Galactic distribution and evolution of pulsars. TAYLOR J.H. and MANCHESTER R.N.
1977ApJ...216..433R 29 40 Pulsar dispersion measures and H alpha emission measures: limits on the electron density and filling factor for the ionized interstellar gas. REYNOLDS R.J.
1977ApJ...216..842H 1 13 75 Pulsar velocity observations: correlations interpretations, and discussion. HELFAND D.J. and TADEMARU E.
1977Ap&SS..49..169L 36 7 Rate of stellar collapses in the galaxy. LANDE K. and STEPHENS W.E.
1977Ap&SS..52..365R 38 10 The scale., strength of the galactic magnetic field according to the pulsar data. RUZMAIKIN A.A. and SOKOLOFF D.D.
1977Natur.270...38K 10 5 A classification scheme for pulsars. KOCHHAR R.K.
1977SvA....21...55M 26 2 Some implications of Smith's pulsar model. MALOV I.F. and MALOFEEV V.M.
1977SvAL....3...66K 33 1 Analysis of pulsars by means of the mathematical theory of experiments. KLYAKOTKO M.A.
1978A&A....64...27F 26 25 A detailed, high time resolution study of high frequency radio emission from PSR 1133+16. FERGUSON D.C. and SEIRADAKIS J.H.
1978A&A....68..361B 18 21 Observations of pulsars ar 14.8 and 22.7 GHz. BARTEL N., SIEBER W. and WIELEBINSKI R.
1978AJ.....83.1219G 50 62 Pulsar timing results from Arecibo Observatory. GULLAHORN G.E. and RANKIN J.M.
1978ApJ...225..574W 85 10 Pulsar magnetogyro ratios and pulsar evolution. WOODWARD J.F.
1978Ap&SS..59..285G 12 10 The spatial distribution and birth-rate of pulsars. GUSEINOV O.H. and KASUMOV F.K.
1979A&A....73...46M 44 24 Intrinsic position angles of polarization for 40 PSR. MORRIS D., GRAHAM D.A., SEIRADAKIS J.H., et al.
1979A&A....77...86A 63 11 A Westerbork 1415 MHz survey of radio sources. ARP H.C., DE RUITER H.R. and WILLIS A.G.
1979A&A....80..170B 18 13 The interpulse emission structure in pulsars. BRUCK Y.M. and USTIMENKO B.Y.
1979ApJ...231..880G 8 32 Pulsar timing observations,X-ray transients and the thermal/timing instability in neutron stars. GREENSTEIN G.
1979ApJS...40..365D 24 15 Integrated pulse profiles and mean fluxes of 24 pulsars at 2.388 gigahertz. DOWNS G.S.
1979Natur.282..383D 17 34 Does PSR 0329+54 have companions ? DEMIANSKI M. and PROSZYNSKI M.
1980A&A....86....7W 17 9 A correlation of the P3 periods of pulsars with their magnetic fields and ages. WOLSZCZAN A.
1980A&A....87..282B 36 18 The millisecond intensity variation in the emission of radio pulsars. BARTEL N., SIEBER W. and GRAHAM D.A.
1980A&A....90...58B 34 15 Pulse to pulse intensity modulation from radio pulsars with particular reference to frequency dependence. BARTEL N., SIEBER W. and WOLSZCZAN A.
1980ApJ...237..206H 36 74 Pulsar timing. I. Observations from 1970 to 1978. HELFAND D.J., TAYLOR J.H., BACKUS P.R., et al.
1980ApJ...239..640C 51 167 Pulsar timing. III. Timing noise of 50 pulsars. CORDES J.M. and HELFAND D.J.
1980ApJS...42..143B 1 18 99 Statistical summaries of polarized pulsar radiation. BACKER D.C. and RANKIN J.M.
1980Ap&SS..68..315A 35 2 X-ray sources in our galaxy. AMNUEL P.R. and GUSEINOV O.H.
1980SvA....24...54M 40 28 Mean spectra for 39 pulsars, and the interpretation of their characteristic features. MALOFEEV V.M. and MALOV I.F.
1981A&A...100..107M 29 25 Depolarisation of pulsar integrated pulse profiles. MORRIS D., GRAHAM D.A. and SIEBER W.
1981A&A...101..332D 39 33 Statistics of neutral hydrogen absorption toward pulsars. DICKEY J.M., WEISBERG J.M., RANKIN J.M., et al.
1981A&AS...46..421M 65 65 Observations of the polarization of average pulsar profiles at high frequency. MORRIS D., GRAHAM D.A., SIEBER W., et al.
1981AJ.....86..418R 31 55 Pulsar polarization: weak sources and emission features at 430 MHz. RANKIN J.M. and BENSON J.M.
1981AJ.....86.1110O 20 2 Mode of variation of the scattering index parameter in the interstellar medium. OKEKE P.N.
1981AJ.....86.1953M 329 311 Observed and derived parameters for 330 pulsars. MANCHESTER R.N. and TAYLOR J.H.
1981ApJ...245.1060C 12 40 Pulsar timing. IV. Physical models for timing noise processes. CORDES J.M. and GREENSTEIN G.
1981Ap&SS..78...73M 21 23 Radio spectra of pulsars. MALOV I.F. and MALOFEEV V.M.
1982A&A...113L...3N 15 57 Geometry of pulsar beams: relative orientations of rotation axis, magnetic axis, and line of sight. NARAYAN R. and VIVEKANAND M.
1982A&A...113..311S 1 12 88 Causal relationship between pulsar long-term intensity variations and the interstellar medium. SIEBER W.
1982A&A...116..158K 9 ~ A multi-frequency fluctuation spectrum analysis of the pulse to pulse intensity variations in nine pulsars. KOWAKOWSKI L., USOWICZ J., WOLSZCZAN A., et al.
1982MNRAS.201..503L 2 27 308 The proper motions of 26 pulsars. LYNE A.G., ANDERSON B. and SALTER M.J.
1982Ap&SS..84..243O 9 1 On the origin of pulsar "nulling". OKEKE P.N. and AKUJOR C.E.
1983A&A...122...45N 23 106 Evidence for evolving elongated pulsar beams. NARAYAN R. and VIVEKANAND M.
1983A&A...123....7G 8 6 Lorentz factor of particles emitting in pulsars. GIL J.
1983ApJ...273..681G 24 3 Search for pulsed gamma-ray emission at MeV energies from 24 radio pusars. GRASER U. and SCHOENFELDER V.
1983ApJ...274..359R 1 16 144 Toward an empirical theory of pulsar emission. II. On the spectral behavior of component width. RANKIN J.M.
1983ApJS...53..169D 23 101 JPL Pulsar timing observations. II. Geocentric arrival times. DOWNS G.S. and REICHLEY P.E.
1983MNRAS.204..655A 266 24 Expectancy of large pulsar glitches. ALPAR M.A. and HO C.
1983Afz....19..161M 18 6 Energies of electrons and angles between magnetic field and rotation axis in pulsars. MALOV I.F.
1983Afz....19..315M 4 1 On the structure of magnetic field in pulsars. MALOV I.F.
1983Natur.303..597A 27 74 On the origin of pulsar velocities. ANDERSON B. and LYNE A.G.
1983PAZh....9..149K 301 6 Evaluation of the angles of magnetic axis relative to rotation axis of the Pulsars. KUZ'MIN D.K. and DAGKESAMANSKAYA I.M.
1984ApJS...55..247S 3 11 196 Pulsar polarization fluctuations. I. 1404 MHz statistical summaries. STINEBRING D.R., CORDES J.M., RANKIN J.M., et al.
1984MNRAS.210..113F 60 22 Astrometry of 59 pulsars: a comparison of interferometric and timing positions. FOMALONT E.B., GOSS W.M., LYNE A.G., et al.
1984AZh....61..708G 326 8 Space distribution of pulsars. GUSEJNOV O.H. and YUSIFOV I.M.
1984Ap&SS.105..245M 3 1 15 On the nature of cosmic gamma-ray bursts. MITROFANOV I.G.
1984JApA....5..307G 17 3 Braking index diagnostics of pulsars. I. Alignment, counteralignment and slowing-down noise. GHOSH P.
1984JApA....5..369B 4 4 93 Arrival-time analysis for a millisecond pulsar. BLANDFORD R., NARAYAN R. and ROMANI R.W.
1984JApA....5..483K 19 1 Short-term intrinsic intensity variations of pulsars. KRISHNAMOHAN S. and BALASUBRAMANIAN V.
1984PAZh...10..854K 56 5 Orientation of magnetic axis of pulsars and its evolution. KUZ'MIN A.D., DAGKESAMANSKAYA I.M. and PUGACHEV V.D.
1984TrSht..54...46S 12 0 Deternation of the transversal velocities by means of interstellar scintillation. SAHIBOV F.
1985A&A...148..391H 160 7 Two types of pulsars. HUANG J.H., HUANG K.L. and PENG Q.H.
1985ApJ...288..221C 75 324 Small-scale electron density turbulence in the interstellar medium. CORDES J.M., WEISBERG J.M. and BORIAKOFF V.
1985ApJ...299..154G 10 32 Interpulse beams and profile components. GIL J.
1985ApJS...59..343C 1 24 207 JPL pulsar timing observations. III. Pulsar rotation fluctuations. CORDES J.M. and DOWNS G.S.
1985MNRAS.212..489P 24 35 Unpulsed radio emission from pulsars. PERRY T.E. and LYNE A.G.
1985MNRAS.214...97S 32 37 Frequency drift in pulsar scintillation. SMITH F.G. and WRIGHT N.C.
1985AZh....62...54S 21 4 The influence of the twist effect of the magnetic field on the pulsar radio emission polarization. SHITOV Y.P.
1985AZh....62..240G 66 1 On orientation of pulsars radiation. GUSEINOV O.H. and YUSIFOV I.M.
1985JApA....6...35B 15 10 Interstellar scintillation measurements of pulsars at 326.5 MHz. BALASUBRAMANIAN V. and KRISHNAMOHAN S.
1986A&A...161..183K 34 44 A comparison of high-frequency and low-frequency characteristics of pulsars. KUZMIN A.D., MALOFEEV V.M., IZVEKOVA V.A., et al.
1986AJ.....91..338G 2 8 87 Measurement of pulsar parallaxes by VLBI. GWINN C.R., TAYLOR J.H., WEISBERG J.M., et al.
1986ApJ...304..256H 45 51 Frequency dependence of the main pulse to interpulse separation for seven pulsars. HANKINS T.H. and FOWLER L.A.
1986ApJ...309..609G 7 10 Triplicity of pulsar profiles and orthogonal polarization modes. GIL J.
1986ApJ...311..183C 71 246 Space velocities of radio pulsars from interstellar scintillations. CORDES J.M.
1986ApJ...311..197A 25 48 Vortex creep and the internal temperature of neutron stars : timing noise in pulsars. ALPAR M.A., NANDKUMAR R. and PINES D.
1986ApJS...62...81D 33 20 JPL pulsar timing observations. IV. Excess phase noise. DOWNS G.S. and KRAUSE-POLSTORFF J.
1986ARA&A..24..285T 1 18 140 Recent progress in the understanding of pulsars. TAYLOR J.H. and STINEBRING D.R.
1986Afz....24..507M 277 7 On the angles between the axis of magnetic dipole and the axis of rotation of pulsars. MALOV I.F.
1986Ap&SS.121....1A 36 9 Velocities and birthplaces of pulsars. AMNUEL P.R., GUSEINOV O.H. and RUSTAMOV Y.S.
1986Ap&SS.128..363F 58 1 Pairs of pulsars (PSR) and the origin of PSR. FRACASSINI M., MAGGI P. and PASINETTI L.E.
1986AuJPh..39..433A 85 33 Scattering of pulsar radiation and electron density turbulence in the interstellar medium. ALURKAR S.K., BOBRA A.D. and SLEE O.B.
1986PAZh...12..778K 8 2 Frequency dependence of the dispersion measure and the extra dispersion time delay of the pulses of radiation of pulsars. KUZ'MIN A.D.
1987ApJ...315..666C 1 27 111 Refractive scintillation in the interstellar medium. COLES W.A., FREHLICH R.G., RICKETT B.J., et al.
1987ApJ...321..799C 13 42 Outer magnetospheric fluctuations and pulsar timing noise. CHENG K.S.
1987ApJ...321..805C 17 35 Could glitches inducing magnetospheric fluctuations produce low-frequency pulsar timing noise ? CHENG K.S.
1987MNRAS.224.1073H 169 71 Faraday rotation measurements on 163 pulsars. HAMILTON P.A. and LYNE A.G.
1987AuJPh..40..557S 24 13 Spectral behaviour of pulse width in pulsars. SLEE O.B., BOBRA A.D. and ALURKAR S.K.
1987AuJPh..40..731M 10 4 Two types of pulsar. MALOV I.F.
1987PBeiO...9...73Y 27 0 High energy astrophysics and X-ray astronomy. YANG H.-S.
1987IAUS..125...57S 4 1 Polarization angle swings rediscussed. SIEBER W.
1988ApJ...332..199S 1 35 194 Pulsars, X-ray synchrotron nebulae and guest stars. SEWARD F.D. and WANG Z.-R.
1988MNRAS.230...87A 56 8 A relation between subpulse widths and the polarization properties of pulsars. ASHWORTH M.
1988MNRAS.234..477L 2 80 693 The shape of pulsar radio beams. LYNE A.G. and MANCHESTER R.N.
1988MNRAS.234..725B 151 14 A study of satellite galaxies in the rich cluster A 2029. BOWER R.G., ELLIS R.S. and EFSTATHIOU G.
1988AcASn..29...33W 15 1 An X-ray investigation of Crab-like supernova remnants. WANG Z.-R.
1988Afz....29..566M 39 0 The pulsars and possible local cosmic ray origin. MARTIROSIAN H.M.
1988AZh....65..117S 39 6 Unpulsed radio emission of pulsars. SMIRNOVA T.V. and SHABANOVA T.V.
1988IzKry..79..157V 100 0 To a possible classification of radiopulsars under two types according to their nature. VLADIMIRSKY B.M.
1988PAZh...14..140K 19 4 The scattering of pulsar radio emission at 102 MHz. The difference from the dependence tau-p(nu)=nu(exp-4). KUZMIN A.D., IZVEKOVA V.A., MALOFEEV V.M., et al.
1988PAZh...14..429S 5 4 A superdispersion delay of the low-frequency pulses of pulsars. SHITOV Y.P., MALOFEEV V.M. and IZVEKOVA V.A.
1989ApJ...339L..29R 1 39 204 The column density and scale height of free electrons in the galactic disk. REYNOLDS R.J.
1989ApJ...346..869R 64 42 Arecibo 21 centimeter polarimetry of 64 pulsars: a guide to classification. RANKIN J.M., STINEBRING D.R. and WEISBERG J.M.
1989Afz....31..323M 74 0 On the role of "current loss" in pulsars. MALOV I.F.
1989Afz....31..551M 27 0 On the distortions of bipolar magnetic field in the pulsars meridional plane. MALOV I.F. and SULEYMANOVA S.A.
1989AZh....66..345I 83 11 The shapes of mean pulse profiles of pulsars'radio emission at the frequency 102,5 MHz. IZVEKOVA V.A., MALOFEEV V.M. and SHITOV Y.P.
1989Natur.340..701P 30 7 The acceleration of pulsars - a new test. PSKOVSKY Y.P. and DOROFEEV O.F.
1990AJ....100..743F 93 75 A critical evaluation of pulsar distance measurements. FRAIL D.A. and WEISBERG J.M.
1990AJ....100.1882C 21 20 Quasiperiodic microstructure in radio pulsar emissions. CORDES J.M., WEISBERG J.M. and HANKINS T.H.
1990ApJ...348..153R 70 T                   1 62 46 What ionizes the interstellar hydrogen toward PSR 0950+08 and
PSR 0823+26 ?
1990ApJ...352..247R 156 376 Toward an empirical theory of pulsar emission. IV. Geometry of the core emission region. RANKIN J.M.
1990ApJ...364..549S 10 3 120 Dark matter decay and the ionization of HI regions in the galaxy. SCIAMA D.W.
1990MNRAS.244p...1S 2 ~ On the role of a strongly flattened galactic halo in the decaying dark matter hypothesis. SCIAMA D.W.
1990MNRAS.245..514B 2 13 114 Meridional compression of radio pulsar beams. BIGGS J.D.
1990AZh....67..377M 192 19 On the angles between magnetic field and rotation axis in pulsars. MALOV I.F.
1990AZh....67..536S 16 6 Results of pulsar timing observations at 102,5 MHz. SHABANOVA T.V.
1990AZh....67..738S 12 0 Analysis of period stability and the period derivative for some pulsars. SHABANOVA T.V.
1990AZh....67..757P 12 0 Subpulse intensity fluctuations in pulsars by cross correlation within pulse window. Analysis of observations. POPOV M.V. and SIEBER W.
1990JApA...11..507P 63 1 Spatial velocities of pulsars. PSKOVSKY Y.P. and DOROFEYEV O.F.
1990Natur.343..240B 2 5 43 The parallax and proper motion of PSR 1451-68. BAILES M., MANCHESTER R.N., KESTEVEN M.J., et al.
1991A&A...242..119G 71 T                   1 4 18 Separation of the polarization modes in
PSR 0823+26.
1991ApJ...370..643B 3 23 304 A relativistic model of pulsar polarization. BLASKIEWICZ M., CORDES J.M. and WASSERMAN I.
1991ApJ...373L..63P 4 9 Pulsar timing at low radio frequencies: evidence for superdispersion ? PHILLIPS J.A.
1991ApJ...380..550X 96 12 The K parameter and evolution of the radio pulsars. XU W. and WU X.
1991ApJ...382L..27P 1 7 47 Time variability of pulsar dispersion measures. PHILLIPS J.A. and WOLSZCZAN A.
1991AZh....68..362M 31 7 On the nature of high-frequency cut-offs in spectra of pulsars MALOV I.F. and MALOFEEV V.M.
1991PAZh...17..595M 29 1 The distribution of emitting regions in pulsars magnetosphere. MALOV I.F.
1991PAZh...17..897S 5 1 Can interstellar scintillations explain an intraday flux variability of extragalactic radiosources ? SHAPIROVSKAYA N.Y.
1992AJ....104.1465N 80 48 The scale height of the galactic free electron cloud. NORDGREN T.E., CORDES J.M. and TERZIAN Y.
1992ApJ...385..273P 2 8 70 Precision measurements of pulsar dispersion. PHILLIPS J.A. and WOLSZCZAN A.
1992ApJ...385..282P 3 4 51 Radio emission altitudes in the pulsar magnetosphere. PHILLIPS J.A.
1992ApJ...394..574B 72 39 An analysis of radio pulsar nulling statistics. BIGGS J.D.
1992Ap&SS.190..209K 106 15 Secular evolution of the period and inclination of the magnetic to rotation axis and recycled pulsars. KUZMIN A.D. and WU X.
1992IzKry..84..118K 194 0 Two generations of the radiopulsars - an attempt of the recognition. KORNIENKO A.P. and VLADIMIRSKY B.M.
1992PAZh...18..959S 4 ~ A spatial separation of the emission sources of pulsars using interstellar scintillations. SMIRNOVA T.V.
1992SNSNR.R....107X 21 0 Investigation of relation between subpulse widths and K parameter of radio pulsars. XU W., WU X.J. and ZHANG C.M.
1993A&A...272L..13W 10 34 First detection of pulsars at mm-wavelengths. WIELEBINSKI R., JESSNER A., KRAMER M., et al.
1993A&A...272..268G 52 61 On the two-dimensional structure of pulsar beams. GIL J.A., KIJAK J. and SEIRADAKIS J.H.
1993A&A...273..563G 29 32 Period dependence of radio emission altitudes in the pulsar magnetosphere. GIL J.A. and KIJAK J.
1993ApJ...403..183G 1 9 53 Refractive interstellar scintillation of pulsar intensities at 74 MHz. GUPTA Y., RICKETT B.J. and COLES W.A.
1993ApJ...405..285R 8 12 396 Towards an empirical theory of pulsar emission. VI. The geometry of the conal emission region. RANKIN J.M.
1993ApJ...409..691C 106 T K                 14 11 Discontinuities in the dynamic spectrum of the
pulsar 0823+26.
1993ApJS...85..145R 105 198 Toward an empirical theory of pulsar emission. VI. The geometry of the conal emission region : appendix and tables. RANKIN J.M.
1993ApJS...88..529T viz 547 865 Catalog of 558 pulsars. TAYLOR J.H., MANCHESTER R.N. and LYNE A.G.
1993MNRAS.261..113H 87 183 New determinations of the proper motions of 44 pulsars. HARRISON P.A., LYNE A.G. and ANDERSON B.
1993BAAS...25Q.911R 71 T                   1 ~ Polarisation studies of
PSR 0823-26.
1993IAUC.5895....1S 71 T                   1 ~ PSR 0823+26. SUN X., TRUMPER J., DENNERL K., et al.
1993PAZh...19..737P 9 ~ Reference sources for the VLBI pulsar observations. POPOV M.V.
1994A&A...285..201M 45 75 Spectra of 45 pulsars. MALOFEEV V.M., GIL J.A., JESSNER A., et al.
1994A&AS..105..235I 30 10 Observations of pulsar integrated profiles at high frequencies. IZVEKOVA V.A., JESSNER A., KUZMIN A.D., et al.
1994A&AS..107..515K 2 16 142 Geometrical analysis of average pulsar profiles using multi-component Gaussian fits at several frequencies. I. Method and analysis. KRAMER M., WIELEBINSKI R., JESSNER A., et al.
1994A&AS..107..527K 18 54 Geometrical analysis of average pulsar profiles using multi-component Gaussian fits at several frequencies. II. Individual results. KRAMER M.
1994AJ....108.1854L 20 16 Long term intensity variations of 20 pulsars. LABRECQUE D.R., RANKIN J.M. and CORDES J.M.
1994ApJ...422..671A 94 211 Timing behavior of 96 radio pulsars. ARZOUMANIAN Z., NICE D.J., TAYLOR J.H., et al.
1994ApJ...428L..53T 1 8 46 Discovery of PSR J0108-1431: the closest known neutron star ? TAURIS T.M., NICASTRO L., JOHNSTON S., et al.
1994ApJ...436..144F 4 7 126 Probing the interstellar medium with pulsars on AU scales. FRAIL D.A., WEISBERG J.M., CORDES J.M., et al.
1994MNRAS.269..849A viz 428 30 Expectancy of large pulsar glitches: a comparison of models with the observed glitch sample. ALPAR M.A. and BAYKAL A.
1994MNRAS.269.1035G 3 8 116 Refractive interstellar scintillation in pulsar dynamic spectra. GUPTA Y., RICKETT B.J. and LYNE A.G.
1994AZh....71..762M viz 233 12 The observed integral radio luminosities of 232 pulsars. MALOV I.F., MALOFEEV V.M. and SEN'E D.S.
1995A&A...293..153X 36 23 Pulsar polarimetric observations at 10.55GHz. XILOURIS K.M., SEIRADAKIS J.H., GIL J., et al.
1995ApJ...443..209A 14 14 788 Electron density power spectrum in the local interstellar medium. ARMSTRONG J.W., RICKETT B.J. and SPANGLER S.R.
1995ApJ...443..261W 11 7 Temporal variation of pulsar dispersion measure. WU X.-J. and CHIAN A.C.-L.
1995ApJ...445..736S 27 100 Magnetic Compton-induced pair cascade model for gamma-ray pulsars. STURNER S.J., DERMER C.D. and MICHEL F.C.
1995ApJ...451..717G 59 46 On the correlation between proper-motion velocities and scintillation velocities of radio pulsars. GUPTA Y.
1995ApJ...452..814R 28 22 On the approach to stability of pulsar average profiles. RATHNASREE N. and RANKIN J.M.
1995MNRAS.273..411L viz 302 270 Multifrequency flux density measurements of 280 pulsars. LORIMER D.R., YATES J.A., LYNE A.G., et al.
1995MNRAS.276...74A 14 14 The importance of boundary effects in the emission region of the pulsar magnetosphere. ASSEO E.
1995AcApS..15...40W 50 2 The K-P relation and the estimation of emission beam width of radio pulsars. WU X.-J. and GIL J.A.
1995BASI...23R.479B 2 0 Study of the local ISM using dynamic scintillation spectra of pulsars. BHAT R., GUPTA Y. and RAO A.P.
1995JApA...16..327R 71 T                   11 8 Polarization-mode separation and the emission geometry of
pulsar 0823+26 : a new pattern of pulsar emission ?
1995PAZh...21..691M 9 ~ Interstellar scintillation of pulsars at 102.7 MHz. MALOFEEV V.M., SMIRNOVA T.V., SOIN A.G., et al.
1996A&A...306..867K 16 33 A turn-up in pulsar spectra at mm-wavelengths? KRAMER M., XILOURIS K.M., JESSNER A., et al.
1996A&A...308..180M 19 21 Investigation of pulsar diffractive scintillation at 4.75 and 10.55 GHz. MALOFEEV V.M., SHISHOV V.I., SIEBER W., et al.
1996ApJ...458..265G 242 34 Geometry of pulsar emission and pulse width distribution. GIL J.A. and HAN J.L.
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1998MmSAI..69..847B 29 0 X-ray emission characteristics of rotation-powered pulsars and their wind nebulae. BECKER W.
1998PAZh...24..268P 68 ~ Groups of space velocities in the reactive model of pulsar acceleration. PSKOVSKII Y.P. and DOROFEEV O.F.
1998ARep...42..233T 4 0 Polarization properties of weak and strong pulsar pulses. TIMOFEEV M.Y.
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1999ARep...43..288K 105 15 Observations of the mean profiles of radio pulsars and the structures of their emitting regions at 102MHz. KUZ'MIN A.D. and LOSOVSKII B.Y.
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2001Ap&SS.278...57W 8 0 Scintillation observations of strong northern pulsars. WANG N., MANCHESTER R.N., YUSUP A., et al.
2001Ap&SS.278...65G 15 1 Studying pulsar emission regions using interstellar scattering. GWINN C.R.
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2001ARep...45..865M 70 3 Pulsed optical emission by radio pulsars. MALOV I.F.
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2002ChJAA...2..146L 19 0 Pulsars in FIRST observations. LI X.-H. and HAN J.-L.
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