PN M 4-12 , the SIMBAD biblio

PN M 4-12 , the SIMBAD biblio (92 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST10:20:35

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1967ApJS...14..125H 549 161 Observations of southern planetary nebulae. HENIZE K.G.
1971ApJS...22..319C 609 455 Distances and distribution of planetary nebulae. CAHN J.H. and KALER J.B.
1971PAB.....1....1H 443 52 Catalog of radio observations of planetary nebulae, related optical data. HIGGS L.A.
1973SSTor...5b...1I 379 ~ Statistical population indices of planetary nebulae. IWANOWSKA W.
1976AJ.....81..753M 346 22 Optical positions for planetary nebulae. II. MILNE D.K.
1977A&AS...30..217A 982 4 Bibliographical index of planetary nebulae for the period 1965-1976. ACKER A. and MARCOUT J.
1983A&AS...54..315A 1436 15 Index and cross-identification of planetary nebulae. ACKER A., MARCOUT J., OCHSENBEIN F., et al.
1984A&AS...55..253M 657 140 A catalogue of distances of planetary nebulae. MACIEL W.J.
1989A&AS...77..487A 461 27 The absolute H-beta fluxes for southern planetary nebulae. ACKER A., STENHOLM B. and TYLENDA R.
1989A&AS...79..329Z 302 136 A catalogue of VLA radio continuum observations of planetary nebulae with the Very Large Array. ZIJLSTRA A.A., POTTASCH S.R. and BIGNELL C.
1989A&AS...81..309P 390 47 The energy-balance temperature of central stars of galactic planetary nebulae. PREITE-MARTINEZ A., ACKER A., KOEPPEN J., et al.
1991A&AS...90...89A 876 46 The absolute H-beta fluxes for galactic planetary nebulae. ACKER A., STENHOLM B., TYLENDA R., et al.
1992A&AS...95..337T 925 103 The extinction constants for galactic planetary nebulae. TYLENDA R., ACKER A., STENHOLM B., et al.
1992ESOPN...1....1A viz 1829 ~ Strasbourg-ESO Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae ACKER A., OCHSENBEIN F., STENHOLM B., et al.
1993ApJS...88..137Z 433 106 Trace of planetary nebula evolution by distance-independent parameters. ZHANG C.Y. and KWOK S.
1994A&AS..106..559T viz 768 24 A catalogue HeII 4686 line intensities in Galactic planetary nebulae. TYLENDA R., STASINSKA G., ACKER A., et al.
1994A&AS..108..485V viz 434 71 On an alternative statistical distance scale for planetary nebulae. Catalog with statistical distances to planetary nebulae. VAN DE STEENE G.C. and ZIJLSTRA A.A.
1995ApJS...98..659Z viz 644 200 A statistical distance scale for galactic planetary nebulae. ZHANG C.Y.
1997ApJS..112..487S viz 455 190 Properties that cannot be explained by the progenitors of planetary nebulae. SOKER N.
1998AJ....115.1989T viz 14       D               673 35 A new distance indicator to galactic planetary nebulae based upon IRAS fluxes. TAJITSU A. and TAMURA S.
1998ApJS..117..361C viz 887 101 Planetary nebulae in the NRAO VLA sky survey. CONDON J.J. and KAPLAN D.L.
1998MNRAS.297..617C 208 22 Orientation of planetary nebulae within the galaxy. CORRADI R.L.M., AZNAR R. and MAMPASO A.
1999A&A...351.1036A 12 4 PN G218.9-10.7: a galactic emission nebula of unique morphology. ALI A. and PFLEIDERER J.
1999A&A...352..297S viz 549 51 The dust content of planetary nebulae: a reappraisal. STASINSKA G. and SZCZERBA R.
2000ApJS..127...27R viz 11303 12 A visual search for galaxies in a Milky Way region around the North Supergalactic Pole. ROMAN A.T., IWATA I. and SAITO M.
2000ApJS..127..125G 17 35 H2 and brγ narrowband imaging of bipolar planetary nebulae. GUERRERO M.A., VILLAVER E., MANCHADO A., et al.
2000Ap&SS.271..245A 42 3 Statistical and physical study of one-sided planetary nebulae. ALI A., EL-NAWAWY M.S. and PFLEIDERER J.
2001A&A...377.1042R 131 T K A   O           17 30 Evidence for binarity in the bipolar planetary nebulae M 1-91. RODRIGUEZ M., CORRADI R.L.M. and MAMPASO A.
2001A&A...378..843K viz 15       D               2202 103 Version 2000 of the Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae. KOHOUTEK L.
2001PASP..113..846P 37 10 Bipolar nebulae: the missing population. PHILLIPS J.P.
2002ApJ...576..285S 203 40 The correlations between planetary nebula morphology and central star evolution: analysis of the northern galactic sample. STANGHELLINI L., VILLAVER E., MANCHADO A., et al.
2002ApJ...576..860V 10 16 Multiwavelength observations of the peculiar planetary nebula IC 2149. VAZQUEZ R., MIRANDA L.F., TORRELLES J.M., et al.
2002MNRAS.331..731S 26 9 Classification of planetary nebulae by their departure from axisymmetry. SOKER N. and HADAR R.
2002MNRAS.337..499Z 20 28 A spectroscopic study of the bipolar planetary nebula Mz 3. ZHANG Y. and LIU X.-W.
2003A&A...404..545Z viz         O           14 17 Optical spectrum of the planetary nebula M2-24. ZHANG Y. and LIU X.-W.
2003A&A...408.1029K viz 1323 48 Galactic Planetary Nebulae and their central stars. I. An accurate and homogeneous set of coordinates. KERBER F., MIGNANI R.P., GUGLIELMETTI F., et al.
2004MNRAS.353..589P viz 448 85 Planetary nebula distances re-examined: an improved statistical scale. PHILLIPS J.P.
2007MNRAS.382.1233W 16       D               1 32 105 The interaction of planetary nebulae and their asymptotic giant branch progenitors with the interstellar medium. WAREING C.J., ZIJLSTRA A.A. and O'BRIEN T.J.
2008A&A...477..535P 38           X         1 12 11 High-resolution spectroscopic observations of the peculiar planetary nebula Me1-1. PEREIRA C.B., MIRANDA L.F., SMITH V.V., et al.
2008A&A...479..155K viz 15       D               283 9 Galactic planetary nebulae and their central stars. II. Proper motions. KERBER F., MIGNANI R.P., SMART R.L., et al.
2008AJ....135.2199D 655   K   D     X C       17 13 12 Kinematical analysis of a sample of bipolar planetary nebulae. DOBRINCIC M., VILLAVER E., GUERRERO M.A., et al.
2009AJ....137.4140M 38           X         1 18 3 Spectroscopic confirmation of the planetary nebula nature of PM 1-242, PM 1-318, and PM 1-333 and morphological analysis of the nebulae. MIRANDA L.F., PEREIRA C.B. and GUERRERO M.A.
2009PASP..121..316D 39           X         1 123 326 The origin and shaping of planetary nebulae: putting the binary hypothesis to the test. DE MARCO O.
2010ApJ...714.1096S viz 15       D               1 787 137 The galactic structure and chemical evolution traced by the population of planetary nebulae. STANGHELLINI L. and HAYWOOD M.
2010A&A...514A..54G 76           X         2 17 17 Disk evaporation in a planetary nebula. GESICKI K., ZIJLSTRA A.A., SZYSZKA C., et al.
2011A&A...525A..58G 15       D               2 145 36 IPHAS extinction distances to planetary nebulae. GIAMMANCO C., SALE S.E., CORRADI R.L.M., et al.
2011MNRAS.410.1349C 42           X         1 12 111 The Necklace: equatorial and polar outflows from the binary central star of the new planetary nebula IPHASX J194359.5+170901. CORRADI R.L.M., SABIN L., MISZALSKI B., et al.
2011A&A...526A...6W viz 15       D               1 492 50 Central stars of planetary nebulae: new spectral classifications and catalogue. WEIDMANN W.A. and GAMEN R.
2011A&A...528A..39M 38           X         1 19 21 The influence of binarity on dust obscuration events in the planetary nebula M 2-29 and its analogues. MISZALSKI B., MIKOLAJEWSKA J., KOEPPEN J., et al.
2011MNRAS.413.1264M 39           X         1 28 63 ETHOS 1: a high-latitude planetary nebula with jets forged by a post-common-envelope binary central star. MISZALSKI B., CORRADI R.L.M., BOFFIN H.M.J., et al.
2011RMxAA..47...83P 15       D               2 842 15 Mid- and far-infrared photometry of galactic planetary nebulae with the AKARI All-Sky Survey. PHILLIPS J.P. and MARQUEZ-LUGO R.A.
2011ApJ...737...49L 78           X         2 6 20 Twin binaries: studies of stability, mass transfer, and coalescence. LOMBARDI J.C., HOLTZMAN W., DOOLEY K.L., et al.
2012A&A...541A..98A viz 15       D               1 129 14 Interacting planetary nebulae. I. Classification and orientation. ALI A., SABIN L., SNAID S., et al.
2013MNRAS.431....2F viz 16       D               2 1351 76 A catalogue of integrated Hα fluxes for 1258 Galactic planetary nebulae. FREW D.J., BOJICIC I.S. and PARKER Q.A.
2012MmSAI..83..811C 77               F     1 6 4 Close binary central stars of planetary nebulae and V458 Vul. CORRADI R.L.M.
2013MNRAS.432.3186M viz 78           X         2 87 41 Symbiotic stars and other Hα emission-line stars towards the Galactic bulge. MISZALSKI B., MIKOLAJEWSKA J. and UDALSKI A.
2014MNRAS.441.2799C 79               F     1 24 18 The planetary nebula IPHASXJ211420.0+434136 (Ou5): insights into common-envelope dynamical and chemical evolution. CORRADI R.L.M., RODRIGUEZ-GIL P., JONES D., et al.
2015Natur.519...63S 1 13 40 The double-degenerate, super-Chandrasekhar nucleus of the planetary nebula Henize 2-428. SANTANDER-GARCIA M., RODRIGUEZ-GIL P., CORRADI R.L.M., et al.
2015MNRAS.448.1789M 16       D               2 54 45 A radial velocity survey for post-common-envelope Wolf-Rayet central stars of planetary nebulae: first results and discovery of the close binary nucleus of NGC 5189. MANICK R., MISZALSKI B. and McBRIDE V.
2015AJ....150...30H 40           X         1 9 13 Binary central stars of planetary nebulae discovered through photometric variability. III. The central star of Abell 65. HILLWIG T.C., FREW D.J., LOUIE M., et al.
2015A&A...580A..19J viz 16       D   O           1 22 39 The post-common envelope central stars of the planetary nebulae Henize 2-155 and Henize 2-161. JONES D., BOFFIN H.M.J., RODRIGUEZ-GIL P., et al.
2016MNRAS.455.1459F 40           X         1 285 170 The Hα surface brightness-radius relation: a robust statistical distance indicator for planetary nebulae. FREW D.J., PARKER Q.A. and BOJICIC I.S.
2016ApJ...821...67S 614     A     X C       14 1 28 The critical mass ratio of double white dwarf binaries for violent merger-induced Type Ia supernova explosions. SATO Y., NAKASATO N., TANIKAWA A., et al.
2016NewA...45....7G 1204           X C       29 10 9 Is the central binary system of the planetary nebula Henize2-428 a type Ia supernova progenitor? GARCIA-BERRO E., SOKER N., ALTHAUS L.G., et al.
2016ApJ...826...53A 130           X         3 1 10 Monte Carlo population synthesis of post-common-envelope white dwarf binaries and type Ia supernova rate. ABLIMIT I., MAEDA K. and LI X.-D.
2016ApJ...832..125H viz 181       D     X C       4 13 57 Observational confirmation of a link between common envelope binary interaction and planetary nebula shaping. HILLWIG T.C., JONES D., DE MARCO O., et al.
2017AJ....153...24H 41           X         1 22 19 Binary central stars of planetary nebulae discovered through photometric variability. V. The central stars of HaTr 7 and ESO 330-9. HILLWIG T.C., FREW D.J., REINDL N., et al.
2017ApJ...837L..10B 97       D     X         3 83 18 Planetary nebulae that cannot be explained by binary systems. BEAR E. and SOKER N.
2017MNRAS.470.3707R 422       D     X   F     10 38 6 Pushing the limits: detecting H2 emission from faint bipolar planetary nebulae in the IPHAS sample. RAMOS-LARIOS G., GUERRERO M.A., SABIN L., et al.
2018MNRAS.473.5352L 170           X   F     3 7 36 The double-degenerate model for the progenitors of Type Ia supernovae. LIU D., WANG B. and HAN Z.
2018MNRAS.480.4589W viz 17       D               3 56 61 Confirmation of the link between central star binarity and extreme abundance discrepancy factors in planetary nebulae. WESSON R., JONES D., GARCIA-ROJAS J., et al.
2019MNRAS.482.3656R 86           X         2 8 17 Where are the double-degenerate progenitors of Type Ia supernovae? REBASSA-MANSERGAS A., TOONEN S., KOROL V., et al.
2018RAA....18...49W 290           X C       6 38 98 Mass-accreting white dwarfs and type Ia supernovae. WANG B.
2019RAA....19...57W 1237 T   A     X C       28 2 ~ Past and future of the central double-degenerate core of
Henize 2-428.
WU D.-H., LIU D.-D. and WANG B.
2019ApJ...877...30B 42           X         1 33 6 Models of the mass-ejection histories of pre-planetary nebulae. III. The shaping of lobes by Post-AGB winds. BALICK B., FRANK A. and LIU B.
2020MNRAS.493..730M viz 17       D               1 267 ~ Infrared properties of planetary nebulae with [WR] and wels central stars. MUTHUMARIAPPAN C. and PARTHASARATHY M.
2020MNRAS.494.3422L 43           X         1 5 ~ The formation of single neutron stars from double white-dwarf mergers via accretion-induced collapse. LIU D. and WANG B.
2020A&A...638A..93R 1771 T K A     X C       40 11 ~ An in-depth reanalysis of the alleged type Ia supernova progenitor
Henize 2-428.
2020A&A...638A.103C viz 17       D               1 1864 17 Searching for central stars of planetary nebulae in Gaia DR2. CHORNAY N. and WALTON N.A.
2020A&A...640A..10W viz 102       D     X         3 629 28 Catalogue of the central stars of planetary nebulae. Expanded edition. WEIDMANN W.A., MARI M.B., SCHMIDT E.O., et al.
2020MNRAS.499.2959H 102       D       C       2 42 6 Two new nova shells associated with V4362 Sagittarii and DO Aquilae. HARVEY E.J., REDMAN M.P., BOUMIS P., et al.
2021MNRAS.502..176C 87             C       1 24 ~ 'Ears' formation in supernova remnants: overhearing an interaction history with bipolar circumstellar structures. CHIOTELLIS A., BOUMIS P. and SPETSIERI Z.T.
2021ApJ...909...44G 44           X         1 12 10 Tomography of the unique ongoing jet in the planetary nebula NGC 2392. GUERRERO M.A., CAZZOLI S., RECHY-GARCIA J.S., et al.
2020RAA....20..135W 171           X         4 29 40 The formation of neutron star systems through accretion-induced collapse in white-dwarf binaries. WANG B. and LIU D.
2021NatAs...5.1052P 49           X         1 6 30 A hot subdwarf-white dwarf super-Chandrasekhar candidate supernova Ia progenitor. PELISOLI I., NEUNTEUFEL P., GEIER S., et al.
2021ApJ...920...86K 138           X         3 4 30 A catalog of potential post-common envelope binaries. KRUCKOW M.U., NEUNTEUFEL P.G., DI STEFANO R., et al.
2022A&A...658A..17S viz 287       D     X         7 120 8 The ionised and molecular mass of post-common-envelope planetary nebulae. The missing mass problem. SANTANDER-GARCIA M., JONES D., ALCOLEA J., et al.
2022A&A...661A.113G viz 45           X         1 652 11 Radial velocity variability and the evolution of hot subdwarf stars. GEIER S., DORSCH M., PELISOLI I., et al.
2023A&A...669A..82Z 19       D               1 43 ~ Influence of a mass transfer stability criterion on double white dwarf populations. ZHENWEI L., XUEFEI C., HONGWEI G., et al.
2023ApJS..266...34G viz 19       D               1 511 1 Catalog of Planetary Nebulae Detected by GALEX and Corollary Optical Surveys. GOMEZ-MUNOZ M.A., BIANCHI L. and MANCHADO A.
2023RAA....23h2001L 47           X         1 78 ~ Type Ia Supernova Explosions in Binary Systems: A Review. LIU Z.-W., ROPKE F.K. and HAN Z.
2023MNRAS.526.3861M 47           X         1 4 ~ Calculated Stark widths of the triply charged argon ion Ar IV. MAHMOUDI W.F., ABU EL MAATI L., BEN NESSIB N., et al.

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