PN K 3-35 , the SIMBAD biblio

PN K 3-35 , the SIMBAD biblio (149 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST08:48:55

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1965BAICz..16..221K 111 22 Hamburg Schmidt-camera survey of faint planetary nebulae. KOHOUTEK L.
1970A&A.....8..171R 254 34 Radio observations planetary nebulae and possible planetary nebulae. RUBIN R.H.
1971PAB.....1....1H 443 52 Catalog of radio observations of planetary nebulae, related optical data. HIGGS L.A.
1976AJ.....81..753M 346 22 Optical positions for planetary nebulae. II. MILNE D.K.
1977A&AS...30..217A 982 4 Bibliographical index of planetary nebulae for the period 1965-1976. ACKER A. and MARCOUT J.
1983A&AS...54..315A 1436 15 Index and cross-identification of planetary nebulae. ACKER A., MARCOUT J., OCHSENBEIN F., et al.
1985A&A...148..344E 69 T                   1 5 22
K 3-35: planetary nebula or compact HII region ?
1986A&AS...65..301S 130 26 Misclassified planetary nebulae. SABBADIN F.
1988A&AS...76..445C 366 96 A catalogue of H2O maser sources north of delta = -30. CESARONI R., PALAGI F., FELLI M., et al.
1989A&A...217..157Z 183 111 OH maser emission from young planetary nebulae. ZIJLSTRA A.A., TE LINTEL HEKKERT P., POTTASCH S.R., et al.
1989A&A...222..227A 70 T                   1 7 16 Bipolar radio morphology in the compact nebula
K 3-35.
1989A&AS...78..399T 574 131 A catalogue of stellar 1612 MHz maser sources. TE LINTEL HEKKERT P., VERSTEEGE-HANSEL H.A., HABING H.J., et al.
1990A&AS...84..179C 408 163 The Arcetri atlas of H2O maser sources. COMORETTO G., PALAGI F., CESARONI R., et al.
1990A&AS...84..229A 259 125 Six centimetre VLA radio survey of compact planetary nebulae. AAQUIST O.B. and KWOK S.
1990AJ....100..485V 178 39 The IRAS low-resolution spectra of planetary nebulae. VOLK K. and COHEN M.
1991A&A...242..211J 182 102 Observational properties of v = 1, J = 1 - 0 SiO masers. JEWELL P.R., SNYDER L.E., WALMSLEY C.M., et al.
1991A&A...248..209T 87 41 An OH survey of very cold IRAS point sources. TE LINTEL HEKKERT P.
1991A&A...248..547S 1 6 28 IRAS 08005-2356: a proto-planetary nebula with rapid mass loss. SLIJKHUIS S., HU J.Y. and DE JONG T.
1991A&AS...90...89A 876 46 The absolute H-beta fluxes for galactic planetary nebulae. ACKER A., STENHOLM B., TYLENDA R., et al.
1991MNRAS.248p..11Z 9 ~ The nature of G 25.5+0.2 ZIJLSTRA A.A.
1992A&AS...94..399C viz 772 454 A catalogue of absolute fluxes and distances of planetary nebulae. CAHN J.H., KALER J.B. and STANGHELLINI L.
1992A&AS...95..337T 925 103 The extinction constants for galactic planetary nebulae. TYLENDA R., ACKER A., STENHOLM B., et al.
1992ESOPN...1....1A viz 1829 ~ Strasbourg-ESO Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae ACKER A., OCHSENBEIN F., STENHOLM B., et al.
1993A&A...267..260A 75 T                   1 19 Detailed radio morphology of the compact nebula K 3-35. AAQUIST O.B.
1993A&AS..101..153P viz 762 132 Classification and statistical properties of galactic H2O masers. PALAGI F., CESARONI R., COMORETTO G., et al.
1993ApJS...88..137Z 433 106 Trace of planetary nebula evolution by distance-independent parameters. ZHANG C.Y. and KWOK S.
1994A&AS..108..485V viz 434 71 On an alternative statistical distance scale for planetary nebulae. Catalog with statistical distances to planetary nebulae. VAN DE STEENE G.C. and ZIJLSTRA A.A.
1995ApJS...98..659Z viz 644 200 A statistical distance scale for galactic planetary nebulae. ZHANG C.Y.
1996ApJ...462..813A 23 24 Radio morphologies of planetary nebulae. AAQUIST O.B. and KWOK S.
1996ApJ...472..703D 8 19 Millimeter-wave observations of CO in planetary nebulae. DAYAL A. and BIEGING J.H.
1997ApJS..112..557K viz 11279 205 Classification and identification of IRAS sources with low-resolution spectra. KWOK S., VOLK K. and BIDELMAN W.P.
1998AJ....115.1989T viz 14       D               673 35 A new distance indicator to galactic planetary nebulae based upon IRAS fluxes. TAJITSU A. and TAMURA S.
1998ApJS..117..361C viz 887 101 Planetary nebulae in the NRAO VLA sky survey. CONDON J.J. and KAPLAN D.L.
1998Ap&SS.260..185A 25 1 Interactive winds in low-mass evolved stars. ACKER A.
1998JRASC..92...52A 72 T                   1 0 The mystery of K 3-35. AAQUIST O.
1999A&A...352..297S viz 549 51 The dust content of planetary nebulae: a reappraisal. STASINSKA G. and SZCZERBA R.
1999AJ....117..967G 1 9 27 The kinematics of point-symmetric planetary nebulae. GUERRERO M.A., VAZQUEZ R. and LOPEZ J.A.
1999ApJS..123..219C viz 479 22 Infrared planetary nebulae in the NRAO VLA sky survey. CONDON J.J., KAPLAN D.L. and TERZIAN Y.
2000MNRAS.311..748M 109 T K                 8 21 High-resolution spectroscopy and broad-band imaging of the young planetary nebula
2001A&A...373.1032S viz 264 26 An analysis of the observed radio emission from planetary nebulae. SIODMIAK N. and TYLENDA R.
2001A&A...378..843K viz 15       D               2202 103 Version 2000 of the Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae. KOHOUTEK L.
2001ApJ...547..302G 50 94 Low-ionization structures in planetary nebulae: confronting models with observations. GONCALVES D.R., CORRADI R.L.M. and MAMPASO A.
2001MNRAS.322..280Z 52 131 Bipolar outflows in OH/IR stars. ZIJLSTRA A.A., CHAPMAN J.M., TE LINTEL HEKKERT P., et al.
2001Natur.414..284M 15 3 143 Water-maser emission from a planetary nebula with a magnetized torus. MIRANDA L.F., GOMEZ Y., ANGLADA G., et al.
2002A&A...388..252E         O           17 46 Water vapor masers in stars departing from the AGB. ENGELS D.
2002MNRAS.336..826S 1 5 21 Local circumstellar magnetic fields around evolved stars. SOKER N.
2002MNRAS.337.1038S 8 21 Magnetic activity of the cool component in symbiotic systems. SOKER N.
2002ARA&A..40..439B 4 43 583 Shapes and shaping of planetary nebulae. BALICK B. and FRANK A.
2002RMxAC..12..127F 2 3 The formation of collimated outflows and concentric rings in magnetized planetary nebulae. FRANCO J., GARCIA-SEGURA G., LOPEZ J.A., et al.
2003A&A...408.1029K viz 1323 48 Galactic Planetary Nebulae and their central stars. I. An accurate and homogeneous set of coordinates. KERBER F., MIGNANI R.P., GUGLIELMETTI F., et al.
2003ApJ...592..498S 3 3 27 Magnetic flares on asymptotic giant branch stars. SOKER N. and KASTNER J.H.
2003ApJ...594..874S 5 12 The high-excitation planetary nebula NGC 246: optical and near-ultraviolet observations and two-dimensional numerical models. SZENTGYORGYI A., RAYMOND J., FRANCO J., et al.
2003IAUS..209..263G 74 T                   2 8 Water and OH maser emission from the planetary nebula
K 3-35.
2003RMxAC..15...12G 8 3 Winds, bubbles,... but magnetized: solutions for high speed post-AGB winds and their extreme collimation. GARCIA-SEGURA G., LOPEZ J.A. and FRANCO J.
2003RMxAC..15...20M 10 19 Dynamics of the molecular jets in the archetypical preplanetary nebula, IRAS 16342-3814. MORRIS M.R., SAHAI R. and CLAUSSEN M.
2003RMxAC..18...31G 8 0 MHD solutions for proto-planetary nebulae. GARCIA-SEGURA G., LOPEZ J.A. and FRANCO J.
2004A&A...423..209S 47 35 Polarimetric observations of OH masers in proto-planetary nebulae. SZYMCZAK M. and GERARD E.
2004ApJ...601..921D 37   K                 38 37 A survey for water maser emission toward planetary nebulae: new detection in IRAS 17347-3139. DE GREGORIO-MONSALVO I., GOMEZ Y., ANGLADA G., et al.
2004MNRAS.348...34E 1 8 38 First polarimetric images of NML Cyg at 1612 and 1665 MHz. ETOKA S. and DIAMOND P.
2004MNRAS.352..852V 11 23 Bipolar outflow on the asymptotic giant branch - the case of IRC+10011. VINKOVIC D., BLOECKER T., HOFMANN K.-H., et al.
2004MNRAS.353..589P viz 448 85 Planetary nebula distances re-examined: an improved statistical scale. PHILLIPS J.P.
2004NewA....9..545H         O           56 13 Searching for radiative pumping lines of OH masers: II. The 53.3 µm absorption line towards 1612 MHz OH maser sources. HE J.H. and CHEN P.S.
2005A&A...434..201H viz 149 10 Search for radiative pumping lines of OH masers. I. The 34.6 µm absorption line towards 1612MHz OH maser sources. HE J.H., SZCZERBA R., CHEN P.S., et al.
2005ApJ...618..919G 3 9 103 Magnetically driven winds from post-asymptotic giant branch stars: solutions for high-speed winds and extreme collimation. GARCIA-SEGURA G., LOPEZ J.A. and FRANCO J.
2005MNRAS.364..738G 8 6 Spectral index of the H2O-maser-emitting planetary nebula IRAS 17347-3139. GOMEZ J.F., DE GREGORIO-MONSALVO I., LOVELL J.E.J., et al.
2005MNRAS.364..849P 45 18 Hot dust haloes in planetary nebulae. PHILLIPS J.P. and RAMOS-LARIOS G.
2005MmSAI..76..472G 76 T                   1 6 OH maser emission toward the young planetary nebula
K 3-35.
2005MmSAI..76..491T 74 T                   2 0 Detection of HCO+ toward the planetary nebula
K 3-35.
2005NewA...10..283H 51 4 The OH 1612 MHz maser pump rates of stellar, interstellar and post-AGB OH masers. HE J.H.
2006MNRAS.368.1773P 26 13 Further 2MASS mapping of hot dust in planetary nebulae. PHILLIPS J.P. and RAMOS-LARIOS G.
2006RMxAC..26...22G 75 T                   1 2 OH maser emission toward the young planetary nebula
K 3-35.
2006RMxAC..26..176T 74 T                   1 0 Molecular gas toward the Planetary Nebula
K 3-35.
2006ApJ...652..177K 1 34 68 A radio study of the Seyfert galaxy Markarian 6: implications for Seyfert life cycles. KHARB P., O'DEA C.P., BAUM S.A., et al.
2007AJ....133..364T 38   K                 4 14 Detection of HCO+ emission toward the planetary nebula
2007ApJ...658.1096D viz 104 40 H2O maser observations of candidate post-AGB stars and discovery of three high-velocity water sources. DEACON R.M., CHAPMAN J.M., GREEN A.J., et al.
2007A&A...467.1085S 300           X         8 116 30 New detections of H2O masers in planetary nebulae and post-AGB stars using the Robledo-70 m antenna. SUAREZ O., GOMEZ J.F. and MORATA O.
2007ApJ...669..424I viz 150           X         4 19 36 The spatio-kinematical structure and distance of the preplanetary nebula IRAS 19134+2131. IMAI H., SAHAI R. and MORRIS M.
2007AJ....134.2200S 16       D               1 65 162 Preplanetary nebulae: a Hubble space telescope imaging survey and a new morphological classification system. SAHAI R., MORRIS M., SANCHEZ CONTRERAS C., et al.
2007MNRAS.382.1607C 37           X         1 54 24 A centimetre-wave excess over free-free emission in planetary nebulae. CASASSUS S., NYMAN L.-A., DICKINSON C., et al.
2007MNRAS.382.1965V 1036 T K A     X C F     25 4 17 A precessing jet model for the
PN K 3-35: simulated radio-continuum emission.
2008A&A...479..155K viz 15       D               283 9 Galactic planetary nebulae and their central stars. II. Proper motions. KERBER F., MIGNANI R.P., SMART R.L., et al.
2008AJ....135.2074G 301           X         8 11 15 Radio interferometric observations of candidate Water-Maser-Emitting planetary nebulae. GOMEZ J.F., SUAREZ O., GOMEZ Y., et al.
2008A&A...488..619V 640     A D     X C       17 5 8 The magnetic field of the proto-planetary nebula candidate IRAS 19296+2227. VLEMMINGS W.H.T. and VAN LANGEVELDE H.J.
2008MNRAS.390.1127U 1169 T K A D S   X C F     28 7 18 Kinematics of the H2 O masers at the centre of the planetary nebula
2009ApJ...695..930G 1652 T K A S   X C F     40 8 13 The magnetic field toward the young planetary nebula
K 3-35.
2009A&A...498..463P 15       D               1 96 14 Survey of planetary nebulae at 30 GHz with OCRA-p. PAZDERSKA B.M., GAWRONSKI M.P., FEILER R., et al.
2009MNRAS.397.1386B 76           X         2 41 10 Revealing the transition from post-AGB stars to planetary nebulae: non-thermal and thermal radio continuum observations. BAINS I., COHEN M., CHAPMAN J.M., et al.
2009MNRAS.398..385V 38           X         1 13 7 High-speed knots in the hourglass-shaped planetary nebula Hubble 12. VAYTET N.M.H., RUSHTON A.P., LLOYD M., et al.
2009ApJ...703L..18H 38           X         1 6 8 Shaping point- and mirror-symmetric protoplanetary nebulae by the orbital motion of the central binary system. HARO-CORZO S.A.R., VELAZQUEZ P.F., RAGA A.C., et al.
2009A&A...505..217S 265         O X C       6 95 21 Water maser detections in southern candidate post-AGB stars and planetary nebulae. SUAREZ O., GOMEZ J.F., MIRANDA L.F., et al.
2008PASJ...60.1077S 15       D               1 247 24 Statistical properties of stellar H2O masers — results of three-year single-dish observations with the VERA Iriki telescope. SHINTANI M., IMAI H., ANDO K., et al.
2009MNRAS.398.2166G 76             C       1 23 9 Low-ionization pairs of knots in planetary nebulae: physical properties and excitation. GONCALVES D.R., MAMPASO A., CORRADI R.L.M., et al.
2010ApJ...714.1096S viz 15       D               1 787 137 The galactic structure and chemical evolution traced by the population of planetary nebulae. STANGHELLINI L. and HAYWOOD M.
2010A&A...520A..45D 1640 T   A D S   X C       41 62 13 Discrete source survey of 6 GHz OH emission from PNe and pPNe and first 6 GHz images of
K 3-35.
2011A&A...525A..58G 15       D               2 145 36 IPHAS extinction distances to planetary nebulae. GIAMMANCO C., SALE S.E., CORRADI R.L.M., et al.
2011AJ....141..134S viz 361       D     X C       9 183 174 Young planetary nebulae: Hubble Space Telescope imaging and a new morphological classification system. SAHAI R., MORRIS M.R. and VILLAR G.G.
2011ApJ...734...57V 39           X         1 8 16 Shaping the red rectangle proto-planetary nebula by a precessing jet. VELAZQUEZ P.F., STEFFEN W., RAGA A.C., et al.
2011PASJ...63...71T 2344 T     S   X C       58 9 19 Measurement of the distance and proper motions of the H2O masers in the young planetary nebula
K 3-35.
TAFOYA D., IMAI H., GOMEZ Y., et al.
2011RMxAA..47...83P 15       D               2 842 15 Mid- and far-infrared photometry of galactic planetary nebulae with the AKARI All-Sky Survey. PHILLIPS J.P. and MARQUEZ-LUGO R.A.
2011NewAR..55...23V 38           X         1 220 6 Magnetic fields in the nearby Universe, as observed in solar and planetary realms, stars, and interstellar starforming nurseries. VALLEE J.P.
2012MNRAS.419.3529V 39           X         1 9 12 Multipolar young planetary nebulae modelled as a precessing and orbiting jet with time-dependent ejection velocity. VELAZQUEZ P.F., RAGA A.C., RIERA A., et al.
2010PNAOJ..13...57H 24 7 Performance of VERA in the phase-referencing astrometry. HONMA M., HIROTA T., JIKE T., et al.
2012A&A...545A..20R 116           X   F     2 176 27 Searching for heavily obscured post-AGB stars and planetary nebulae. II. Near-IR observations of IRAS sources. RAMOS-LARIOS G., GUERRERO M.A., SUAREZ O., et al.
2012ApJS..203...16S 1060       D S   X C F     25 42 17 OPACOS: OVRO Post-AGB CO (1-0) emission survey. I. Data and derived nebular parameters. SANCHEZ CONTRERAS C. and SAHAI R.
2012A&A...547A..40U 402       D S   X C       9 25 14 An updated catalog of OH-maser-emitting planetary nebulae. USCANGA L., GOMEZ J.F., SUAREZ O., et al.
2013MNRAS.431....2F viz 16       D               1 1351 76 A catalogue of integrated Hα fluxes for 1258 Galactic planetary nebulae. FREW D.J., BOJICIC I.S. and PARKER Q.A.
2013MNRAS.435..524B 43           X         1 13 108 Confirmation of the exclusive association between 6.7-GHz methanol masers and high-mass star formation regions. BREEN S.L., ELLINGSEN S.P., CONTRERAS Y., et al.
2014A&A...561A..81B 2229 T K A     X C       55 1 4 Near- and mid-IR morphology of the water maser emitting planetary nebula K3-35. BLANCO M.W., GUERRERO M.A., MIRANDA L.F., et al.
2014A&A...561A.145R 39           X         1 8 7 New light on the multiple jets of CRL 618. RIERA A., VELAZQUEZ P.F., RAGA A.C., et al.
2014A&A...566A.133B 39           X         1 12 8 CRIRES-VLT high-resolution spectro-astrometry as a tool in the search for disks inside the cores of planetary nebulae. BLANCO CARDENAS M.W., KAEUFL H.U., GUERRERO M.A., et al.
2014ApJ...794..128V 39           X         1 7 13 An asymmetric jet-launching model for the protoplanetary nebula CRL 618. VELAZQUEZ P.F., RIERA A., RAGA A.C., et al.
2014MNRAS.444..217U 236           X         6 11 8 H2O maser emission associated with the planetary nebula IRAS 16333-4807. USCANGA L., GOMEZ J.F., MIRANDA L.F., et al.
2014ARA&A..52..339R 39           X         1 91 140 Microarcsecond radio astrometry. REID M.J. and HONMA M.
2013RAA....13..849X 16       D               1 46 12 A revised rotation curve of the Milky Way with maser astrometry. XIN X.-S. and ZHENG X.-W.
2015ApJ...799..186G 40           X         1 12 10 The first "water fountain" collimated outflow in a planetary nebula. GOMEZ J.F., SUAREZ O., BENDJOYA P., et al.
2015MNRAS.447.1673V viz 16       D               3 369 49 New light on Galactic post-asymptotic giant branch stars - I. First distance catalogue. VICKERS S.B., FREW D.J., PARKER Q.A., et al.
2015A&A...578A.119G viz 79           X         2 142 10 A search for water maser emission toward obscured post-AGB star and planetary nebula candidates. GOMEZ J.F., RIZZO J.R., SUAREZ O., et al.
2016ApJ...817...37Q 667     A S   X         16 7 11 Unusual shock-excited OH maser emission in a young planetary nebula. QIAO H.-H., WALSH A.J., GOMEZ J.F., et al.
2016MNRAS.455.1459F 56       D     X         2 285 170 The Hα surface brightness-radius relation: a robust statistical distance indicator for planetary nebulae. FREW D.J., PARKER Q.A. and BOJICIC I.S.
2016MNRAS.461..136A viz 40           X         1 75 18 Excited-state hydroxyl maser catalogue from the methanol multibeam survey - I. Positions and variability. AVISON A., QUINN L.J., FULLER G.A., et al.
2016MNRAS.461.3259G 1019       D S   X C F     23 14 8 Polarization properties of OH emission in planetary nebulae. GOMEZ J.F., USCANGA L., GREEN J.A., et al.
2016ApJS..227...26Q viz 40           X         1 168 11 Accurate OH maser positions from the SPLASH pilot region. QIAO H.-H., WALSH A.J., GREEN J.A., et al.
2017ApJ...837L..10B 16       D               2 83 18 Planetary nebulae that cannot be explained by binary systems. BEAR E. and SOKER N.
2017AstL...43..304B 24 2 Vertical distribution and kinematics of planetary nebulae in the Milky Way. BIBYLEV V.V. and BAJKOVA A.T.
2017PASP..129h2001P 42           X         1 44 80 Nebular spectroscopy: a guide on HII regions and planetary nebulae. PEIMBERT M., PEIMBERT A. and DELGADO-INGLADA G.
2017A&A...604A..12D 41           X         1 9 2 Magnetic field in IRC+10216 and other C-rich evolved stars. DUTHU A., HERPIN F., WIESEMEYER H., et al.
2018A&A...616L...2K viz 16       D               1 384 16 Planetary nebula distances in Gaia DR2. KIMESWENGER S. and BARRIA D.
2018MNRAS.479.5657H 99       D         F     3 114 1 Radio observations of planetary nebulae: no evidence for strong radial density gradients. HAJDUK M., VAN HOOF P.A.M., SNIADKOWSKA K., et al.
2018ApJS..239...15Q viz 41           X         1 371 4 Accurate OH maser positions. II. The Galactic Center region. QIAO H.-H., WALSH A.J., BREEN S.L., et al.
2019ApJ...875..114X 17       D               1 108 39 Comparison of Gaia DR2 parallaxes of stars with VLBI astrometry. XU S., ZHANG B., REID M.J., et al.
2019ApJ...877...30B 125           X         3 33 6 Models of the mass-ejection histories of pre-planetary nebulae. III. The shaping of lobes by Post-AGB winds. BALICK B., FRANK A. and LIU B.
2019ApJ...878...90S 418           X C       9 15 ~ Detection of 4765 MHz OH emission in a preplanetary nebula: CRL 618. STRACK A., ARAYA E.D., LEBRON M.E., et al.
2020ApJ...889...13B 43           X         1 47 ~ Models of the mass-ejection histories of pre-planetary nebulae. IV. Magnetized winds and the origins of jets, bullets, and FLIERs. BALICK B., FRANK A. and LIU B.
2020ApJ...889...21S viz 17       D               1 430 13 The population of Galactic planetary nebulae: a study of distance scales and central stars based on the second Gaia release. STANGHELLINI L., BUCCIARELLI B., LATTANZI M.G., et al.
2020ApJ...890...50G 17       D               1 62 ~ Space velocity and time span of jets in planetary nebulae. GUERRERO M.A., RECHY-GARCIA J.S. and ORTIZ R.
2020ApJS..247....5Q viz 128           X         3 378 ~ Accurate OH maser positions from the SPLASH survey. III. The final 96 deg2. QIAO H.-H., BREEN S.L., GOMEZ J.F., et al.
2020MNRAS.495.4326H 1898 T   A S   X C       42 13 ~ Search for Zeeman-splitting of OH 6.035 GHz line in the young planetary nebula
K 3-35.
HOU L.G. and GAO X.Y.
2020PASJ...72...50V 60       D     X         2 128 62 The First VERA Astrometry Catalog. VERA COLLABORATION, HIROTA T., NAGAYAMA T., et al.
2021MNRAS.503.2887B viz 17       D               3 160 ~ Determination of Planetary Nebulae angular diameters from radio continuum spectral energy distribution modelling. BOJICIC I.S., FILIPOVIC M.D., UROSEVIC D., et al.
2021ApJ...919..121H viz 17       D               2 136 3 Evidence for cold plasma in planetary nebulae from radio observations with the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR). HAJDUK M., HAVERKORN M., SHIMWELL T., et al.
2021RAA....21..275B 87           X         2 11 ~ Fallback in bipolar planetary nebulae? BAAN W.A., IMAI H. and OROSZ G.
2022PASP..134b2001K 134           X C       2 138 25 Planetary nebulae: sources of enlightenment. KWITTER K.B. and HENRY R.B.C.
2022A&A...658A..17S viz 18       D               3 120 8 The ionised and molecular mass of post-common-envelope planetary nebulae. The missing mass problem. SANTANDER-GARCIA M., JONES D., ALCOLEA J., et al.
2022MNRAS.516L..61O viz 18       D               1 251 1 A census of post-AGB stars in Gaia DR3: evidence for a substantial population of Galactic post-RGB stars. OUDMAIJER R.D., JONES E.R.M. and VIOQUE M.
2022MNRAS.516.2235C 287       D     X         7 26 1 Searching for nascent planetary nebulae: OHPNe candidates in the SPLASH survey. CALA R.A., GOMEZ J.F., MIRANDA L.F., et al.
2022A&A...667A..74A viz 18       D               2 209 10 Distance estimates for AGB stars from parallax measurements. ANDRIANTSARALAZA M., RAMSTEDT S., VLEMMINGS W.H.T., et al.
2024ApJS..270...13F 420       D S   X         8 864 ~ Systematic Search for Water Fountain Candidates Using the Databases of Circumstellar Maser Sources. FAN H., NAKASHIMA J.-I., ENGELS D., et al.
2023PASJ...75.1183I 112       D     X         3 25 ~ FLASHING: Project overview. IMAI H., HAMAE Y., AMADA K., et al.
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