PN A66 36 , the SIMBAD biblio

PN A66 36 , the SIMBAD biblio (168 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST16:14:16

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1955PASP...67..258A 86 123 Globular clusters and planetary nebulae discovered on the national geographic society-Palomar Observatory sky survey. ABELL G.O.
1966ApJ...144..259A 100 308 Properties of some old planetary nebulae. ABELL G.O.
1967ApJ...150..707A 1 2 14 A high-latitude planetary nebula. ARP H. and SCARGLE J.D.
1968BAICz..19....1K 262 19 Morphological study of planetary nebulae. I. Observed forms of planetary nebulae. KROMOV G.S. and KOHOUTEK L.
1968IAUS...34..320L 19 20 Photometric observations of the central stars of planetary nebulae. LILLER W. and SHAO C.H.
1971A&A....10..161G 166 117 The morphological classification of symmetrical nebulae. GREIG W.E.
1971ApJ...164..303L 16 7 Hight frequency stellar oscillations. V. Power spectra for the central stars of planetary nebulae. LASKER B.M. and HESSER J.E.
1971ApJS...22..319C 609 455 Distances and distribution of planetary nebulae. CAHN J.H. and KALER J.B.
1972A&A....18...70G 73 105 Spatial and kinematic parameters of binebulous centric and annular nebulae. GREIG W.E.
1972MSRSL...5..121J 6 ~ Flux density at 31 GHz,85 GHz. JOHNSON H.M.
1973BAAS....5...13B 6 3 Expansion velocity in old planetary nebulae. BOHUSKI T.J. and SMITH M.G.
1973MSRSL...5...63D 32 0 Resultats spectroscopiques preliminaires sur les nebuleuses australes. DOSSIN F. and VREUX J.M.
1973MSRSL...5..121J 6 7 Flux densities of seven planetary nebulae at 31 GHz or 85 GHz. JOHNSON H.M.
1973MSRSL...5..481G 6 1 B nebulae., the southern blue filament. GREIG W.E.
1974AJ.....79.1384C 62 235 New proper motions, statistical parallaxes and kinematics of planetary nebulae. CUDWORTH K.M.
1974ApJ...193..197B 15 80 Old planetary nebulae and the relation between size and expansion velocity. BOHUSKI T.J. and SMITH M.G.
1974ApJ...193..401C 110 191 An infrared photometric survey of planetary nebulae. COHEN M. and BARLOW M.J.
1974ApJS...28..157G 209 375 The nature of faint blue stars in the halo. II. GREENSTEIN J.L. and SARGENT A.I.
1976AJ.....81..753M 346 22 Optical positions for planetary nebulae. II. MILNE D.K.
1976ApJ...210..113K 25 60 Photoelectric filter photometry of planetary nebulae. KALER J.B.
1976ApJS...31..517K 334 358 A catalog of relative emission line intensities observed in planetary and diffuse nebulae. KALER J.B.
1976MSRSL...9..271A 83 ~ Central Stars of planetary nebulae. ALLER L.H.
1977A&AS...30..217A 982 4 Bibliographical index of planetary nebulae for the period 1965-1976. ACKER A. and MARCOUT J.
1978A&AS...33..367A 331 218 A new synthetic distance scale for planetary nebulae. ACKER A.
1979A&AS...36..227M 208 83 Radio observations at 5 GHz of southern planetary nebulae. II. MILNE D.K.
1979Afz....15..269K 176 8 Distances and galactic distribution of planetary nebulae. KHROMOV G.S.
1980PhDT.........3D 116 17 A photometric investigation of possible binary occurrence in the central stars of seventeen planetary nebulae. DRUMMOND J.D.
1981A&A...101..323M 2 6 60 A spectral description and non-LTE analysis of 6 central stars of planetary nebulae. MENDEZ R.H., KUDRITZKI R.P., GRUSCHINSKE J., et al.
1981A&A...103..119S 2 32 420 Late stages of stellar evolution: central stars of planetary nebulae. SCHOENBERNER D.
1981PASP...93..435H 4 9 The spectrum of planetary nebula K 1-27. HENIZE K.G. and FAIRALL A.P.
1982A&A...110..105S 57 45 Internal motions in planetary nebulae. SABBADIN F. and HAMZAOGLU E.
1982MNRAS.199..141C 196 30 Observations of 196 southern planetary nebulae at 408 MHZ. CALABRETTA M.R.
1982MNRAS.199..649R 84 97 Measurements of expansion velocities in planetary nebulae. ROBINSON G.J., REAY N.K. and ATHERTON P.D.
1982PSCDS...3....0A 452 ~ Catalogue of the central stars of true and possible planetary nebulae. ACKER A., GLEIZES F., CHOPINET M., et al.
1982IAUS..103..323P 37 ~ Mass loss from central stars of planetary nebulae. PERINOTTO M.
1983A&A...117..272H 69 T                   5 11 Morphological study of three Abell's planetary nebulae: A 33,
A 36, and A 79.
1983A&AS...54..315A 1436 15 Index and cross-identification of planetary nebulae. ACKER A., MARCOUT J., OCHSENBEIN F., et al.
1983ApJ...271..188K 80 289 The evolution of large planetary nebulae and their central stars. (NB: PK 13+2 1=131+2 1, 214+14 1=217+14 1) KALER J.B.
1983ApJS...52..399S 499 203 Radial velocities of planetary nebulae. SCHNEIDER S.E., TERZIAN Y., PURGATHOFER A., et al.
1983IAUS..103..323P 39 52 Mass loss from central stars of planetary nebulae. PERINOTTO M.
1983IAUS..103..343M 16 25 Non-LTE model atmosphere analysis of central stars. MENDEZ R.H., KUDRITZKI R.P. and SIMON K.P.
1983IAUS..103..507H 3 0 High-spatial resolution observations of planetary nebulae. HUA C.T. and LOUISE R.
1984A&A...136..181S 97 53 The interpretation of internal motions in planetary nebulae. SABBADIN F., GRATTON R.G., BIANCHINI A., et al.
1984A&A...137...92P 77 31 The dynamics, evolution and formation rate of planetary nebulae. PHILLIPS J.P.
1984A&A...140..141P 57 8 Constraints upon visual dust opacities in planetary nebulae. PHILLIPS J.P.
1984A&AS...55..253M 657 140 A catalogue of distances of planetary nebulae. MACIEL W.J.
1984A&AS...58..273S 163 86 A catalogue of expansion velocities in planetary nebulae. SABBADIN F.
1984ApJ...279..304C 49 24 Observational evolution of the central stars of planetary nebulae. CAHN J.H.
1984Ap&SS.105..139L 8 6 Monochromatic observations of planetary nebulae. LOUISE R. and HUA C.T.
1984Ap&SS.107...19A 316 56 Statistical survey of planetary nebulae : distances, masses, and distribution in the Galaxy. AMNUEL P.R., GUSEINOV O.H., NOVRUZOVA H.I., et al.
1984IAUS..105..205K 12 2 Non-LTE analysis of central stars. KUDRITZKI R.P., MENDEZ R.H. and SIMON K.P.
1985A&A...142..289M 17 49 SIT vidicon and IDS spectra of central stars of planetary nebulae. MENDEZ R.H., KUDRITZKI R.P. and SIMON K.P.
1985ApJ...291..237C 60 132 Winds in central stars of planetary nebulae. CERRUTI-SOLA M. and PERINOTTO M.
1985ApJ...297..724K 34 86 Ultraviolet spectra of the central stars of large planetary nebulae. KALER J.B. and FEIBELMAN W.A.
1985Ap&SS.113...59A 107 10 The parameters of planetary nebulae and their central stars derived from observations. AMNUEL P.R., GUSEINOV O.H., NOVRUZOVA H.I., et al.
1986A&A...160...31S 127 27 Statistical evolutionary properties of planetary nebulae: thicknesses of the nebulae and temperatures of the stars. SABBADIN F.
1986A&AS...64..579S 79 49 Planetary nebulae at known distance. SABBADIN F.
1986MNRAS.220..107D 15 27 New colour and Zanstra temperatures for 15 central stars of planetary nebulae. DE FREITAS PACHECO J.A., CODINA S.J. and VIADANA L.
1986MitAG..67..346W 37 0 Lokale planetarische Nebel - eine Revision. WEINBERGER R.
1986RMxAA..12..191C 11 2 Photoelectric scanner observations of central stars of planetary nebulae. CODINA-LANDABERRY S.J., DE FREITAS PACHECO J.A., VIADANA L., et al.
1987A&A...178..227I 36 54 Two senile nearby planetary nebulae and the local planetary nebulae population. ISHIDA K. and WEINBERGER R.
1987ApJ...313..268H 68 38 Mass distribution and evolutionary schema for central stars of planetary nebulae. HEAP S.R. and AUGENSEN H.J.
1988ApJ...326..368P 71 55 A young planetary nebula with OH molecules: NGC 6302. PAYNE H.E., PHILLIPS J.A. and TERZIAN Y.
1988Ap&SS.149..343G 109 20 The temperatures of the nuclei of high-excitation planetary nebulae. GURZADYAN G.A.
1988IUE88...2..169P 33 ~ Physical properties of central stars of planetary nebulae. PATRIARCHI P. and PERINOTTO M.
1989A&A...217..157Z 183 111 OH maser emission from young planetary nebulae. ZIJLSTRA A.A., TE LINTEL HEKKERT P., POTTASCH S.R., et al.
1989A&AS...78..301W 286 159 A catalogue of expansion velocities of galactic planetary nebulae. WEINBERGER R.
1989A&AS...79..329Z 302 136 A catalogue of VLA radio continuum observations of planetary nebulae with the Very Large Array. ZIJLSTRA A.A., POTTASCH S.R. and BIGNELL C.
1989A&AS...81..309P 390 47 The energy-balance temperature of central stars of galactic planetary nebulae. PREITE-MARTINEZ A., ACKER A., KOEPPEN J., et al.
1989ApJ...344..826A 12 39 X-ray observations of planetary nebulae with the EXOSAT satellite. APPARAO K.M.V. and TARAFDAR S.P.
1989Ap&SS.154...21A 348 16 Planetary nebulae in the galaxy. AMNUEL P.R., GUSEINOV O.H. and RUSTAMOV Y.S.
1989IAUS..131..308H 13 3 Broad baseline flux distributions of planetary nuclei. HEAP S. and TORRES A.V.
1989IAUS..131..309J 3 0 Photometric and spectroscopy observations of peculiar nuclei of planetary nebulae. JASNIEWICZ G. and ACKER A.
1990A&A...236..223G 40 12 Extinction-independent determination of temperatures for central stars of planetary nebulae. GREWING M. and NERI R.
1990ApJ...351..230M 23 52 Evolutionary versus dynamical time scales for the evolution of the central stars of planetary nebulae. McCARTHY J.K., MOULD J.R., MENDEZ R.H., et al.
1990ApJ...357..548F 63 33 Ultraviolet Fe VII absorption lines in planetary nebula nuclei, hot subdwarfs, and hot degenerate objects. FEIBELMAN W.A. and BRUHWEILER F.C.
1990ApJ...359..392K 120 127 Large planetary nebulae and their significance to the late stages of stellar evolution. KALER J.B., SHAW R.A. and KWITTER K.B.
1990ATsir1544....7G 20 2 Revision of the scale of planetary nebulae distances. GOLOVATY V.V.
1990Ap&SS.169..183H 8 12 NLTE analysis of high-resolution spectra of CSPN. HERRERO A., MENDEZ R.H. and MANCHADO A.
1991A&A...243..478Z 34 52 On the scale height of planetary nebulae. ZIJLSTRA A.A. and POTTASCH S.R.
1991A&AS...91..325P 84 66 Statistical properties of winds in central of planetary nebulae. PATRIARCHI P. and PERINOTTO M.
1991Ap&SS.181...73G 144 9 Excitation class of nebulae - an evolution criterion ? GURZADYAN G.A. and EGIKYAN A.G.
1991PASAu...9..309P 83 2 Winds in central stars of planetary nebulae. PATRIARCHI P. and PERINOTTO M.
1991IAUS..145..375M 114 118 Photospheric abundances un central stars of planetary nebulae, and evolutionary implications. MENDEZ R.H.
1992A&AS...94..399C viz 772 454 A catalogue of absolute fluxes and distances of planetary nebulae. CAHN J.H., KALER J.B. and STANGHELLINI L.
1992ESOPN...1....1A viz 1829 ~ Strasbourg-ESO Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae ACKER A., OCHSENBEIN F., STENHOLM B., et al.
1993MNRAS.260..855T 56 1 The presence of fe VII and of low-ionization features in the UV spectra of central stars of planetary nebulae. TWEEDY R.W.
1993AGAb....9..155R 4 1 K1-27: a hot H-deficient central star of a planetary nebula. RAUCH T. and WERNER K.
1993BAAS...25.1318Q 10 ~ A high dispersion IUE atlas of central stars of planetary nebulae. QUIGLEY M.F.
1993BAAS...25.1368Q 11 ~ A high dispersion IUE atlas of central stars of planetary nebulae. QUIGLEY M.F., BRUHWEILER F.C. and FEIBELMAN W.
1994A&A...288..897T 147 16 Confrontation of theoretical tracks for post-AGB stars with observations of planetary nebulae. TYLENDA R. and STASINSKA G.
1994A&AS..106..559T viz 768 24 A catalogue HeII 4686 line intensities in Galactic planetary nebulae. TYLENDA R., STASINSKA G., ACKER A., et al.
1994PASP..106..756F 66 12 X-ray planetary nebulae. FEIBELMAN W.A.
1995ApJ...441..726F 29 17 A volume-limited survey of high galactic latitude planetary nebulae with the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer. FRUSCIONE A., DRAKE J.J., McDONALD K., et al.
1995ApJS...98..659Z viz 644 200 A statistical distance scale for galactic planetary nebulae. ZHANG C.Y.
1995MNRAS.273..812H 24 17 ROSAT observations of EUV-bright planetary nebula central stars. HOARE M.G., BARSTOW M.A., WERNER K., et al.
1996A&A...307..561P 58 93 Local space density and formation rate of planetary nebulae. POTTASCH S.R.
1996ApJ...466..352L 36   K                 6 15 ROSAT X-ray observations of four planetary nebulae. LEAHY D.A., ZHANG C.Y., VOLK K., et al.
1996ApJS..107..255T 32 87 An atlas of ancient planetary nebulae and their interaction with the interstellar medium. TWEEDY R.W. and KWITTER K.B.
1997A&A...323L..49P viz 14       D               1 118340 2498 The Hipparcos Catalogue. PERRYMAN M.A.C., LINDEGREN L., KOVALEVSKY J., et al.
1997A&A...327..736S viz 49 44 On the mass distribution of planetary nebulae central stars. STASINSKA G., GORNY S.K. and TYLENDA R.
1997ApJS..112..487S viz 455 190 Properties that cannot be explained by the progenitors of planetary nebulae. SOKER N.
1997MNRAS.287..867K viz 954 123 The Edinburgh-Cape Blue Object Survey - II. Zone 1 - the North Galactic Cap. KILKENNY D., O'DONOGHUE D., KOEN C., et al.
1997IAUS..180..214C 22 6 X-ray emission from planetary nebulae. CONWAY G.M. and CHU Y.-H.
1998A&A...329L...5P 1 5 19 A comparison of Hipparcos parallaxes with planetary nebulae spectroscopic distances. POTTASCH S.R. and ACKER A.
1998A&A...337..253A 20 48 A sample of planetary nebulae observed by HIPPARCOS. ACKER A., FRESNEAU A., POTTASCH S.R., et al.
1998A&A...340..527P 315 20 Electron densities in planetary nebulae, and the unusual characteristics of the [SII] emission zone. PHILLIPS J.P.
1998A&AS..132...13D viz 870 88 The kinematics of 867 galactic planetary nebulae. DURAND S., ACKER A. and ZIJLSTRA A.
1998ApJS..117..361C viz 887 101 Planetary nebulae in the NRAO VLA sky survey. CONDON J.J. and KAPLAN D.L.
1999A&A...348..940D 10 19 The iron abundance in hot central stars of planetary nebulae derived from IUE spectra. DEETJEN J.L., DREIZLER S., RAUCH T., et al.
1999A&AS..138..275H 36   K                 7 12 Monochromatic morphologies of Abell planetary nebulae. HUA C.T. and KWOK S.
1999BASI...27..171M 26 0 Possible trends in expansion velocities of planetary nebulae evolved from common envelope binary systems. MUTHU C. and ANANDARAO B.G.
2000AJ....119.2360D 17 50 The rise and fall of V4334 Sagittarii (Sakurai's object). DUERBECK H.W., LILLER W., STERKEN C., et al.
2000ApJS..129..295G 81 38 ROSAT observations of X-ray emission from planetary nebulae. GUERRERO M.A., CHU Y.-H. and GRUENDL R.A.
2001A&A...378..843K viz 15       D               2202 103 Version 2000 of the Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae. KOHOUTEK L.
2001AJ....121.1578M 5 5 The 5° diameter ionized halo of the planetary nebula Abell 36. McCULLOUGH P.R., BENDER C., GAUSTAD J.E., et al.
2001PASP..113.1326G 16 8 403 A robotic wide-angle hα survey of the southern sky. GAUSTAD J.E., McCULLOUGH P.R., ROSING W., et al.
2001RMxAA..37..115K viz 15       D               1042 13 Optical coordinates of southern planetary nebulae. KIMESWENGER S.
2003A&A...408.1029K viz 1323 48 Galactic Planetary Nebulae and their central stars. I. An accurate and homogeneous set of coordinates. KERBER F., MIGNANI R.P., GUGLIELMETTI F., et al.
2003MNRAS.344..501P 376 44 The relation between Zanstra temperature and morphology in planetary nebulae. PHILLIPS J.P.
2003IAUS..209..169W 16 14 Temperature scale and iron abundances of very hot central stars of planetary nebulae. WERNER K., DEETJEN J.L., DREIZLER S., et al.
2003IAUS..209..415C 23 4 X-ray and UV views of hot gas in planetary nebulae. CHU Y.-H., GUERRERO M.A. and GRUENDL R.A.
2003RMxAC..18..133S 10 9 UV observations of neutron capture elements in planetry nebulae. STERLING N.C. and DINERSTEIN H.L.
2004A&A...417..647R         O           8 13 On the discovery of an enormous ionized halo around the hot DO white dwarf PG 1034+001. RAUCH T., KERBER F. and PAULI E.-M.
2004RMxAA..40..193P 18 5 The use of line excitation mapping to investigate planetary nebula morphologies. PHILLIPS J.P.
2005A&A...432..273J 43   K                 4 80 Discovery of magnetic fields in central stars of planetary nebulae. JORDAN S., WERNER K. and O'TOOLE S.J.
2005MNRAS.357..619P 54 14 The distances of highly evolved planetary nebulae. PHILLIPS J.P.
2005MNRAS.362..847P 60 15 The distances of less-evolved planetary nebulae: a further test of statistical distance scales. PHILLIPS J.P.
2005MmSAI..76..449G 21 2 X-ray observations of hot gas in planetary nebulae. GUERRERO M.A., CHU Y.-H. and GRUENDL R.A.
2005NewA...10..237Z 65 3 Some implications of the introduction of scattered starlight in the spectrum of reddened stars. ZAGURY F.
2007AJ....133..631H 1 25 86 Trigonometric parallaxes of central stars of planetary nebulae. HARRIS H.C., DAHN C.C., CANZIAN B., et al.
2006PASP..118.1621P 18 11 Astronomy with small telescopes. PACZYNSKI B.
2007A&A...474..653V viz 15       D               1 118084 3051 Validation of the new Hipparcos reduction. VAN LEEUWEN F.
2008A&A...479..155K viz 53       D     X         2 283 9 Galactic planetary nebulae and their central stars. II. Proper motions. KERBER F., MIGNANI R.P., SMART R.L., et al.
2008ApJ...689..194S viz 15       D               1 560 126 The Magellanic cloud calibration of the Galactic planetary nebula distance scale. STANGHELLINI L., SHAW R.A. and VILLAVER E.
2010ApJS..187..149A viz 15       D               1 535 80 StarCAT: a catalog of space telescope imaging spectrograph ultraviolet echelle spectra of stars. AYRES T.R.
2010ApJ...714.1096S viz 15       D               1 787 137 The galactic structure and chemical evolution traced by the population of planetary nebulae. STANGHELLINI L. and HAYWOOD M.
2011A&A...526A...6W viz 15       D               1 492 50 Central stars of planetary nebulae: new spectral classifications and catalogue. WEIDMANN W.A. and GAMEN R.
2012A&A...538A.129B 127 132 Magnetic field measurements and their uncertainties: the FORS1 legacy. BAGNULO S., LANDSTREET J.D., FOSSATI L., et al.
2012A&A...541A..98A viz 15       D               1 129 14 Interacting planetary nebulae. I. Classification and orientation. ALI A., SABIN L., SNAID S., et al.
2012A&A...542A..64J 133       D   O X         4 11 27 Magnetic fields in central stars of planetary nebulae? JORDAN S., BAGNULO S., WERNER K., et al.
2012A&A...546A..61D viz 15       D               1 88080 48 Radial velocities for the HIPPARCOS-Gaia Hundred-Thousand-Proper-Motion project. DE BRUIJNE J.H.J. and EILERS A.-C.
2012MNRAS.427..343M viz 15       D               1 95691 216 Fundamental parameters and infrared excesses of Hipparcos stars. McDONALD I., ZIJLSTRA A.A. and BOYER M.L.
2013MNRAS.431....2F viz 55       D     X         2 1351 76 A catalogue of integrated Hα fluxes for 1258 Galactic planetary nebulae. FREW D.J., BOJICIC I.S. and PARKER Q.A.
2013ApJ...771..114P viz 16       D               2 100 15 The deceleration of nebular shells in evolved planetary nebulae. PEREYRA M., RICHER M.G. and LOPEZ J.A.
2013A&A...558A..78J 16       D               1 83 25 The evolution of planetary nebulae. VIII. True expansion rates and visibility times. JACOB R., SCHOENBERNER D. and STEFFEN M.
2013A&A...558A..93A 289       D     X C       7 37 4 Interacting planetary nebulae. II. Galactic population and interaction models. ALI A., ISMAIL H.A., SNAID S., et al.
2014A&A...563A..43L 16       D               1 27 14 A search for magnetic fields on central stars in planetary nebulae. LEONE F., CORRADI R.L.M., MARTINEZ GONZALEZ M.J., et al.
2015MNRAS.446..317A 2343 T K A D S   X C       57 28 14 The physical structure of planetary nebulae around sdO stars:
Abell 36, DeHt 2, and RWT 152.
2015MNRAS.449.2980S 135       D     X         4 74 9 On the distances of planetary nebulae. SMITH H.
2015A&A...580A..23P viz 16       D               2 60853 134 A new catalogue of Stroemgren-Crawford uvbyβ photometry. PAUNZEN E.
2015A&A...583A.115B viz 16       D               4 802 62 The FORS1 catalogue of stellar magnetic field measurements. BAGNULO S., FOSSATI L., LANDSTREET J.D., et al.
2016MNRAS.455.1459F 16       D               1 285 170 The Hα surface brightness-radius relation: a robust statistical distance indicator for planetary nebulae. FREW D.J., PARKER Q.A. and BOJICIC I.S.
2017ApJ...837L..10B 81             C       2 83 18 Planetary nebulae that cannot be explained by binary systems. BEAR E. and SOKER N.
2018A&A...616L...2K viz 16       D               1 384 16 Planetary nebula distances in Gaia DR2. KIMESWENGER S. and BARRIA D.
2019A&A...621A..38G viz 17       D               1 39805 85 The population of hot subdwarf stars studied with Gaia. II. The Gaia DR2 catalogue of hot subluminous stars. GEIER S., RADDI R., GENTILE FUSILLO N.P., et al.
2019A&A...623A..72K viz 17       D               1 117374 256 Stellar and substellar companions of nearby stars from Gaia DR2. Binarity from proper motion anomaly. KERVELLA P., ARENOU F., MIGNARD F., et al.
2019A&A...630A.150G viz 59       D     X         2 203 ~ Properties of central stars of planetary nebulae with distances in Gaia DR2. GONZALEZ-SANTAMARIA I., MANTEIGA M., MANCHADO A., et al.
2020ApJ...889...21S viz 17       D               3 430 13 The population of Galactic planetary nebulae: a study of distance scales and central stars based on the second Gaia release. STANGHELLINI L., BUCCIARELLI B., LATTANZI M.G., et al.
2020MNRAS.493..730M viz 17       D               1 267 ~ Infrared properties of planetary nebulae with [WR] and wels central stars. MUTHUMARIAPPAN C. and PARTHASARATHY M.
2020A&A...638A.103C viz 17       D               1 1864 17 Searching for central stars of planetary nebulae in Gaia DR2. CHORNAY N. and WALTON N.A.
2020A&A...640A..10W viz 17       D               1 629 28 Catalogue of the central stars of planetary nebulae. Expanded edition. WEIDMANN W.A., MARI M.B., SCHMIDT E.O., et al.
2021ApJS..254...42B viz 17       D               1 115489 112 The Hipparcos-Gaia Catalog of Accelerations: Gaia EDR3 edition. BRANDT T.D.
2022A&A...662A..40C viz 18       D               2 62976 9 The population of hot subdwarf stars studied with Gaia. IV. Catalogues of hot subluminous stars based on Gaia EDR3. CULPAN R., GEIER S., REINDL N., et al.
2022RAA....22h5013A viz 18       D               1 601 2 A New Statistical Distance Scale for Planetary Nebulae, Based on Gaia EDR3. ALI A., ALGARNI E., MINDIL A., et al.
2022MNRAS.517.6183P 90           X         2 12 ~ WHTZ 1: a high excitation Planetary Nebula not a gaseous cocoon from runaway star HD 185806. PARKER Q.A., LE DU P., RITTER A., et al.
2023ApJS..266...34G viz 19       D               1 511 1 Catalog of Planetary Nebulae Detected by GALEX and Corollary Optical Surveys. GOMEZ-MUNOZ M.A., BIANCHI L. and MANCHADO A.
2024A&A...686A..25D viz 50           X         1 37 ~ A 500 pc volume-limited sample of hot subluminous stars I. Space density, scale height, and population properties. DAWSON H., GEIER S., HEBER U., et al.

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