OH 300.93-00.03 , the SIMBAD biblio

OH 300.93-00.03 , the SIMBAD biblio (20 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST05:24:44

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Title First 3 Authors
1981AuJPh..34..333C 84 51 A southern survey of OH masers at 1612 MHz. CASWELL J.L., HAYNES R.F., GOSS W.M., et al.
1983ApJ...273..660J 62 41 Type II OH/IR masers. III. The data base. JONES T.J., HYLAND A.R. and GATLEY I.
1983IBVS.2301....1E 55 4 Infrared Mira variables. ENGELS D.
1986A&AS...65..607O 5417 387 IRAS catalogues and atlases. Atlas of Low-Resolution Spectra. OLNON F.M., RAIMOND E. (The IRAS Science Team)
1989A&AS...78..399T 574 131 A catalogue of stellar 1612 MHz maser sources. TE LINTEL HEKKERT P., VERSTEEGE-HANSEL H.A., HABING H.J., et al.
1991A&AS...90..327T viz 14       D               1 2734 208 1612 MHz OH survey of IRAS point sources. I. Observations made at Dwingeloo, Effelsberg and Parkes. TE LINTEL HEKKERT P., CASWELL J.L., HABING H.J., et al.
1993A&A...280..551N 44 41 Infrared and SiO maser observations of OH/IR stars. NYMAN L.-A., HALL P.J. and LE BERTRE T.
1993A&AS...97..729L viz 37 90 Oxygen-rich late-type star lightcurves in the 1-20microm. range. LE BERTRE T.
1995IBVS.4140....1K viz 490 27 The 72nd name-list of variable stars. KAZAROVETS E.V. and SAMUS N.N.
1996A&A...314..896L viz 29 70 Optical and infrared observations of 27 oxygen-rich stars. Modelling of the circumstellar dust shells. LE SIDANER P. and LE BERTRE T.
1997ApJS..112..557K viz 11279 205 Classification and identification of IRAS sources with low-resolution spectra. KWOK S., VOLK K. and BIDELMAN W.P.
1998IBVS.4612....1B 332 3 Spectral types for named of suspected variable stars in the IRAS point source catalogue. BIDELMAN W.P. and MacCONNELL D.J.
2001A&A...368..950V 114 34 Circumstellar masers in the Magellanic Clouds. VAN LOON J.T., ZIJLSTRA A.A., BUJARRABAL V., et al.
2001AJ....121.2752H 65 3 On the difference between type E and type A OH/IR stars. HE J.H. and CHEN P.S.
1993yCat.3170....0M viz 14       D               1 10927 ~ IRAS Point Sources of flux at 12 microns greater than flux at 25 microns and falling within about 7 degrees of the Galactic Plane McCONNELL D.J.
2017ARep...61...80S viz 16       D               7150 446 General catalogue of variable stars: Version GCVS 5.1 SAMUS N.N., KAZAROVETS E.V., DURLEVICH O.V., et al.
2021A&A...647A.169H viz 17       D               1 6 5 VVV survey near-infrared colour catalogue of known variable stars. HERPICH F.R., FERREIRA LOPES C.E., SAITO R.K., et al.
2022ApJS..260...46I viz 18       D               1 65989 11 The OGLE Collection of Variable Stars: Nearly 66,000 Mira Stars in the Milky Way. IWANEK P., SOSZYNSKI I., KOZLOWSKI S., et al.
2023ApJS..264...20I viz 19       D               1 65989 1 A Three-dimensional Map of the Milky Way Using 66,000 Mira Variable Stars. IWANEK P., POLESKI R., KOZLOWSKI S., et al.
2023A&A...674A..15L viz 19       D               1 1720610 15 Gaia Data Release 3 The second Gaia catalogue of long-period variable candidates. LEBZELTER T., MOWLAVI N., LECOEUR-TAIBI I., et al.

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