NGC 6254 2073 , the SIMBAD biblio

1955AJ.....60..317A - Astron. J., 60, 317-337 (1955)

Color-magnitude diagrams for seven globular clusters.


Journal keyword(s):

Nomenclature: Table I: NGC 7089 NNNN N=95+95+86+96, Cl* NGC 5904 ARP R-NNN N=81+93+83+88, NGC 6254 NNNN N=79+106+99+87, Cl* NGC 6205 ARP R-NNN N=94+102+73+87, Cl* NGC 7078 ARP R-NNN N=75+88+83+68.

Status at CDS : All or part of tables of objects will not be ingested in SIMBAD.

Simbad objects: 1083

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