NGC 3877 , the SIMBAD biblio

NGC 3877 , the SIMBAD biblio (329 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST08:42:00

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1926ApJ....64..321H 407 942 Extragalactic nebulae. HUBBLE E.P.
1977A&A....54..661T 9 47 2260 A new method of determining distance to galaxies. TULLY R.B. and FISHER J.R.
1979ApJ...229....1A 2 29 294 The infrared luminosity/HI velocity-width relation and its application to the distance scale. AARONSON M., HUCHRA J. and MOULD J.
1980A&A....87..152H 2 105 1081 An optical and radio survey of the nuclei of bright galaxies. Activity in normal galactic nuclei. HECKMAN T.M.
1982ApJS...50..241A viz 300 257 A catalog of infrared magnitudes and HI velocity widths for nearby galaxies. AARONSON M., HUCHRA J., MOULD J.R., et al.
1983ApJS...52...23B 749 4 A catalog of hierarchical subclustering in the Turner-Gott groups. BHAVSAR S.P. and PIGGOTT R.G.
1983ApJS...52...89H viz 2405 825 A survey of galaxy redshifts. IV. The data. HUCHRA J., DAVIS M., LATHAM D., et al.
1984A&AS...56..381B 797 165 HI line studies of galaxies. III. Distance moduli of 822 disk galaxies. BOTTINELLI L., GOUGUENHEIM L., PATUREL G., et al.
1984ApJ...280....7O 261 57 Digital surface photometry of galaxies toward a quantitative classification. III. A mean concentration index as a parameter representing the luminosity distribution. OKAMURA S., KODAIRA K. and WATANABE M.
1984ApJ...287....1D 605 74 The dependence on distance and redshift of the velocity vectors of the sun, the galaxy, and the Local Group with respect to different extragalactic frames of reference. DE VAUCOULEURS G. and PETERS W.L.
1985A&AS...59...43B 414 52 HI line studies of galaxies. IV. Distance moduli of 468 disk galaxies. BOTTINELLI L., GOUGUENHEIM L., PATUREL G., et al.
1985A&AS...60..517P 611 11 Supplement to the detailed bibliography on the surface photometry of galaxies. PENCE W.D. and DAVOUST E.
1986A&A...156..157B 399 128 The Malmquist bias and the value of H zero from the Tully-Fisher relation. BOTTINELLI L., GOUGUENHEIM L., PATUREL G., et al.
1986A&A...164...17G 93 12 A two-color Tully-Fisher relation. GIRAUD E.
1986ApJ...310...86O 27 5 The Ursa Major I (S) galaxy group : 12CO and far-infrared observations. ODENWALD S.F.
1987A&A...180...12D 155 129 Ultraviolet observations and star-formation rate in galaxies. DONAS J., DEHARVENG J.M., LAGET M., et al.
1987ApJ...320..238S 329 640 The IRAS bright galaxy sample. II. The sample and luminosity function. SOIFER B.T., SANDERS D.B., MADORE B.F., et al.
1987ApJS...65..485C viz 315 274 A 1.49 GHz atlas of spiral galaxies with BT <+12 and delta >-45. CONDON J.J.
1987ApJS...65..543C 161 31 A 1.49 GHz supplementary atlas of spiral galaxies with H-magnitudes. CONDON J.J., YIN Q.F. and BURSTEIN D.
1988A&A...196...17B 156 26 The value of Ho from the infrared Tully-Fisher relation. BOTTINELLI L., GOUGUENHEIM L. and TEERIKORPI P.
1988ApJ...328....4B 257 43 The Malmquist bias in the extragalactic distance scale: controversies and misconceptions. BOTTINELLI L., GOUGUENHEIM L., PATUREL G., et al.
1988ApJ...330..579P 1 64 332 Distances to the Virgo and Ursa Major clusters and a determination of Ho. PIERCE M.J. and TULLY R.B.
1989AJ.....97.1566K 65 41 Thin edge-on galaxies as a tool for the investigation of large-scale streaming motions in the universe. KARACHENTSEV I.
1989AJ.....98..766S 343 391 The IRAS bright galaxy sample. IV. Complete IRAS observations. SOIFER B.T., BOEHMER L., NEUGEBAUER G., et al.
1989ApJS...71..433P 92 141 Ionized gas in the nuclear regions of nearby non-Seyfert spiral galaxies. POGGE R.W.
1990ApJ...359....4V 227 30 Classification of galaxies on CCD frames. VAN DEN BERGH S., PIERCE M.L. and TULLY R.B.
1990ApJ...364..444V 231 28 The dustiness, luminosity, and metallicity of galaxies. VAN DEN BERGH S. and PIERCE M.J.
1990ApJS...73..359C viz 341 311 A 1.49 GHz atlas of the IRAS bright galaxy sample. CONDON J.J., HELOU G., SANDERS D.B., et al.
1990ApJS...74..325B 533 19 The Tully-Fisher relation in different environments. BIVIANO A., GIURICIN G., MARDIROSSIAN F., et al.
1990Ap&SS.167..183A 250 10 The Hubble relation : differences between galaxy types Sb and Sc. ARP H.
1990IRASF.C......0M viz 574 130 IRAS Faint Source Catalogue, version 2.0. MOSHIR M., et al.
1991ApJ...383..467M 139 103 The velocity field of clusters of galaxies within 100 megaparsecs. I. Southern clusters. MOULD J.R., STAVELEY-SMITH L., SCHOMMER R.A., et al.
1992A&AS...92..749T 1554 45 The far-infrared properties of the CfA galaxy sample. I. The catalog. THUAN T.X. and SAUVAGE M.
1992A&AS...93..255G viz 299 69 Axial ratios of edge-on spirals. GUTHRIE B.N.G.
1992ApJ...401...81P 30 36 New results on the radio-infrared relation for galaxies. PRICE R. and DURIC N.
1993A&AS..100...47G viz 4500 387 General study of group membership. II. Determination of nearby groups. GARCIA A.M.
1993ApJ...418..626P 73 35 The infrared Tully-Fisher relation in the Ursa Major cluster. PELETIER R.F. and WILLNER S.P.
1993ApJS...85....1N 1321 89 A revised catalog of CfA1 galaxy groups in the Virgo/Great Attractor flow field. NOLTHENIUS R.
1993ApJS...89....1R viz 933 333 The extended 12 micron galaxy sample. RUSH B., MALKAN M.A. and SPINOGLIO L.
1993MNRAS.261..445F 165 40 Magnetic fields in late-type galaxies. FITT A.J. and ALEXANDER P.
1993MNRAS.264..665V 170 13 Further analysis of a 'complete sample' in the Virgo supercluster of galaxies. VALLEE J.P.
1994A&A...282...19X 113 41 Star-formation histories and the mass-normalized FIR/radio correlation in late-type galaxies. XU C., LISENFELD U., VOELK H.J., et al.
1994A&AS..107..129B 50 165 A search for spiral galaxies with extended HI disks. BROEILS A.H. and VAN WOERDEN H.
1994AJ....107.1003C 109 309 A very large array survey of neutral hydrogen in Virgo cluster spirals. III. Surface density profiles of the gas. CAYATTE V., KOTANYI C., BALKOWSKI C., et al.
1994AJ....108..896M viz 528 25 Arm structure in normal spiral galaxies. I. Multivariate data for 492 galaxies. MAGRI C.
1995A&AS..109..341R viz 362 13 The UV properties of normal galaxies. II. The ``non-IUE'' data. RIFATTO A., LONGO G. and CAPACCIOLI M.
1995A&AS..114...21N viz 225 32 A radio continuum survey of Shapley-Ames Galaxies at λ2.8 cm. I. Atlas of radio data. NIKLAS S., KLEIN U., BRAINE J., et al.
1995A&AS..114..527R viz 372 35 The UV properties of normal galaxies. III. Standard luminosity profiles and total magnitudes. RIFATTO A., LONGO G. and CAPACCIOLI M.
1995AJ....109..543B viz 504 103 Total and effective colors of 501 galaxies in the Cousins VRI photometric system. BUTA R. and WILLIAMS K.L.
1995AJ....110..613V 339 21 A preliminary classification scheme for the central regions of late-type galaxies. VAN DEN BERGH S.
1995ApJ...445...46H 99 16 The orientation of spin vectors of galaxies in the Ursa Major filament. HAN C., GOULD A. and SACKETT P.D.
1995ApJS...96..123T viz 666 26 Recalibration of the H-0.5-magnitudes of spiral galaxies. TORMEN G. and BURSTEIN D.
1995ApJS...98..219Y 302 461 The FCRAO extragalactic CO survey. I. The data. YOUNG J.S., XIE S., TACCONI L., et al.
1995ApJS...98..477H viz 506 435 A search for "dwarf" Seyfert nuclei. II. An optical spectral atlas of the nuclei of nearby galaxies. HO L.C., FILIPPENKO A.V. and SARGENT W.L.W.
1995AN....316...39B viz 14       D               1 2139 0 Construction of a diameter-limited sample of galaxies in the northern sky. The catalogue. BARDELLI S. and ZUCCA E.
1996A&A...313...13H 135 54 The bar-enhanced star-formation activities in spiral galaxies. HUANG J.H., GU Q.S., SU H.J., et al.
1996AJ....111..174F 113 185 A catalog of digital images of 113 nearby galaxies. FREI Z., GUHATHAKURTA P., GUNN J.E., et al.
1996AJ....112.2471T viz 77 187 The Ursa Major cluster of galaxies. I. Cluster definition and photometric data. TULLY R.B., VERHEIJEN M.A.W., PIERCE M.J., et al.
1996ApJS..107....1A viz 591 338 The morphologies of distant galaxies. II. Classifications from the Hubble space telescope medium deep survey. ABRAHAM R.G., VAN DEN BERGH S., GLAZEBROOK K., et al.
1997A&A...324..877B viz 109 241 Short 21-cm WSRT observations of spiral and irregular galaxies. HI properties. BROEILS A.H. and RHEE M.-H.
1997AJ....113...22G viz 808 213 The I band Tully-Fisher relation for cluster galaxies: data presentation. GIOVANELLI R., HAYNES M.P., HERTER T., et al.
1997ApJS..109..333W viz 403 337 Homogeneous velocity-distance data for peculiar velocity analysis. III. The MARK III catalog of galaxy peculiar velocities. WILLICK J.A., COURTEAU S., FABER S.M., et al.
1997ApJS..112..315H viz 610 1186 A search for "dwarf" Seyfert nuclei. III. Spectroscopic parameters and properties of the host galaxies. HO L.C., FILIPPENKO A.V. and SARGENT W.L.W.
1998A&AS..127..117P viz 2385 30 A catalogue of spatially resolved kinematics of galaxies: Bibliography. PRUGNIEL P., ZASOV A., BUSARELLO G., et al.
1998A&AS..128..299P viz 6817 141 Total magnitude, radius, colour indices, colour gradients and photometric type of galaxies. PRUGNIEL P. and HERAUDEAU P.
1998A&AS..131...73M viz 1372 15 Catalogue of HI maps of galaxies. I. MARTIN M.C.
1998AJ....116.1626B viz 668 176 Bulge-disk decomposition of 659 spiral and lenticular galaxy brightness profiles. BAGGETT W.E., BAGGETT S.M. and ANDERSON K.S.J.
1998ApJ...503...97S 1 31 155 Rotation curves of Ursa major galaxies in the context of modified newtonian dynamics. SANDERS R.H. and VERHEIJEN M.A.W.
1998Ap.....41..308M 1394 1 Groups of galaxies. III. Some empirical characteristics. MAHTESSIAN A.P.
1998IAUC.6829Q...1L 72 T                   2 ~ Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877. LI W.-D., LI C., WAN Z., et al.
1998IAUC.6830R...1F 72 T                   3 ~ Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877. FILIPPENKO A.V. and MORAN E.C.
1998IAUC.6831Q...1N 72 T                   2 ~ Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877. NAKAMURA A., KAWAKAMI K., BALAM D.D., et al.
1998IAUC.6832Q...1G 72 T                   4 ~ Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877. GARNAVICH P., JHA S., KIRSHNER R., et al.
1998IAUC.6838R...1H 72 T                   2 ~ Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877. HORNOCH K., BRAT L. and NOVAK L.
1998IAUC.6841R...1Q 72 T                   2 ~ Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877. QIU Y.L., CAO L., QIAO Q.Y., et al.
1998IAUC.6843S...1B 72 T                   2 ~ Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877. BIGNOTTI M., KISS L., SPRATT C.E., et al.
1998IAUC.6845R...1G 72 T                   2 ~ Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877. GARNAVICH P., KIRSHNER R., CHALLIS P., et al.
1998IAUC.6846R...1G 72 T                   2 ~ Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877. GRANSLO B.H., SHANKLIN J., CARVAJAL J., et al.
1998IAUC.6847S...1M 72 T                   2 ~ Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877. MERLIN J.-C.
1998IAUC.6852S...1M 72 T                   2 ~ Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877. MIZSER A., DIEPVENS A., TEJERA M.S., et al.
1998IAUC.6860S...1G 72 T                   2 ~ Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877. GARNAVICH P., JHA S., KIRSHNER R., et al.
1998IAUC.6865S...1S 72 T                   2 ~ Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877. SHANKLIN J., SUAREZ M., SPRATT C.E., et al.
1998IAUC.6885R...1H 72 T                   3 ~ Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877. HANZL D.
1998IAUC.6924R...1H 72 T                   2 ~ Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877. HANZL D.
1998IAUC.6956S...1H 72 T                   2 ~ Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877. HANZL D.
1998IAUC.7047Q...1G 72 T                   2 ~ Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877. GARNAVICH P., CHALLIS P. and KIRSHNER R.
1998IAUC.7058Q...1G 72 T                   2 ~ Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877. GARNAVICH P., JHA S., KIRSHNER R., et al.
1999AJ....117.1668H 1731 89 The I-band Tully-Fisher relation for Sc galaxies: optical imaging data. HAYNES M.P., GIOVANELLI R., SALZER J.J., et al.
1999AJ....117.2039H viz 1272 119 The I-band Tully-Fisher relation for Sc galaxies: 21 centimeter H I line data. HAYNES M.P., GIOVANELLI R., CHAMARAUX P., et al.
1999AJ....118..705G 231 19 An infrared search for extinguished supernovae in starburst galaxies. GROSSAN B., SPILLAR E., TRIPP R., et al.
1999ApJS..122..109T viz 228 39 Galaxy structural parameters: star formation rate and evolution with redshift. TAKAMIYA M.
1999ApJS..125..409C viz 13438 54 Arcsecond positions of UGC galaxies. COTTON W.D., CONDON J.J. and ARBIZZANI E.
1999PASP..111..438F viz 14       D               1 19406 418 The updated Zwicky catalog (UZC). FALCO E.E., KURTZ M.J., GELLER M.J., et al.
1999IAUC.7103S...1K 13 ~ Supernovae 1998S, 1998aq, 1998bu, 1998es, 1999D, 1999E. KISS L., SARNECZKY K. and BARAT E.
1999IAUC.7322R...1V 72 T                   4 ~ Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877. VAN DYK S.D., LACEY C.K., SRAMEK R.A., et al.
2000A&AS..144..219L 73 T                   13 53 The supernova 1998S in NGC 3877: Another supernova with Wolf-Rayet star features in pre-maximum spectrum. LIU Q.-Z., HU J.-Y., HANG H.-R., et al.
2000A&AS..145..405L viz 1311 149 Box- and peanut-shaped bulges. I. Statistics. LUETTICKE R., DETTMAR R.-J. and POHLEN M.
2000AJ....119.2645B 116 294 Structural and photometric classification of galaxies. I. Calibration based on a nearby galaxy sample. BERSHADY M.A., JANGREN A. and CONSELICE C.J.
2000AJ....119.2968G 25 65 Detection of CO and dust emission in near-infrared spectra of SN 1998S. GERARDY C.L., FESEN R.A., HOEFLICH P., et al.
2000ApJ...529..886C 1 116 409 The asymmetry of galaxies: physical morphology for nearby and high-redshift galaxies. CONSELICE C.J., BERSHADY M.A. and JANGREN A.
2000ApJ...533..744T viz 281 232 Distances to galaxies from the correlation between luminosities and line widths. III. Cluster template and global measurement of H0. TULLY R.B. and PIERCE M.J.
2000ApJ...533..781R 85 12 The correlation between galaxy H I line widths and K'Luminosities. ROTHBERG B., SAUNDERS W., TULLY R.B., et al.
2000ApJ...536..225B 37   K                 11 34 Interstellar and circumstellar optical and ultraviolet lines toward SN 1998S. BOWEN D.V., ROTH K.C., MEYER D.M., et al.
2000ApJ...536..239L 3 22 231 Evidence for asphericity in the type IIn supernova SN 1998S. LEONARD D.C., FILIPPENKO A.V., BARTH A.J., et al.
2000ApJ...540L...1S 53 32 Is a simple collisionless relic dark matter particle ruled out?. SELLWOOD J.A.
2000ApJ...542..673F viz 416 279 The evolution of the galactic morphological types in clusters. FASANO G., POGGIANTI B.M., COUCH W.J., et al.
2000ApJ...543..178G viz 6317 128 Nearby optical galaxies: selection of the sample and identification of groups. GIURICIN G., MARINONI C., CERIANI L., et al.
2000ApJ...544..218A 1 67 396 Multiwavelength observations of dusty star formation at low and high redshift. ADELBERGER K.L. and STEIDEL C.C.
2000MNRAS.317...55S viz 14       D               1 16418 457 The PSCz catalogue. SAUNDERS W., SUTHERLAND W.J., MADDOX S.J., et al.
2000MNRAS.318.1093F 4 11 139 Optical and infrared photometry of the type IIn SN 1998S: days 11-146. FASSIA A., MEIKLE W.P.S., VACCA W.D., et al.
2000BASI...28..269A 2 0 Optical spectroscopy of SN 1998S. ANUPAMA G.C., PANDEY G. and SIVARANI T.
2000IAUC.7435S...1V 6 ~ Supernovae 1998A, 1998S, and 1999gn. VAN DYK S.D., NELSON B. (The Two Micron All Sky Survey Team)
2001A&A...367..506A 6 14 Early time optical spectroscopy of supernova SN 1998S. ANUPAMA G.C., SIVARANI T. and PANDEY G.
2001A&A...370..765V viz 1 58 301 The Ursa Major cluster of galaxies. IV. HI synthesis observations. VERHEIJEN M.A.W. and SANCISI R.
2001ApJ...547..406L 1 6 28 Analysis of type IIn SN 1998S: effects of circumstellar interaction on observed spectra. LENTZ E.J., BARON E., LUNDQVIST P., et al.
2001ApJ...550.1030W 5 15 245 Bipolar supernova explosions. WANG L., HOWELL D.A., HOEFLICH P., et al.
2001ApJ...563..694V 2 51 383 The Ursa Major cluster of galaxies. V. H I rotation curve shapes and the Tully-Fisher relations. VERHEIJEN M.A.W.
2001MNRAS.324..325M 85 85 Supernovae in the nuclear regions of starburst galaxies. MATTILA S. and MEIKLE W.P.S.
2001MNRAS.325..907F 3 15 167 Optical and infrared spectroscopy of the type IIn SN 1998S: days 3-127. FASSIA A., MEIKLE W.P.S., CHUGAI N., et al.
2002AJ....123.2847G 38 12 Narrow lines in type II supernovae: probing the circumstellar nebulae of the progenitors. GRUENDL R.A., CHU Y.-H., VAN DYK S.D., et al.
2002AJ....123.2913V 102 32 The visibility of galactic bars and spiral structure at high redshifts. VAN DEN BERGH S., ABRAHAM R.G., WHYTE L.F., et al.
2002AJ....124..782V viz 941 44 Bar galaxies and their environments. VAN DEN BERGH S.
2002ApJ...565..681R 164 25 The H I line width/linear diameter relationship as an independent test of the Hubble constant. RUSSELL D.G.
2002ApJ...572..932P 1 21 117 X-ray, optical, and radio observations of the type II supernovae 1999em and 1998S. POOLEY D., LEWIN W.H.G., FOX D.W., et al.
2002ApJ...575.1007G 21 50 Extraordinary late-time infrared emission of type IIn supernovae. GERARDY C.L., FESEN R.A., NOMOTO K., et al.
2002ApJ...581..925U 50 14 A search for active galactic nuclei in Sc galaxies with H II spectra. ULVESTAD J.S. and HO L.C.
2002ApJS..143...73E viz 208 190 Near-infrared and optical morphology of spiral galaxies. ESKRIDGE P.B., FROGEL J.A., POGGE R.W., et al.
2002PASP..114..403L 38 47 A Hubble Space Telescope snapshot survey of nearby supernovae. LI W., FILIPPENKO A.V., VAN DYK S.D., et al.
2002ARA&A..40..263S 2 93 679 Modified Newtonian dynamics as an alternative to dark matter. SANDERS R.H. and McGAUGH S.S.
2003A&A...405....5B viz 1917 62 A new catalogue of ISM content of normal galaxies. BETTONI D., GALLETTA G. and GARCIA-BURILLO S.
2003A&A...405.1163L 106 3 Galaxy classification using fractal signature. LEKSHMI S., REVATHY K. and PRABHAKARAN NAYAR S.R.
2003A&A...406..493R 140 112 An Hα survey aiming at the detection of extraplanar diffuse ionized gas in halos of edge-on spiral galaxies. I. How common are gaseous halos among non-starburst galaxies? ROSSA J. and DETTMAR R.-J.
2003A&A...406..505R         O           66 102 An Hα survey aiming at the detection of extraplanar diffuse ionized gas in halos of edge-on spiral galaxies. II. The Hα survey atlas and catalog. ROSSA J. and DETTMAR R.-J.
2003A&A...412...45P viz 15       D               1 956205 750 HYPERLEDA. I. Identification and designation of galaxies. PATUREL G., PETIT C., PRUGNIEL P., et al.
2003A&A...412..633Z viz 89 39 The luminous and dark matter content of disk galaxies. ZAVALA J., AVILA-REESE V., HERNANDEZ-TOLEDO H., et al.
2003AJ....126.1607S viz 703 925 The IRAS revised bright galaxy sample. SANDERS D.B., MAZZARELLA J.M., KIM D.-C., et al.
2003ApJ...586..794B viz 15       D               256 688 Estimating star formation rates from infrared and radio luminosities: the origin of the radio-infrared correlation. BELL E.F.
2003ApJ...596..323B 75 8 X-ray emission from a sample of young supernovae. BREGMAN J.N., HOUCK J.C., CHEVALIER R.A., et al.
2003ApJS..146..249B 76 32 A survey for H2O megamasers. III. Monitoring water vapor masers in active galaxies. BRAATZ J.A., WILSON A.S., HENKEL C., et al.
2003ApJS..147....1C viz 244 633 The relationship between stellar light distributions of galaxies and their formation histories. CONSELICE C.J.
2003IAUS..214..113I 10 1 X-ray emission from young supernovae. IMMLER S.
2004A&A...415..849B viz 81 9 Deprojecting spiral galaxies using Fourier analysis. Application to the Frei sample. BARBERA C., ATHANASSOULA E. and GARCIA-GOMEZ C.
2004A&A...421..595G viz 159 9 Deprojecting spiral galaxies using Fourier analysis. Application to the Ohio sample. GARCIA-GOMEZ C., BARBERA C., ATHANASSOULA E., et al.
2004A&A...422...39S viz 2260 32 The ISOPHOT 170µm Serendipity Survey. II. The catalog of optically identified galaxies. STICKEL M., LEMKE D., KLAAS U., et al.
2004AJ....128..163L viz 230 596 A new nonparametric approach to galaxy morphological classification. LOTZ J.M., PRIMACK J. and MADAU P.
2004MNRAS.352..457P 2 15 128 On the source of the late-time infrared luminosity of SN 1998S and other Type II supernovae. POZZO M., MEIKLE W.P.S., FASSIA A., et al.
2005A&A...438..507B viz 173 144 Lopsided spiral galaxies: evidence for gas accretion. BOURNAUD F., COMBES F., JOG C.J., et al.
2005ApJ...632..859M 2 69 417 The baryonic Tully-Fisher relation of galaxies with extended rotation curves and the stellar mass of rotating galaxies. McGAUGH S.S.
2005ApJS..160..149S viz 15       D               9541 372 A digital archive of H I 21 centimeter line spectra of optically targeted galaxies. SPRINGOB C.M., HAYNES M.P., GIOVANELLI R., et al.
2005PASP..117..773V viz 447 60 Classifications of the host galaxies of supernovae, set III. VAN DEN BERGH S., LI W. and FILIPPENKO A.V.
2006A&A...448...43T 2         O           26 132 The multi-phase gaseous halos of star forming late-type galaxies. I. XMM-Newton observations of the hot ionized medium. TUELLMANN R., PIETSCH W., ROSSA J., et al.
2006A&A...449..171N 1 14 33 X-ray emission from radiative shocks in type II supernovae. NYMARK T.K., FRANSSON C. and KOZMA C.
2006AJ....131.1236D viz 139 44 Low-luminosity active galaxies and their central black holes. DONG X.Y. and DE ROBERTIS M.M.
2006AJ....131.2452C 91 8 Objective classification of spiral galaxies having extended rotation curves beyond the optical radius. CHATTOPADHYAY T. and CHATTOPADHYAY A.K.
2006ApJ...636..721B viz 1 102 258 Galaxy rotation curves without nonbaryonic dark matter. BROWNSTEIN J.R. and MOFFAT J.W.
2006ApJS..164...81M viz 15       D               1 416 277 An integrated spectrophotometric survey of nearby star-forming galaxies. MOUSTAKAS J. and KENNICUTT R.C.Jr
2006A&A...457..779T 22 42 The multi-phase gaseous halos of star-forming late-type galaxies. II. Statistical analysis of key parameters. TUELLMANN R., BREITSCHWERDT D., ROSSA J., et al.
2004BSAO...57....5M viz 17999 28 The 2MASS-selected flat galaxy catalog. MITRONOVA S.N., KARACHENTSEV I.D., KARACHENTSEVA V.E., et al.
2006ApJ...652.1068R viz 15       D               221 1 Probing cool and warm infrared galaxies using photometric and structural measures. RAHMAN N., HELOU G. and MAZZARELLA J.M.
2006MNRAS.373..700B 19 9 The vccrelation in low-mass and low surface brightness galaxies. BUYLE P., FERRARESE L., GENTILE G., et al.
2007ApJ...655..790C viz 15       D               13810 196 Groups of galaxies in the Two Micron All Sky redshift Survey. CROOK A.C., HUCHRA J.P., MARTIMBEAU N., et al.
2007A&A...465...71T viz 15       D               4762 185 Kinematics of the Local Universe. XIII. 21-cm line measurements of 452 galaxies with the Nancay radiotelescope, JHK Tully-Fisher relation, and preliminary maps of the peculiar velocity field. THEUREAU G., HANSKI M.O., COUDREAU N., et al.
2007ApJ...659.1176M viz 15       D               1 173 222 Characterizing bars at z ∼ 0 in the optical and NIR: implications for the evolution of barred disks with redshift. MARINOVA I. and JOGEE S.
2007MNRAS.380..571L 75               F     1 71 15 Structure through colour: a pixel approach towards understanding galaxies. LANYON-FOSTER M.M., CONSELICE C.J. and MERRIFIELD M.R.
2007AJ....134.1508V viz 15       D               811 13 Some musings on galaxy morphology, galactic colors, and the environments of galaxies. VAN DEN BERGH S.
2007MNRAS.381.1103M 127       D     X   F     3 30 ~ Analysis of rotation curves in the framework of Rn gravity. MARTINS C.F. and SALUCCI P.
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