NGC 2434 , the SIMBAD biblio

NGC 2434 , the SIMBAD biblio (186 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST10:08:07

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1977MNRAS.179..235D 179 70 A 5-GHz survey of bright southern elliptical and S0 galaxies. DISNEY M.J. and WALL J.V.
1979ApJS...39...61P 81 204 Photometric studies of composite stellar systems. III. UBVR and JHK observations of E and S0 galaxies. PERSSON S.E., FROGEL J.A. and AARONSON M.
1979Ap&SS..60...15W 262 59 UBV photometry of 262 southern galaxies. WEGNER G.
1984AJ.....89...23S 245 49 Radio and optical observations of a complete sample of E and SO galaxies. I. Radial velocities. SADLER E.M.
1984AJ.....89...34S 242 50 Radio and optical observations of a complete sample of E and SO galaxies. II. UBV aperture photometry. SADLER E.M.
1984AJ.....89...53S viz 249 58 Radio and optical observations of a complete sample of E and SO galaxies. III. A radiocontinuum survey at 2.7 and 5.0 GHz. SADLER E.M.
1984ApJS...56...91D 459 26 A comparison of distance scales for early-type galaxies. DE VAUCOULEURS G. and OLSON D.W.
1985MAUTx...4....1C viz 4985 15 Southern Galaxy Catalogue. CORWIN H.G., DE VAUCOULEURS A. and DE VAUCOULEURS G.
1986AJ.....91.1062P 203 352 Ionized gas in elliptical and SO galaxies. I. A survey for H alpha and N II emission. PHILLIPS M.M., JENKINS C.R., DOPITA M.A., et al.
1987A&A...186...49B 93 142 Near-infrared spectral properties of star clusters and galactic nuclei. BICA E. and ALLOIN D.
1987A&AS...70..281B 165 81 Analysis of absorption-line spectra in a sample of 164 galactic nuclei. BICA E. and ALLOIN D.
1987ApJ...323...44V 771 130 The supernova rate in Shapley-Ames galaxies. VAN DEN BERGH S., McCLURE R.D. and EVANS R.
1987ApJS...64..581D 434 291 Spectroscopy and photometry of elliptical galaxies. II. The spectroscopic parameters. DAVIES R.L., BURSTEIN D., DRESSLER A., et al.
1987ApJS...64..601B 602 269 Spectroscopy and photometry of elliptical galaxies. III. UBV aperture photometry, CCD photometry, and magnitude-related parameters. BURSTEIN D., DAVIES R.L., DRESSLER A., et al.
1988A&A...195...76B 152 327 Population synthesis in galactic nuclei using a library of star clusters. BICA E.
1988A&AS...72..215P 157 76 UBVRI aperture photometry of early-type galaxies. POULAIN P.
1989AJ.....97.1319C 643 25 On the relationship between radio emission and optical properties in early-type galaxies. CALVANI M., FASANO G. and FRANCESCHINI A.
1989ApJ...345..752E 856 107 Revised supernova rates in Shapley-Ames galaxies. EVANS R., VAN DEN BERGH S. and McCLURE R.D.
1989ApJS...69..763F viz 14       D               712 594 Spectroscopy and photometry of elliptical galaxies. VI. Sample selection and data summary. FABER S.M., WEGNER G., BURSTEIN D., et al.
1989MNRAS.240..591S 247 205 Low-luminosity radio sources in early-type galaxies. SADLER E.M., JENKINS C.R. and KOTANYI C.G.
1989ESOLV.C......0L viz 14       D               15447 ~ The surface photometry catalogue of the ESO-Uppsala galaxies. LAUBERTS A. and VALENTIJN E.A.
1990ApJ...361....1S 463 48 The surface brightness test for the expansion of the Universe. II. Radii, surface brightness, and absolute magnitude correlations for nearby E galaxies. SANDAGE A. and PERELMUTER J.-M.
1991A&A...244...52E 47 51 Properties and simulations of interacting spiral galaxies with transient "ocular" shapes. ELMEGREEN D.M., SUNDIN M., ELMEGREEN B., et al.
1991ApJS...75..751R 463 210 Interstellar matter in early-type galaxies. I. The catalog. ROBERTS M.S., HOGG D.E., BREGMAN J.N., et al.
1992A&AS...93..211F 2164 70 Groups of galaxies within 80 Mpc. II. The catalogue of groups and group members. FOUQUE P., GOURGOULHON E., CHAMARAUX P., et al.
1992ApJ...399...76K 129 107 Infrared emission and mass loss from evolved stars in elliptical galaxies. KNAPP G.R., GUNN J.E. and WYNN-WILLIAMS C.G.
1992PASP..104...57V 12 10 Low-luminosity companions of early-type galaxies. VADER J.P. and CHABOYER B.
1993A&AS...98...21S 49 7 The southern barred spiral NGC 2442. SERSIC J.L. and DONZELLI C.
1993A&AS...98..229P 155 20 Low-luminosity early-type galaxies. I. Photometry and morphology. PRUGNIEL P., BICA E., KLOTZ A., et al.
1993A&AS..100...47G viz 4500 387 General study of group membership. II. Determination of nearby groups. GARCIA A.M.
1993A&AS..100..583B viz 108 3 Infrared and optical photometry of galaxies in four clusters and of a sample of early-type galaxies. BOISSON C., DURRET F., BALKOWSKI C., et al.
1994A&AS..103..573P viz 278 47 UBVRI photoelectric photometry of bright southern early-type galaxies. POULAIN P. and NIETO J.-L.
1994A&AS..105..433L viz 18 24 Kinematics of 14 early-type galaxies. LONGO G., ZAGGIA S.R., BUSARELLO G., et al.
1994A&AS..108..461P 106 9 Multicolor surface photometry of early-type galaxies. I. PENEREIRO J.C., DE CARVALHO R.R., DJORGOVSKI S., et al.
1994AJ....108.1209V 124 38 The RSA survey of dwarf galaxies. I. Optical photometry. VADER J.P. and CHABOYER B.
1994AJ....108.2054R 17 54 Stellar populations in early-type galaxies: further evidence for environmental influences. ROSE J.A., BOWER R.G., CALDWELL N., et al.
1994MNRAS.270..523C 6 5 126 Dynamics and stellar populations in early-type galaxies. CAROLLO C.M. and DANZIGER I.J.
1994AZh....71..706S viz 268 18 Photometrically distinct nuclei in elliptical and early-type disks galaxies. SIL'CHENKO O.K.
1995AJ....109..517B viz 1470 28 Integrated photoelectric magnitudes and color indices of bright galaxies in the Johnson UBV system. BUTA R., CORWIN H.G.Jr, DE VAUCOULEURS G., et al.
1995AJ....109..543B viz 504 103 Total and effective colors of 501 galaxies in the Cousins VRI photometric system. BUTA R. and WILLIAMS K.L.
1995ApJ...441L..25C 42   K                 4 111 Dark matter in elliptical galaxies. CAROLLO C.M., DE ZEEUW P.T., VAN DER MAREL R.P., et al.
1995ApJS..100..105M viz 1290 138 A catalog of stellar velocity dispersions. II. 1994 update. McELROY D.B.
1996A&A...309..749P viz 1603 202 The fundamental plane of early-type galaxies: stellar populations and mass-to-light ratio. PRUGNIEL P. and SIMIEN F.
1996MNRAS.282..909D 1 5 24 Scale-free dynamical models for galaxies : flattened densities in spherical potentials. DE BRUIJNE J.H.J., VAN DER MAREL R.P. and DE ZEEUW P.T.
1997ApJ...477..128A 64 116 The iron discrepancy in elliptical galaxies after ASCA. ARIMOTO N., MATSUSHITA K., ISHIMARU Y., et al.
1997ApJ...481..741M 9 24 NGC 2442: tidal encounters and the evolution of spiral galaxies. MIHOS J.C. and BOTHUN G.D.
1997ApJ...488..702R 160 T K                 2 320 Dynamical modeling of velocity profiles: the dark halo around the elliptical galaxy
NGC 2434.
RIX H.-W., DE ZEEUW P.T., CRETTON N., et al.
1997ApJ...491..545C 16 37 Nuclear properties of kinematically distinct cores. CAROLLO C.M., DANZIGER I.J., RICH R.M., et al.
1998A&A...333..419T 45 131 Ages and metallicities in elliptical galaxies from the Hβ, <Fe>, and Mg2 diagnostics. TANTALO R., CHIOSI C. and BRESSAN A.
1998A&A...335..823T viz 2 5 39 Spectro-photometric evolution of elliptical galaxies. III. Infall models with gradients in mass density and star formation. TANTALO R., CHIOSI C., BRESSAN A., et al.
1998A&AS..127..117P viz 2385 30 A catalogue of spatially resolved kinematics of galaxies: Bibliography. PRUGNIEL P., ZASOV A., BUSARELLO G., et al.
1998A&AS..128..299P viz 6817 141 Total magnitude, radius, colour indices, colour gradients and photometric type of galaxies. PRUGNIEL P. and HERAUDEAU P.
1998A&AS..132..255G viz 1417 17 A catalogue of Mg2 indices of galaxies and globular clusters. GOLEV V. and PRUGNIEL P.
1998ApJ...507..759A 4 5 63 The stellar dynamics and mass of NGC 1316 using the radial velocities of planetary nebulae. ARNABOLDI M., FREEMAN K.C., GERHARD O., et al.
1998MNRAS.294..705K 121 1 364 Chemical enrichment and the origin of the colour-magnitude relation of elliptical galaxies in a hierarchical merger model. KAUFFMANN G. and CHARLOT S.
1998MNRAS.295..197G 17 2 104 Breaking the degeneracy between anisotropy and mass: the dark halo of the E0 galaxy NGC 6703. GERHARD O., JESKE G., SAGLIA R.P., et al.
1999A&AS..136..179B 3 3 Spectroscopic observations of southern nearby galaxies. I. NGC 2442. BAJAJA E., AGUERO E.L. and PAOLANTONIO S.
1999AJ....117..126S 11 31 The three-dimensional mass distribution in NGC 1700. STATLER T.S., DEJONGHE H. and SMECKER-HANE T.
1999AJ....118.1526G 1 54 198 Globular cluster systems. I. V-I color distributions. GEBHARDT K. and KISSLER-PATIG M.
1999ApJ...516...18R 1 8 47 Constraints on H0 from the central velocity dispersions of lens galaxies. ROMANOWSKY A.J. and KOCHANEK C.S.
1999ApJ...521...81F 1 19 66 The age and metallicity range of early-type galaxies in clusters. FERRERAS I., CHARLOT S. and SILK J.
1999ApJ...524L..15G 5 7 Dark Mass-to-Luminous mass coupling in Virgo. GIRAUD E.
1999ApJ...527..573K viz 82 150 Gradients of absorption-line strengths in elliptical galaxies. KOBAYASHI C. and ARIMOTO N.
1999MNRAS.302..209B 291 67 X-ray luminosities for a magnitude-limited sample of early-type galaxies from the ROSAT All-Sky Survey. BEUING J., DOBEREINER S., BOHRINGER H., et al.
1999MNRAS.310..879M 1 8 27 Dynamics of the boxy elliptical galaxy NGC 1600. MATTHIAS M. and GERHARD O.
1999PASP..111...57H viz 403 19 A test for large-scale systematic errors in maps of galactic reddening. HUDSON M.J.
1999Ap&SS.267..239D 11 0 Central black holes and dark halos in elliptical galaxies. DE ZEEUW P.T.
2000A&AS..144...53K 3 24 220 Orbital structure and mass distribution in elliptical galaxies. KRONAWITTER A., SAGLIA R.P., GERHARD O., et al.
2000A&AS..145...71K 53 20 Line-of-sight velocity distributions of 53 early-type galaxies. KOPROLIN W. and ZEILINGER W.W.
2000AJ....119..153S 6 5 100 The orbital structure and potential of NGC 1399. SAGLIA R.P., KRONAWITTER A., GERHARD O., et al.
2000AJ....119.1157G 8 9 240 Axisymmetric, three-integral models of galaxies: a massive black hole in NGC 3379. GEBHARDT K., RICHSTONE D., KORMENDY J., et al.
2000ApJ...536..319C 15 40 The distribution of stellar orbits in the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 2320. CRETTON N., RIX H.-W. and DE ZEEUW P.T.
2000ApJ...543..178G viz 6317 128 Nearby optical galaxies: selection of the sample and identification of groups. GIURICIN G., MARINONI C., CERIANI L., et al.
2000PASP..112..747R 18 2 One hundred years of rotating galaxies. (Millennium essay). RUBIN V.C.
2001AJ....121.1936G 5 28 449 Dynamical family properties and dark halo scaling relations of giant elliptical galaxies. GERHARD O., KRONAWITTER A., SAGLIA R.P., et al.
2001AJ....121.2647B 46 36 Globular cluster systems. II. On the formation of old globular clusters and their sites of formation. BURGARELLA D., KISSLER-PATIG M. and BUAT V.
2001ApJ...546..681T 1 332 1129 The SBF survey of galaxy distances. IV. SBF magnitudes, colors, and distances. TONRY J.L., DRESSLER A., BLAKESLEE J.P., et al.
2001ApJ...554L.129M viz 364 78 The LX-σ relation for galaxies and clusters of galaxies. MAHDAVI A. and GELLER M.J.
2001ApJ...555..232R 37 42 HIPASS detection of an intergalactic gas cloud in the NGC 2442 group. RYDER S.D., KORIBALSKI B., STAVELEY-SMITH L., et al.
2001ApJ...561...46K 7 6 131 Cold dark matter and strong gravitational lensing: concord or conflict. KEETON C.R.
2001MNRAS.322..702M 21 42 Mass profiles and anisotropies of early-type galaxies. MAGORRIAN J. and BALLANTYNE D.
2001MNRAS.327.1004B viz 285 70 A synthesis of data from fundamental plane and surface brightness fluctuation surveys. BLAKESLEE J.P., LUCEY J.R., BARRIS B.J., et al.
2001MNRAS.328..461O viz 439 259 A catalogue and analysis of X-ray luminosities of early-type galaxies. O'SULLIVAN E., FORBES D.A. and PONMAN T.J.
2001PASP..113..154V 102 5 The colors of globular clusters. VAN DEN BERGH S.
2001Ap&SS.276.1189T 13 0 Ages, metallicities and abundances in elliptical galaxies. TANTALO R.
2001NewA....6..249C         O           43 4 An elliptical galaxy luminosity function and velocity dispersion sample of relevance for gravitational lensing statistics. CHENG Y.-C.N. and KRAUSS L.M.
2002A&A...395..431B viz 192 38 Line-strength indices and velocity dispersions for 148 early-type galaxies in different environments. BEUING J., BENDER R., MENDES DE OLIVEIRA C., et al.
2003A&A...405....5B viz 1917 62 A new catalogue of ISM content of normal galaxies. BETTONI D., GALLETTA G. and GARCIA-BURILLO S.
2003A&A...408..287D 23 32 On the calibration of the COBE/IRAS dust emission reddening maps. DUTRA C.M., AHUMADA A.V., CLARIA J.J., et al.
2003A&A...412...45P viz 15       D               1 956205 750 HYPERLEDA. I. Identification and designation of galaxies. PATUREL G., PETIT C., PRUGNIEL P., et al.
2003AJ....125.2307A viz 1337 17 Redshift-distance survey of early-type galaxies: circular-aperture photometry. ALONSO M.V., BERNARDI M., DA COSTA L.N., et al.
2003AJ....126.1849B 61 18 Line-of-sight reddening predictions: zero points, accuracies, the interstellar medium, and the stellar populations of elliptical galaxies. BURSTEIN D.
2003ApJ...596..903P 1 36 110 Kinematics of 10 early-type galaxies from Hubble Space Telescope and ground-based spectroscopy. PINKNEY J., GEBHARDT K., BENDER R., et al.
2003AN....324..242E 65 4 Metallicity distributions of globular cluster systems in galaxies. EERIK H. and TENJES P.
2003Sci...301.1696R 24 5 361 A dearth of dark matter in ordinary elliptical galaxies. ROMANOWSKY A.J., DOUGLAS N.G., ARNABOLDI M., et al.
2004A&A...415..123P viz 170 58 VLT spectroscopy of globular cluster systems. I. The photometric and spectroscopic data set. PUZIA T.H., KISSLER-PATIG M., THOMAS D., et al.
2004A&A...421..571H 10 11 Magnetic fields in barred galaxies. III. The southern peculiar galaxy NGC 2442. HARNETT J., EHLE M., FLETCHER A., et al.
2004A&A...423..833M viz 118 23 Peculiarities and populations in elliptical galaxies. I. An old question revisited. MICHARD R. and PRUGNIEL P.
2004IAUS..217...44R 4 3 HIPASS J0731-69: tidal debris, or primordial gas cloud? RYDER S.D.
2004IAUS..220...39B 23 27 Dark matter in galaxies: observational overview. BOSMA A.
2005A&A...439..997P 2 19 136 VLT spectroscopy of globular cluster systems. II. Spectroscopic ages, metallicities, and [α/Fe] ratios of globular clusters in early-type galaxies. PUZIA T.H., KISSLER-PATIG M., THOMAS D., et al.
2005AJ....129.2138L viz 1 83 313 The centers of early-type galaxies with Hubble Space Telescope. V. New WFPC2 photometry. LAUER T.R., FABER S.M., GEBHARDT K., et al.
2005ApJ...621..673T viz 3 130 1294 The epochs of early-type galaxy formation as a function of environment. THOMAS D., MARASTON C., BENDER R., et al.
2005ApJ...631..785P 74 78 On the relation between circular velocity and central velocity dispersion in high and low surface brightness galaxies. PIZZELLA A., CORSINI E.M., DALLA BONTA E., et al.
2005ApJ...633L..21D 28 12 A fundamental plane relation for the X-ray gas in normal elliptical galaxies. DIEHL S. and STATLER T.S.
2005MNRAS.357L..21B 17 24 Massive Hi clouds with no optical counterparts as high-density regions of intragroup HI rings and arcs. BEKKI K., KORIBALSKI B.S., RYDER S.D., et al.
2005MNRAS.357..691N 34 92 Mass-to-light ratio gradients in early-type galaxy haloes. NAPOLITANO N.R., CAPACCIOLI M., ROMANOWSKY A.J., et al.
2005MNRAS.360.1355T 6 4 80 Regularized orbit models unveiling the stellar structure and dark matter halo of the Coma elliptical NGC 4807. THOMAS J., SAGLIA R.P., BENDER R., et al.
2005MNRAS.363..769S viz 34 32 Dark matter in early-type galaxies: dynamical modelling of IC 1459, IC 3370, NGC 3379 and NGC 4105. SAMUROVIC S. and DANZIGER I.J.
2005MNRAS.364..169P 124 40 The X-ray emission properties and the dichotomy in the central stellar cusp shapes of early-type galaxies. PELLEGRINI S.
2006A&A...449..519M 41 9 Peculiarities and populations in elliptical galaxies. III. Dating the last star formation event. MICHARD R.
2006ApJ...636..698F 1 56 135 Scaling mass profiles around elliptical galaxies observed with Chandra and XMM-Newton. FUKAZAWA Y., BOTOYA-NONESA J.G., PU J., et al.
2006ApJ...648..383P 18 26 Extremely α-enriched globular clusters in early-type galaxies:A step toward the dawn of stellar populations? PUZIA T.H., KISSLER-PATIG M. and GOUDFROOIJ P.
2006MNRAS.366.1253P 39 53 Gemini/GMOS spectra of globular clusters in the Leo group elliptical NGC 3379. PIERCE M., BEASLEY M.A., FORBES D.A., et al.
2006MNRAS.367..627E viz 380 57 Correlations of near-infrared, optical and X-ray luminosity for early-type galaxies. ELLIS S.C. and O'SULLIVAN E.
2006MNRAS.368..325P 57 29 Gemini/GMOS spectra of globular clusters in the Virgo giant elliptical NGC 4649. PIERCE M., BRIDGES T., FORBES D.A., et al.
2006ApJ...653..207D 1 24 68 The hot gas content of low-luminosity early-type galaxies and the implications regarding supernova heating and active galactic nucleus feedback. DAVID L.P., JONES C., FORMAN W., et al.
2007ApJ...655..790C viz 15       D               13810 196 Groups of galaxies in the Two Micron All Sky redshift Survey. CROOK A.C., HUCHRA J.P., MARTIMBEAU N., et al.
2007A&A...465...71T viz 15       D               4762 185 Kinematics of the Local Universe. XIII. 21-cm line measurements of 452 galaxies with the Nancay radiotelescope, JHK Tully-Fisher relation, and preliminary maps of the peculiar velocity field. THEUREAU G., HANSKI M.O., COUDREAU N., et al.
2007A&A...465..787O 15       D               2 58 90 Extended, regular HI structures around early-type galaxies. OOSTERLOO T.A., MORGANTI R., SADLER E.M., et al.
2007ApJ...662..808L viz 15       D               1 288 372 The masses of nuclear black holes in luminous elliptical galaxies and implications for the space density of the most massive black holes. LAUER T.R., FABER S.M., RICHSTONE D., et al.
2007MNRAS.377.1439B 277       D     X C       7 39 37 The Chandra view of galaxy mergers. BRASSINGTON N.J., PONMAN T.J. and READ A.M.
2007ApJ...664..226L viz 15       D               2 287 203 The centers of early-type galaxies with Hubble space telescope. VI. Bimodal central surface brightness profiles. LAUER T.R., GEBHARDT K., FABER S.M., et al.
2007AJ....134.1508V viz 15       D               811 13 Some musings on galaxy morphology, galactic colors, and the environments of galaxies. VAN DEN BERGH S.
2007ApJ...668..150D 15       D               2 60 78 The hot interstellar medium of normal elliptical galaxies. I. A Chandra gas gallery and comparison of X-ray and optical morphology. DIEHL S. and STATLER T.S.
2007ApJ...668..756V 15       D               1 72 35 Dynamical models of elliptical galaxies in z=0.5 clusters. II. Mass-to-light ratio evolution without fundamental plane assumptions. VAN DER MAREL R.P. and VAN DOKKUM P.G.
2007ApJS..173..185G viz 15       D               1050 692 The GALEX ultraviolet atlas of nearby galaxies. GIL DE PAZ A., BOISSIER S., MADORE B.F., et al.
2008ApJ...676..184T viz 15       D               1 2550 346 Our peculiar motion away from the Local Void. TULLY R.B., SHAYA E.J., KARACHENTSEV I.D., et al.
2008A&A...483...57S 15       D               4 86 32 Stellar populations, neutral hydrogen, and ionised gas in field early-type galaxies. SERRA P., TRAGER S.C., OOSTERLOO T.A., et al.
2008ApJ...680..897D 15       D               2 58 31 The hot interstellar medium of normal elliptical galaxies. II. Morphological evidence for active galactic nucleus feedback. DIEHL S. and STATLER T.S.
2008MNRAS.389.1924F viz 15       D               601 107 Uniting old stellar systems: from globular clusters to giant ellipticals. FORBES D.A., LASKY P., GRAHAM A.W., et al.
2008A&A...489...85T 151           X         4 17 4 XMM-Newton X-ray and optical monitor far UV observations of NGC 7070A and ESO 2400100 shell galaxies. TRINCHIERI G., RAMPAZZO R., CHIOSI C., et al.
2008ApJ...687..986D 15       D               2 56 32 The hot interstellar medium in normal elliptical galaxies. III. The thermal structure of the gas. DIEHL S. and STATLER T.S.
2008AN....329..609C viz 38           X         1 78 4 Photometric membership and metallicities of red giant candidates in selected open clusters. CLARIA J.J., PIATTI A.E., MERMILLIOD J.-C., et al.
2009ApJS..181..135H 15       D               1 137 211 Dissipation and extra light in galactic nuclei. II. "Cusp" ellipticals. HOPKINS P.F., COX T.J., DUTTA S.N., et al.
2009ApJ...695.1577G 40           X         1 17 69 A quintet of black hole mass determinations. GULTEKIN K., RICHSTONE D.O., GEBHARDT K., et al.
2006ChJAA...6..669L 15       D               2 83 12 A study of binary stellar population synthesis of elliptical galaxies. LI Z.-M., ZHANG F.-H. and HAN Z.-W.
2009ApJ...702..955D viz 15       D               1 1578 16 Nearby galaxies in the 2 µm All Sky Survey. I. K-band luminosity functions. DEVEREUX N., WILLNER S.P., ASHBY M.L.N., et al.
2009MNRAS.399..683J viz 15       D               1 124640 796 The 6dF galaxy survey: final redshift release (DR3) and southern large-scale structures. JONES D.H., READ M.A., SAUNDERS W., et al.
2009ApJ...707..890T viz 15       D               1 227 58 Spitzer observations of passive and star-forming early-type galaxies: an infrared color-color sequence. TEMI P., BRIGHENTI F. and MATHEWS W.G.
2010ApJ...717..640P 92       D       C       2 115 55 The nuclear X-ray emission of nearby early-type galaxies. PELLEGRINI S.
2011ApJS..192...10L viz 15       D               1 404 107 Chandra ACIS survey of X-ray point sources in 383 nearby galaxies. I. The source catalog. LIU J.
2011ApJ...729...12B 94       D       C       6 38 167 Revisiting with Chandra the scaling relations of the X-ray emission components (Binaries, nuclei, and hot gas) of early-type galaxies. BOROSON B., KIM D.-W. and FABBIANO G.
2011ApJ...738...57P 15       D               1 32 25 The temperature of hot gas halos of early-type galaxies. PELLEGRINI S.
2011A&A...532A.104N viz 15       D               1 976 78 Hubble flow around Fornax cluster of galaxies. NASONOVA O.G., DE FREITAS PACHECO J.A. and KARACHENTSEV I.D.
2011ApJS..197...21H viz 15       D               1 617 136 The Carnegie-Irvine Galaxy Survey. I. Overview and atlas of optical images. HO L.C., LI Z.-Y., BARTH A.J., et al.
2011ApJS..197...22L viz 131       D     X         4 617 75 The Carnegie-Irvine Galaxy Survey. II. Isophotal analysis. LI Z.-Y., HO L.C., BARTH A.J., et al.
2011MNRAS.416.2840L viz 15       D               1 72554 178 The 2M++ galaxy redshift catalogue. LAVAUX G. and HUDSON M.J.
2012ApJ...748...15Z viz 15       D               1 304 4 Testing distance estimators with the fundamental manifold. ZARITSKY D., ZABLUDOFF A.I. and GONZALEZ A.H.
2012ApJ...750...91C viz 15       D               1 386 9 Uncovering the formation of ultracompact dwarf galaxies by multivariate statistical analysis. CHATTOPADHYAY T., SHARINA M., DAVOUST E., et al.
2012ApJS..199...26H viz 15       D               1 48924 517 The 2MASS Redshift Survey - Description and data release. HUCHRA J.P., MACRI L.M., MASTERS K.L., et al.
2013ApJ...772...82H viz 16       D               1 422 227 A catalog of globular cluster systems: what determines the size of a galaxy's globular cluster population? HARRIS W.E., HARRIS G.L.H. and ALESSI M.
2013MNRAS.433.2259P 16       D               1 29 15 The effects of galaxy shape and rotation on the X-ray haloes of early-type galaxies. POSACKI S., PELLEGRINI S. and CIOTTI L.
2013AJ....146...67B 16       D               2 60 0 An STIS atlas of Ca II triplet absorption line kinematics in galactic nuclei. BATCHELDOR D., AXON D., VALLURI M., et al.
2013AJ....146...86T viz 16       D               1 9233 484 Cosmicflows-2: the data. TULLY R.B., COURTOIS H.M., DOLPHIN A.E., et al.
2014ApJ...783..135A viz 16       D               4 224 24 Star formation bimodality in early-type galaxies. AMBLARD A., RIGUCCINI L., TEMI P., et al.
2014AJ....147...93D viz 16       D               1 220 20 Prospects for measuring supermassive black hole masses with future extremely large telescopes. DO T., WRIGHT S.A., BARTH A.J., et al.
2014A&A...570A.132S 39           X         1 45 16 Investigation of dark matter and modified Newtonian dynamics in early-type galaxies through globular cluster systems. SAMUROVIC S.
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