NAME Lockman Hole , the SIMBAD biblio

NAME Lockman Hole , the SIMBAD biblio (848 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST10:03:16

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1986ApJ...302..432L 62 1 250 The structure of the galactic HI in directions of low total column density. LOCKMAN F.J., JAHODA K. and McCAMMON D.
1993A&A...275....1H 84 T                   7 385 A deep X-ray survey in the Lockman hole and the soft X-ray log N-log S. HASINGER G., BURG R., GIACCONI R., et al.
1993A&A...278..161C 36 24 The observability of old isolated neutron stars with ROSAT. II. Molecular clouds and deep fields. COLPI M., CAMPANA S. and TREVES A.
1994A&AS..107...77K 18 20 Stellar associations in the Large Magellanic Cloud. I. LH 15, LH 47, 48, 49, LH 52, 53, LH 83, LH 91, 95. KONTIZAS M., KONTIZAS E., DAPERGOLAS A., et al.
1995ApJ...454..643S 6 11 269 First maps of the soft X-ray diffuse background from the ROSAT XRT/PSPC All-Sky Survey. SNOWDEN S.L., FREYBERG M.J., PLUCINSKY P.P., et al.
1996A&AS..119..115H viz 4 3 44 Stray-radiation correction as applied to the Leiden/Dwingeloo survey of HI in the Galaxy. HARTMANN D., KALBERLA P.M.W., BURTON W.B., et al.
1996ApJ...470..681K 2 6 49 Clustering of the diffuse infrared light from the COBE DIRBE maps. I. C(0) and limits on the near-infrared background. KASHLINSKY A., MATHER J.C., ODENWALD S., et al.
1996AGAb...12...67S 71 T                   1 0 Keck-spectroscopy of AGNs in the Lockman Hole. SCHMIDT M., HASINGER G. and LEHMANN I.
1996PASJ...48..237I 1 20 100 X-ray properties of the nucleus of M81. ISHISAKI Y., MAKISHIMA K., IYOMOTO N., et al.
1996NewA....1..245W         O           9 13 Under the shadow of the Magellanic Bridge: a measurement of the extragalactic background at ∼ 0.7 keV. WANG Q.D. and YE T.S.
1997A&A...319....7D 72 T                   162 45 Deep radio observations of the "Lockman Hole". DE RUITER H.R., ZAMORANI G., PARMA P., et al.
1997A&A...328L...9T 83 T                   2 66 ISOCAM 7 micron deep survey of the Lockman Hole: A mid-infrared search for primeval galaxies. TANIGUCHI Y., COWIE L.L., SATO Y., et al.
1997A&AS..126..509M viz 579 8 Multiwavelength observations of the field HS 47.5/22 in Ursa Major. I. The X-ray catalogue of a medium deep ROSAT survey. MOLTHAGEN K., WENDKER H.J. and BRIEL U.G.
1998A&A...334L..13M 25 1 77 The cosmic X-ray background spectrum observed with ROSAT and ASCA. MIYAJI T., ISHISAKI Y., OGASAKA Y., et al.
1998A&A...336L...9K 86 T                   3 130 ISO deep far-infrared survey in the ``Lockman Hole''. A search for obscured objects at high redshift. I. Observations. KAWARA K., SATO Y., MATSUHARA H., et al.
1998ApJ...493...54C 85 84 A medium survey of the hard X-ray sky with the ASCA gas imaging spectrometer: the (2-10 keV) number counts relationship. CAGNONI I., DELLA CECA R. and MACCACARO T.
1998ApJ...500..525S 73 58 12825 Maps of dust infrared emission for use in estimation of reddening and cosmic microwave background radiation foregrounds. SCHLEGEL D.J., FINKBEINER D.P. and DAVIS M.
1998ApJ...508...25H 30 7 643 The COBE diffuse infrared background experiment search for the cosmic infrared background. I. Limits and detections. HAUSER M.G., ARENDT R.G., KELSALL T., et al.
1998ApJ...508...44K 29 5 443 The COBE diffuse infrared background experiment search for the cosmic infrared background. II. Model of the interplanetary dust cloud. KELSALL T., WEILAND J.L., FRANZ B.A., et al.
1998ApJ...508...74A 2 28 171 The COBE diffuse infrared background experiment search for the cosmic infrared background. III. Separation of galactic emission from the infrared sky brightness. ARENDT R.G., ODEGARD N., WEILAND J.L., et al.
1998AN....319...43O 2 3 23 Sky surveys with ASCA - Deep Sky Survey. OGASAKA Y., KII T., UEDA Y., et al.
1998AN....319...70M 2 0 The cosmic X-ray background spectrum: an ASCA-ROSAT joint analysis. MIYAJI T., ISHISAKI Y., OGASAKA Y., et al.
1998AN....319...72S 72 T                   1 0 Optical spectroscopy of faint X-ray sources in the Lockman Hole. SCHMIDT M., HASINGER G., GUNN J., et al.
1998Natur.394..248B 20 11 674 Submillimetre-wavelength detection of dusty star-forming galaxies at high redshift. BARGER A.J., COWIE L.L., SANDERS D.B., et al.
1999A&A...343L..65A 21 2 128 An ultra-deep ISOCAM observation through a cluster-lens. ALTIERI B., METCALFE L., KNEIB J.P., et al.
1999A&A...344..333S 4 6 On the X-ray haloes of the Galaxy and the Local Group and the diffuse soft X-ray background. SIDHER S.D., SUMNER T.J. and QUENBY J.J.
1999A&A...346..731Z 1 8 46 The ROSAT Deep Survey. V. X-ray sources and optical identifications in the Marano field. ZAMORANI G., MIGNOLI M., HASINGER G., et al.
1999A&A...346..785S viz 228 234 Mapping the contours of the Local Bubble: preliminary results. SFEIR D.M., LALLEMENT R., CRIFO F., et al.
1999A&A...351L..37E 17 5 269 Source counts from the 15µm ISOCAM Deep Surveys. ELBAZ D., CESARSKY C.J., FADDA D., et al.
1999ApJ...518L...5B 2 31 260 Resolving the submillimeter background: the 850 micron galaxy counts. BARGER A.J., COWIE L.L. and SANDERS D.B.
1999Ap&SS.266..313T 72 T                   3 2 ISO far-infrared deep survey of the Lockman hole. TANIGUCHI Y., KAWARA K. and MATSUHARA H.
1999Ap&SS.269..381S 1 5 17 A new view of galaxy evoultion from submillimeter surveys with SCUBA. SANDERS D.B.
2000A&A...354...35L 72 T                   57 58 The ROSAT Deep Survey. III. Optical spectral properties of X-ray sources in the Lockman Hole. LEHMANN I., HASINGER G., SCHMIDT M., et al.
2000A&A...359...51L 21 23 Deep far infrared ISOPHOT survey in ``Selected Area 57". I. Observations and source counts. LINDEN-VORNLE M.J.D., NORGAARD-NIELSEN H.U., JORGENSEN H.E., et al.
2000A&A...361..407M 84 T                   2 72 ISO deep far-infrared survey in the "Lockman Hole". II. Power spectrum analysis: evidence of a strong evolution in number counts. MATSUHARA H., KAWARA K., SATO Y., et al.
2000MNRAS.319...17L 100 37 Multiwavelength study of the nuclei of a volume-limited sample of galaxies - I. X-ray observations. LIRA P., LAWRENCE A. and JOHNSON R.A.
2000ExA....10..291A 4 1 Ultimate sensitivity with ISOCAM. ALTIERI B., METCALFE L., BLOMMAERT J., et al.
2001A&A...365L...1J 11 48 1708 XMM-Newton observatory. I. The spacecraft and operations. JANSEN F., LUMB D., ALTIERI B., et al.
2001A&A...365L...7D 28 9 779 The Reflection Grating Spectrometer on board XMM-Newton. DEN HERDER J.W., BRINKMAN A.C., KAHN S.M., et al.
2001A&A...365L..36M 24 7 523 The XMM-Newton optical/UV monitor telescope. MASON K.O., BREEVELD A., MUCH R., et al.
2001A&A...365L..45H 199 T                   1 378 XMM-Newton observation of the Lockman Hole. I. The X-ray data. HASINGER G., ALTIERI B., ARNAUD M., et al.
2001ApJ...551..624G 40 4 486 First results from the X-ray and optical survey of the Chandra deep field south. GIACCONI R., ROSATI P., TOZZI P., et al.
2001ApJ...559..318R 2 14 124 The diversity of high- and intermediate-velocity clouds: complex C versus IV arch. RICHTER P., SEMBACH K.R., WAKKER B.P., et al.
2001ApJ...560L..19C 3 4 42 The deepest X-ray look at the universe. CAMPANA S., MORETTI A., LAZZATI D., et al.
2001ApJ...562...42T 23 3 209 New results from the X-ray and optical survey of the Chandra Deep Field-South: the 300 kilosecond exposure. II. TOZZI P., ROSATI P., NONINO M., et al.
2001ARA&A..39..249H 22 10 675 The cosmic infrared background : measurements and implications. HAUSER M.G. and DWEK E.
2001PASJ...53..445I viz 73 T                   55 22 ASCA Deep survey in the Lockman Hole Field. ISHISAKI Y., UEDA Y., YAMASHITA A., et al.
2002A&A...381..841H 2 4 28 XMM-Newton observation of a distant X-ray selected cluster of galaxies at z=1.26 with possible cluster interaction. HASHIMOTO Y., HASINGER G., ARNAUD M., et al.
2002A&A...383..838F 73 T                   62 127 The AGN contribution to mid-infrared surveys. X-ray counterparts of the mid-IR sources in the
Lockman Hole and HDF-N.
2002A&A...388..113K 5 1 ROSAT X-ray sources in the field of the LMC. III. The log N - log S of background AGN and the LMC gas. KAHABKA P., DE BOER K.S. and BRUENS C.
2002A&A...393..425M viz 73 T                   100 204 XMM-Newton observation of the
Lockman Hole. II. Spectral analysis.
2002AJ....123.1163B 1 17 61 The Chandra Deep Field North survey. IX. Extended X-ray sources. BAUER F.E., ALEXANDER D.M., BRANDT W.N., et al.
2002AJ....123.2223S viz 161 50 SPICES II: optical and near-infrared identifications of faint X-ray sources from deep Chandra observations of Lynx. STERN D., TOZZI P., STANFORD S.A., et al.
2002ApJ...564L...5M 6 3 58 Faint-source counts from off-source fluctuation analysis on Chandra observations of the Hubble Deep Field-North. MIYAJI T. and GRIFFITHS R.E.
2002ApJ...564..190B 2 15 132 The HELLAS2XMM survey. I. The X-ray data and the logN-logS relation. BALDI A., MOLENDI S., COMASTRI A., et al.
2002ApJ...572..160G 3 6 59 Abundance gradients and the role of supernovae in M87. GASTALDELLO F. and MOLENDI S.
2002ApJ...580L.105V 1 6 23 The Chandra Deep Field-North survey. XVI. The X-ray properties of moderate-luminosity active galaxies at z > 4. VIGNALI C., BAUER F.E., ALEXANDER D.M., et al.
2002ApJS..138..185F 41 4 501 A wavelet-based algorithm for the spatial analysis of Poisson data. FREEMAN P.E., KASHYAP V., ROSNER R., et al.
2002MNRAS.331..817S 1 88 362 The SCUBA 8-mJy survey - I. Submillimetre maps, sources and number counts. SCOTT S.E., FOX M.J., DUNLOP J.S., et al.
2002MNRAS.331..839F 48 61 The SCUBA 8-mJy survey - II. Multiwavelength analysis of bright submillimetre sources. FOX M.J., EFSTATHIOU A., ROWAN-ROBINSON M., et al.
2002MNRAS.335L..51F 4 4 49 Origin of the X-ray background and AGN unification: new perspectives. FRANCESCHINI A., BRAITO V. and FADDA D.
2002MNRAS.337....1I 2 49 358 Deep radio imaging of the SCUBA 8-mJy survey fields: submillimetre source identifications and redshift distribution. IVISON R.J., GREVE T.R., SMAIL I., et al.
2002AGAb...19...48L 3 0 The population of high-redshift type-2 quasars found in deep Chandra and XMM-Newton surveys. LEHMANN I.
2002PASJ...54..981E 73 T                   9 1 Long-term X-ray variability of quasars in the
Lockman Hole field observed with ROSAT.
2002AAS...201.8502S 73 T                   1 0 X-ray properties of optical sources in the
Lockman hole - northwest.
2003A&A...398..901C viz 73 T                   70 111 A deep VLA survey at 6 cm in the
Lockman Hole.
2003A&A...405..607K 73 T                   6 6 The composition of the interstellar medium towards the
Lockman Hole. HI, UV and X-ray observations.
2003A&A...409...79F viz 131 238 The HELLAS2XMM survey. IV. Optical identifications and the evolution of the accretion luminosity in the Universe. FIORE F., BRUSA M., COCCHIA F., et al.
2003A&A...412..689P 101 44 An XMM-Newton study of the hard X-ray sky. PICONCELLI E., CAPPI M., BASSANI L., et al.
2003AJ....125..383A 3 18 169 The Chandra Deep Field North survey. XIV. X-Ray-Detected obscured AGNs and starburst galaxies in the bright submillimeter source population. ALEXANDER D.M., BAUER F.E., BRANDT W.N., et al.
2003AJ....125.2521B viz 73 T                   10 16 A deep 2MASS survey of the
Lockman Hole.
2003ApJ...584.1016K 5 1 16 A new technique for determining the number of X-ray sources per flux density interval. KENTER A.T. and MURRAY S.S.
2003ApJ...585L..85Y 5 4 66 Imaging large-scale structure in the X-ray sky. YANG Y., MUSHOTZKY R.F., BARGER A.J., et al.
2003ApJ...590..192C 1 10 34 Variability of submillijansky radio sources. CARILLI C.L., IVISON R.J. and FRAIL D.A.
2003ApJ...590..207P 8 19 504 High-resolution X-ray spectroscopic constraints on cooling-flow models for clusters of galaxies. PETERSON J.R., KAHN S.M., PAERELS F.B.S., et al.
2003ApJ...596L..23S 20 3 182 The changing active galactic nucleus population. STEFFEN A.T., BARGER A.J., COWIE L.L., et al.
2003ApJ...597..225B 6 2 39 Red galaxy clustering in the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey. BROWN M.J.I., DEY A., JANNUZI B.T., et al.
2003ApJ...598..886U 14 24 1012 Cosmological evolution of the hard X-ray active galactic nucleus luminosity function and the origin of the hard X-ray background. UEDA Y., AKIYAMA M., OHTA K., et al.
2003MNRAS.342..249S 12 14 The nature of X-ray selected extremely red objects. STEVENS J.A., PAGE M.J., IVISON R.J., et al.
2003MNRAS.342..759A 105 78 Breaking the `redshift deadlock'- II. The redshift distribution for the submillimetre population of galaxies. ARETXAGA I., HUGHES D.H., CHAPIN E.L., et al.
2003MNRAS.343..322E 1 33 102 Cirrus models for local and high- z SCUBA galaxies. EFSTATHIOU A. and ROWAN-ROBINSON M.
2003MNRAS.343.1155R 73 T                   1 45 21 A far-infrared view of the
Lockman Hole from ISO 95-µm observations - I. A new data reduction method.
2003MNRAS.344..169E 27 50 SCUBA observations of the sources detected in the MAMBO 1200-µm survey. EALES S., BERTOLDI F., IVISON R., et al.
2003PASP..115..897L 43 5 652 SWIRE: the SIRTF Wide-Area Infrared Extragalactic survey. LONSDALE C.J., SMITH H.E., ROWAN-ROBINSON M., et al.
2003AN....324..113B 6 2 Hard X-ray observations of Extremely Red Objects. BRUSA M.
2003AN....324..149K 73 T                   1 0 A window to the Galactic X-ray halo: The ISM towards the
Lockman hole.
2003Msngr.113...56F 6 0 Deep infrared surveys and their cosmological implications. FRANCESCHINI A., BERA S., RODIGHIERO G., et al.
2003RMxAC..17..271Y 73 T                   1 4 1 Radio and FIR sources in the
Lockman Hole ISOPHOT survey field.
YUN M.S., OYABU S., KAWARA K., et al.
2004A&A...413..843K viz 272 20 ISO deep far-infrared survey in the ``Lockman Hole''. III. Catalogs and source counts at 90 & 170µm. KAWARA K., MATSUHARA H., OKUDA H., et al.
2004A&A...414..767K 2 5 39 Properties of the background of EPIC-pn onboard XMM-Newton. KATAYAMA H., TAKAHASHI I., IKEBE Y., et al.
2004A&A...418..827M 30 63 The HELLAS2XMM survey. V. Near-Infrared observations of X-ray sources with extreme X/O ratios. MIGNOLI M., POZZETTI L., COMASTRI A., et al.
2004A&A...419L..55R 74 T                   30 11 ISOPHOT 95 µm observations in the
Lockman Hole. The catalogue and an assessment of the source counts.
2004A&A...427...23F viz 74 T                   22 13 ISOCAM observations in the
Lockman Hole. I. The 14.3 µm shallow survey: Data reduction, catalogue, and optical identifications.
2004A&A...427..773R viz 74 T                   284 23 ISOCAM observations in the
Lockman Hole. II. The 14.3 µm deep survey: Data reduction, catalogue and source counts.
2004AJ....128.1483S viz 528 48 An optical catalog of the Chandra large area synoptic X-ray survey sources. STEFFEN A.T., BARGER A.J., CAPAK P., et al.
2004ApJ...600...59K 4 5 67 Chandra multiwavelength project. II. First results of X-ray source properties. KIM D.-W., WILKES B.J., GREEN P.J., et al.
2004ApJ...600L.123K 2 11 71 A possible new population of sources with extreme X-Ray/optical ratios. KOEKEMOER A.M., ALEXANDER D.M., BAUER F.E., et al.
2004ApJ...606..664D viz 63 51 The faint counterparts of MAMBO millimeter sources near the New Technology Telescope Deep Field. DANNERBAUER H., LEHNERT M.D., LUTZ D., et al.
2004ApJ...607L..79B 4 3 37 The clustering of XMM-Newton hard X-ray sources. BASILAKOS S., GEORGAKAKIS A., PLIONIS M., et al.
2004ApJ...611..725B 11 8 268 Clustering of submillimeter-selected galaxies. BLAIN A.W., CHAPMAN S.C., SMAIL I., et al.
2004ApJ...614..671C viz 1 24 126 A population of hot, dusty ultraluminous galaxies at z∼2. CHAPMAN S.C., SMAIL I., BLAIN A.W., et al.
2004ApJ...616...71S viz 95 168 The rest-frame optical properties of SCUBA galaxies. SMAIL I., CHAPMAN S.C., BLAIN A.W., et al.
2004ApJ...616..123T 7 7 160 Obscured active galactic nuclei and the X-ray, optical, and far-infrared number counts of active galactic nuclei in the GOODS fields. TREISTER E., URRY C.M., CHATZICHRISTOU E., et al.
2004ApJS..150...19K viz 67 104 Chandra multiwavelength project. I. First X-ray source catalog. KIM D.-W., CAMERON R.A., DRAKE J.J., et al.
2004ApJS..154...30O 2 3 22 Angular clustering of galaxies at 3.6 microns from the Spitzer Wide-Area Infrared Extragalactic (SWIRE) Survey. OLIVER S., WADDINGTON I., GONZALEZ-SOLARES E., et al.
2004ApJS..154...35F 2 2 14 The first measurements of galaxy clustering from Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) data of the Spitzer First Look survey. FANG F., SHUPE D.L., WILSON G., et al.
2004ApJS..154...44H 76 T                   8 67 Infrared array camera (IRAC) imaging of the
Lockman hole.
HUANG J.-S., BARMBY P., FAZIO G.G., et al.
2004ApJS..154...54L 5 10 159 First insights into the Spitzer Wide-Area Infrared Extragalactic legacy survey (SWIRE) galaxy populations. LONSDALE C., POLLETTA M.D.C., SURACE J., et al.
2004ApJS..154..107W 81 T                   1 21 Extremely Red Objects in the
Lockman hole.
2004ApJS..154..124I 2 14 114 Spitzer observations of MAMBO galaxies: weeding out active nuclei in starbursting protoellipticals. IVISON R.J., GREVE T.R., SERJEANT S., et al.
2004ApJS..154..130E 76 T                   17 110 Spitzer observations of the SCUBA/VLA sources in the
Lockman hole: star formation history of infrared-luminous galaxies.
EGAMI E., DOLE H., HUANG J.-S., et al.
2004ApJS..154..155A viz 34 38 The nature of luminous X-ray sources with mid-infrared counterparts. ALONSO-HERRERO A., PEREZ-GONZALEZ P.G., RIGBY J., et al.
2004ApJS..154..170L 6 3 54 Identification of luminous infrared galaxies at 1 ≲ z ≲ 2.5(1,)(2,)(3,)(4,)(5,). LE FLOC'H E., PEREZ-GONZALEZ P.G., RIEKE G.H., et al.
2004MNRAS.349..135G viz 28 34 The XMM-Newton/2dF survey - II. The nature of X-ray-faint optically bright X-ray sources. GEORGAKAKIS A., GEORGANTOPOULOS I., VALLBE M., et al.
2004MNRAS.352L..28W 80 T                   4 74 The (un)resolved X-ray background in the
Lockman Hole.
2004MNRAS.354..779G 74 T                   73 181 A 1200-µm MAMBO survey of ELAISN2 and the
Lockman Hole - I. Maps, sources and number counts.
2004MNRAS.354..924H 15 24 The European Large Area ISO Survey - VIII. 90-µm final analysis and source counts. HERAUDEAU P., OLIVER S., DEL BURGO C., et al.
2004MNRAS.355...97M viz 12 13 Mid-infrared sources in the ELAIS Deep X-ray Survey. MANNERS J.C., SERJEANT S., BOTTINELLI S., et al.
2004MNRAS.355..813S 1 6 26 The European Large Area ISO Survey - IX. The 90-{mum} luminosity function from the Final Analysis sample. SERJEANT S., CARRAMINANA A., GONZALEZ-SOLARES E., et al.
2004PASP..116..712K 23 0 Infrared space observatory observations of the 53W002 group at 6.7 microns: in search of the oldest stellar populations at z = 2.4. KEEL W.C., WU W., VAN DER WERF P.P., et al.
2004AAS...20512805L 1 0 Bolocam 1.1-millimeter galaxy survey of the lockman hole. LAURENT G.T., ADE P.A.R., AGUIRRE J.E., et al.
2005A&A...432...69B viz 100 80 XMM-Newton observations of Extremely Red Objects and the link with luminous, X-ray obscured quasars. BRUSA M., COMASTRI A., DADDI E., et al.
2005A&A...432..395S 80 T                   3 56 XMM-Newton observations of the
Lockman Hole. III. A relativistic Fe line in the mean X-ray spectra of type-1 and type-2 AGN.
2005A&A...434..801Z viz 123 6 Constraining the thermal history of the warm-hot intergalactic medium. ZAPPACOSTA L., MAIOLINO R., FINOGUENOV A., et al.
2005A&A...436..763I 26 8 Resonant absorption troughs in the gamma-ray spectra of QSO. IYUDIN A.F., REIMER O., BURWITZ V., et al.
2005A&A...441..417H 32 6 585 Luminosity-dependent evolution of soft X-ray selected AGN. New Chandra and XMM-Newton surveys. HASINGER G., MIYAJI T. and SCHMIDT M.
2005A&A...441..879C 15 37 The VVDS-VLA deep field. II. Optical and near infrared identifications of VLA S1.4GHz>80µJy sources in the VIMOS VLT deep survey VVDS-02h field. CILIEGI P., ZAMORANI G., BONDI M., et al.
2005A&A...443..703S 1 1 5 Optimal slit orientation for long multi-object spectroscopic exposures. SZOKOLY G.P.
2005A&A...444...79M viz 74 T                   126 72 XMM-Newton observations of the
Lockman Hole IV: spectra of the brightest AGN.
2005A&A...444..119G 2 33 220 X-ray obscuration and obscured AGN in the local universe. GUAINAZZI M., MATT G. and PEROLA G.C.
2005AJ....129..578B 25 5 386 The cosmic evolution of hard X-ray-selected active galactic nuclei. BARGER A.J., COWIE L.L., MUSHOTZKY R.F., et al.
2005AJ....130.1022A 20 27 The ultraviolet, optical, and infrared properties of Sloan Digital Sky Survey sources detected by GALEX. AGUEROS M.A., IVEZIC Z., COVEY K.R., et al.
2005AJ....130.2019O 74 T                   80 20 Optical identification of infrared space observatory far-infrared sources in the
Lockman hole using a deep very large array 1.4 GHz continuum survey.
2005ApJ...622..772C viz 4 91 1121 A redshift survey of the submillimeter galaxy population. CHAPMAN S.C., BLAIN A.W., SMAIL I., et al.
2005ApJ...623..742L 75 T                   32 100 The Bolocam
Lockman hole millimeter-wave galaxy survey: galaxy candidates and number counts.
2005ApJ...629..192B 1 4 13 Thermal and nonthermal nature of the soft excess emission from Sersic 159-03 observed with XMM-Newton. BONAMENTE M., LIEU R., MITTAZ J.P.D., et al.
2005ApJ...634..137H 3 4 44 Infrared luminous Lyman break galaxies: a population that bridges LBGs and SCUBA galaxies. HUANG J.-S., RIGOPOULOU D., WILLNER S.P., et al.
2005ApJ...635..864L 24 5 374 The HELLAS2XMM survey. VII. The hard X-ray luminosity function of AGNs up to z = 4: more absorbed AGNs at low luminosities and high redshifts. LA FRANCA F., FIORE F., COMASTRI A., et al.
2005ApJ...635.1044M 3 2 18 A fluctuation analysis of the Bolocam 1.1 mm Lockman Hole survey. MALONEY P.R., GLENN J., AGUIRRE J.E., et al.
2005MNRAS.356..183B 3 4 46 The XMM-Newton/2dF Survey - VI. Clustering and bias of the soft X-ray point sources. BASILAKOS S., PLIONIS M., GEORGAKAKIS A., et al.
2005MNRAS.356..192S 4 3 38 The local submillimetre luminosity functions and predictions from Spitzer to Herschel. SERJEANT S. and HARRISON D.
2005MNRAS.357..165T 17 20 Silicate-break galaxies: an efficient selection method for distant ultraluminous infrared galaxies. TAKAGI T. and PEARSON C.P.
2005MNRAS.357..449R 74 T                   40 6 A far-infrared view of the
Lockman hole from ISO 95-µm observations - II. Optical identifications and insights into the nature of the far-infrared sources.
2005MNRAS.357.1281W 22 3 199 The unresolved hard X-ray background: the missing source population implied by the Chandra and XMM-Newton deep fields. WORSLEY M.A., FABIAN A.C., BAUER F.E., et al.
2005MNRAS.358..333G viz 1682 23 The European Large Area ISO Survey: optical identifications of 15-µm and 1.4-GHz sources in N1 and N2. GONZALEZ-SOLARES E.A., PEREZ-FOURNON I., ROWAN-ROBINSON M., et al.
2005MNRAS.358..875A 1 5 16 Correlations between bright submillimetre sources and low-redshift galaxies. ALMAINI O., DUNLOP J.S., WILLOTT C.J., et al.
2005MNRAS.358.1159M viz 118 104 High-resolution studies of radio sources in the Hubble Deep and flanking fields. MUXLOW T.W.B., RICHARDS A.M.S., GARRINGTON S.T., et al.
2005MNRAS.358.1417P 3 4 38 Spitzer and ISO galaxy counts in the mid-infrared. PEARSON C.
2005MNRAS.360..782G viz 63 27 The XMM-Newton Needles in the Haystack Survey: the local X-ray luminosity function of `normal' galaxies. GEORGANTOPOULOS I., GEORGAKAKIS A. and KOULOURIDIS E.
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