MOA 2016-BLG-383b , the SIMBAD biblio

MOA 2016-BLG-383b , the SIMBAD biblio (4 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST05:29:35

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Title First 3 Authors
2018AJ....155...40R 454 T   A D S   X         10 17 21
OGLE-2016-BLG-1190Lb: the first Spitzer bulge planet lies near the planet/brown-dwarf boundary.
RYU Y.-H., YEE J.C., UDALSKI A., et al.
2019AJ....157..121C 126           X         3 13 16 Spitzer microlensing parallax for OGLE-2016-BLG-1067: a sub-Jupiter orbiting an M dwarf in the disk. CALCHI NOVATI S., SUZUKI D., UDALSKI A., et al.
2020AJ....159...98Y viz 85             C       1 32 ~ KMT-2016-BLG-1836Lb: a super-Jovian planet from a high-cadence microlensing field. YANG H., ZHANG X., HWANG K.-H., et al.
2020AJ....160...74H viz 43           X         1 29 ~ OGLE-2017-BLG-0406: Spitzer microlens parallax reveals Saturn-mass planet orbiting M-dwarf host in the inner Galactic disk. HIRAO Y., BENNETT D.P., RYU Y.-H., et al.

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