MEGA-ML 13 , the SIMBAD biblio

MEGA-ML 13 , the SIMBAD biblio (5 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.05.14CEST15:21:02

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Title First 3 Authors
2004A&A...417..461D 1 17 53 First microlensing candidates from the MEGA survey of M 31. DE JONG J.T.A., KUIJKEN K., CROTTS A.P.S., et al.
2005A&A...443..911C 1 17 95 POINT-AGAPE pixel lensing survey of M31. Evidence for a MACHO contribution to galactic halos. CALCHI NOVATI S., PAULIN-HENRIKSSON S., AN J., et al.
2005MNRAS.357...17B 37 24 The POINT-AGAPE survey - II. An unrestricted search for microlensing events towards M31. BELOKUROV V., AN J., EVANS N.W., et al.
2006A&A...445..375I 18 22 Monte Carlo analysis of MEGA microlensing events towards M31. INGROSSO G., CALCHI NOVATI S., DE PAOLIS F., et al.
2006A&A...446..855D 1 18 36 MACHOs in M31? Absence of evidence but not evidence of absence. DE JONG J.T.A., WIDROW L.M., CSERESNJES P., et al.

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