LSQ 12dwl , the SIMBAD biblio

LSQ 12dwl , the SIMBAD biblio (52 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST06:31:55

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2012ApJ...760L..33B viz 1145 T K A     X C       28 15 22 Discovery and early multi-wavelength measurements of the energetic type Ic supernova PTF12gzk: a massive-star explosion in a dwarf host galaxy. BEN-AMI S., GAL-YAM A., FILIPPENKO A.V., et al.
2013ApJ...769...67P 87           X         2 8 157 What can we learn from the rising light curves of radioactively powered supernovae? PIRO A.L. and NAKAR E.
2013ApJ...775L...7C 239           X C       5 18 181 Discovery, progenitor and early evolution of a stripped envelope supernova iPTF13bvn. CAO Y., KASLIWAL M.M., ARCAVI I., et al.
2013ApJ...778...63H 1755 T K A D S   X C       43 16 9
PTF 12gzk–A rapidly declining, high-velocity type IC radio supernova.
2014ApJ...789...23K viz 212       D     X C       5 344 44 The host galaxies of fast-ejecta core-collapse supernovae. KELLY P.L., FILIPPENKO A.V., MODJAZ M., et al.
2014ApJ...797..107M 42           X         1 18 108 Relativistic supernovae have shorter-lived central engines or more extended progenitors: the case of SN 2012ap. MARGUTTI R., MILISAVLJEVIC D., SODERBERG A.M., et al.
2015ApJ...799...51M 41           X         1 19 52 The broad-lined Type Ic SN 2012ap and the nature of relativistic supernovae lacking a gamma-ray burst detection. MILISAVLJEVIC D., MARGUTTI R., PARRENT J.T., et al.
2015A&A...574A..60T viz 17       D               1 72 146 Early-time light curves of Type Ib/c supernovae from the SDSS-II Supernova Survey. TADDIA F., SOLLERMAN J., LELOUDAS G., et al.
2012ATel.4297....1B 271 T         X         6 3 4 PTF Discovery of PTF 12gzk - A peculiar Type I Supernova. BEN-AMI S., GAL-YAM A., FILIPPENKO A., et al.
2012ATel.4298....1B 271 T         X         6 3 ~ corrected version of ATel #4297 - PTF Discovery of
PTF12gzk - A peculiar Type I Supernova.
2015ApJ...805..187C 81           X         2 10 44 A missing-link in the Supernova-GRB connection: the case of SN 2012ap. CHAKRABORTI S., SODERBERG A., CHOMIUK L., et al.
2016ApJ...818..105M viz 161           X C       3 162 98 The Caltech-NRAO stripe 82 survey (CNSS). I. The pilot radio transient survey in 50 deg2. MOOLEY K.P., HALLINAN G., BOURKE S., et al.
2016ApJ...821...57D viz 81             C       1 43 70 The double-peaked SN 2013ge: a Type Ib/c SN with an asymmetric mass ejection or an extended progenitor envelope. DROUT M.R., MILISAVLJEVIC D., PARRENT J., et al.
2016A&A...588A...5T 41           X         1 25 26 Long-rising Type II supernovae from Palomar Transient Factory and Caltech Core-Collapse Project. TADDIA F., SOLLERMAN J., FREMLING C., et al.
2016MNRAS.458.2973P 258       D     X         7 90 117 The bolometric light curves and physical parameters of stripped-envelope supernovae. PRENTICE S.J., MAZZALI P.A., PIAN E., et al.
2016ApJ...827...90L viz 17       D               1 63 103 Analyzing the largest spectroscopic data set of stripped supernovae to improve their identifications and constrain their progenitors. LIU Y.-Q., MODJAZ M., BIANCO F.B., et al.
2016MNRAS.463..296L viz 16       D               2 105 28 Slow-blue nuclear hypervariables in PanSTARRS-1. LAWRENCE A., BRUCE A.G., MacLEOD C., et al.
2016ApJ...832..108M viz 821       D     X C       20 48 141 The spectral SN-GRB connection: systematic spectral comparisons between Type Ic supernovae and broad-lined Type Ic supernovae with and without gamma-ray bursts. MODJAZ M., LIU Y.Q., BIANCO F.B., et al.
2017MNRAS.469.2498M 163           X C       3 12 22 Modelling the Type Ic SN 2004aw: a moderately energetic explosion of a massive C+O star without a GRB. MAZZALI P.A., SAUER D.N., PIAN E., et al.
2017MNRAS.469.2672P 341       D     X         9 63 18 A physically motivated classification of stripped-envelope supernovae. PRENTICE S.J. and MAZZALI P.A.
2018ApJ...860...38B 22       D               1 9 57 A GRB and broad-lined Type Ic supernova from a single central engine. BARNES J., DUFFELL P.C., LIU Y., et al.
2018ApJ...863...20J 41           X         1 60 5 SPIRITS 16tn in NGC 3556: a heavily obscured and low-luminosity supernova at 8.8 Mpc. JENCSON J.E., KASLIWAL M.M., ADAMS S.M., et al.
2018A&A...617A.105J 41           X         1 48 11 Host galaxies of SNe Ic-BL with and without long gamma-ray bursts. JAPELJ J., VERGANI S.D., SALVATERRA R., et al.
2018Sci...362..201D viz 2 34 79 A hot and fast ultra-stripped supernova that likely formed a compact neutron star binary. DE K., KASLIWAL M.M., OFEK E.O., et al.
2018A&A...618A..37F viz 82           X         2 19 10 Oxygen and helium in stripped-envelope supernovae. FREMLING C., SOLLERMAN J., KASLIWAL M.M., et al.
2019MNRAS.482.1545S viz 17       D               1 320 54 The Berkeley sample of stripped-envelope supernovae. SHIVVERS I., FILIPPENKO A.V., SILVERMAN J.M., et al.
2019MNRAS.485.1559P 17       D               1 106 89 Investigating the properties of stripped-envelope supernovae: what are the implications for their progenitors? PRENTICE S.J., ASHALL C., JAMES P.A., et al.
2019ApJ...883..147T viz 84           X         2 22 4 SN 2016coi (ASASSN-16fp): an energetic H-stripped core-collapse supernova from a massive stellar progenitor with large mass loss. TERRERAN G., MARGUTTI R., BERSIER D., et al.
2019ApJ...887..169H viz 44           X         1 23 59 Evidence for late-stage eruptive mass loss in the progenitor to SN2018gep, a broad-lined IC supernova: pre-explosion emission and a rapidly rising luminous transient. HO A.Y.Q., GOLDSTEIN D.A., SCHULZE S., et al.
2020MNRAS.492.4369T 128           X C       2 11 ~ Type Ic supernova of a 22 M progenitor. TEFFS J., ERTL T., MAZZALI P., et al.
2020ApJ...892..153M 358       D     X         9 68 48 Host galaxies of Type Ic and broad-lined Type Ic supernovae from the Palomar Transient Factory: implications for jet production. MODJAZ M., BIANCO F.B., SIWEK M., et al.
2020MNRAS.497..246G 171             C F     2 14 14 AT2018kzr: the merger of an oxygen-neon white dwarf and a neutron star or black hole. GILLANDERS J.H., SIM S.A. and SMARTT S.J.
2020MNRAS.497.1619M 43           X         1 3 ~ Systematic investigation of the effect of 56Ni mixing in the early photospheric velocity evolution of stripped-envelope supernovae. MORIYA T.J., SUZUKI A., TAKIWAKI T., et al.
2020A&A...642A.106D 129           X         3 19 32 Supernovae Ib and Ic from the explosion of helium stars. DESSART L., YOON S.-C., AGUILERA-DENA D.R., et al.
2020ApJ...903..132H viz 43           X         1 22 ~ A non-equipartition shock wave traveling in a dense circumstellar environment around SN 2020oi. HORESH A., SFARADI I., ERGON M., et al.
2021MNRAS.500.5142F 17       D               2 113 29 From core collapse to superluminous: the rates of massive stellar explosions from the Palomar Transient Factory. FROHMAIER C., ANGUS C.R., VINCENZI M., et al.
2021ApJ...908...75B 17       D               1 556 32 The radio luminosity-risetime function of core-collapse supernovae. BIETENHOLZ M.F., BARTEL N., ARGO M., et al.
2021ApJS..255...29S viz 17       D               1 893 63 The Palomar Transient Factory core-collapse supernova host-galaxy sample. I. Host-galaxy distribution functions and environment dependence of core-collapse supernovae. SCHULZE S., YARON O., SOLLERMAN J., et al.
2021A&A...651A..81B viz 409       D     X C       9 53 18 Type Ic supernovae from the (intermediate) Palomar Transient Factory. BARBARINO C., SOLLERMAN J., TADDIA F., et al.
2021AJ....162..275B 266           X C       5 3 15 ParSNIP: generative models of transient light curves with physics-enabled deep learning. BOONE K.
2022ApJ...928...77L 108       D       C       3 69 ~ Using the Optical-NIR Spectral Energy Distributions to Search for the Evidence of Dust Formation of 66 Supernovae. LI J.-Y., WANG S.-Q., GAN W.-P., et al.
2022ApJ...928..151F 18       D               1 201 16 Statistical Properties of the Nebular Spectra of 103 Stripped-envelope Core-collapse Supernovae. FANG Q., MAEDA K., KUNCARAYAKTI H., et al.
2022Natur.601..201G viz 2 21 45 A WC/WO star exploding within an expanding carbon-oxygen-neon nebula. GAL-YAM A., BRUCH R., SCHULZE S., et al.
2022ApJ...937...40K 851           X C       18 22 4 Ultraviolet Spectroscopy and TARDIS Models of the Broad-lined Type Ic Supernova 2014ad. KWOK L.A., WILLIAMSON M., JHA S.W., et al.
2023ApJ...944L..49W 47           X         1 21 1 SN 2019ewu: A Peculiar Supernova with Early Strong Carbon and Weak Oxygen Features from a New Sample of Young SN Ic Spectra. WILLIAMSON M., VOGL C., MODJAZ M., et al.
2023ATel15882....1Z 47           X         1 3 ~ LJT spectroscopic classification of AT2020bee as a young Type Ic supernova with an expansion velocity of ∼ 30,000 km/s. ZHAI Q., ZHANG J., LI L., et al.
2023ApJ...953...25P 513           X         11 19 ~ Peculiar Spectral Evolution of the Type I Supernova 2019eix: A Possible Double Detonation from a Helium Shell on a Sub-Chandrasekhar-mass White Dwarf. PADILLA GONZALEZ E., HOWELL D.A., BURKE J., et al.
2023A&A...678A..87K 59 ~ A population of Type Ibc supernovae with massive progenitors Broad lightcurves not uncommon in (i)PTF. KARAMEHMETOGLU E., SOLLERMAN J., TADDIA F., et al.
2023A&A...678A.209K viz 93             C       1 20 ~ The broad-lined Type-Ic supernova SN 2022xxf and its extraordinary two-humped light curves I. Signatures of H/He-free interaction in the first four months. KUNCARAYAKTI H., SOLLERMAN J., IZZO L., et al.
2024NatAs...8..111F 20       D               2 85 ~ An aspherical distribution for the explosive burning ash of core-collapse supernovae. FANG Q., MAEDA K., KUNCARAYAKTI H., et al.
2024Natur.628..733R 20       D               1 54 ~ Stripped-envelope supernova light curves argue for central engine activity. RODRIGUEZ O., NAKAR E. and MAOZ D.
2024A&A...686A..79S viz 50           X         1 33 ~ The carbon-rich type Ic supernova 2016adj in the iconic dust lane of Centaurus A: Potential signatures of an interaction with circumstellar hydrogen. STRITZINGER M.D., BARON E., TADDIA F., et al.

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