LDN 1746 , the SIMBAD biblio

LDN 1746 , the SIMBAD biblio (139 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST06:32:56

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1927Barn..C......0B viz 355 ~ A photographic Atlas of selected regions of the Milky Way. BARNARD E.E.
1962ApJS....7....1L viz 1829 890 Catalogue of dark nebulae. LYNDS B.T.
1973ApJ...183..449D 420 95 A survey of interstellar formaldehyde in dust clouds. DIETER N.H.
1993A&A...278...81R 105 378 Visual binaries among pre-main sequence stars. REIPURTH B. and ZINNECKER H.
1996A&A...314..258R 55 58 Protostellar candidates in southern molecular clouds. REIPURTH B., NYMAN L.-A. and CHINI R.
1999PASJ...51..871O 29 76 NANTEN observations of the Pipe Nebula: a filamentary massive dark cloud with very low star-formation activity. ONISHI T., KAWAMURA A., ABE R., et al.
2002A&A...383..631D viz 15       D               3330 41 A catalogue of dust clouds in the Galaxy. DUTRA C.M. and BICA E.
2002AJ....124.1082K 23 34 Imaging the circumstellar environments of young binaries in southern star-forming regions. KORESKO C.D.
2004BaltA..13..543G 28 0 Do weak-line T Tauri stars have circumstellar material? GRAS-VELAZQUEZ A. and RAY T.P.
2005A&A...443..541G 33 44 Weak-line T Tauri stars: circumstellar disks and companions. I. Spectral energy distributions and infrared excesses. GRAS-VELAZQUEZ A. and RAY T.P.
2005AJ....130..815H 37   K                 16 12 IX Ophiuchi: a high-velocity star near a molecular cloud. HERBIG G.H.
2005PASJ...57S...1D viz 15       D               5394 307 Atlas and catalog of dark clouds based on Digitized Sky Survey I. DOBASHI K., UEHARA H., KANDORI R., et al.
2006A&A...454..781L 11 9 204 2MASS wide field extinction maps. I. The Pipe nebula. LOMBARDI M., ALVES J. and LADA C.J.
2006A&A...459..909C 110 106 A VLT/NACO survey for triple and quadruple systems among visual pre-main sequence binaries. CORREIA S., ZINNECKER H., RATZKA T., et al.
2007ApJ...655..364B 37 58 The Spitzer c2d survey of nearby dense cores. IV. Revealing the embedded cluster in B 59. BROOKE T.Y., HUARD T.L., BOURKE T.L., et al.
2007AJ....133.1560W viz 15       D               72 41 SHARC-II mapping of Spitzer c2d small clouds and cores. WU J., DUNHAM M.M., EVANS II N.J., et al.
2007ApJ...664..357R 3         O           8 60 The infrared extinction law at extreme depth in a dark cloud core. ROMAN-ZUNIGA C.G., LADA C.J., MUENCH A., et al.
2007A&A...470..597A 225           X         6 103 43 An accurate determination of the distance to the Pipe nebula. ALVES F.O. and FRANCO G.A.P.
2007ApJS..171..478L 48 10 AST/RO 13CO(J = 2⟶1) and 12CO(J = 4⟶3) mapping of southern Spitzer c2d small clouds and cores. LOHR A., BOURKE T.L., LANE A.P., et al.
2007ApJ...665..457A 17 25 The dynamical state of the starless dense core FeSt 1-457: a pulsating globule? AGUTI E.D., LADA C.J., BERGIN E.A., et al.
2007PASP..119..855W 1 48 140 The James Clerk Maxwell Telescope legacy survey of nearby star-forming regions in the Gould belt. WARD-THOMPSON D., DI FRANCESCO J., HATCHELL J., et al.
2007ApJ...666L..73C 36 47 The relationship between the optical depth of the 9.7 µm silicate absorption feature and infrared differential extinction in dense clouds. CHIAR J.E., ENNICO K., PENDLETON Y.J., et al.
2007ApJ...671.1820M 151         O X         4 13 33 The nature of the dense core population in the pipe nebula: core and cloud kinematics from C18O observations. MUENCH A.A., LADA C.J., RATHBORNE J.M., et al.
2008ApJ...672..410L 8 11 192 The nature of the dense core population in the Pipe nebula: thermal cores under pressure. LADA C.J., MUENCH A.A., RATHBORNE J., et al.
2008ApJS..174..396R 114           X         3 10 38 The nature of the dense core population in the pipe nebula: a survey of NH3, CCS, and HC5 N molecular line emission. RATHBORNE J.M., LADA C.J., MUENCH A.A., et al.
2008ApJ...673..954C 38           X         1 12 5 Mid-infrared photometry and spectra of three high-mass protostellar candidates at IRAS 18151-1208 and IRAS 20343+4129. CAMPBELL M.F., SRIDHARAN T.K., BEUTHER H., et al.
2008ApJ...678.1032O 1 44 127 The c2d Spitzer spectroscopic survey of ices around low-mass young stellar objects. III. CH4. OBERG K.I., BOOGERT A.C.A., PONTOPPIDAN K.M., et al.
2008ApJ...679..552S 42           X         1 5 40 On the evolution of the dense core mass function. SWIFT J.J. and WILLIAMS J.P.
2008A&A...486L..13A 711     A     X         19 5 103 Optical polarimetry toward the Pipe nebula: revealing the importance of the magnetic field. ALVES F.O., FRANCO G.A.P. and GIRART J.M.
2008ApJ...687..354N 81           X         2 13 172 Magnetically regulated star formation in three dimensions: the case of the Taurus Molecular Cloud complex. NAKAMURA F. and LI Z.-Y.
2009A&A...493..735L 128           X C       2 3 87 Nicest, a near-infrared color excess method tailored to small-scale structures. LOMBARDI M.
2009ApJ...693L..81M viz 115           X C       2 40 114 Observational 5-20 µm interstellar extinction curves toward star-forming regions derived from Spitzer IRS spectra. McCLURE M.
2009PASP..121..213C 51           X         1 29 811 The Spitzer/GLIMPSE surveys: a new view of the Milky Way. CHURCHWELL E., BABLER B.L., MEADE M.R., et al.
2009ApJ...696.1407N 49           X         1 14 322 Interstellar extinction law toward the Galactic Center III: J, H, KSBands in the 2MASS and the MKO systems, and 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, 8.0 µm in the Spitzer/IRAC system. NISHIYAMA S., TAMURA M., HATANO H., et al.
2009PASP..121..433A 38           X         1 9 0 Star formation from Spitzer (Lyman) to Spitzer (Space telescope) and beyond. ALVES J. and TRIMBLE V.
2009ApJ...699..742R viz 87             C       2 3 69 Dense cores in the Pipe Nebula: an improved core mass function. RATHBORNE J.M., LADA C.J., MUENCH A.A., et al.
2009ApJ...700.1541R 667 T   A     X         17 19 10 2MASS J17112318-2724315: a deeply embedded low-mass protostellar system in the
B59 molecular cloud.
RIAZ B., MARTIN E.L., BOUY H., et al.
2009ApJ...700.1609M 132       D     X C       3 46 333 Filamentary structure of star-forming complexes. MYERS P.C.
2009ApJ...704..183R 2600 T   A S   X C F     65 8 21 High resolution near-infrared survey of the Pipe Nebula. I. A deep infrared extinction map of Barnard 59. ROMAN-ZUNIGA C.G., LADA C.J. and ALVES J.F.
2009ApJ...704..292F 1197     A     X C       31 48 32 A Spitzer census of star formation activity in the Pipe Nebula. FORBRICH J., LADA C.J., MUENCH A.A., et al.
2009ApJ...704.1735H 45           X         1 4 59 Gravitational collapse and filament formation: comparison with the Pipe Nebula. HEITSCH F., BALLESTEROS-PAREDES J. and HARTMANN L.
2009ApJ...706.1341M 40           X         1 5 25 On the distribution of protostar masses. MYERS P.C.
2010ApJ...710..207H 397       D     X C F     9 14 6 The evolution of density structure of starless and protostellar cores. HUNG C.-L., LAI S.-P. and YAN C.-H.
2010ApJ...714.1280M 38           X         1 9 13 Star-forming gas in young clusters. MYERS P.C.
2010ApJ...716..433K 384           X C       9 16 122 The mass-size relation from clouds to cores. II. Solar neighborhood clouds. KAUFFMANN J., PILLAI T., SHETTY R., et al.
2010ApJ...719..691F 2250     A D S   X C       58 43 14 Nothing to hide: an X-ray survey for young stellar objects in the Pipe nebula. FORBRICH J., POSSELT B., COVEY K.R., et al.
2010ApJ...722..971C 6102 T   A D S   X C       158 78 60 The age, stellar content, and star formation timescale of the
B59 dense core.
2010ApJ...723..146F 1694       D S   X C       43 24 68 Detailed interstellar polarimetric properties of the Pipe Nebula at core scales. FRANCO G.A.P., ALVES F.O. and GIRART J.M.
2010ApJ...723.1665F 496     A D     X C       13 15 26 Young starless cores embedded in the magnetically dominated Pipe nebula. FRAU P., GIRART J.M., BELTRAN M.T., et al.
2010ApJ...725.2232R viz 283       D     X C       7 12 31 Deep near-infrared survey of the Pipe nebula. II. Data, methods, and dust extinction maps. ROMAN-ZUNIGA C.G., ALVES J.F., LADA C.J., et al.
2010ApJ...725.2461T 99     A     X         3 61 7 The Spitzer c2d survey of nearby dense cores. X. Star formation in L673 and CB188. TSITALI A.E., BOURKE T.L., PETERSON D.E., et al.
2011ApJ...729...92B 284       D     X         8 73 119 Ice and dust in the quiescent medium of isolated dense cores. BOOGERT A.C.A., HUARD T.L., COOK A.M., et al.
2011A&A...527A.141C 54       D     X         2 20 31 Variation of the extinction law in the Trifid nebula. CAMBRESY L., RHO J., MARSHALL D.J., et al.
2011NewAR..55...23V 15       D               1 220 6 Magnetic fields in the nearby Universe, as observed in solar and planetary realms, stars, and interstellar starforming nurseries. VALLEE J.P.
2011ApJ...742...28W 246       D     X         7 136 36 Observational constraints on methanol production in interstellar and preplanetary ices. WHITTET D.C.B., COOK A.M., HERBST E., et al.
2011MNSSA..70..163S 24 0 Ophiuchus, the Herb Healer. STREICHER M.
2012A&A...537L...9F 40           X         1 4 9 Chemical differentiation toward the Pipe Nebula starless cores. FRAU P., GIRART J.M. and BELTRAN M.T.
2012ApJ...747..149R 1648 T   A     X C       41 8 9
Barnard 59: no evidence for further fragmentation.
2012A&A...541A..63P 1466     A S   X C       36 5 111 The Pipe Nebula as seen with Herschel: formation of filamentary structures by large-scale compression ? PERETTO N., ANDRE P., KOENYVES V., et al.
2012A&A...541A.154P 155           X         4 49 9 Absence of coreshine in the Gum/Vela region. PAGANI L., LEFEVRE C., BACMANN A., et al.
2012A&A...543A.140D 3931 T K A S   X C F     98 12 20 The molecular gas content of the Pipe Nebula. I. Direct evidence of outflow-generated turbulence in
B59 ?
2012AJ....144..115S 39     A D               4 80 10 A systematic search for molecular outflows toward candidate low-luminosity protostars and very low luminosity objects. SCHWARZ K.R., SHIRLEY Y.L. and DUNHAM M.M.
2012ApJ...758...38K 15       D               1 33 31 CO2 ice toward low-luminosity embedded protostars: evidence for episodic mass accretion via chemical history. KIM H.J., EVANS II N.J., DUNHAM M.M., et al.
2012A&A...545A...3M 39           X         1 17 4 13CO and C18O J=2-1 mapping of the environment of the class 0 protostellar core SMM 3 in Orion B9. MIETTINEN O.
2012ApJ...759....3F 519       D     X C       13 4 11 Young starless cores embedded in the magnetically dominated Pipe nebula. II. Extended data set. FRAU P., GIRART J.M., BELTRAN M.T., et al.
2012ApJ...761...67B 1161           X C       29 26 12 Two-stage fragmentation for cluster formation: analytical model and observational considerations. BAILEY N.D. and BASU S.
2013A&A...549A.135A 2168     A S O X C       54 11 21 The mid-infrared extinction law in the darkest cores of the Pipe Nebula. ASCENSO J., LADA C.J., ALVES J., et al.
2013MNRAS.428.1606F 40           X         1 13 26 Evidence for grain growth in molecular clouds: a Bayesian examination of the extinction law in Perseus. FOSTER J.B., MANDEL K.S., PINEDA J.E., et al.
2013ApJ...771..128H 1076     A S   X C       26 25 21 The rotating outflow, envelope, and disk of the Class-0/I protostar [BHB2007]#11 in the Pipe nebula. HARA C., SHIMAJIRI Y., TSUKAGOSHI T., et al.
2013ApJ...773...30W 78           X         2 40 30 The mid-infrared extinction law and its variation in the Coalsack nebula. WANG S., GAO J., JIANG B.W., et al.
2013ApJ...777...73B 16       D               3 146 16 Infrared spectroscopic survey of the quiescent medium of nearby clouds. I. Ice formation and grain growth in Lupus. BOOGERT A.C.A., CHIAR J.E., KNEZ C., et al.
2014MNRAS.437.2980R 393           X C       9 13 1 Models for the water-ice librational band in cool dust: possible observational test. ROBINSON G.
2014ApJ...783..115N 512     A D     X C       13 11 28 Confronting the outflow-regulated cluster formation model with observations. NAKAMURA F. and LI Z.-Y.
2014A&A...563A.106S 275           X C       6 13 11 Detecting scattered light from low-mass molecular cores at 3.6 µm. Impact of global effects on the observation of coreshine. STEINACKER J., ANDERSEN M., THI W.-F., et al.
2014A&A...568A..27F 40           X         1 5 10 Some like it cold: molecular emission and effective dust temperatures of dense cores in the Pipe Nebula. FORBRICH J., OEBERG K., LADA C.J., et al.
2014A&A...572A..20L 16       D   O           1 292 24 Dust properties inside molecular clouds from coreshine modeling and observations. LEFEVRE C., PAGANI L., JUVELA M., et al.
2015A&A...574L...6F 279           X         7 2 5 Formation of dense structures induced by filament collisions. Correlation of density, kinematics, and magnetic field in the Pipe nebula. FRAU P., GIRART J.M., ALVES F.O., et al.
2015MNRAS.453..645M viz 40           X         1 102 99 A distance-limited sample of massive molecular outflows. MAUD L.T., MOORE T.J.T., LUMSDEN S.L., et al.
2015A&A...584A..93J viz 41           X         1 12 24 Galactic cold cores. V. Dust opacity. JUVELA M., RISTORCELLI I., MARSHALL D.J., et al.
2016MNRAS.457L..84D 40           X         1 17 4 The JCMT Gould Belt Survey: Understanding the influence of outflows on Gould Belt clouds. DRABEK-MAUNDER E., HATCHELL J., BUCKLE J.V., et al.
2016MNRAS.458.1139P 40           X         1 9 5 Numerical simulations of a shock-filament interaction. PITTARD J.M. and GOLDSMITH K.J.A.
2016AJ....152...36S viz 96       D       C       4 219 4 A catalog of low-mass star-forming cores observed with SHARC-II at 350 µm. SURESH A., DUNHAM M.M., ARCE H.G., et al.
2016MNRAS.460.2822B 40           X         1 13 3 Discovery of a long-lived, high-amplitude dusty infrared transient. BRITT C.T., MACCARONE T.J., GREEN J.D., et al.
2016ARA&A..54..491B 81           X         2 125 192 Protostellar outflows. BALLY J.
2017A&A...603L...3A 116     A     X         3 5 52 Molecular outflow launched beyond the disk edge. ALVES F.O., GIRART J.M., CASELLI P., et al.
2017MNRAS.470.2427G 42           X         1 4 4 A comparison of shock-cloud and wind-cloud interactions: the longer survival of clouds in winds. GOLDSMITH K.J.A. and PITTARD J.M.
2017A&A...606A.123H viz 43           X         1 29 83 Fibers in the NGC 1333 proto-cluster. HACAR A., TAFALLA M. and ALVES J.
2017ApJ...850..202R 1462 T K A D     X C       35 20 6 The green bank ammonia survey: unveiling the dynamics of the
Barnard 59 star-forming clump.
2018A&A...610A...9G viz 41           X         1 23 2 The first frost in the Pipe Nebula. GOTO M., BAILEY J.D., HOCUK S., et al.
2018A&A...610A..77H viz 44           X         1 45 159 An ALMA study of the Orion Integral Filament. I. Evidence for narrow fibers in a massive cloud. HACAR A., TAFALLA M., FORBRICH J., et al.
2018A&A...614A..65M viz 41           X         1 16 9 VISION - Vienna Survey in Orion. II. Infrared extinction in Orion A. MEINGAST S., ALVES J. and LOMBARDI M.
2018MNRAS.478L.110A 42           X         1 6 7 Primordial mass and density segregation in a young molecular cloud. ALFARO E.J. and ROMAN-ZUNIGA C.G.
2018MNRAS.478.3467S 41           X         1 24 ~ Probing the 9.7 µm interstellar silicate extinction profile through the Spitzer/IRS spectroscopy of OB stars. SHAO Z., JIANG B.W., LI A., et al.
2018A&A...616A..56A viz 30     A               1 10 56 Magnetic field in a young circumbinary disk. ALVES F.O., GIRART J.M., PADOVANI M., et al.
2018ApJ...865..121K 41           X         1 5 4 Distortion of magnetic fields in a starless core. IV. Magnetic field scaling on density and mass-to-flux ratio distribution in FeSt 1-457. KANDORI R., TOMISAKA K., TAMURA M., et al.
2018A&A...617A..89C viz 43           X         1 18 40 Search for high-mass protostars with ALMA revealed up to kilo-parsec scales (SPARKS). I. Indication for a centrifugal barrier in the environment of a single high-mass envelope. CSENGERI T., BONTEMPS S., WYROWSKI F., et al.
2018ApJ...867..151D viz 1111     A D S   X C       26 389 80 Distances and kinematics of Gould Belt star-forming regions with Gaia DR2 results. DZIB S.A., LOINARD L., ORTIZ-LEON G.N., et al.
2018A&A...620A..24H viz 370           X C       8 10 5 The HP2 Survey. IV. The Pipe nebula: Effective dust temperatures in dense cores. HASENBERGER B., LOMBARDI M., ALVES J., et al.
2019A&A...623A.112D viz 44           X         1 33 66 Stellar population of Sco OB2 revealed by Gaia DR2 data. DAMIANI F., PRISINZANO L., PILLITTERI I., et al.
2019ApJ...874..147K 42           X         1 158 3 The Green Bank Ammonia Survey: a virial analysis of Gould Belt clouds in Data Release 1. KERR R., KIRK H., DI FRANCESCO J., et al.
2013RMxAA..49..345D 686 T   A     X         17 10 ~ Radio sources embedded in the dense core
B59, the "mouthpiece" of the Pipe Nebula.
2019ApJ...877..135N 42           X         1 19 ~ ALMA reveals kinematics of super star cluster candidate H72.97-69.39 in LMC-N79. NAYAK O., MEIXNER M., SEWILO M., et al.
2019ApJ...877...88C 43           X         1 27 40 The JCMT BISTRO Survey: the magnetic field of the Barnard 1 Star-forming Region. COUDE S., BASTIEN P., HOUDE M., et al.
2019ApJ...878..105G 48           X         1 5 31 The astrochemical impact of cosmic rays in protoclusters. I. Molecular cloud chemistry. GACHES B.A.L., OFFNER S.S.R. and BISBAS T.G.
2019Sci...366...90A 217           X         5 7 56 Gas flow and accretion via spiral streamers and circumstellar disks in a young binary protostar. ALVES F.O., CASELLI P., GIRART J.M., et al.
2019MNRAS.489.4429R 42           X         1 14 ~ Not so different after all: properties and spatial structure of column density peaks in the pipe and Orion A clouds. ROMAN-ZUNIGA C.G., ALFARO E., PALAU A., et al.
2020ApJ...888..120K 128           X         3 4 ~ Distortion of magnetic fields in a starless core. VI. Application of flux freezing model and core formation of FeSt 1-457. KANDORI R., TOMISAKA K., SAITO M., et al.
2020A&A...633A..51Z viz 18       D               1 108 127 A compendium of distances to molecular clouds in the Star Formation Handbook. ZUCKER C., SPEAGLE J.S., SCHLAFLY E.F., et al.
2020ApJ...896...27R 17       D               3 36 ~ Tracking the evolutionary stage of protostars through the abundances of astrophysical ices. ROCHA W.R.M. and PILLING S.
2020ApJ...899...10T 43           X         1 38 21 FRagmentation and evolution of dense cores judged by ALMA (FREJA). I. Overview: inner ∼1000 au structures of Prestellar/Protostellar cores in Taurus. TOKUDA K., FUJISHIRO K., TACHIHARA K., et al.
2020MNRAS.498.5863D 170           X C       3 22 13 Constraining the distance to the North Polar Spur with Gaia DR2. DAS K.K., ZUCKER C., SPEAGLE J.S., et al.
2020ApJ...903...46C 130           X         3 4 10 Simultaneous evolution of the virial parameter and star formation rate in molecular clumps undergoing global hierarchical collapse. CAMACHO V., VAZQUEZ-SEMADENI E., PALAU A., et al.
2020ApJ...903..141S 43           X         1 24 ~ Statistical properties of habitable zones in stellar binary systems. SIMONETTI P., VLADILO G., SILVA L., et al.
2020ApJ...904L...6A 228           X         5 3 46 A case of simultaneous star and planet formation. ALVES F.O., CLEEVES L.I., GIRART J.M., et al.
2020ApJ...904...86C 1022     A D S   X C       23 44 ~ Observations of the onset of complex organic molecule formation in interstellar ices. CHU L.E.U., HODAPP K. and BOOGERT A.
2020ApJ...904..136E 85           X         2 5 ~ Temperature structure of the Pipe nebula studied by the intensity anomaly of the OH 18 cm transition. EBISAWA Y., SAKAI N., MENTEN K.M., et al.
2020ApJ...905..158W 44           X         1 18 24 Formation of the Hub-filament system G33.92+0.11: local interplay between gravity, velocity, and magnetic field. WANG J.-W., KOCH P.M., GALVAN-MADRID R., et al.
2021ApJ...906...73H viz 45           X         1 41 58 Observational constraints on the physical properties of interstellar dust in the post-Planck era. HENSLEY B.S. and DRAINE B.T.
2021MNRAS.501.4317P 44           X         1 18 6 Planet formation in intermediate-separation binary systems. PANIC O., HAWORTH T.J., PETR-GOTZENS M.G., et al.
2021ApJ...912...64Z 131           X         3 9 4 Near-IR observations of the young star [BHB2007]-1: a substellar companion opening the gap in the disk. ZURLO A., GARUFI A., PEREZ S., et al.
2021ApJ...918....2C 1088     A D S   X C       24 30 ~ Constraining spatial densities of early ice formation in small dense molecular cores from extinction maps. CHU L.E.U. and HODAPP K.W.
2021ApJ...919...35Z 87           X         2 45 32 On the three-dimensional structure of local molecular clouds. ZUCKER C., GOODMAN A., ALVES J., et al.
2021ApJ...920....7S 2594 T   A S   X C       57 41 ~ FORCAST imaging of two small nearby clusters: the Coronet and
B 59.
2021ApJ...922...87S 87             C       1 29 15 Are massive dense clumps truly subvirial? A new analysis Using Gould Belt ammonia data. SINGH A., MATZNER C.D., FRIESEN R.K., et al.
2022A&A...657A.129A viz 18       D               1 25 10 Youth analysis of near-infrared spectra of young low-mass stars and brown dwarfs. ALMENDROS-ABAD V., MUZIC K., MOITINHO A., et al.
2022A&A...661A..40S viz 45           X         1 47 ~ X-raying the Sco-Cen OB association: The low-mass stellar population revealed by eROSITA. SCHMITT J.H.M.M., CZESLA S., FREUND S., et al.
2022A&A...664A.171V 90           X         2 7 2 FAUST. V. Hot methanol in the [BHB2007] 11 protobinary system: hot corino versus shock origin. VASTEL C., ALVES F., CECCARELLI C., et al.
2023MNRAS.520.4646K 47           X         1 30 ~ A low-mass hub-filament with double centre revealed in NGC 2071-North. KONYVES V., WARD-THOMPSON D., SHIMAJIRI Y., et al.
2023A&A...673A..58M 140           X         3 27 1 VISIONS: the VISTA Star Formation Atlas I. Survey overview. MEINGAST S., ALVES J., BOUY H., et al.
2023MNRAS.518.5620W 47           X         1 24 6 The SPHERE view of three interacting twin disc systems in polarized light. WEBER P., PEREZ S., GUIDI G., et al.
2023MNRAS.519.2578D 140           X         3 11 ~ The impact of the initial core temperature on protostellar disc fragmentation. DI SIGALOTTI L.G., CRUZ F., HARETER M., et al.
2023A&A...674A..21M viz 47           X         1 39 8 Gaia Data Release 3 Validating the classification of variable young stellar object candidates. MARTON G., ABRAHAM P., RIMOLDINI L., et al.
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