K2-304b , the SIMBAD biblio

K2-304b , the SIMBAD biblio (3 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST04:33:06

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Title First 3 Authors
2019A&A...627A..66H 84             C       2 36 17 Transit least-squares survey. II. Discovery and validation of 17 new sub- to super-Earth-sized planets in multi-planet systems from K2. HELLER R., HIPPKE M. and RODENBECK K.
2019ApJS..244...11K viz 17       D               1 2119 48 Detection of hundreds of new planet candidates and eclipsing binaries in K2 campaigns 0-8. KRUSE E., AGOL E., LUGER R., et al.
2021MNRAS.508..195D 104       D     X         3 173 14 37 new validated planets in overlapping K2 campaigns. DE LEON J.P., LIVINGSTON J., ENDL M., et al.

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