ICRF J145907.5+714019 , the SIMBAD biblio

ICRF J145907.5+714019 , the SIMBAD biblio (498 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST05:15:48

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Title First 3 Authors
1963MNRAS.125..261C 161 230 The radio frequency spectra of discrete radio sources. CONWAY R.G., KELLERMANN K.I. and LONG R.J.
1963MmRAS..68..163B 331 ~ The revised 3C catalogue of radio sources. BENNETT A.S.
1964ApJ...140..969K 241 162 The spectra of non-thermal radio sources. KELLERMANN K.I.
1965MNRAS.131..159C 159 26 Observations of radio sources at 612 and 1400 Mc/s. CONWAY R.G. and LONG R.J.
1965Obs....85...67C 85 7 Some radio source flux density measurements at 178 Mc/s. CLARKE M.E.
1966ApJ...144..459W 329 283 Optical identification of radio sources in the 3C revised catalogue. WYNDHAM J.D.
1966ApJ...144..861V 134 83 Optical positions for radio sources in the 3C revised catalogue. VERON P.
1966ApJ...145...21C 194 62 Radio-source fringe visibilities with an interferometer of 21500-wavelength base line. CLARK B.G. and HOGG D.E.
1966ApJS...13...65P viz 736 224 Positions and flux densities of radio sources. PAULINY-TOTH I.I.K., WADE C.M. and HEESCHEN D.S.
1968AJ.....73..298K 640 89 Measurements of the flux density of discrete radio sources at centimeter wawelengths. I. Observations at 2695 MHz. (11.3cm). KELLERMANN K.I., PAULINY-TOTH I.I.K. and TYLER W.C.
1968AJ.....73..953P 507 86 Measurements of the flux density and spectra of discrete sources at centimeter wavelengths. II. The observations at 5 GHz (6cm). PAULINY-TOTH I.I.K. and KELLERMANN K.I.
1968ApJS...15..203F 535 123 The east-west structure of radio sources at 1425 MHz. FOMALONT E.B.
1968ApJS...16..373B 233 66 Brightness distributions of radio sources at 2695 MHz. BASH F.N.
1969A&A.....1..156B 17 24 Mesures de polarisation avec le radiotelescope de Nancay. Detection de polarisation circulaire dans les quasars a 2695 MHz. BIRAUD F.
1969AJ.....74..366R viz 210 54 Spectral flux densities of radio sources at 22.25 MHz. I. ROGER R.S., COSTAIN C.H. and LACEY J.D.
1969AJ.....74..827D 146 22 Flux densities of radio sources at a wavelength of 2.8 cm. DOHERTY L.H., MacLEOD J.M. and PURTON C.R.
1969ApJ...156..815B 157 32 Polarization of discrete sources at 21.2-cm wavelength, and galactic depolarization. BOLOGNA J.M., McCLAIN E.F. and SLOANAKER R.M.
1969ApJ...157....1K 315 764 The spectra of radio sources in the revised 3C catalogue. KELLERMANN K.I., PAULINY-TOTH I.I.K. and WILLIAMS P.J.S.
1969MNRAS.145..181C 562 58 A pencil-beam survey of radio sources at 178 MHz. CASWELL J.L. and CROWTHER J.H.
1969MNRAS.146..213D 40 22 Interferometric observations with a baseline of 127 kilometres-I. DONALDSON W., MILEY G.K., PALMER H.P., et al.
1969MNRAS.146..313B 61 35 Long baseline interferometer, observations at 408 and 448 MHz. I. The observations. BROTEN N.W., CLARKE R.W., LEGG T.H., et al.
1969MNRAS.146..361E 75 100 Observations of the structure of radio sources in the 3C catalogue. III. The absolute determination of positions of 78 compact sources. ELSMORE B. and MacKAY C.D.
1970A&A.....8...98H 18 31 The minimum observable diameter of radio sources. HARRIS D.E., ZEISSIG G.A. and LOVELACE R.V.
1970ApJ...159..341O 28 162 Absolute spectral energy distribution of quasi-stellar objects from 0.3 to 2.2 microns. OKE J.B. and NEUGEBAUER G.
1970ApJ...162...31K 47 ~ Precise positions of radio sources. II. Optical measurements. KRISTIAN J. and SANDAGE A.
1970ApJ...162..381W 46 76 Precise positions of radio sources. I. Radio measurements. WADE C.M.
1971AJ.....76....5F 354 74 Positions of 352 small-diameter radio sources. FOMALONT E.B. and MOFFET A.T.
1971ApJ...169....1K 42 101 High-resolution observations of compact radio sources at 6 and 18 centimeters. KELLERMANN K.I., JAUNCEY D.L., COHEN M.H., et al.
1971ApJS...23..323H 98 194 An absorption-line study of the galactic neutral hydrogen at 21 centimeters wavelength. HUGHES M.P., THOMPSON A.R. and COLVIN R.S.
1971MNRAS.152..477M 128 206 The radio structure of quasars - A statistical investigation. MILEY G.K.
1971PASP...83..611D 202 88 A catalogue of quasars. DE VENY J.B., OSBORN W.H. and JANES K.
1972AJ.....77..444B 47 13 Optical positions of forty-eight quasistellar objects. BARBIERI C., CAPACCIOLI M., GANZ R., et al.
1972MNRAS.156..275K 62 37 The polarization of radio sources with appreciable redshift. KRONBERG P.P., CONWAY R.G. and GILBERT J.A.
1972MNRAS.160..197A 21 34 Optical positions for 21 3C objects. ARGUE A.N. and KENWORTHY C.M.
1972MNRAS.160..305W 44 61 Observations of radio sources with an interferometer of 24-KM baseline -III. The angular structure at 408 and 1423 MHz of 44 relatively intense radio sources. WILKINSON P.N.
1973AJ.....78..521W 180 87 Optical identifications of radio sources using accurate radio and optical positions. WILLS B.J., WILLS D. and DOUGLAS J.N.
1973AJ.....78..828K 501 88 Measurements of the flux density and spectra of discrete radio sources at centimeter wavelengths. IV. The observations at 10.7 GHz (2.8 cm). KELLERMANN K.I. and PAULINY-TOTH I.I.K.
1973AJ.....78.1030R 227 162 The low-frequency spectra of nonthermal radio sources. ROGER R.S., BRIDLE A.H. and COSTAIN C.H.
1973ApJ...183..805B 33 32 Precise positions of radio sources. IV. Improved solutions and error analysis for 59 sources. BROSCHE P., WADE C.M. and HJELLMING R.M.
1974A&A....33..351D 9 45 High resolution 6 cm observations of Seyfert galaxy nuclei. DE BRUYN A.G. and WILLIS A.G.
1974PASP...86..873G 93 55 The degree of optical variability of quasi-stellar objects. GRANDI S.A. and TIFFT W.G.
1975A&A....42...25L 33 55 Neutral hydrogen absorption spectra. LAZAREFF B.
1975A&A....42..119G 12 27 Detection of a 21 cm absorption line against the suggested galaxy/QSO pair NGC 3067/3C 232. GREWING M. and MEBOLD U.
1975AJ.....80....1K 178 23 Radio spectra and red shifts of 179 QSOs. KRAUS J.D. and GEARHART M.R.
1975MNRAS.170...15S 37 45 Optical monitoring of radio sources - IV. Results up to 1973 April. SELMES R.A., TRITTON K.P. and WORDSWORTH R.W.
1975MmSAI..46..461B 493 7 Catalogue of quasi-stellar-objects. BARBIERI C., CAPACCIOLI M. and ZAMBON M.
1976A&A....46..109H 13 45 Aperture synthesis observations of W 3 (OH) (G 133.9+1) HARTEN R.H.
1976A&A....46..243D 2 6 60 The radio sources in the nuclei of NGC 3031 and NGC 4594. DE BRUYN A.G., CRANE P.C., PRICE R.M., et al.
1976A&A....49..179J 31 92 A Westerbork survey of rich clusters of galaxies. III. Observations of the Coma cluster at 610 MHz. JAFFE W.J., PEROLA G.C. and VALENTIJN E.A.
1976AJ.....81..574P 412 12 Radio two-color diagram for QSOs, spiral galaxies, and BL Lac objets. PACHT E.
1976AJ.....81.1084G 213 28 Measurements of the flux densities and spectra of discrete radio sources at centimeter wavelengths. The observations at 14.9 GHz (2 cm). GENZEL R., PAULINY-TOTH I.I.K., PREUSS E., et al.
1977A&A....59..433W 18 2 Precision estimation of precession and nutation from radio interferometric observations. WALTER H.G.
1977A&AS...27..205S 398 12 A comprehensive catalogue of quasi-stellar objects. SMITH-HAENNI A.L.
1977A&AS...30..131V 227 20 A study of the revised 3C catalogue. I. Confusion and resolution. VERON P.
1977AJ.....82...21B 456 21 Variability of extragalactic sources at 2.7 GHz II. Flux densities of 550 sources and further evidence for variations. BRIDLE A.H., KESTEVEN M.J.L. and BRANDIE G.W.
1977ApJ...218....8K 9 24 The radio structure and optical field of 3C 303. KRONBERG P.P., BURBIDGE E.M., SMITH H.E., et al.
1977MNRAS.179..153A 81 61 Observations of the flux density and linear polarization of compact extragalactic radio sources at 3.7 and 11.1 cm wavelength. II. ALTSCHULER D.R. and WARDLE J.F.C.
1977MNRAS.179..719S 103 43 A comparative study of the properties of 3CR and 4C quasars. STANNARD D. and NEAL D.S.
1977MmRAS..84....1C 46 105 Accurate position measurements and optical identifications for radio sources selected at 966 MHz. COHEN A.M., PORCAS R.W., BROWNE I.W.A., et al.
1978A&A....70...13M 53 1 Statistical analysis of discrepant redshift associations. II. QSO-galaxy and QSO-QSO pairs. MOLES M. and NOTTALE L.
1978A&AS...34..129M 124 120 Radio intensity and polarization distributions of quasars at three frequencies. MILEY G.K. and HARTSUIJKER A.P.
1978AJ.....83..560W 38 9 A high declination search at 8 GHz for compact radio sources. WITTELS J.J., SHAPIRO I.I., ROBERTSON D.S., et al.
1978AJ.....83..863A 105 129 A ten-year study of extragalactic variables sources at centimeter wavelengths. ANDREW B.H., MacLEOD J.M., HARVEY G.A., et al.
1978ApJ...221..456C 75 153 Compact radio sources in and near bright galaxies. CONDON J.J. and DRESSEL L.L.
1978ApJ...226...21P 7 17 Absorption lines in the spectra of low-redshift Quasi-Stellar Objects. PETERSON B.M. and STRITTMATTER P.A.
1978MNRAS.182..127H 57 43 The angular diameter-redshift test for quasi-stellar radio sources with large redshifts. HOOLEY A., LONGAIR M.S. and RILEY J.M.
1978PASP...90..337P 122 60 Absorption in the spectra of Quasi-Stellar Objects and BL Lacertae objects. PERRY J.J., BURBIDGE E.M. and BURBIDGE G.R.
1979A&A....73...54P 51 12 A Westerbork Survey of rich clusters of galaxies. IX. The radio luminosity function of the Hercules Supercluster at 610 MHz. PEROLA G.C. and VALENTIJN E.A.
1979ApJ...233..453J 40 69 Observations at 610 MHz of radio halos in clusters of galaxies. JAFFE W.J. and RUDNICK L.
1979PASJ...31..125S 155 39 Intergalactic magnetic fields and Faraday rotation of extragalactic radio sources. SOFUE Y., FUJIMOTO M. and KAWABATA K.-A.
1980A&AS...41..151H viz 8 5 224 A radio continuum survey of bright galaxies at 1415 MHz. HUMMEL E.
1980ApJ...235..694A 1 56 348 On the simultaneous analysis of several complete samples. The V/Vmax and Ve/Va variables, with applications to quasars. AVNI Y. and BAHCALL J.N.
1981A&A....98..300T 108 15 A study of galactic absorption as revealed by the reddenings of quasars. TEERIKORPI P.
1981ApJ...245..357Z 1 99 555 X-ray studies of quasars with the Einstein Observatory. II. ZAMORANI G., HENRY J.P., MACCACARO T., et al.
1981ApJS...45...97S viz 420 305 The Faraday rotation measures of extragalactic radio sources. SIMARD-NORMANDIN M., KRONBERG P.P. and BUTTON S.
1981ApJS...46..239S 266 23 Linear polarization of extragalactic radio sources at 3.71 and 11.1 centimeters. SIMARD-NORMANDIN M., KRONBERG P.P. and BUTTON S.
1981MNRAS.194..301L 24 41 Observations of compact radio sources with the 5-km telescope. LAING R.A.
1981MNRAS.194..331P 179 110 Bright extragalactic radio sources at 2.7 GHz - I. The northern hemisphere catalogue. PEACOCK J.A. and WALL J.V.
1982MNRAS.198..843P 69 161 Bright extragalactic radio sources at 2.7 GHz- II. Observations with the Cambridge 5-km telescope. PEACOCK J.A. and WALL J.V.
1982IAUS...97..149W 6 15 Kiloparsec scale structure in high luminosity radio sources observed with MTRLI. WILKINSON P.N.
1983A&A...120..313S 5 18 The influence of ionospheric refraction on radio astronomy interferometry. SPOELSTRA T.A.T.
1983AJ.....88..709H 343 145 Are wide-angle radio-tail QSOs members of clusters of galaxies ? I. VLA maps at 20 cm of 117 radio quasars. HINTZEN P., ULVESTAD J. and OWEN F.
1983AJ.....88.1126G 75 6 31.4 GHz flux density measurements of a complete sample of sources from the 5 GHz S5 survey. GELDZAHLER B.J. and KUHR H.
1983ApJ...268...60T 33 71 X-ray studies of quasars with the Einstein Observatory. III. The 3CR sample. TANANBAUM H., WARDLE J.F.C., ZAMORANI G., et al.
1983ApJS...52..293W 120 54 A catalog of high accuracy polarization measurements. WEILER K.W. and DE PATER I.
1983MNRAS.203..861C 66 11 Optical positions of quasars. CLEMENTS E.D.
1983MNRAS.204..151L viz 190 852 Bright radio sources at 178 MHz: flux densities, optical identifications and the cosmological evolution of powerful radio galaxies. LAING R.A., RILEY J.M. and LONGAIR M.S.
1983BAAS...15..976S 69 T                   1 5 0 High resolution maps of the quasars 3C 48, 3C 147,
3C 309.1, 3C 380 and 3C 454.3 using 90 cm VLBI.
1984A&A...131...81M 221 5 One more sample supporting the cosmological evolution of flat-spectrum quasars. MAVRIDES S. and MUTUS H.
1984A&AS...55..179B 4 6 129 A high resolution hydrogen line survey of Messier 31. I. Observations and data reduction. BRINKS E. and SHANE W.W.
1984A&AS...56..245B 409 21 A high resolution radio continuum survey of Messier 31. I. Observations at 610 MHz, data reduction, and the 36W catalogue of radio sources. BYSTEDT J.E.V., BRINKS E., DE BRUYN A.G., et al.
1984AJ.....89....5V 2 24 263 Studies of kiloparsec-scale steep-spectrum radio cores. I. VLA maps. VAN BREUGEL W., MILEY G. and HECKMAN T.
1984AJ.....89..987F 118 43 Radio interferometric determination of source positions utilizing deep space network antennas - 1971 to 1980. FANSELOW J.L., SOVERS O.J., THOMAS J.B., et al.
1984ApJ...278...28Z 47 69 X-ray variability of quasars. ZAMORANI G., GIOMMI P., MACCACARO T., et al.
1984ApJ...279...19W 125 82 The rotation measure distribution of QSOs and of intervening clouds: magnetic fields and column densities. WELTER G.L., PERRY J.J. and KRONBERG P.P.
1984ApJ...279..465M 240 160 A comparison of the properties of highly polarized QSOs versus low-polarization QSOs. MOORE R.L. and STOCKMAN H.S.
1984ApJ...279..485S 142 147 The optical polarization properties of "normal" quasars. STOCKMAN H.S., MOORE R.L. and ANGEL J.R.P.
1984ApJS...54..495G 106 44 An imaging survey of fields around quasars. I. A catalog GREEN R.F. and YEE H.K.C.
1984MNRAS.209..525S 35 18 On the separation ratio of the outer radio components in quasars. SAIKIA D.J.
1984MNRAS.210..611A 206 26 Variations of the linear sizes of extragalactic radio sources with radio luminosity and redshift. ALLINGTON-SMITH J.R.
1984ARA&A..22..319B 191 769 Extragalactic radio jets. BRIDLE A.H. and PERLEY R.A.
1984IAUS..110...15P 65 48 VLBI survey of a complete sample of active nuclei and quasars. PEARSON T.J. and READHEAD A.C.S.
1985A&A...143..292F 25 105 Compact steep spectrum 3 CR radio sources. VLBI observations at 18 cm. FANTI C., FANTI R., PARMA P., et al.
1985A&AS...61..451W viz 256 36 A high resolution radio continuum survey of Messier 31. II. Observations at 1412 MHz, data reduction and the 37W catalogue of radio sources. WALTERBOS R.A.M., BRINKS E. and SHANE W.W.
1985AJ.....90...30R 87 51 Alignment of radio and optical polarization with VLBI structure. RUSK R. and SEAQUIST E.R.
1985AJ.....90..738P 36 115 Compact radio sources in the 3C catalog. PEARSON T.J., PERLEY R.A. and READHEAD A.C.S.
1985AJ.....90.1599P 1228 160 A VLBI survey at 2.29 GHz. PRESTON R.A., MORABITO D.D., WILLIAMS J.G., et al.
1985MNRAS.216..173W viz 224 312 Bright extragalactic radio sources at 2.7 GHz- III. The all-sky catalogue. WALL J.V. and PEACOCK J.A.
1985PASP...97..932S viz 301 455 A third update of the status of the 3 CR sources: further new redshifts and new identifications of distant galaxies. SPINRAD H., DJORGOVSKI S., MARR J., et al.
1985AISAO..19...60A 11 12 Determination of flux-densities with the help of the broad-band radiometers of the continuous spectrum of the radiotelescope RATAN-600. ALIAKBEROV K.D., MINGALIEV M.G., NAUGOLNAYA M.N., et al.
1985AZh....62..816L 6 1 Measurements of the Earth's rotation parameters and the love numbers h, l, and k by an astrometric very long baseline interferometer. LIPATOV B.N. and SIZOV A.S.
1985Ap&SS.115..107S 168 1 Redshifts of the brightest X-ray QSO's. SAPRE A.K. and MISHRA V.D.
1985BAAS...17..578S 12 0 Deep 21 cm radio imaging of 1 degree fields around 12 core-dominated radio sources. SIMON R.S., SPENCER J.H. and JOHNSTON K.J.
1986A&AS...65..485R viz 407 21 Spectral flux densities of radio sources at 22 MHz. ROGER R.S., COSTAIN C.H. and STEWART D.I.
1986AJ.....91..354Y 661 25 On optical studies of high-velocity clouds. YORK D.G., BURKS G.S. and GIBNEY T.B.
1986ApJS...62..681Y 30 47 Surveys of fields around quasars. III. Intermediate-redshift quasars: catalog and background galaxy counts. YEE H.K.C., GREEN R.F. and STOCKMAN H.S.
1986MNRAS.220...51K 124 52 X-ray and radio core emission in radio quasars. KEMBHAVI A., FEIGELSON E.D. and SINGH K.P.
1986MNRAS.222..787M 231 29 A search for QSOs in the fields of nearby galaxies - II. NGC 55, 253, 300 and 5364. MONK A.S., PENSTON M.V., PETTINI M., et al.
1986QJRAS..27..413T 2 8 80 MERLIN. THOMASSON P.
1986IAUS..119..165W 71 T                   1 2 17 The nuclear jets in
3C 309.1 and 3C 380.
1987A&AS...67..509D 7 4 115 A survey of the neutral atomic hydrogen in M 33. DEUL E.R. and VAN DER HULST J.M.
1987AJ.....93.1484M 267 27 A systematic search for long-term variability in a large sample of X-ray sources. MACCACARO T., GARILLI B. and MEREGHETTI S.
1987AJ.....94.1493H 1 32 180 Rapid variability of extragalactic radio sources. HEESCHEN D.S., KRICHBAUM T., SCHALINSKI C.J., et al.
1987ApJ...313..596W 111 159 X-ray studies of quasars with the Einstein Observatory. IV. X-ray dependence on radio emission. WORRALL D.M., GIOMMI P., TANANBAUM H., et al.
1987ApJ...319...28Y 2 32 267 Surveys of fields around quasars. IV. Luminosity of galaxies at z 0.6 and preliminary evidence for the evolution of the environment of radio-loud quasars. YEE H.K.C. and GREEN R.F.
1987MNRAS.226..601B 136 129 Beaming and the X-ray, optical and radio properties of quasars. BROWNE I.W.A. and MURPHY O.V.
1987AISAO..25...84T 73 6 Multifrequency radio observations of supernova remnants in the rangebetween l=85 and l=135. TRUSHKIN S.A., VITKOVSKIJ V.V. and NIZHELSKIJ N.A.
1987Ap&SS.134...35Y 315 2 The spectral properties of quasars. YU K.N.
1988A&AS...75..317S 296 145 Millimeter continuum measurements of extragalactic radio sources. STEPPE H., SALTER C.J., CHINI R., et al.
1988ApJ...328..114P 1 65 378 The milliarcsecond structure of a complete sample of radio sources. II. First-epoch maps at 5 GHz. PEARSON T.J. and READHEAD A.C.S.
1988ApJ...329..122H 91 56 Radio evolution of quasars at z<1. HUTCHINGS J.B., PRICE R. and GOWER A.C.
1988ApJ...334...95R 28 58 Jet precession in active galaxies. ROOS N.
1988MNRAS.233...87S 462 50 Cosmic evolution of the physical sizes of extragalactic radio sources and their luminosity-size correlation. SINGAL A.K.
1988Ap&SS.141..303B 677 71 Catalogue of unambiguous (Faraday-thin, one-component, spectrum-selected) rotation measures for galaxies and quasars. BROTEN N.W., MacLEOD J.M. and VALLEE J.P.
1988IzKry..78..112M 168 2 High sensitivity observations at the wavelength 8,2 mm of complete sample of extragalactic radio sources. MOISEEV I.G., NESTEROV N.S., EFANOV S.V., et al.
1988Natur.333..319B 129 154 Evolution of radio structure in quasars : a new probe of protogalaxies ? BARTHEL P.D. and MILEY G.K.
1988IAUS..129..115V 5 6 Small steep-spectrum sources : jets colliding with ambient gas. VAN BREUGEL W., REN-DONG N., SCHILIZZI R.T., et al.
1988IAUS..129..129K 5 7 VLBI structure of the QSO 3C 286. KUS A.J., MARECKI A., NEFF S., et al.
1989AJ.....97..777E 174 366 Accurate galactic N H values towards quasars and AGN. ELVIS M., LOCKMAN F.J. and WILKES B.J.
1989AJ.....98.1208H 40 78 A complete sample of double-lobed radio quasars for VLBI tests of source models : definition and statistics. HOUGH D.H. and READHEAD A.C.S.
1989ApJ...336..606B 5 50 1009 Is every quasar beamed ? BARTHEL P.D.
1989ApJ...339...27C 71 67 The X-ray spectra of high-redshift quasars. CANIZARES C.R. and WHITE J.L.
1989ApJS...69....1H 1594 191 The first addition to the new optical catalog of quasi-stellar objects. HEWITT A. and BURBIDGE G.
1989MNRAS.240..657S 54 139 MERLIN and VLA observations of compact steep-spectrum radio sources. SPENCER R.E., McDOWELL J.C., CHARLESWORTH M., et al.
1990A&A...231..333F 1 47 359 On the nature of compact steep spectrum radio sources. FANTI R., FANTI C., SCHILIZZI R.T., et al.
1990AJ.....99..857D 1 5 38 A stellar wind blown bubble associated with the Wolf-Rayet star HD 197406. DUBNER G.M., NIEMELA V.S. and PURTON C.R.
1990ApJ...354..124I 161 171 The optical polarization properties of quasars. IMPEY C.D. and TAPIA S.
1990ApJ...354..140S 2 4 32 Images of four compact steep-spectrum quasars with a resolution of 20 milliarcseconds at 329.1 MHz. SIMON R.S., READHEAD A.C.S., MOFFET A.T., et al.
1990ApJS...74..675B 864 48 Associations between quasi-stellar objects and galaxies. BURBIDGE G., HEWITT A., NARLIKAR J.V., et al.
1990MNRAS.244..233R viz 24 93 A deep 38-MHz radio survey of the area delta >+60. REES N.
1990MNRAS.244..680F 73 T                   1 3 47 Extended emission-line gas around the quasars 3C 254 and
3C 309.1. Very massive cooling flows.
1990MNRAS.244..750J 1 3 12 Observations of the quasar 0800+608. JACKSON N., BROWNE I.W.A., SHONE D.L., et al.
1990AcASn..31..260N 28 0 Snap-shot VLBI observations for CSS radio sources at 50 cm. NAN R.-D., SCHILIZZI R.T., FANTI C., et al.
1990JRASC..84..199R 93 10 Optical polarization properties of compact radio sources. RUSK R.
1991A&A...249..337A 5 14 3C 43 : a jet deflected by dense gas ? AKUJOR C.E., SPENCER R.E. and SAIKIA D.J.
1991A&A...252..513N 22 36 VLBI observations of 24 3CR CSS radio sources at 50 cm. NAN R.-D., SCHILIZZI R.T., FANTI C., et al.
1991A&AS...87..177R 19 39 Radio recombination lione observations of the galactic HII complex W 3. ROELFSEMA P.R. and GOSS W.M.
1991ApJ...366...16B 54 31 Comparison of VLBI radio-core and X-ray flux densities of extragalactic radio sources. BLOOM S.D. and MARSCHER A.P.
1991ApJ...370..243D 6 14 IRAS 23545+6508, a dissociating star: prototype for a new observational class ? DEWDNEY P.E., ROGER R.S., PURTON C.R., et al.
1991ApJ...375...46I 64 113 Optical polarization of a complete sample of radio sources. IMPEY C.D., LAWRENCE C.R. and TAPIA S.
1991ApJ...377...36O 95 5 Radio source orientation and the angular diameter-redshift relation. ONUORA L.I.
1991ApJ...381....6K 47 25 Bounds on intergalactic compact objects from observations of compact radio sources. KASSIOLA A., KOVNER I. and BLANDFORD R.D.
1991ApJ...382..433S 92 115 Emission-line and continuum properties of 92 bright QSOs : luminosity dependence and differences between radio-selected and optically selected samples. STEIDEL C.C. and SARGENT W.L.W.
1991MNRAS.248...58W 46 14 QSO absorption lines and rotation measures. WATSON A.M. and PERRY J.J.
1991MNRAS.248..139C 5 9 Implications of the ionizing continuum of 3C 263. CRAWFORD C.S., FABIAN A.C., GEORGE I.M., et al.
1991MNRAS.250..225S 26 96 High-resolution observations of eight 3CR compact steep-spectrum radio sources. SPENCER R.E., SCHILIZZI R.T., FANTI C., et al.
1991MNRAS.251...46H viz 33 46 The 6C survey of radio sources - IV. The zone 67 < delta< 82, 0h < alpha < 24h HALES S.E.G., MAYER C.J., WARNER P.J., et al.
1992A&A...256...56V 27 80 Compact steep-spectrum 3 CR sources : VLA observations at 1.5, 15 and 22.5 GHz. VAN BREUGEL W.J.M., FANTI C., FANTI R., et al.
1992A&A...257..459F 10 35 The curved jets in 3C216 and 3C446. FEJES I., PORCAS R.W. and AKUJOR C.E.
1992A&AS...95..249L 232 10 A finding list of extragalactic radio jets and statistical results. LIU F.K. and XIE G.Z.
1992ApJ...391...39H 117 62 The infrared properties of quasars and radio galaxies: testing the unification schemes. HECKMAN T.M., CHAMBERS K.C. and POSTMAN M.
1992ApJ...398...74U 1 7 42 Kinematics of the parsec-scale relativistic jet in 3C 345. UNWIN S.C. and WEHRLE A.E.
1992ApJ...398..454W 267 218 A survey for high optical polarization in quasars with core-dominant radio structure: is there a beamed optical continuum ? WILLS B.J., WILLS D., BREGER M., et al.
1992ApJ...399...16A 61 97 Pearson-readhead survey sources : properties of the centimeter-wavelength flux and polarization of a complete radio sample. ALLER M.F., ALLER H.D. and HUGHES P.A.
1992ApJS...80....1S 103 328 Mg II absorption in the spectra of 103 QSOs: implications for the evolution of gas in high-redshift galaxies. STEIDEL C.C. and SARGENT W.L.W.
1992ApJS...81...83H viz 259 69 A compendium of radio spectra and luminosities for three complete samples of radio sources. HERBIG T. and READHEAD A.C.S.
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1993ApJ...407L..13H 11 13 Cooling flows and cluster evolution. HENRIKSEN M.J.
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1993ApJ...416..519C 45 106 Milliarcsecond polarization structure of 24 objects from the Pearson-Readhead sample of bright extragalactic radio sources. II. Discussion. CAWTHORNE T.V., WARDLE J.F.C., ROBERTS D.H., et al.
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1993PASP..105.1043W 40 10 Properties of low-redshift QSO absorption systems : QSO-galaxy pairs. WOMBLE D.S.
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1994A&AS..105..211S viz 527 137 The optical identification status of the 1 Jy radio source catalogue. STICKEL M., MEISENHEIMER K. and KUEHR H.
1994AJ....107..385F 124 9 Radio optical reference frame. VI. Additional source positions in the northern hemisphere. FEY A.L., RUSSELL J.L., DE VEGT C., et al.
1994AJ....107..461B 272 24 Hubble Space Telescope faint object spectrograph quasar absorption system snapshot survey (ABSNAP). I. Astrometric optical positions and finding charts of 269 bright QSOs. BOWEN D.V., OSMER S.J., BLADES J.C., et al.
1994AJ....107..892O 62 6 Test of unified schemes using jet opening angles. OPPENHEIMER B.R. and BIRETTA J.A.
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1994ApJ...427..125L viz 111 11 Orientation modeling of radio galaxy and quasar properties: evidence for a unified model. LISTER M.L., HUTCHINGS J.B. and GOWER A.C.
1994ApJ...430..467V viz 1 68 336 Superluminal motion statistics and cosmology. VERMEULEN R.C. and COHEN M.H.
1994ApJS...92...53W viz 515 204 The Einstein database of IPC X-ray observations of optically selected and radio-selected quasars. I. WILKES B.J., TANANBAUM H., WORRALL D.M., et al.
1994ApJS...93....1A 56 83 Mg II absorption in a sample of 56 steep-spectrum quasars. ALDCROFT T.L., BECHTOLD J. and ELVIS M.
1994MNRAS.270..897S 122 35 On the evidence against the unified scheme for radio galaxies and quasars. SAIKIA D.J. and KULKARNI V.K.
1994PASP..106..646K viz 3193 29 The HST quasar absorption-line key project. VIII. CCD imaging of Hubble Space Telescope quasar fields. KIRHAKOS S., SARGENT W.L.W., SCHNEIDER D.P., et al.
1994AcApS..14..290N 66 0 A hint to possible anisotropy in radio universe. NAN R.-D. and CAI Z.-D.
1994IAUS..159..366B 8 1 Rosat X-ray observations of pair Mrk 474/NGC 5682. BI H.G.
1995A&A...295..629S 65 81 High-resolution radio observations of compact steep spectrum sources. SANGHERA H.S., SAIKIA D.J., LUEDKE E., et al.
1995A&A...296..339J 1 4 16 HST observations of 3C305. JACKSON N., SPARKS W.B., MILEY G.K., et al.
1995A&A...302..317F 2 39 421 Are compact steep-spectrum sources young? FANTI C., FANTI R., DALLACASA D., et al.
1995A&AS..109..147B viz 629 94 The ROSAT AGN content of the 87GB 5 GHz survey: bulk properties of previously optically identified sources. BRINKMANN W., SIEBERT J., REICH W., et al.
1995A&AS..111..195H 9 6 233 The Hamburg Quasar Survey. I. Schmidt observations and plate digitization. HAGEN H.-J., GROOTE D., ENGELS D., et al.
1995A&AS..112..235A 30 71 Compact steep-spectrum sources - polarisation observations at 1.6, 4.9, 8.4 and 15 GHz. AKUJOR C.E. and GARRINGTON S.T.
1995A&AS..113..409S 76 41 Millimeter-wavelength observations of compact steep-spectrum sources. STEPPE H., JEYAKUMAR S., SAIKIA D.J., et al.
1995AJ....110..880J viz 632 155 A radio reference frame. JOHNSTON K.J., FEY A.L., ZACHARIAS N., et al.
1995ApJ...442..694R 9 28 HI, CO and IRAS observations of NGC 7023. ROGERS C., HEYER M.H. and DEWDNEY P.E.
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1995AcASn..36..147H 49 3 Statistic analysis of a sample of superluminal sources. HONG X.-Y., JIANG D.-R. and WAN T.-S.
1995Ap&SS.226...91O 3 2 The nature and environments of compact steep spectrum radio sources from studies of their angular sizes. ONUORA L.I. and UBACHUKWU A.A.
1995BAAS...27.1300W 2 ~ VLBA polarimetric observations of jets with large angle bends. WARDLE J.F.C., AARON S.E. and ROBERTS D.H.
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1995ARBei..26...55W 23 ~ The variability of extragalactic radio sources. WU S.
1996A&A...309....9B 123 37 The reality of anomalous redshifts in the spectra of some QSOs and its implications. BURBIDGE G.
1996A&A...310..419A 32 46 Misalignment and curvature effects in extragalactic radio sources. APPL S., SOL H. and VICENTE L.
1996A&A...315...86W 39 76 Molecular absorptions towards the AGN 1504+377. WIKLIND T. and COMBES F.
1996A&A...316...57A 109 19 X-ray observations of five galaxy-quasar associations. ARP H.
1996A&AS..115....1S viz 184 23 The current optical identification status of the S5 radio source catalogue. STICKEL M. and KUEHR H.
1996AJ....112...62T viz 227 6 A study of quasar absorption-line systems with IRAS. TANNER A.M., BECHTOLD J., WALKER C.E., et al.
1996ApJ...473..152P 69 15 Spectral diagnostics of blazar central engines. I. Observational implications. PUNSLY B.
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1996ApJS..102....1B 59 136 The profiles of H-beta and [O III] lambda-5007 in radio-loud quasars. BROTHERTON M.S.
1996ApJS..107..541L 68 153 Optical spectra of a complete sample of radio sources. I. The spectra. LAWRENCE C.R., ZUCKER J.R., READHEAD A.C.S., et al.
1996MNRAS.279..429N 43 58 Optical monitoring of luminous AGN - I. Radio-loud quasars. NETZER H., HELLER A., LOINGER F., et al.
1996MNRAS.282..421P 54 26 ROSAT observations of 3C radio-loud sources. PRIETO A.M.
1996PABei..14..227Z 28 0 Jets in active galaxies and quasars. I. ZHANG F.J. and AKUJOR C.E.
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1997AJ....113..148O 1 67 255 Constraints on radio source evolution from the compact steep spectrum and GZh peaked spectrum radio sources. O'DEA C.P. and BAUM S.A.
1997AJ....114.2254S 34 20 Temporal changes in quasar broad emission line profiles and the gravitationally lensed nature of Q1634+267A,B and Q2345+007A,B. SMALL T.A., SARGENT W.L.W. and STEIDEL C.C.
1997ApJS..110..191D 30 80 Hubble Space Telescope imaging of compact steep-spectrum radio sources. DE VRIES W.H., O'DEA C.P., BAUM S.A., et al.
1997ApJS..111...95F 134 173 VLBA observations of radio reference frame sources. II. Astrometric suitability based on observed structure. FEY A.L. and CHARLOT P.
1997MNRAS.286..241J 287 135 [O III] 500.7 spectroscopy of 3C galaxies and quasars at redshift z > 1. JACKSON N. and RAWLINGS S.
1997MNRAS.286..425W 1 28 95 How fast are the large-scale jets in quasars? Constraints on both Doppler beaming and intrinsic asymmetries. WARDLE J.F.C. and AARON S.E.
1997AcApS..17...13Q 52 0 A classification of relativistic beaming models and a relevant method of statistical test. QIN Y.-P., XIE G.-Z. and HE M.-C.
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1998A&A...330...79L 45   K                 13 363 Ultracompact jets in active galactic nuclei. LOBANOV A.P.
1998A&A...332..410H viz 170 121 Evidence for very large-scale coherent orientations of quasar polarization vectors. HUTSEMEKERS D.
1998A&A...333..790Q 8 4 The correlations between the core dominance parameter and the core and extended powers of quasars. QIN Y.-P., XIE G.-Z., BAI J.-M., et al.
1998A&A...334...39S 42 7 Do the central engines of quasars evolve by accretion? SRIANAND R. and GOPAL-KRISHNA
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1998AJ....115.1253P viz 184 208 The deep X-ray radio blazar survey. I. Methods and first results. PERLMAN E.S., PADOVANI P., GIOMMI P., et al.
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1998ApJ...506..637T 1 26 80 Magnetic fields in quasar cores. TAYLOR G.B.
1998MNRAS.294..327P 22 16 Superluminal motion in the parsec-scale jet in 3C 380. POLATIDIS A.G. and WILKINSON P.N.
1998MNRAS.299..467L 30 40 MERLIN polarization observations of compact steep-spectrum sources at 5 GHz. LUDKE E., GARRINGTON S.T., SPENCER R.E., et al.
1998MNRAS.300..625W 82 67 The radio luminosity function of radio-loud quasars from the 7C redshift survey. WILLOTT C.J., RAWLINGS S., BLUNDELL K.M., et al.
1998PASP..110..493O 3 91 860 The compact steep-spectrum and gigahertz peaked-spectrum radio sources. O'DEA C.P.
1998AcApS..18...45F 55 1 A statistical analysis of superluminal radio sources. FAN J.-H.
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1999A&A...345..769M 1 47 231 Synchrotron spectra and ages of compact steep spectrum radio sources. MURGIA M., FANTI C., FANTI R., et al.
1999AJ....118.1931V 9 12 The galactic magnetic field in the quasar 3C 216. VENTURI T. and TAYLOR G.B.
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1999ApJ...526...27D 31 66 Optical-radio alignment in compact steep-spectrum radio sources. DE VRIES W.H., O'DEA C.P., BAUM S.A., et al.
1999ApJS..123..351L 43 33 HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE snapshot survey of 3CR quasars: the data. LEHNERT M.D., MILEY G.K., SPARKS W.B., et al.
1999MNRAS.307..802C 197 68 Correlation between radio and broad-line emission in radio-loud quasars. CAO X. and JIANG D.R.
1999MNRAS.308.1096L 158 44 Optical spectroscopy of two overlapping, flux-density-limited samples of radio sources in the North Ecliptic Cap, selected at 38 and 151 MHz. LACY M., RAWLINGS S., HILL G.J., et al.
1999MNRAS.309..969H 91 128 ROSAT X-ray observations of 3CRR radio sources. HARDCASTLE M.J. and WORRALL D.M.
1999ARep...43....1A 16 9 Investigations of compact steep-spectrum radio sources using 102-MHz interplanetary-scintillation observations. ARTYUKH V.S., TYUL'BASHEV S.A. and CHERNIKOV P.A.
1999ARep...43..561P 9 3 Statistical analysis of radio jets in quasars. POPOV M.V. and KOVALEV Y.Y.
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2000A&A...353...77T viz 254 9 Evidence for the class of the most luminous quasars. II. Variability, polarization, and the gap in the MV distribution. TEERIKORPI P.
2000A&A...363..141R viz 752 25 Radio-loud active galaxies in the northern ROSAT All-Sky Survey. IV. Properties of sources stronger than 100 mJy at 5 GHz. REICH W., FUERST E., REICH P., et al.
2000A&AS..145....1P 40 31 Long-term monitoring of selected radio sources. PENG B., KRAUS A., KRICHBAUM T.P., et al.
2000MNRAS.311..846A 108 51 An asymmetric relativistic model for classical double radio sources. ARSHAKIAN T.G. and LONGAIR M.S.
2001A&A...372..719M 21 61 Dust emission from 3C radio galaxies and quasars: New ISO observations favour the unified scheme. MEISENHEIMER K., HAAS M., MUELLER S.A.H., et al.
2001A&A...373..381T         O           57 15 Properties of CSS radio sources from 102 MHz interplanetary scintillation observations. TYUL'BASHEV S.A. and CHERNIKOV P.A.
2001A&A...375..661G viz 264 23 Stability of the extragalactic VLBI reference frame. GONTIER A.-M., LE BAIL K., FEISSEL M., et al.
2001A&A...375..752T 73 7 Evidence for the class of the most luminous quasars. III. Linear sizes and the core-size relation of double radio sources. TEERIKORPI P.
2001AJ....121...21B 151 47 The distribution of redshifts in new samples of quasi-stellar objects. BURBIDGE G. and NAPIER W.M.
2001AJ....121.1741F 393 14 Extragalactic radio source selection for use in directly linking optical astrometric observations to the radio reference frame. FEY A.L., BOBOLTZ D.A., GAUME R.A., et al.
2001AJ....121.2843B viz 6250 77 Quasars in the 2MASS second incremental data release. BARKHOUSE W.A. and HALL P.B.
2001MNRAS.320..347C 141 33 The relation between extended radio and line emission for radio-loud quasars. CAO X. and JIANG D.R.
2001MNRAS.327..907J 72 46 On the redshift cut-off for steep-spectrum radio sources. JARVIS M.J., RAWLINGS S., WILLOTT C.J., et al.
2001MNRAS.327.1111G 87 97 On the masses of black holes in radio-loud quasars. GU M., CAO X. and JIANG D.R.
2001AcASn..42..148Y 53 0 A relativistic model of the movement of apparent superluminal radio sources. YU Q.-S.
2001JApA...22..263B 180 2 Variability of extragalactic objects in relation to redshift, color, radio spectral index and absorption lines. BASU D.
2002A&A...381..389A 27 17 Far-infrared/millimetre emission in 3C sources. Dust in radio galaxies and quasars. ANDREANI P., FOSBURY R.A.E., VAN BEMMEL I., et al.
2002A&A...381..757L viz 493 57 A new list of extra-galactic radio jets. LIU F.K. and ZHANG Y.H.
2002AJ....124..662Z 49 94 Sub-milliarcsecond imaging of quasars and active galactic nuclei. II. Additional sources. ZENSUS J.A., ROS E., KELLERMANN K.I., et al.
2002AJ....124..675C 2 56 372 Radio sources and star formation in the Local Universe. CONDON J.J., COTTON W.D. and BRODERICK J.J.
2002MNRAS.331..111C 60 18 Relation between radio core length and black hole mass for active galactic nuclei. CAO X. and JIANG D.R.
2003A&A...397...53T 4 13 156 The diffuse radio emission from the Coma cluster at 2.675 GHz and 4.85 GHz. THIERBACH M., KLEIN U. and WIELEBINSKI R.
2003A&A...403..105F         O           362 48 Selecting stable extragalactic compact radio sources from the permanent astrogeodetic VLBI program. FEISSEL-VERNIER M.
2003A&A...405..499S 34 18 Polarization asymmetry in CSS sources: Evidence of AGN fuel? SAIKIA D.J. and GUPTA N.
2003A&A...406..535Z viz 15       D               1 10288 80 The Hamburg/RASS Catalogue of optical identifications. Northern high-galactic latitude ROSAT Bright Source Catalogue X-ray sources. ZICKGRAF F.-J., ENGELS D., HAGEN H.-J., et al.
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2003ApJ...586...33A 66 86 Pearson-Readhead survey sources. II. The long-term centimeter-band total flux and linear polarization properties of a complete radio sample. ALLER M.F., ALLER H.D. and HUGHES P.A.
2003ApJ...591..695K 64 23 The cross-wavelet transform and analysis of quasi-periodic behavior in the Pearson-Readhead VLBI survey sources. KELLY B.C., HUGHES P.A., ALLER H.D., et al.
2003ApJ...599L..13F 27 11 Hot dust in radio-loud active galactic nuclei. FREUDLING W., SIEBENMORGEN R. and HAAS M.
2003MNRAS.346.1009H 33 13 Near-infrared spectroscopy of powerful compact steep-spectrum radio sources. HIRST P., JACKSON N. and RAWLINGS S.
2003PASA...20..113S 16 16 X-ray emission from gigahertz peaked/compact steep spectrum sources. SIEMIGINOWSKA A., ALDCROFT T.L., BECHTOLD J., et al.
2004A&A...421..129S 93 67 ISOCAM survey and dust models of 3CR radio galaxies and quasars. SIEBENMORGEN R., FREUDLING W., KRUEGEL E., et al.
2004A&A...424..531H 76 59 The ISOPHOT-MAMBO survey of 3CR radio sources: Further evidence for the unified schemes. HAAS M., MUELLER S.A.H., BERTOLDI F., et al.
2004A&A...425..825K 196 26 Optical nuclei of radio-loud AGN and the Fanaroff-Riley divide. KHARB P. and SHASTRI P.
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2004ApJ...603...28B 136 5 On the observed rapid motions in extragalactic radio sources. BURBIDGE G.
2004MNRAS.347..632W 11 18 The relationship between the X-ray and radio components in the compact steep-spectrum quasar 3C 48. WORRALL D.M., HARDCASTLE M.J., PEARSON T.J., et al.
2004MNRAS.351..733M 158 93 A transition in the accretion properties of radio-loud active nuclei. MARCHESINI D., CELOTTI A. and FERRARESE L.
2004ARep...48..941T viz 643 7 Construction of a celestial coordinate reference frame from VLBI data. TITOV O.A.
2005A&A...434..449R         O           47 9 Multi-frequency VLBA observations of compact sources from the Peacock and Wall catalogue. ROSSETTI A., MANTOVANI F., DALLACASA D., et al.
2005A&A...440L...5L 24 20 The ISO-2MASS AGN survey: on the type-1 sources. LEIPSKI C., HAAS M., MEUSINGER H., et al.
2005A&A...441..915H viz 353 157 Mapping extreme-scale alignments of quasar polarization vectors'. HUTSEMEKERS D., CABANAC R., LAMY H., et al.
2005A&A...444..443B 7 11 Large-scale motion, oscillations and a possible halo on the counter-jet side in 1803+784. BRITZEN S., KRICHBAUM T.P., STROM R.G., et al.
2005AJ....130.1389L viz 133 279 MOJAVE: Monitoring of Jets in Active Galactic Nuclei with VLBA Experiments. I. First-epoch 15GHz linear polarization images. LISTER M.L. and HOMAN D.C.
2005AJ....130.2473K viz 250 271 Sub-milliarcsecond imaging of quasars and active galactic nuclei. IV. Fine-scale structure. KOVALEV Y.Y., KELLERMANN K.I., LISTER M.L., et al.
2005ApJ...629...88S 47 49 Far-infrared observations of radio quasars and FR II radio galaxies. SHI Y., RIEKE G.H., HINES D.C., et al.
2006A&A...452.1107F         O           272 16 Analysis strategy issues for the maintenance of the ICRF axes. FEISSEL-VERNIER M., MA C., GONTIER A.-M., et al.
2006A&A...455..773V viz 108224 628 A catalogue of quasars and active nuclei: 12th edition. VERON-CETTY M.-P. and VERON P.
2006AJ....131.1262H viz 134 71 MOJAVE: Monitoring of Jets in Active Galactic Nuclei with VLBA Experiments. II. First-epoch 15GHz circular polarization results. HOMAN D.C. and LISTER M.L.
2006AJ....131.2900C 2 21 108 Deep 1.4 GHz very large array observations of the radio halo and relic in Abell 2256. CLARKE T.E. and ENSSLIN T.A.
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2006MNRAS.366..339B 20 37 High-redshift Faranoff-Riley type II radio galaxies: X-ray properties of the cores. BELSOLE E., WORRALL D.M. and HARDCASTLE M.J.
2006MNRAS.368.1395M 1 49 139 On the evolution of the black hole: spheroid mass ratio. McLURE R.J., JARVIS M.J., TARGETT T.A., et al.
2007A&A...462..547F         O           168 38 Radio variability properties for radio sources. FAN J.H., LIU Y., YUAN Y.H., et al.
2007ApJ...655L..73G 51 25 A relation between the mid-infrared [Ne V] 14.3 µm and [Ne III] 15.6 µm lines in active galactic nuclei. GORJIAN V., CLEARY K., WERNER M.W., et al.
2007ApJ...660..117C 84 121 Spitzer observations of 3C quasars and radio galaxies: mid-infrared properties of powerful radio sources. CLEARY K., LAWRENCE C.R., MARSHALL J.A., et al.
2007ApJ...664...53A viz 31831 13 Photometric selection of QSO candidates from GALEX sources. ATLEE D.W. and GOULD A.
2007PNAOC...4...11Y 162 0 Spectral of the radio sources. YUAN Y.-H. and LI J.
2007MNRAS.381.1109B 427       D     X C F     10 24 30 High-redshift Fanaroff-Riley type II radio sources: large-scale X-ray environment. BELSOLE E., WORRALL D.M., HARDCASTLE M.J., et al.
2007ApJ...669..841S 15       D               1 209 98 Aromatic features in AGNs: star-forming infrared luminosity function of AGN host galaxies. SHI Y., OGLE P., RIEKE G.H., et al.
2008A&A...478..121S 53       D     X         2 25 4 The X-ray emission of the most luminous 3CR radio sources. SALVATI M., RISALITI G., VERON P., et al.
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2008ApJS..174..313H viz 15       D               355 15 Radio frequency spectra of 388 bright 74 MHz sources. HELMBOLDT J.F., KASSIM N.E., COHEN A.S., et al.
2008ApJ...674..111C 15       D               1 67 27 MOJAVE: monitoring of jets in AGN with VLBA experiments. IV. The parent luminosity function of radio-loud blazars. CARA M. and LISTER M.L.
2008AJ....136..159L viz 90       D     X         3 128 113 A global 86 GHz VLBI survey of compact radio sources. LEE S.-S., LOBANOV A.P., KRICHBAUM T.P., et al.
2008PASJ...60..707F 38           X         1 92 10 Radio polarization properties for blazars. FAN J.-H., YUAN Y.-H., LIU Y., et al.
2008ApJ...684..811S 91       D       C       5 18 66 X-ray properties of the gigahertz peaked and compact steep spectrum sources. SIEMIGINOWSKA A., LAMASSA S., ALDCROFT T.L., et al.
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2012AJ....144..105H viz 94       D     X         3 67 173 MOJAVE: Monitoring of Jets in Active Galactic Nuclei with VLBA Experiments. VIII. Faraday rotation in parsec-scale AGN jets. HOVATTA T., LISTER M.L., ALLER M.F., et al.
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2013AJ....146..120L viz 250       D     X C       6 262 347 MOJAVE. X. Parsec-scale jet orientation variations and superluminal motion in active galactic nuclei. LISTER M.L., ALLER M.F., ALLER H.D., et al.
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2014MNRAS.440..269M viz 16       D               1 185 94 An X-ray survey of the 2 Jy sample - I. Is there an accretion mode dichotomy in radio-loud AGN ? MINGO B., HARDCASTLE M.J., CROSTON J.H., et al.
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2015ApJ...798..134H viz 16       D               1 96 98 MOJAVE. XII. Acceleration and collimation of blazar jets on parsec scales. HOMAN D.C., LISTER M.L., KOVALEV Y.Y., et al.
2015MNRAS.447.2726N 16       D               1 98 14 Intrinsic physical conditions and structure of relativistic jets in active galactic nuclei. NOKHRINA E.E., BESKIN V.S., KOVALEV Y.Y., et al.
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2015ApJ...810L...9L viz 16       D               1 183 30 Why have many of the brightest radio-loud blazars not been detected in gamma-rays by Fermi? LISTER M.L., ALLER M.F., ALLER H.D., et al.
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2016AJ....152...12L viz 56       D     X         2 348 199 MOJAVE: XIII. Parsec-scale AGN jet kinematics analysis based on 19 years of VLBA observations at 15 GHz. LISTER M.L., ALLER M.F., ALLER H.D., et al.
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2019ApJ...874...43L viz 59       D     X         2 435 150 MOJAVE. XVII. Jet kinematics and parent population properties of relativistically beamed radio-loud blazars. LISTER M.L., HOMAN D.C., HOVATTA T., et al.
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