GRB 020903 , the SIMBAD biblio

GRB 020903 , the SIMBAD biblio (234 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST03:02:34

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2002GCN..1530....1R 76 T                   1 9
GRB020903 (=H2314): an X-ray flash localized by HETE.
2002GCN..1531....1T 73 T                   1 1

XRF 020903,
optical observations.
2002GCN..1533....1P 74 T                   1 4
XRF 020903: optical observations.
2002GCN..1535....1P 74 T                   1 3
XRF 020903: optical observations.
2002GCN..1537....1U 74 T                   1 4
XRF 020903: optical observation at Kyoto.
2002GCN..1554....1S 76 T                   3 28
XRF 020903: supernova.
2002GCN..1555....1B 75 T                   1 6 Radio observations of
XRF 020903: the missing link.
2002GCN..1556....1G 74 T                   1 3
XRF 020903: archival optical images.
2002GCN..1557....1F 73 T                   1 2
XRF 020903: r band observations.
2002GCN..1558....1F 73 T                   1 0
GRB 020903: correction to GCN 1557.
2002GCN..1560....1S 73 T                   1 1
XRF 020903: VRI observations.
2002GCN..1561....1S 73 T                   1 0
XRF 020903: correction to GCN 1560.
2002GCN..1562....1T 73 T                   1 0
GRB 020903: optical observations at RIKEN.
2002GCN..1571....1H 74 T                   1 3

BVRI field photometry.
2002GCN..1609....1C 75 T                   1 7
XRF 020903 spectrum.
2002GCN..1631....1G 74 T                   1 4
XRF 020903: flattening of the optical light curve.
2002GCN..1761....1L 75 T                   1 7
XRF 020903 : HST observations.
2003A&A...400..499L 2 38 257 Are the hosts of gamma-ray bursts sub-luminous and blue galaxies? LE FLOC'H E., DUC P.-A., MIRABEL I.F., et al.
2003A&A...407L...1A 35 75 A simple empirical redshift indicator for gamma-ray bursts. ATTEIA J.-L.
2003ApJ...593..941Y 4 4 56 Cosmological X-ray flashes in the off-axis jet model. YAMAZAKI R., IOKA K. and NAKAMURA T.
2003ApJ...599..957B 13 33 The first two host galaxies of X-ray flashes: XRF 011030 and XRF 020427. BLOOM J.S., FOX D., VAN DOKKUM P.G., et al.
2003PASJ...55.1033S 41 25 Design and performance of the Wide-field X-ray Monitor on board the High-Energy Transient Explorer 2. SHIRASAKI Y., KAWAI N., YOSHIDA A., et al.
2004A&A...419L..21T 4 5 69 The supernova 2003lw associated with X-ray flash 031203. THOMSEN B., HJORTH J., WATSON D., et al.
2004A&A...422..381D 1 10 42 On the origin of X-ray flashes. DADO S., DAR A. and DE RUJULA A.
2004A&A...426..415A 1 6 21 Prompt and afterglow X-ray emission from the X-Ray flash of 2002 April 27. AMATI L., FRONTERA F., IN'T ZAND J.J.M., et al.
2004A&A...427..445N 11 13 Multiwavelength study of the very long GRB 020410. NICASTRO L., IN'T ZAND J.J.M., AMATI L., et al.
2004ApJ...601L.119Z 19 2 119 Quasi-universal gaussian jets: a unified picture for gamma-ray bursts and X-ray flashes. ZHANG B., DAI X., LLOYD-RONNING N.M., et al.
2004ApJ...602..875S 117 T K                 5 99 High Energy Transient Explorer 2 observations of the extremely soft X-ray flash
XRF 020903.
2004ApJ...605L.101W 3 8 72 A very low luminosity X-ray flash: XMM-Newton observations of GRB 031203. WATSON D., HJORTH J., LEVAN A., et al.
2004ApJ...605..300H 4 7 90 Rebrightening of XRF 030723: further evidence for a two-component jet in a gamma-ray burst. HUANG Y.F., WU X.F., DAI Z.G., et al.
2004ApJ...606..994S 114 T K                 10 107 A redshift determination for
XRF 020903: first spectroscopic observations of an X-ray flash.
2004ApJ...607L.103Y 5 4 66 A unified model of short and long gamma-ray bursts, X-ray-rich gamma-ray bursts, and X-ray flashes. YAMAZAKI R., IOKA K. and NAKAMURA T.
2004ApJ...608L...9L 14 17 The peak energy distribution of the νFνspectra and the implications for the jet structure models of gamma-ray bursts. LIANG E.W. and DAI Z.G.
2004ApJ...608..872K 35 72 Chandra observations of the X-ray environs of SN 1998bw/GRB 980425. KOUVELIOTOU C., WOOSLEY S.E., PATEL S.K., et al.
2004ApJ...609L...5M 20 6 374 SN 2003lw and GRB 031203: a bright supernova for a faint gamma-ray burst. MALESANI D., TAGLIAFERRI G., CHINCARINI G., et al.
2004ApJ...609..962F 2 13 83 On the afterglow of the X-ray flash of 2003 July 23: photometric evidence for an off-axis gamma-ray burst with an associated supernova?. FYNBO J.P.U., SOLLERMAN J., HJORTH J., et al.
2004ApJ...613..477L 1 18 79 On the kinetic energy and radiative efficiency of gamma-ray bursts. LLOYD-RONNING N.M. and ZHANG B.
2004ApJ...616..331G 5 39 595 The collimation-corrected gamma-ray burst energies correlate with the peak energy of their νFνSpectrum. GHIRLANDA G., GHISELLINI G. and LAZZATI D.
2004MNRAS.351L..78F 4 9 Prediction on the very early afterglow of X-ray flashes. FAN Y.Z., WEI D.M. and WANG C.F.
2004Msngr.118...31D 13 1 Supernovae shed light on gamma-ray bursts. DELLA VALLE M., MALESANI D., CHINCARINI G., et al.
2004PASJ...56S...1K 288 70 Variable Star Network : World center for transient object astronomy and variable stars. KATO T., UEMURA M., ISHIOKA R., et al.
2004BaltA..13..201M 6 1 The gamma-ray burst alert system and the results of HETE-2. MATSUOKA M., KAWAI N., YOSHIDA A., et al.
2004BaltA..13..221N 3 3 Gamma-ray bursts and cosmology. NORRIS J.P.
2004AAS...205.6803B 74 T                   1 1 Optical light curve of the enigmatic X-ray flash
XRF 020903.
2004GCN..2761....1S 74 T                   1 0
XRF 020903: observations of the host galaxy.
2004GCN..2762....1S 74 T                   1 0
XRF 020903: observations of the host galaxy (authors).
2005A&A...440..809B 1 9 32 On the nature of X-ray flashes. BARRAUD C., DAIGNE F., MOCHKOVITCH R., et al.
2005A&A...444..425R 13 24 The host of GRB/XRF 030528 - an actively star forming galaxy at z=0.782. RAU A., SALVATO M. and GREINER J.
2005ApJ...620..355L 6 7 133 A unified jet model of X-ray flashes, X-ray-rich gamma-ray bursts, and gamma-ray bursts. I. Power-law-shaped universal and top-hat-shaped variable opening angle jet models. LAMB D.Q., DONAGHY T.Q. and GRAZIANI C.
2005ApJ...621..884B 15 22 High-energy observations of XRF 030723: evidence for an off-axis gamma-ray burst? BUTLER N.R., SAKAMOTO T., SUZUKI M., et al.
2005ApJ...622..482G 2 2 16 Constraining the structure of gamma-ray burst jets through the logN-logS distribution. GUETTA D., GRANOT J. and BEGELMAN M.C.
2005ApJ...622..977L 15 16 A deep search with the Hubble Space Telescope for late-time supernova signatures in the hosts of XRF 011030 and XRF 020427. LEVAN A., PATEL S., KOUVELIOTOU C., et al.
2005ApJ...626..966P 3 6 71 Two-component jet models of gamma-ray burst sources. PENG F., KOENIGL A. and GRANOT J.
2005ApJ...627....1F 1 53 161 Toward a more standardized candle using gamma-ray burst energetics and spectra. FRIEDMAN A.S. and BLOOM J.S.
2005ApJ...627..877S 32 88 An HST search for supernovae accompanying X-ray flashes. SODERBERG A.M., KULKARNI S.R., FOX D.B., et al.
2005ApJ...629..311S 1 47 203 Global characteristics of X-ray flashes and X-Ray-Rich gamma-ray bursts observed by HETE-2. SAKAMOTO T., LAMB D.Q., KAWAI N., et al.
2005ApJ...630L.117H 2 15 134 GRB 050509B: constraints on short gamma-ray burst models. HJORTH J., SOLLERMAN J., GOROSABEL J., et al.
2005ApJ...630.1003G 18 48 Afterglow observations shed new light on the nature of X-ray flashes. GRANOT J., RAMIREZ-RUIZ E. and PERNA R.
2005ApJ...633...29C 62 71 Gamma-ray burst-selected high-redshift galaxies: comparison to field galaxy populations to z ∼ 3. CONSELICE C.J., VREESWIJK P.M., FRUCHTER A.S., et al.
2005ApJ...635.1182E 9 19 The blast energy efficiency of gamma-ray bursts. EICHLER D. and JONTOF-HUTTER D.
2005MNRAS.360L...1F 8 4 105 A new method optimized to use gamma-ray bursts as cosmic rulers. FIRMANI C., GHISELLINI G., GHIRLANDA G., et al.
2005MNRAS.360L..45G 33 58 The peak luminosity-peak energy correlation in gamma-ray bursts. GHIRLANDA G., GHISELLINI G., FIRMANI C., et al.
2005MNRAS.361..362C 34 20 A cosmological `probability event horizon' and its observational implications. COWARD D.M. and BURMAN R.R.
2005MNRAS.361..955B 4 9 Supernovae in helium star-compact object binaries: a possible γ-ray burst mechanism. BRODERICK A.E.
2005RvMP...76.1143P 38 ~ The physics of gamma-ray bursts. PIRAN T.
2006A&A...454..103H 4 12 103 Detection of Wolf-Rayet stars in host galaxies of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs): are GRBs produced by runaway massive stars ejected from high stellar density regions? HAMMER F., FLORES H., SCHAERER D., et al.
2006A&A...454L.123W 15 22 Are short γ-ray bursts collimated? GRB 050709, a flare but no break. WATSON D., HJORTH J., JAKOBSSON P., et al.
2006A&A...454..503S 8 9 157 Supernova 2006aj and the associated X-Ray Flash 060218. SOLLERMAN J., JAUNSEN A.O., FYNBO J.P.U., et al.
2006ApJ...636L..73S 5 5 52 Confirmation of the Esrcpeak-Eiso(Amati) relation from the X-ray flash XRF 050416A observed by the Swift Burst Alert Telescope. SAKAMOTO T., BARBIER L., BARTHELMY S.D., et al.
2006ApJ...636..391S 1 33 76 An HST study of the supernovae accompanying GRB 040924 and GRB 041006. SODERBERG A.M., KULKARNI S.R., PRICE P.A., et al.
2006ApJ...636..967W 1 8 23 The soft X-ray blast in the apparently subluminous GRB 031203. WATSON D., VAUGHAN S.A., WILLINGALE R., et al.
2006ApJ...637..889Z 61 97 Gamma-ray burst afterglow light curves in the pre-Swift era: a statistical study. ZEH A., KLOSE S. and KANN D.A.
2006ApJ...638L..67L 43 64 Identification of two categories of optically bright gamma-ray bursts. LIANG E. and ZHANG B.
2006ApJ...638..930S 149 210 Late-time radio observations of 68 type Ibc supernovae: strong constraints on off-axis gamma-ray bursts. SODERBERG A.M., NAKAR E., BERGER E., et al.
2006ApJ...641..993K 2 45 214 Signatures of extragalactic dust in pre-Swift GRB afterglows. KANN D.A., KLOSE S. and ZEH A.
2006ApJ...642L.103D 3 14 98 Hypernova signatures in the late rebrightening of GRB 050525A. DELLA VALLE M., MALESANI D., BLOOM J.S., et al.
2006ApJ...643L..99M 10 8 167 GRB 060218/SN 2006aj: a gamma-ray burst and prompt supernova at z = 0.0335. MIRABAL N., HALPERN J.P., AN D., et al.
2006ApJ...643..276S 15 25 Swift UVOT observations of X-ray flash 050406. SCHADY P., MASON K.O., OSBORNE J.P., et al.
2006ApJ...643..284B 1 17 37 Evidence for a supernova associated with the X-ray flash 020903. BERSIER D., FRUCHTER A.S., STROLGER L.-G., et al.
2006ApJ...647.1192U 9 4 73 Stellar explosions by magnetic towers. UZDENSKY D.A. and MacFADYEN A.I.
2006ApJ...648.1132L 14 12 The first Swift X-ray flash: the faint afterglow of XRF 050215B. LEVAN A.J., OSBORNE J.P., TANVIR N.R., et al.
2006MNRAS.367L..42P 2 12 51 The energetics and environment of the short-GRB afterglows 050709 and 050724. PANAITESCU A.
2006MNRAS.369..197F 4 22 183 Gamma-ray burst efficiency and possible physical processes shaping the early afterglow. FAN Y. and PIRAN T.
2006MNRAS.372..233A 2 66 385 The Ep,i-Eisocorrelation in gamma-ray bursts: updated observational status, re-analysis and main implications. AMATI L.
2006ARA&A..44..507W 179       D     X         5 42 1311 The supernova-gamma-ray burst connection. WOOSLEY S.E. and BLOOM J.S.
2006Natur.441..463F 5 63 716 Long gamma-ray bursts and core-collapse supernovae have different environments. FRUCHTER A.S., LEVAN A.J., STROLGER L., et al.
2006Natur.442.1011P 22 10 456 An optical supernova associated with the X-ray flash XRF 060218. PIAN E., MAZZALI P.A., MASETTI N., et al.
2006Natur.442.1014S 31 7 438 Relavistic ejecta from X-ray flash XRF 060218 and the rate of cosmic explosions. SODERBERG A.M., KULKARNI S.R., NAKAR E., et al.
2006S&T...112b..30N 10 0 Dissecting the bursts of doom. NAEYE R.
2006APh....25..402E 2 36 193 Robust limits on Lorentz violation from gamma-ray bursts. ELLIS J., MAVROMATOS N.E., NANOPOULOS D.V., et al.
2006PASJ...58..569S 59 0 Energy conversion efficiency in prompt emissions of gamma-ray bursts. SUZUKI M. and KAWAI N.
2006A&A...457..857F 2 20 92 The GRB 060218/SN 2006aj event in the context of other gamma-ray burst supernovae. FERRERO P., KANN D.A., ZEH A., et al.
2006MNRAS.372.1357L 23 20 Correlation between the peak spectral energy of gamma-ray bursts and the peak luminosity of the underlying supernovae: implication for the nature of the gamma-ray burst-supernova connection. LI L.-X.
2006A&A...460..653D         O           59 22 Properties of X-ray rich gamma ray bursts and X-ray flashes detected with BeppoSAX and Hete-2. D'ALESSIO V., PIRO L. and ROSSI E.M.
2007A&A...461..485S         O           20 9 X-ray flashes or soft gamma-ray bursts? The case of the likely distant XRF 040912. STRATTA G., BASA S., BUTLER N., et al.
2007MNRAS.374L..20L 1 5 12 Redshift degeneracy in the Eiso-Epeakrelation of gamma-ray bursts. LI L.-X.
2007A&A...463..913A 4 13 117 On the consistency of peculiar GRBs 060218 and 060614 with the Ep,i - Eiso correlation. AMATI L., DELLA VALLE M., FRONTERA F., et al.
2007AJ....133..882K 17       D               1 12 60 SDSS 0809+1729: connections between extremely metal-poor galaxies and gamma-ray burst hosts. KEWLEY L.J., BROWN W.R., GELLER M.J., et al.
2006AcA....56..333S 17 7 243 Protecting life in the Milky Way: metals keep the GRBs away. STANEK K.Z., GNEDIN O.Y., BEACOM J.F., et al.
2007ApJ...657..367W 74 96 A morphological study of gamma-ray burst host galaxies. WAINWRIGHT C., BERGER E. and PENPRASE B.E.
2007APh....26..367B viz 11 16 Limits on the transient ultra-high energy neutrino flux from gamma-ray bursts (GRB) derived from RICE data. BESSON D., RAZZAQUE S., ADAMS J., et al.
2007A&A...464..529W 302           X C       7 15 67 The nature of the dwarf starforming galaxy associated with GRB060218/SN2006aj. WIERSEMA K., SAVAGLIO S., VREESWIJK P.M., et al.
2007ApJ...660...16S 2 81 377 The Hubble diagram to redshift >6 from 69 gamma-ray bursts. SCHAEFER B.E.
2007A&A...466..839S 113           X         3 17 38 The nature of the X-ray flash of August 24 2005. Photometric evidence for an on-axis z = 0.83 burst with continuous energy injection and an associated supernova? SOLLERMAN J., FYNBO J.P.U., GOROSABEL J., et al.
2007ApJ...661..982S 1 21 59 A spectacular radio flare from XRF 050416a at 40 days and implications for the nature of X-ray flashes. SODERBERG A.M., NAKAR E., CENKO S.B., et al.
2007ApJ...662.1111L 56           X         1 7 275 Low-luminosity gamma-ray bursts as a unique population: luminosity function, local rate, and beaming factor. LIANG E., ZHANG B., VIRGILI F., et al.
2007ApJ...667L.121L 15       D               1 12 18 The host galaxy of GRB 060505: host ISM properties. LEVESQUE E.M. and KEWLEY L.J.
2008AJ....135.1136M 283       D     X C       7 34 337 Measured metallicities at the sites of nearby broad-lined type IC supernovae and implications for the supernovae gamma-ray burst connection. MODJAZ M., KEWLEY L., KIRSHNER R.P., et al.
2008ApJ...676.1151T 41           X         1 18 120 Spatially resolved properties of the GRB 060505 host: implications for the nature of the progenitor. THONE C.C., FYNBO J.P.U., OSTLIN G., et al.
2008MNRAS.387..319G 90       D         F     2 78 90 The Epeak-Eiso plane of long gamma-ray bursts and selection effects. GHIRLANDA G., NAVA L., GHISELLINI G., et al.
2008MNRAS.388..603L 378           X C F     8 15 33 The X-ray transient 080109 in NGC 2770: an X-ray flash associated with a normal core-collapse supernova. LI L.-X.
2007Msngr.128...47S 21 5 GHostS - Gamma-Ray Burst Host Studies. SAVAGLIO S., BUDAVARI T., GLAZEBROOK K., et al.
2008A&A...490...45C 115         O X C       2 17 85 IFU observations of the GRB 980425/SN 1998bw host galaxy: emission line ratios in GRB regions. CHRISTENSEN L., VREESWIJK P.M., SOLLERMAN J., et al.
2008A&A...491..157P 264       S   X         6 101 38 Intrinsic properties of a complete sample of HETE-2 gamma-ray bursts. A measure of the GRB rate in the Local Universe. PELANGEON A., ATTEIA J.-L., NAKAGAWA Y.E., et al.
2008ApJ...688..456C 38           X         1 69 18 Does the addition of a duration improve the Liso-EpeakRelation for gamma-ray bursts? COLLAZZI A.C. and SCHAEFER B.E.
2009AJ....137..347R 129       D     X         4 21 14 Absolute magnitude distribution and light curves of gamma-ray burst supernovae. RICHARDSON D.
2008MNRAS.391..411B 15       D               1 69 61 Testing gamma-ray bursts as standard candles. BASILAKOS S. and PERIVOLAROPOULOS L.
2009AstL...35....7B viz 15       D               58 3 Investigation of gamma-ray bursts with known redshifts: Statistical analysis of parameters. BADJIN D.A., BESKIN G.M. and GRECO G.
2008MNRAS.391..577A 17       D               1 55 321 Measuring the cosmological parameters with the Ep,i-Eiso correlation of gamma-ray bursts. AMATI L., GUIDORZI C., FRONTERA F., et al.
2008MNRAS.391..639N 15       D               1 137 57 Peak energy of the prompt emission of long gamma-ray bursts versus their fluence and peak flux. NAVA L., GHIRLANDA G., GHISELLINI G., et al.
2009ApJ...691..182S 434       D     X         12 83 394 The galaxy population hosting gamma-ray bursts. SAVAGLIO S., GLAZEBROOK K. and LE BORGNE D.
2009MNRAS.392...91V 15       D               1 97 103 Low-luminosity gamma-ray bursts as a distinct GRB population: a firmer case from multiple criteria constraints. VIRGILI F.J., LIANG E.-W. and ZHANG B.
2009ApJ...692..804L 39           X         1 11 25 Gamma-ray burst production and supernova signatures in slowly rotating collapsars. LOPEZ-CAMARA D., LEE W.H. and RAMIREZ-RUIZ E.
2009MNRAS.393.1370K 76           X         2 7 6 Confidence intervals for the correlation between the gamma-ray burst peak energy and the associated supernova peak brightness. KOEN C.
2009ApJ...700.1680T 40           X         1 13 53 Nebular phase observations of the type Ib supernova 2008D/X-ray transient 080109: side-viewed bipolar explosion. TANAKA M., YAMANAKA M., MAEDA K., et al.
2009ApJ...701..824N viz 15       D               1 459 138 A comparison of the afterglows of short- and long-duration gamma-ray bursts. NYSEWANDER M., FRUCHTER A.S. and PE'ER A.
2009ApJ...703.1696Z 131       D     X C       3 71 309 Discerning the physical origins of cosmological gamma-ray bursts based on multiple observational criteria: the cases of z = 6.7 GRB 080913, z = 8.2 GRB 090423, and some Short/Hard GRBs. ZHANG B., ZHANG B.-B., VIRGILI F.J., et al.
2009MNRAS.400..775C 91       D     X         3 83 53 An updated gamma-ray bursts Hubble diagram. CARDONE V.F., CAPOZZIELLO S. and DAINOTTI M.G.
2010AJ....139..694L 587       D S   X C       14 62 108 The host galaxies of gamma-ray bursts. I. Interstellar medium properties of ten nearby long-duration gamma-ray burst hosts. LEVESQUE E.M., BERGER E., KEWLEY L.J., et al.
2010ApJ...711..641C 78             C       1 29 122 The collimation and energetics of the brightest Swift gamma-ray bursts. CENKO S.B., FRAIL D.A., HARRISON F.A., et al.
2010MNRAS.401.1369K 38           X         1 5 2 Predicting gamma-ray burster redshifts from their prompt emission properties. KOEN C.
2007ChJAA...7....1Z 39           X         1 65 326 Gamma-ray bursts in the swift Era. ZHANG B.
2008ChJAA...8..255W 90       D     X         3 28 3 Does the Amati Relation depend on the Luminosity of the GRB's Host Galaxy? WANG J., DENG J.-S. and QIU Y.-L.
2009ARA&A..47..567G 116           X C       2 73 427 Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Swift Era. GEHRELS N., RAMIREZ-RUIZ E. and FOX D.B.
2010ApJ...712..392G 53       D     X         2 43 5 Wide angle X-ray sky monitoring for corroborating non-electromagnetic cosmic transients. GUETTA D. and EICHLER D.
2010MNRAS.404.1018F 114           X         3 7 4 Could the GRB-supernovae GRB031203 and XRF060218 Be cosmic twins ? FENG L. and FOX D.B.
2010A&A...514A..24H 589       D     X C       15 11 54 The Wolf-Rayet features and mass-metallicity relation of long-duration gamma-ray burst host galaxies. HAN X.H., HAMMER F., LIANG Y.C., et al.
2010MmSAI..81..460B 18 1 Can gamma ray bursts be used as effective tracers of star formation to high z? BECKMAN J. and GIAMMANCO C.
2010MNRAS.405...57S 92       D         F     2 106 161 The host galaxies of core-collapse supernovae and gamma-ray bursts. SVENSSON K.M., LEVAN A.J., TANVIR N.R., et al.
2010ApJ...720.1513K viz 169       D     X C       4 134 327 The afterglows of swift-era gamma-ray bursts. I. Comparing pre-Swift and swift-era Long/Soft (Type II) GRB optical afterglows. KANN D.A., KLOSE S., ZHANG B., et al.
2010MNRAS.407.2660A 15       D               1 166 75 Observational constraints on the progenitor metallicities of core-collapse supernovae. ANDERSON J.P., COVARRUBIAS R.A., JAMES P.A., et al.
2010AJ....140.1557L 171       D       C F     3 21 154 The host galaxies of gamma-ray bursts. II. A mass-metallicity relation for long-duration gamma-ray burst host galaxies. LEVESQUE E.M., KEWLEY L.J., BERGER E., et al.
2010ApJ...723.1331M 115           X         3 22 45 GRB 090313 and the origin of optical peaks in gamma-ray burst light curves: implications for Lorentz factors and radio flares. MELANDRI A., KOBAYASHI S., MUNDELL C.G., et al.
2010ApJ...725.1202L 16       D               1 44 120 The stellar ages and masses of short gamma-ray burst host galaxies: investigating the progenitor delay time distribution and the role of mass and star formation in the short gamma-ray burst rate. LEIBLER C.N. and BERGER E.
2010ApJ...725.1337L 54       D     X         2 17 43 No correlation between host galaxy metallicity and gamma-ray energy release for long-duration gamma-ray bursts. LEVESQUE E.M., SODERBERG A.M., KEWLEY L.J., et al.
2010ApJ...725.2209L 39           X         1 51 201 Constraining gamma-ray burst initial Lorentz factor with the afterglow onset feature and discovery of a tight Γ0-Eγ,isoCorrelation. LIANG E.-W., YI S.-X., ZHANG J., et al.
2011MNRAS.411.2792S 97       D         F     2 17 182 Discovery of the nearby long, soft GRB 100316D with an associated supernova. STARLING R.L.C., WIERSEMA K., LEVAN A.J., et al.
2011ApJ...730...34S 39           X         1 33 101 SN 2010jl in UGC 5189: yet another luminous type IIn supernova in a metal-poor galaxy. STOLL R., PRIETO J.L., STANEK K.Z., et al.
2010PASJ...62.1495Y 53       D     X         2 125 37 Possible origins of dispersion of the peak energy-brightness correlations of gamma-ray bursts. YONETOKU D., MURAKAMI T., TSUTSUI R., et al.
2011MNRAS.413..669C 54       D     X         2 67 86 A tale of two GRB-SNe at a common redshift of z=0.54. CANO Z., BERSIER D., GUIDORZI C., et al.
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