FS 132 , the SIMBAD biblio

FS 132 , the SIMBAD biblio (19 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST02:50:19

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Title First 3 Authors
1998AJ....116.2475P 2 93 742 A new system of faint near-infrared standard stars. PERSSON S.E., MURPHY D.C., KRZEMINSKI W., et al.
2000AJ....120.3340N 36 45 A global photometric analysis of 2MASS calibration data. NIKOLAEV S., WEINBERG M.D., SKRUTSKIE M.F., et al.
2001MNRAS.325..563H 93 258 JHK standard stars for large telescopes: the UKIRT Fundamental and Extended lists. HAWARDEN T.G., LEGGETT S.K., LETAWSKY M.B., et al.
2002A&A...391..441K 25 37 Extragalactic globular clusters in the near infrared. I. A comparison between M87 and NGC 4478. KISSLER-PATIG M., BRODIE J.P. and MINNITI D.
2003ApJ...597..699H 2 14 91 Very high column density and small reddening toward GRB 020124 at z=3.20. HJORTH J., MOLLER P., GOROSABEL J., et al.
2003MNRAS.344..307L viz 63299 194 The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: 16 ≤BMGC< 24 galaxy counts and the calibration of the local galaxy luminosity function. LISKE J., LEMON D.J., DRIVER S.P., et al.
2005A&A...443..413L viz         O           21 29 Globular clusters in NGC 4365: new K-band imaging and a reassessment of the case for intermediate-age clusters. LARSEN S.S., BRODIE J.P. and STRADER J.
2005ApJ...630L.173S 2 4 25 Discovery of a magnetic white dwarf/probable brown dwarf short-period binary. SCHMIDT G.D., SZKODY P., SILVESTRI N.M., et al.
2007ApJ...663..781M 15       D               1 32 20 Observations of O I and Ca II emission lines in quasars: implications for the site of Fe II line emission. MATSUOKA Y., OYABU S., TSUZUKI Y., et al.
2008ApJ...674..421F 75           X         2 22 17 A near-infrared spectroscopic study of the accreting magnetic white dwarf SDSS J121209.31+013627.7 and its substellar companion. FARIHI J., BURLEIGH M.R. and HOARD D.W.
2008ApJ...685L.161T 39           X         1 2 6 Rotation-resolved spectroscopy of a very young asteroid, (1270) Datura. TAKATO N.
2009MNRAS.400.2098P           X     *   1 18 1 Near-infrared imaging and spectroscopy of the nuclear region of the disturbed Virgo cluster spiral NGC4438. PEREZ S., CASASSUS S., CORTES J.R., et al.
2011A&A...528A..43L 15       D               1 50 7 A study of NIR atmospheric properties at paranal observatory. LOMBARDI G., MASON E., LIDMAN C., et al.
2012ApJ...751...45T 2           X     *   1 8 33 Ultra-deep sub-kiloparsec view of nearby massive compact galaxies. TRUJILLO I., CARRASCO E.R. and FERRE-MATEU A.
2014ApJ...780..106I 16       D               3 99 11 Subaru adaptive-optics high-spatial-resolution infrared K- and L'-band imaging search for deeply buried dual AGNs in merging galaxies. IMANISHI M. and SAITO Y.
2014A&A...570L...8B 40         O X         1 7 14 Temperature constraints on the coldest brown dwarf known: WISE 0855-0714. BEAMIN J.C., IVANOV V.D., BAYO A., et al.
2017AJ....154..211K viz 16       D               2 348 140 The Carnegie Supernova Project. I. Third photometry data release of low-redshift Type Ia supernovae and other white dwarf explosions. KRISCIUNAS K., CONTRERAS C., BURNS C.R., et al.
2020ApJ...891..140I 17       D               1 66 ~ Subaru infrared adaptive optics-assisted high-spatial-resolution imaging search for luminous dual active galactic nuclei in nearby ultraluminous infrared galaxies. IMANISHI M., KAWAMURO T., KIKUTA S., et al.
2024ApJ...962..196O 50           X         1 13 ~ Radio Jet Feedback on the Inner Disk of Virgo Spiral Galaxy Messier 58. OGLE P.M., LOPEZ I.E., REYNALDI V., et al.

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