CoRoT-3b , the SIMBAD biblio

CoRoT-3b , the SIMBAD biblio (138 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST05:21:55

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2008A&A...488L..43A 40           X         1 12 63 Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission. IV. CoRoT-Exo-4b: a transiting planet in a 9.2 day synchronous orbit. AIGRAIN S., COLLIER CAMERON A., OLLIVIER M., et al.
2008A&A...491..889D viz 934 T   A S   X C       22 13 192 Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission . VI.
CoRoT-Exo-3b: the first secure inhabitant of the brown-dwarf desert.
2009ApJ...692..290K                   Z 6 4 Discovery of a low-mass companion to the solar-type star TYC 2534-698-1. KANE S.R., MAHADEVAN S., COCHRAN W.D., et al.
2009AJ....137.3529W 38           X         1 10 14 HD 91669b: a new brown dwarf candidate from the McDonald observatory planet search. WITTENMYER R.A., ENDL M., COCHRAN W.D., et al.
2009MNRAS.394L..93M 76           X         2 12 7 On the various origins of close-in extrasolar planets. MARCHI S., ORTOLANI S., NAGASAWA M., et al.
2009MNRAS.395.2299R 40           X         1 3 14 The mass ratio and the orbital parameters of the sdOB binary AA Doradus. RUCINSKI S.M.
2009ApJ...700..832C 76               F     1 74 34 The role of planet accretion in creating the next generation of red giant rapid rotators. CARLBERG J.K., MAJEWSKI S.R. and ARRAS P.
2009ApJ...703..671S 152           X C F     2 25 8 A substellar companion in a 1.3 yr nearly circular orbit of HD 16760. SATO B., FISCHER D.A., IDA S., et al.
2009ApJ...704.1107L viz 38           X         1 40 79 Discovery of a transiting planet and eight eclipsing binaries in HATNet field G205. LATHAM D.W., BAKOS G.A., TORRES G., et al.
2009A&A...505..853B viz 43           X         1 17 175 The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. I. A companion around HD 16760 with mass close to the planet/brown-dwarf transition. BOUCHY F., HEBRARD G., UDRY S., et al.
2009A&A...506..153M 39           X         1 2 4 Accuracy of stellar parameters of exoplanet-host stars determined from asteroseismology. MULET-MARQUIS C., BARAFFE I., AIGRAIN S., et al.
2009A&A...506..343D 16       D               1 19 55 Ground-based photometry of space-based transit detections: photometric follow-up of the CoRoT mission. DEEG H.J., GILLON M., SHPORER A., et al.
2009A&A...506..377T 939 T K A S   X C       22 10 144 The Rossiter-McLaughlin effect of
CoRoT-3b and HD 189733b.
2009A&A...506..385L 418     A D     X C       11 9 27 Structure and evolution of the first CoRoT exoplanets: probing the brown dwarf/planet overlapping mass regime. LECONTE J., BARAFFE I., CHABRIER G., et al.
2009A&A...506..391A                   Z 4 2 Planet formation by nucleated-instability: comparison with the two first CoRoT runs. ALIBERT Y., PONT F., BARAFFE I., et al.
2009A&A...506..501C viz 341     A D S   X C       8 209 31 Planetary transit candidates in CoRoT-LRc01 field. CABRERA J., FRIDLUND M., OLLIVIER M., et al.
2009ApJ...706..785H viz 78           X         2 20 100 HAT-P-12b: a low-density sub-Saturn mass planet transiting a metal-poor K dwarf. HARTMAN J.D., BAKOS G.A., TORRES G., et al.
2009A&A...507.1659G viz 38           X         1 9 17 A substellar component orbiting the F-star 30 Arietis B. GUENTHER E.W., HARTMANN M., ESPOSITO M., et al.
2010ApJ...709..159A viz 79               F     1 21 164 Wasp-17b: an ultra-low density planet in a probable retrograde orbit. ANDERSON D.R., HELLIER C., GILLON M., et al.
2009MNRAS.398.2085S 243       D     X   F     6 23 16 Dynamics of possible trojan planets in binary systems. SCHWARZ R., SULI A. and DVORAK R.
2010A&A...509A.103S 244       D   O X         7 63 14 Hipparcos preliminary astrometric masses for the two close-in companions to HD 131664 and HD 43848. A brown dwarf and a low-mass star. SOZZETTI A. and DESIDERA S.
2010A&A...512A..14F 115           X         3 14 46 Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission. IX. CoRoT-6b: a transiting ``hot jupiter'' planet in an 8.9d orbit around a low-metallicity star. FRIDLUND M., HEBRARD G., ALONSO R., et al.
2010MNRAS.405.2037W 15       D               1 62 21 Orbital period variations of hot jupiters caused by the Applegate effect. WATSON C.A. and MARSH T.R.
2010ApJ...718.1186F 40           X         1 4 18 Discovery of a low-mass companion to a metal-rich f star with the MARVELS pilot project. FLEMING S.W., GE J., MAHADEVAN S., et al.
2010ApJ...718.1353I viz 155           X         4 8 36 NLTT 41135: a field M dwarf + brown dwarf eclipsing binary in a triple system, discovered by the MEarth observatory. IRWIN J., BUCHHAVE L., BERTA Z.K., et al.
2010ApJ...720.1644K 38           X         1 15 6 On the transit potential of the planet orbiting iota Draconis. KANE S.R., REFFERT S., HENRY G.W., et al.
2010MNRAS.406.1918D 15       D               1 404 29 The Hill stability of the possible moons of extrasolar planets. DONNISON J.R.
2010MNRAS.407.1259J 15       D               1 91 27 Habitability of exoplanetary systems with planets observed in transit. JONES B.W. and SLEEP P.N.
2010A&A...517A..40C 358       D     X C       9 9 8 Distribution of refractory and volatile elements in CoRoT exoplanet host stars. CHAVERO C., DE LA REZA R., DOMINGOS R.C., et al.
2010A&A...520A..65B 39           X         1 23 54 Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission. X. CoRoT-10b: a giant planet in a 13.24 day eccentric orbit. BONOMO A.S., SANTERNE A., ALONSO R., et al.
2010A&A...520A..66B viz 40           X         1 12 48 Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission. XI. CoRoT-8b: a hot and dense sub-Saturn around a K1 dwarf. BORDE P., BOUCHY F., DELEUIL M., et al.
2010A&A...521L..54H 38           X         1 10 15 A brown dwarf companion to the intermediate-mass star HR 6037. HUELAMO N., NUERNBERGER D.E.A., IVANOV V.D., et al.
2010A&A...521L..59M 181     A     X         5 6 76 Detection of the ellipsoidal and the relativistic beaming effects in the CoRoT-3 lightcurve. MAZEH T. and FAIGLER S.
2010A&A...521A..76W 114     A D     X         4 89 27 Limits on the orbits and masses of moons around currently-known transiting exoplanets. WEIDNER C. and HORNE K.
2010ApJ...725.1226S 77           X         2 22 70 Five Kepler target stars that show multiple transiting exoplanet candidates. STEFFEN J.H., BATALHA N.M., BORUCKI W.J., et al.
2010ApJ...725.1995M 15       D               1 129 145 Tidal evolution of close-in planets. MATSUMURA S., PEALE S.J. and RASIO F.A.
2011ApJ...726L..19A viz 41           X         1 16 109 WASP-30b: a 61 MJup brown dwarf transiting a V = 12, F8 star. ANDERSON D.R., COLLIER CAMERON A., HELLIER C., et al.
2011ApJ...726..112T 15       D               1 75 26 Using stellar densities to evaluate transiting exoplanetary candidates. TINGLEY B., BONOMO A.S. and DEEG H.J.
2011ApJ...727...57S 148           X         3 3 198 The deuterium-burning mass limit for brown dwarfs and giant planets. SPIEGEL D.S., BURROWS A. and MILSOM J.A.
2011A&A...525A..68B 156           X C       3 13 70 Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission. XV. CoRoT-15b: a brown-dwarf transiting companion. BOUCHY F., DELEUIL M., GUILLOT T., et al.
2011A&A...525A..85E 38           X         1 25 15 SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates. I. Detection of the low-mass white dwarf KOI 74b. EHRENREICH D., LAGRANGE A.-M., BOUCHY F., et al.
2011A&A...525A..95S viz 39           X         1 52 159 Search for brown-dwarf companions of stars. SAHLMANN J., SEGRANSAN D., QUELOZ D., et al.
2011AJ....141...59B 15       D               1 80 30 The reflection effect in interacting binaries or in planet-star systems. BUDAJ J.
2011ApJ...727L..44S 79               F     1 27 115 A short-period censor of Sub-Jupiter mass exoplanets with low density. SZABO GY.M. and KISS L.L.
2011MNRAS.411L..46V viz 39           X         1 21 54 Prospects for detection of exoplanet magnetic fields through bow-shock observations during transits. VIDOTTO A.A., JARDINE M. and HELLING C.
2011ApJ...730...79J 117           X C       2 15 79 LHS 6343 C: a transiting field brown dwarf discovered by the Kepler mission. JOHNSON J.A., APPS K., GAZAK J.Z., et al.
2011A&A...528A..97T 193           X C       4 7 20 Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission. XVI. CoRoT-14b: an unusually dense very hot Jupiter. TINGLEY B., ENDL M., GAZZANO J.-C., et al.
2011A&A...529A.136E 15       D               1 106 105 Mass-loss rates for transiting exoplanets. EHRENREICH D. and DESERT J.-M.
2011MNRAS.414.1278P viz 15       D               1 79 47 Determining eccentricities of transiting planets: a divide in the mass–period plane. PONT F., HUSNOO N., MAZEH T., et al.
2011ApJ...736...47B 772       S   X C       18 13 113 The dependence of brown dwarf radii on atmospheric metallicity and clouds: theory and comparison with observations. BURROWS A., HENG K. and NAMPAISARN T.
2011A&A...531A..41C 40           X         1 5 24 Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission. XVII. The hot Jupiter CoRoT-17b: a very old planet. CSIZMADIA Sz., MOUTOU C., DELEUIL M., et al.
2011MNRAS.415.3921F 123           X         3 8 135 Photometric detection of non-transiting short-period low-mass companions through the beaming, ellipsoidal and reflection effects in Kepler and CoRoT light curves. FAIGLER S. and MAZEH T.
2011A&A...533A..83B 154           X         4 36 66 SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates. III. KOI-423b: an 18 MJup transiting companion around an F7IV star. BOUCHY F., BONOMO A.S., SANTERNE A., et al.
2011MNRAS.417L..88K 42           X         1 6 51 Detection of visible light from the darkest world. KIPPING D.M. and SPIEGEL D.S.
2011ApJ...742..116B viz 40           X         1 26 118 HAT-P-20b-HAT-P-23b: four massive transiting extrasolar planets. BAKOS G.A., HARTMAN J., TORRES G., et al.
2012ApJ...744...59S 222     A     X         6 8 86 Mass-radius relationships for exoplanets. SWIFT D.C., EGGERT J.H., HICKS D.G., et al.
2012AJ....143...39C viz 39           X         1 90 34 A uniform search for secondary eclipses of hot Jupiters in Kepler Q2 light curves. COUGHLIN J.L. and LOPEZ-MORALES M.
2012A&A...538A.145D 40           X         1 15 30 Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission. XX. CoRoT-20b: a very high density, high eccentricity transiting giant planet. DELEUIL M., BONOMO A.S., FERRAZ-MELLO S., et al.
2012A&A...539A..14E viz 39           X         1 164 21 Planetary transit candidates in the CoRoT-SRc01 field. ERIKSON A., SANTERNE A., RENNER S., et al.
2012MNRAS.422.1922P 40           X         1 18 40 Discovery of the benchmark metal-poor T8 dwarf BD +01° 2920B. PINFIELD D.J., BURNINGHAM B., LODIEU N., et al.
2012MNRAS.422.3151H 286       D     X C       7 125 58 Observational constraints on tidal effects using orbital eccentricities. HUSNOO N., PONT F., MAZEH T., et al.
2012MNRAS.424..779K 39           X         1 17 10 Distinguishing between stellar and planetary companions with phase monitoring. KANE S.R. and GELINO D.M.
2012ApJ...757....6H 93       D     X         3 76 32 Calibration of equilibrium tide theory for extrasolar planet systems. II. HANSEN B.M.S.
2012ApJ...757...18A viz 17       D               1 84 472 Obliquities of hot Jupiter host stars: evidence for tidal interactions and primordial misalignments. ALBRECHT S., WINN J.N., JOHNSON J.A., et al.
2012A&A...545A...6P 155           X C       3 34 14 Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission. XXIII. CoRoT-21b: a doomed large Jupiter around a faint subgiant star. PAETZOLD M., ENDL M., CSIZMADIA Sz., et al.
2012ApJ...761..123S viz 43           X         1 23 217 KELT-1b: a strongly irradiated, highly inflated, short period, 27 jupiter-mass companion transiting a mid-F star. SIVERD R.J., BEATTY T.G., PEPPER J., et al.
2011PASP..123..412W viz 15       D               1 2897 398 The Exoplanet Orbit Database. WRIGHT J.T., KAKHOURI O., MARCY G.W., et al.
2012MNRAS.427..397S 15       D               1 36 10 Stability of the Lagrangian point L4 in the spatial restricted three-body problem - application to exoplanetary systems. SCHWARZ R., BAZSO A., ERDI B., et al.
2013ApJ...764...18L viz 16       D               1 174 6 Pulsation frequencies and modes of giant exoplanets. LE BIHAN B. and BURROWS A.
2013A&A...550A..67P 16       D   O           3 44 15 Secondary eclipses in the CoRoT light curves. A homogeneous search based on Bayesian model selection. PARVIAINEN H., DEEG H.J. and BELMONTE J.A.
2013A&A...550A.125G viz 17       D               2 10 20 Characterisation of the Galactic thin disc with CoRoT targets. GAZZANO J.-C., KORDOPATIS G., DELEUIL M., et al.
2013MNRAS.428..891B 16       D               4 24 6 An analysis of CoRoT multicolour photometry of exoplanets. BORSA F. and PORETTI E.
2013A&A...551L...9D 118           X C       2 17 37 SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates. VIII. KOI-205 b: a brown-dwarf companion to a K-type dwarf. DIAZ R.F., DAMIANI C., DELEUIL M., et al.
2013A&A...552A.119S viz 16       D               1 1487 118 Magnetic energy fluxes in sub-Alfvenic planet star and moon planet interactions. SAUR J., GRAMBUSCH T., DULING S., et al.
2013ApJ...779....5B 40           X         1 10 30 Thermal emission of WASP-14b revealed with three Spitzer eclipses. BLECIC J., HARRINGTON J., MADHUSUDHAN N., et al.
2013A&A...558L...6M 157           X C       3 11 23 SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates. IX. KOI-415b: a long-period, eccentric transiting brown dwarf to an evolved Sun. MOUTOU C., BONOMO A.S., BRUNO G., et al.
2014ApJ...783..112B 39           X         1 23 13 Spitzer and z' secondary eclipse observations of the highly irradiated transiting brown dwarf KELT-1b. BEATTY T.G., COLLINS K.A., FORTNEY J., et al.
2014MNRAS.439.2781M 16       D               1 63 89 Statistical properties of brown dwarf companions: implications for different formation mechanisms. MA B. and GE J.
2014ApJ...786..102V 16       D               1 110 47 Tidal dissipation and obliquity evolution in hot Jupiter systems. VALSECCHI F. and RASIO F.A.
2014Natur.513..353H 17 1 The role of space telescopes in the characterization of transiting exoplanets. HATZES A.P.
2014ApJ...796...48Z viz 16       D               1 199 11 The ground-based H-, K-, and L-band absolute emission spectra of HD 209458b. ZELLEM R.T., GRIFFITH C.A., DEROO P., et al.
2014ApJ...796...67Z 39           X         1 13 21 Constraining the oblateness of Kepler planets. ZHU W., HUANG C.X., ZHOU G., et al.
2014MNRAS.445.4395Y viz 16       D               1 192 1 On the structure and evolution of planets and their host stars - effects of various heating mechanisms on the size of giant gas planets. YILDIZ M., CELIK ORHAN Z., KAYHAN C., et al.
2014ApJS..215...21B viz 580     A     X C       14 9 122 Ab initio equations of state for hydrogen (H-REOS.3) and helium (He-REOS.3) and their implications for the interior of brown dwarfs. BECKER A., LORENZEN W., FORTNEY J.J., et al.
2014A&A...572A.109D 79             C       1 17 20 SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates. XIII. KOI-89 b and KOI-86 b: two very low-mass stars in long-period orbits. DIAZ R.F., MONTAGNIER G., LECONTE J., et al.
2014ARA&A..52..171O 49           X         1 13 284 Tidal dissipation in stars and giant planets. OGILVIE G.I.
2015A&A...575A..85B 79             C       1 26 18 Improved parameters of seven Kepler giant companions characterized with SOPHIE and HARPS-N. BONOMO A.S., SOZZETTI A., SANTERNE A., et al.
2015ApJ...810..158F viz 40           X         1 211 260 Fundamental parameters and spectral energy distributions of young and field age objects with masses spanning the stellar to planetary regime. FILIPPAZZO J.C., RICE E.L., FAHERTY J., et al.
2015MNRAS.453.2308S 16       D               1 11 7 Eclipse timing variations to detect possible Trojan planets in binary systems. SCHWARZ R., BAZSO A., FUNK B., et al.
2015MNRAS.454.1940R 42           X         1 3 17 Disc fragmentation rarely forms planetary-mass objects. RICE K., LOPEZ E., FORGAN D., et al.
2015A&A...584A..13C 56       D     X         2 21 33 Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission. XXVIII. CoRoT-33b, an object in the brown dwarf desert with 2:3 commensurability with its host star. CSIZMADIA Sz., HATZES A., GANDOLFI D., et al.
2015A&A...584A.128L 159           X C       3 23 12 An eclipsing double-line spectroscopic binary at the stellar/substellar boundary in the Upper Scorpius OB association. LODIEU N., ALONSO R., GONZALEZ HERNANDEZ J.I., et al.
2016A&A...588A.144W viz 80             C       1 83 27 The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. WILSON P.A., HEBRARD G., SANTOS N.C., et al.
2016MNRAS.460.3376Z 40           X         1 20 11 Spin-orbit alignment for KELT-7b and HAT-P-56b via Doppler tomography with TRES. ZHOU G., LATHAM D.W., BIERYLA A., et al.
2016AJ....152..136Z viz 42           X         1 24 55 KELT-17b: a hot-Jupiter transiting an a-star in a misaligned orbit detected with Doppler tomography. ZHOU G., RODRIGUEZ J.E., COLLINS K.A., et al.
2017ApJ...834...17C viz 17       D               1 290 454 Probabilistic forecasting of the masses and radii of other worlds. CHEN J. and KIPPING D.
2017AJ....153...15B viz 58       D     X         2 17 27 EPIC 201702477b: a transiting brown dwarf from K2 in a 41 day orbit. BAYLISS D., HOJJATPANAH S., SANTERNE A., et al.
2017AJ....153...94C 81           X         2 33 15 Discovery of XO-6b: a hot Jupiter transiting a fast rotating F5 star on an oblique orbit. CROUZET N., McCULLOUGH P.R., LONG D., et al.
2017A&A...602A.107B viz 341       D     X         9 476 185 The GAPS Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. XIV. Investigating giant planet migration history via improved eccentricity and mass determination for 231 transiting planets. BONOMO A.S., DESIDERA S., BENATTI S., et al.
2017AJ....154...91L 139           X         3 6 104 HELIOS-RETRIEVAL: an open-source, nested sampling atmospheric retrieval code: application to the HR 8799 exoplanets and inferred constraints for planet formation. LAVIE B., MENDONCA J.M., MORDASINI C., et al.
2017A&A...604A..83B 71           X         1 2 61 Two empirical regimes of the planetary mass-radius relation. BASHI D., HELLED R., ZUCKER S., et al.
2017MNRAS.471.2743T 42           X         1 23 35 WASP-167b/KELT-13b: joint discovery of a hot Jupiter transiting a rapidly rotating F1V star. TEMPLE L.Y., HELLIER C., ALBROW M.D., et al.
2018ApJ...854..101B 41           X         1 22 2 An L+T spectral binary with possible AB Doradus kinematics. BARDALEZ GAGLIUFFI D.C., GAGNE J., FAHERTY J.K., et al.
2018AJ....155..177D viz 165           X C       3 124 2 Stellar obliquity and magnetic activity of planet-hosting stars and eclipsing binaries based on transit chord correlation. DAI F., WINN J.N., BERTA-THOMPSON Z., et al.
2018AJ....156..149B viz 1087       D     X C       26 3 ~ Material properties for the interiors of massive giant planets and brown dwarfs. BECKER A., BETHKENHAGEN M., KELLERMANN C., et al.
2018ApJS..239...14J viz 288     A D     X         8 1561 6 Revised exoplanet radii and habitability using Gaia data release 2. JOHNS D., MARTI C., HUFF M., et al.
2018A&A...619A..97D viz 123           X         3 18 7 Planets, candidates, and binaries from the CoRoT/Exoplanet programme. The CoRoT transit catalogue. DELEUIL M., AIGRAIN S., MOUTOU C., et al.
2019AJ....157...31Z viz 168           X C       3 25 33 HATS-70b: a 13 MJ brown dwarf transiting an A star. ZHOU G., BAKOS G.A., BAYLISS D., et al.
2019A&A...624A..18Q viz 42           X         1 12 1 Precise radial velocities of giant stars. XI. Two brown dwarfs in 6:1 mean motion resonance around the K giant star ν Ophiuchi. QUIRRENBACH A., TRIFONOV T., LEE M.H., et al.
2019AJ....157..242E viz 17       D               1 371 71 An updated study of potential targets for Ariel. EDWARDS B., MUGNAI L., TINETTI G., et al.
2019AJ....158...38C viz 59       D     X         2 45 22 New substellar discoveries from Kepler and K2: is there a brown dwarf desert? CARMICHAEL T.W., LATHAM D.W. and VANDERBURG A.M.
2019A&A...628A..64P viz 42           X         1 10 ~ Greening of the brown-dwarf desert. EPIC 212036875b: a 51 MJ object in a 5-day orbit around an F7 V star. PERSSON C.M., CSIZMADIA S., MUSTILL A.J., et al.
2019A&A...630A..89P viz 42           X         1 6 ~ Multicolour photometry for exoplanet candidate validation. PARVIAINEN H., TINGLEY B., DEEG H.J., et al.
2019A&A...630A.135U viz 17       D               1 501 16 Beyond the exoplanet mass-radius relation. ULMER-MOLL S., SANTOS N.C., FIGUEIRA P., et al.
2020AJ....159...41T viz 17       D               1 564 ~ Estimating planetary mass with deep learning. TASKER E.J., LANEUVILLE M. and GUTTENBERG N.
2020AJ....159..151S 17       D               1 51 32 TOI-503: the first known brown-dwarf Am-star binary from the TESS mission. SUBJAK J., SHARMA R., CARMICHAEL T.W., et al.
2020AJ....160...53C 17       D               1 42 39 Two intermediate-mass transiting brown dwarfs from the TESS mission. CARMICHAEL T.W., QUINN S.N., MUSTILL A.J., et al.
2020MNRAS.496.4442C 43           X         1 33 26 The Transit and Light Curve Modeller. CSIZMADIA S.
2020NatAs...4..650T 17       D               1 64 22 An eclipsing substellar binary in a young triple system discovered by SPECULOOS. TRIAUD A.H.M.J., BURGASSER A.J., BURDANOV A., et al.
2021A&A...645A...7K viz 17       D               1 1569 17 Determining the true mass of radial-velocity exoplanets with Gaia. Nine planet candidates in the brown dwarf or stellar regime and 27 confirmed planets. KIEFER F., HEBRARD G., LECAVELIER DES ETANGS A., et al.
2021A&A...645A..16P 44           X         1 18 15 TOI-519 b: A short-period substellar object around an M dwarf validated using multicolour photometry and phase curve analysis. PARVIAINEN H., PALLE E., ZAPATERO-OSORIO M.R., et al.
2021AJ....161...97C viz 17       D               1 41 26 TOI-811b and TOI-852b: new transiting brown dwarfs with similar masses and very different radii and ages from the TESS mission. CARMICHAEL T.W., QUINN S.N., ZHOU G., et al.
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