Cl* NGC 6882 HR 20 , the SIMBAD biblio

2005PASP..117..955H - Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 117, 955-966 (2005/September-0)

Variable stars in the field of NGC 6882/6885: the case of V381 Vulpeculae and V382 Vulpeculae.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present photometric and spectroscopic results for two reported δ Scuti stars in the field of NGC 6882/6885. We find that V381 Vul has a period of 0.1185 days and is a δ Scuti variable, as previously reported. The spectra of V382 Vul shows it to be a B3 star and therefore not a δ Scuti. All evidence points to V382 Vul being a β Cephei star with a period of 0.1808 days. Additionally, we report five new variables and eight suspected variable stars. Of the five new variables, two are pulsators and three are eclipsing binary systems. In our search for new variable stars, we use a ``robust median statistic'' that is proven to be better at finding low-amplitude variables than the traditional error curve approach.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Stars: Variables: δ Scuti - stars: individual (V381 Vulpeculae) - stars: individual (V382 Vulpeculae) - open clusters and associations: individual (NGC 6882) - open clusters and associations: individual (NGC 6885)

Nomenclature: Table 3: Cl* NGC 6882 HR NN (Nos 1-95).

Simbad objects: 102

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