Cl Pismis 16 , the SIMBAD biblio

Cl Pismis 16 , the SIMBAD biblio (40 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST02:09:40

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1959BOTT....2r..37P 24 11 Nuevos cumulos estelares en regiones del sur. PISMIS P.
1973A&A....23..317M 27 48 An up-to-date picture of galactic spiral features based on young open star clusters. MOFFAT A.F.J. and VOGT N.
1973A&AS....9...97V 361 38 Southern open clusters - II - UBV H-beta photometry of 11 clusters between galactic longitudes 259 - 280. VOGT N. and MOFFAT A.F.J.
1975AJ.....80...11V 273 107 Uniform survey of clusters in the Southern Milky Way. VAN DEN BERGH S. and HAGEN G.L.
1979A&AS...35..271F 190 33 A catalogue of galactic clusters observed in three colours. FENKART R.P. and BINGGELI B.
1979A&AS...37..345F 215 50 Analysis of the results of MK classification of 176 stars in 37 southern open clusters. FITZGERALD M.P., LUIKEN M., MAITZEN H.M., et al.
1982A&AS...49..475T 5 1 Photographic RGU photometry of five southern open clusters in Vela II. TOPAKTAS L. and FENKART R.P.
1982ApJS...49..425J 454 232 Open clusters and galactic structure. JANES K. and ADLER D.
1987A&A...176...34H 113 78 Kinematics of young open clusters and the rotation curve of our Galaxy. HRON J.
1988PAZh...14..817E 390 14 Young star-gaseous complexes of the galaxy. EFREMOV Y.N. and SITNIK T.G.
1989MNRAS.236..263P 79 31 Integrated parameters of open clusters. PANDEY A.K., BHATT B.C., MAHRA H.S., et al.
1991ApJ...378..106A 84 41 Topography of the galactic disk: Z-structure and large-scale star formation. ALFARO E.J., CABRERA-CANO J. and DELGADO A.J.
1997PAZh...23...90G viz 180 ~ Absolute proper motions of 181 young open clusters. GLUSHKOVA E.V., ZABOLOTSKIKH M.V., RASTORGUEV A.S., et al.
1999AstL...25..595R viz 119 30 Statistical parallaxes and kinematical parameters of classical Cepheids and young star clusters. RASTORGUEV A.S., GLUSHKOVA E.V., DAMBIS A.K., et al.
2000A&AS..146..251B viz 1362 96 Absolute proper motions of open clusters. I. Observational data. BAUMGARDT H., DETTBARN C. and WIELEN R.
2003ARep...47....6L viz 387 27 Proper motions of open star clusters and the rotation rate of the galaxy. LOKTIN A.V. and BESHENOV G.V.
2004AN....325..740K viz 15       D               629 95 Astrophysical supplements to the ASCC-2.5. II. Membership probabilities in 520 Galactic open cluster sky areas. KHARCHENKO N.V., PISKUNOV A.E., ROESER S., et al.
2005A&A...438.1163K viz 525 572 Astrophysical parameters of Galactic open clusters. KHARCHENKO N.V., PISKUNOV A.E., ROESER S., et al.
2006ChJAA...6..287Z 207 1 Kinematics of the open cluster system in the Galaxy. ZHAO J.-L., CHEN L. and ZU Z.-L.
2007A&A...463..789A viz 15       D               1 528 97 New catalogue of blue stragglers in open clusters. AHUMADA J.A. and LAPASSET E.
2008A&A...477..165P viz 15       D               525 90 Tidal radii and masses of open clusters. PISKUNOV A.E., SCHILBACH E., KHARCHENKO N.V., et al.
2009A&A...495..807K viz 15       D               1 656 33 Shape parameters of galactic open clusters. KHARCHENKO N.V., BERCZIK P., PETROV M.I., et al.
2009A&A...504..681K viz 15       D               1 652 17 Integrated BVJHKs parameters and luminosity functions of 650 galactic open clusters. KHARCHENKO N.V., PISKUNOV A.E., ROESER S., et al.
2009MNRAS.399.2146W viz 15       D               1 490 109 The orbits of open clusters in the Galaxy. WU Z.-Y., ZHOU X., MA J., et al.
2010MNRAS.407.2109V viz 15       D               1 490 ~ A kinematic study of open clusters: implications for their origin. VANDE PUTTE D., GARNIER T.P., FERRERAS I., et al.
2012AstL...38..506G viz 15       D               1 595 20 Heterogeneity of the population of open star clusters in the Galaxy. GOZHA M.L., BORKOVA T.V. and MARSAKOV V.A.
2013A&A...558A..53K viz 16       D               1 3011 561 Global survey of star clusters in the Milky Way. II. The catalogue of basic parameters. KHARCHENKO N.V., PISKUNOV A.E., SCHILBACH E., et al.
2014A&A...564A..79D viz 16       D               1 1797 136 Proper motions of the optically visible open clusters based on the UCAC4 catalog. DIAS W.S., MONTEIRO H., CAETANO T.C., et al.
2015A&A...577A..45A 40         O X         1 132 5 Open clusters. II. Fundamental parameters of B stars in Collinder 223, Hogg 16, NGC 2645, NGC 3114, and NGC 6025. AIDELMAN Y., CIDALE L.S., ZOREC J., et al.
2016A&A...585A.101K viz 16       D               1 3073 67 Global survey of star clusters in the Milky Way. V. Integrated JHKS magnitudes and luminosity functions. KHARCHENKO N.V., PISKUNOV A.E., SCHILBACH E., et al.
2017A&A...600A.106C viz 16       D               1 471 31 A RAVE investigation on Galactic open clusters. II. Open cluster pairs, groups and complexes. CONRAD C., SCHOLZ R.-D., KHARCHENKO N.V., et al.
2017MNRAS.470.3937S viz 16       D               1 1854 51 A multimembership catalogue for 1876 open clusters using UCAC4 data. SAMPEDRO L., DIAS W.S., ALFARO E.J., et al.
2017AstBu..72..257L viz 16       D               1 1048 2 Updated version of the `homogeneous catalog of open cluster parameters'. LOKTIN A.V. and POPOVA M.E.
2018MNRAS.473..849D viz 16       D               1 1278 42 Structure and mass segregation in Galactic stellar clusters. DIB S., SCHMEJA S. and PARKER R.J.
2018A&A...618A..93C viz 16       D               1 87620 517 A Gaia DR2 view of the open cluster population in the Milky Way. CANTAT-GAUDIN T., JORDI C., VALLENARI A., et al.
2020A&A...633A..99C viz 17       D               1 257585 169 Clusters and mirages: cataloguing stellar aggregates in the Milky Way. CANTAT-GAUDIN T. and ANDERS F.
2020A&A...640A...1C viz 17       D               1 235399 241 Painting a portrait of the Galactic disc with its stellar clusters. CANTAT-GAUDIN T., ANDERS F., CASTRO-GINARD A., et al.
2021A&A...647A..19T viz 17       D               1 24814 55 3D kinematics and age distribution of the open cluster population. TARRICQ Y., SOUBIRAN C., CASAMIQUELA L., et al.
2021A&A...650A..67R viz 17       D               1 1427 26 A new, Gaia-based, catalogue of blue straggler stars in open clusters. RAIN M.J., AHUMADA J.A. and CARRARO G.
2024A&A...686A.118C viz 50           X         1 24 ~ Mass and wind luminosity of young Galactic open clusters in Gaia DR2. CELLI S., SPECOVIUS A., MENCHIARI S., et al.

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