Ass Vel OB 2 , the SIMBAD biblio

Ass Vel OB 2 , the SIMBAD biblio (276 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST08:24:13

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1985AJ.....90.1019S 93 56 The brightest stars in nearby galaxies. V. Cepheids and the brightest stars in the dwarf galaxy Sextans B compared with those in Sextans A. SANDAGE A. and CARLSON G.
1986RMxAA..13...33V 6 ~ Spiral structure in the Vela section of the Milky Way. VEGA E.I., MUZZIO J.C. and FEINSTEIN A.
1988AJ.....96..988S 6 23 The stellar distribution at (l,b)=(268,0) in Vela. I. The OB associations. SLAWSON R.W. and REED B.C.
1988ApJ...335..197V 297 6 IUE-IRAS studies of the infrared cirrus. VAN STEENBERG M.E. and SHULL J.M.
1988PASP..100..262G 17 4 A note on several galactic Cepheids in open clusters and associations. GIEREN W.P.
1990AJ....100..156R 15 5 The stellar distribution at (l,b) = (268,0) in Vela. II. Interstellar extinction and field-star space densities. REED B.C. and SLAWSON R.W.
1990ApJ...358..229S 73 112 Distances of galactic WC stars from emission-line fluxes and a quantification of the WC classification. SMITH L.F., SHARA M.M. and MOFFAT A.F.J.
1991A&A...247..202M 1 18 111 Molecular clouds in Vela. MURPHY D.C. and MAY J.
1993A&A...280..231S 2 2 17 Kinematics of the ionized gas in Puppis-Vela including the Gum nebula. SRINIVASAN SAHU M. and SAHU K.C.
1994A&A...287..835S 74 38 Improved bolometric corrections for WR stars from cluster membership and evolutionary models. SMITH L.F., MEYNET G. and MERMILLIOD J.-C.
1994ApJ...427..232F 1 14 62 Composition of interstellar clouds in the disk and halo. II. Gamma-2 Velorum. FITZPATRICK E.L. and SPITZER L.Jr
1994PASP..106...25G 30 53 OB associations : massive stars in context. GARMANY C.D.
1994Msngr..76...48S 12 4 Interstellar NaI absorption towards stars in the region of the IRAS Vela shell. SRINIVASAN SAHU M. and BLAAUW A.
1994BaltA...3...85G 105 3 Interstellar cloud morphologies and their origins. GAHM G.F.
1995A&A...293..493G 11 13 Molecular gas in cometary globules: CG4 and CG6 in the Gum Nebula. GONZALEZ-ALFONSO E., CERNICHARO J. and RADFORD S.J.E.
1995AZh....72..905V 15 1 Peculiarities of spectral type distribution for stars in the solar neighborhood. VERESHCHAGIN S.V. and CHUPINA N.V.
1995Ap.....38..291H 18 0 Observations of stellar associations on the space telescope Glazar. HOVHANNESSIAN R.K., TOVMASSIAN H.M. and EPREMIAN R.A.
1995PAZh...21...13M viz 88 ~ New list of OB associations of our galaxy. MEL'NIK A.M. and EFREMOV Y.N.
1996A&A...305..825V 25 42 OB-runaways as a result of massive star evolution. VAN RENSBERGEN W., VANBEVEREN D. and DE LOORE C.
1996ApJ...469..209C 15 9 The western rim of the Vela shell. CHURCHWELL E., WINNBERG A., CARDELLI J., et al.
1996PAZh...22..471S 69 ~ Peculiar motions of OB associations and their associated molecular clouds. SITNIK T.G. and MEL'NIK A.M.
1997ApJ...484L.153S 2 9 61 Fundamental stellar parameters of γ2 Velorum from HIPPARCOS data. SCHAERER D., SCHMUTZ W. and GRENON M.
1997NewA....2..245V 2         O           7 57 The Hipparcos distance determination of the Wolf-Rayet system gamma 2 Velorum (WC8+O) and its ramifications. VAN DER HUCHT K.A., SCHRIJVER H., STENHOLM B., et al.
1998A&A...336..329N 29 12 The Cometary Globules CG30/31/38 in the Gum nebula. A radio line spectroscopic investigation. NIELSEN A.S., OLBERG M., KNUDE J., et al.
1998AJ....116.2423P 248 51 A search for star clusters from the Hipparcos data. PLATAIS I., KOZHURINA-PLATAIS V. and VAN LEEUWEN F.
1998JApA...19...79R 10 5 Molecular gas associated with the IRAS-Vela shell. RAJAGOPAL J. and SRINIVASAN G.
1998NewA....3..443V         O           64 148 The WR and O-type star population predicted by massive star evolutionary synthesis. VANBEVEREN D., DE DONDER E., VAN BEVER J., et al.
1999A&A...348..868R 90 181 Unidentified 3EG gamma-ray sources at low galactic latitudes. ROMERO G.E., BENAGLIA P. and TORRES D.F.
1999A&A...348.1040D 68 57 Astrometric radial velocities. I. Non-spectroscopic methods for measuring stellar radial velocity. DRAVINS D., LINDEGREN L. and MADSEN S.
1999A&A...350..985K 8 13 Distance and absorption of the tails in the CG 30/CG 31/CG 38 complex. An application of a (V-I)0 - MV main sequence relation derived from the Hipparcos and Tycho catalogues. KNUDE J., JONCH-SORENSEN H. and NIELSEN A.S.
1999AJ....117..354D viz 1276 1157 A Hipparcos census of the nearby OB associations. DE ZEEUW P.T., HOOGERWERF R., DE BRUIJNE J.H.J., et al.
1999MNRAS.308...40B 15 8 Magnetic fields in cometary globules - II. CG 30-31 complex. BHATT H.C.
1999MNRAS.310..585D 1 25 85 Structure and colour-magnitude diagrams of Scorpius OB2 based on kinematic modelling of Hipparcos data. DE BRUIJNE J.H.J.
1999PASJ...51..765Y 15 24 Distribution and kinematics of the molecular clouds in the Gum Nebula. YAMAGUCHI N., MIZUNO N., MORIGUCHI Y., et al.
1999AstL...25..156S 35 9 The density-wave nature of the Cygnus-Orion arm. SITNIK T.G. and MEL'NIK A.M.
1999RMxAC...8...33S 23 0 Wolf-Rayet stars before and after Hipparcos. SEGGEWISS W., MOFFAT A.F.J., VAN DER HUCHT K.A., et al.
2000A&A...353..715O 1 8 26 COMPTEL limits on 26Al 1.809MeV line emission from γ2Velorum. OBERLACK U., WESSOLOWSKI U., DIEHL R., et al.
2000A&A...358.1077N 16 8 Stroemgren uvby-β photometry towards the region of the Cometary Globules CG30/31/38. NIELSEN A.S., JONCH-SORENSEN H. and KNUDE J.
2000A&A...359...82T 1 22 97 Kinematics of young stars. I. Local irregularities. TORRA J., FERNANDEZ D. and FIGUERAS F.
2000A&A...362..715B 26 13 High-latitude molecular clouds and near-by OB associations. BHATT H.C.
2000ApJ...545..277S 2 11 72 Spatial variability in the ratio of interstellar atomic deuterium to hydrogen. II. Observations toward γ2 Velorum and ζ Puppis by the interstellar medium absorption profile spectrograph. SONNEBORN G., TRIPP T.M., FERLET R., et al.
2000ApJS..126..399C 81 33 Spectroscopy and time variability of absorption lines in the direction of the Vela supernova remnant. CHA A.N. and SEMBACH K.R.
2000MNRAS.312..753K 236 48 The distribution of bright OB stars in the Canis Major-Puppis-Vela region of the Milky Way. KALTCHEVA N.T. and HILDITCH R.W.
2000MNRAS.313L..23P 2 6 39 The discovery of a low-mass, pre-main-sequence stellar association around γ Velorum. POZZO M., JEFFRIES R.D., NAYLOR T., et al.
2000MNRAS.317..289M 79 31 A moving group of young stars in Carina-Vela. MAKAROV V.V. and URBAN S.
2000PASP..112..434T 248 4 Astrophysics in 1999. (Invited review). TRIMBLE V. and ASCHWANDEN M.J.
2000BASI...28..255S 9 1 A new look at the OB associations and star clusters in the Puppis-Vela region using HIPPARCOS data. SUBRAMANIAM A. and BHATT H.C.
2001A&A...365...49H 1 108 326 On the origin of the O and B-type stars with high velocities. II. Runaway stars and pulsars ejected from the nearby young stellar groups. HOOGERWERF R., DE BRUIJNE J.H.J. and DE ZEEUW P.T.
2001A&A...370..586M 29 15 Scatter broadening of pulsars in the direction of the Gum nebula. MITRA D. and RAMACHANDRAN R.
2001MNRAS.325.1213W 48 26 Kinematics of the Gum nebula region. WOERMANN B., GAYLARD M.J. and OTRUPCEK R.
2001ARep...45...34S 29 4 Streaming motions of molecular clouds, ionized hydrogen, and OB stars in the Cygnus arm. SITNIK T.G., MEL'NIK A.M. and PRAVDIKOVA V.V.
2001AstL...27...58D 59 37 Trigonometric parallaxes and a kinematically adjusted distance scale for OB associations. DAMBIS A.K., MEL'NIK A.M. and RASTORGUEV A.S.
2001AstL...27..521M 65 32 Periodic pattern in the residual-velocity field of OB associations. MEL'NIK A.M., DAMBIS A.K. and RASTORGUEV A.S.
2001RMxAC..11...89B 33 5 Open clusters and OB associations: a review. BROWN A.G.A.
2002ApJS..141..469P viz 868 12 Polarimetry toward the IRAS Vela shell. I. The catalog. PEREYRA A. and MAGALHAES A.M.
2002BASI...30..657M 12 3 Circumstellar environment around young stars in nearby OB associations. MANOJ P., MAHESWAR G. and BHATT H.C.
2002RMxAC..14S.134M 2 ~ Neutral hydrogen and radio continuum emission in the IRAS Vela shell. MORRAS R., ARNAL E.M., TESTORI J.C., et al.
2002NewAR..46..573M 22 3 Irradiation phenomena in young solar-type stars and the early solar system : X-ray observations and gamma-ray constraints. MONTMERLE T.
2003A&A...404..519P 2 15 90 3D dynamical evolution of the interstellar gas in the Gould Belt. PERROT C.A. and GRENIER I.A.
2003AJ....126.2971V viz 203 221 Investigation of 131 Herbig Ae/Be candidate stars. VIEIRA S.L.A., CORRADI W.J.B., ALENCAR S.H.P., et al.
2003AstL...29..311S 53 11 The line-of-sight velocities of OB associations and molecular clouds in a wide solar neighborhood : the streaming motions of stars and gas in the Perseus Arm. SITNIK T.G.
2004ApJ...610..285N 65 13 Shocked clouds in the Vela supernova remnant. NICHOLS J.S. and SLAVIN J.D.
2004MNRAS.348...83B 22 10 Magnetic fields in cometary globules - III. CG 12. BHATT H.C., MAHESWAR G. and MANOJ P.
2004MNRAS.351.1099C 20 25 Timing analysis of the isolated neutron star RX J0720.4-3125 revisited. CROPPER M., HABERL F., ZANE S., et al.
2004MNRAS.355.1272M viz 16 15 Photometric distances to dark clouds: cometary globule CG 12. MAHESWAR G., MANOJ P. and BHATT H.C.
2004AN....325..740K viz 15       D               629 95 Astrophysical supplements to the ASCC-2.5. II. Membership probabilities in 520 Galactic open cluster sky areas. KHARCHENKO N.V., PISKUNOV A.E., ROESER S., et al.
2004KFNT...20d.313Z 170 ~ Close binary stars in OB-association regions. I. Preliminary investigation. ZAKIROV M.M. and ESHANKULOVA M.U.
2004AstL...30..785B 28 7 Kinematic peculiarities of Gould Belt stars. BOBYLEV V.V.
2005A&A...429..225I 1         O           9 38 XMM-Newton observations of the supernova remnant. RX J0852.0-4622/GRO J0852-4642. IYUDIN A.F., ASCHENBACH B., BECKER W., et al.
2005A&A...438.1163K viz 525 572 Astrophysical parameters of Galactic open clusters. KHARCHENKO N.V., PISKUNOV A.E., ROESER S., et al.
2005AJ....129.1564K 35 10 Low-mass star formation in the Gum nebula: the CG 30/31/38 complex. KIM J.S., WALTER F.M. and WOLK S.J.
2005ApJ...634.1385M 1 46 190 A moving cluster distance to the exoplanet 2M1207b in the TW Hydrae association. MAMAJEK E.E.
2005MNRAS.356.1308H 1 4 21 Probing the wind-wind collision in γ2 Velorum with high-resolution Chandra X-ray spectroscopy: evidence for sudden radiative braking and non-equilibrium ionization. HENLEY D.B., STEVENS I.R. and PITTARD J.M.
2005MNRAS.358...13J viz 1 20 79 The lithium depletion boundary in NGC 2547 as a test of pre-main-sequence evolutionary models. JEFFRIES R.D. and OLIVEIRA J.M.
2006A&A...445..545P 125 209 Revisiting the population of Galactic open clusters. PISKUNOV A.E., KHARCHENKO N.V., ROESER S., et al.
2006A&A...449..327G 1 8 17 AO Velorum: a young quadruple system with a ZAMS eclipsing BpSi primary. GONZALEZ J.F., HUBRIG S., NESVACIL N., et al.
2006A&A...452..945T 185 29 A high-resolution spectroscopy survey of β Cephei pulsations in bright stars. TELTING J.H., SCHRIJVERS C., ILYIN I.V., et al.
2006NewAR..50..477R 12 0 The challenge to understanding 26Al from OB associations. ROTHSCHILD R.E., LINGENFELTER R.E. and HIGDON J.C.
2006A&A...458..163T 20 4 A radio continuum and neutral hydrogen counterpart to the IRAS Vela shell. TESTORI J.C., ARNAL E.M., MORRAS R., et al.
2007ApJS..169..105M         O           150 36 Unraveling the origins of nearby young stars. MAKAROV V.V.
2007A&A...464..107M 42           X         1 5 53 Direct constraint on the distance of γ2 Velorum from AMBER/VLTI observations. MILLOUR F., PETROV R.G., CHESNEAU O., et al.
2006AstL...32..816B viz 54 18 Kinematics of the Gould belt based on open clusters. BOBYLEV V.V.
2007ApJ...660.1428K viz 2 10 51 The distance to the isolated neutron star RX J0720.4-3125. KAPLAN D.L., VAN KERKWIJK M.H. and ANDERSON J.
2007MNRAS.377..415N 398     A     X         11 11 40 γ2 Velorum: orbital solution and fundamental parameter determination with SUSI. NORTH J.R., TUTHILL P.G., TANGO W.J., et al.
2007ApJ...662.1014P 1 8 16 Polarimetry toward the IRAS Vela Shell. II. Extinction and magnetic fields. PEREYRA A. and MAGALHAES A.M.
2007A&A...468..151P viz 15       D               241 82 Towards absolute scales for the radii and masses of open clusters. PISKUNOV A.E., SCHILBACH E., KHARCHENKO N.V., et al.
2007AN....328..889K viz 13 7 185 Astrophysical supplements to the ASCC-2.5: Ia. Radial velocities of 55000 stars and mean radial velocities of 516 Galactic open clusters and associations. KHARCHENKO N.V., SCHOLZ R.-D., PISKUNOV A.E., et al.
2007ARA&A..45..481Z 4 113 1053 Toward understanding massive star formation. ZINNECKER H. and YORKE H.W.
2008ApJ...673..331G viz 167 12 The stellar population and origin of the mysterious high-latitude star-forming cloud CG 12. GETMAN K.V., FEIGELSON E.D., LAWSON W.A., et al.
2008A&A...477..165P viz 15       D               525 90 Tidal radii and masses of open clusters. PISKUNOV A.E., SCHILBACH E., KHARCHENKO N.V., et al.
2008AstL...34....7G 11 7 OB stars in the Tycho-2 and 2MASS catalogues. GONTCHAROV G.A.
2008A&A...482..617P 15       D               1 34 22 The needle in the haystack: where to look for more isolated cooling neutron stars. POSSELT B., POPOV S.B., HABERL F., et al.
2008A&A...484..743S 15       D               1 15 26 Galactic fountains and their connection with high and intermediate velocity clouds. SPITONI E., RECCHI S. and MATTEUCCI F.
2008A&A...487..557P 38           X         1 25 31 The initial luminosity and mass functions of the Galactic open clusters. PISKUNOV A.E., KHARCHENKO N.V., SCHILBACH E., et al.
2008ApJ...686.1195H viz 2245 T   A     X C       58 608 202 A Spitzer view of protoplanetary disks in the γ Velorum cluster. HERNANDEZ J., HARTMANN L., CALVET N., et al.
2008AN....329..801C viz 1092           X   F     28 529 10 A revisit to agglomerate of early-type Hipparcos stars. CABALLERO J.A. and DINIS L.
2009MNRAS.393..538J viz 1781 T K A D S   X C F     44 340 30 The stellar association around gamma Velorum and its relationship with
Vela OB2.
2009A&A...495..807K viz 15       D               1 656 33 Shape parameters of galactic open clusters. KHARCHENKO N.V., BERCZIK P., PETROV M.I., et al.
2009MNRAS.393..959C 1592     A D     X C F     41 76 3 Kinematics of the young stellar objects associated with the cometary globules in the Gum nebula. CHOUDHURY R. and BHATT H.C.
2009A&A...497..423M 38           X         1 32 22 Proper motions of thermally emitting isolated neutron stars measured with Chandra. MOTCH C., PIRES A.M., HABERL F., et al.
2009ApJ...698..250C 153             C F     1 53 140 Precision astrometry with the Very Long Baseline Array: parallaxes and proper motions for 14 pulsars. CHATTERJEE S., BRISKEN W.F., VLEMMINGS W.H.T., et al.
2009MNRAS.397....2E 53       D     X         2 95 20 Hierarchical star formation: stars and stellar clusters in the Gould belt. ELIAS F., ALFARO E.J. and CABRERA-CANO J.
2009A&A...504..185P 38           X         1 41 8 A search for thermally emitting isolated neutron stars in the 2XMMp catalogue. PIRES A.M., MOTCH C. and JANOT-PACHECO E.
2009A&A...504..681K viz 15       D               2 652 17 Integrated BVJHKs parameters and luminosity functions of 650 galactic open clusters. KHARCHENKO N.V., PISKUNOV A.E., ROESER S., et al.
2009AstL...35..609M 51 15 Kinematics of the outer pseudorings and the spiral structure of the Galaxy. MELNIK A.M. and RAUTIAINEN P.
2009MNRAS.399..432N viz 114           X         3 201 73 Are pre-main-sequence stars older than we thought? NAYLOR T.
2009A&A...506..711G viz 38           X         1 69 9 Star formation history of Canis Major R1. I. Wide-field X-ray study of the young stellar population. GREGORIO-HETEM J., MONTMERLE T., RODRIGUES C.V., et al.
2009MNRAS.400..518M viz 15       D               2 97 87 Kinematics of OB-associations and the new reduction of the Hipparcos data. MEL'NIK A.M. and DAMBIS A.K.
2009MNRAS.400L..20E 102     A     X         3 2 13 A new-age determination for γ2 Velorum from binary stellar evolution models. ELDRIDGE J.J.
2010MNRAS.401..275W 76           X         2 173 198 The relation between the most-massive star and its parental star cluster mass. WEIDNER C., KROUPA P. and BONNELL I.A.D.
2010MNRAS.402.2369T viz 92       D     X         3 157 68 Identifying birth places of young isolated neutron stars. TETZLAFF N., NEUHAUSER R., HOHLE M.M., et al.
2010MNRAS.403..545L viz 39           X         1 11 24 Rotation of young stars in Cepheus OB3b. LITTLEFAIR S.P., NAYLOR T., MAYNE N.J., et al.
2010MNRAS.405.1253K 154           X C       3 35 70 Are debris discs self-stirred ? KENNEDY G.M. and WYATT M.C.
2010A&A...517A..67C 15       D               1 108 22 New Herbig Ae/Be stars confirmed via high-resolution optical spectroscopy. CARMONA A., VAN DEN ANCKER M.E., AUDARD M., et al.
2010A&A...519A..70R 15       D               1 40 12 N-body simulations in reconstruction of the kinematics of young stars in the Galaxy. RAUTIAINEN P. and MEL'NIK A.M.
2010A&A...522A..51D 77               F     1 13 33 Radioactive 26Al from the Scorpius-Centaurus association. DIEHL R., LANG M.G., MARTIN P., et al.
2011A&A...525A.122P 38           X         1 18 13 The evolution of luminosity, colour, and the mass-to-luminosity ratio of Galactic open clusters. Comparison of discrete vs. continuous IMF models. PISKUNOV A.E., KHARCHENKO N.V., SCHILBACH E., et al.
2011A&A...525A.154S 154           X         4 18 21 Modeling of the Vela complex including the Vela supernova remnant, the binary system γ2 Velorum, and the Gum nebula. SUSHCH I., HNATYK B. and NERONOV A.
2011AJ....142...25R 34 12 New young star candidates in CG4 and Sa101. REBULL L.M., JOHNSON C.H., HOETTE V., et al.
2009RAA.....9.1285Z 38           X         1 39 6 Galactic kinematics and structure defined by open clusters. ZHU Z.
2012A&A...538A..75P 40           X         1 21 45 Radiation-driven winds of hot luminous stars. XVI. Expanding atmospheres of massive and very massive stars and the evolution of dense stellar clusters. PAULDRACH A.W.A., VANBEVEREN D. and HOFFMANN T.L.
2012A&A...539A.119F viz 170       D     X C       4 699 65 Star formation and disk properties in Pismis 24. FANG M., VAN BOEKEL R., KING R.R., et al.
2012Msngr.147...25G 151 3 911 The Gaia-ESO public spectroscopic survey. GILMORE G., RANDICH S., ASPLUND M., et al.
2012A&A...543A..39F viz 39           X         1 31 6 Interstellar reddening towards six small areas in Puppis-Vela. FRANCO G.A.P.
2012AstL...38..681F 15       D               2 92 8 XHIP-II: Clusters and associations. FRANCIS C. and ANDERSON E.
2013MNRAS.429.1354M 117           X         3 31 5 The massive eclipsing system ALS 1135 and variable stars in the field of the distant OB association bochum 7. MICHALSKA G., NIEMCZURA E., PIGULSKI A., et al.
2013MNRAS.433..402A 78           X         2 44 1 The low-mass companion of HIP 45314 (HR 3672). ADAM C., NEUHAUSER R., MUGRAUER M., et al.
2013A&A...558A..28D 16       D               1 80 91 Catalogue of particle-accelerating colliding-wind binaries. DE BECKER M. and RAUCQ F.
2014A&A...562A..54C viz 16       D               1 111 23 A RAVE investigation on Galactic open clusters. I. Radial velocities and metallicities. CONRAD C., SCHOLZ R.-D., KHARCHENKO N.V., et al.
2014A&A...563A..94J viz 3367 T K A     X C       84 221 122 The Gaia-ESO Survey: Kinematic structure in the

Gamma Velorum cluster
2014A&A...563A.117F 39           X         1 23 29 Gaia-ESO Survey: Properties of the intermediate age open cluster NGC 4815. FRIEL E.D., DONATI P., BRAGAGLIA A., et al.
2014A&A...566A..50D viz 433           X C       10 9 13 Gaia-ESO Survey: Empirical classification of VLT/Giraffe stellar spectra in the wavelength range 6440-6810 Å in the γ Velorum cluster, and calibration of spectral indices. DAMIANI F., PRISINZANO L., MICELA G., et al.
2014A&A...567A..28A viz 197           X         5 22 23 Discovery of new magnetic early-B stars within the MiMeS HARPSpol survey. ALECIAN E., KOCHUKHOV O., PETIT V., et al.
2014A&A...567A..55S viz 1361 T K A S   X C       32 90 28 The Gaia-ESO Survey: the first abundance determination of the pre-main-sequence cluster
gamma Velorum.
2014A&A...568A...2S 173       D     X         5 96 21 The Gaia-ESO Survey: Metallicity of the Chamaeleon I star-forming region. SPINA L., RANDICH S., PALLA F., et al.
2014ApJ...794...36H viz 39           X         1 819 21 A spectroscopic census in young stellar regions: the σ Orionis cluster. HERNANDEZ J., CALVET N., PEREZ A., et al.
2014MNRAS.442.2543Y viz 212       D     X C       5 36 18 Rapid evolution of the innermost dust disc of protoplanetary discs surrounding intermediate-mass stars. YASUI C., KOBAYASHI N., TOKUNAGA A.T., et al.
2015ApJ...798...82A 161           X C       3 13 58 On the expansion rate, age, and distance of the supernova remnant G266.2-1.2 (Vela Jr.). ALLEN G.E., CHOW K., DELANEY T., et al.
2014Ap.....57..583B 39           X         1 43 8 The Gould Belt. BOBYLEV V.V.
2015A&A...573A..35P 41           X         1 15 32 The Gaia-ESO Survey: Extracting diffuse interstellar bands from cool star spectra. DIB-based interstellar medium line-of-sight structures at the kpc scale. PUSPITARINI L., LALLEMENT R., BABUSIAUX C., et al.
2015A&A...574L...7S viz 540 T K A   O X         13 79 41 The Gaia-ESO survey: Discovery of a spatially extended low-mass population in the
Vela OB2 association.
2015A&A...575A...4F viz 2169 T K A     X C       53 223 41 The Gaia-ESO Survey: Chromospheric emission, accretion properties, and rotation in γ Velorum and Chamaeleon I. FRASCA A., BIAZZO K., LANZAFAME A.C., et al.
2015A&A...576A..80L 1470     A D     X C       37 15 24 Gaia-ESO Survey: Analysis of pre-main sequence stellar spectra. LANZAFAME A.C., FRASCA A., DAMIANI F., et al.
2015A&A...578A..35M 1574 T K A     X         39 5 11 The Gaia-ESO Survey: N-body modelling of the
Gamma Velorum cluster.
2015A&A...580A..75J viz 17       D               1 8 16 The Gaia-ESO Survey: Empirical determination of the precision of stellar radial velocities and projected rotation velocities. JACKSON R.J., JEFFRIES R.D., LEWIS J., et al.
2015NewA...40...87G 79             C       1 27 6 The nearby Galaxy structure toward the Vela Gum nebula. GIORGI E.E., SOLIVELLA G.R., PERREN G.I., et al.
2015A&A...582L...6S 501   K A     X C       12 7 14 The Gaia-ESO Survey: chemical signatures of rocky accretion in a young solar-type star. SPINA L., PALLA F., RANDICH S., et al.
2015PASJ...67..120O 40           X         1 8 ~ Impact of the initial disk mass function on the disk fraction. OHSAWA R., ONAKA T. and YASUI C.
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