Ass Cas OB 1 , the SIMBAD biblio

Ass Cas OB 1 , the SIMBAD biblio (42 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST10:27:15

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Title First 3 Authors
1972ApJ...173..259R 65 189 Application of the density-wave theory of spiral structure: shock formation along the Perseus arm. ROBERTS W.W.
1978ApJS...38..309H 1049 1136 Studies of luminous stars in nearby galaxies. I. Supergiants and O stars in the Milky Way. HUMPHREYS R.M.
1984A&A...136..237S 24 66 Wolf-Rayet stars in clusters: the initial stellar masses and evolutionary connections between subtypes. SCHILD H. and MAEDER A.
1985AJ.....90.1019S 93 56 The brightest stars in nearby galaxies. V. Cepheids and the brightest stars in the dwarf galaxy Sextans B compared with those in Sextans A. SANDAGE A. and CARLSON G.
1985ATsir1392....4G 9 0 Proper motions of some associations in the Perseus spiral arm. GERASIMENKO T.P.
1986Ap&SS.121..357L 45 9 Nebular complex in the region of Cas OB2 association; ring nebula SH 157. LOZINSKAYA T.A., SITNIK T.G. and LOMOVSKII A.I.
1988ATsir1528...15E 60 0 On statistics of star complexes. EJGENSON A.M.
1988PAZh...14..817E 390 14 Young star-gaseous complexes of the galaxy. EFREMOV Y.N. and SITNIK T.G.
1989AbaOB..66...85A 62 0 Determination of kinematic parameters of the solar vicinity extremely young stars from radial velocity data considering accidental errors of their photometric distances. ARCHEMASHVILI V.M., MDZINARISHVILI T.G. and DZIGVASHVILI R.M.
1990Afz....33..259O 25 0 The regions of active star formation in O-associations. II. OSKANYAN A.V.
1991AZh....68..942T 78 11 Observations in the fields of Cassiopea, Gemini and Monoceros with the Glazar space telescope. TOVMASSIAN H.M., HOVHANNESSIAN R.K., EPREMIAN R.A., et al.
1994A&A...287..835S 74 38 Improved bolometric corrections for WR stars from cluster membership and evolutionary models. SMITH L.F., MEYNET G. and MERMILLIOD J.-C.
1995Ap.....38..189O 154 1 A study of some stars with circumstellar dust envelopes. I. OGANESYAN R.K., EPREMYAN R.A. and KARAPETYAN A.A.
1995Ap.....38..291H 18 0 Observations of stellar associations on the space telescope Glazar. HOVHANNESSIAN R.K., TOVMASSIAN H.M. and EPREMIAN R.A.
1998NewA....3..443V 64 148 The WR and O-type star population predicted by massive star evolutionary synthesis. VANBEVEREN D., DE DONDER E., VAN BEVER J., et al.
1999AJ....118.1798A 12 24 The interstellar medium around galactic WN stars: WR 2, WR 128, and WR 151. ARNAL E.M., CAPPA C.E., RIZZO J.R., et al.
1999AN....320..105O viz 178 5 Red supergiants in the LMC - III: luminous F and G stars. OESTREICHER M.O. and SCHMIDT-KALER T.
2001AstL...27...58D 59 37 Trigonometric parallaxes and a kinematically adjusted distance scale for OB associations. DAMBIS A.K., MEL'NIK A.M. and RASTORGUEV A.S.
2001AstL...27..521M 65 32 Periodic pattern in the residual-velocity field of OB associations. MEL'NIK A.M., DAMBIS A.K. and RASTORGUEV A.S.
2002Ap.....45..313K 45 0 Polarimetric investigations of stellar associations. KHACHIKIAN E.Y., ERITSIAN M.A. and HOVHANNESSIAN R.K.
2005AstL...31...80M 23 7 Leading wave as a component of the spiral pattern of the Galaxy. MEL'NIK A.M.
2006AJ....132..902L viz 61 119 The distribution of the elements in the galactic disk. LUCK R.E., KOVTYUKH V.V. and ANDRIEVSKY S.M.
2009NewA...14..180D 205       D     X         6 76 6 The Cassiopeia-Perseus open cluster family. DE LA FUENTE MARCOS R. and DE LA FUENTE MARCOS C.
2009AstL...35..609M 51 15 Kinematics of the outer pseudorings and the spiral structure of the Galaxy. MELNIK A.M. and RAUTIAINEN P.
2009MNRAS.400..518M viz 15       D               1 97 87 Kinematics of OB-associations and the new reduction of the Hipparcos data. MEL'NIK A.M. and DAMBIS A.K.
2010MNRAS.402.2369T viz 15       D               1 157 68 Identifying birth places of young isolated neutron stars. TETZLAFF N., NEUHAUSER R., HOHLE M.M., et al.
2010A&A...519A..70R 76             C       1 40 12 N-body simulations in reconstruction of the kinematics of young stars in the Galaxy. RAUTIAINEN P. and MEL'NIK A.M.
2012A&A...543A.156K viz 15       D               1 657 80 Global survey of star clusters in the Milky Way. I. The pipeline and fundamental parameters in the second quadrant. KHARCHENKO N.V., PISKUNOV A.E., SCHILBACH E., et al.
2013A&A...558A..53K viz 16       D               1 3011 561 Global survey of star clusters in the Milky Way. II. The catalogue of basic parameters. KHARCHENKO N.V., PISKUNOV A.E., SCHILBACH E., et al.
2014A&A...563A...1G 39           X         1 14 3 Orbit and properties of the massive X-ray binary BD+6073 = IGR J00370+6122. GRUNHUT J.H., BOLTON C.T. and McSWAIN M.V.
2015MNRAS.447.2322R 16       D               1 159 90 Spatial distribution of Galactic Wolf-Rayet stars and implications for the global population. ROSSLOWE C.K. and CROWTHER P.A.
2016A&A...585A.101K viz 16       D               1 3073 67 Global survey of star clusters in the Milky Way. V. Integrated JHKS magnitudes and luminosity functions. KHARCHENKO N.V., PISKUNOV A.E., SCHILBACH E., et al.
2016AJ....152...31A viz 16       D               1 317 15 Spectral classification and properties of the OVz stars in the galactic O star spectroscopic survey (GOSSS). ARIAS J.I., WALBORN N.R., SIMON DIAZ S., et al.
2017PASP..129j4201T 41           X         1 25 2 Interstellar polarization and extinction towards the open cluster NGC 457. TOPASNA G.A., DAMAN E.A. and KALTCHEVA N.T.
2017MNRAS.472.3887M viz 16       D               2 2146 43 Kinematics of OB-associations in Gaia epoch. MEL'NIK A.M. and DAMBIS A.K.
2019MNRAS.484.5834C 167           X C       3 16 3 Investigating the origin of the spectral line profiles of the Hot Wolf-Rayet Star WR 2. CHENE A.-N., ST-LOUIS N., MOFFAT A.F.J., et al.
2019MNRAS.485.2106M 84             C       1 40 2 Galactic resonance rings: modelling of motions in the wide solar neighbourhood. MELNIK A.M.
2019A&A...627A..35C viz 42           X         1 2852 87 Hunting for open clusters in Gaia DR2: the Galactic anticentre. CASTRO-GINARD A., JORDI C., LURI X., et al.
2019ApJS..245...32L viz 17       D               2 1253 127 A catalog of newly identified star clusters in Gaia DR2. LIU L. and PANG X.
2020MNRAS.495.1209R 187       D     X C       4 128 21 Unlocking Galactic Wolf-Rayet stars with Gaia DR2 - II. Cluster and association membership. RATE G., CROWTHER P.A. and PARKER R.J.
2021MNRAS.501.3568C 44           X         1 415 3 MEGARA-GTC stellar spectral library - II. MEGASTAR first release. CARRASCO E., MOLLA M., GARCIA-VARGAS M.L., et al.
2021A&A...650A.112Z viz 175           X         4 29 32 Mapping luminous hot stars in the Galaxy. ZARI E., RIX H.-W., FRANKEL N., et al.

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