ACO 3576 , the SIMBAD biblio

ACO 3576 , the SIMBAD biblio (8 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.05.14CEST16:38:44

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Title First 3 Authors
1989ApJS...70....1A viz 5256 1561 A catalog of rich clusters of galaxies. ABELL G.O., CORWIN H.G.Jr and OLOWIN R.P.
1990Ap&SS.173..265Q viz 269 6 A partial list of southern clusters of galaxies. QUINTANA H. and WHITE R.A.
1994A&AS..106....1G viz 360 29 Dumbbell galaxies and multiple nuclei in rich clusters: radio data. GREGORINI L., DE RUITER H.R., PARMA P., et al.
1997A&AS..125...71C viz 288 4 Photometric CCD sequences for calibration of the ESO/SERC atlas. CUNOW B., DUEMMLER R., SPIEKERMANN G., et al.
1999ApJ...519..533D viz 147 39 ROSAT PSPC observations of the richest (R≥2) ACO clusters. DAVID L.P., FORMAN W. and JONES C.
2000AJ....120..511Q 108 52 The Shapley supercluster. II. Spectroscopic observations in a wide area and general morphology. QUINTANA H., CARRASCO E.R. and REISENEGGER A.
2004A&A...424.1097S viz 15       D               1 1674 24 Introducing BAX: A database for X-ray clusters and groups of galaxies. SADAT R., BLANCHARD A., KNEIB J.-P., et al.
2006A&A...447..133P 74 42 Structure and dynamics of the Shapley Supercluster. Velocity catalogue, general morphology and mass. PROUST D., QUINTANA H., CARRASCO E.R., et al.

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